A Study on the Hand-Knit Design 손뜨개 니트 디자인에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
김은정 Eun Jung Kim , 염혜정 Hae Jung Yum
10(1) 1-19, 2006
A Study on the Hand-Knit Design 손뜨개 니트 디자인에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
김은정 Eun Jung Kim , 염혜정 Hae Jung Yum
The purpose of this study is to investigate the social and cultural background of hand-knitting things with handcraft feeling which is appeared conspicuously after 2000. And to analyze the types and characteristics of hand-knit design. The resorts of this study is as follows: First, it is found that the pattern of stitch in their forms and ornament technique of handcraft feeling are the remarkable factors to decide the specific designs in the most of hand-knit designs. The major forms are plain stitch, rib stitch, cable stitch, lace stitch, relief stitch and pile stitch and the ornament techniques such as patch work, fringe, embroidery and collage are being widely used. Second, after 2000, due to peoples` preference for handcraft feeling manufactures, pursuit trend of artless luxury by retouch appeared, it made feeling for recurrence of the past and the warm humanity. In addition, the pro-eco trend using pro-environment materials and capturing the nature as images are on its way to advance. Through the mix & match of materials, details and items, it becomes possible to express many kinds of images. Thanks to those characteristics, the hand-knit designs are now acknowledged as luxurious with the couture sense attached and are shaking off their previous image of recycling.
A Study for Developing the Art Apron Design 아트 에이프런(Art Apron)디자인 개발(開發) 연구(硏究)
노윤선 Youn Sun Roh
10(1) 20-30, 2006
A Study for Developing the Art Apron Design 아트 에이프런(Art Apron)디자인 개발(開發) 연구(硏究)
노윤선 Youn Sun Roh
Aprons are popularly used among women for domestic work. They also protect clothes from filth and at the same time become an ornamentation for fashion. Despite their important use at homes and restaurants, beauty parlors, and hotels, little study has been done on aprons. Commercialized aprons do not come in various forms, rather they use the same simple shape with different patterns. There has been no independent study done on aprons, however aprons have been studied as a part of uniform studies in the dining industry by Park and Na(2003) and uniform studies in the airline industry by Lee(2001) and Chung(2001). In this study, the author looked into aprons in accordance to the change of housing space and life style. Not only to be worn in the kitchen, but also to greet guests or for a walk in the neighborhood, the apron needs to have various functions and a trendy fashion. Designs to persue personality and high quality along with functionality and esthetical beauty were developed to present various functions of the apron.
Key Words
아트 에이프런, art apron, 유니폼, uniform
A Study on the adaptedness of brassiere underbust Length 브래지어 총(總)길이 적합성(適合性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(2)
박유신 You Shin Park , 최영순 Young Soon Choi
10(1) 31-40, 2006
A Study on the adaptedness of brassiere underbust Length 브래지어 총(總)길이 적합성(適合性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(2)
박유신 You Shin Park , 최영순 Young Soon Choi
We studied relation between the clothing pressure applied by types of brassiere, postures, feeling of tightness. The main results were summerized as follows; 1. The research subjects of this study were 9 who rate of body fat was borderline and degree of fatness was normal. As a result of clothing pressure, the most preferred value was 36.86g/cm2 on sensor 2 in standing position and the next was 34.76g/cm2 on sitting position. Furthermore, The maximum value of sensor 2 was 59.08g/cm2 (in standing), 57.93g/cm2 (in sitting). On the other hand, The average clothing pressure of bra C type was 23.67g/cm2. 2. The study of feeling of tightness applied by bra type was high in order of C
The Study on Men`s Jacket Block according to Somatotype 남성(男性) 체형별(體型別) 재킷 길 원형(原型)(Block) 연구(硏究)
정재은 Jae Eun Jung
10(1) 41-57, 2006
The Study on Men`s Jacket Block according to Somatotype 남성(男性) 체형별(體型別) 재킷 길 원형(原型)(Block) 연구(硏究)
정재은 Jae Eun Jung
The purpose of this study were to provide dress forms and men`s jacket blocks based on the analysis of their somatotype. As the result of the previous research, based on 1290 males of 20 to 54 year-old, the shapes of adult male were 20 and each body shape was classified by size factor, height and chest girth and master size was selected considering appearance frequency. Somatotype YS(master size: height 170cm, chest girth 91cm) and HD1(master size: height 170cm, chest girth 94cm) were selected to develop dress forms and men`s jacket block in the study. The procedure and results were follows; 1. The dress forms of somatotype YS and HD1 were provide base on means of 61 body measurements and cross sections of shoulder, chest, waist, hip of subjects belong to each somatotype. 2. New men`s jacket blocks of somatotype YS and HD1 were developed based on the body surface extracted by draping and the result of comparative investigation on the conventional jacket patterns by wearing test. Also the drafting methods of new men`s jacket blocks were provided. 3. Wearing test by the sensory evaluation showed that the developed jacket blocks were estimated more highly than existing patterns.
