Curriculum Development for fashion business education in Korean Universities 국내대학 패션분야 교육의 특성화를 위한 교육과정 개발 -패션비즈니스 교육을 중심으로-
정재은 Jae Eun Jung , 이주원 Choo Won Lee , 한연희 Yeon Hee Han
15(1) 1-19, 2011
Curriculum Development for fashion business education in Korean Universities 국내대학 패션분야 교육의 특성화를 위한 교육과정 개발 -패션비즈니스 교육을 중심으로-
정재은 Jae Eun Jung , 이주원 Choo Won Lee , 한연희 Yeon Hee Han
In order to develop a new fashion business curriculum, this study attempts to evaluate fashion business curriculum in both domestic and foreign schools and to analyze their existing training programs. The results of this study shows that the analysis of domestic fashion business curriculum shows that ``in the field`` knowledge is in need for the new fashion education program where students can be more exposed to the industry environments especially in the area of markets, sales, distribution and management. Also, the analysis of fashion marketing curriculum of F.I.T and PARSONS school of design demonstrates their emphasis on practical as well as academic programs in marketing, distribution and merchandising. In addition, the research on sales person training program reflects that future sales persons will need stronger knowledge in customer analysis, product display and shop management. Based on these findings, this investigation proposes a revised second year fashion business undergraduate program. The academic program in this updated module will place heavier emphasis on such fields as marketing, distribution, product planning and sales management. Also recommended is that the second year students will be exposed to real-world experience by participating in various internships and workshops offered by major companies in the fashion field.
A Study on the Style of Dancer Choi Seung-hee 무용가 최승희의 스타일 연구
박혜원 Hye Won Park , 박애란 Ae Lan Park
15(1) 20-33, 2011
A Study on the Style of Dancer Choi Seung-hee 무용가 최승희의 스타일 연구
박혜원 Hye Won Park , 박애란 Ae Lan Park
The purpose of this study is to inquire into social and cultural background of modernization and the new woman`s life centered around a new woman and a dancer, Choi Seung-hee and its style. The study was carried out centered around analysis of content through photos of 179 pieces and a documentary DVD. We analyzed collected photo data and came to know various bobbed hair style, clear makeup style and Art-Deco fashion. Accordingly, Choi Seung-hee has external appearance as a new woman and we came to know she is a representative woman in Korea. Because she crossed over into North Korea, the study has not been actively carried out but if we consider Choi Seung-hee`s influence over the dance world, her women`s leader and fashion roles at that age, it is considered that the study on Choi Seung-hee`s external style has a significant meaning.
Key Words
New Woman, 신여성, Dancer Choi, Seung-hee, 무용가 최승희, Modern Girl, 모던 걸, Style, 스타일
Seamless Garment Knitwear Design Trend 국내외 무봉제 니트웨어 디자인 경향
조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho , 김지영 Ji Young Kim , 이인숙 In Suk Lee
15(1) 39-54, 2011
Seamless Garment Knitwear Design Trend 국내외 무봉제 니트웨어 디자인 경향
조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho , 김지영 Ji Young Kim , 이인숙 In Suk Lee
This study is the design case analysis of seamless knitwear in order to suggest a new direction of high value-added seamless knitwear and seek for its possibility. Seamless knitwear is the up-to-date knit product that is made by a knitting machine without sewing, and it maintains elasticity of a material itself and is the closest type to the essence of knitwear. The seamless knitwear can satisfy satisfaction of customers with more elegance and individuality and become a method to develop a high value-added design. This study suggests a new direction for the 21st century knitwear design through a practical approach of seamless knitwear designs, pursues a high value fashion, and contributes to improving national competitiveness of fashion industries in order to be a practical research data for seamless knitwear designs.
