Study on the Clothing Selection Criteria and Purchasing Satisfaction according to the Outdoor Wear Benefit 아웃도어 웨어 추구혜택에 따른 의복선택기준과 구매만족도에 관한 연구
제은숙 Eun Suk Je
16(4) 1-12, 2012
Study on the Clothing Selection Criteria and Purchasing Satisfaction according to the Outdoor Wear Benefit 아웃도어 웨어 추구혜택에 따른 의복선택기준과 구매만족도에 관한 연구
제은숙 Eun Suk Je
This study made an analysis on the relation and influence between outdoor wear benefit, clothing selection criteria and purchasing satisfaction. Survey was conducted targeting 20s-30s males and females who have experience of purchasing outdoor wear and 335 sheets of questionnaire were used for final analysis. And statistics package SPSS16.0 was used for analysis of collected materials. A group seeking the trendy brand turned out to give considerable thought to the brand and trend and purchase less than 100,000won at the discount outlet. A group pursuing functional practicality puts an emphasis on the activity and use, and purchases at the internet shopping mall or department store. Regarding material, function, design, style and color as important, a group pursuing individuality and appearance turned out to purchase clothing at various places such as discount outlet, specialty store and internet. A group that is indifferent to clothing appeared not to care about specific elements when selecting outdoor wear. The result of study showed that consumers of outdoor wear show purchasing satisfaction in respect of design, style, color or trend.
A Review of Dancer Choe Seung-Hee Fashion Style 무용가 최승희 패션 스타일의 현대적 재조명 재조명
박애란 Aelan Aelan Park , 박혜원 Hye Won Park
16(4) 13-28, 2012
A Review of Dancer Choe Seung-Hee Fashion Style 무용가 최승희 패션 스타일의 현대적 재조명 재조명
박애란 Aelan Aelan Park , 박혜원 Hye Won Park
The objective of this research is to examine the fashion styles of Choe Seung-Hee (1911-1969), modern woman and dancer of Korea, through her life and activities. From such theoretical and empirical studies, three aesthetic characteristics of South Korea`s modern woman Choe Seung-Hee`s fashion styles could be deduced. Based on the three deduced styles of modern elegance, futuristic avant-garde and mystical Asian aesthetics, "Pearl of Asia" was selected as the main theme. The result is that the fashion styles of Choe Seung-Hee is not simply that of an individual modern woman and a dancer who lived in the early 20th century but is a meaningful symbol of Korea`s modern women.
Key Words
최승희, 신여성, 패션 스타일, 무용가, Choe Seung-Hee, Modern Woman, Fashion Style Dancer
Eco-Fashion Industry Trend and Creative Fashion Design Technic for Zero-Waste 친환경 패션산업 동향과 쓰레기 발생 감량화 를 (Zero Waste) 위한 실험적 디자인 사례 연구 연구
박혜원 Hye Won Park
16(4) 29-45, 2012
Eco-Fashion Industry Trend and Creative Fashion Design Technic for Zero-Waste 친환경 패션산업 동향과 쓰레기 발생 감량화 를 (Zero Waste) 위한 실험적 디자인 사례 연구 연구
박혜원 Hye Won Park
The purpose of this study is for providing not only the latest design technique trend for zero waste fashion, but information about creative fashion design education through eco-fashion industry trend in globally and domestic which is focusing on eco-fashion labelling. The research were processed with literature related eco, sustainable, green fashion books, former articles, newspapers, and web sites. The results as follows; The certification about eco-fashion product is moving to ``Life Cycle Assessment`` from focused on primary process like material, finishing, dyeing. Especially simplicity of process means reducing the wastes. And fabric wastage for adult outwear was estimated 15% percent of total fabric used in general design studios. Three cases for Zero waste fashion were as follows; First, Jigsaw puzzle by Timo Rissane and Mark Liu were different zero waste methods, but the result was same. Rissene`s method was based on traditional cutting like ``cut and sew`` but traditional cutting can lead to design that have an abundance of fabric and drape. Jigsaw of Rissene was approached with description a pattern-cutting technique in which all piece interlock with each other generating no waste from design production. Another Jigsaw by Liu was related with innovative textile design. DTP makes the possibilities for zero waste garment production almost endless. The dress intricately cut from 10 pieces, wastes none of the fabric required to make it. Second, Subtraction Cutting by Julian Roberts provides unexpected fluid, organic forms and zero waste fabric. Utilizing Roberts plug(tunnel) technique enables any part of the garment that is removed for fit or aesthetics to be reincorporated into the design of garment. Third was ``Bio Couture`` by Suzanne Lee. She has created garments from cellulose bacteria which grow in a bathtub using only green methods addressing in such as way ecological issues and exploring the future of fashion design in conjunction with technology.
