The Influence of the Suitability of the Chronic Regulatory Focus and the Advertising Message Type on the Evaluation of the Beauty Product 성향조절초점과 광고메시지유형의 적합성이 미용제품평가에 미치는 영향
고성현 Sung Hyun Ko , 황선진 Sun Jin Hwang
15(2) 1-11, 2011
The Influence of the Suitability of the Chronic Regulatory Focus and the Advertising Message Type on the Evaluation of the Beauty Product 성향조절초점과 광고메시지유형의 적합성이 미용제품평가에 미치는 영향
고성현 Sung Hyun Ko , 황선진 Sun Jin Hwang
The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of the suitability of the chronic regulatory focus and the advertising message type on the evaluation of the beauty product. In addition, feeling right while and individual is reading an advertisement is measured to check the mechanism making the regulatory fit effect. The experimental design was designed with the mixed design of 2(chronic regulatory focus: promotion / prevention, between group) x 2(advertising message type: promotion /prevention, within a group). 100 female university student subjects in their twenties in Seoul and in the metropolitan area were asked to respond to questionnaires in the study. The reliability analysis, T-test, analysis of variance(ANOVA), and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) on the collected data were done with SPSS WIN 12.0. The results of the study are as follows. First, the regulatory fit effect that when the individual chronic regulatory fit corresponds to the advertising message focus each other in the advertising of a new beauty product, the evaluation on the product is more positive could be checked. The promotion focus message of shampoo, the promotion focus group showed more positive response than the prevention focus group and as for the prevention focus message, the prevention focus group showed more positive results than the promotion focus group so that the effect of regulatory fit appeared. Second, when the regulatory fit effect appeared in the evaluation on the new beauty product, the fit effect on the individual chronic regulatory focus and on the advertising message focus also appeared in the measurement of feeling right. Hence, feeling right could be checked by using the mechanism of the regulatory fit effect.
The Visual Evaluation According to the Changes in the Shoulder Strap and Length of One piece Swimsuits 원피스 수영복의 어깨 끈과 길이 변화에 따른 시각적 평가
김정미 Jeong Mee Kim
15(2) 12-22, 2011
The Visual Evaluation According to the Changes in the Shoulder Strap and Length of One piece Swimsuits 원피스 수영복의 어깨 끈과 길이 변화에 따른 시각적 평가
김정미 Jeong Mee Kim
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the differences of visual image on variations in the shoulder strap and length of the one piece swimsuit. Nine samples were examined: 3 variations of the shoulder strap and 3 variations of the swimsuit length. Data have been obtained from 90 fashion design majors and analyzed using Factor Analysis, Anova, Scheffe`s Test and the MCA method. The results of the study are as follows: 1) The visual image, according to changes in the shoulder strap and length of the one piece swimsuit, was composed of attraction factor and boldness factor. Attraction was the most important factor in the one piece swimsuit. 2) The visual images according to changes in the shoulder strap of the one piece swimsuits are ranked in the order of one shoulder strap, strapless and two shoulder straps. They are shown to be wanted to dress - sophisticated image and untidy - unique image. 3) As the swimsuit gets shorter, it has more wanted to dress - sophisticated image and untidy - unique image. 4) The number of shoulder straps and swimsuit length do interact with each other in attraction factor and boldness factor. In attraction factor, one shoulder strap and high cut of the one piece swimsuit has the most wanted to dress - sophisticated image. However two shoulder straps and low cut of the one piece swimsuit has the most not wanted to dress - countrified image. In boldness factor, one shoulder strap and high cut of the one piece swimsuit has the most untidy - unique image. However two shoulder straps and regular cut of the one piece swimsuit has the most tidy - ordinary image.