Key Words
The body shape and size, 인체의 형태와 크기, somatotype YS and HD1, YS형과 HD1형, dress form, 인대, men`s jacket block, 남성복 재킷 길 원형, wearing test, 착의평가
A Study on the Apparel Sizing System of ISO for Chinese Adult Women 중국(中國) 성인여성(成人女性)의 ISO에 따른 의류치수규격(衣類値數規格) 연구(硏究)
손희순 Hee Soon Sohn , 위혜정 Hye Jung Wee , 김은희 Eun Hee Kim , 강연경 Yeon Kyung Kang
10(1) 58-78, 2006
A Study on the Apparel Sizing System of ISO for Chinese Adult Women 중국(中國) 성인여성(成人女性)의 ISO에 따른 의류치수규격(衣類値數規格) 연구(硏究)
손희순 Hee Soon Sohn , 위혜정 Hye Jung Wee , 김은희 Eun Hee Kim , 강연경 Yeon Kyung Kang
This study materializes body type measurement based on ISO(International Standard Organization)size system, targeting 1381 Chinese women, and suggests clothes size standards. It provides basic information on Chinese women size for Korean clothes companies advanced in China to strengthen the national competitiveness of Korean clothing industry. First, after the body type examination, based on the ISO`s drop value, the results of types are in its decreasing order: A, M, H, and D. Second, women upper garment sizes by body types are set in the section of height 152cm, 160cm, and 168cm. Garment sizes are suggested based on the section that has more than 0.8% of appearance rate for the survey target: A, H, and M. Third, the clothes sizes of women pants are set in the section of height 152cm, 160cm, and 168cm just with the same as the upper garment.
Key Words
ISO, International Standard Organization, 국제표준규격, body type, 신체유형, ISO`s drop value, ISO 드롭치: 엉덩이둘레-젖가슴둘레
Research on the External form of Korean images used in Exhibition clothing 전시의상(展示衣裳)에 활용(活用)된 한국적(韓國的) 이미지의 외적형식(外的形式)에 대한 실태조사(實態調査)
신명진 Myung Jin Shin , 남윤숙 Yoon Sook Nam
10(1) 79-93, 2006
Research on the External form of Korean images used in Exhibition clothing 전시의상(展示衣裳)에 활용(活用)된 한국적(韓國的) 이미지의 외적형식(外的形式)에 대한 실태조사(實態調査)
신명진 Myung Jin Shin , 남윤숙 Yoon Sook Nam
The purpose of this study is to analyze designs of exhibition clothing in terms of the use of Korean image, to review objectively contents about the use of traditional image, understand external elements of works, and give directions and basic data for future works. This study selected the total 250 works as the subject of this study among the collected data. This study classified and examined the use of Korean image found in exhibition clothing according to period, item, line and form, material, technique of expression and accessary between 1996 and 2004. The results of analysis are as follows (1) The most artworks were comprised in adaptation were Choson costume. (2) Most of them were clothing works for female. The item of chima were the most preferred in use. (3) The straight lines are used more frequently than curved lines. Forms of skirts were applied to those of silhouettes, H and A form were common. (4) In terms of materials, traditional materials such as silk, linen and cotton were commonly used. (5) Geometric patterns and plant pattern were found more often than others. (6) In terms of techniques of expression, patchwork was most frequent, quilting, embroidery and pleating were ranked second, third and fourth. (7) In accessaries and other item, gorom were most common and norigae were ranked second. (8) As Korean image has been expressed by fine parts of traditional costumes, the traditional living item, and local symbols, the range of works are becoming wider.
