2007 Summer Women`s Street Fashion in Shenyang, China
Soo Jeong Bae , Eun Hah Wee , Kyung Hee Jung
12(3) 1-15, 2008
2007 Summer Women`s Street Fashion in Shenyang, China
Soo Jeong Bae , Eun Hah Wee , Kyung Hee Jung
The purpose of this study is to analyze women`s street fashion in Shenyang and to understand the regional design preference. The city, Shenyang is not only known as the one of three major northeastern province in China, but also known as the city where large numbers of Korean fashion companies have launched in. The observation focused mainly on young/young adults and missy in Oe Market and ZungJie(中街) which are the most busy streets in Shenyang. A digital camera or a camcorder were used to take photos of these women. In addition, video captures or photos were analyzed by three fashion experts. Finally, the photos were classified by item and data was coded for statistics and reviewed through frequency and percentage. As a result, it was found that most young women in Shenyang liked to wear a casual style such as easy t-shirt, denim pants or skirt and a feminine style such as a one-piece dress in summer. Top items that were favoured by young women in Shenyang were t-shirts and blouse types, while they favoured to wear denim pants of indigo blue for bottom items. Frequently found colors among these womens` clothing were white, black, vivid blue, red and red purple. I strongly believe this study will provide basic but significant information for the establishment of design and marketing strategies to the Korean fashion brands, who is trying to access Chinese fashion market.
Key Words
street fashion, China, Young, Young adult, Missy
Theoretical Inquiry for the Study on Beauty Aesthetics -Centered on the hairstyle-
Seong Nam Kim , Hyun Jin Jung
12(3) 16-30, 2008
Theoretical Inquiry for the Study on Beauty Aesthetics -Centered on the hairstyle-
Seong Nam Kim , Hyun Jin Jung
The purpose of this study is to inquire into the necessity and problem of the study on beauty aesthetics, and the direction and method of its study theoretically by applying the concept of aesthetics to the beauty art as an attempt to build up aesthetic concepts of beauty art. As results of inquiry, the study on beauty aesthetics is essential for the adaptation to demands for the creativity of beauty art. As for problem of study on beauty aesthetics, it is necessary to conduct an aggregate study at various angles since the aesthetic value of beauty art (hairstyle) is realized by interaction of the social· cultural value or practical value and pure artistic value, and the unique cosmetic beauty of any era or nation·group·individual is created on the basis of hair designers and individual spirit, emotion and taste, etc. and its perceptual·aesthetic enjoyment is accomplished variously. As for the direction and method of study on beauty aesthetics, the quest with abstract·speculative self-examination into the beauty having its subjective meaning must be accomplished. This thesis would like to contribute to the building up of beauty industry field as beauty arts based on the aesthetics by successive coming forward of personnel for beauty who combine the aesthetic abilities meeting the diversified requirements of modern society and by improving the recognition of persons recognizing the beauty industry field as a technical field only.
Comparison Study on Brassiere Patterns for Chinese Adult Women -Focused on brassiere patterns of U.S., France, Italy-
Su Joung Cha , Hee Soon Sohn
12(3) 31-53, 2008
Comparison Study on Brassiere Patterns for Chinese Adult Women -Focused on brassiere patterns of U.S., France, Italy-
Su Joung Cha , Hee Soon Sohn
This study is to suggest a brassiere pattern suitable to the Chinese woman by recognizing the differences among the brassiere patterns of Europe, America and Italy by comparison. Collected data was analyzed by using SPSS 12.0. 1. If seeing the length of the ordinary brassiere`s wing in Korea, the mean is 31.02cm to be shorter than these 3 patterns. The length of a wing should be adjusted according to the degree of fabric`s elasticity. 2. The ESMOD type shows a high angle of 60° as the position of a shoulder strip is placed outward a lot compared with other patterns. 3. For the FIT and Marangoni types, the lengths of the inside and the external diameters show similarly to each other but the ESMOD type shows that its inside diameter is 7.5cm and external one is 9.6cm to have the difference of 2.1cm so that it is considered to put the bust together stronger than the others. 4. The cup circumference of the FIT pattern shows to be the biggest and that of the FIT pattern is the smallest. As the FIT pattern has the shape to wrap the side of the bust, it has large circumference but as it has a narrow angle of a dart, it seems to be fit to the woman with a small and flat bust. 5. For 1/2 of the nipple distance of the brassiere for the Korean adult women, it shows to be 6.12cm, much narrower than the patterns studied, and it is noticed that the ESMOD pattern is very similar to the brassier in the Korean market. 6. As the mean keeper height is 6.5cm, it is noticed that it is very similar to the brassier for the Korean adult women if comparing that the brassiere for the Korean adult has the keeper height of 6.5~8.6cm. The Marangoni pattern tends to have a little low and the ESMOD and FIT patterns have a ordinary measure.