Key Words
매력성, 대담성, 원피스 수영복, attraction, boldness, one piece swimsuit
A Study on the Efficacy and the Formative Characteristics of Danzhai Miao Batik of Guizhou China 중국 귀주성 묘족 단채납염의 효능과 표현의 특성
이민정 Min Jeong Lee , 손희순 Hee Soon Sohn
15(2) 23-38, 2011
A Study on the Efficacy and the Formative Characteristics of Danzhai Miao Batik of Guizhou China 중국 귀주성 묘족 단채납염의 효능과 표현의 특성
이민정 Min Jeong Lee , 손희순 Hee Soon Sohn
This research is to examine the formative of patterns and characteristics of expression in Danzhai Miao batik of Guizhou China and to reveal the cultural factors and characteristics of artistic expression inherent to it. As the research methodology, theoretical study was done by utilizing the preceding research data, literature data at home and abroad, photo data, and Internet data, and as the empirical research, field trip was made to Guizhou China and investigation and experiment of dyeing techniques, purchase of dyeing craftworks, photography shooting, and interviews were conducted. The results of this research showed that ancient Chinese batik began in Miao in the Jinhan era and the three types of Miao`s traditional batik, i.e. Danzhai batik, Huangping batik, Anshun batik. Danzhai Miao batik obtained indigo blue white patterns through traditional production techniques and natural dyeing batik and represented Miao batik of Guizhou. In the expression of Danzhai Miao batik, based on the cultural backgrounds, the formative such as symbolic of patterns, tradition, primitive, reality, abstract, and decorative of dress designs and high dignity of artistry of creative batik patterns be found from the aspect of expressing magnanimous nationality.
A Study on Jeans Fashion Styling -Focused on the Women`s Fashion since the 2000s- 진즈 패션 스타일링 연구 -2000년 이후 여성복을 중심으로-
이현영 Hyun Young Lee , 박혜원 Hye Won Park
15(2) 39-56, 2011
A Study on Jeans Fashion Styling -Focused on the Women`s Fashion since the 2000s- 진즈 패션 스타일링 연구 -2000년 이후 여성복을 중심으로-
이현영 Hyun Young Lee , 박혜원 Hye Won Park
The jeans fashion has important meaning as the symbol of sociocultural phenomenon related with modern fashion. It became the symbol of natural fashion beauty representing freedom and equality and sometimes the sensual style. This study defined the meaning, element, and importance of fashion styling by analyzing preliminary studies and analyzed the aesthetic characteristics of the jeans fashion. The purpose of this study is to drive four styling patterns of the jeans fashion based on such theoretical studies and empirical researches about jeans fashion and plan and direct jeans fashion styling for each style. The results also provides the basis for acknowledging that the idea of ``directing and creating a style`` according to a person`s intent beyond the one-dimensional idea of simply ``wearing`` clothes is the true fashion styling and will set an important footing in the fashion field with the ideas that fit the 21st century.
Key Words
진즈 패션, 패션 스타일링,미적특성, 패션 트렌드, 스타일링 기획, Jeans Fashion, Fashion Styling, Aesthetic Characteristics, Fashion Trend, Styling Planning
Postmodern Characteristics of the body in Fashion Advertisements 패션광고에 나타난 몸의 포스트모더니즘적 특징
염혜수 Hye Soo Yeom , 임은혁 Eun Hyuk Yim
15(2) 57-70, 2011
Postmodern Characteristics of the body in Fashion Advertisements 패션광고에 나타난 몸의 포스트모더니즘적 특징
염혜수 Hye Soo Yeom , 임은혁 Eun Hyuk Yim
As a form of media diversified and changed by the development of technology, fashion advertisements have brought a new change in representation of the body. With this transition, the characteristics of the body, which is in an inseparable relationship with fashion, have been dramatically changed in fashion advertisements. In hugely extended media flow, fashion advertisements suggest concepts of the body that are completely different from the past and became the focus in advertisements. Moreover, the body in fashion advertisements involve the symbolisms of social and cultural backgrounds followed by their commercialization. This study analyzes the characteristics of the body in fashion advertisements drawing on the innovative concepts of the body in contemporary society which is essentially different from the past ones; these characteristics are examined as postmodern features. The features are categorized as follows; hyperreal body, virtual body, fragmentization of the body through neologism, reconsideration of naked body, and decentralized body. The postmodern characteristics of the body have changed the boundary, broken traditional concepts and thoughts, and proposed new trends by creating revolutions though diversified media. Rapidly changing media is considered to be further accelerated; this transition highlights the postmodern characteristics of the body in fashion advertisements in more innovative methods.
