Impact of Influencer Collaboration Product Characteristics on Brand Attachment, Product Attitude, and Purchase Intention: Moderating Roles of Influencer Interactivity and Group Purchasing Experience 인플루언서 콜라보레이션 제품의 특성이 브랜드 애착, 제품 태도, 구매의도에 미치는 영향: 인플루언서 상호작용성과 공동구매 경험의 조절효과
강천시 Chenxi Jiang , 김세은 Seeun Kim
29(1) 1-21, 2025
강천시 Chenxi Jiang , 김세은 Seeun Kim
Influencers have emerged as one of today's most powerful drivers of consumer influence and purchasing power, particularly through collaborations that leverage their unique personalities and tastes to foster emotional resonance with consumers. This study explored how consumers developed brand attachment to influencer collaboration products by examining product characteristics as antecedents and analyzing resulting behavioral responses. It also explored moderating effects of influencer interactivity and group purchasing on the relationship between product characteristics and brand attachment. A survey was conducted with 400 MZ and Millennial consumers who had purchased influencer collaboration products in the past year. Findings revealed that originality, aesthetics, and symbolism of influencer collaboration products significantly impacted brand attachment, whereas scarcity did not. Perceived risk negatively affected brand attachment, while brand attachment positively influenced product attitude, which in turn impacted purchase intention. Interactivity with influencers did not moderate effects of product characteristics (originality, aesthetic, scarcity, symbolism, perceived risk) on brand attachment. However, group purchasing situations significantly moderated the influence of scarcity on brand attachment. This research provides academic contributions to influencer marketing and practical insights for enhancing brand attachment and purchase intention through influencer collaboration strategies.
Key Words
influencer collaboration products, brand attachment, purchase behavior, influencer interactivity, group purchase, 인플루언서 콜라보레이션 제품, 브랜드 애착, 구매 행동, 인플루, 언서 상호작용성, 공동구매
Core Trends of MZ Generation Fashion Appearing on Instagram Posts 인스타그램 게시글에 나타난 MZ세대 패션의 코어 트렌드에 대한 고찰
김희선 Heeseon Kim , 최철용 Chulyong Choi
29(1) 22-40, 2025
김희선 Heeseon Kim , 최철용 Chulyong Choi
Rapid growth of the internet has significantly influenced fashion trends. The pandemic has emphasized the importance of digital exchanges, leading to the development of advanced technology and robust servers. The use of social media has also increased, reaching 63.8% of the world’s population. Social media, an online platform that allows individuals to be both producers and consumers, has a significant impact on fashion trends. Especially, the 'hashtag' function has facilitated the emergence of 'micro trends.' This study analyzed micro trends that strongly influenced fashion trends over the past 2-3 years, known as the "core trend in depth. While some studies have focused on certain key words of the core trend, no research has systematically organized or analyzed the phenomenon of the "core trend." Since "core trend" is a trend that uses the word 'core,' the definition and origin of the term were explored through a literature review. Characteristics of the MZ generation were then examined using academic materials and online statistics. Definition, characteristics, and time periods of the core trend were then organized using internet statistics and data from fashion-related institutions. A case study was then conducted through technical analysis using Instagram. Finally, selected keywords of the core trend were grouped based on their similar characteristics and form types. As a foundational research paper, interpretive analysis and inferential stages were excluded from this study.
