A Comparative Analysis of Street Fashion Styles in Korea and China, For Successful Launching into Chinese Fashion Market -Focusing on the Seoul and Dalian- 중국 패션시장의 성공적 진입을 위한 한,중 스트리트 패션스타일 비교,분석 -서울시와 대련시의 비교를 중심으로-
배수정 Soo Jeong Bae , 오현아 Hyun A Oh
13(4) 1-20, 2009
A Comparative Analysis of Street Fashion Styles in Korea and China, For Successful Launching into Chinese Fashion Market -Focusing on the Seoul and Dalian- 중국 패션시장의 성공적 진입을 위한 한,중 스트리트 패션스타일 비교,분석 -서울시와 대련시의 비교를 중심으로-
배수정 Soo Jeong Bae , 오현아 Hyun A Oh
The main investigation of this thesis is about the comparative analysis of the fashion style preferences in the ages of 20-30 women, according to the style, by researching the area of Dalian and Seoul, represented as outstanding fashion cities in north eastern area. Both taking pictures and recording camcoders were performed at the famous fashion street in Seoul and Dalian. The period of investigation was from 24th of July to 2nd of August 2008. The result of research are as follows. Generally, the casual style was predominant in both area. The jean casual in Seoul was somewhat tidy and conservative, while that in Dalian showed the tendency of boldly exposed their body. In terms of easy casual, T-shirts and mini-tight skirt were preferred in Seoul, while T-shirts and midi-flare skirt was popular in Dalian. In Seoul, the blouse and mini skirt were in vogue, while one-piece dress, blouse and 5/7/9 length pants were prevalent in Dalian, in case of romantic style. The sports casual was relatively low in frequency in both areas, however, it was relatively more popular in Dalian than in Seoul. The frequency of classic style was similar in both areas. The T-shirts/blouse and Chanel-line skirt were preferred in Seoul, while the combination of jacket/shirts and full-length straight pants were preferred in Dalian. The one-piece dress was predominant in feminine style, the combination of mini one-piece dress and shoulder bag prevalent in Seoul, while the combination of Chanel-line one-piece dress designed as boldly exposed body was popular in Dalian, which shows the tendency of sexy, feminine style. The clear contrast or differences of street styles in Seoul and Dalian would become evident by this research. The continuous investigations into the various regions of China would be expected as an important measure for the successful launching into the Chinese fashion market.
Key Words
Chinese Fashion Market, 중국패션시장, Fashion Style, 패션스타일, Street Fashion, 스트리트패션
Practice of Fashion Color Planning -Focus on Color Images of the Bloomsbury Group Paintings for a Color Plan of Company D- 패션 색채기획의 실제 -"D"사(社)색채기획을 위한 Bloomsbury Group 회화의 색채 이미지를 중심으로-
한승희 Seung Hee Han , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
13(4) 21-36, 2009
Practice of Fashion Color Planning -Focus on Color Images of the Bloomsbury Group Paintings for a Color Plan of Company D- 패션 색채기획의 실제 -"D"사(社)색채기획을 위한 Bloomsbury Group 회화의 색채 이미지를 중심으로-
한승희 Seung Hee Han , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
The objective of the study is to create color plan for company D based on color images of the Bloomsbury Group paintings, which is an art institute based in Bloomsbury, London, a hometown of the company, to renew the traditional brand image of the company by blending fashion and art. This study analyzed `D`s previous F/W Color planning from 2003 to 2007 through NCS to understand characteristics of company D`s color planning. It considered company D`s color renewal concept by looking into Bloomsbury Group`s backgrounds and pieces. Based on 2008-2009 F/W color trend and the analysis result, the study suggests a color plan with reference to a case study of the company D, for which I work as a colorist. The color renewal of the company D for 2008-2009 F/W season was categorized into theme Ⅰ. Bloomsbury and theme Ⅱ. Charleston for planning. The following table summarizes the result of 2008-2009 F/W season color plan with focus on development of new check and print patterns. The significance of the study can be found in that it advanced beyond the color planning stage to be applied to the actual renewal. Through a renewal of an existing brand, a fashion brand can be revitalized to have distinguished competitiveness.
