A Study on Pattern Development of Pet Dog`s Wear through Movement analysis of Pet Dog 애견(愛犬)의 동작분석(動作分析)을 통(通)한 애견복(愛犬服) 패턴 개발연구(開發硏究)
심부자 Boo Ja Shim , 서추연 Chu Yeon Suh
7(2) 1-14, 2003
A Study on Pattern Development of Pet Dog`s Wear through Movement analysis of Pet Dog 애견(愛犬)의 동작분석(動作分析)을 통(通)한 애견복(愛犬服) 패턴 개발연구(開發硏究)
심부자 Boo Ja Shim , 서추연 Chu Yeon Suh
This study were to grasp the present situation of the pet wear market and the problem of pet wear, and to develop the pet wear pattern which agrees well to dog`s shape and movements. We carried out survey research to analyze the actual pet wear market condition for a dog-lover, and movement analysis and sensory test to develop a pattern for Maltese which was the favorite dog among Korean. For data analysis, ANOVA with duncan test, T-test were conducted using SPSS statistic program(ver. 10.0). The results are as follows: 1. The results of the survey research, 75% of dog-lover had a pet wear and favorite was T-shirts. The problems of wearing T-shirts were ``too tight seam sleeve and bodice(front legs hole)``, ``the clothes easily hang down` and ``easily taken off due to large neck size``. 2. The ease amount of the developed pattern was given according to the results of dog`s shape and movement analysis, and the results of sensory test, there is a significant difference in the following items: depth of front neck line, front chest →abdomen curve, ease amount of sleeve, comfort level of leg parts. 3. The size of each parts of the developed pattern in this study were as follows : neck girth 27.0cm, body girth 40.0cm, back length 26.0cm, front leg girth 23.0cm, sleeve length 20.7cm, sleeve width 14.4cm. But, there exists some limits to generalize these results since dog`s body size and shapes are various according to dog species. Therefore, further studies are needed to develop each pet wear pattern for each dog species.
Key Words
dog-Lover, 애견가, movement analysis, 동작분석, pet wear market, 애견복 시장, sensory test, 관능검사
A Study on Issues relating to Kandys and Persiandress among the Persian Costume 페르시아 服飾(복식) 中(중) Kandys와 Persiandress의 문제점(問題点)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究)
장영수 Young Soo Yi Chang
7(2) 15-25, 2003
A Study on Issues relating to Kandys and Persiandress among the Persian Costume 페르시아 服飾(복식) 中(중) Kandys와 Persiandress의 문제점(問題点)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究)
장영수 Young Soo Yi Chang
In this study on the Persiandress called Persiandress or Mediandress, its names, styles, and structures that are still subject to a great deal of controversy were investigated. In addition, the reason why the Persiandress was wrongly named as Kandys by the early researchers was also examined. The documents of reliefs on the Apadanastairs in Persepolis and the European papers concerning this themes were subject of this analysis. Such investigation and examination results are summarized as follows. There is still no agreed name describing the Persiandress, which is called "Persiandress" or "Mediandress". Further, there is no definite conclusion on whether the Persiandress was made in one piece or two pieces. The first person who insisted that the Persiandress was made in one piece is a German archaeologist, Ernst Herzfeld. He said that the Persiandress was made in one long tetragonal piece, had a hole in the middle for head, and had lots of pleats when it was tied with a belt. On the contrary, researchers who insisted that the Persiandress was made in two pieces stressed the sleeve pleats in four folds, which is one of the representative characteristics, and said that such four-fold sleeve pleats would not be formed when the Persiandress was made in one piece and worn by a belt. Consequently, they have conducted studies according to their insistence and the resultant pattern. Kandys, the Median`s typical dress, is a coat worn over the jacket and trousers. Although it had sleeves, the Median did not use them. Indeed, Kandys was used as a kind of cloak. However, the wrong term, Kandys is still used in Korea. So, it is necessary to correct use of such wrong term.