Key Words
core trend, micro trend, MZ generation, social media, life style, 코어 트렌드, 마이크로트렌드, MZ세대, 소셜 미디어, 라이프 스타일
Factors Influencing Attitudes and Usage Intentions for Mobile Laundry Services: Focusing on Clothing Involvement, Perceived Enjoyment, and Perceived Ease of Use 모바일 세탁서비스에 대한 태도 및 사용 의도에 대한 영향요인: 의복 관여도, 지각된 즐거움, 지각된 용이성을 중심으로
강주희 Joo Hee Kang , 이윤정 Yoon-jung Lee
29(1) 41-57, 2025
강주희 Joo Hee Kang , 이윤정 Yoon-jung Lee
This study aimed to identify factors influencing consumers’ attitude and usage intention of mobile laundry services and to provide insights into consumer behavior and service development. Focusing on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), it investigated how clothing involvement influenced perceived ease of use and perceived enjoyment, which subsequently shaped attitudes and usage intentions. Data were collected from 300 participants who had experience of using mobile laundry services through an online research agent. Findings indicated that clothing involvement significantly influenced perceived ease of use and enjoyment, which served as mediators affecting attitudes toward mobile laundry services. These attitudes were pivotal. They fully mediated the relationship between clothing involvement and usage intentions, thus underscoring the crucial role of ease of use and enjoyment in shaping consumer attitudes and intentions. Consumers with high clothing involvement are more likely to find convenience and enjoyment in new services, reinforcing their adoption. Therefore, providing experiences that meet their expectations can encourage long-term usage. From a marketing perspective, mobile laundry service providers can enhance customer satisfaction and build long-term loyalty by developing services that innovative consumers find enjoyable and convenient. This study contributes to the TAM by highlighting the integral role of enjoyment in forming positive attitudes toward emerging tech-based services.
Key Words
clothing involvement, mobile laundry service, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, usage intention, 의복 관여도, 모바일 세탁서비스, 지각된 용이성, 지각된 즐거움, 사용 의도
Research on Application of Beijing Opera Facial Makeup for Fashion Design Based on the HAIC Model: Focusing on ChatGPT and Midjourney HAIC모델을 기반으로 경극 검보를 활용한 패션디자인 연구 -ChatGPT 와 Midjourney를 중심으로-
양소옥 Xiaoyu Yang , 김진영 Jinyoung Kim
29(1) 58-70, 2025
양소옥 Xiaoyu Yang , 김진영 Jinyoung Kim
With rapid advancement of generative artificial intelligence technology, the use of AI tools in the field of fashion design is playing an increasingly important role. However, since AI tends to create based on existing data, there are frequent situations in the creative process where active human intervention is required. This study created fashion designs inspired by the Beijing Opera facial makeup based on the HAIC model and explored the potential for collaboration between AI and humans. Researchers meticulously documented the creative process using AI tools such as ChatGPT and Midjourney and conducted an in-depth analysis of issues that arose during the process as well as corresponding solutions. Furthermore, through literature review, this study established a theoretical foundation for AI-human collaboration and systematically presented respective roles and methods of cooperation between AI and humans through design experiments and problem analyses. Findings revealed that AI contributed to the development of creative ideas by providing abundant visual inspiration in early design stages. However, limitations were observed in the final design stages due to a lack of data and the randomness inherent in AI-generated outputs. In conclusion, human judgment, creative interpretation, and meticulous adjustments are essential throughout the entire design process, although while AI can serve as a valuable tool for improving the efficiency of fashion design.
Key Words
Generation AI, HAIC Model, Fashion Design, Beijing Opera facial makeup, Human-AI Collaboration 생성형 인공지능, HAIC 모델, 패션디자인, 경극 검보, 인간-AI 협력
Paul Poiret's Achievements and Contemporary Contributions to His Approach to Work Paul Poiret의 업적과 작업의 접근방식에 대한 현대적 기여
이금희 Keumhee Lee , 이수진 Soojin Lee
29(1) 71-86, 2025
이금희 Keumhee Lee , 이수진 Soojin Lee
The purpose of this study is to examine Paul Poiret’s fashion design and fashion-related achievements and his approach to his work, thereby enhancing his contribution to modern fashion. The scope of the study was from 1898 to 1944. A literature review was performed for professional books and papers related to Paul Poiret and France. Paris fashion magazines such as Gazette de Bon Ton, Art Gout Beaute, Les Modes, Les Miroir, and L'Elan de la Mode were analyzed. Results showed that Poiret's fashion design was a new fashion toward modernism, a multicultural fashion of exotic tastes, and a pioneer in fashion presentation and promotion. Poiret's fashion design was carried out in line with the modernization period centered on Paris in the first half of the 20th century. He showed a global perspective through multiculturalism and overseas promotion as well as an international scale exhibition. His work and his approach to work should be highly evaluated in modern fashion. Many innovative cases became pioneering models of the time, including harmony of artistic spirit of the time and fashion with expansion of the realm of fashion through collaboration with various fields. The content differentiated in this study was that it presented resort wear and sportswear linked to the modern lifestyle of Paris at the time, expanding to a wide range of exotic styles including Korea in addition to oriental designs. It highlights Poiret's achievements in trying to exert global influence by promoting fashion design and experimental attempts in the ready-to-wear industry.
