The Effects of Ubiquitous Based Learning on the fashion and consumer behavior course Ubiquitous Based Learning (UBL)을 이용한 패션과 소비자 행동 수업에 관한 고찰
이승희 Seung Hee Lee
16(2) 1-11, 2012
The Effects of Ubiquitous Based Learning on the fashion and consumer behavior course Ubiquitous Based Learning (UBL)을 이용한 패션과 소비자 행동 수업에 관한 고찰
이승희 Seung Hee Lee
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of UBL (Ubiquitous based- learning) on fashion and consumer behavior course. Thirty-one undergraduate university students completed a 15-week capstone course in a clothing and textiles department. About sixteen percent students were majoring in liberal arts and sixty-three percent of the participants were majoring in the clothing and textiles. Mainly, the participants were junior and senior undergraduate students. The participants demonstrated positive attitude toward the UBL (Ubiquitous based-learning) on fashion and consumer behavior course. The results showed that seventy-seven percent of the participants have more opportunities to handle multi-media resources using social network and social media. Eighty percent of the participants have been developed of communication skills. Seventy-one percent of the participants were helped to learn foreign language skills. Overall, most of the participants were satisfied that their presentation skill was improved in class and they had willing to recommend the class to other students for the future.
The Effect of Success Factors on SCM Performance in Fashion Industry Stream 패션산업 스트림에 따라 SCM 성공요인이 SCM 성과에 미치는 영향연구
최진혁 Jin Hyeok Choi , 신상무 Sang Moo Shin
16(2) 12-26, 2012
The Effect of Success Factors on SCM Performance in Fashion Industry Stream 패션산업 스트림에 따라 SCM 성공요인이 SCM 성과에 미치는 영향연구
최진혁 Jin Hyeok Choi , 신상무 Sang Moo Shin
Fashion industry characteristically goes through many steps to manufacture and to retail apparel products. Complex inter-industry channels with many intermediaries in fashion industry provoked many problems regarding recognizing customer`s need, delivering time, flexibility, and inventory control. Therefore, the purposes of this study were to investigate the differences between apparel manufacturing and distribution process in SCM success factors and performances, and to investigate how SCM success factors affect on performances. Questionnaire was developed and distributed to apparel industry. The returned 116 questionnaires were analyzed by Cronbach`s alpha for internal validity, factor analysis, t-test, and regression analysis with SPSS14.0. The results of this study were as follows: There was significant difference of SCM success factors between apparel manufacturing and distribution regarding process standardization and integration. There were significant differences of SCM performances such as reaction for customer, flexible management, cost minimization, and maximized asset utilization which distribution was higher than apparel manufacturing process. In apparel manufacturing, SC strategic relation, and integrative management influenced upon reaction for customer of SCM performances. SC integrative management influenced upon cost minimization. SC integrative management influenced upon maximized asset utilization. In distribution, SC strategic relation, and activated support for SCM influenced upon reaction for customer of SCM performances. SCM specialization, credible relationship among supply chains, activated support for SCM, and SC integrative management influenced upon cost minimization. SCM specialization, credible relationship among supply chains, and SC integrative management influenced upon maximized asset utilization.