Postmodern Feminism Expressed in the Fashion of Modern Consumer Society 현대소비사회(現代消費社會)의 패션에 表現된 포스트모던페미니즘
박미령 Mi Ryung Park
7(2) 26-36, 2003
Postmodern Feminism Expressed in the Fashion of Modern Consumer Society 현대소비사회(現代消費社會)의 패션에 表現된 포스트모던페미니즘
박미령 Mi Ryung Park
The purpose of this study is to examine the concept of modern consumer society and to analyze how the meaning of postmodern-feminism is consumed into what image of preference in fashion. The function of modern society has changed into the system which is centered around consumption from the one that emphasizes labor and production of mass consumption age by mass production. In this consumer society, consumption means just not to waste of production but to consume the commodity sign reflected on the desire of a moderner. In other words, it means what is consumed will be the meaning, preference, symbol, and image mood not goods itself with physical feature. Existing feminism has affected by postmodernism. Due to that, postmodern-feminism has developed, taking to pieces the paternal argument since the late 1960s. It has tried to give up hope this idea, regarding sex distinction as a socially organized category contrary to women`s identity of biological aspect suppressed in the paternal system of value. Especially it has demanded only one type on sex should be translated into a distinctive quality, multiple meaning, and sex. Accordingly in modern fashion, this aspect is expressed like the followings : distinction into women`s image evaded fixation, multiple meaning into image of androgyny, multiplesex into that of mixture. And this is used as the image of symbolic goods, also the purpose of brand difference.
Key Words
commodity sign, 상품기호, consumer society, 소비사회, postmodern-feminism, 포스트모던페미니즘, sex, 성
A Study on the Effect of Original Brand on the Extension of Clothing Product Brand 의류제품(衣類製品)브랜드 확장시(擴張時) 모(母)브랜드의 영향(影響)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
조성훈 Sung Hun Cho , 김일 Il Kim
7(2) 37-54, 2003
A Study on the Effect of Original Brand on the Extension of Clothing Product Brand 의류제품(衣類製品)브랜드 확장시(擴張時) 모(母)브랜드의 영향(影響)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
조성훈 Sung Hun Cho , 김일 Il Kim
This study is about the effect of original brand on the evaluation of extended brand in the policy of an enterprise`s extending its brand. More specifically, this study investigated to see whether the customers` attitude toward original brand has effect on an extended brand and the width and similarity extent of the brand extension affect a brand which is not similar when another brand is extended. The summary of the demonstrative analysis results are as follows: 1. If the attitude toward original brand becomes more positive, the evaluation of the extended brand will become more positive as well. 2. If the attitude toward original brand becomes more positive, the width of a brand extension will become wider. 3. If customers` attitude toward a original brand is positive, their attitude toward an extended brand will be positive as well although the extended brand is not similar to the original brand. This study proved it is possible for brands to be extended from a original brand under the influence of the original brand even though they are weak in their similarity to their original brand unlike the existing theory which was skeptical about the extension of a brand which is low in its similarity to its original brand and that the success of the extension of a brand does not depend upon its similarity to its original brand.
Key Words
brand extension, 브랜드확장, effect, 영향, original brand, 모브랜드, similarity, 유사성
A Study about Designing of Ceramic Button with it`s Manufacturing 현대(現代)패션에 응용(應用)된 장식적(的) 단추의 디자인 개발(開發) 및 제작(製作)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -구스타프 클림트의 작품(作品)을 중심(中心)으로-
백정현 Jeong Hyun Baik , 배수정 Soo Jeong Bae
7(2) 55-68, 2003
A Study about Designing of Ceramic Button with it`s Manufacturing 현대(現代)패션에 응용(應用)된 장식적(的) 단추의 디자인 개발(開發) 및 제작(製作)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -구스타프 클림트의 작품(作品)을 중심(中心)으로-
백정현 Jeong Hyun Baik , 배수정 Soo Jeong Bae
The purpose of this research is to expand the realm of a button for a decorative purpose through embossing the effect and gravity of a button in fashion by designing the new ceramic buttons which are mainly used for decorative function in costume. In order to acquire a motif for the design, I analyzed several works of Gustav Klimt. As the result, those feature can be classified into the use of decorative lines, mosaic forms, and harmony of golden yellow and black, and it can be applied to buttons and clothes design. The sort of clay used in manufacturing the ceramic buttons was white clay to have high density and to diffuse light well, and press shaping techniques using plaster mold were employed. The baking was performed in an electronic kiln at 800°C for the first time and at 1250°C for the second time. Based on wearable designs in 2002/2003 F/W Trend of Interfashion Planning, I made three pieces of dress which could express the button`s capability of decoration with effect. This is expressing a simplified form which shows up in details of and yellow and red pink were used to harmonize with golden yellow clothes. As an application of shapes of foliage in I transformed its size and form to be consistent with a jacket and a tube top. To accord with golden beige costume, I made a curve, showing up in Klimt`s paintings, with golden color on a circle shape which was also a main motif in his paintings.