Key Words
Brassiere, Pattern, ESMOD, FIT, Marangoni
Effect of Corrosion Conditions on the Luster Change of Metallic Yarns and Fabric -Analysis of Changes in Reflection and Transmission-
Hye Sun Shin , Jong Jun Kim , Dong Won Jeon
12(3) 54-61, 2008
Effect of Corrosion Conditions on the Luster Change of Metallic Yarns and Fabric -Analysis of Changes in Reflection and Transmission-
Hye Sun Shin , Jong Jun Kim , Dong Won Jeon
The glitter of lame fabrics containing the metallic yarns may further be altered by Na2CO3 aqueous solution at an elevated temperature. In this study, the effect of the corrosion treatment on the yarn luster was evaluated using image analysis. The alkaline solution treatment was found to be more effective on the aluminum-based specimens than on the silver-based specimens. It was found that corrosion percentage measurement based on the transmission analysis may provide reasonable quantitative index, even if the measurement relies on an indirect method. Based on the quantitative results, the alkaline treatment condition for the specific specimen would be optimized for a desired glitter modification.
A Comparative Study on the Sleeve Patterns of Women`s Costume of the 16th Century -Focus on the Joseon Dynasty and European Monarchy-
Eun Sun Chon
12(3) 62-71, 2008
A Comparative Study on the Sleeve Patterns of Women`s Costume of the 16th Century -Focus on the Joseon Dynasty and European Monarchy-
Eun Sun Chon
Costume elements are closely related with human living environment and also play an important role in the costume patterns. The East and the West have influenced and adopted each other`s culture through mutual trade, which are well reflected in costume patterns and textile patterns. These days world wide fashion shows the designs applying costume details of the East and the West, which is much affected by the orientalism. The purpose of this study is to compare the sleeve patterns which take an important part in women`s costume design of the Joseon Dynasty and the European Monarchy in the 16th century. Korean women`s costume showed sleeves in rectangular shape with same width and long length, together with cuffs. Later they changed to diagonal shape of getting narrower toward the wrist. Western women`s costume showed sleeves with puff and slash patterns. Then they were classified into French, British and Spanish styles which were getting narrower toward the wrist. Later they adopted the shape of leg of mutton which was puffed in middle and narrower toward the wrist. In Korea and Europe, they showed respective changes in sleeve patterns, but also similarity of getting narrower toward the wrist. The East and the West are now exchanging their culture in every aspect such as politics, economics and social matters. Costume fashion is not an exception. The characteristic designs of traditional costumes are shown on global fashion, which is influenced by the Orientalism.
Key Words
Joseon Dynasty, European Monarchy, Sleeves, Orientalism
A Study on Comparison of Upper Body Shapes and Types of Chinese Adult Women in Beijing and Shanghai -Focused on a Time-Series Analysis by Region and between Regions-
Hee Soon Sohn , Hee Kyung Chang
12(3) 72-86, 2008
A Study on Comparison of Upper Body Shapes and Types of Chinese Adult Women in Beijing and Shanghai -Focused on a Time-Series Analysis by Region and between Regions-
Hee Soon Sohn , Hee Kyung Chang
This study was aimed at providing some information about Chinese adult women`s body measurements and standard body types to the Korean apparel businesses who have advanced into the Chinese apparel markets, while endeavoring to localize their businesses, and thereby, conducing to development and production of women`s apparel well fitting the Chinese consumers in terms of measurements and shapes. To this end, the researchers sampled the Chinese adult women in Beijing and Shanghai aged between 19 and 20 and therewith, surveyed their upper body measurements and changes over time and thereupon, determined their standard body types.
Key Words
body measurements, comparison of body types, body shape
Effects of scalp treatment using combinational massage technique on human physiology
Gang Su Oh , Sung Nam Kim
12(3) 87-98, 2008
Effects of scalp treatment using combinational massage technique on human physiology
Gang Su Oh , Sung Nam Kim
The purposes of this study are to measure physiological reactions of human body according to the scalp treatment, a popularized service in beauty care industry and propose efficient ways of scalp treatment. To meet the goals, total 30 applicants without any medical history(5 males and 5 females in 20`s, 30`s and 40`s respectively) were informed on the purpose of experiment hereof and were investigated and received a 30-minute scalp treatment, which combines standardized scalp treatment massage technique proposed by KAT and ITF with another massage technique operated in the beauty salon run by the author of this paper. 5ml of blood samples were taken from each subject before and after the scalp treatment respectively and the blood sample was divided into 3 different tubes for analysis: 1) 2 ml for blood cell analysis, 2) 2ml for enzyme activity measurement, 3) 1ml for hormone level reading. In order to determine effects of scalp treatment on ALP, GOT, GPT, γ-GTP, WBC, RBC, Hb, Hct, Platelet, MCV, MCH and MCHC, all collected data were used for measuring respective levels of these blood substances by means of enzyme reaction measurement, enzyme activity measurement and automated hematology analyzer. Then, all measured data were analyzed through paired t-test using SPSS WIN 11.5. As a result, the scalp treatment is associated with improving hepatic function, facilitating blood circulation and helping blood coagulation and hemostasis in a effective way. Therefore, it would be necessary to conduct further studies on this subject related to anemia in the future.