Key Words
Seamless Knitwear, 무봉제 니트웨어, High Value-added, 고부가가치의, Knitwear Design Trend, 니트웨어 디자인 트렌드
A study on the appraisal standard for purchasing the clothing made of organic cotton and the post-purchase satisfaction and dissatisfaction. -Focused on the adult women in from their 20`s to 50`s- 유기농 면 의류 제품 구매 시 평가기준 및 구매 후 만족 불만족에 관한 연구 -20대에서 50대까지의 성인여성을 중심으로-
박영희 Young Hee Park
15(1) 50-62, 2011
A study on the appraisal standard for purchasing the clothing made of organic cotton and the post-purchase satisfaction and dissatisfaction. -Focused on the adult women in from their 20`s to 50`s- 유기농 면 의류 제품 구매 시 평가기준 및 구매 후 만족 불만족에 관한 연구 -20대에서 50대까지의 성인여성을 중심으로-
박영희 Young Hee Park
The purpose of this study is to catch the difference for the appraisal standard of a product which the adult women`s consumers think importantly when they purchase the clothing made of organic cotton and the appraisal standard according to the demographic characteristics. The data collection for research was done for the women in from their 20`s to 50`s who are living in the regions of Gyungnam, Busan, Ulsan in Korea. The copies of the used questionnaire were 622 copies. To analyze the collected data, χ2-test, t-test, Cronbach`s test, ANOVA, Duncan test were carried out by SPSS 14.0. As the analysis α result of data, the appraisal standard for purchasing the clothing made of organic cotton was classified with the five factors. The appraisal standard which the adult women`s consumers think importantly when they purchase the clothing made of organic cotton showed the significant difference according to the demographic characteristics. The ratio for post-purchase dissatisfaction showed higher than the one for satisfaction. The dissatisfaction showed the significant difference according to the demographic characteristics. The dissatisfaction for a high price, color and insufficient design showed a relatively high ratio.
Key Words
Organic Cotton, 유기농 면, the appraisal standard, 평가기준, the post-purchase satisfaction, 구매 후 만족, the post-purchase dissatisfaction, 구매 후 불만족
Comparison of Brassiere Pattern according to breast shape on China Adult Females 중국 성인여성의 유방유형에 따른 브래지어 패턴 비교
손희순 Hee Soon Sohn , 차수정 Su Joung Cha
15(1) 63-79, 2011
Comparison of Brassiere Pattern according to breast shape on China Adult Females 중국 성인여성의 유방유형에 따른 브래지어 패턴 비교
손희순 Hee Soon Sohn , 차수정 Su Joung Cha
This study examines the relationship between breast shape and brassiere construction through the comparative analysis of brassiere pattern on the breast shape. This researcher drew the brassiere pattern of developing a pre-study for Chinese female adults according to average size based on the four breast shapes. And then we measures brassiere pattern size and comparatively analyzes breast between size and shape. Comparative analysis results of brassiere patterns are verified differences of size and shape on the breast shape. Above all an angle of cup dart showed remarkable differences on the breast shape. An angle of cup dart isn`t proportioned to breast size. An angle of cup dart for cone shape is bigger than dome shape. Because cone shape breast is protruded center part but dome shape breast have a shape of smooth curve like a half globe. So an angle of a cone shape breast cup dart is determined bigger than dome shape breast. For increasing the uplift effect of brassiere, brassiere pattern is different on the breast shape. And a brassiere pattern need different drawing methods about the angle of cup dart, breast inner side diameter, slope and so on. This study has an important significance that it established a mechanical relationship of breast shape and brassiere pattern.
Key Words
Brassiere, 브래지어, Breast Shape, 유방유형, Prototype, 원형, Pattern, 패턴
Visual Evaluation of Design Variations in Power Shoulder Jacket 파워 숄더 재킷의 디자인변화에 따른 시각적 평가
이정순 Jung Soon Lee , 김정미 Jeong Mee Kim
15(1) 80-91, 2011
Visual Evaluation of Design Variations in Power Shoulder Jacket 파워 숄더 재킷의 디자인변화에 따른 시각적 평가
이정순 Jung Soon Lee , 김정미 Jeong Mee Kim
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the differences of visual effects and visual images by variations in shoulder angle and shoulder width of power shoulder jacket. The stimuli are 5 samples: One control group, 2 variations of the angle of shoulder line and 2 variations of the width of shoulder line. The data has been obtained from 87 fashion design majors. The data has been analyzed by Factor Analysis, Anova, Scheffe`s Test and the Correlation Analysis. The results of the study are as follows: The visual images by the angle and the width of shoulder line of power shoulder jacket are composed of 4 factors:attention, stiffness and softness, masculinity, and trendiness. Among these factors, attention factor is estimated by the most important factor. The visual effects by the angle and the width of shoulder line of power shoulder jacket are composed of 3 factors:whole silhouette, neck and arm figure, upper body figure. In these factors, the whole silhouette is estimated by the most important factor. The power shoulder jacket with extreme changes in shoulder angle has double images: it looks trendy and classy but also gives an awkward image. In case of changes in shoulder width, the visual evaluation shows big differences with the degree of expansion. The visual evaluation with variation in angle has stronger image and effect than that in width. The power shoulder jacket trend itself is also evaluated that variation in angle reflects the trend better than that in width.