Moisture-Related Properties of PET Fabrics treated with Quaternary Ammonium Compound/Alkaline Solution 사급(四級)암모늄 화합물(化合物)과 알칼리 혼합액(混合液)으로 처리(處理)된 PET 직물(織物)의 수분특성 연구(水分特性 硏究)
김도희 Do Hee Kim , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim
7(2) 69-81, 2003
Moisture-Related Properties of PET Fabrics treated with Quaternary Ammonium Compound/Alkaline Solution 사급(四級)암모늄 화합물(化合物)과 알칼리 혼합액(混合液)으로 처리(處理)된 PET 직물(織物)의 수분특성 연구(水分特性 硏究)
김도희 Do Hee Kim , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim
Among the various properties of textile fabrics, the moisture-related properties are important for the textile processes or the apparel comfort characteristics. Alkaline hydrolysis results in pitting on the surface of fibers and increases the amount of hydroxyl and carboxyl end groups of the PET molecules on the fiber surface. The purpose of this study is to investigate the moisture-related properties of PET fabrics treated with quaternary ammonium compound/alkaline solution. The wetting and wicking properties of the PET fabrics were measured using the following experiments: contact angle, surface free energy, work of adhesion, vertical wicking height, moisture regain, and frictional static voltage. It was concluded that by the alkaline hydrolysis process, surface hydrophilicity and reactivity were considerably improved especially at lower levels of weight loss% and that the pitting of the fiber surface resulted in at higher levels of weight loss% was disadvantageous in moisture-related properties of PET.
A study on the Namakshin in Chosun dynasty -Focused on relation to "Hamel"- 조선시대(朝鮮時代) 나막신에 대(對)한 연구(硏究) -하멜과의 관계(關係)를 중심(中心)으로-
김문자 Moon Ja Kim
7(2) 82-96, 2003
A study on the Namakshin in Chosun dynasty -Focused on relation to "Hamel"- 조선시대(朝鮮時代) 나막신에 대(對)한 연구(硏究) -하멜과의 관계(關係)를 중심(中心)으로-
김문자 Moon Ja Kim
Namakshin(: Wooden clogs), also called keukja, moklee, or mokhye usually have high heels to be worn on rainy days. According to the "Hamel``s Journal and a description of the Kingdom of Korea, 1653-1666", a book authored by Hendrick Hamel (1630-1692), the 33 crew members of the S/S Sperwer were interned in March 1656 under the jurisdiction of the "Pyongsa" (Commandant) in Pyongyong, Kangjin and they were instrumental in making clogs of their native country and sold them to people around the Pyongyong area to earn some extra money. Pyongyong & Gangjin`s wooden shoes are clearly different from those produced in the rest of Korea and bear striking resemblance to traditional Dutch clogs (klompen in Dutch). According to Hamel`s narratives, the Dutch captives made wooden shoes for a living in Jeonlla province. Namakshin in Chosun was divided into 5 type, woman`s rubber shoes, Condora, Taesahye, Balmaksin, trough style.
