Innovation System Module for Ethics Management of Fashion Industry: Focused on Ethics Values between Consumers and Entrepreneurs 패션 기업의 윤리경영을 위한 혁신시스템 Module 개발 : 소비자와 업체인의 윤리의식을 중심으로
이승희 Seung Hee Lee
14(1) 1-10, 2010
Innovation System Module for Ethics Management of Fashion Industry: Focused on Ethics Values between Consumers and Entrepreneurs 패션 기업의 윤리경영을 위한 혁신시스템 Module 개발 : 소비자와 업체인의 윤리의식을 중심으로
이승희 Seung Hee Lee
The purposes of this study were to examine effects of individual`s ethics on corporation ethics and corporation ethics management and perception for corporation ethics management innovation system, and to compare consumers` and entrepreneurs` perceptions toward innovation system for ethics management in fashion industry. The subject used for this study were 260 subjects (117 consumer and 143 entrepreneurs). For data analysis, descriptive statistics, Pearson`s correlations, Cronbach`s alpha, regression, and t-test were used. As the results, first, ethic values on idealism and machiavellism significantly influenced on the business ethics. Business ethics also affected on business ethics management. In addition, business ethics management influenced on perception for ethics management innovation system. Finally, there were significant differences between consumers and entrepeneurs on perceptions toward innovation system for ethics management. Based on these results, prevention marketing strategies of counterfeit goods would be provided.
Key Words
윤리의식, 윤리경영, 패션기업, Ethics values, Ethics management, Fashion industry, 기업윤리, 혁신시스템, Business Ethics, Innovation system
A study for female college students of somatotype and MBTI personality type 여대생의 체형과 MBTI 성격유형에 관한 연구
김진아 Jin Ah Kim , 이정란 Jeong Ran Lee
14(1) 11-26, 2010
A study for female college students of somatotype and MBTI personality type 여대생의 체형과 MBTI 성격유형에 관한 연구
김진아 Jin Ah Kim , 이정란 Jeong Ran Lee
This study was carried out using personal measurement for female college students who have a great interest in fashion at 20-24 age, and examined somatotype character. As a means of a character type test, the grades were laid by using MBTI which proved to be objective, and relativity between character types was laid by conducting correlation analysis. The conclusions which can be drawn from this study are as followed. 1. In 4 preference index, which was classified by MBTI, Sensing(S) type was the highest of 17.27% at the average and 68.5% at the distribution rate each. The average of Extraversion(E) type was 14.56% and it`s distribution rate was 64.5%. Index of types were: Intuition(N) 12.49%, Introversion(I) 11.75%, Perceiving(P) 12.50%. Average distribution rate of each types were: N 31.5%, I 35.5%, P 40.3%. And average of Sensing(S) type was the lowest, 11.09%. Like American Students, the subjects of this study showed higher in the E type than in the I type. The distribution rate of 16 character types of MBTI were: ESTJ 18.5%, ESFP 13.7%, ISTJ and ESFJ 9.7%. But INTP and INFP were low, 2.4% and 0.8%. 2. Average sizes of subjects for this study were: height 160.49cm, weight 51.83kg, bust 83.22cm, waist 65.49cm, hips 90.70cm. As compared with measurement of women at 20-24 age of Size Korea(2004), the subjects of this study showed less, about 0.2-5cm in height, 0.2-2cm in circumference except in waist, and 0.5-3.6cm in length. 3. After examining the relativity between personal measurement categories of the subjects and character type through the MBTI, Extraversion(E) type showed inverse correlation in stature, height, biacromial breadth, and subcutaneous fat thickness of posterior iliospinale. Contrary to the E type, the Introversion(I) type showed positive correlation. Sensing(S) type showed inverse correlation only in biacromial breadth, Intuition(N) type showed positive correlation in most categories including height, width and the subcutaneous fat thickness. Thinking(T) type showed positive correlation in bust point-bust point, chest depth and hip width. Feeling(F) type, on the other hand, showed inverse correlation. The Judging(J) type showed inverse correlation in stature, height, length and the parts of chest. In contrast, Perceiving(P) type showed positive correlation in other categories including biacromial breadth, same as the J type.
