The purposes of this study were to examine the relationships between women`s social status, social participation, freedom, and clothing, and the manner in which women`s clothing affected women`s freedom and social participation through the centuries. The stimuli for the study were six images that were used to ask about women`s perception of clothing and their social participation. The analysis of the study was used to provide descriptive statistics, frequencies, and Independent sample t-test. The study participants were 268 female college students from a central university in Korea. The participants` ages ranged from 18 to 33 years, with a mean age of 20.93. Ninety-seven percent of the participants said they usually or always were influenced emotionally, psychologically and in terms of external factors by what they wear. Approximately 60% of the women answered that women were limited to social participation by what they wear. These study results indicated that clothing for women did not just function to cover the body, but was also used as a tool to restrict women`s behavior, social role, gender discrimination, and social participation.
Key Words
social participation, gender role, role of clothing
The Analysis of the Painting Work Clothes Clothing Comfort and Wearer Mobility Considering the Work Environment in the Machine and Shipbuilding Industries Industries
Ginah Ginah Park , Hye Won Park , Hyun Sook Bae
16(3) 13-31, 2012
The Analysis of the Painting Work Clothes Clothing Comfort and Wearer Mobility Considering the Work Environment in the Machine and Shipbuilding Industries Industries
Ginah Ginah Park , Hye Won Park , Hyun Sook Bae
The purpose of the study was to analyze the work clothes` clothing comfort and wearer mobility of painting workers with the consideration of the work environment features in the machine and shipbuilding industries in South Korea. A questionnaire survey was conducted for the study, which consisted of questions on the clothing comfort and wearer mobility aspects of painting work clothes by clothes types and body parts. The work clothes` clothing comfort and wearer mobility levels were scaled in 5 points i.e. 1(: very tight/very uncomfortable) to 5(: very slack/very comfortable). The painting work environmental hazardous features were considered as high impact levels of workplace temperature, oxygen deficiency, organic solvent, toxic gas factors while metal fragment factor only impacts ``low`` in the painting processes with the findings throughout this study. Since the painting work consisted of surface washing and the spray and touch-up painting processes, which was carried out in an outdoor work place, the painting work clothes should meet high performance of waterproofing from the painting material and air permeability specially in summer as well as thermal performance in winter. The subjects painting workers` assessment of the existing work clothes` clothing oppression was in the levels between 3 (i.e. moderate) and 4 (i.e. comfortable) in a range of 1 to 5 points. The existing painting work clothes` wearer mobility was evaluated ``very uncomfortable`` in all work clothes parts, especially, armhole length, biacromial breadth, sleeve length of the jumper; and body rise, waist, hip, thigh and knee circumferences of the pants.
Key Words
painting work clothes clothing comfort, work clothes wearer mobility, painting work environments, work postures, painting work processes in the machine and shipbuilding industries
Working Clothes Design and Production in the Mechatronics Machinery Industry with the Application of Faber Birren`s Color Harmony Theory Theory
Hyewon Hyewon Park , Jung Hee Yang
16(3) 32-44, 2012
Working Clothes Design and Production in the Mechatronics Machinery Industry with the Application of Faber Birren`s Color Harmony Theory Theory
Hyewon Hyewon Park , Jung Hee Yang
This study proposed a color scheme that is harmonious with the working environment of industrial sites using Birren`s color harmony theory for color planning. To apply the Birren`s color harmony theory to working clothes, the basic colors were chosen, and six of the eight harmony formulas of Birren excluding achromatic colors (white + grey + black) and solid color harmony (solid colors + white + black) were used to form a palette for each case. For the basic colors, the color chips of four dominant colors (yellow-green, sky-blue, blue, and violet), which were chosen from a field survey for preferences in the first step, and the production of materials in the second step were collected through the PANTONE color chips. The selected color chips were PANTONE 13-0550 TPX, PANTONE 15-4105 TPX, PANTONE 18-3949 TPX, and PANTONE 19-3720 TPX. These color chips were scanned and their RGB values were extracted through Photoshop CS. Then the colors were arranged in accordance with the Birren`s color harmony formulas (Color+Tint+White, Color+Shade+Black, Tint+Tone+Shade, Shade+Tone+Black, Shade+Tone+White, and Tint+Shade+Tone+Gray). In addition, the proposed palette color schemes were applied through Birren`s color harmony formulas using Texpro V 10.1 textile to the schematization of working clothes that were designed in the previous study. Palette formation in line with Birren`s color harmony formulas provided scientific color arrangement results. Visually presenting the color scheme of working clothes will help the color selection of working clothes in tune with the circumstances of industrial sites.