A Study on Information-seeking Benefits of Fashion Applications of Users and their Effects on Loyalty and Satisfaction-Focused on iPhone Fashion Applications- 패션애플리케이션 사용자의 정보추구 혜택이 충성도와 만족도에 미치는 영향 -아이폰 패션애플리케이션을 중심으로-
최가현 Ga Hyun Choi , 이승희 Seung Hee Lee
16(2) 27-43, 2012
A Study on Information-seeking Benefits of Fashion Applications of Users and their Effects on Loyalty and Satisfaction-Focused on iPhone Fashion Applications- 패션애플리케이션 사용자의 정보추구 혜택이 충성도와 만족도에 미치는 영향 -아이폰 패션애플리케이션을 중심으로-
최가현 Ga Hyun Choi , 이승희 Seung Hee Lee
Considering the rapid growth of mobile industry and the emerging application marketing, this study focused on fashion applications, which had not drawn much academic attention before, and analysed relevant content composition, information-seeking benefits based on users` lifestyles and resulting differences in satisfaction and loyalty. In short, fashion applications were divided into fashion and non-fashion brand apps. Brand apps were subdivided into luxury, women`s wear, men`s wear, casual wear, sportswear, accessories and the like. Non-brand apps included commerce, magazine, information, style tip, SNS and wardrobe manager types. As for users` lifestyle-based information search, the higher the tendency to search information on the internet and to favour reasonable consumption, the more basic information on products and brands they sought, whereas the higher the tendency to look for high-profile brands and to favour global culture, the more additional information like images or entertainments they sought. To sum up, given that studies on fashion-specific applications were rare, the present study reviewed and categorized current fashion applications, and suggested theoretical and practical groundwork for developing content based on target consumers` lifestyle and for planning fashion applications in practice.
Key Words
패션 애플리케이션, 추구혜택, 만족도, 충성도, fashions applications, benefits, satisfaction, Loyalty
A Survey on the Recognition of Gaya Culture for the Design Development of Fashion Cultural Goods -Focussed on the Visitors of National Museum- 패션문화상품 디자인 개발을 위한 가야문화에 대한 인지도 조사 -국립박물관 관람객을 대상으로-
송미정 Mi Jung Song , 박혜원 Hye Won Park
16(2) 44-61, 2012
A Survey on the Recognition of Gaya Culture for the Design Development of Fashion Cultural Goods -Focussed on the Visitors of National Museum- 패션문화상품 디자인 개발을 위한 가야문화에 대한 인지도 조사 -국립박물관 관람객을 대상으로-
송미정 Mi Jung Song , 박혜원 Hye Won Park
The 21st century directs designomics to achieve wealth by designing old beyond a simple recognition of the importance of culture. One of the representative local cultures of Gyeongnam is Gaya culture. The Gaya period had over 600 years history with rich and excellent iron manufacturing skill and advanced pottery culture. It is the very time to reevaluate the importance of Gaya equivalent to the Three Kingdoms in our ancient history which was has been so far ignored and isolated. In order to develop unique and excellent culture of Gaya as local fashion cutural goods, questionnaire survey on the recognition of Gaya culture and cultural goods purchasing status had been conducted to target visitors of Representative National Museum. Data Analysis Using SPSS 18.0 Win was performed with frequency analysis and t-test. As to the questionnaire survey, important criteria for purchasing in case of buying cultural goods could be found and the residents in Gyeongnam had higher recognition of developing cultural goods by the motif of Gaya relics. ``Mounted vessel in the shape of warrior on horseback(12.4%)`` and ``Chariot wheel-shaped Pottery(10.8%)`` were selected the most suitable motif, ``Cellphone strap(11.0%)`` and ``key holder(10.2%), ``cup (7.2%)``were selected the most suitable item of cutural goods. These will be actively reflected in the development of fashion cultural goods design applying Gaya relics.
Key Words
가야 문화 인지도, 문화상품 구매 실태, recognition of Gaya culture, cultural goods purchasing status
The study on satisfaction and intent to reuse by type of advertisement as a result of Internet fashion information search 인터넷 패션 정보탐색에 따른 광고유형별 만족도와 재이용의도에 관한 연구
제은숙 Eun Suk Je
16(2) 62-73, 2012
The study on satisfaction and intent to reuse by type of advertisement as a result of Internet fashion information search 인터넷 패션 정보탐색에 따른 광고유형별 만족도와 재이용의도에 관한 연구
제은숙 Eun Suk Je
This study is intended to analyze the effect of fashion consumer`s information search on satisfaction with advertisement and the intent to reuse depending on type of advertisement. The survey of the men and women in their 20s and 30s living in Seoul and metropolitan area was conducted for data collection, beginning in 17th through 24th, October 2011. Total 355 copies of questionnaire were used for final data analysis and reliability analysis, factorial analysis and multiple regression analysis were carried out using SPSS 16.0. The results were as follows. First, for banner, e-mail and search advertisement, constant information search had influence on convenience for use and satisfaction with information, and for e-mail advertisement, information search appeared to have had effect on satisfaction with information. Second, constant information search by type of advertisement had effect on intent to reuse. Third, convenience for use, information and satisfaction with the interest by Internet user had influence on the intent to reuse, while for the user of search advertisement, convenience for use and satisfaction with information had effect on the intent to reuse.
