A Study on the Seasonal Changes of Hair Color -Centered on 2003~6` hair color trends published on women`s magazines- 계절(季節)에 따른 헤어컬러 변화(變化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)+ -2003~6년(年) 여성잡지(女性雜誌)에 나타난 헤어컬러 트렌드를 중심(中心)으로-
안현경 Hyeon Kyeong An
11(1) 1-14, 2007
A Study on the Seasonal Changes of Hair Color -Centered on 2003~6` hair color trends published on women`s magazines- 계절(季節)에 따른 헤어컬러 변화(變化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)+ -2003~6년(年) 여성잡지(女性雜誌)에 나타난 헤어컬러 트렌드를 중심(中心)으로-
안현경 Hyeon Kyeong An
This study was aimed at giving help to the people intending to change their own hair color design and also providing the guide line to the cosmetic circles for developing new hair color design and promoting sales by statistically analyzing seasonal changes of hair colors puplished on women`s magazines(Vogue Korea, Estetica Korea, Woman Chosun, Ceci) from 2003 to 2006. The researching methods were as follows; ① hair colors published on women`s magazines from september 2003 to August 2006 were measured by N.C.S. color reader(4 magazines × 10 main hair colors/magazine × 12 months × 3 years = 1,440 colors). ② N.C.S. tone is made of percentage, so measured values and chromas were statistically analyzed by mean, standard deviation, and seasonal deferences were statistically analyzed by t-test and specified on high significant values. But hues were not made of percentage, so these were statistically analyzed by cross tabulation analysis, x2-test and specified on high significant values. These all had been analyzed by SPSS program(ver. 11.0). The results were as follows; ① Usually seasonal changes of hair values were significant, specially in foreign licensed magazines, and bright values appeared in S/S and dark values in F/W. ② Seasonal changes of hair hues were significant only on foreign women`s magazines. Therefore seasonal changes of korean hair colors were not significant compared by foreign hair colors because of hardness of color changes of dark black hair and hair damages by hair tints and bleaches and trends of well being and hair care. But hair color changes have been developed gradually and will developed furthermore. So korean hair cosmetic circles have to present hair color trends deferenciated by seasons. And S/S hair values have to be brignt and F/W have to be dark. And new seasonal hair hues matched by korean have to be developed and presented.
Key Words
Hair color, 헤어컬러, hair trend, 헤어 트렌드, N.C.S., Natural Color System, women`s magazine, 여성잡지, trend color, 유행색, color marketing, 색채 마케팅
A Study on the Compound Colors by Cross-Dyeing of Cotton/PET Union Fabrics 면(綿)/PET 교직물(交織物)의 Cross Dyeing에 의한 복합색상(複合色相) 연구(硏究)
이미경 Mi Kyung Lee
11(1) 15-25, 2007
A Study on the Compound Colors by Cross-Dyeing of Cotton/PET Union Fabrics 면(綿)/PET 교직물(交織物)의 Cross Dyeing에 의한 복합색상(複合色相) 연구(硏究)
이미경 Mi Kyung Lee
As a part of the study for the materials development of compound feelings, therefore, this study investigated into the effects of the colors of warp and weft on the overall colors of fabrics, along with the visual changes of colors by the measuring angle of both warp and weft, by means of cross-dyeing of cotton/PET union fabrics. First, the dyeing of cotton and PET fabrics individually with the same color, the dyeing of PET fabrics followed by that of cotton fabrics resulted in a small difference in color than the dyeing in the reversed order. Second, in the case of the dyeing of cotton/PET union fabrics with the color of one fiber fixed and that of the other in ten colors, the color of cotton fiber, which is warp, gave much influence. In addition, the color change was remarkable among complementary colors, while it was negligible among adjacent colors. Third, in the case of dyeing of cotton/PET union fabrics with the color of one fiber fixed and that of the other in ten colors, the results were different by the measuring angle. When PET was fixed in green and cotton was dyed in ten colors, color-deepening was observed by the inclination in the direction of warp and weft without the dominance over all colors like cotton. When cotton was dyed in red and PET in ten colors, the color of PET appeared dimly in the horizontal case by the direction of the light, and red appeared as inclined in the direction of warp and weft. This is because of the dominance of cotton color over the overall color, since the density of cotton fiber, the warp of union fabrics, is higher than that of PET, the weft. Thus, this is to be considered in the selection of the warp`s color. In view of the above results, the color changes are outstanding when the color of warp dominates the overall color and when the colors of warp and weft are complementary, in comparison with the case when the colors are adjacent. The colors also change by the measuring angle.
