The effects of Talent Types and Self-Appearance Perception on Make-up and Hair Appearance Management Behaviour 재능유형, 자기외모인식이 화장, 헤어외모관리행동에 미치는 영향
구인숙 In Sook Koo
16(5) 1-22, 2012
The effects of Talent Types and Self-Appearance Perception on Make-up and Hair Appearance Management Behaviour 재능유형, 자기외모인식이 화장, 헤어외모관리행동에 미치는 영향
구인숙 In Sook Koo
This study aims to examine the effect of talent types and self-appearance perception on make-up and hair appearance management behaviour in 367 adults(female and male). The present study is the first to consider both human talent type and the self-appearance perception on make-up and hair appearance management behaviour correlates to appearance management behaviour. Correlation analysis showed that there were statistically significant correlation between the talent types, the self-appearance perception and the make-up and hair appearance management behaviour, appearance managing reason, appearance managing area, and consulting with doctor related to appearance unsatisfaction. Also, regression analysis revealed that the effects of interpersonal talent, bodily kinesthetic talent among 8 talent types on the make-up and hair appearance management behaviour were significant, and that the effects of real and ideal self-appearance perception factors on the make-up and hair appearance management behaviour were significant.
Key Words
Talent Types, 재능유형, self-Appearance Perception, 자기외모인식, Make-up and Hair Appearance Management Behaviour, 화장 및 헤어 외모관리행동
Comparative Study on SPA Brand Purchasing Behaviors of 20`s and 30`s Female between Korea and China 한국과 중국 20-30대 여성들의 SPA브랜드 구매행동비교에 관한 연구
왕동걸 Dong Jie Wang , 이승희 Seung Hee Lee
16(5) 23-38, 2012
Comparative Study on SPA Brand Purchasing Behaviors of 20`s and 30`s Female between Korea and China 한국과 중국 20-30대 여성들의 SPA브랜드 구매행동비교에 관한 연구
왕동걸 Dong Jie Wang , 이승희 Seung Hee Lee
With the rapid developing of economy and the information communication, as well as the fierce competition of marketing, the consumer market of apparel is gradually matured. Also, the consumer has more requirements towards clothes, in terms of quality, style, price level and individuality. As a result, brand fashion, now, needs to accelerate the speed of every stage of producing, which is from designing to the following of finished goods in order to occupy the market share in a fast consuming, variety and individuality pursuing market. An increasing number of industries have focused on the SPA brand so as to adapt the competition of modern market. The paper mainly researches that the differences of purchasing behaviors towards SPA brand between 20`s-30`s Chinese female and 20`s-30`s Korean female. The analyzing results of purchase motivation showed difference in the ``personal motivation` and ``social motivatio``` factor. Purchase standard showed differences in the ``image management` factor. The attitude toward the brand showed differences in the ``practicality`` and ``trendiness`` factor.
The Effect of Understanding their Major and Career Self-Efficacy on Career Indecision for College Students majoring in Fashion -Focus on the Community College Students in Gyeongido- 패션전공 대학생의 전공인식과 진로결정 자기효능감이 진로미결정에 미치는 영향 -경기권 2년제 대학생을 중심으로-
홍성순 Sung Sun Hong
16(5) 39-56, 2012
The Effect of Understanding their Major and Career Self-Efficacy on Career Indecision for College Students majoring in Fashion -Focus on the Community College Students in Gyeongido- 패션전공 대학생의 전공인식과 진로결정 자기효능감이 진로미결정에 미치는 영향 -경기권 2년제 대학생을 중심으로-
홍성순 Sung Sun Hong
The purpose of this study was to examine in influence on the effect of understanding their major and career self-efficacy on career indecision of the community college students majoring in fashion and is intended to provide useful resources on career education and guidance of students through this research. In order to achieve the objective of study, 349 college students in Gyeonggido were selected for the questionnaires for the understanding major, career self-efficacy, and career indecisions survey. The survey data was analyzed using the statistical program SPSS 12.0 and this was followed by the descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis. The results were as follows; First, career indecision factors of the college students majoring in fashion were extracted 5 valuables that were ``insufficiencies vocational information``, ``an undeceivable character``, ``the lack of self well-defined``, ``the lack of needs for job`` and ``external barrier for the career``. Second, the subordinate valuables of understanding major which is ``social cognition for the major``, ``satisfaction on the major course``, and ``satisfaction on the major skill``, had positive effect on career self-efficacy. Third, understanding of major and the subordinate valuables of career self-efficacy which is ``making goal for the career``, ``career information``, ``career plan for the future``, ``alternative searching``, and ``overcoming difficulties`` had negative effect on career indecision. Forth, understanding major and career self-efficacy had medicated in career indecision.