Key Words
Paul Poiret, 20th sup> century fshion, Paris fshion, modernism, lifestyle 폴 푸아레, 20세기 패션, 파리패션, 근대화, 라이프스타일
Exploring Multi-Brand Strategies in China’s Sports Fashion Industry: A Case Study of Anta, Li-Ning, and Xtep 중국 스포츠 패션 산업의 멀티 브랜드 전략 탐구: Anta, Li-Ning 및 Xtep의 사례 연구
장희경 Heekyung Jang , 유영 Ying Liu
29(1) 88-108, 2025
장희경 Heekyung Jang , 유영 Ying Liu
This paper explored multi-brand strategies of China's leading sports fashion companies―Anta, Li-Ning, and Xtep―and analyzed impact of multi-brand strategy on positioning and financial performance of these companies. Factors leading to successful multi-brand strategy in the sportswear industry were also examined. Anta has adopted a "Single Focus, Multi-brand, Globalization" strategy, diversifying its portfolio to include high-performance sportswear, children’s sportswear, and premium outdoor gear, aiming to enhance corporate sales and brand differentiation. Li-Ning, pursuing a "single brand, multi-channel" strategy, focuses on category expansion and brand premiumization, although it faces challenges in brand distinction, particularly post-COVID-19. Xtep has positioned itself as a provider of cost-effective sports apparel while expanding into high-end markets. It struggles with brand positioning and profitability amidst expanding its brand portfolio. These findings suggest that a well-executed multi-brand strategy not only fosters brand growth and diversification, but also enhances competitive advantage in the rapidly evolving sportswear industry.
Key Words
multi-brand strategy, brand strategy, Chinese sport brand, brand positioning, brand management 멀티브랜드전략,브랜드전략, 중국 스포츠 브랜드, 브랜드 포지셔닝, 브랜드 관리
A Comparative Study of Designers and Pattern Makers' Evaluations of Women's Jacket Virtual Clothing in CLO 3D 7.0 CLO 3D 7.0에서의 여성 재킷 가상착의에 대한 디자이너와 패터너의 평가 비교 연구
곽연신 Younsin Kwak
29(1) 108-120, 2025
곽연신 Younsin Kwak
Similarity between actual clothing and CLO 3D virtual clothing appearance of a women's jacket made of wool and poly-blended materials was evaluated on a 5-point scale. Twenty items on silhouette, material, and details were evaluated. Evaluation groups were a designer group and a patterner group. Evaluation results of the two groups were compared and analyzed. The designer gave the highest score of 3.83 to Similarity of collar size, followed by 3.75 points to collar placement shape. The pocket flap shape was given the lowest score of 2.33. The patterner gave the highest score of 3.5 points to fabric thickness and lapel size and the lowest score of 2.42 to shape of the front shoulder point. Results of comparing the two groups for each item showed a difference in average value of 'The shape of the back armhole line appears similar' between the two groups. The silhouette of a jacket can vary greatly depending on the lean and drooping of the upper body. Since this is a clothing item that greatly changes the silhouette, rather than spending a lot of cost to create an avatar, it is necessary to improve the 3D program itself so that the length, circumference, thickness, shoulder slope, and upper body slump and tilt can be adjusted. Designers and patterners' opinions on improving the appearance of this program can be used as a reference for improving the system, thus contributing to the development of the fashion industry.