Key Words
Korean image, 한국적 이미지, exhibition, 전시, external form, 외적 형식, design inspiration, 디자인 영감
Studies on the Surface Color and Tensile Property of Hair according to Bleaching Treatment 모발(毛髮)의 탈색(脫色) 정도(程度)에 따른 인장특성(引長特性)과 표면색(表面色) 변화(變化) 연구(硏究)
김경선 Kyung Sun Kim , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon , 하병조 Byung Jo Ha
10(1) 94-105, 2006
Studies on the Surface Color and Tensile Property of Hair according to Bleaching Treatment 모발(毛髮)의 탈색(脫色) 정도(程度)에 따른 인장특성(引長特性)과 표면색(表面色) 변화(變化) 연구(硏究)
김경선 Kyung Sun Kim , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon , 하병조 Byung Jo Ha
Hair bleaching is a treatment process in which the melanic pigment is oxidized by hydrogen peroxide. With the increase of the number of treatments, 1~10 levels of various colors develop, the hair luster diminishes, and the appearance becomes very rough. In this study, by changing the number of hair bleaching and bleaching conditions, the changes in the degree of hair damage and its process were observed through the use of scanning electron microscopy. The color changes were also compared through the use of spectrophotometer. In order to study the physical changes of the bleached hairs and to search for the optimum conditions to keep the hair damages minimum during bleaching, tensile properties were measured and reviewed. By increasing the number of hair bleaching and by the severe conditions, the scales became eroded and the protection layers were decreased, and the oxidation reached the inner sectors resulting in rough surface and fibrillation. The surface of the hairs became bright yellowish and transparent by the bleaching of melanic pigments or by the destruction of pigments. With the increase of bleaching degree, in terms of physical changes, the breaking strength decreased while the elongation increased a little.
A Study on the Effect of the Perceived Beauty Service Quality on the Purchase Intention 미용(美容)서비스품질(品質) 지각(知覺)이 구매행동(購買行動)에 미치는 영향(影響) 분석(分析)
김성남 Sung Nam Kim , 김경인 Kyoung In Kim
10(1) 106-119, 2006
A Study on the Effect of the Perceived Beauty Service Quality on the Purchase Intention 미용(美容)서비스품질(品質) 지각(知覺)이 구매행동(購買行動)에 미치는 영향(影響) 분석(分析)
김성남 Sung Nam Kim , 김경인 Kyoung In Kim
The purpose of this study was to analysis how perceived beauty service quality, perceived value influenced on purchase intention of customers. Moreover, this study was suggested strategic solutions for beauty managers and employees to build efficient marketing strategies in order to maximize customer satisfaction. For research method, SPSS 12.0 program was used and for the accuracy of precision of a measuring instrument reliability test was applied. And then simple and multiple regression analysis were performed to examine the effects of independent variables to dependent variables to dependant variables. The results of this study were five folds: the higher perceived service quality of beauty service was, the higher perceived value, satisfaction, word-of-mouth, and intention of revisiting were; the higher perceived value was, the better satisfaction, word-of-mouth, and intention of revisiting were; technical service quality was single most important factor affecting influence on perceived value, satisfaction, word of mouth, intention of revisiting, and fuctional service quality and physical service quality were listed second and third.