Color Symbol of Costume -focusing on Renaissance Italian Costume- 복식에 나타난 색채상징 -르네상스기의 이탈리아 복식을 중심으로-
이경희 Kyung Hee Lee
14(1) 27-42, 2010
Color Symbol of Costume -focusing on Renaissance Italian Costume- 복식에 나타난 색채상징 -르네상스기의 이탈리아 복식을 중심으로-
이경희 Kyung Hee Lee
It was in the fifteenth century in Italy that men began to talk of a rebirth in the arts and literature. Today we consider the period to belong to the Renaissance. We noticed the splendour of costume and the important role it played, in the life of Italian society in that period. From elsewhere in Europe and also from the East, dyestuffs came to Italy overland or in shiploads. Red and blue, notably kermes and madder on the one hand, and indigo and woad on the other were fundamental textile dyes in Italy. Saffron was used for yellows, oak galls for blacks. Renaissance Italian costumes` main color symbolized various meaning. Red symbolized high rank, affection, lady, redemption and various cardinal virtueses. Yellow was evaded color which was symbolized the lower class, betrayal, and gold. Green symbolized penniless, youthfulness, hope and love. Blue symbolized humbleness, sincerity, knowledge and the Madonna. Purple symbolized nobility, vice and various meanings. Black symbolized death, grief, beauty and elegance. These color symbols in the Renaissance Italian costumes were very similar to that of modern color symbols.
Key Words
색채상징, 르네상스 이탈리아 복식, color symbol, Renaissance Italian costume, 적색과 황색, 녹색과 청색, red and yellow, green and blue, purple and black, 자색과 흑색
A Study on Assessment of Face Image with Color Correction of Base Makeup -Focussed on the complementary color contrast- 베이스 메이크업의 컬러보정을 통한 얼굴이미지 상승효과에 관한 연구 -보색대비를 중심으로-
방기정 Kee Jung Barng , 김경희 Kyung Hee Kim , 문윤경 Yung Kyung Mun
14(1) 43-56, 2010
A Study on Assessment of Face Image with Color Correction of Base Makeup -Focussed on the complementary color contrast- 베이스 메이크업의 컬러보정을 통한 얼굴이미지 상승효과에 관한 연구 -보색대비를 중심으로-
방기정 Kee Jung Barng , 김경희 Kyung Hee Kim , 문윤경 Yung Kyung Mun
In the modern 21st century society, the personal image is considered to be very important. As a result, the importance of presenting one`s personal image through personal color in fashion and beauty related fields are increasing, and is the most realistic and practical field of color. When the color of the wardrobe and the skin color are in disharmony, that disharmony becomes the source of the lines and wrinkles that appear on one`s face, resulting in shades. The boundary that is created when the color of the wardrobe and the skin color are in disharmony, it works negatively on one`s image. When color arrangements are close or similar (in harmony) or are in complementary color arrangements or in strong contrasting state (contrasting harmony), it is generally believed to be beautifully harmonious. Personal color assessment is finding colors, through systematic and scientific methods, that improve the personal image by reaching harmony with skin colors that each and every individual are uniquely born with. In this study, one was able to learn the improved visual effects of the face image through creating harmony with the wardrobe and color shade make up and complementary colors that were selected based on personal colors. The base make up, through using the contrasting effects of the complementary colors which represents the supplementing, correcting, and complementing of the face image by contrasting with complementary colors, brings positive changes through correcting the base skin color. It is believed that this study finds its importance in that the improved image that is created by the overall harmony of the wardrobe and body can be used as valuable data in marketing and new product development efforts in the related industries.