Key Words
power shoulder jacket, 파워 숄더 재킷, shoulder angle, 어깨 각도, shoulder width 어깨 넓이
The Name spectrum of domestic menswear brands 국내 남성복 브랜드의 네임스펙트럼
권혜숙 Hae Sook Kwon
15(1) 92-102, 2011
The Name spectrum of domestic menswear brands 국내 남성복 브랜드의 네임스펙트럼
권혜숙 Hae Sook Kwon
The purpose of this research is to study the types of name spectrum and their characteristics of domestic men`s wear brands focusing on formal and casual wear and also examine the differences based on the type of brands` product and brand style. Total 184 of men`s wear brands, which were consisted of 66 formal wear brands and 84 casual wear brands, were selected from ``2009 Korea Fashion Yearbook``. For data analysis, quantitatively evaluated the frequency and qualitatively evaluated the image of brand product and the meaning of brand name. The result as follows; 1. The domestic fashion brands for men`s wear appeared to have four types of name spectrum. The descriptive name was the most frequently showed, and followed by arbitrary, suggestive, and coined name. For formal wear brands, four types of name spectrum were appeared in the order of descriptive, suggestive, coined, and arbitrary name. In casual wear brands, three types of name spectrum were appeared in the order of descriptive, arbitrary, and suggestive name. 2. The characteristics of men`s brand name according to their name spectrum was as follows.; In the descriptive brand names, person`s name was used the most and some ascribed the characteristics, feature or geographic location of the product. The suggestive brand names contained images and symbols of the product and also implied the relevant benefit information in a particular product context. In the arbitrary brand name, they imply the various meanings according to the product and are made up of either coined or natural. For the coined name, some bear the ideology or symbolized the characteristics of product itself. 3. The descriptive name spectrum showed the most in domestic menswear brands, regardless of the brand type. Except this, there were differences in the type and the frequency of name spectrum depending on the brand type.
Key Words
남성복 브랜드, menswear brand, 남성복 정장, men`s formal wear, 남성복 캐주얼웨어, men`s casual wear, 네임 스펙트럼, name spectrum, 브랜드 유형, brand type
Classification of Upper Body Types for the Establishment of a Size Standard for Chinese Wome 중국 성인여성의 치수규격선정을 위한 체간부 체형분류
손희순 Hee Soon Sohn , 장희경 Hee Kyung Chang
15(1) 103-114, 2011
Classification of Upper Body Types for the Establishment of a Size Standard for Chinese Wome 중국 성인여성의 치수규격선정을 위한 체간부 체형분류
손희순 Hee Soon Sohn , 장희경 Hee Kyung Chang
This study is to provide basic information on clothing fitness necessary to develop apparel products for Korean companies that want to enter or have already made inroads into the Chinese market. In an effort to serve this purpose, a standard upper torso body model for Chinese women was established by applying the Rohrer Index and Size Designation of Clothes - Women of GB/T 1335.2-1997 to Chinese women in their 20s to determine body types and its characteristics. First, according to the result of applying the Rohrer Index to categorize body types, Type 1 showed the longest vertical body length and a short horizontal length with the lowest degree of flatness. Type 2 was a standard body type with a height of 158.73cm, weight of 53.02kg and the Rohrer Index of 1.32. Type 3 had a thick and flat body shape that had the highest degree of flatness and the shortest vertical length in its upper torso among all three types of body. Second, F-test was conducted on 4 distinctive body types obtained from comparing obesity scores to verify differences in body shapes for different degree of obesity. The test result indicated significant differences in 3 of the 4 body types and showed different structural components for different degree of obesity. Third, the result of comparing correlational distributions of body types and height range, and body types and degree of obesity for all and specified age groups revealed that about 33.30% of the body types appeared in Type2-A followed by 20.18% in Type1-A, 18.40% in Type2-Y and 7.91% in Type1-Y respectively. Body types and degree of obesity for two different age groups were most frequent in Type2-A. For the group of young women in their early 20s appeared the most in Type2-A, Type1-A, Type2-Y and Type 1-Y respectively and young women in late 20s were frequent in the order of Type2-A, Type2-Y, Type1-A and Type1-Y.
Key Words
치수, 체형, 중국 성인여성, size, Body Types, Chinese Women
The Effects of Women`s Attitudes, Selection, and Wearing Experience on Purchasing Intention of Underwears Made of Smart Fibers 성인여성들의 기능성 속옷에 대한 태도, 선택 및 착용경험이 구매의도에 미치는 영향
김용숙 Yong Sook Kim
15(1) 115-128, 2011
The Effects of Women`s Attitudes, Selection, and Wearing Experience on Purchasing Intention of Underwears Made of Smart Fibers 성인여성들의 기능성 속옷에 대한 태도, 선택 및 착용경험이 구매의도에 미치는 영향
김용숙 Yong Sook Kim
The purposes of this study were to identify the effects of women`s attitudes, selection, and wearing experience on purchasing intention of underwears made of smart fibers. Most women wore brassieres when going out and preferred moulded cup brassieres, but neglected wearing corsets. Age and marital status of women affected on women`s attitudes toward underwear. Younger women in 20`s preferred underwears made of smart fibers such as high hygroscopic and older women in 40`s preferred conservative underwear. Most women had experienced stretchy underwear and wearing experiences of smart fiber underwears were positively related to purchasing intention. Underwear wearing experiences affected positively on purchasing intention of smart fiber underwears but some functions such as design and comfort affected negatively.