Key Words
에코 패션, 제로 웨이스트 패션 디자인, 직쏘우 퍼즐, 서브스트렉션 커팅, 바이오 쿠튀르, Eco-Fashion, Zero Waste Fashion Design, Jigsaw Puzzle, Subtraction Cutting, Bio Couture
The effect of consumer characteristics and TTF on the acceptance of fashion mobile commerce 소비자 개인특성과 기술적합성이 (TTF)패션 모바일 커머스 수용에 미치는 영향 영향
나윤규 Youn Kue Na
16(4) 46-63, 2012
The effect of consumer characteristics and TTF on the acceptance of fashion mobile commerce 소비자 개인특성과 기술적합성이 (TTF)패션 모바일 커머스 수용에 미치는 영향 영향
나윤규 Youn Kue Na
This research purposed to the conceptual model with integrates the expanded task technology fit theory(TTF) and technical acceptance model(TAM) for the effect of the motivational factor of the consumer characteristics in the used the fashion mobile commerce. To fulfill the study objectives, a total of 432 questionnaires were conducted to the customers with first-hand experience with merchandise in mobile commerce. The judgement sampling method was employed on sample population ages from 20s to 30s over two month period. Based on the results of the above-mentioned path analysis, The result showed that First, the utilization experience was adopted as the have the notes effect in the and information acquisition fit, support fit, quality fit, perceived ease of use. and the innovativeness was adopted as the have the notes effect in the information support fit, perceived trust, perceived ease of use. and the self-efficacy was adopted as the have the notes effect in the and information quality fit, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use. Second, the information acquisition fit, support fit were adopted as the have the notes effect in the perceived trust, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use. and the information quality fit was adopted as the have the notes effect in the perceived trust, perceived usefulness. Third, the appeared similar effect which considers from all relationships such as perceived trust, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, acceptance attitude and purchase intention.
Key Words
모바일 커머스, 소비자 특성, Task-Technology 기술적합성 기술, Technology Acceptance Model,수용모형, FitM-Commerce, Consumer Characteristics, TTF, TAM
The Relation of Fashion Image and Followership 패션이미지와 팔로워십과의 관계연구
김미경 Mi Kyung Kim
16(4) 64-74, 2012
The Relation of Fashion Image and Followership 패션이미지와 팔로워십과의 관계연구
김미경 Mi Kyung Kim
The purpose of this study would be to find out the relationship of social as a sign of fashion image and the followership. This study is classified into theoretical and experimental research. Following are the summary of the results revealed through the experimental study. First, The relationship of oneself pursuit of fashion image types and leader`s favourite fashion image types for regression analysis result indicated significant difference. Second, The factor analysis of followership are used, developed by Colangeol is asking. The results of factor analysis are four types classification as to Active Participation, Convergence objective, Team Spirit, Critical Thinking. Third, The relationship of types of fashion images and factor variance of followership indicated a difference in Active Participation factors. But The relationship of types of leader`s fashion images and factor variance of followership indicated a difference in Convergence objective factors. Analysis of the fashion image based on the conceptual properties of followership is to understand the characteristics of followers, and the leader`s image based on research for building materials will be provided.
Key Words
패션이미지, 리더의 패션이미지, 팔로우십, fashion Image, the fashion Image of Leader, followership
The effects of the Store attributes and Relationship quality on the Conversion intent of fashion store -Focused on Internet shopping mall and Local store- 의류점포속성 및 관계품질이 점포전환의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 -인터넷 쇼핑몰과 재래시장 패션전문상가를 중심으로-
정영주 Young Ju Chung , 장은영 Eun Young Jang
16(4) 75-87, 2012
The effects of the Store attributes and Relationship quality on the Conversion intent of fashion store -Focused on Internet shopping mall and Local store- 의류점포속성 및 관계품질이 점포전환의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 -인터넷 쇼핑몰과 재래시장 패션전문상가를 중심으로-
정영주 Young Ju Chung , 장은영 Eun Young Jang
This study was to investigate the conversion intent of fashion store among college undergraduates. The conversion intent in internet shopping mall and local store was associated with store attributes and relationship quality. A random sample of undergraduate students completed a questionnaire that contained measure of Store attributes, Relationship quality, Conversion intent of fashion store. The results revealed that store attributes of local store were store comport/salesman service, product diversity, store location, price and the store attributes of internet shopping mall were product diversity/easy of navigation, store reliability, screen configuration, sales promotion. Also, the result founded that the conversion intent of fashion store is related to store comport/salesman service in local store and is related to product diversity/easy of navigation, screen configuration, promotion in internet shopping mall. Relationship quality is highly effected of the conversion intent of local store and internet shopping mall. We expect that this research results can be used as a basic material for another study and setting up the marketing strategies in fashion store.