Key Words
정보탐색, 광고유형, 만족도, 재이용의도, Information search, Type of advertisement, Satisfaction, Intent to reuse
Yves Klein and Menswear Fashion design research 이브 클랭(Yves Klein)의 작품을 응용한 남성복 패션디자인 연구
김재환 Jaeh Wan Kim , 간호섭 Ho Sup Kan
16(2) 74-87, 2012
Yves Klein and Menswear Fashion design research 이브 클랭(Yves Klein)의 작품을 응용한 남성복 패션디자인 연구
김재환 Jaeh Wan Kim , 간호섭 Ho Sup Kan
Many fashion designers were inspired by arts. Not only arts itself but also the sprit of the artist links with fashion. This study based on French artist Yves Klein who died in 1962, at the age of 34. Klein created over a thounsand works in only seven years. Among the his various art collections, it is focused on Yves Peintures, I.K.B(International Klein Blue) and Sponge sculpture. The extracted some of core concepts including aesthetic of Klein about color and line, space perception in monochrome and expansion of monochrome toward three dimensional sponge sculptures were transformed into fashion design. As a result, Yves Sweats project, which is T-shirts project based on Yves Peintures, designed as a three-dimentional expansion of Monochrome and it was shown at Fall/Winter 2011-12 Tranoi homme trade show in Paris. Also Yves Klein collection was designed as a ready-to-wear menswear collection that was presented at Fall/Winter 2011-12 Seoul Fashion Week.
Key Words
이브클랭, 모노크롬,인터네셔널 클랭 블루, 이브스웻, 이브클랭 컬렉션, Yves Klein, Monochrome, International Klein Blue, Yves Sweats, Yves Klein Collection
A Study on Make-up Design with Application of Genre Deconstruction in Hybrid(Ver. 2) 하이브리드의 탈 장르화를 응용한 메이크업 디자인에 관한 연구(제 2보)
방기정 Kee Jung Barng , 김경희 Kyung Hee Kim
16(2) 88-107, 2012
A Study on Make-up Design with Application of Genre Deconstruction in Hybrid(Ver. 2) 하이브리드의 탈 장르화를 응용한 메이크업 디자인에 관한 연구(제 2보)
방기정 Kee Jung Barng , 김경희 Kyung Hee Kim
Hybrid implies that elements in more than two are combined, and is what is merged and used complexly the technologies and materials in several fields according to the development in scientific technology and the progress in technology. In the formative and artistic aspect, the hybrid can be said to be phenomenon that two of mutually different genres are combined. The function and form in each genre, which were combined at this time, are remained wholly or partially, thereby revealing as well without hiding a fact of having been combined. In the digital communication era, the same time level was integrated into one culture, with destroying the temporal·spatial boundary. As for the objectives of this study, first, the aim is to suggest a model for researching into make-up by grasping the developmental process and the characteristics of hybrid art through considering an art theory of hybrid, which was shown in make-up. Second, the aim is to design make-up by analyzing trend by make-up style after applying the genre deconstruction in hybrid. The modern make-up design through genre-deconstruction characteristics beyond diverse plurality and genre could be known to be highlighted as aesthetic characteristic by a slight attempt as communication of open space, which connects culture and genre, which had failed to be recognized and was neglected. Through the results of this study, it could be known that there is infinite possibility in developing make-up design in line with modern sensation through aesthetic element and symbolic significance through genre deconstruction. Based on these findings, its significance can be said to be in substantially contributing to offering new sight to the design & formative characteristic and the expression mode in future make-up, to providing basic data, and to strengthening competitive edge of culture and art.
