A Study on the Image Perception and Preference of the Dress Shirts - Focusing on the city of Seoul, Daejon, and KyungkiDo - 드레스 셔츠의 이미지 분석(分析) -서울, 대전(大田), 경기지역(京畿地域)을 중심(中心)으로-
구인숙 In Sook Koo
10(4) 1-15, 2006
A Study on the Image Perception and Preference of the Dress Shirts - Focusing on the city of Seoul, Daejon, and KyungkiDo - 드레스 셔츠의 이미지 분석(分析) -서울, 대전(大田), 경기지역(京畿地域)을 중심(中心)으로-
구인숙 In Sook Koo
The purpose of this study was to analyze the image perception of dress shirts according to perceiver`s residency and shirts style, and to investigate the shirts preference according to style of dress shirts, and to find out the men`s aesthetics consciousness for shirts, and to analyze between the image perception and the usage of mass-media, for developing the possibility & strategy of the dress shirts market in men`s wear market for the apparel marketers and manufactures. For this study, the data obtained from 321 respondents were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson`s simple correlation, ANOVA. The results from the study were as follow ; The 6 stimuli for image perception rated on 5 point Likert-type scales in the 12 features were evaluated by perceivers. By the best 3 features abstracted, shirts style concepts were decided, such as, Basic style by the best 3 features of the first stimulus, and Soft style by the best 3 features of the second stimulus, and Sophisticate style by the best 3 features of the third stimulus, and Modern casual style by the best 3 features of the fourth stimulus, and Modern mannish style by the best 3 features of the fifth stimulus, and Trendy style by the best 3 features of the sixth stimulus. The modern casual style was estimated highly by respondents in Daejon. The respondents in Seoul prfered the basic style to other style. There were significant differences in evaluating between preferences of shirts style and pattern. Of the 82 respondents(26.8%) with the preference of bold london stripe, the 52 respondents estimated Modern casual style in bold london stripe. The fashion consciousness of the respondents in Seoul was estimated higher than in Daejon. But, the respondents in Daejon in the consciousness for the coordination knit cardigan and V zone was estimated higher than in Seoul. Also, the 31 respondents with the preference of Sophisticate style were the highest in fashion consciousness. The respondents estimated that the first important thing in buying dress shirts is `Design(41.4%). and next is quality(17.8%). Results revealed that Daks ranked best brand (13.7%), and Renoma ranked best two brand (6.5%). And, the 35.5% respondents estimated that the first important information which influenced on buying dress shirts was the store display, next was internet(15.9%). Finally, I propose that the best strategy for men with low fashion consciousness is to upgrade salesmen` coordination technic and fabric knowledge, and store management with story attracting customers.
The Content Analysis of Advertising in Fashion Magazines and Pictorials of Korean Men`s Wear - From the 1962 to the 1998 - 한국(韓國) 남성복(男性服) 광고(廣告)의 내용분석(內容分析) -1962년(年) 부터 1998년(年) 까지의 잡지(雜誌)와 화보(畵報)를 중심(中心)으로 -
권혜숙 Hae Sook Kwon , 권혜욱 Hae Wook Kwon
10(4) 16-28, 2006
The Content Analysis of Advertising in Fashion Magazines and Pictorials of Korean Men`s Wear - From the 1962 to the 1998 - 한국(韓國) 남성복(男性服) 광고(廣告)의 내용분석(內容分析) -1962년(年) 부터 1998년(年) 까지의 잡지(雜誌)와 화보(畵報)를 중심(中心)으로 -
권혜숙 Hae Sook Kwon , 권혜욱 Hae Wook Kwon