Key Words
점포 전환의도, 인터넷 쇼핑몰, 재래시장, 점포 속성, 관계 품질, Conversion intent of fashion store, Internet shopping mall, Local store, Store attribute, Relationship quality
A Study on Michelle Obama`s Hair Styles -Focused on Her Period of the First Lady- 미셸 오바마의 헤어스타일 연구 -퍼스트레이디 기간을 중심으로-
정선주 Sun Ju Jeoung
16(4) 88-99, 2012
A Study on Michelle Obama`s Hair Styles -Focused on Her Period of the First Lady- 미셸 오바마의 헤어스타일 연구 -퍼스트레이디 기간을 중심으로-
정선주 Sun Ju Jeoung
Recently the hair style of Michelle Obama, the world`s most recognized First Lady of the United States has been loved by the public with her optimistic confidence and as a fashion leader. For Michelle Obama`s hair styles by length, a medium-short cut style was expressed in various ways to show her strong will by exposing the forehead, an elegant image by asymmetry hair, or a progressive image by a short volume hair cut. A medium cut style expressed an elegant and intelligent image in shoulder-length and a trendy image using a side parting. A updo hair style produced young, womanly, and casual images using twisting, binding, typing up, and rolling technique according to situations. For hair styles associated with her roles, when participating as a diplomatic delegate, she expressed the President`s helpful partner by a soft and womanly image using bobbed hair and half updo technique. For the participation in state occasions, her hair styles were examined in three situations. First of all, she mainly had a neat style, exposing her forehead in official schedules as a political partner to create an intelligent and high-class image. Second, she expressed a strong will with a medium-short style during an election campaign. Finally, she showed an elegant and refined hair style in consideration of T.P.O. during social activity. Michelle Obama overcame her hair`s handicap, grasped her images associated with hair length, and expressed hair strategically according to her roles as the first African-American First Lady of the United States.
Key Words
퍼스트레이디, 헤어스타일, 미셸 오바마, 이미지, 흑인 모발, First Lady, Hair Style, Michelle Obama, Image, Hair of Black People
Mordanting effect of Chestnut`s inner skin on the cow Leather dyed with Turmeric powder 우피의 울금 염색시 사용된 율피의 매염 효과
배상경 Sang Kyoung Bai
16(4) 100-106, 2012
Mordanting effect of Chestnut`s inner skin on the cow Leather dyed with Turmeric powder 우피의 울금 염색시 사용된 율피의 매염 효과
배상경 Sang Kyoung Bai
This research was carried out to find the mordant effect of Chestnut`s inner skin on the cow leather dyed by Turmeric powder. The best proper mordanting conditions were examined by changing mordant method, concentration, temperature, bath ratio, time, and repetition. Also dyeability and surface color changes were evaluated by various mordanting methods. The optimum mordanting conditions of chestnut`s inner skin extract on the cow leather were pre mordant, 80%, 50 , 50:1, 40minutes, 4 repetition. The K/S values as a ℃ mordant were higher in pre mordant than post mordanting condition. Although the E was Δ slightly higher in post mordant than pre mordant, it was too small to find any means. The surface colors of all dyed cow leathers were yellow. Among light, dry cleaning, and abrasion fastnesses, only light fastness was increased one degree, others were same degrees.
A Study of the Visual Effects According to the Variations of Waist Gathering in Sarrouel Pants 사루엘 팬츠의 개더량 변화에 따른 시각적 효과 연구
이정은 Jeong Eun Lee , 도월희 Wol Hee Do , 배수정 Soo Jeong Bae
16(4) 107-122, 2012
A Study of the Visual Effects According to the Variations of Waist Gathering in Sarrouel Pants 사루엘 팬츠의 개더량 변화에 따른 시각적 효과 연구
이정은 Jeong Eun Lee , 도월희 Wol Hee Do , 배수정 Soo Jeong Bae
This thesis takes it an aim to analyze and compare the visual images which results from attaching the voluminous changes of the waist gathering to the basic Sarrouel pants, one of the Islamic costume, and also from the three body type influenced by these changes. The method of the investigation was to select basic designs of the Sarrouel pants, then the three pieces of the experimental clothes called pattern 1(50%), pattern 2(100%), and pattern 3(150%) were made respectively. The 3 types of the adult women were selected as models in a way to represent the S(S1), M(S2), L(S3) the female body indices of the K. S. The models wearing the 3 types of experimental clothes were taken pictures from the front, side and back, which the pictures were used for the evaluations for the visual effects. For the evaluation, the questionaire from 12 to 18, associated with the body types and images respectively were completed and collected in an investigative way. The visual effects by the waist gathering and body size are composed body and image emerged the four factors. Conclusively, the volume of the waist gathering gives a benefit only in terms of the appropriateness in which the voluminous gatherings compensate for the defects of the body type while too much gathering leads to the negative effects. The visual effects from the increased gathering gives the impressions of the more activity with the snugness as it decreases the feminine effects. The evaluation indices like the stiffness or the masculine images might be more or less predominant in this case. This might be ascribed to the fact that the Sarrouel pants were originated from the men`s trousers in a real sense.