Key Words
Cross-Dyeing, 크로스 다잉 염색, Visual Changes of Colors, 색변화, Cotton/PET Union Fabrics, 면/PET 교직물
A Study on the Design of Madeleine Vionnet 마들렌 비오네의 디자인 연구(硏究)
최진영 Jin Young Choi , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
11(1) 26-37, 2007
A Study on the Design of Madeleine Vionnet 마들렌 비오네의 디자인 연구(硏究)
최진영 Jin Young Choi , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
Madeleine Vionnet(1876~1975, France), the most prominent figure of the 20th century draping, started her apprentice in France in 1888 and expressed feminity of adult products through her various works until she closed the house in 1940. The feminine designs of the adult style appeared in 1930s, whose characteristics were silhouette and details that emphasize the body, and bias designs. Not only Vionnet, but also Chanel and Schiaparelli were the representative female designers at that time. The preliminary researches of Vionnet designs were mostly focused on her cutting methods. This paper purports to examine Vionnet`s bias cutting method, to compare Vionnet with female designers of Chanel and Schiaparelli who led the mode of 1930s with feminine designs for the adult products in that period, and then to attempt creative designs by use of bias cutting.
A study on hair art design using the copper wire 동선(銅線)을 이용한 헤어 장식(裝飾) 디자인 연구(硏究)
박은정 Eun Jung Park , 안문경 Mun Kyung Ann
11(1) 38-47, 2007
A study on hair art design using the copper wire 동선(銅線)을 이용한 헤어 장식(裝飾) 디자인 연구(硏究)
박은정 Eun Jung Park , 안문경 Mun Kyung Ann
In the modern society that is advancing rapidly, the hair art is also advancing and subdividing. The purpose of this study is to investigate unique field of formative as characteristics and forms of copper wire, focused on such a harmony of hair art, the present thesis aims at developing concept of hair art as a creative way, and recognizing the formative characteristics of copper wire as analyze and arrange the concept of hair art, formative, a way of practical application, material aspect, through literature, academic journals, photo data, and researched about prior piece, for example, architecture and costume with hair art, and then pieces of hair art were made. Influenced by the theory, applied the social phenomenon and the formative principles, produced the five pieces which includes balance, composure, flying, harmony, way, spring etc. The results of this research are outlined below. Firstly, It showed that the copper wire can express the mysterious and beautiful formative world, and it could know the possibility of design. Secondly, formative activity using copper wire can differ according to approach and interpretation, and it can be a works with aesthetic value. Thirdly, hair could be express the art of the three-dimensional forms which constitute the mixture of line, surface and space. So, hair art has enlarged the fields with development of technique, and changed to recognition of the hair art, and opened up a new field. Hair art will be positive fields to maximize the possibility, and not only the beauty artist but also the public will be communicate each other.
A Study on the Romantic Costume Style - Focus on Women`s Fashion before and after the 21th century - 로맨틱 복식(服飾) 양식(樣式) 연구(硏究) - 21세기(世紀) 전후(前後) 여성(女性) 패션을 중심(中心)으로 -
박신영 Shin Young Park , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
11(1) 48-60, 2007
A Study on the Romantic Costume Style - Focus on Women`s Fashion before and after the 21th century - 로맨틱 복식(服飾) 양식(樣式) 연구(硏究) - 21세기(世紀) 전후(前後) 여성(女性) 패션을 중심(中心)으로 -
박신영 Shin Young Park , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
The purpose of this study is to examine the romantic costume style which has become a big trend before and after the 21th century. For this purpose, I examined the development plans and characteristics of women`s costume in France in the Romantic period from the 1820s to the 1850s and analyzed the aesthetic characteristics of romantic costume style. The aesthetic characteristics of romantic style in the 19th century were defined by the feminine and elegant beauty, exoticism, and sensuality. Since the 1990s, the characteristics are classified into Feminine & Elegant Style, Ethnic & Fusion Style, and Sensual Style. Feminine & Elegant Style is characterized by delicate, splendid lace and frill decorations that have become more ornamental and technical since the 1990s. They create greater romance and express gentler and more elegant femininity away from the artificial silhouette. Ethnic & Fusion Style use more diverse ethnic patterns, colors, accessories, and details since the 1990s and shows more varieties and creativity in convergence with modern fashion. Sensual Style exposes the physical curve of female body. In the 19th century, cuffs and collars were exaggerated and shoulders were exposed for sensuality. After the 1990s, however, see-through materials have been used to show the beauty of natural physical curves or corsets have been worn as the outerwear. Studying romantic costume style, which arose as a concept of postmodernism, the cultural ideology that exists as a breakthrough of our time, is signified by the understanding of the latest cultural phenomenon and fashion trends.