Key Words
color planning, 색채 기획, NCS, 자연색체계, traditional, 전통적인
Intellectual Property Rights Analysis of 3D Avatars for Ubiquitous Fashion Business 유비쿼터스 패션 비즈니스를 위한 3차원 Avatar의 지적재산권 분석
박하진 Ha Jin Park , 장수현 Sue Hyun Chang , 박창규 Chang Kyu Park
13(4) 37-50, 2009
Intellectual Property Rights Analysis of 3D Avatars for Ubiquitous Fashion Business 유비쿼터스 패션 비즈니스를 위한 3차원 Avatar의 지적재산권 분석
박하진 Ha Jin Park , 장수현 Sue Hyun Chang , 박창규 Chang Kyu Park
Recently, as individual 3D avatars are rapidly generalized in internet sites, its commercial applications for fashion business are being tried in ubiquitous fashion shopping era. In this research, we have investigated and analyzed patent problems of 3D avatar including personal body data to activate the fashion business using 3D avatars. Here, considering the patents for 3D face and body generation methods are already published, this research is focused on whole 3D body avatar obtained from individual body information. Firstly, definition of 3D avatar and its application cases have been investigated and then it has been researched whether or not legal protections by patent law, copyright law, computer program protection law, design protection law and fair competition laws are feasible in view of the subjects to be protected in each law and requirements for such protections. It was revealed that patent law may provide legal protections for 3D avatar and domestic and foreign patents related to 3D avatar have been researched.
Effects of Service Experience and Brand Reputation on Intention by Word of Mouth: Focused on Beauty Salon Service 서비스 경험과 브랜드 명성이 구전의도에 미치는 영향: 미용실서비스를 중심으로
고성현 Sung Hyun Ko , 여준상 Jun Sang Yeo
13(4) 51-59, 2009
Effects of Service Experience and Brand Reputation on Intention by Word of Mouth: Focused on Beauty Salon Service 서비스 경험과 브랜드 명성이 구전의도에 미치는 영향: 미용실서비스를 중심으로
고성현 Sung Hyun Ko , 여준상 Jun Sang Yeo
The purpose of this research is to investigate the influences of service experience and brand reputation on intention by word of mouth(WOM) when consumers get experiences at beauty salon. We made 2(valence of service experience: positive/negative)×2(brand reputation level: high/low) subjects experimental design in order to find reason that there is a significant difference of intention by word of the mouth between positive experience condition and negative experience condition. Also we tried to find the interaction of two factors. To test our hypothesis, an experiment was performed on 68 university students in seoul area. Specifically, we used 2-way ANOVA and planned contrast method through SPSS 12.0 procedure. As a result, a two-way ANOVA demonstrated a significant main effect of service experience, which means that people more intend to make WOM when they experience a negative service than a positive service. Also the ANOVA showed a significant interaction effect between service experience and brand reputation, which represents that people more intend to make WOM for high-reputed(low-reputed) brand than low-reputed(high-reputed) brand when they encounter negative(positive) services.
