An Analysis of 2005 Summer Women`s Street Fashion in Dalian, China 2005년(年) 여름 중국(中國) 대련시(大連市) 여성(女性) 스트리트 패션 분석(分析)
천지영 Jee Young Cheon , 배수정 Soo Jeong Bae
10(2) 1-17, 2006
An Analysis of 2005 Summer Women`s Street Fashion in Dalian, China 2005년(年) 여름 중국(中國) 대련시(大連市) 여성(女性) 스트리트 패션 분석(分析)
천지영 Jee Young Cheon , 배수정 Soo Jeong Bae
The purpose of this study is to analyze the street style of women in Dalian, China. 1.185 females of Dalian central street have participated for the survey of this study. This study analyzes characterization of the street style and, classifies it`s characteristics by age groups, clothing styles, and clothing items. There are three outcomes due to the aim of this study, 1. In age group classification, every age groups preferred casual style. Especially, young/young adults preferred mix match styles with various designs. Distinctly, some of missy group preferred fashion trend and others preferred mature style. Also, the preference of missies/madame`s group is obviously divided into two groups which pursues fashion trend and not. 2. In clothing style classification, casual styles such as mini-skirts, hot pants, tight t-shirts, are mostly in tight silhouette. Also, the main colors are indigo-blue, white, black and point color, which are vivid tone and fluorescent colors. The characteristics of sport casual style contribute the upper garment and the lower garment, which forms a set. Classic styles are divided into two groups of typical formal dress and traditional Qipao dress. The colors of feminine style and textile printing are more sumptuous than other styles. 3. In clothing items classification, the points of the upper garments is the construction of designs, textile printing, ornament with beads, embroidery, and ribbon etc., exposed back. The lower garments like hot pants and mini-skirts are made of jeans. The cargo pants that is made of jean, cotton, luster textile. Also, one-piece dress has the characteristics of tiered and irregular hem line.
Effect of Chitosan and Mordant Treatments on the Color Change of Cotton and Nylon Fabrics Dyed using Japanese Pagoda Tree 면(棉)과 나일론 직물(織物)의 괴화(槐花) 염색(染色)에서 Chitosan 처리(處理)와 매염(媒染) 이 색상(色相)에 미치는 영향(影響)
황희연 Hui Youn Hwang , 최정임 Jeong Im Choi , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon
10(2) 18-26, 2006
Effect of Chitosan and Mordant Treatments on the Color Change of Cotton and Nylon Fabrics Dyed using Japanese Pagoda Tree 면(棉)과 나일론 직물(織物)의 괴화(槐花) 염색(染色)에서 Chitosan 처리(處理)와 매염(媒染) 이 색상(色相)에 미치는 영향(影響)
황희연 Hui Youn Hwang , 최정임 Jeong Im Choi , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon
In this study, the effects of chitosan pre-treatment on the mordanting effect and dyeability were investigated in the dyeing using Japanese pagoda tree. The chitosan treatment effects were evaluated mainly focused on the colors after dyeing of cotton and nylon fabrics which were treated with acidic aqueous solution of chitosan. In the case of chitosan untreated fabrics, the mordanting effects on the cotton and nylon were insignificant and the dyeability was very low. Regardless of the mordant types(Al, Sn, and Fe), the dyed fabrics exhibited almost identical yellowish colors. In the case of chitosan treated fabrics, dark colors were obtained compared to the case of chitosan untreated and ΔE values were increased significantly. In cotton fabrics, the most excellent result was obtained under the condition of unmordanted and chitosan treated fabrics. This verifies the fact that routin coloring matters establish direct linkages with the chitosan components, which exhibit cationic nature, easily. In nylon fabrics, the effects of mordanting treatment and chitosan treatment are so insignificant that the routin coloring matters are presumed to establish direct dyeing with the nylon molecular chains.