A Study on Chinese Men`s Awareness and Satisfaction on Korean Apparel Products 중국 남성 소비자(中國 男性 消費者)의 한국산 의류(韓國産 衣類)패션 제품(製品)에 관(關)한 인식(認知)와 만족도 연구(滿足度 硏究)
손희순 Hee Soon Sohn , 임순 Soon Im , 신상무 Sang Moo Shin , 이준호 Jun Ho Lee
7(2) 97-106, 2003
A Study on Chinese Men`s Awareness and Satisfaction on Korean Apparel Products 중국 남성 소비자(中國 男性 消費者)의 한국산 의류(韓國産 衣類)패션 제품(製品)에 관(關)한 인식(認知)와 만족도 연구(滿足度 硏究)
손희순 Hee Soon Sohn , 임순 Soon Im , 신상무 Sang Moo Shin , 이준호 Jun Ho Lee
The purpose of this study was to investigate Chinese men`s perception and satisfaction on Korean apparel products. The 1000 Questionnaires were distributed to Chinese men, and returned 863 questionnaires were analyzed by mean and percentage with SPSS 10.0. The results of this study were as follows: Chinese men had more perception on their own brand and Italy brand than UK, Korean, and Japan brand. Over age fifties of Chinese men preferred Korean brand to the other ages. Chinese men perceived positively Korean fashion products as more trendy, very creative, high-class, qualitative, expensive and creditable, otherwise, there were little famous brands among Koran apparel products. Chinese men satisfied on Korean apparel products positively, specially, age forties and fifties, resident from Harbin, income 2 and 3 level, and young casual mild group showed higher satisfaction on Korean apparel products than the others.
Key Words
awareness and satisfaction, 인지와 만족도, Chinese men, 중국남성, Korean apparel products, 한국의류제품
Case Study of Color Marketing on the Fashion Web Sites 패션 웹 사이트의 컬러 마케팅 사례연구(事例硏究)
이미숙 Mi Sook Lee
7(2) 107-121, 2003
Case Study of Color Marketing on the Fashion Web Sites 패션 웹 사이트의 컬러 마케팅 사례연구(事例硏究)
이미숙 Mi Sook Lee
The purpose of this research is to enchance the understanding of color marketing, to support the efficient color informatiom which is useful in color planning and is suitable for brand image, and to suggest future implementation strategy on the fashion web sites. To do so, First, the concept, requirements and the current situation of color marketing are suggested. Second, various cases of color marketing on fashion web sites are analyzed. Third, the future implementation strategies for fashion web sites are suggested.
Key Words
case study, 사례 연구, color marketing, 컬러 마케팅, fashion web site, 패션 웹 사이트, web identity, 웹 아이덴티티
A study on the Relationship of Korean Film Costumes and Popular Fashion -Focused on the Retro Phenomenon Since the 1998- 한국영화의상(韓國映畵衣裳)과 대중(大衆)패션의 연관성(聯關性)에 관(關)한 고찰(考察) -1998년(年) 이후(以後)Retro 현상(現狀)을 중심(中心)으로-
정지혜 Jee Hae Jung , 신영선 Young Sun Shin
7(2) 122-142, 2003
A study on the Relationship of Korean Film Costumes and Popular Fashion -Focused on the Retro Phenomenon Since the 1998- 한국영화의상(韓國映畵衣裳)과 대중(大衆)패션의 연관성(聯關性)에 관(關)한 고찰(考察) -1998년(年) 이후(以後)Retro 현상(現狀)을 중심(中心)으로-
정지혜 Jee Hae Jung , 신영선 Young Sun Shin
This study examines the meaning of retro phenomenon and its background of establishment that showed in the pop culture. And it finds out the retro phenomena in the domestic fashion trends. And it defines the characteristics of dress and its ornament in the retro phenomena that have shown in the Korean movies since 1998. By doing this, it examines the relationship between movie dress and street fashion while it compares the styles in the 50s 70s with the retro fashion that is currently emerging. The results of the study are as follows. First, the hippie look in the 60s represented a distinctive characteristic of how they rejected traditional lifestyles. Hippie`s romantic femininity that showed in the movie of ``Oollala Sisters`` received a spotlight as a necessary style in the modern fashion trend. Second, while the funk look in the 70s was a style of disorder and disgust, the movie gives it a possibility of fashion with a converted sense as a vanguard fashion while embracing the funk look. Third, the layered look in the 70s was expressed with layered items, while the current layered look emphasizes layered textiles as shown in the movie of ``Hae-Jeok Became The Disco King``. Fourth, the feminine look which was a symbol of restraint shows a mixed style with delicate feminine items as shown in the movies, ``The Harmonium In My Memory`` and ``Ditto``. Fifth, the training look that has two stripes as shown in the movie ``the Friends`` is considered as casual wear, which is functional and easy to move at the end of the 20th century. Finally, the romantic images of school look, as shown in the movies ``the Friends` and ``Hae-Jeok Became The Disco King``, show a renewed mixed & unique style. This study has its significance in the sense that it verifies the fact that the movie dress does not show the characteristics of the works that momentarily passes the screen, but it becomes a foundation of the future fashion design. At this time that Korean movies are highly developing, a through study on the movie fashion will not only give a direction of future in the modern fashion, but it will also give a developing momentum in the Korean movie dress.