The purpose of this study is to investigate the content and changes of modern Korean men`s wear advertisement from the 1960s to the 1990s by reviewing fashion magazines and pictorials. Research problems were as follows.; First, analyze the types and their units of measurement in men`s fashion advertisements from 1962 to 1998. Second, examine the differences of quantitative change in men`s fashion advertisements according to each period. The total 857 advertisements were selected from Shin Dong-A, Joongang Magazine, and Bokjangwolbo from 1972 to 1998. For analyze the result, frequency analysis and χ2-test were used. Results were as follows. First, through the review of literatures and pre-tests, 6 units of measurement were identified. They were product type(formal wear, casual wear, sports wear, dress shirts, accessory, inner wear, fabric and the others), brand type(national brand, licensed brand, imported brand, others), appeal type(image, product, others), representation type(photograph, illustration, others), medium type(man, product, others), and color type of advertisement(black & white picture, color picture). Second, for the types of advertisements, formal wear, national brand, image appeal, figure medium, photograph for presentation and color picture are the most frequently shown in men`s fashion advertisements from 1962 to 1998. Third, for product, more accessory advertisements were found than the clothing in the 60s and the 70s, and casual wear advertisements in the 80s and formal wear advertisements in the 90s were dominated. National brand type was dominant through all four period. Product appeal type in the 60s and the 70s and image appeal type in the 80s and the 90s were prevailed. For medium, product type in the 60s and the 70s and figure type in the 80s and the 90s were dominated. Black & white picture in the 60s and the 70s and color picture in the 80s and the 90s were prevailed. Lastly, photograph was the most frequently used for presentation type through all periods.
Key Words
Changes of men`s wear advertisement, 한글, Fashion magazine and pictorials, 한글, Advertisements in men`s wear, 한글, Types of Men` wear advertisement
A Study on the Hair Style Production Based on the Face Contour & Fashion Feeling 얼굴형(形)과 패션감각(感覺)에 따른 헤어스타일 연출(演出)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
안현경 Hyeon Kyeong An , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
10(4) 29-44, 2006
A Study on the Hair Style Production Based on the Face Contour & Fashion Feeling 얼굴형(形)과 패션감각(感覺)에 따른 헤어스타일 연출(演出)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
안현경 Hyeon Kyeong An , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
This study was aimed at giving help to the people intending to change hair fashion feeling for making their own hair style design and also providing the academic guide line to the cosmetic circles for developing new hair design and promoting sales by producing hair styles following the results from the statistical analysis based on the theoretical study on the face contour groups & hair fashion feeling groups. The researching methods were composed of following 3 steps ; prior theoretical research, statistical analysis, and hair style production. At first, the prior theoretical research was accomplished by analysis of literatures, magazines and internet sites about face contour, total & hair fashion feelings, hair style productions. Second, the prior statistical analysis were done about hairstyle images & their charateristics based on fashion feelings, and characteristics of fashion feeling group. And the third, hair style productions were done coordinated by face contours(oval, circle, long, square, reverse triangle) and hair fashion feelings(natural, sexy, sophisticate, ethnic, romantic pretty, elegance, sporty, avant garde) following the statistical results. But owing to the limitations to change hair length and color, these changes are modified by wigs and photoshop 7.0 program. So we could know there was no confirmed hair fashion feeling of one`s best, but one could change one`s hair fashion feeling and express one`s beauty if one could adjust one`s hair styles properly to one`s face contour. This study would be very helpful to the people trying to change their own hair fashion feeling and be useful to the cosmetic circles for developing new design and promoting sales by comprehending hair design market and also be valuable to develop the methodology of 3 step research.