The Influence of Purchasing Behavior on Brand Attitude, Shopping Satisfaction, and Recommendation of Herbal Cosmetics Consumer 한방화장품 소비자의 구매행동이 브랜드태도, 쇼핑만족 및 추천의도에 미치는 영향
이정미 Jung Mi Lee , 안종숙 Joun Suk An
15(1) 129-144, 2011
The Influence of Purchasing Behavior on Brand Attitude, Shopping Satisfaction, and Recommendation of Herbal Cosmetics Consumer 한방화장품 소비자의 구매행동이 브랜드태도, 쇼핑만족 및 추천의도에 미치는 영향
이정미 Jung Mi Lee , 안종숙 Joun Suk An
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of purchasing behavior on brand attitude, shopping satisfaction, and recommendation of herbal cosmetics consumer. Through judgment sampling method, selected 304 survey questionnaires were used for final analysis from herbal cosmetics consumer. With the collected data, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis were performed by SPSS 14.0. The results of the analysis were summarized as follows. First, level of education no significant difference on purchasing behavior, but age, marital status, average income, and job type showed significant difference on purchasing behavior. Second, level of education and average income no significant difference on brand attitude, shopping satisfaction, and recommendation, but age, marital status, and job type showed significant difference on brand attitude, shopping satisfaction, and recommendation. Third, the reasonable purchase, conformity purchase, and conspicuous purchase impacts positively(+) influence, but impulse purchase impacts negatively(+) influence on brand attitude. Fourth, the rational purchase and conspicuous purchase impacts positively(+) influence on shopping satisfaction. Fifth, the conformity purchase and conspicuous purchase impacts positively(+) influence on recommendation.
The Effects of empowerment on job satisfaction, organizational commitment and Service Quality 판매원의 임파워먼트가 직무만족과 조직몰입 및 서비스품질에 미치는 영향
이옥희 Ok Hee Lee
15(1) 145-157, 2011
The Effects of empowerment on job satisfaction, organizational commitment and Service Quality 판매원의 임파워먼트가 직무만족과 조직몰입 및 서비스품질에 미치는 영향
이옥희 Ok Hee Lee
The purposes of this study were to investigate the impacts of empowerment, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment on service quality. So, this research attempted to test the hypothesized relationships between service quality and its determinants such as job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and customer orientation. To measure these hypotheses, total 200 questionnaires were handed out and 185 were collected. Finally 163 questionnaires were used for the analysis, while 22 were found to be invalid. The frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and multiple regression were conducted after coding and cleaning by SPSS 18.0 The result of this study are as follow. As a result of multiple regression, it shows that empowerment have an effect on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and service quality. And it shows that job satisfaction and organizational commitment have an effect on service quality.
Case Study of SNS (Social Networks Service) Application on Fashion Corporate -Focused on Twitter- 패션기업의 SNS (Social Network Service) 활용 현황에 대한 사례연구 -Twitter를 중심으로-
이승희 Seung Hee Lee , 이주현 Joo Hyun Lee , 정예진 Ye Jin Jung , 선세영 Se Young Sun
15(1) 158-170, 2011
Case Study of SNS (Social Networks Service) Application on Fashion Corporate -Focused on Twitter- 패션기업의 SNS (Social Network Service) 활용 현황에 대한 사례연구 -Twitter를 중심으로-
이승희 Seung Hee Lee , 이주현 Joo Hyun Lee , 정예진 Ye Jin Jung , 선세영 Se Young Sun
The purpose of this study was to examine how recently fashion corporate did use SNS applications for their product promotion strategies as case studies, and to provide what kinds of SNS marketing strategies would be developed for fashion corporate. Specifically, this study was focused on Twitter among SNS applications. For this study, Internet webs, news paper, articles, and other press work were used for resources. Five fashion corporate such as Buckaroo, MLB, North Faces, Kolon, and ABC Mart were analyzed. As the results, first, fashion corporate used Twitter as the marketing tool for their product promotion. Second, they tried to make an increase the numbers of Twitter follower from their customers. Third, Twitter was used for making higher customer loyalty by fashion corporate through a variety of program such as special events, game, music, or viral marketing. However, there were still some limitations on fashion corporate`s Twitter usage, compared to other non-fashion corporate. Thus, fashion corporate needs to provide more creative and unique Twitter marketing strategies. Therefore, based on these results, fashion brand merchandising marketing strategies of fashion products would be provided from this study.