Key Words
Working Clothes, Faber Birren`s Color Theory, Color Planning
The Effects of the Talent Types on Purchasing Behavior of Beauty-Service products
In Sook Koo
16(3) 45-62, 2012
The Effects of the Talent Types on Purchasing Behavior of Beauty-Service products
In Sook Koo
This study aims to examine the effect of talent types on the purchasing behaviour of beauty-service products in 367 adults(female and male). The present study is the first to consider both talent types and the purchasing behaviour of beauty-service products correlates to appearance management behaviour. Frequency analysis showed that the mean of 8 talent types of 367 participants was 3.324. The highest talent type of 367 participants was interpersonal talent, the lowest talent type was logical-mathematical talent among 8 talent types. There were statistically significant relationships between the talent types(specially, bodily-kinesthetic talent and interpersonal talent) and the purchasing criteria of beauty-service products on the correlation analysis. And the effects of 8 talent types on the purchasing frequency of 4 beauty-service products were significant on the regression analysis, specifically, the results showed that the most significant among 8 talent factors was the interpersonal talent, next, the bodily-kinesthetic was. Thus, the more purchasing frequency of beauty-services products, the higher interpersonal talent were, and the better affinity with others were. As a results, the interpersonal talent factor and bodily-kinesthetic talent factor among 8 talent factors were ultimately affecting the appearance management behaviour. The higher the score, it was concluded that the subject was more active in beauty-related behavior. Conclusively, the appearance is a form of personal asset for one`s self-fulfillment, and strong and beautiful appearance is a medium to improve self-esteem and dominance. It is possessing a significant influence in personal satisfaction, self-identity, and social success.
Key Words
Talent Types, Purchasing Behavior of Beauty-Service Products, Purchasing Criteria of Beauty-Service Products, Information Resources for Choosing Beauty Parlors
A Study on Character analysis and make up design in TV action drama "ya-cha(夜叉)"
Yu Kyoung Kim , Sae Young Shin
16(3) 63-77, 2012
A Study on Character analysis and make up design in TV action drama "ya-cha(夜叉)"
Yu Kyoung Kim , Sae Young Shin
This study action drama TV drama ``Ya-ha``(夜叉) the actual work practices of the pre-consultation stage through the Writers, Producer, Art directors and in consultation with the opinion of the character set the record of the contents and character changes over time in accordance with characters makeup the design elements were analyzed. The methods of study was used local and abroad related books, studies, publications and cases and the subjects were limited to be four male make up characters in drama ``Ya-cha``. As a result, TV action drama ``Ya-cha`` make up design elements and representation techniques were classified as description of skin tone, wound, the shape of eyebrows, hair type, shape of beard and materials and carried out an important role in the character representation. First, presentation techniques changed skin tones depending on character and position and described wound shape as expression technique and materials were analyzed. Second, the shape of eyebrows was based on the physiognomy of the form. And hair type changed volume, thickness, length and texture depending on character. Third, shape of beard is expressed different kinds of volume, thickness, length and texture depending on character. There fore, that systematization of the make-up design elements is useful to express stable characters and make drama for make up in various image genres.
Key Words
character make-up design, action drama, fusion drama, make-up techniques
The Sleeve-Cap Part Drafting Method of the General-Purpose Sleeve Pattern and the Verification of Compatibility Compatibility
Kyung Hee Cho
16(3) 78-94, 2012
The Sleeve-Cap Part Drafting Method of the General-Purpose Sleeve Pattern and the Verification of Compatibility Compatibility
Kyung Hee Cho
This study devised and drew custom sleeve patterns by using a regression equation with the data from 7 models along with the sleeve that was slightly modified to make the general-purpose sleeve pattern. To devise a general-purpose sleeve pattern, the sleeve pattern was drawn as an object for comparison by applying the Bunka drafting system (sleeve pattern by the Bunka drafting system) to the basic upper garment. Actual sleeves, made by using the three types of patterns above, were created and tested by models. Next, 30 panel members participated in a sight test of the compatibility of the sleeves to examine the validity of the sleeve drafting method acquired using the regression equation. The test proved that the custom sleeve pattern and the general-purpose sleeve pattern were more suitable for the characteristics of arm structures. Thus, the new sleeve-cap part drafting method using the regression equation was shown to have validity. As a result, since a very significant correlation was obtained for the body measurement figures and the basic pattern of the adequate basic pattern of the sleeves, this study concludes that it is possible to come up with primary data that can be widely used by increasing the number of subjects.