A Study on Selection Criteria for Purchasing Designer Shoe Brands According to Fashion Leadership of Women in Their 20`s and 30`s 20-30대 여성의 유행선도력에 따른 디자이너 구두 브랜드의 구매 선택기준과 만족도에 관한 연구
장미순 Mi Soon Chang
15(2) 71-85, 2011
A Study on Selection Criteria for Purchasing Designer Shoe Brands According to Fashion Leadership of Women in Their 20`s and 30`s 20-30대 여성의 유행선도력에 따른 디자이너 구두 브랜드의 구매 선택기준과 만족도에 관한 연구
장미순 Mi Soon Chang
The study examines the current state of designer shoe brands, which are gaining a great deal of popularity in the footwear market, and offer bold designs that cannot be found in typical ready-made shoes. Women in their 20`s and 30`s who are sensitive to fashion are classified into sub-groups based on fashion leadership, and comparative analyses conducted among the sub-groups on selection criteria of designer shoe brands, intention of purchase and satisfaction according to fashion leadership. To this end, a questionnaire survey was conducted of women residing in Seoul and the Capital Area, and 371 questionnaires were used for final data analyses. As a result of the study, the following conclusions were reached. For satisfaction with the purchase of designer shoe brands according to fashion leadership among sub-groups, it was found that the satisfaction with the purchase of designer shoe brands is higher among fashion laggards than among fashion leaders, dual fashion leaders and fashion followers. Dual fashion leaders and fashion leaders showed the highest purchase satisfaction in terms of color, size, material and durability.
T-Commerce Shopping Attitudes Among Female College Students -Focused on Fashion Products- 여대생들의 T-Commerce 쇼핑 태도에 관한 연구 -패션제품을 중심으로-
백지수 Ji Su Paek , 노정은 Jung Eun Noh , 정현주 Hyun Joo Jung , 이승희 Seung Hee Lee
15(2) 86-95, 2011
T-Commerce Shopping Attitudes Among Female College Students -Focused on Fashion Products- 여대생들의 T-Commerce 쇼핑 태도에 관한 연구 -패션제품을 중심으로-
백지수 Ji Su Paek , 노정은 Jung Eun Noh , 정현주 Hyun Joo Jung , 이승희 Seung Hee Lee
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among technology innovation (perceived ease of use, perceived ease, joyfulness), individual variables (innovation, self-efficacy), fashion variables (fashion involvement, interest in celebrity style), shopping attitudes toward fashion T-Commerce, and purchasing intention. Two hundred seven female participants in age group of 20s participated in this study. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, simple and multiple regression, and Cronbach`s Alpha were used to test the research questions. As the result, first, all three variables (perceived ease of use, perceived ease, joyfulness) from technology innovation did affect on attitudes toward fashion T-Commerce. Second, individual innovation did affect positively on attitudes toward fashion T-Commerce. Third, interest in celebrity style affected positively on attitudes toward fashion T-Commerce. Finally, attitudes toward fashion T-Commerce affected positively on purchasing intention of fashion T-Commerce. Based on these results, T-Commerce fashion merchandising marketing strategies of fashion goods would be provided to fashion T-Commerce retailers or marketers.
A Study on the Visual Image of Swimsuit Design 수영복 디자인의 시각적 이미지에 관한 연구
김정미 Jeong Mee Kim
15(2) 96-106, 2011
A Study on the Visual Image of Swimsuit Design 수영복 디자인의 시각적 이미지에 관한 연구
김정미 Jeong Mee Kim
The purpose of this study is to analyze the style of swimsuits shown in collections from 2007 to 2010 and to extract main expressional words for the development of semantic differential scales of visual images according to the change in the style of swimsuits. The results of this study are as follows: 1) 1171 swimsuits shown in collections were composed of 569 bikini, 400 one piece and 202 monokini swimsuits. 2) The design types according to changes in the shoulder strap of the one piece swimsuits are ranked in the order of 300 two straps, 59 strapless and 41 one strap. The bikini swimsuits are ranked in the order of 444 two straps, 116 strapless and 9 one strap. And the monokini swimsuits are ranked in the order of 161 two straps, 23 one strap and 18 strapless. 3) Main expressional words of visual images for swimsuits differ greatly depending on the style of swimsuit. The visual images for one piece swimsuits are ranked in the order of ``stuffy``, ``making shoulders look wide``, ``simple``, ``plain``, ``neat``, ``basic``, ``making legs look long``, ``boring`` and ``dull``. The visual images for bikini swimsuits are ranked in the order of ``hot``, ``underwear-like`` · ``refreshing``, ``making legs look long``, ``gaudy``, ``basic``, ``looking slim``, ``cute``, ``plain``. The visual images for monokini swimsuits are ranked in the order of ``gaudy``, ``hot``, ``underwear-like``, ``making legs look long``, ``embarrassed`` · ``scanty`` · ``looking slim``, ``awkward``, ``making waist look slim``.