Key Words
패션기업, 사례연구, 트위터, SNS Social Network Service, Fashion Corporate, Case Study, Twitter
The Image of “New Man” in Men`s Fashion in the mid-1980s 1980년대 중반 남성 패션에 나타난 “뉴 맨(New Man)” 이미지
염혜정 Hae Jung Yum
15(1) 171-184, 2011
The Image of “New Man” in Men`s Fashion in the mid-1980s 1980년대 중반 남성 패션에 나타난 “뉴 맨(New Man)” 이미지
염혜정 Hae Jung Yum
This paper is purposed to clarify that an increase of the matter of concern about men`s fashion in the mid-1980s was coincided with rapid change of images for men and diversification within the context of economy, society, culture and to analyze the characteristic of each fashion and the meaning. Findings are as follows: ``New men`` played a key role creating and communicating the new male image through the media, as a new masculine appeared in the middle of 1980s. Especially it was spreaded into with British as a center between the generations of young men described as a white-collar worker about the ages from 18 to 35 specifically and appeared by the cultural background in accordance with the spread of consumerism, materialism and post modern feminism and the development of men`s fashion. There were 2 types of fashion styles for ``New men`` image on the media in the mid-1980s. The First is ``power suit look style`` which is self-conscious, including ``corporate formal suit look`` and ``soft & sexy suit look``. The Second is ``extravagant body conscious style`` which characterize the decolletage and androgynous, including ``tough sports look`` and ``sexy skirt look``. Lastly, the ``New men`` image means a man as a visible object and a man in the image world.
Key Words
남성패션, 남성복, 1980년대 중반, 뉴 맨, 남성성, Men`s Fashion, mid-1980s, New Man, Masculinity
A Study on the Aesthetic Characteristics of Wedding Dress in the 19th Century -Focusing on Neo-Classicism and Romanticism- 19세기 웨딩드레스의 미적 특성에 관한 연구 -신고전주의와 낭만주의를 중심으로-
신경섭 Kyeong Seub Shin
15(1) 185-204, 2011
A Study on the Aesthetic Characteristics of Wedding Dress in the 19th Century -Focusing on Neo-Classicism and Romanticism- 19세기 웨딩드레스의 미적 특성에 관한 연구 -신고전주의와 낭만주의를 중심으로-
신경섭 Kyeong Seub Shin
The purpose of this study is to take into consideration the formative and aesthetic characteristics of wedding dresses that existed during the periods of Neo-Classicism and Romanticism which appeared as a reaction toward Neo-Classicism. The method of the research was mainly focused on precedent research data and general references. Furthermore the data on wedding dresses was mainly collected from British, French, and American library and museum web sites. The result of the research is the following. The Neo-Classicism art, which appeared along with the enlightenment in the beginning of the 19th century, pursues beauty based on associations and imitations of ancient Greek and Roman arts. In addition to aforementioned pursuits, the Neo-Classicism art also pursued universal beauty and social usefulness through law and order. This aesthetic value was also applied to the wedding dresses, so classical beauty, natural beauty and universal beauty were expressed as follows: corsets of the previous era were removed from general clothing and Empire style that imitated natural Greek style became predominant. Also, muslin replaced high quality clothes which were used as the main materials of the dressing during the previous era. Empire style`s wedding dress became popular and simple colors and styles of the wedding dress expressed the beauty of the human body and emphasized civility at the same time. Romanticism art and costumes opposed rationalism and pursued sentimentalism. Moreover, it pursued diversity, exotic tastes and accepted diverse reactionism unlike Neo-Classicism`s simplification and standardization. These aesthetic characteristic were applied to the wedding dress of this period; wedding dress of romanticism pursued feminine and elegant beauty with “X” silhouettes and various decorations, like general costumes. And they were decorated with a variety of excessive accessories, details and trimmings to express romantic sentimentalism. Exotic tastes which included Chinese, Egyptian, Indian influence and other diverse tastes were expressed through hair style, accessories and patterns of shawl. However, the white color in the wedding dress revealed purity and sanctity which cannot be found from general costumes regardless of whether the dress expressed Neo-classicism or Romanticism. As a formal dress worn during wedding ceremonies, the wedding dresses of the royalty revealed dignity and authority and significantly influenced later wedding dress designs.