Key Words
기초화장, 인체색, 컬러보정, Base Make-up, Personal Color, Color Correction, 보색, 얼굴이미지, Complementary Color, Face Image
The study on the breast types and characteristics of Chinese female adults. (Ver. 2) -Focused on the female college students in Shanghai- 중국 성인여성용 유방유형 및 특성에 관한 연구 (제 2보) -상해지역 20대 전반 여성을 중심으로-
차수정 Su Joung Cha , 손희순 Hee Soon Sohn
14(1) 57-75, 2010
The study on the breast types and characteristics of Chinese female adults. (Ver. 2) -Focused on the female college students in Shanghai- 중국 성인여성용 유방유형 및 특성에 관한 연구 (제 2보) -상해지역 20대 전반 여성을 중심으로-
차수정 Su Joung Cha , 손희순 Hee Soon Sohn
This study is done in Shanghai area by sample survey of female college students in their lower 20s. Through direct contact survey, this study collected and analyzed information on figure to understand feature of breasts and measurements of body to provide base information to improve product of brassiere for adult female in China. Data was analyzed by using SPSSWIN 13.0 Program and SAS 9.0. 1. From a result of factor analysis on 40 items of measures to derive the components of the shape of the breast, 6 factors were derived such as the factors to show the obesity of the bust, to show the ratio of the upper and lower area of the lower bust, droop and volume, to show the internal shape and broadness of the bust, to show the location and vertical size of the bust, to show the protrusion of the bust and the eternal shape of the bust. 2. From a result of classification on the shape of the breast of the Chinese women in their early 20s, 4 types were selected. Type 1 is the protrusion type that a woman has a broad drooped breast due to the development in the upper and lower parts of the chest as well as the highest height, a high degree of obesity in the bust part, big volume and much protrusion. Type 2 is the hemisphere type that the degree of obesity in the breast is second to Type 1 and a breast is located at a region higher than Type 1 as the degree of obesity in the breast is secondly highest, the lower part of the bust is bigger than the Type 1 and the degree of being broad and drooped is second to Type 1. Type 3 is the cone type with a breast of being drooped and broad a little bit and a certain degree of a volume. Type 4 is the flat type with the smallest value in the item that shows the obesity of the bust area and with the smallest value in the Rohrer index to have the small and slender body type for the bust area, which is somewhat flat due to a low slope at the internal side of the bust.
Key Words
유방형태 구성요소, components of the shape of the breast, 유방유형, breast shape
The Advertising Effect of Internet Advertisement of Wedding Dress: Structure Equation Modeling 웨딩드레스 인터넷 광고의 광고효과에 관한 연구: 구조방정식 모형을 중심으로
이승희 Seung Hee Lee , 정소연 So Yeon Jung
14(1) 76-85, 2010
The Advertising Effect of Internet Advertisement of Wedding Dress: Structure Equation Modeling 웨딩드레스 인터넷 광고의 광고효과에 관한 연구: 구조방정식 모형을 중심으로
이승희 Seung Hee Lee , 정소연 So Yeon Jung
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among advertisement attitudes, brand attitudes, and purchasing intention in wedding dress Internet advertisement, using SEM (Structure Equation Modeling). Two hundred two unmarried women participated in this study. For this study, banner advertisement stimuli was developed. Descriptive statistics, factor analysis, AMOS were used for data analysis. The results are as follows: First, advertisement attitudes affected positively brand attitudes. Second, brand attitudes influenced positively purchase intention. Finally, advertisement attitudes affected positively purchase intention. It appears that advertisement attitudes influenced purchase intention directly or indirectly via brand attitudes. Based on these results, fashion advertisement promotion marketing strategies would provide for wedding dress marketers.