Key Words
Japanese Pagoda Tree, 괴화, chitosan, 키토산
Effect of Chitosan and Mordant Treatments on the Air-permeability, Fastness and Antimicrobial Effect of Cotton and Nylon Fabrics Dyed using Japanese Pagoda Tree 면(棉)과 나일론 직물(織物)의 괴화(槐花) 염색(染色)에서 Chitosan 처리(處理)와 매염(媒染) 이 공기투과도(空氣透過度), 견뢰도(堅牢度) 및 항균성(抗菌性)에 미치는 영향(影響)
황희연 Hui Youn Hwang , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon
10(2) 27-39, 2006
Effect of Chitosan and Mordant Treatments on the Air-permeability, Fastness and Antimicrobial Effect of Cotton and Nylon Fabrics Dyed using Japanese Pagoda Tree 면(棉)과 나일론 직물(織物)의 괴화(槐花) 염색(染色)에서 Chitosan 처리(處理)와 매염(媒染) 이 공기투과도(空氣透過度), 견뢰도(堅牢度) 및 항균성(抗菌性)에 미치는 영향(影響)
황희연 Hui Youn Hwang , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon
In this study, physical/chemical characteristics of the fabrics dyed using Japanese pagoda tree which is a yellowish dyestuff was investigated. We tried to estimate the dyeing mechanism among fiber macromolecules, mordants, chitosan, and dyestuffs by measuring the change of air-permeability according to the dyeing process. Also wash fastness and light fastness were measured in order to estimate the fastness according to the dyeing characteristics. When the chitosan pre-treatment was introduced, the wash fastness increased significantly in the cotton fabrics while the fastness did not change in the nylon fabrics significantly. The light fastness was not improved by the chitosan treatment. When the antibacterial activity was measured for the dyed cotton fabrics, Japanese pagoda tree itself did not exhibit antibacterial activity. However, chitosan treated dyed fabrics exhibited low antimicrobial activity.
Key Words
Japanese Pagoda Tree, 괴화, chitosan, 키토산, Fastness, 견뢰도
A Study on the Shirt style Preference and the Shirt Purchase Attitude 드레스 셔츠 스타일 선호도(選好度)와 구매태도(購買態度) 분석(分析)
구인숙 In Sook Koo
10(2) 40-59, 2006
A Study on the Shirt style Preference and the Shirt Purchase Attitude 드레스 셔츠 스타일 선호도(選好度)와 구매태도(購買態度) 분석(分析)
구인숙 In Sook Koo
The purpose of this study was to investigate the shirt market, to find out the shirt trend in 2005 A/W, to analysis shirt style Preference, and to investigate the shirts purchase attitude according to the income, age, and occupation of the 321 respondents, for developing the possibility & strategy of the dress shirts market in men`s wear for the apparel marketers and manufactures. For this study, the data obtained from 321 respondents were analyzed by descriptive statistics. The results from the study were as follows ; In 2005 A/W, Countessmara, Daks, Dupont, Renoma, and Yesac were commomly distributed in 5 department stores in Daejon and Seoul. There were seen trends that were pursuing a various fabric, colors, details, and high-touch design in shirt. Men workers prefered the Basic and Modern casual style to Soft, Sophisticated, Modern mannish, and Trendy style shirt. The 133(41.4%)respondents estimated that the important viewpoint in purchasing dress shirts was ``Design. The 212(66%) respondents estimated that they prefered the different shirt brand from their suits. And results revealed that Daks ranked best brand (13.7%), and Renoma ranked best two brand (6,5%). The 103 (32.1%) respondents estimated that they possessed the three shirts per one suits. The 201(62.6%) respondents estimated that they prefered the department store for purchasing shirt. And, the 114(35.5%) respondents estimated that the first important information source which influenced on purchasing dress shirts was the store display, next was internet(15.9%).
A Study on Application of Web-based System for Street Fashion Design Analysis (2) - focused on applying fashion image data from Gyeong-Nam Area in 2004 F/W - 스트리트 패션디자인분석(分析)을 위한 웹 기반(基盤)시스템(Web-SFAS) 활용(活用) 연구(硏究) (2) - 2004 F/W 경남지역(慶南地域) 스트리트 패션 이미지데이터 적용(適用)을 중심(中心)으로 -
박혜원 Hye Won Park , 이현영 Hyun Young Lee
10(2) 60-82, 2006
A Study on Application of Web-based System for Street Fashion Design Analysis (2) - focused on applying fashion image data from Gyeong-Nam Area in 2004 F/W - 스트리트 패션디자인분석(分析)을 위한 웹 기반(基盤)시스템(Web-SFAS) 활용(活用) 연구(硏究) (2) - 2004 F/W 경남지역(慶南地域) 스트리트 패션 이미지데이터 적용(適用)을 중심(中心)으로 -
박혜원 Hye Won Park , 이현영 Hyun Young Lee
The purpose of this study was to confirm and practical use the street fashion design analysis system(Web-SFAS) which was designed in preceding research. Web-SFAS was developed to analyze data fast, accurately, conveniently, and to provide them to related fields by using Information Technology (IT) in fashion design industry. By inputting, sorting and analyzing actual image data into this system, it purposes to check if it needs to be corrected and to verify its operation and application. For this study, 191 street fashion image and paper questionaries were collected on Oct. 16th from 4pm to 7pm in Gyeong-Nam area(4 markets), 2004. This study was processed basically cross research(real time research). The collected data and paper questionaries were analysed by 4 experts who had over Master Degrees, and the results were input to the Web-SFAS system. This system analyzed the results as follow ; First, Top is usually wear T-shirts, cardigan item of soft material, Bottom is usually wear Skirt, jean item of hard material. Second, As for shoes, pumps were the most popular, and as for accessories, diverse items such as shoulder bag, jewelry, and totebag were preferred. Third, fashion image, most people wear a sportive casual style with semi-casual in a close second. Therefore, We also expect that this data can be used a prediction for the next seasons design trends and needs, especially if we make an online database through this development system, then it will be easier to access faster and more accurate fashion information.