A Study on Fashion Style of Choe Seung-Hee Modern Girl 신여성 최승희 패션 스타일 연구
박애란 Ae Lan Park , 박혜원 Hye Won Park
16(2) 108-123, 2012
A Study on Fashion Style of Choe Seung-Hee Modern Girl 신여성 최승희 패션 스타일 연구
박애란 Ae Lan Park , 박혜원 Hye Won Park
The objective of this research is to examine the fashion styles of Choe Seung-Hee (1911-1969), modern woman and dancer of Korea, through her life and activities. Choe Seung-Hee`s fashion styles in daily life, in advertisements and in dance performances were examined through the theoretical and empirical studies within the scope of this research, which is from 1926 when she entered the world of dance to 1946 when she defected to North Korea. The result is that the fashion styles of Choe Seung-Hee is not simply that of an individual modern woman and a dancer who lived in the early 20th century but is a meaningful symbol of Korea`s modern women.
Key Words
최승희, 신여성, 패션 스타일, 무용가, Choe Seung-Hee, Modern Woman, Fashion Style, Dancer
A Study on the Formation of a Style -Focusing on the Style of Iris Van Herpen- 스타일 형성에 관한 연구 -Iris Van Herpen의 스타일을 중심으로-
김영선 Yon Son Kim
16(2) 124-137, 2012
A Study on the Formation of a Style -Focusing on the Style of Iris Van Herpen- 스타일 형성에 관한 연구 -Iris Van Herpen의 스타일을 중심으로-
김영선 Yon Son Kim
This study aims to identify the meaning and formation cause of a style, and the essential elements of style formation, through psychobiological research as well as an analysis of the designs of Iris Van Herpen, a fashion designer, who in just 6 years has developed into a world-renowned new designer. As a result, it has been found that the psychobiological causes to form a style stem from the action of ``long-term memory``, which is consolidated by ``selective attention``, ``perceptional subjectivity``, the principle of the ``neuron`s connection specificity and invariance``, and the principle of a ``neuronal signal`s unilateral flow``. With such action, Herpen could develop her own original composition techniques. The formative shapes created by such composition techniques are characterized by enumeration, superposition, and hanging. The study has also found that the essential elements for a designer to be able to form his/her own style include ``aesthetic originality`` in which the designer views the property of a thing from his/her inherent perspective, and finds the uniqueness from the thing that only he/she can express, ``technical differences`` that are creative and original, and ``formative specificity`` that is summarized into one property through an impressive shape.
Key Words
패션 디자이너, 스타일, 자기 유사성, 장기 기억, 고착화, Fashion designer, Style, Self-similarity, Long-term memory, Consolidation
The Study of the color reproducibility and the color fastness of Nano Inkjet DTP(Digital Textile Printing) -Focusing on 2012-2013 F/W COLOR TREND- 나노 잉크젯 DTP(Digital Textile Printing)의 컬러 재현성 및 내구성에 관한 연구 -2012-2013 F/W COLOR TREND를 중심으로-
김소진 So Jin Kim , 최경미 Kyoung Me Choi
16(2) 138-150, 2012
The Study of the color reproducibility and the color fastness of Nano Inkjet DTP(Digital Textile Printing) -Focusing on 2012-2013 F/W COLOR TREND- 나노 잉크젯 DTP(Digital Textile Printing)의 컬러 재현성 및 내구성에 관한 연구 -2012-2013 F/W COLOR TREND를 중심으로-
김소진 So Jin Kim , 최경미 Kyoung Me Choi
Nano Inkjet DTP technology, a new technology introduced recently, can be applied to various types of fabric, and pre-treatment process can be omitted, which makes the whole printing process compact. Some important factors for DTP are color difference between the color selected by the designer on PC and the color on the final product and durability of the final fabrics. In this study, the twenty-three trend colors of 2012-2013 F/W suggested by PeclersParis have been picked to be printed on cotton, silk and polyester fabrics, then K/S and △E value and color fastness were measured. The results show that dyeability of fabric is varied for each color group, and that also tone of color affect to dyeability when measured for colors in the same group. In general, for all fabric, light fastness, washing fastness and color fastness to sublimation are outstanding. However, because of poor rubbing fastness, additional treatment to fix colorant on fabric is required.