Aesthetic Characteristic Study on Sportswear Uniform -Concentrating on Sportswear Uniform Applying Ensign Image-
Ho Sup Kan , Tae Hee Kim
12(3) 99-115, 2008
Aesthetic Characteristic Study on Sportswear Uniform -Concentrating on Sportswear Uniform Applying Ensign Image-
Ho Sup Kan , Tae Hee Kim
International exchange gets active in nations with the increase of Internet use and heading toward digital age. Thus the communication conveying image of nations effectively plays an important role in an international society. Sports events are regarded as important international exchange events and good opportunities for public relations of one`s own country and taken as tools of planting good images in other nations. This study surveyed the concept and history of uniform through the documents and previous studies in order to find the aesthetic characteristics of sportswear uniform applying the image of national ensign and investigates the origin and start time in Korea of selected 6 sports items. As a result of finding the expression way of ensign image and drawing the aesthetic characteristics by analyzing the use and variation of ensign colors, the use of colors other than ensign and reflection of ensign form in collected 60 sports uniforms, this study could draw the symbolical beauty, beauty of variation and beauty of brevity. First, symbolical beauty is the aesthetic characteristics expressing uniforms by using the pattern ensign symbolizes and ensign colors themselves or enlarging a part of ensign. Second, beauty of variation is the aesthetic characteristics creating geometrical new patterns in uniform through the distortion and exaggeration of ensign shape, or transforming the colors themselves of ensign. Third, beauty of brevity is the aesthetic characteristics using other colors only as decorative factor while applying the main colors of ensign to the most part of uniform, or unifying the uniforms with only one color of ensign. As a result of survey, the proportion of the symbolical beauty was highest in summer season and beauty of brevity and beauty of variation followed and the proportion of beauty of variation was highest and the symbolical beauty and beauty of brevity followed after that in winter season. This study found the way of expressing image of one`s own country in sports uniform through this article, expecting the exact recognition on sports uniform and the diversity of sports uniform design in which the images of the nation are expressed more variously.
Key Words
sportswear uniform, symbolical beauty, beauty of variation, beauty of brevity
The Distribution Condition and Clothing Construction Factors of the Working Clothes -Reference to the Changwon National Industrial Complex-
Gin Ah Park , Hye Won Park
12(3) 116-135, 2008
The Distribution Condition and Clothing Construction Factors of the Working Clothes -Reference to the Changwon National Industrial Complex-
Gin Ah Park , Hye Won Park
To investigate the actual distribution condition and clothing construction factors of the working clothes supplied to the Changwon national industrial complex, 5 major companies in machinery, automotive, industrial engineering, shipbuilding and rolling stock in the industrial complex located in Gyeongsangnam-Do were selected. The questionnaire designed for the research consisted of working clothes distribution policies in manufacturing industry and the actual conditions of the design facts, repair and maintenance of the working clothes, etc. The analysis of the clothing construction factors of the working clothes provided by 5 respondent companies were conducted in parallel. The results derived from the study were as follows: The basic types of working clothes were the blouson jacket and straight pants; safety equipments for manufacture were safety helmets, gloves, snickers, goggles, masks, ear caps, wristlets, leggings, apron, etc. The size-charts adopted by the participant companies were the small-medium-large and cm/inch measurement size systems. To solve wearer`s dissatisfaction with the garment fit, certain clothing construction factors were used, e.g.strap bands and the elastic band on a waist band. The types of fabrics used for the working clothes were mainly polyester/cotton and polyester/rayon blended ones. Moreover, to provide with more air permeability to wearers, the warp knit material was used to construct the lining and the armpit or back bodice slits. Lock, two-thread chain, safety, overedge stitches were applied with flat, lap felled, French, superimposed, lapped, bound and edge finishing seams to construct the working clothes selected.