Key Words
Service Experience, 서비스경험, Brand Reputation, 브랜드명성, Word of Mouth, 구전, Beauty Salon Service, 미용실서비스
A Study on Fusionization of Woman Characters in Fusion Traditional Drama 사극드라마의 여자캐릭터의 분장특성 연구
김유경 Yu Gyoung Kim , 조진아 Ji Na Cho
13(4) 60-76, 2009
A Study on Fusionization of Woman Characters in Fusion Traditional Drama 사극드라마의 여자캐릭터의 분장특성 연구
김유경 Yu Gyoung Kim , 조진아 Ji Na Cho
Expression of woman characters in fusion traditional dramas plays a role of making the progress of dramas not bigoted and new. Especially, woman characters have a high weight as a heroine by an increase in their image in fusion traditional dramas. Expression of characters harmonizing modern with tradition has also given a help in reflecting a trend of the present times. Hair style and face makeup of woman characters in fusion traditional dramas are in the process of fusionization getting an effect from postmodernism. They are expressing the hair style of symbolization modern elements of hair style to traditional hair styles. They also expressed a neutral image with faded hair styles in the shaggy cut style and dye of neoplaticism. Neo-hippie style was changed into the style of naturalism and nationalism and the hair style braided in various branches as the one of Indians was changed into a primitive and national feature. It is producing a new style by permitting even a long-hair permanent wave hair style. Expression of straight hair style, a long-hair shaggy & bulging wave style and a hair style of neoplaticism, was distinguished. In the side of face makeup, they expressed its luxurious and splendid style by attaching great importance to its luster and are exposing images of characters by a smoky makeup emphasizing eye lines. Their face makeup was almost never separated from present dramas as using pearl shadow in a glossy lips makeup and color, which made it possible to express it more dramatically in fusion traditional dramas than in present dramas. In the event of the makeup element of fusion traditional dramas permitting diversity, the character makeup of fusion traditional dramas made a foundation to show people diverse elements of makeup by mix & match a present elements and past elements of historical research, which made it possible to express a unique makeup or a special makeup. Diverse makeup expressions were limited by reflection of illumination even in the existing videos. Therefore, `Fusion` made it possible to express it more freely in fusion traditional dramas than in present dramas.
Key Words
Fusion Traditional Drama, 퓨전사극, Expression of Characters, 캐릭터 표현, Postmodernism, 포스트모더니즘
Family Variables affecting Compulsive Buying Behavior on Fashion Products 강박구매행동에 영향을 미치는 가족변인에 관한 연구: 패션제품을 중심으로
이승희 Seung Hee Lee
13(4) 77-84, 2009
Family Variables affecting Compulsive Buying Behavior on Fashion Products 강박구매행동에 영향을 미치는 가족변인에 관한 연구: 패션제품을 중심으로
이승희 Seung Hee Lee
The purpose of this study was to examine family factors affecting compulsive buying behavior. Three hundred fifty-five female college students who had purchased fashion products through Internet shopping or TV home shopping participated in this study. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, t-test, multiple regression, and reliability test. As the results, approximately 18% of respondents were revealed as compulsive buyers. Compulsive consumption scores were correlated to higher previous childhood consumption experience, family matters, parents` compulsive consumption tendency, and reference group. Also, results of multiple regression revealed that previous childhood consumption experience, parents` compulsive consumption tendency, and reference group were significantly related to compulsive buying, Finally, there were significantly differences between compulsive buyers and non-compulsive buyers on previous childhood consumption experiences, parents` compulsive consumption tendency, and reference group. Based on these results, this study would provide significant implications to academic scholars, consumer policy decision makers, and marketers.
Key Words
compulsive buying, 강박구매, family factors, 가족요인, Internet shopping, 인터넷쇼핑, TV home shopping, TV 홈쇼핑, fashion products, 패션제품
An Analysis of Trend Acceptance of Clothing Items at an Internet Shopping Mall specializing in Fashion -Focusing on 08 S/S Season- 인터넷 패션 전문 쇼핑몰 의류제품의 트렌드 수용분석 -08 S/S 시즌 여성복 중심으로-
이유미 Yoo Mi Lee , 정삼호 Sham Ho Chung
13(4) 85-98, 2009
An Analysis of Trend Acceptance of Clothing Items at an Internet Shopping Mall specializing in Fashion -Focusing on 08 S/S Season- 인터넷 패션 전문 쇼핑몰 의류제품의 트렌드 수용분석 -08 S/S 시즌 여성복 중심으로-
이유미 Yoo Mi Lee , 정삼호 Sham Ho Chung
Advance development of the internet has brought significant changes to the distribution structure of the fashion industry, resulting in decreased sales in Road shops and sudden growth of online fashion specialty shopping malls. As detailed analysis on internet fashion shopping malls is necessary in order to make a future projection on changes in the fashion industry, this thesis aims to study the color, fabric/pattern, silhouette, item/detail, image, etc of 2008 S/S apparel fashion style sold in the top ten shopping malls, selected in terms of sales volume and awareness. The results were further analyzed to characterize each individual shopping malls, upon which the design was compared with the five main trends for the season provided by three fashion research agencies in order to study the level of trend acceptance. Studies showed that `Romantic Sake` trend was most widely accepted, followed by `Eco Nature` which most reflected the characteristics of Spring. `Modern Ethenic` trend was most aggressively accepted at more upscale shopping malls targeting older demographic, while `Play Urban` was highly accepted by shopping malls specializing in young casual. Due to the disadvantage of not being able to try on the items before purchase, styles following the `City Luxe` trend featuring fitted suits showed the lowest trend acceptance. Amongst the design elements, color was most widely accepted.