Lower Body Shape Classification of Chinese Males in Their 20s by Analyzing Photographic Measurement 사진측정(寫眞測定)에 의한 중국(中國) 20대(代) 남성(男性)의 하반신(下半身) 형태(形態) 분류(分類)
이소영 So Young Lee , 심부자 Boo Ja Shim
11(1) 61-74, 2007
Lower Body Shape Classification of Chinese Males in Their 20s by Analyzing Photographic Measurement 사진측정(寫眞測定)에 의한 중국(中國) 20대(代) 남성(男性)의 하반신(下半身) 형태(形態) 분류(分類)
이소영 So Young Lee , 심부자 Boo Ja Shim
Photographic measurement was first made with the subjects of 190 males in their 20s residing in the Ningbo area, Zhejiang Province in China. In this second report, lower body shapes were classified and discriminated by using indirect measurement, measurement items, and lower body analysis. The following sums up the research: 1. The subjects were 8.85° (hip breadth angle), 1.58° (abdomen upper angle), 11.80° (hip upper angle), and 5.12° (lateral lower body posture angle). 2. The subjects of Chinese males in their 20s showed three types of lower bodies: Bow Legs & Slight Slant of Lateral Lower Body Type (30.5%)-gap between legs, curve waist-hip contour, average abdomen-hip profile, and lateral lower body posture were slightly slanted forward. Adjacent Straight Legs & Slight Slant of Lateral Lower Body Type (35.8%)-adjacent straight between legs, curve waist-hip contour, slim abdomen-hip profile, and lateral lower body posture were slightly slanted forward. Balance Legs & Large Slant of Lateral Lower Body Type (33.7%)-average between legs, straight waist-hip contour, protruding hip profile, and lateral lower body posture were largely slanted forward. 3. Eight useful variables for the categorization of the subjects` lower body types were chosen through stepwise discriminant analysis, and the hit ratio of discrimination was 97.9%.
Key Words
Chinese males, 중국 남성, Zhejiang Province, 절강성, Ningbo, 영파시, Lower body shapes, 하반신 형태, photographic measurement, 사진측정
A Study on the Design Development of Dementia Patients Hospital Clothing 치매 환자(患者)를 위한 병원복(病院服) 디자인 개발(開發)
박혜원 Hye Won Park , 박인조 In Jo Park
11(1) 75-85, 2007
A Study on the Design Development of Dementia Patients Hospital Clothing 치매 환자(患者)를 위한 병원복(病院服) 디자인 개발(開發)
박혜원 Hye Won Park , 박인조 In Jo Park
This study aims to develop the hospital clothing for dementia patient, which can bring them higher quality of life by giving them psychological and emotional satisfaction. As for the research method and contents, the authors searched the characteristics of aging society and dementia patient, mainly concentering on the related researches and publications. In addition, the characteristics of current domestic clothes design trend for dementia patient and design preference were studied by looking into previous studies. Also, on the characteristics of overseas design was examed by looking into sites on dementia, actual clothes and related catalogues. The development and evaluation of the design of clothes for dementia patient was conducted and which was based on the above researches. Then, the patients hospital clothing was designed and made. And also the discussion was followed with related field experts such as medical doctor and nurses, carer-givers, patient clothing manufacturers and professors of clothing textiles. Finally the authors designed and manufactured six patient clothes including one for male, one for female, two for common use in hospital, one for disable male dementia and one for disable female dementia. The developted clothes got high marks on beauty and symbolism in the evaluation by the experts. The design development of dementia patient clothes in this research will help the dementia patients` psychological comfortness and social protection.