A Study on the Actual Wearing Condition and Fit Preference Trend of Maternity Underwear 임부용(姙婦用) 속옷의 착용(着用) 실태(實態) 및 맞음새 선호(選好) 경향(傾向) 연구(硏究)
한승희 Seung Hee Han , 김덕하 Duck Ha Kim , 석혜정 Hye Jung Seok
10(4) 45-54, 2006
A Study on the Actual Wearing Condition and Fit Preference Trend of Maternity Underwear 임부용(姙婦用) 속옷의 착용(着用) 실태(實態) 및 맞음새 선호(選好) 경향(傾向) 연구(硏究)
한승희 Seung Hee Han , 김덕하 Duck Ha Kim , 석혜정 Hye Jung Seok
This study analyzed the purchasing behavior for underwear, with the subjects of pregnant women, and the trend of its fit preference and thereby looks into the practices of their clothing life to provide the basic data for the formation of maternity clothing industry, focusing on the underwear development in response to pregnant women`s body type features. The conclusion were as follows: 1. The analysis of underwear wearing practices for the women in the pregnancy of eight months or longer and those after the delivery within one month showed that about 80-90% of them wore panties or brassieres and about 70% of them did not wear girdles, thus with a lower level for girdles than for panties or brassieres. 2. The surveys of the satisfaction and fit for two designs each with the high wearing frequency did not show any relatively significant difference in assessment by the design. The analysis of the satisfaction by the part with the maternity underwear indicated that in the case of panties the respondents were dissatisfied with the length as to be long, and also dissatisfied with waist circumference, abdomen circumference, private parts, and groin as to be small, reflecting that the circumference coverage of the panties in the market was not effectively managed.
Key Words
Underwear, 속옷, maternity, 임산부, fit, 맞음새
A Study of the visual effects by variations in the Location and width of the waist bands of one-piece dress 원피스드레스의 허리밴드 위치(位置)와 밴드 폭(幅)의 변화(變化)에 따른 시각적(視覺的) 효과(效果)
이정진 Jung Jin Lee , 이정순 Jung Soon Lee
10(4) 55-69, 2006
A Study of the visual effects by variations in the Location and width of the waist bands of one-piece dress 원피스드레스의 허리밴드 위치(位置)와 밴드 폭(幅)의 변화(變化)에 따른 시각적(視覺的) 효과(效果)
이정진 Jung Jin Lee , 이정순 Jung Soon Lee
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the differences of visual effects by variations in the location and width of the waist band of one-piece dress. The stimuli are 24 samples: 8 variations of the location of the waist band and 3 variations of the width of the waist band. The data has been obtained from 50 fashion design majors. The data has analyzed by Factor Analysis, Anova, Scheffe`s Test and the MCA method. The results of the study are as follows: According to the result of factor analysis of the visual effects based on the changes in the location and width of waist bands for one piece dress, four factors were identified - verticality of whole body, horizontality of upper body, curves of lower body and shape of breast. Whole body verticality and upper body horizontality were found to be the most important factor among them. In all of the four factors of the visual effects, significant differences were observed according to the location of the waist bands for one-piece dress. The visual effects were evaluated positively when the waist bands were positioned above the natural waist line and negatively when the waist bands were positioned below the natural waist line. In addition, significant differences were observed in the visual effects according to the width of waist bands when the waist bands were positioned above the natural waist line, and visual effects were better when the band width was 3.5cm and 4.5cm than the others. The interaction of the visual effect showed significant differences in horizontality of upper body, curves of lower body and shape of breast.