Key Words
fashion, 유행, internet fashion shopping mall, 인터넷 패션 쇼핑몰, trend, 유행 경향, shopping mall website, 쇼핑몰 웹사이트, design character, 디자인 특성
A Study on the Women`s Clothing Image According to Their Body Image 성인여성들의 신체이미지에 따른 의복이미지
김용숙 Yong Sook Kim
13(4) 99-111, 2009
A Study on the Women`s Clothing Image According to Their Body Image 성인여성들의 신체이미지에 따른 의복이미지
김용숙 Yong Sook Kim
The purpose of this study was to identify women`s clothing image according to their body image. Self-administered questionnaires were used for data collection. The results were as followed: First, the body image was shown in three dimensions of care for appearance, concern about weight, and appearance attractiveness. And clothing image was shown in seven dimensions of gorgeousness, beauty, sophistication, comfort, confidence, neatness, and feminity. Second, women were segmented into interest in appearance attractiveness group, body image intermediate group, appearance & weight concern group, and body image retard group. Interest in appearance attractiveness group and appearance & weight concern group were found frequently among women in 20s and students or unmarried women, preferred for gorgeousness and feminity of clothing more, and enjoyed internet shopping. Appearance & weight concern group was heavier than interest in appearance attractiveness group. Body image intermediate group were found frequently among women of lower education, and shopped at stores. Third, younger unmarried women preferred for beauty, confidence, and feminity of clothing image and older women preferred for comfort more. Women who preferred for beauty and sophistication of clothing image shopped at internet shopping mall more frequently.
Key Words
body image, 신체이미지, clothing image, 의복이미지
A study on the Cheoyongmu`s costume of the paintings of Banquets during the Choseon dynasty -Focusing on the Comparison of the Cheoyongmu`s costume in Akhakgwebeom- 조선시대 연회도에 나타난 "처용무" 복식 -『악학궤범』처용무 복식과의 비교를 중심으로-
김문자 Moon Ja Kim
13(4) 112-123, 2009
A study on the Cheoyongmu`s costume of the paintings of Banquets during the Choseon dynasty -Focusing on the Comparison of the Cheoyongmu`s costume in Akhakgwebeom- 조선시대 연회도에 나타난 "처용무" 복식 -『악학궤범』처용무 복식과의 비교를 중심으로-
김문자 Moon Ja Kim
The -purpose of this study is to examines the Cheoyongmu`s costume of the paintings of Banquets during the Choseon dynasty focusing on the Comparison of the Cheoyongmu`s costume in Akhakgwebeom. The method of the study is the literature analysis closely the occurrence, feature, and function of the Cheoyongmu by analyzing the costume process of transition of the eras was analyzed into the function and feature. The research was done by comparing and analyzing the difference of the costume in Akhakgwebeom. In term of difference, of the Cheoyongmu`s costume of the paintings of Banquets and Akhakgwebeom had the shape and colour. In headgear, Samo(:紗帽) or Bokdu(:복頭) was worn and the flower decoration on the Samo and Ui(:衣)was different pattern. The Gilgyong(:吉慶) was not worn. Hye(:鞋) and Hwa(:靴) was worn and the colour of Hwa was different.