Key Words
dementia patient clothing, 치매환자복, senior hospital clothes, 노인병원복, design development, 디자인 개발
A Study on CRM in Discount Store of Fashion Product (1) - Focus on Process of Relationship Construction - 대형할인점(大形割引店)에서의 패션 제품(製品) CRM에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (제1보(第1報)) -관계형성(關係形成) 과정(科程)을 중심(中心)으로-
이승희 Seung Hee Lee , 박수경 Soo Kyeong Park
11(1) 86-96, 2007
A Study on CRM in Discount Store of Fashion Product (1) - Focus on Process of Relationship Construction - 대형할인점(大形割引店)에서의 패션 제품(製品) CRM에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (제1보(第1報)) -관계형성(關係形成) 과정(科程)을 중심(中心)으로-
이승희 Seung Hee Lee , 박수경 Soo Kyeong Park
The purpose of this study was to examine which variables affect customer relationship management in discount store focusing on satisfaction, trust and commitment. A total of 360 participants who had purchased fashion products in discount store were used in this study. The data was analyzed by factor analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis using SPSS program. As the result, benefits, information, reputation, product, location, salesperson and price factor were extracted. The price, information, reputation, product and location variables had the effects on satisfaction, especially, price had the major effects on satisfaction. The satisfaction, information, salesperson, price and location had the effects on trust. The satisfaction, trust, information, benefits and product had the effects on commitment. The reputation variable had direct effect on relationship maintenance. Also, satisfaction, trust and commitment had the effects on relationship maintenance. Specifically commitment had higher effect on relationship maintenance than satisfaction and trust did. The results of this study would provide CRM marketing strategy for fashion marketers of discount store.
A Study on CRM in Discount Store of Fashion Product (2) - Focus on Customer`s Age - 대형할인점(大形割引店)에서의 패션 제품(製品) CRM에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (제2보(第2報)) -연령대(年齡代)의 차이(差異)를 중심(中心)으로-
이승희 Seung Hee Lee , 허송희 Song Hee Huh
11(1) 97-107, 2007
A Study on CRM in Discount Store of Fashion Product (2) - Focus on Customer`s Age - 대형할인점(大形割引店)에서의 패션 제품(製品) CRM에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (제2보(第2報)) -연령대(年齡代)의 차이(差異)를 중심(中心)으로-
이승희 Seung Hee Lee , 허송희 Song Hee Huh
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship structure in discount store focusing on age. Subjects for this study were 360 customers who had purchased fashion products in discount stores. For date analysis, x2-test and regression analysis were used. As the result, when comparing groups by the age, women in their 20s, 30s and 40s had ``relationship maintenance intention`` through satisfaction, trust and commitment. In the case of women in their 20s group, the information, reputation, product salesperson and price variables had the effects on satisfaction. The information, location, salesperson variable had direct effect on relationship maintenance. In the case of women in their 30s group, the benefits, information, reputation and price variables had the effects on satisfaction. And the information, salesperson variable had direct effect on relationship maintenance. In the case of women in their 40s group, the information, location and price variables had the effects on satisfaction. The reputation variable had direct effect on relationship maintenance. Based on these results, fashion marketing strategies of discount store would be suggested.