Key Words
자각된 미용 서비스 품질, perceived beauty service quality, 지각된 가치, perceived value, 만족, satisfaction, 구전, word-of mouth reputation, 구매의도, intention of revisiting
A Study on the Property of Hair Dyed with Fermented Indigo 천연염료(天然染料) 발효(醱酵) 쪽으로 염색(染色)한 모발(毛髮)의 특성(特性) 연구(硏究)
김경선 Kyung Sun Kim , 이인숙 In Sook Lee , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon , 하병조 Byung Jo Ha
10(1) 120-131, 2006
A Study on the Property of Hair Dyed with Fermented Indigo 천연염료(天然染料) 발효(醱酵) 쪽으로 염색(染色)한 모발(毛髮)의 특성(特性) 연구(硏究)
김경선 Kyung Sun Kim , 이인숙 In Sook Lee , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon , 하병조 Byung Jo Ha
Recently, it has been reported that chemical hair coloring can cause allergic reactions, the toxicity issue of chemical hair color was issued. Therefore, there is an increasing interest in the hair coloration technique using non-toxic and bio-compatible hair color gotten from natural resource. In this study, the possibility using fermented Indigo as natural hair coloring agent was investigated. Bleached hair samples were dyed using Indigo, and the effect of dyeing frequency, the physical change after dyeing, color, surface and cross-section characteristics, and tensile property were also studied. In addition, the protection property of cationic detergent finishing on damaged hair samples were also studied. The following conclusions are made; 1. While bleached hair samples with low value showed the negligible effect of repeated dyeing, bleached hair samples with high value showed the good effect of repeated dyeing. 2. Hair sample dyed with Indigo showed a high light-fastness, however, tensile strength and elongation showed very low values (high damage on hair sample). 3. Cationic detergent finishing did not affect on the colorfastness because of decoloration after dyeing, however, it increased the smoothness of hair sample, and therefore, can use as protectant of damaged hair. 4. Hair scale was damaged after dyeing. It seemed that the alkali, potassium carbonate, increased pH of dyeing bath to 11, as a result, the hair was swollen, weaken, and dissolved on the prolonged dyeing time. Dyed hair sample became stiff and fine. 5. The color difference was 4.62 (a high fastness value) in the test of sunlight exposure, shampoo, cationic detergent finishing, and acid perspiration fastness.
A Study on the Actual Wearing Condition of Foundation Garment for Adult Women -Focusing on the Brassiere and Girdle- 성인여성(成人女性)의 연령별(年齡別) 파운데이션 착용실태(着用失態) 연구(硏究) -브래지어와 거들을 중심(中心)으로-
김영숙 Young Sook Kim
10(1) 132-147, 2006
A Study on the Actual Wearing Condition of Foundation Garment for Adult Women -Focusing on the Brassiere and Girdle- 성인여성(成人女性)의 연령별(年齡別) 파운데이션 착용실태(着用失態) 연구(硏究) -브래지어와 거들을 중심(中心)으로-
김영숙 Young Sook Kim
The purpose of this study is to provide for the basic data useful to the effective production and marketing of the foundation garment befitting adult women`s shapes and preferences, and thereby, help them improve their apparel life. For this purpose, 563 Korean women aged between 20-59 were sampled to survey their recognition and actual wearing condition of foundation garments and positively identify the factors affecting the practices and thereupon, determine the correlations among them by age group. The raw data of this study is processed by SPSS Win(10.1) and analyzed by using frequency, percentage, x2-test, ANOVA, Duncan-test. The most of adult women were aware of their foundation size and the absolute majority of them wore brassieres, while a half of them used the girdles. The adult women had 5.7 Brassieres and 2.2 Girdles. The use of the foundation depended much on user`s age or seasons. They had begun to wear Brassieres at their age of 15 on an average and Girdle around their age of 19 depending their individual needs. It has been found through this study that adult women`s is actual wearing condition of foundation garments differ by age group, which may well suggest that foundation production need to consideration this age-wise practices when setting up their foundation production and marketing strategies.