The Color Characteristics of Vintage Fashion -Focused on Paris Pret-a-Porter Collections, from 2003 to 2008- 빈티지 패션의 색채 특성에 관한 연구 -2003~2008년 파리 프레타포르테 컬렉션을 중심으로-
양정희 Jung Hee Yang , 박혜원 Hye Won Park
14(1) 86-105, 2010
The Color Characteristics of Vintage Fashion -Focused on Paris Pret-a-Porter Collections, from 2003 to 2008- 빈티지 패션의 색채 특성에 관한 연구 -2003~2008년 파리 프레타포르테 컬렉션을 중심으로-
양정희 Jung Hee Yang , 박혜원 Hye Won Park
Vintage fashion is a lot influenced by colors because an emotion is transmitted via images of "old feeling", "worn-out feeling" and "faded feeling"etc. Colors are visual sensation occurring at a time when lights stimulate an eye, which is a representative factor which humans first perceive when they touch objects. And colors in clothing function as a critical element which indicates an individual`s impression and character as well as aesthetic sensation. In this study, I examined on the theoretical consideration and aesthetic characteristics via the previous literature on vintage fashion and colors. As an empirical study, I investigated on the colors of vintage fashion appearing in Pret-a-porter Collections, Paris from Spring/Summer, 2003 to Fall/Winter 2008. As a way for study, I investigated into the total 197 vintage fashion photos and calculated their RGB values by using photoshop. And I converted the values of the colors extracted into H V/C values by using Munsell Conversion Version 9.0.6 and analyzed on Munsell System of 10 Color Notation and the PCCS colors, classifying a color scheme by visual sensation measurement. The result of analyzing on the concept of vintage fashion and its color characteristics is as follows; Vintage fashion made an appearance the most in 2003 and 2004 and its colors appeared a lot in Y, YR, R and PB lines. Color tone concentrated on black and white, achromatic color and low chroma colors in a grayish line, chromatic color. Thus, the study found that colors suitable for a "worn-out", "faded" and "old" image are properly reflected in vintage fashion rather than a clear and bright background. In a color scheme, I found contrast color and same color appearing a lot, which gave an unharmonious feeling and a smack of the country. The study reveals that the color characteristic of vintage fashion is relatively diverse and complex in color, color tone or shade and color scheme, which shows a color trend which reflects a non-constructive and complex coordination characteristic instead of a standardized simple and clear image.
Key Words
빈티지 패션, 패션 트렌드, vintage fashion, fashion trends, color study, 색채 연구, 색채 분석, color analysis
A Study on one-piece design using traditional children`s wear 전통 어린이 복식을 응용한 원피스 디자인 연구
김월계 Weol Kye Kim
14(1) 106-115, 2010
A Study on one-piece design using traditional children`s wear 전통 어린이 복식을 응용한 원피스 디자인 연구
김월계 Weol Kye Kim
This study`s purpose is to, first survey the traditional children clothing, clothing which doesn`t get studied mostly. Second, to choose the factor that can modernize. Third, to design the present one-piece dress. Fourth, to gather an understanding about traditional children clothing and make a chance for children to wear the clothing that has a traditional factor. Traditional children clothes have a same shape with adults` clothes they use five primary color and use a pattern of a symbolic meaning which means healthy and long life. For ordinary wears there are Chimajogori and Bajijogori and for ceremonial dresses they wore Durumagi, Sagyusam which are Po and Dangui and headdress was added. The shape was considered by the children growth condition so the Gorum got longer. The dragon, cicadas, butterfly, phoenix and lots of flower pattern was used by the difference with the class. 5 one-piece design adapted Jogori, skirt, Dangui, Sagyusam, Magoja and used the traditional fabric by mixing the five primary color and the five secondary color was used to make traditional color. This study expects for a chance of children to wear traditional Hanbok or Hanbok-adapted clothes.
Research on modern fashion design using the Chosun Dynasty`s Lotus pattern as the motif 조선시대 연화문(蓮花紋)을 모티브로 한 현대패션디자인 연구
조예석 Ye Seok Cho , 간호섭 Ho Sup Kan
14(1) 116-131, 2010
Research on modern fashion design using the Chosun Dynasty`s Lotus pattern as the motif 조선시대 연화문(蓮花紋)을 모티브로 한 현대패션디자인 연구
조예석 Ye Seok Cho , 간호섭 Ho Sup Kan
As our world is becoming more and more globalized, nations tend to turn their interests towards their unique legacy and traditional culture. This research is intended to re-illuminate the Korean beauty through the Lotus Pattern, a traditional factor, from the Chosun Dynasty, and at the same time, analyze how its peculiar representation and figural elements can be reflected in modern fashion designs. The results will be an essential factor in creating exclusive and original designs. Research method was theoretical research from documents and to refer to positive data on preserved relics, and research contents consists of analysis on the use of lotus patterns in artworks that were exhibited during 2000 to 2008 by Korean and foreign artists. Results showed that lotus patterns that were used during the Chosun Dynasty are categorized by shape, composition form, and structural form. Applying these results, a total of 8 works were designed and created.