Body Types of Adult Males in the Ningbo Area of Zhejiang Province in China 중국(中國) 절강성(浙江省) 영파지역(寧波地域) 남성(男性)의 체형연구(體形硏究)
심부자 Boo Ja Shim
11(1) 108-124, 2007
Body Types of Adult Males in the Ningbo Area of Zhejiang Province in China 중국(中國) 절강성(浙江省) 영파지역(寧波地域) 남성(男性)의 체형연구(體形硏究)
심부자 Boo Ja Shim
Body measurement was held for the subjects of Chinese adult males in their 20s through 40s residing in the Ningbo area of Zhejiang Province in order to provide body type information and raise the fit of clothing products for the advancement into the Chinese market. The following sums up the analysis of body types based on body measurement: 1. Seven factors to compose body types were produced from the analysis of males in their 20s, explaining 76.07% of variables and representing 3 types according to cluster analysis. Type 1 was H-b and appeared as much as 32.14%. Type 2, semi X-d, was 40.81%, while Type 3, A-i, had 27.04%. 2. Eight body type composing factors were extracted from the analysis of men in their 30s and 40s. The factors explained 76.77% of all the variables and represented 4 types according to cluster analysis. Type 1, H-d, had the appearance rate of 18.47%; Type 2, H-b, 40.84%; Type 3, Y-i, 27.71%; and Type 4, semi X-s, 11.95%.
Key Words
Chinese adult males, 중국성인남성, body type, 체형, Zhejiang Province, 절강성, Ningbo, 닝보
Hand and Physical Properties of Mercerized Cotton Fabric using KES 머서화 가공(加工) 면직물(綿織物)의 KES에 의(依)한 물리적(物理的) 특성(特性)과 태(態)의변화(變化)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究)
최정임 Jeong Im Choi , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon
11(1) 125-135, 2007
Hand and Physical Properties of Mercerized Cotton Fabric using KES 머서화 가공(加工) 면직물(綿織物)의 KES에 의(依)한 물리적(物理的) 특성(特性)과 태(態)의변화(變化)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究)
최정임 Jeong Im Choi , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon
Each cotton fiber is a unicellular hair collected from the seed of cotton plant. The fiber contains many convolutions along its length. Mercer was the first to suggest caustic soda treatment of cotton in commercial application. Mercerization has been commercially used since Lowe`s suggestion to endow cotton with increased strength and affinity for dyes with additional properties such as fabric touch or luster. In this study, cotton fabric specimens were mercerized to investigate the changes in physical and mechanical properties pertaining to the hand or touch of fabrics. Physical properties were measured using the KES(Kawabata Evaluation System).
Effect of Dyeing Bath, Mordant and Chitosan Treatment on the Dyeing of Natural Cellulose Fiber Using African Marigold(Tagetes erecta L.) Petals Extract African marigold(Tagetes erecta L.) 생화(生花) 추출물(抽出物) 염색(染色)에서 염욕(染浴)의 pH, 매염제(媒染劑), Chitosan 처리(處理)가 섬유소섬유(纖維素纖維)의 염색성(染色性)에 미치는 영향(影響)
김경선 Kyung Sun Kim , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim
11(1) 136-148, 2007
Effect of Dyeing Bath, Mordant and Chitosan Treatment on the Dyeing of Natural Cellulose Fiber Using African Marigold(Tagetes erecta L.) Petals Extract African marigold(Tagetes erecta L.) 생화(生花) 추출물(抽出物) 염색(染色)에서 염욕(染浴)의 pH, 매염제(媒染劑), Chitosan 처리(處理)가 섬유소섬유(纖維素纖維)의 염색성(染色性)에 미치는 영향(影響)
김경선 Kyung Sun Kim , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim
African marigold is a common plant easily available in many flower beds. It has been reported as a practical and prospective resource of dyes since the dyes can be extracted from their bodies as well as petals. In this research, cotton and ramie fabrics which are made from natural cellulose were dyed using the extract of the African Marigold which is a variety of marigold. Dyeing tests were carried out under different pH of the dye solution and mordants. Dyeability was evaluated by examining and measuring surface color, K/S value, and the changes in the maximum absorption wavelength. The probability of improving dyeability was investigated by pre-mordanting with pre-treated chitosan. For the dyeing with marigold extract, the color tone did not differ by pre-mordanting and non-mordanting. Reaction with post-mordanting was excellent, which was colored in various yellow series. The best dyeability was achieved in dye solution of pH 6.5-7.0 which is not conditioned. The largest K/S value and color difference were obtained in tin mordanting. The dye uptake was greatly increased in chitosan pre-treated mordanting compared with the post-mordanting without chitosan pre-treatment. Due to its high heat resistance, African Marigold extract is easy for dye extraction and dyeing, and its dyeability is excellent for natural cellulose fibers. Also, colorfastness was proved to be practically usable.