Key Words
working clothes, safety equipment, distribution condition of the working clothes, clothing construction factors, stitch and seam types, working clothes materials
A Study on the Jacket Blocks for Adult Males according to their Somatotypes XS, YI, Yd, and AD
Jae Eun Jung
12(3) 136-152, 2008
A Study on the Jacket Blocks for Adult Males according to their Somatotypes XS, YI, Yd, and AD
Jae Eun Jung
The purpose of this study was to provide dress forms and jacket blocks for adult males based on the analysis of their somatotypes. As the result of the research conducted for this study that was based on 1290 males of 20 to 54 years-old, the shapes of adult male were 20 and each body shape was classified by size factor, height and chest girth. Also, master sizes were selected considering appearance frequency. XS type (master size: height 165cm and chest circumference 88cm), Yd type (master size: height 170cm and chest circumference 91cm), YI and AD2 types (master size: height 170cm and chest circumference 94cm) were selected to develop dress forms and their jacket blocks in this study. The procedure and results were follows; 1. The dress forms of XS, Yd, YI and AD2 types were produced base on means of 61 body measurements and cross sections of shoulder, chest, waist, hip of subjects belong to each somatotype. 2. New jacket blocks for XS, Yd, YI and AD2 types were developed based on the body surface developments through draping and the results of comparative investigation on the existing jacket blocks by wearing test. Also the drafting methods of new jacket blocks were provided. 3. The sensory evaluation by wearing test showed that the developed jacket blocks were estimated more highly in terms of chest`s allowance, the front width`s allowance, neck wrinkle, front allowance and overall appearance`s fitness items than existing jacket blocks.
Key Words
the body shape and size, somatotype, XS, Yd, YI and AD2 types, dress form, jacket block, wearing test
Research on the Status of Domestic Wedding Industry -Focusing on Dress, Studios, Makeup Firms-
Kyeong Seob Shin
12(3) 153-166, 2008
Research on the Status of Domestic Wedding Industry -Focusing on Dress, Studios, Makeup Firms-
Kyeong Seob Shin
The purpose of this research is to analyze the overall process of the wedding industry -arranging domestic wedding firms and formulating a database related to the business. Simultaneously, with all the data in hand the research attempts to seek flaws within the wedding industry and tries to offer solutions to revitalize the industrial section. Because the list of articles is enormously expansive, for the purpose of basic research, objects have been selected according to the process presented below. Wedding-product firms have been classified within the boundaries of dresses, studios, and makeup firms; distributing channels are mainly focused on wedding planners and related-consulting firms; related departments of universities and wedding organizations are illustrated as well. Due to the unorganized system of this particular field, the research process has been conducted with materials from personal experiences, newspapers, magazines, Internet websites, documents, and interviews with wedding-related firms and organizations, and professors. As a result, over 13 subjects which formulate a market structure of over 30trillion won. However, due to lack of systemization of the industry, as it expands, numerous problems occur. Excessive competition between wedding-consulting firms and the lack of reliable education for wedding planners, unnecessary external investment and the lack of product research, false Information from the Internet puts the entire industry in a inefficient position. Organizations such as Korea Traditional clothes Industrial Union, Korea Wedding Consulting Association, Korea Martial Industrial Promotion Association(KOMIPA) etc, are made to seek for solutions. For the wedding industry to revitalize, wedding-product firms, wedding planners and consulting firms must maintain an organic relationship every season. They must systemize a proper distribution system, with wedding-product companies enhancing the quality of products, wedding planners organizing wedding plans with responsibility, and consulting firms focusing not only on profits. In order to make high-valued products, wedding-product companies must put their greatest effort in producing talented minds, and universities with related departments must do so as well. In other words, the industrial and educational section of our society must cooperate through a sophisticated system. In addition, related organizations must act to receive governmental support in order to support the industry.
A Qualitative Study on Customer Management and Response of Apparel Shop Masters
Eun Young Jang
12(3) 167-174, 2008
A Qualitative Study on Customer Management and Response of Apparel Shop Masters
Eun Young Jang
The purpose of this study was to categorize customers types in accordance with current shop masters` perception of difficult customers and to identify their responding techniques and know-hows in dealing with those customers in detail, a qualitative study is carried out by conducting thorough interviews with the shop masters. The interview contained questions on occupational hold-ups of shop masters, types of hard-to-handle customers, techniques in handling difficult customers, their know-hows in customer managements and what they perceived as the qualities of a shop master. T The results were as follows: 1) Customers who are perceived as difficult by shop masters are categorized into six types, making unreasonable demands, pointing out product defects, disregarding salespersons, making no purchase after testing products, having no personality and having no response. 2) Responding techniques for difficult customers were categorized into three types, ``active response``, ``standby`` and ``polite refusal``. 3)The result from the question on know-hows of shop masters in customer management can be divided into 4 groups, providing special treatment or information, building one-to-one relationship with the customer, suggesting garments in accordance with the customer`s taste and providing friendly customer service. 4) For the question on perceived qualities as a shop master, individual quality, customer management capacity, work experience and occupational knowledge were answered.
Key Words
shop masters, Customer management, Responding techniques, Qualitative study