Key Words
verticality of whole-body, 전신수직, horizontality of upper-body, 상반신 수평, curves of Lower-body, 하반신 굴곡, shape of breast, 흉부형태
A study of the visual image by variations in the Location and width of the waist bands of the one-piece dress 원피스드레스의 허리밴드 위치(位置)와 밴드 폭(幅)의 변화(變化)에 따른 시각적(視覺的) 이미지
이정진 Jung Jin Lee , 이정순 Jung Soon Lee
10(4) 70-77, 2006
A study of the visual image by variations in the Location and width of the waist bands of the one-piece dress 원피스드레스의 허리밴드 위치(位置)와 밴드 폭(幅)의 변화(變化)에 따른 시각적(視覺的) 이미지
이정진 Jung Jin Lee , 이정순 Jung Soon Lee
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the differences of visual image by variations in the location and width of the waist band of the one-piece dress. The stimuli are 24 samples: 8 variations of the location of the waist band and 3 variations of the width of the waist band. The data has been obtained from 50 fashion design majors. The data has analyzed by Factor Analysis, Anova, Scheff`s Test and the MCA method. The results of the study are as follows. According to the result of factor analysis of the visual image based on the changes in the location and width of waist bands, three factors were identified- attractiveness, elegance and practicality. Among them, attractiveness was found to be the most important. The visual image was evaluated positively when waist bands were positioned above the natural waist line and negatively when waist bands were positioned below the natural waist line regardless of their width. In addition, the visual image based on the width of waist bands for one piece dress was the most positive when the width was 4.5cm. No significant difference was observed in the visual image according to band width when the waist bands were positioned below the natural waist line. The interaction of visual image according to the location and width of waist bands for one piece dress did not appear. As the main effect, significant differences were observed in all of the three factors according to the location of waist bands, but only two factors excluding elegance showed some difference according to the width of waist bands. When multiple classification analysis was applied to the factors without interaction, the location of waist bands appeared to have more significant effect on visual image than the width of waist bands.
The Study For Comparing Makeup and Ideal Beauty on the Renaissance and the Baroque Portraits 르네상스시대(時代)와 바로크시대(時代)의 인물화(人物畵)에 나타난 메이크업의 형태(形態)와 미인상(美人像)의 비교(比較) 연구(硏究)
권구정 Ku Jung Kwon
10(4) 78-94, 2006
The Study For Comparing Makeup and Ideal Beauty on the Renaissance and the Baroque Portraits 르네상스시대(時代)와 바로크시대(時代)의 인물화(人物畵)에 나타난 메이크업의 형태(形態)와 미인상(美人像)의 비교(比較) 연구(硏究)
권구정 Ku Jung Kwon
The purpose of this study is to analyze and to compare the makeup style and the ideal beauty of the Renaissance and the Baroque by examining the portraits. The result of this study is as follows. Firstly, as for the Renaissance makeup, they preferred a broad forehead and thin eyebrows. The color for lips and cheeks makeup was orange and light orange in fashion. Secondly, as for the Baroque makeup, they preferred a broad face with double chin, dark and thick eyebrows and small lips. The color for lips and cheeks was reddish and clear. Finally, as for comparison the these ages, the Renaissance ideal beauty was a little plentiful women with a broad forehead, thin eyebrow. But the Baroque ideal beauty was totally plentiful women with thick eyebrows, clear reddish lips and cheeks. The color of lips and cheeks was more reddish and clear in Baroque. The Baroque women had the smaller lips than the Renaissance women and they are more plentiful and modern with a flourish than the others.
Key Words
Renaissance, 르네상스, Baroque, 바로크, makeup, 메이크업, ideal beauty, 이상적인 미
A Study on the Comparative Analysis of Brassiere Pattern between Girl Students and Adults 청소년(靑少年) 여학생(女學生)과 성인(成人) 여성(女性)의 브래지어 패턴 비교연구(比較硏究)
손희순 Hee Soon Sohn , 차수정 Su Joung Cha
10(4) 95-113, 2006
A Study on the Comparative Analysis of Brassiere Pattern between Girl Students and Adults 청소년(靑少年) 여학생(女學生)과 성인(成人) 여성(女性)의 브래지어 패턴 비교연구(比較硏究)
손희순 Hee Soon Sohn , 차수정 Su Joung Cha
This study was conducted comparative analysis of juvenile brassiere and adult brassiere to identify the problems of brassieres on the market. The raw data for this study was processed by SPSS 10.1 version(statistical software) and the results of this study can be summarized as follows. 1) The result of comparative analysis of juvenile brassiere and adult brassiere pattern is that each pattern showed no difference. 2) The results of the comparative analysis of juvenile and adult brassiere pattern in wing`s length and angle is that even though there are some difference between juvenile and adult in side line inclination of brassiere. there is no setting difference but size of that brassiere. 3) The result of a comparative analysis pattern and cup size measurement of juvenile brassiere and adult brassiere is that even though the adult cup girth and angle is bigger than the juvenile because adults have more protrusive and bigger volume and well developed breast, some case rather the adult`s cup angle is smaller than the juvenile as brand. And as we grow up to be a woman, difference of lower breast girth and breast girth are become big while difference of upper breast girth and breast girth are become small for that reason upper cup must be lower and lower cup must be higher but there is almost no difference between adult and juvenile. 4) The result of a comparative analysis of juvenile brassiere and adult brassiere bust point of the pattern is that adult brassiere`s distance between bust points 6.12cm, and juvenile`s 5.6cm, there are only 0.52cm difference between two products and just 0.4cm, size grading. These results are explained that even though when grow up to be a woman the distance between two bust points become to be long and breast toward out side but brassiere size don`t vary with body characteristic.