Key Words
디지털 텍스타일 프린팅, 나노잉크, 색차, 견뢰도, 트렌드 컬러, DTP, Nano ink, Color difference, Color fastness, Trend color
A Study on the Tensile Deformation Characteristics of Knits and Appearance Using 3D Digital Virtual Clothing Systems 니트소재의 인장변형 특성과 3D 디지털 클로딩 시스템에 의한 외관표현에 관한 연구
최경미 Kyoung Me Choi , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim
16(2) 151-162, 2012
A Study on the Tensile Deformation Characteristics of Knits and Appearance Using 3D Digital Virtual Clothing Systems 니트소재의 인장변형 특성과 3D 디지털 클로딩 시스템에 의한 외관표현에 관한 연구
최경미 Kyoung Me Choi , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim
The industry-wide development of digital technologies has also affected the textile and fashion industries immensely. The applications of 3D technology, virtual reality, and/or augmented reality systems have helped to create novel fashion brands based on the marriage of IT and textile/fashion industries. 3D digital virtual clothing systems have been developed to help the textile and fashion industries in terms of the planning, manufacturing, marketing and sales sectors. So far, most of the development effort for the 3d virtual clothing systems has been focused on the woven fabrics. The characteristics of woven fabrics differ from those of knitted fabric. Since the physical structures and mechanical properties of the knitted fabrics are definitely different from those of woven fabrics, the simulation process for the knitted fabrics should follow different approaches. The loops in a knitted fabric deform easily. The deformation results in a readily stretchable fabric appearance. Cloth simulation mostly employs models that approximate the mechanical properties of linear elastic planes. This simulation scheme does not, however, describe well enough the behavior of knitted fabrics, which deviate largely from the linear isotropic material characteristics. This study aims at characterizing the tensile deformation and surface textures of a knitted fabric product. Tensile deformation curves for the wale, course, and bias direction are analyzed. The surface texture of the knitted fabric is analyzed by using a 3-dimensional scanning device.
Key Words
편성물, 3차원 디지털 가상의복 시스템, 인장변형, 턱 편환, Knit, 3D digital virtual clothing system, Tensile Deformation, Tuck stitch
A Study on the Costumes expressed in the John Cameron Mitchell`s Movie 존 카메론 밋첼의 영화 <헤드윅> 에 나타난 복식에 관한 연구
서은혜 Eun Hye Seo , 김혜정 Hye Jeong Kim
16(2) 163-179, 2012
A Study on the Costumes expressed in the John Cameron Mitchell`s Movie 존 카메론 밋첼의 영화 <헤드윅> 에 나타난 복식에 관한 연구
서은혜 Eun Hye Seo , 김혜정 Hye Jeong Kim
Among diverse cultural types which can be shown in movie, ``Subculture`` is young culture that resist to major culture. It shows its belief and identity via its own style. Their ``Subcultural Style`` became popular with mass media and has been affected to major cultures. Therefore, in this research, with times background as postmodernism in end of 20th century and mainly with movie which is about sexual minorities, I analyzed categories of costumes in the movie. Hedwig`s rock costume shows combined fashion with hippie, punk, glam, kitsch, goth styles from the impact of postmodernism in mid 20th century. Tommy, showed his relief and defiant intention against old generations with grunge casual and graffiti styles. After he realized Hedwig`s identity and showed defiant goth rock style as a famous rocker. The band, "Angry Inch", showed dissatisfaction and cynical attitude against the American society through subculture styles. Through this research, the fact that movie costume used a tool to show human`s identity and value. Also, I can see that movie costume shows times and cultural phenomenon in the end of 20th century and through this, it was confirmed that this contributes to crease new fashion style through them.
Key Words
헤드윅 존 카메론 밋첼 하위문화 Hedwig, John Cameron Mitchell, Subculture