Key Words
street fashion, 스트리트 패션, design analysis, 디자인 분석, street image data analysis, 스트리트 이미지 테이터 분석, Web-SFAS system, 웹 스파스 시스템
A Survey of Chinese Men`s Purchase Attitude and Size Fitness of Ready-Made Suits - Centered on the Area of Ningbo in Zhejiang Province - 중국(中國) 남성(男性)의 기성복(旣成服) 정장(正裝)에 대한 구매태도(購買態度) 및 사이즈 적합성(適合性)에 관(關)한 실태(實態) 조사(調査) - 절강성(浙江省) 영파(寧波) 지역(地域)을 중심(中心)으로 -
심부자 Boo Ja Shim , 서추연 Chu Yeon Suh , 권영자 Young Ja Kwon , 권순정 Soon Jeong Kwon
10(2) 83-98, 2006
A Survey of Chinese Men`s Purchase Attitude and Size Fitness of Ready-Made Suits - Centered on the Area of Ningbo in Zhejiang Province - 중국(中國) 남성(男性)의 기성복(旣成服) 정장(正裝)에 대한 구매태도(購買態度) 및 사이즈 적합성(適合性)에 관(關)한 실태(實態) 조사(調査) - 절강성(浙江省) 영파(寧波) 지역(地域)을 중심(中心)으로 -
심부자 Boo Ja Shim , 서추연 Chu Yeon Suh , 권영자 Young Ja Kwon , 권순정 Soon Jeong Kwon
With the subjects of male consumers in their 20s to 40s living in the Ningbo area in Zhejiang Province, this study aims to investigate into the reality of their purchase attitude and size fitness of ready-made suits. The results are as follows; Looking into their demographic characteristics, 70.6% of the subjects were twenties, 60.6% were single, and educational career stood in the order of college, middle school, and high school graduation. They were largely absorbed in free trade, followed by teaching, commerce and service industry. 59.6% of them were Zhejiang Province belongs. One to two thousand yuan was the greatest portion of their monthly income. As for their purchase attitude of ready-made suits, they thought higher of material, quality, activity, and solidity than of design. They preferred to buy clothes at a department store. There was significant difference between purchase frequency and purchase price according to monthly income and jobs. Concerning brand recognition, the Chinese subjects favored "Youngor." Though Korea`s brands were very lowly recognized, Korean products received really high recognition. Compared with China`s brands, they found foreign brands excellent in design, followed by material/matter, wear, and sewing. As to their physical satisfaction and the size fitness of clothes, most subjects felt happy with their sizes. Trousers and jackets were among the unfitting suit items, while the girth of waist was the least satisfactory size. Therefore, in order to raise the market occupation rate of Korean suit goods in China, more aggressive marketing strategies are required to utilize the current Korean-style entertainment and maximize concerning brand images. In particular, outstanding products in consideration of prices should be made through the proper patternmaking to reflect the body types of the Chinese.