Key Words
juvenile, 청소년, brassiere, 브래지어, size, 크기
A Study on the Pop Stars` Fashion Styles Influencing Young Street Fashion 영 스트리트 패션 형성(形成)에 미친 팝 스타의 패션스타일 연구(硏究)
이희승 Hee Seung Lee , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
10(4) 114-129, 2006
A Study on the Pop Stars` Fashion Styles Influencing Young Street Fashion 영 스트리트 패션 형성(形成)에 미친 팝 스타의 패션스타일 연구(硏究)
이희승 Hee Seung Lee , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
This purpose of this study is to research on the influence on the creation of young generation`s street fashion of pop stars focused on pop music given the fact that fashion can be created by popular culture in this multi-media era. Also, this study is to provide useful data for the activation of the creation of young fashion culture and the fashion industry through pop stars` fashion. The pop stars` fashion that has affected young street fashion is as follows : Elvis Presley`s rock`n`roll style, Beatles` mods style, Janis Joplin`s hippy style, Sex Pistols`s punk style, Madonna`s boy-toy and corset style, Michael Jackson`s androgynous style, Puff Daddy and L.L Cool J`s hip-hop style, Bob Marley`s reggae style, Spice Girls, Jennifer Lopez and Britney Spears`s sexy style. The young street fashion culture of pop stars and its industrial meaning withdrawn from the above are as follows : Creation of a fashion icon, Creation of anti-fashion, Liberation of a sex role, Costume play culture, Activation of the young fashion industry through star marketing.
Key Words
pop star, 팝 스타, star fashion, 스타 패션, street fashion, 스트리트 패션, star system, 스타 시스템, popular culture, 대중문화, media, 미디어
Survey on Consumer Preference for Developing Smart Clothing - Focused on the comparison for each age - 스마트 의류(衣類) 개발(開發)을 위한 소비자(消費者) 선호도(選好度) 조사(調査)- 연령별(年齡別) 비교(比較)를 중심(中心)으로 -
황영미 Young Mi Hwang , 이정란 Jeong Ran Lee
10(4) 130-139, 2006
Survey on Consumer Preference for Developing Smart Clothing - Focused on the comparison for each age - 스마트 의류(衣類) 개발(開發)을 위한 소비자(消費者) 선호도(選好度) 조사(調査)- 연령별(年齡別) 비교(比較)를 중심(中心)으로 -
황영미 Young Mi Hwang , 이정란 Jeong Ran Lee
This study was conducted to survey and analyze the preference, and acceptance of smart clothing to the consumers with different age. A questionnaire with the objects of 530 consumers from the teens to the forties, in order to utilize the characteristics of consumers as basic materials for the planning of smart clothing, which is reasonably designed to have both of function and fashion, by checking the characteristics of consumers. The results are as follows; 1. The interest degree of fashion was the highest in the 20`s and the acceptance degree showed the medial frequency in all age groups. In terms of the analysis result regarding general persons and professionals, professionals showed higher frequency distribution in both interest degree and acceptance degree than general persons. 2. When a comparison for each age, general person, and professional was made, more than the majority of all could not recognize the terms and concept about the smart clothing, but in terms of the favorable impression, more than the majority answered that it interests them. 3. More than the majority of the objects of this survey responded that they have a purchase intention and in terms of the desired purchase price, the price below 500,000 won showed the most frequency. In terms of the reason of wearing the smart clothing, they responded that they can select needed functions, and in terms of an occurring problem, they answered that it is the high cost of economic burdens.