Key Words
Foundation Garment, 파운데이션, Adult Women, 성인여성, Brassiere, 브래지어, Girdle, 거들
Analysis of Trade Area for Casual Wear Purchase of University Students - Focused on Buying Time - 대학생(大學生)의 캐주얼 의류(衣類) 구매(購買) 상권분석(商圈分析) -구매(購買) 시기(時期)를 중심(中心)으로-
정현주 Hyun Ju Jung , 김흥관 Heung Kwan Kim , 최은미 Eun Mi Choi
10(1) 148-163, 2006
Analysis of Trade Area for Casual Wear Purchase of University Students - Focused on Buying Time - 대학생(大學生)의 캐주얼 의류(衣類) 구매(購買) 상권분석(商圈分析) -구매(購買) 시기(時期)를 중심(中心)으로-
정현주 Hyun Ju Jung , 김흥관 Heung Kwan Kim , 최은미 Eun Mi Choi
The purpose of this study is to examine differences in university students` spatial behavior and time for purchasing weekdays or weekends according to trading areas they use to purchase casual wears. Theoretical background examined trading areas, in Busan, consumers` spatial behavior. An empirical research developed a questionnaire as a measuring tool to conduct a preliminary survey and a main survey. Data collection was implemented with 507 students from four universities in Busan; and for data analysis, descriptive statistics, cross-tabulation analysis, correspondence analysis, and McNemar test were carried out by using the SPSS for Windows 12.0K program. This study obtained the main results as follows: The characteristics of university students` spatial behavior according to trading areas show significant difference in reasons of trading area selection, time slots for visiting. University students who visited the Seomyeon trading area were found to consider comparison-based purchasing and prominence of the trading area, regardless of the time for purchasing weekdays or weekends. As for trading areas around Busan National University, visits were mainly due to accessibility. Students visited trading areas in Nampo-Gwangbok-dong regardless of the time for purchasing in diverse reasons of trading area selection, time slots. As for trading areas around Kyungsung University, students were visited due to accessibility.
Key Words
Trade Area, 상권, Spatial Behavior, 공간행동
A Study on the Differences in the Dress shirt Image Perception, Fashion Consciousness, and the Dress shirt Purchase Attitude between the Daks group and the Renoma group 닥스와 레노마 선호집단간(選好集團間) 드레스셔츠의 이미지지각(知覺), 패션의식(意識), 구매태도(購買態度)의 차이(差異)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
구인숙 In Sook Koo
10(1) 164-177, 2006
A Study on the Differences in the Dress shirt Image Perception, Fashion Consciousness, and the Dress shirt Purchase Attitude between the Daks group and the Renoma group 닥스와 레노마 선호집단간(選好集團間) 드레스셔츠의 이미지지각(知覺), 패션의식(意識), 구매태도(購買態度)의 차이(差異)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
구인숙 In Sook Koo
The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences in the image perception of dress shirts, the shirts style preference, the men`s fashion consciousness, the shirt purchase attitude, and the usage of the informaton source between the Daks group(44 respondents) and Renoma group(21 respondents), for developing the possibility and strategy of the dress shirt market in men`s wear market for the apparel marketers and manufacturers. For this study, the data obtained from 65 respondents were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson`s simple correlation, ANOVA. The results from the study were as follows ; The 6 stimuli for image perception rated on 5 point Likert-type scales in the 12 features were evaluated by perceivers. By the best 3 features abstracted from each stimulus, the shirts styles were named, they were Basic style, Soft style, Sophisticated style, Modern casual style, Mannish style, and Trendy style. There were significant differences in the image perception of Mannish style, the preferences of shirts style, the fashion consciousness, the shirt purchase attitude, and the usage of the informaton source between the Daks group and Renoma group.
Key Words
Differences in the dress shirt Image Perception between the Daks group and Renoma group, 닥스집단과 레노마집단의 셔츠이미지지각차이, Image Perception map, 이미지지각도, the shirts style preference, 셔츠스타일 선호도, the men`s fashion consciousness, 남성패션의식, the shirt purchase attitude, 셔츠