A Comparative Analysis of the Lower Body Trunk for Men`s Slacks Pattern Design according to by Age-groups -Focused on Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province- 중국 남성의 슬랙스 패턴설계를 위한 연령층별 하반신 체간부 비교 분석 -절강성 영파 지역을 중심으로-
서추연 Chu Yeon Suh , 이소영 So Young Lee , 심부자 Boo Ja Shim
13(4) 124-136, 2009
A Comparative Analysis of the Lower Body Trunk for Men`s Slacks Pattern Design according to by Age-groups -Focused on Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province- 중국 남성의 슬랙스 패턴설계를 위한 연령층별 하반신 체간부 비교 분석 -절강성 영파 지역을 중심으로-
서추연 Chu Yeon Suh , 이소영 So Young Lee , 심부자 Boo Ja Shim
This study was focused on classifying lower-body trunk and revealing the lower-body characteristics of the Chinese males in their 20s through 40s for their slacks pattern design. Compared with the 20s, the subjects in their 30s and 40s had small vertical and big horizontal sizes and showed a somatotype difference through a horizontal change. According to the size of absolute values, the lower body of Chinese men was "tall and normal trunk"(43.9%). Based on the shape of index values, Type 3(40.3%) was representative with average hip-surface length, waist-hip width difference and long upper hip. While Type 3 was seen a lot in the 20s(51.8%), 30s and 40s were each represented by Type 2(47.1%) with the smallest waist-hip width difference, average upper hip, and long hip-surface length and Type 1(45.9%) with small waist-hip width difference, average upper hip, and short hip-surface length. As this study is confined to Ningbo City of Zhejiang Province and has a small number of subjects, the generalization of the findings should be more serious. Further research will be centered on the development of slacks patterns in consideration of the body type changes.
Key Words
Chinese males, 중국 남성, index values, 지수치, absolute values, 절대치, shape classification, 형태유형, size classification, 크기유형
Development of Jacket Pattern for Muscular Men 근육형 남성용 재킷 패턴설계
정혜진 Hye Jin Jeong , 김소라 So Ra Kim
13(4) 137-153, 2009
Development of Jacket Pattern for Muscular Men 근육형 남성용 재킷 패턴설계
정혜진 Hye Jin Jeong , 김소라 So Ra Kim
Recently, young men have become more muscular as they become more interested in physical figure. However, most of these muscular men have fit problems regarding ready-made clothes. In view of this, this study aimed to develop a prototype jacket pattern for muscular men. For this study, five muscular men were selected to put on existing jacket pattern for wearing tests. The regression formula, in which muscular men body measures were adopted, was applied to unsuitable parts, especially the areas determined not to be appropriate in the evaluation of existing jacket pattern wearing tests. After the first and the second jacket pattern wearing tests, the final jacket pattern suitable for muscular men was developed. The results of the study were as follows: In order to make up for the problem of the loosening of the lapel area, due to the development of the chest muscle, the chest circumference line on the chest area of the pattern was cut to be 1.0cm wide; thus, the front length was modified with an increase. The wearing tests found that a wearers felt discomfort from the tight armhole area, so the armhole depth was set to be a little lower than that of ready-made clothes. A muscular men needs much more extra quantity in this area because the upper part of the back side is projected due to the greater development of the trapezius muscle and the deltoid than in average men. Hence, concerning the standard line for the length of the back interscye, ease of 1.0cm was added to the regression equation formula {(0.371×chest circumference+3.145)/2} in order to resolve the discomfort with the back area. Also, for the biacromion length, the upper arm protruded more than the shoulder point of the jacket because of the development of the deltoid and the upper arm muscle, and it was set to be wider than the actual shoulder. In order to solve the problem of discomfort from the narrow neck area during the wearing of a jacket owing to the development of the trapezius muscle, extra ease of 0.5cm was added to chest circumference/12-0.5cm in the existing jacket prototype to the width of back of the neck, and it was corrected to be chest circumference/12.