Key Words
understanding major, 전공인식, career self-efficacy, 진로결정 자기효능감, career indecision, 진로미결정, career education, 진로교육
The Characteristics of Pleats Design which appeared in the "Collections" of Paris, Milan, New York from 2009 F/W to 2012 S/S 여성복 패션컬렉션에 표현된 플리츠 디자인의 특성 -2009년 F/W부터 2012년 S/S 까지 밀라노, 파리, 뉴욕 컬렉션을 중심으로-
타오샤 Tao Sha , 권혜숙 Hae Sook Kwon
16(5) 57-73, 2012
The Characteristics of Pleats Design which appeared in the "Collections" of Paris, Milan, New York from 2009 F/W to 2012 S/S 여성복 패션컬렉션에 표현된 플리츠 디자인의 특성 -2009년 F/W부터 2012년 S/S 까지 밀라노, 파리, 뉴욕 컬렉션을 중심으로-
타오샤 Tao Sha , 권혜숙 Hae Sook Kwon
The main objective of this research was to understand the characteristics of pleats design through the analysis of modern female fashion as they appear in the ``Collections`` from ``09 A/W to ``12 S/S. Data collection of 1027 was done through the review of ``pret-a-porter Collections`` of three cities; Milan, New York, Paris. Along with the qualitative interpretation of pleats design, statistical analysis of frequency and χ²- test were completed for data analysis. The main findings were as follows; 1. The five types of pleats design were founded in the order of accordion, knife, box, inverted, and sunburst pleats. The frequency and ratio of pleats design occurency showed significant difference between collections. 2. There were significant difference between the types of pleats and their line characteristics of thickness, continuity, length, direction. = Thin fabrics with delicate fine folds were mainly appeared in accordion and sunburst pleats. On the other hand, midium thickness fabrics were used for knife, box & inverted pleats, however, the different images were projected according to the width and the number of folds, characteristics of fabrics and textures. = In all the type of pleats but sunburst, continuity line was appeared the most. The discontinuous lines were appeared the most in the layered types and, sometimes, at some construction lines to add some decorative details or design variations. = The long line were the most frequently appeared in long one-pieces or long skirts of knife, accordion, sunburst pleats. While, the shorter lines showed the most frequently in box and inverted pleats, which mainly used for skirts or the lower part of one-piece. = For the line directions, the vertical lines were the most frequently appeared, and followed by mixed and diagonal line. In mixed or diagonal lines, same type of pleat was repeated in one design. For diagonal lines, one direction was mainly used, however, the symmetrical arrangements or repeated diagonal pleats in various directions also used. In mixed lines, the type of one or two diagonal and one vertical line was the most frequently appeared.
Key Words
Types of pleats, 플리츠 유형, Thickness of Line, 선의 두께, Continuity of Line, 선의 연속성, Length of Line, 선의 길이, Direction of Line, 선의 방향
Study on the Influence of Psychological Culture Experiences on Job Performance -Culture Marketing Case of a Cosmetic Sales Organization for Internal Customers- 심리적 문화체험이 직무성과에 미치는 영향연구 -화장품판매조직 내부고객을 위한 문화마케팅사례-
안종숙 Jong Suk An , 이정만 Jeong Man Lee
16(5) 74-87, 2012
Study on the Influence of Psychological Culture Experiences on Job Performance -Culture Marketing Case of a Cosmetic Sales Organization for Internal Customers- 심리적 문화체험이 직무성과에 미치는 영향연구 -화장품판매조직 내부고객을 위한 문화마케팅사례-
안종숙 Jong Suk An , 이정만 Jeong Man Lee
The service industry will be essentially extended during the economic growth and industrial development. Especially, the role of workers meeting the customers in service industry is very important from the view point of purchase intention. So many companies in service industry endeavor to increase the work efficacies of workers through the various prizes and incentives, and improve the job performance by additional education. Recently, the incentive tours are comprehensively accepted as an efficient tool to promote the loyalty and job performance of workers. The incentive tours enable the worker to gain the cultural experiences. They will experience not only the natural heritages and antiques, but also the local life culture and arts culture. The culture marketing for worker as the internal customer increase the worker`s loyalty and the ties among workers, and therefore, their job performance will be increased. The empirical results (162 workers surveyed) showed the incentive tours have improved both the individual and group``s job performance at a cosmetic sales organization. So it is recommend to plan the organization specific incentive tour in order to improve the productivity of the service organization.