A Study on the Hair Colour Accompanied with Hair Fashion Feeling+ - Focussed on the Capital Area Women in Their Twenties - 헤어패션감각(感覺)에 따른 헤어컬러에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 수도권(首都圈) 20대(代) 여성(女性)을 중심(中心)으로 -
안현경 Hyeon Kyeong An , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
10(2) 99-116, 2006
A Study on the Hair Colour Accompanied with Hair Fashion Feeling+ - Focussed on the Capital Area Women in Their Twenties - 헤어패션감각(感覺)에 따른 헤어컬러에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 수도권(首都圈) 20대(代) 여성(女性)을 중심(中心)으로 -
안현경 Hyeon Kyeong An , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
This study was aimed at giving help to the people intending to change their hair fashion feeling for changing their own hair colour design and also providing the guide line to the cosmetic circles for developing new hair colour design and promoting sales by statistically analyzing hair colours and the other factors(demographic characteristics, hair styling, total fashion feeling, hair style) of capital area women in their twenties based on the theoretical study on tatal fasion feeling & hair fashion feeling, and hair trend. The researching methods were composed of prior theoretical research, statistical analysis. The prior theoretical research was accomplished by analysis of literatures, magazines and internet sites about total & hair fashion feelings and hair trend. The statistical analysis used a questionnaire composed of 33 questions in 5 categories. The survey of the questionnaire had been conducted from June 15 to June 28 in 2005 on the 600 women in the capital area, investigated by a group of experts on cosmetics or clothing from academic or business society. The analysis of materials from the survey was done by SPSS program(ver. 12.0) using frequency analysis, x2-test and cross tabulation analysis specified on high significant values. Based on the above results of x2-test and cross tabulation analysis, categorized the characteristics of the hair fashion feeling groups, especially hair colours in the order of percentage. This study would be very helpful to the people trying to change their own hair fashion feeling and be useful to the cosmetic circles for developing new hair colour design and promoting sales by comprehending hair colour market and also be valuable to develop the analysis methodology of hair colour and hair fashion trend.
Key Words
hair fashion feeling, 헤어패션감각, hair colour, 헤어컬러, hair trend, 헤어 트렌드, total fashion feeling, 토탈패션감각, N.C.S., Natural Colour System
A Study on Components of Fashion brand equity - Emphasis on Jeans brands - 패션 브랜드 자산가치(資産價値)의 구성요인(構成要因)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -진(Jeans) 브랜드를 중심(中心)으로 -
이지원 Ji Won Lee , 나수임 Soo Im Nha
10(2) 117-146, 2006
A Study on Components of Fashion brand equity - Emphasis on Jeans brands - 패션 브랜드 자산가치(資産價値)의 구성요인(構成要因)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -진(Jeans) 브랜드를 중심(中心)으로 -
이지원 Ji Won Lee , 나수임 Soo Im Nha
The brand equity is defined differently as each view of careers such as consumers, producers, distributors, however, the brand loyalty can be thought to be made from consumers, which means that it can be more reasonable to be looked into as part of consumer rather than financial affairs or account. The brand equity based on the customers` perception can be called the preference that it be made after the presence of brand. The value of the brand that consumers feel emotionally is as important as the value of the brand in the real market. It is possible to increase the brand loyalty in the future by the consumers` inclinable feeling to the brand. This inclinable feeling to the brand can be connected to the purchase, however, it shows that the importance of consumer`s emotional attitude to the brand is less considered in the existing studies. This study showed that the brand awareness and the brand experience after using it, the identity as perceived quality, brand personality, consumption emotion, the brand image and how the consumer emotionally feel the brand, the brand loyalty for fashion brand. The purpose of this study was how to build the value of the fashion brand equity after investigating into those factors.
Key Words
fashion brand equity, 패션 브랜드 자산가치, consumption emotion, 소비감정, brand Loyalty, 브랜드 충성도, brand awareness, 브랜드 인지도, perceived quality, 지각된 품질
A Study on the Design Development of a Maternity wear combined with Nursing 수유복(授乳服) 겸용(兼用) 임부복(姙婦服) 디자인 개발(開發)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
심은정 Eun Jeong Shim , 김소라 So Ra Kim
10(2) 147-165, 2006
A Study on the Design Development of a Maternity wear combined with Nursing 수유복(授乳服) 겸용(兼用) 임부복(姙婦服) 디자인 개발(開發)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
심은정 Eun Jeong Shim , 김소라 So Ra Kim
The purpose of this study was to develop design of maternity dress combined with nursing. Six maternity wears combined with nursing were developed through the literature, preceding studies, and web sites those were about pregnancy, breast feeding, a maternity wear, and a nursing wear. The results of this study were as follows: 1. In order to develop clothes of diverse styles and designs, an after five dress, a poncho style blouse, wrap culotte as well as a skirt suit, a pants suit, an one-piece dress were designed. 2. It was established to make more amounts of front ease than those of back ease and to supplement a frontal hanging portion in consideration of breast development and abdominal prominence. 3. In order to make use of a maternity wear after a birth, stretch fabric was used for an abdominal part or whole clothes. Also an empire line and pleats, a poncho style, a shirts blouse, and inserting a string were used for it. 4. the fabrics of cotton, mixed cotton, polyester were used because pregnant women and nursing mothers perspires more than others do. 5. The horizontal, vertical, diagonal slits for a breast feeding were made. The storm flap of a trench coat, a machine pleated fabric, a poncho, a bolero style were used for a nursing cover.