Key Words
전통문화, 연화문, 상징성, Traditional Culture, Lotus Pattern, Symbolism, 패션 디자인, Fashion Design
The Case Study on Design Development of Working Uniform in the Industrial Complex 공단 기업체의 근무복 디자인 개발 사례 연구
박혜원 Hye Won Park
14(1) 132-142, 2010
The Case Study on Design Development of Working Uniform in the Industrial Complex 공단 기업체의 근무복 디자인 개발 사례 연구
박혜원 Hye Won Park
The purpose of this case study was to design development of Working Uniform in 10 enterprises which were located in Changwon national industrial complex. The 10 enterprises were small-medium business in machinery. For finding actual conditions and preferences by employers, interview with employers was accomplished and their uniforms were collected. The uniforms were analyzed by Design elements; shapes, colors, details. From the results, working uniforms were designed by each enterprise. The design was suggested CAD work sheets and send to each enterprise. After discussion and correction, design were made in fabric. Total 50 items(winter jacket and pants, spring & fall jacket and pants and summer T-shirts) were made by P/C, P/A and polyester coolon materials. The new designs have worn by the enterprises, now. This case study could be one of academic-industrial relationship cooperation.
Key Words
근무복, 근무복 디자인, Working Uniform, Working Uniform Design, Uniform Design, 유니폼 디자인
A study on the Contemporary Art Inspiration in Contemporary Fashion Design 현대패션에 나타난 Contemporary Art Inspiration 연구
백정현 Jeong Hyun Baik , 배수정 Soo Jeong Bae
14(1) 143-162, 2010
A study on the Contemporary Art Inspiration in Contemporary Fashion Design 현대패션에 나타난 Contemporary Art Inspiration 연구
백정현 Jeong Hyun Baik , 배수정 Soo Jeong Bae
The purpose of this study is to suggest more specific method to express art connected to the factor of fashion design by classifying fashion case combined with contemporary art, which is expressed through visual factor of fashion, analyzing exchange phenomenon, trend and change aspect of art and fashion and researching its expression type under the background of art preference phenomenon of contemporary art. From the result of measuring the frequency of contemporary art type, it was found that various types and artists` works were applied to fashion industry. Therefore, the scope of contemporary art, which is used for fashion, is being enlarged and new type is appearing every year continuously. Especially, its frequency was highest in 2008 S/S. In addition, it was found that it was more frequent in S/S season rather than in F/W season. From the result of analyzing expression method of contemporary art inspiration shown in fashion by classifying it into structure aspect, print aspect and 3D decoration aspect, in most cases, the contemporary art was used as a print or pattern for dress or accessory. The print aspect could be divided into geometric abstraction pattern, expressional abstract pattern, trompe-l`oeil pattern, graffiti pattern, picture image pattern and cartoon pattern in detail.
Key Words
아트 인스피레이션, 현대미술, Art Inspiration, Contemporary Art, 아트 콜레보레이션, Art Collaboration
Art Inspiration expressed on the Designs of Yves Saint Laurent -Focusing on the Haute Couture Collections- 이브 생 로랑 디자인에 표현된 아트 인스피레이션 -오트 쿠튀르 컬렉션을 중심으로-
이예은 Ye Eun Lee , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
14(1) 163-175, 2010
Art Inspiration expressed on the Designs of Yves Saint Laurent -Focusing on the Haute Couture Collections- 이브 생 로랑 디자인에 표현된 아트 인스피레이션 -오트 쿠튀르 컬렉션을 중심으로-
이예은 Ye Eun Lee , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
This study is a part of the integrated investigation of the design of Yves Saint Laurent, and aims at examining the background of the appearance of art inspiration which the artistic quality and originality are particularly seen. And also, I would like to examine the source of the power that transcends periods, dealing with issues in the design. From the mid 1960 to 1970, Yves Saint Laurent who leaded the global fashion trend, displayed the Art Inspiration works with the innovation of fashion in Paris, rediscovery of the trends and colors in Modern Art, and background of Entourage and so forth. He brought in the various artistic genres to the fashion, and his Haute Couture collections which were created by the passion for the movie and theater art, expressed the freedom through his strong identity in the Modern Art & Culture and the atmosphere of that period. Eventually his works are reappeared transcending the generations as the fundamental power of Modernity, through the restricted line of his own, strong contrast of colors, and insight for the future.