The Advertising Effects of Fashion Sexual Appeal Advertising 패션 성적소구광고의 광고효과에 관한 연구
이승희 Seung Hee Lee
13(4) 154-162, 2009
The Advertising Effects of Fashion Sexual Appeal Advertising 패션 성적소구광고의 광고효과에 관한 연구
이승희 Seung Hee Lee
The purpose of this study was to examine if there are the differences in advertising effects among three fashion sexual advertisements in terms of sexual appeal levels(high/medium/low). Through three pre-tests, three stimuli were chosen for this study. Three hundred female college students in Seoul participated in this study. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, factor analysis, ANOVA analysis, and reliability test were used. The results were as follows: First, from the factor analysis on advertising attitudes, three factors such as emotional, behavioral, and cognitive factors were produced. Second, there were significant differences in three sexual appeal levels among three advertising attitude factors. Third, there was also a significant difference in three sexual appeal levels on brand attitude. Finally, there was not a significant difference in the sexual appeal levels on purchase intention. Based on these results, this study would provide significant and efficient fashion advertising strategies to fashion advertising marketers and advertisement creators as implications.
The Characteristics of Headwear Design by John Galliano`s Collections 존 갈리아노의 콜렉션에 나타난 헤드웨어의 디자인 특성
성광숙 Kwang Sook Sung
13(4) 163-177, 2009
The Characteristics of Headwear Design by John Galliano`s Collections 존 갈리아노의 콜렉션에 나타난 헤드웨어의 디자인 특성
성광숙 Kwang Sook Sung
In this study, the characteristics of headwear design by John Galliano`s collections had been placed under the interpreting the immanent characteristics of presented in external things. His headwear design was found to have following characteristics; ethnic forms, historical forms, natural modeling forms, artifical forms, false hair forms and abstract forms. And his headwear design was found to have folling immanent characteristics; expaned exaggeration, introduced into existing form and reconstruction, mixed with different motives, change of texture, introducing and parody by natural and artifical form, pure abstracted construction. Furthermore, it can be identified that immanent characteristics and external things are mutually linked.
Key Words
Headwear, 헤드웨어, John Galliano, 존 갈리아노, Characteristics of Design, 디자인 특성
A Study on Fashion Design with Geometric Pattern by Linear Type -Focusing on Digital Textile Printing- 선의 형태에 의한 기하학무늬 패션디자인 개발 -디지털 텍스타일 프린팅 기법을 중심으로-
오윤정 Yun Jeong Oh
13(4) 178-190, 2009
A Study on Fashion Design with Geometric Pattern by Linear Type -Focusing on Digital Textile Printing- 선의 형태에 의한 기하학무늬 패션디자인 개발 -디지털 텍스타일 프린팅 기법을 중심으로-
오윤정 Yun Jeong Oh
The purpose of this study is to make reference for geometric fashion by investigating geometric patterns by linear types and to propose high value added print and fashion design by designing and producing geometric prints and apparel with them focusing on digital textile printing. As a method of the study, visual and textural data were investigated for theory of geometric pattern and fashion design samples were illustrated. The geometric pattern could be defined as abstract pattern which was crossed with straight line or curve. We could group it into three classes such as straight linear, curved, and mixed type. Images varied with linear types. The image of straight linear type was sharp and modern, that of curved one was soft and feminine and that of mixed one was gorgeous and artistic. And then, 3 geometric prints and 3 one-pieces were designed. The concept of design was simple optimism which was based on sixties. Target was young optimistic women group from the mid teens to the mid twenties who continued to seek after their unique individuality keeping their modern lifestyle. Geometric patterns with straight linear, curved, and mixed type were designed and dresses which went well with them were designed and produced. According to the result of this study, images of geometric fashion can be represented diversely by varying linear type, digital textile printing is good method for high value added geometric fashion because of its high quality and degree of sensitivity, and geometric pattern is a good source for contemporary fashion.