The Influence of Popular Culture in the Fashion Politics Phenomenon of Leader 리더의 스타일에 표현된 패션 폴리틱스 현상이 대중문화에 미치는 영향
김미경 Mi Kyung Kim
16(5) 88-105, 2012
The Influence of Popular Culture in the Fashion Politics Phenomenon of Leader 리더의 스타일에 표현된 패션 폴리틱스 현상이 대중문화에 미치는 영향
김미경 Mi Kyung Kim
The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of popular culture in fashion politics phenomenon of leader. As study methods the literature study concerning fashion phenomenon and nature of popular culture were used for theoretical background and visual data from magazine, news paper, and internet were used for exploratory study. The results of this study are as follows. First, fashion politics phenomenon of leader in fashion merchandising through the marketing strategy is characterized as commercial profit. These characteristics enable the fashion industry and popular culture affect the formation to provide opportunity. Second, the fashion politics phenomenon of leader projected through mass media are the fashion icons and strong role models that are copied by consumers, conformity the popular, set a powerful fashion trend. The conformity by the mechanism of the interaction of the public will contribute to the formation of popular culture. Third,Semotics symbolism expressed in the fashion politics phenomenon of the leader, the intended message is communicated to the public by creating a positive image. Positive image of the leader of the public support and acceptance is the power to create.
Key Words
fashion politics phenomenon, 패션 폴리틱스 현상, popular culture, 대중문화, commercial, 상업성, conformity, 동조성, semiotics symbolism, 기호적 상징성
Comparison of innerwear color preference among the Korea, China and Hong Kong 한국 중국과 홍콩 한국, 성인여성의 속옷 선호색상 비교 연구
차수정 Su Joung Cha
16(5) 106-113, 2012
Comparison of innerwear color preference among the Korea, China and Hong Kong 한국 중국과 홍콩 한국, 성인여성의 속옷 선호색상 비교 연구
차수정 Su Joung Cha
This study intend to research color preferences about innerwear(specially brassiere) and draw a comparison of color preference``s differences among the Korea, China and Hong Kong. The subjects of study are female students of universities in Korea, China and Hong Kong. The data analysis was done with the statistical treatment in SPSS 14.0, and the results are as follows. Female students of universities in Korea, China and Hong Kong are distinguished from wearing color and preference color of innerwear. Korea and China female students prefer skin color to the other color but most of Hong Kong female students prefer black color. In case of red color, Korea female students don``t select a red color as a preference color but even if some students select a red color, China and Hong Kong females prefer a red color. The traditional color opinions of Korea, China and Hong Kong are the same as a Yin-Yang School. But these days they have different color opinions because of cultural, political and ideological elements. Korea females like skin and white colors because these colors don``t appear on the outwear surface. Korean have an inclination toward conservatism and use the color according to ideological and deceptive orders of the Confucianism. Hong Kong have a different color preference from China because they have chances of receiving the other cultures for example United Kingdom, Japan and so on.
Key Words
color preference, 색상 선호도, innerwear, 속옷, comparison, 비교, culture, 문화
A study on the consumer preference according to consumer"s need for uniqueness, ALPHA-NUMERIC brand name and types of fashion goods 소비자 독특성 욕구에 따른 알파누메릭 브랜드 네임 및 패션제품 유형의 선호도 연구
정혜원 Hye Won Jung , 황선진 Sun Sin Hwang
16(5) 114-129, 2012
A study on the consumer preference according to consumer"s need for uniqueness, ALPHA-NUMERIC brand name and types of fashion goods 소비자 독특성 욕구에 따른 알파누메릭 브랜드 네임 및 패션제품 유형의 선호도 연구
정혜원 Hye Won Jung , 황선진 Sun Sin Hwang
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of consumer``s need for uniqueness, whether or not using ALPHA-NUMERIC Brand Name and types of fashion goods upon the consumer``s attitude. The experimental design of this study is three-ways complex factors design of 2 (Consumer``s Need for Uniqueness : High vs Law) X 2 (Whether or not to use ALPHA-NUMERIC Brand Name : Used brand vs Non-used brand) X 2 (Types of fashion goods: Rational fashion goods vs Emotional fashion goods) The conclusions are as follows. 1. The interaction effect upon a favorite level according to consumer``s need for uniqueness, whether or not using ALPHA-NUMERIC brand name and types of fashion goods upon the consumer``s attitude is proven significant. For the group where customer``s need for uniqueness is low, when ALPHA-NUMERIC brand name is not used, the favorableness of rational fashion good, a parka is lower than that of emotional fashion good, one-piece dress. However, there is no significant difference in favorableness by types of fashion goods when ALPHA-NUMERIC brand name is used. At the group with high need for uniqueness, while there is no significant difference in favorableness when ALPHA-NUMERIC brand name is not used, the favorableness of parka is higher than that of one-piece dress when ALPHA-NUMERIC brand name is used. 2. The interaction effects upon purchase intention according to consumer``s need for uniqueness, whether or not using ALPHA-NUMERIC brand name and types of fashion goods are proven significant. For the group where customer``s need for uniqueness is low, there is no significant different in the favorableness whether or not ALPHA-NUMERIC brand name is used. On the other hand, the group with high need for uniqueness, if ALPHA-NUMERIC brand name is used, the intention to purchase parka is higher than the intention to purchase one-piece dress.