Key Words
표현용어, 스타일, 수영복, Expressional word, Style, Swimsuit
Basic Research for development of children cloth diaper -Environmental-friendly oriented- 영,유아용 천기저귀 개발을 위한 기초연구 -친환경 소재를 중심으로-
이정순 Jung Soon Lee , 한경희 Gyung Hee Han , 구미란 Mi Ran Koo
15(2) 107-119, 2011
Basic Research for development of children cloth diaper -Environmental-friendly oriented- 영,유아용 천기저귀 개발을 위한 기초연구 -친환경 소재를 중심으로-
이정순 Jung Soon Lee , 한경희 Gyung Hee Han , 구미란 Mi Ran Koo
The rate of disposable diaper usage has been increased continuously from convenience of disposable diapers and increment of women`s entry in workforce. However, a new perspective toward disposable diapers has been come to the fore in various sides like babies` health, environment, and cost. Furthermore, cloth diaper has started to attract more attention. Since parents and grandparents pay more attention to children as birth rate dropped, they tend to purchase expensive goods if the quality or design of the goods is worthy enough. Therefore, this study has the purpose in presenting the basic data for developing functional and pleasant cloth diaper with analyzing the consuming patterns (convergence in nature, health and technology) and cloth diaper characteristics. The research on the actual condition about children cloth diapers and environmental-friendly materials is as follows. Firstly, as a result of analyzing pros and cons about disposable diapers and cloth diapers, the cloth diapers are estimated to have better health, environment, and cost factors than disposable diapers, only excluding convenience. Secondly, as a result of examining patent registered diapers, the disposable diapers have been improved from shape-centered development to well-being material development, and the cloth diapers have mainly developed functional shape-centered. Thirdly, as a result of analyzing children`s goods made with environmental-friendly materials, the children`s clothes already use organics and natural resources like beans, bamboo trees, ginkgo, and chitosan. Recently, the diaper industry starts to pay attention to environmental-friendly because the skin ailment from environmental pollution has been an issue. To conclude, children`s cloth diaper should be appropriate to their body shape and optimized to have convenient form and functional materials. If environmental-friendly materials are used, quality, functionality, various demands from customers and vitalization of goods industry will be all satisfied.
A Study on the Effect of the Changes of Dyeing Conditions on the Dyeability of Silk Fabrics dyed with Natural Polygoum tinctoria 견직물의 쪽 천연염색에서 염색조건의 변화가 염색성에 미치는 영향
박다나 Da Na Park , 백소라 So Ra Beak , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon
15(2) 120-130, 2011
A Study on the Effect of the Changes of Dyeing Conditions on the Dyeability of Silk Fabrics dyed with Natural Polygoum tinctoria 견직물의 쪽 천연염색에서 염색조건의 변화가 염색성에 미치는 영향
박다나 Da Na Park , 백소라 So Ra Beak , 전동원 Dong Won Jeon
This study is a fundamental research on the natural Polygoum tinctoria dyeing to quantify scientifically and satisfy the reproducibility of the procedure. By dyeing the silk fabrics, the establishment of accurate dyeing method was sought. At the same time, we tried to modify the traditional dyeing methods, broaden the methods, and apply the dyeing variously. The dyeability and color changes were compared and reviewed according to the changes in the reducing temperature, reducing time, concentration of the reducing agent, dyeing temperature, dyeing time, concentration of NaOH, and the number of repetition of dyeing. The optimum conditions in the dyeing procedure are as follows: Added concentration of the reducing agent is 3g/ℓ. Reducing temperature is 60℃. Reducing time is 40minutes. Dyeing temperature is 30℃. Added concentration of NaOH is 1g/ℓ. Dyeing time is 30minutes.
3D Art Make Up Design Process utilizing Digital Drawing Technique and Special Make Up 디지털 드로잉 기법과 특수 분장을 활용한 3D 아트메이크업 디자인 프로세스
신원선 Won Sun Shin , 신세영 Sae Young Shin
15(2) 131-144, 2011
3D Art Make Up Design Process utilizing Digital Drawing Technique and Special Make Up 디지털 드로잉 기법과 특수 분장을 활용한 3D 아트메이크업 디자인 프로세스
신원선 Won Sun Shin , 신세영 Sae Young Shin
The purpose of this study is to propose 3D art make-up design process by reproducing real objects through preliminary digital drawing with Photoshop (Photo Shop CS4.0, Adobe, USA) and using special make-up that has never been done previously, and produce creative problem solving plan to make concrete expanding thoughts and ideas. As for this study method, this study was composed of preliminary study, literature study by book examination and positive study on design process that performed preparatory work and reproduced real objects. Real case study by art make-up design process can improve effective design expressing ability by utilizing special make-up, diversify techniques, extend expression areas by materials, and create unique design. In addition, preliminary work by digital drawing, a process to predict real object work in advance, could reduce time and cost while improving work skill for work production, raise design accuracy and make easy the modification of idea. This study is anticipated to activate digital make-up by various digital techniques including Photoshop.