Key Words
Smart clothing, 스마트 의류, consumer preference, 소비자 선호, questionnaire, 설문
A Study on Addiction Toward Luxury Product 명품(名品) 중독(中毒)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
이승희 Seung Hee Lee
10(4) 140-150, 2006
A Study on Addiction Toward Luxury Product 명품(名品) 중독(中毒)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
이승희 Seung Hee Lee
The purpose of this study was to examine affecting the addictive buying behavior toward fashion luxury products. 227 female college students were who purchased fashion luxury products surveyed for this study. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and multiple regression were used. As the results, addictive buying toward luxury products was classified into three factors: impulse addictive, money addictive, and psychological addictive. Also, consumers` individuality pursuit was classified into four factors: unique choice, non-similarity choice, individual choice and non-social interest. Multiple regression results revealed that impulse buying, stress, and unique choice accounted for 38% of the explained variance in addictive buying toward luxury products. Also, regression results indicated that impulse buying, stress, unique choice and reference group accounted for 38% of the explained variance in impulse addictive buying. Finally, regression results pointed out that unique choice and impulse accounted 24% of the explained variance in psychological addictive buying. Based on these results, fashion social responsibility marketing strategies would be suggested.
The Visual Changes of Colors by the Measuring Angle of Cotton/PET Union Fabrics 면(綿)/PET 교직물(交織物)의 측정각(測定角)에 따른 색변화(色變化) 연구(硏究)
이미경 Mi Kyung Lee
10(4) 151-162, 2006
The Visual Changes of Colors by the Measuring Angle of Cotton/PET Union Fabrics 면(綿)/PET 교직물(交織物)의 측정각(測定角)에 따른 색변화(色變化) 연구(硏究)
이미경 Mi Kyung Lee
This study investigated into the effects of the colors of warp and weft on the overall colors of fabrics, along with the visual changes of colors by the measuring angle of both warp and weft, by means of cross-dyeing of cotton/PET union fabrics. First, the reflectance of polyester is higher than that of cotton over the whole wavelength. Second, the dyeing of polyester uses the disperse dyes and that of cotton uses fiber-reactive dyes, the differences in the features of dyes and the reflectance of fabrics cause the same colors to be perceived different by the angle of observation. Third, the dyeing of cotton and PET fabrics individually with the same color revealed that the dyeing of cotton and PET fabrics in one bath resulted in a small difference in colors between the two fabrics than the separate dyeing in two bathes. In the case of one bath, the dyeing of PET fabrics followed by that of cotton fabrics resulted in a small difference in color than the dyeing in the reversed order. Fourth, when cotton/PET union fabrics were dyed in ten colors, the difference in colors between the two fabrics was small; and due to the difference in the density of warp and weft of union fabrics, some difference was detected in comparison with the results of separate dyeing of cotton and PET fabrics in one bath. The latter did not produce the changes in color which was recognizable with the naked eyes. Fifth, when cotton/PET union fabrics were dyed in ten colors, any color change was not observed by the measuring angle, and the inclination in the direction of warp or weft resulted in the tendency of color-deepening. In the measurement of the latter, the inclination in the direction of weft resulted in the higher color-deepening than that in the direction of warp, due to the influence of weft.
Key Words
Cross-Dyeing, 크로스 다잉, Visual Changes of Colors, 색변화, Cotton/PET Union Fabrics, 면/PET 교직물