The Effects of Body Image on Apparel Management Behavior and Weight(Figure) Control Behavior 성인여성의 바디이미지가 의복관리행동과 체중(몸매) 관리행동에 미치는 영향
이주영 Ju Young Lee
16(4) 123-136, 2012
The Effects of Body Image on Apparel Management Behavior and Weight(Figure) Control Behavior 성인여성의 바디이미지가 의복관리행동과 체중(몸매) 관리행동에 미치는 영향
이주영 Ju Young Lee
The purpose of this study was to analyze body image of women and investigate the relationships of apparel management behavior and weight(figure) control behavior. To achieve the purposes, a questionnaire was conducted to 329 females from October 5 to October 25, 2011. The final data were analyzed with spss 17.0 program. The results were as follows. First, It was found that body image were classified 4 factors of care for appearance, concern about weight, effort of appearance improvement. and appearance attractiveness. Second, there were significant differences of body image by demographic characteristics. Third, there were significant differences of BMI, apparel management behavior and weight(figure) control behavior by demographic characteristics. Forth, there were significant differences of body image, apparel management behavior and weight(figure) control behavior by BMI. Fifth, there were partial significant relations of body image, BMI, appearance management behavior and weight(figure) control behavior. Thus, it was found that body image is related to appearance management behavior and weight(figure) control behavior.
Key Words
바디이미지, 의복관리행동, 체중, 몸매 관리행동, body image, apparel management behavior, weight, figure, control behavior
A Comparative Analysis of the Different between CLO 3D Avatar Sizing and Actual Body Measurement Shapes 아바타 사이징과 실제인체간의 치수 및 CLO 3D 형태 차이 비교 분석 분석
이민정 Min Jeong Lee , 손희순 Hee Soon Sohn
16(4) 137-151, 2012
A Comparative Analysis of the Different between CLO 3D Avatar Sizing and Actual Body Measurement Shapes 아바타 사이징과 실제인체간의 치수 및 CLO 3D 형태 차이 비교 분석 분석
이민정 Min Jeong Lee , 손희순 Hee Soon Sohn
This study aims to use the avatar sizing system of the 3D apparel CAD program instead of the existing 3D body scanners, and to commercialize 3D personal avatars. Towards these ends, the study examined a difference between a 3D avatar and actual body was determined to verify the 3D avatar sizing system. For the experiment, three subjects were selected, were measured as they were, and were made to undergo 3D body scanning and photographing. Then, using avatar sizing system on the 3D apparel CAD program, three types of virtual bodies, namely 3D avatars. The 3D avatar and actual body measurements were compared, and 3D avatars and 3D body-scanned shapes were likewise compared. As a result, the three types of actual bodies and their 3D avatars that were created based on the sizing system of the 3D apparel CAD program were overall similar. but, the thin body-YY type and the normal body-A type were different from their avatars. In the case of type B, who had a bulging abdomen, the 3D avatar was bigger than the actual body as measured. Also, in all body shapes, the girths around the chest, waist and abdomen were produced with exaggerated muscular amounts compared to their actual muscular amounts.