Key Words
패션, 아트 인스피레이션, 오트 쿠튀르, fashion, art inspiration, Haute Couture, 이브 생 로랑, 몬드리안 룩, Yves Saint Laurent, Mondrian Look
A study on the antibacterial activity and deodorization of fabrics dyed with pine needles extract 솔잎 추출물을 이용한 염색포의 항균성 및 소취
박영희 Young Hee Park
14(1) 176-183, 2010
A study on the antibacterial activity and deodorization of fabrics dyed with pine needles extract 솔잎 추출물을 이용한 염색포의 항균성 및 소취
박영희 Young Hee Park
The purpose of this study is to examine the antibacterial activity and deodorization of fabrics dyed with pine needles extract. The microbes used for a test were two kinds of bacteria and two kinds of fungi. The test results showed as follows. In the test results of antimicrobial activity, both cotton and silk fabrics showed the antimicrobial rate of over 90% after washing three times. In the test result of antifungal activity, all fabrics didn`t show any effective antifungal activity. In the test result of deodorization, the dyed cotton fabric showed the higher rate of deodorization than the non-dyed fabric, and the fabric showed the highest rate of deodorization was the test fabric mordanted by Fe and the rate of deodorization showed 92%. In case of silk fabric, the fabric showed the highest rate of deodorization was the test fabric mordanted by Al, and the rate of deodorization showed 92%.
The education program majored in fashion for improving interest in schoolwork 학업흥미도 향상을 위한 패션전공교육 프로그램
김효은 Hyo Eun Kim
14(1) 184-197, 2010
The education program majored in fashion for improving interest in schoolwork 학업흥미도 향상을 위한 패션전공교육 프로그램
김효은 Hyo Eun Kim
This study was conducted by the questionnaires to 323 undergraduate students in fashion related departments. Questionnaires were designed to ask total 23 questions including possibility of halfway dropouts, establishment of goals, self-improvement, entrance motives, satisfaction ratings of academic subjects, job prospects and path planning, amelioration of ways to instruct, desires for the integrated lessons and intense academic courses, wishes of field project education carrying out tasks, desired lecturers, and others. Results in this research were summarized as follows. To begin with, it was appeared that respondents with possibility of halfway dropouts showed considerable percentage (25.4%) and the reasons left out were various including joining the army, the poor economic conditions in family, a major not corresponding with one`s aptitude. Secondly, in the extent of establishing goals and improving oneself, there was the difference between people with possibility of halfway dropouts and people without that, and it was judged that the extent of establishing goals and improving oneself as good parameters could explain halfway omission. Thirdly, the ways to teach for getting classes interesting were to make instruction according to one`s capabilities, to progress systematically, and to take lessons with specific goals. Fourth, many respondents answered to want the integrated lessons, intense academic courses, and field project education carrying out tasks. Fifth, an overwhelming majority of respondents hoped instructors with a outstanding ability in business. For improvement of the ways to instruct and the role of professors, it is suggested as follows. First, students are given intelligible lessons focused on fundamental subjects fitted to their levels and also need gradual intense academic courses classified by their way directions and interests. Second, creative and individualized teaching methods depending on the majors and levels are developed to help students have strong interest in schoolwork. Third, professors are constantly to learn practical techniques and skills related to industries in step with the education goals of college. Fourth, it is desirable to adopt instructors with practical business talents rather than theoretical capabilities.
Key Words
중도탈락, 목표설정, Halfway dropouts, Establishment of goals, Self-improvement, 자기계발, 수업방법개선, Amelioration of ways to instruct, 통합식 수업과 전공심화학습, Integrated Lessons and intense academic courses, 과제수행형 현장프로젝트교육, Field project education carrying out tasks