Study on Original Design Features of First Ladies` Evening Dresses Dresses-Comparison of Jacqueline`s Styles and Later First Ladies` Styles-
Young Jae Lee
16(3) 95-106, 2012
Study on Original Design Features of First Ladies` Evening Dresses Dresses-Comparison of Jacqueline`s Styles and Later First Ladies` Styles-
Young Jae Lee
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (July 28, 1929 - May 19, 1994) was served as First Lady of the United States in the early 1960s. Her fashion styles are analyzed into the elements of designs, and the features of Jackie look are assorted. A variety of sources about women`s suits for the 21st century are suggested in the research. Jackie`s taste in fashion, her fashion image are searched. In addition, after Jackie, other nine fashionable First Ladies` evening dresses are compared to Jackie`s dresses so as to see if there are similarities between their styles. Based on this data, the typical First Lady`s look is classifiable. The purpose of this study is to furnish the industry with basic information which helps create high value fashion design. Most of Jackie`s evening dresses had the straight - sheath silhouettes, and the round or bateau necklines without collars. Pale tones like white predominated in her dresses, and patternless colorful silk, silky and bright texture of cloth was used for the dresses. Elegance and classic represented her image. Design features of Jackie look are the straight silhouette, the simple line excluded adornments, and the fine quality of cloth. There has been little change in other nine First Ladies` evening dresses since Jackie . They weren`t influenced by the vogue at that time, but they kept the style the way Jackie did. Jackie style is the beginning of the typical first lady look, that is.
Key Words
evening dress, first Lady Look, image, design feature, fashion style
A Study on Sociocultural Attitudes and Appearance Management Behavior in accordance with Gender Role Identity Identity
Eun Hee Park
16(3) 107-124, 2012
A Study on Sociocultural Attitudes and Appearance Management Behavior in accordance with Gender Role Identity Identity
Eun Hee Park
The purpose of this study was to classify types in sense of gender role identity and to figure out the difference among sociocultural attitude, benefits of clothing pursuit, and appearance management behaviors by sense of gender role identity types. Questionnaires were administered to 455 people in their twenties and thirties living in Daegu and Kyoungbuk area. Data were analyzed by using frequency, factor analysis, credibility, X2-test, ANOVA, Duncan-test, and t-test. The findings are as follows. First, Men of androgyny group showed the highest rate of 38.5% followed by undifferentiation(22.9%), masculineness(21.0%), and feminineness(17.6%). Women of undifferentiation group showed the highest rate of 33.2% followed by feminineness (25.2%), androgyny(22.0%), and masculineness(19.6%). Second, factors of sociocultural attitude were internalization and recognition. Benefits of clothing pursuit consists of the factors such as consciousness of others, personality, and vogue pursuit. Factors of appearance management behaviors were dressing, skin management, plastic surgery management, weight management, health management, and hair management. Third, the result from the difference between sociocultural attitude and benefits of clothing pursuit by sense of gender role identity types, men of androgyny and feminineness showed highest in recognition while women of androgyny showed highest in internalization and recognition. The result of the difference in benefits of clothing pursuit by sense of gender role identity shows that both men and women of androgyny group have high tendency for being conscious of others, personality pursuit, and vogue pursuit while men of undifferentiation and masculineness have low interest in dressing in relationship with others. Fourth, the examination of the difference in appearance management behavior by sense of gender role identity types found men of androgyny group managed dressing, skin, weight, health and hair most while women dress and health most. Men of undifferentiation group managed dressing and weight least, while men of masculineness health, and men of feminineness hair least.
Key Words
Gender Role Identity, Sociocultural Attitudes, Benefits of Clothing Pursuit, Appearance Management Behavior
A study on the Analysis of 3D Scanning of Knit Stitches and Modeling System -Jersey, Rib, and Cable Stitches-
Kyoung Me Choi , Jong Jun Kim , Na Gun Song
16(3) 125-135, 2012
A study on the Analysis of 3D Scanning of Knit Stitches and Modeling System -Jersey, Rib, and Cable Stitches-
Kyoung Me Choi , Jong Jun Kim , Na Gun Song
Since knitted textile products mostly do not require long span of time from the conception to the final products, they have lead the fashion trends during the recent decades. Developments in the textile engineering industries, and computer software and hardware industries have made the 3D virtual clothing software system easily accessible by the fashion/textile industry personnel. The simulated models of apparel products using the state-of-the-art virtual clothing systems are, however, not the replica of real-world garments. Moreover, the garments do not maintain fixed shapes during wearing. Deformations at low external stress lead to difficulties in predicting the behavior of the knitted garments. Therefore, there is a need to compare the differences in appearances, textures, or other related properties between simulated fabrics and actual fabrics. Three knit stitches including jersey, rib, and cable stitches are examined in this study. The differences between fluffy thick yarns and thin yarns are also compared using 3D scanning and surface reconstruction. Obtained three-dimensional data regarding the reconstructed knit specimens would help to build a data base for estimating the behavior of the 3D models of the knitted garments.
Key Words
3D modeling, 3D scanning, Structured Light, Knit stitch, Cable stitch