Key Words
3D 어패럴 CAD, 아바타 가상인체, 3D 아바타 사이징, 3D 바디 스캔, 3D apparel CAD, 3D avatar, 3D avatar sizing, 3D body scan
A study on the preference of necktie design according to the demographic characteristic of adult man - Focused on stripe pattern - 성인 남성의 인구통계학적 특성에 따른 넥타이 디자인 선호도 연구 연구 -스트라이프 패턴을 중심으로-
박영희 Young Hee Park
16(4) 152-165, 2012
A study on the preference of necktie design according to the demographic characteristic of adult man - Focused on stripe pattern - 성인 남성의 인구통계학적 특성에 따른 넥타이 디자인 선호도 연구 연구 -스트라이프 패턴을 중심으로-
박영희 Young Hee Park
The purpose of this study was examining the preference difference of the necktie design for the stripe patterns according to the demographic characteristics. The study method was a research study through a survey. The study subject was the adult men in their from 20`s to 50`s. The study stimulative was the stripe patterns of man`s necktie which were made by Adobe Photoshop 9 with using the color, the arrangement, the interval, and the width of necktie. The results of study are as follows. As the difference analysis result for the color preference for stripe pattern according to the demographic characteristic, men in their 20`s preferred most gray series, men whose monthly income is less than two millions won and men of owner-operator preferred most red series, and all the rest of men preferred blue series. As the difference analysis result for the preference of arrangement type, men in their 20`s preferred most the stripe pattern of width, students preferred most the stripe pattern of length, all the rest of men preferred most the stripe pattern of diagonal. As the difference analysis result for the preference of stripe interval for necktie, unmarried men, students, men in their 20`s, and men engaging in sales/service and production work preferred most the interval of 0.6cm, all the rest of men preferred most the interval of 1.2cm. As the difference analysis result for the preference of necktie width, unmarried men, men in their 20`s, men engaging in sales/service and production work, and students preferred most the width of 7cm, all the rest of men preferred most the interval of 8cm.
Key Words
넥타이 디자인 선호도, 스트라이프 문양, 인구통계학적 특성,preference of necktie design, stripe pattern, demographic characteristic
The effects of Talent Types and Appearance Affect Perception on Clothing Consumption Values 재능유형, 외모효능인식이 의복소비가치에 미치는 영향
구인숙 In Sook Koo
16(4) 166-185, 2012
The effects of Talent Types and Appearance Affect Perception on Clothing Consumption Values 재능유형, 외모효능인식이 의복소비가치에 미치는 영향
구인숙 In Sook Koo
This study aims to examine the effects of talent types and appearance affect perception on the clothing consumption values in 367 adults(female and male). The present study is the first to consider both talent types and the appearance affect perception on the clothing consumption values correlates to appearance management behaviour. As a results, the talent type of 367 respondents was mean=3.324. The highest talent of 367 respondents was interpersonal talent, the lowest talent was logical-mathematical talent among 8 talent types. The effects of 8 talent types on 5 clothing consumption values were significant on the regression analysis, specifically the results showed that the effects of linguistic, musical, interpersonal and intrapersonal talents among 8 talent factors on the clothing consumption value were significant. Regression results showed that if the practical and the inner-directed appearance affect perception factors among 3 appearance affect perception factors increase by one standard deviation, the social, political, aesthetic, and emotional clothing consumption values increase by each standardized efficient ß. The effects of 8 demographic factors on 5 clothing consumption values were significant on the regression analysis, specially, occupation, monthly clothing allowance, income, and sex variables were significant, the results revealed that if the occupation factor(specialist and administrator) increases by one standard deviation, the social, political, aesthetic, and emotional clothing consumption values increase by each standardized efficient ß. Finally, this study suggests that the 3 independent variables(talent types, appearance affect perception factors, and demographic factors) were predictors related to clothing consumption values. The higher the score, it was concluded that the independent variables were more active in clothing consumption behaviour.
Effects of Burn-out on the Emotional Labor of Hair Designer 헤어디자이너의 감정노동이 소진에 미치는 영향 영향
이지영 Ji Young Lee , 하경연 Kyung Yun Ha
16(4) 186-199, 2012
Effects of Burn-out on the Emotional Labor of Hair Designer 헤어디자이너의 감정노동이 소진에 미치는 영향 영향
이지영 Ji Young Lee , 하경연 Kyung Yun Ha
Most of employees in service area frequently and strongly experience job-stress caused by emotional labour than in general. This job-stress is supposed to incur employees` burn-out, which burn-out brings a lower service quality in various aspects of physical and spiritual hospitality. The purpose of this study is to identify the impacts of burn-out on emotional labour of hair designer, with 155 primary data from a sample of 200 employees of hair shop in Seoul and Gyeongnam area. The reliability and validity of the collected data were checked through the calculation of Cronbach`s and factor analysis. The empirical α research made by regression analysis confirms that emotional labour significantly has a negative effect on burn-out of hair designer. Therefore, hypothesis presented to mediate the effect of burn-out on emotional labour of hair designer was supported in positive. Hopefully, this study contributes to hair business shops for setting up a management strategy on effective job-satisfaction of hair designer.