Key Words
maternity wear, 임부복, nursing wear, 수유복
A Study on the Fashion Design imaged by Hand Work 핸드 워크 감각(感覺)의 패션 디자인 연구(硏究)
염혜정 Hae Jung Yum
10(2) 166-180, 2006
A Study on the Fashion Design imaged by Hand Work 핸드 워크 감각(感覺)의 패션 디자인 연구(硏究)
염혜정 Hae Jung Yum
The purpose of this study is to analyze the fashion images and the aesthetic characteristics of hand work imaged design. The ``hand work`` has not only affected the contemporary life style but also the current fashion trend. The primary source of data has been a collection of recent books, news repots, and many articles from various kinds of mass media and fashion magazines since the year 2000. The results of this study can be summarized as follow. First, hand work imaged fashion design can be divided the background into three parts : post-materialism, aesthetics of slowness, personalize trend. Second, hand work imaged fashion design can be identified with the following images : folklore & craft image, second hand image, high touch image. Third, the aesthetic characteristics of hand work image reflects the concepts of sustainability and process communication.
Key Words
hand work, 수작업, post-materialism, 탈물질주의, aesthetics of slowness, 느림의 미학, personalize trend, 개별화 경향, sustainability, 지속가능성, process communication, 프로세스 커뮤니케이션
The Effects of Compulsive Behavior related to Appearance on Body Image 외모(外貌) 관련(關聯) 강박행동(强迫行動)이 바디이미지에 미치는 영향(影響)
이승희 Seung Hee Lee , 심지윤 Ji Yoon Shim
10(2) 181-193, 2006
The Effects of Compulsive Behavior related to Appearance on Body Image 외모(外貌) 관련(關聯) 강박행동(强迫行動)이 바디이미지에 미치는 영향(影響)
이승희 Seung Hee Lee , 심지윤 Ji Yoon Shim
The purpose of this study was to examine which factors among addiction buying behavior had been affected by body image. 235 female college students were surveyed for this study. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, χ2-test, multiple regression were used. As the results, generally there were significantly correlated among body image, diet addiction, binge eating, cosmetic surgery addiction, compulsive behavior and shoplift tendencies. Multiple regression results revealed that diet addiction, cosmetic surgery addiction, binge eating accounted for 34.8% of the explained variance in weight obsession. Also, regression results indicated that cosmetic surgery addiction, self-esteem, and diet addiction, and cosmetic surgery obession accounted for 20.4% of the explained variance in appearance orientation. Finally, regression results pointed out that self-esteem and diet obession accounted 22.3% of the explained variance in appearance evaluation. Based on these results, fashion marketing strategies would be suggested.
Key Words
바디이미지, body image, 강박행동, compulsive behavior, 강박행동, cosmetic surgery addiction, 성형중독, binge eating, 폭식행동, diet addiction, 다이어트집착
A Study on the Image to Be Promoted for Preschoolers` Sportswear 유치원(幼稚園) 체육복(體育服) 추구(追求)이미지에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
한경희 Gyung Hee Han
10(2) 194-206, 2006
A Study on the Image to Be Promoted for Preschoolers` Sportswear 유치원(幼稚園) 체육복(體育服) 추구(追求)이미지에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
한경희 Gyung Hee Han
With the change of social paradigm, the number of child care facilities is increasing and, accordingly, demand for sportswear for preschool children is also growing. Considering this trend, the present study purposed to subdivide the preschoolers` sportswear market, which is currently using uniform design, and diversify the images of preschoolers` sportswear utilizing information on preschoolers` sportswear market, to produce high quality sportswear of reasonable price, and to induce the development of various materials and designs. The results of this study are as follows. First, according to the result of paired t-test on the current image of preschoolers` sportswear and its future image to be promoted, among 22 items of sportswear image, the scores of comfortable and active images were highest. According to the results of factor analysis, five factors were identified, and kindergarten directors gave the highest score to plain image for preschoolers` sportswear and the lowest score to elegance image. This suggests that there should be active and diverse approaches to sportswear design. When the mean score of factors was compared among preschoolers` sportswear image to be promoted in the future, high class elegant image got the highest score and was followed by functional image. In addition, lively and neat image got the lowest score. Second, when we analyzed the correlations between the five factors of image identified through factor analysis and three groups formed through cluster analysis in order to classify buyers based on the current images of preschoolers` sportswear and future images to be promoted, kindergarten directors were found to emphasize functional image currently in selecting sportswear for their children but to promote elegant image for future sportswear.
Key Words
The preschoolers` sportswear market, 유치원체육복시장, The current image, 현재 이미지, The future image, 향후 이미지, uniform design, 유니폼 디자인