Key Words
Korean Film Costumes, 한국영화 의상, Popular Fashion, 대중패션, Retro Phenomenon, 레트로 현상
A Qualitative Study about Coordination system of 3D Virtual Model 외모(外貌)에 있어서 假想3D 패션 코디네이션에 對한 質的 硏究
The purpose of this study were to investigate 1) Values placed upon born hereditary appearance and a made up appearance, 2)examined for points of body and clothing and 3)discrepancy in opinions about Coordination system of 3D Virtual Model This study chose qualitative research approach in-depth interviews were from December 12, 2002, to February 20, 2003. The subjects of the study were 12 women aged in twenties 12 women aged over forty. The results of this study were as follows. 1. Women aged in their twenties defined appearance as follows. there are important a made up appearance, Appearance is looking at point of view from body shape to face, makeup, hair style, body image, cosmetic surgery, clothing and is looking at the whole point of view from hair to tiptoe. This seems to include attitude, personality, behavior, images, and feeling. 2. Regarding body image Women aged in their twenties prefer a slender figure. Women aged in their twenties exerts all possible efforts to have an attractive body through dress well. 3. Regarding body image Women aged in their twenties prefer coordinate to system of 3D virtual model
Key Words
Appearance, 외모, coordination, 코디네이션, 3D virtual system, 가상 3D 시스템, mapping, 맵핑, body image, 바디이미지
A Study on the Dyeing of Chitosan treated Cotton and Nylon Fabrics -Caesalpinia sappan, Cochineal, Gardenia jasminoides- 키토산처리(處理) 면포(綿布)와 나일론포(布)의 염색성(染色性)에 관(觀)한 연구(硏究) -소목(蘇木), 코치닐, 치자(梔子)를 중심(中心)으로-
전동원 Dong Won Jeon , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim , 이정민 Jung Min Lee , 신혜선 Hye Sun Shin
7(2) 156-164, 2003
A Study on the Dyeing of Chitosan treated Cotton and Nylon Fabrics -Caesalpinia sappan, Cochineal, Gardenia jasminoides- 키토산처리(處理) 면포(綿布)와 나일론포(布)의 염색성(染色性)에 관(觀)한 연구(硏究) -소목(蘇木), 코치닐, 치자(梔子)를 중심(中心)으로-
전동원 Dong Won Jeon , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim , 이정민 Jung Min Lee , 신혜선 Hye Sun Shin
It has been known that the natural colorants exhibit good dye-uptake toward cotton, silk, and wool fibers, while they do poorly toward synthetic fibers. This study utilizes the chitosan treatment in order to improve the dye-uptake for the natural fibers and to enable the synthetic fibers, whose dye-uptake levels are low, show better affinity toward the natural colorants. Since chitosan has -NH2 group and -OH group in the structure, the dyeability of the fabric will be improved when the fabric is treated with the chitosan. Cotton fabric as one of the natural fiber fabrics and nylon fabric as one of the synthetic fiber fabrics were selected for this study. 1. In case of cotton fabric, the chiosan treatment takes effect for the Caesalpinia sappan and cochineal, resulting in remarkable DE increase after dyeing. Chitosan helps in developing dark shade by increasing the uptake of the Caesalpinia sappan and cochineal. It does not, however, participate in the developing of the specific color as does a metallic mordant. 2. In case of dyeing cotton fabric with Gardenia jasminoides, the effect of the treatment with mordant and chitosan is not very pronounced. It is thought that the Gardenia jasminoides uptake is accomplished in a direct manner in the cellulose chains without the aid of mordant. 3. Air-permeability is decreased when the non-mordanted and non-chitosan treated cotton fabric is dyed with Caesalpinia sappan, cochineal, and Gardenia jasminoides. 4. In case of nylon fabric, premordanting and chitosan treatments are not highly effective in promoting the dye-uptake.