Key Words
아트메이크업 디자인, 디자인 프로세스, 디지털 드로잉 기법, 특수분장, 3D 아트메이크업, art make-up design, design process, digital drawing techniques, special make-up, 3D art make-up
The Analysis on Work Clothes` Clothing Comfort and Wearer Mobility of Welding and Grinding Workers in the Machine and Shipbuilding Industries 기계, 조선산업 용접 및 사상공정 근로자의 작업복 착의실태와 착용감 및 동작성능 연구
박진아 Gin Ah Park , 박혜원 Hye Won Park , 배현숙 Hyun Sook Bae , 김지관 Jie Kwan Kim
15(2) 145-159, 2011
The Analysis on Work Clothes` Clothing Comfort and Wearer Mobility of Welding and Grinding Workers in the Machine and Shipbuilding Industries 기계, 조선산업 용접 및 사상공정 근로자의 작업복 착의실태와 착용감 및 동작성능 연구
박진아 Gin Ah Park , 박혜원 Hye Won Park , 배현숙 Hyun Sook Bae , 김지관 Jie Kwan Kim
The study aimed to analyze the status quo of manufacturing work environment and the work clothes` clothing comfort and wearer mobility of welding and grinding work processes in the machine and shipbuilding industries in South Korea. A questionnaire survey was conducted for the study, which consisted of questions about work clothes` clothing comfort and wearer mobility according to body parts. The findings derived from the research were: the high impact levels of work environment factors on welding and grinding work processes were noise, metal fragment, superheat, toxic gas, UV ray factors. Subject workers` assessment of work clothes` clothing pressures were in the levels between 3 (i.e. moderate) and 4 (i.e. comfortable) in a range of 5-point scale. The impact levels of wearer mobility factor were high on the work processes of welding and grinding in machine and grinding in shipbuilding. While welding process in shipbuilding showed a ``moderate`` wearer mobility level and this was because its work postures were uncomfortable yet the rate of the motion change was low. The consideration to develop the work clothes specialized for certain work processes should include the materials` protecting performance from the hazardous work environment factors; and work clothes` designs that provides workers with maximized clothing comfort and wearer mobility for bending or tilting postures of upper, lower and lateral body parts defined in the study.
Key Words
작업복 착용감 , 작업복 착의 동작기능성, 작업환경, 용접 및 사상 작업, 기계, 조선 산업, work clothes` clothing comfort , work clothes` wearer mobility, work environments, welding and grinding processes ,machine and shipbuilding industries
A Study of The Stripe Patterns on The Fabric Design Since 2000 2000년대 이후 섬유디자인에 나타난 스트라이프 패턴 연구
한정임 Jung Im Han
15(2) 160-173, 2011
A Study of The Stripe Patterns on The Fabric Design Since 2000 2000년대 이후 섬유디자인에 나타난 스트라이프 패턴 연구
한정임 Jung Im Han
Stripe has been one of the all-time favorite fabric patterns so far and the usages have been widely applied of nearly everything ranging from everyday dress to interior fabrics. As the times change, patterns of this simple geometrical design have gradually become varied. Many effects of stripe patterns have allowed the patterns to be used in fabrics for fashion design and the patterns are considered fit for expressing individual characteristics. By studying theoretical background on categories of stripe patterns and the characteristics as a design and by researching the trends and properties exhibited in the modern fabric design, this paper will seek the potential of stripe patterns for design of a modern sense and the directions to express the patterns as a value-added design. This research was conducted through literature, books published at home and abroad, research papers and photographs on stripe patterns. Domestic magazines, web research, and photographs published since 2000 were studied for an analysis of the trends and characteristics of stripe patterns displayed in the modern fabric design. As the results, this research will explain the tendencies of stripe patterns on the modern fabric designs divided into several ways: simple and restrained modernity, active and sporty property, mannishness putting practicality forward-emerging as the status of women rises, and femininity emphasizing elegant women. The characteristics of the Plastic are categorized simplicity, rhythmicality, and Mixing of patterns.