Key Words
CLO 3D, virtual clothing, actual clothing, silhouette 클로 3D, 가상착의, 실제 착의, 실루엣
Effects of Ethical Beliefs on Attitudes and Purchase Intentions Toward Vegan Fashion 개인의 윤리적 신념이 비건 패션에 대한 태도 및 구매의도에 미치는 영향
문지현 Ji Hyun Moon , 이민선 Minsun Lee
29(1) 121-137, 2025
문지현 Ji Hyun Moon , 이민선 Minsun Lee
As consumer interest in vegan fashion grows, researchers and marketers have sought to identify potential customers for this specific type of sustainable and environmentally friendly fashion. However, tunderstanding of ethical beliefs that drive consumer acceptance of vegan fashion is still limited. The current study aimed to investigate how individuals’ ethical beliefs could influence attitudes and purchase intentions toward vegan fashion, based on the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA). Data of 271 Korean adults aged 20 to 64 years were collected through an online survey. The proposed research model was examined using structural equation modeling. Results revealed that perceived societal benefit and altruism had significant direct and indirect positive effects on attitudes toward vegan fashion and purchase intentions. Additionally, attitudes toward vegan fashion and subjective norms were found to have significant positive relationships with purchase intentions. However, ethical consumption responsibility did not have a significant direct or indirect effect on attitudes or purchase intentions regarding vegan fashion products. These results suggest that, rather than a sense of duty toward ethical consumption, the belief in societal and environmental benefits and altruistic tendencies are more likely to lead to consumer behavior supporting vegan fashion. This study is significant as it explores the emerging domain of vegan fashion, aligning with growing societal interest in non-animal-based materials. By elucidating the role of ethical beliefs in shaping consumer attitudes and behaviors, this study contributes to our understanding of sustainable fashion consumption within the TRA.
Key Words
vegan fashion, ethical consumption, ethical consumption responsibility, perceived societal benefit, altruism 비건 패션, 윤리적 소비, 윤리적 소비 책임, 인지된 사회적 이익, 이타주의
Development of Generative AI Fashion Design Process Using Garment Cutting Lines 의복 절개선을 활용한 생성형 AI 패션디자인 프로세스 개발
김민지 Minji Kim
29(1) 138-154, 2025
김민지 Minji Kim
The use of generative AI in the fashion industry spans various areas, including idea generation, trend analysis, and virtual garment creation. Generative AI is driving innovation in visual fields where creativity is highly valued. In fashion design, AI contributes to enhancing both the creativity and productivity of fashion designers. However, its active adoption depends on how well it aligns with the roles and needs of designers. The purpose of this study was to propose an AI design process that could enable AI to execute design tasks in which fashion designers would develop new designs by modifying cut lines. To establish a collaborative process between designers and AI, an AI-driven fashion design process was developed. Three types of AI-generated fashion designs incorporating cut lines were created using Midjourney. Findings of this study are as follows. First, an AI fashion design process was developed by restructuring competency units of fashion designers in the fashion industry. This process can facilitate the development of unique fashion designs. Second, to integrate design techniques used by fashion designers into AI, various types of prompts are required to effectively communicate the designer’s creative direction to AI. Third, a design derivation process was developed in collaboration with an AI designer capable of utilizing cut-line elements. This resulted in the creation of three types of AI shirt designs. Future research is needed to further refine AI-driven processes and techniques, enabling fashion designers to incorporate AI technology into their overall workflow and actual garment production.
Key Words
generative AI, AI fashion design, AI fashion design process, AI shirts design, garment cutting lines 이미지 생성형 AI, AI 패션디자인, AI 패션디자인 프로세스, AI 셔츠디자인, 의복 절개선