Key Words
Consumers need for uniqueness, 소비자독특성욕구, ALPHA-NUMERIC brand name, 알파누메릭브랜드, Types of fashion goods, 패션제품유형, Consumer preference, 소비자선호도
The Influence of Cause-Related Marketing on Consumer Attitude for Fashion Brand 패션브랜드의 공익연계마케팅이 소비자 태도에 미치는 영향
박경아 Kyung A Park , 황선진 Sun Jin Hwang
16(5) 130-145, 2012
The Influence of Cause-Related Marketing on Consumer Attitude for Fashion Brand 패션브랜드의 공익연계마케팅이 소비자 태도에 미치는 영향
박경아 Kyung A Park , 황선진 Sun Jin Hwang
The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of cause-related marketing on consumer attitude for fashion brand in terms of brand familiarity, consumer`s propensity for data processing and types of advertising. The design of this study is comprised of 2(brand familiarity : high vs low)ⅹ2(consumer`s propensity for data processing : high vs low), designed with three mixed elements. The subjects of this study are 308 male and females in twenties or thirties from the area of Seoul, Kyunggi, Busan and Daegu. Data analysis is carried out through T-test, and ANOVA. The results of this study are as follows. First, when fashion brand pursues cause-related marketing, brand familiarity, consumer`s propensity for data processing and types of advertising have statistically interaction effect on consumer`s preference. Second, rational appeals in advertising have no significant interaction effect on consumer`s preference in terms of brand familiarity. Rational appeals are preferred to Emotional appeals in both familiar and unfamiliar brand. Third, when fashion brand pursue cause-related marketing, brand familiarity, consumer`s propensity for data processing, and the types of advertising have no significant interaction effect on consumer`s preference.
A Study on the Application of Art and Culture in Luxury Fashion Brand -Focused on PRADA"s Case- 럭셔리 패션 브랜드의 문화,예술 활용에 관한 연구 -PRADA를 중심으로-
백정현 Jeong Hyun Baek , 배수정 Soo Jeong Bae
16(5) 146-163, 2012
A Study on the Application of Art and Culture in Luxury Fashion Brand -Focused on PRADA"s Case- 럭셔리 패션 브랜드의 문화,예술 활용에 관한 연구 -PRADA를 중심으로-
백정현 Jeong Hyun Baek , 배수정 Soo Jeong Bae
This thesis aims to present how to make secure the identity of the brand with enhancing the esthetic expression of the brand and making the ways of emotional communication in variety, through investigating closely the case of Prada representative of the typical brands that have established the unique identity by cooperating the fashion with culture and art through their ingenious and consistent efforts. In the conclusion, the culture and art was found to be applied in two fields i.e. one of design and the other of marketing. In terms of the design, the method of inserting the image into the surface of the clothing and accessories was used. In the context, the illustration techniques, photographic patterns and applying the image of the art piece could be summarized to be used. In terms of marketing, the sponsorship of the art and exhibitions, look books, animations and fashion films, epicenter, the collaboration with the other kinds of enterprise, could be regarded as four ways of the approaches. The innovation and creativity, futuristic hybrid, nonprofit support of the art, the integration and consistency of the image of the arts could be concluded to be four major points defining the characteristics of the Prada renowned for the use of the culture and arts to its property.
Key Words
Prada, 프라다, Miuccia Prada, 미우치아 프라다, Fondazione Prada, 프라다 파운 데이션, Culture & Art, 문화, 예술
Social Face Sensitivity and Appearance Management Behaviors according to Sex Role Identity 성역할정체감에 따른 체면민감성과 외모관리행동
박은희 Eun Hee Park
16(5) 165-178, 2012
Social Face Sensitivity and Appearance Management Behaviors according to Sex Role Identity 성역할정체감에 따른 체면민감성과 외모관리행동
박은희 Eun Hee Park
The purpose of this study was to classify sex role identity into groups and analyze the difference of social face sensitivity and appearance management behaviors by sex role identity. Questionnaires were administered to 306 people in their twenties and thirties living in Daegu Metropolitan City and Kyoungbuk province. The data was analyzed by using frequency, factor analysis, credibility, χ²-test, ANOVA, Duncan-test, and t-test. The findings were as follows. Sex role identity were classified into four groups (androgyny, masculineness, feminineness, and undifferentiation). Men in androgyny group showed the highest rate of 41.3% followed by undifferentiation(24.7%), masculineness(21.3%), and feminineness(12.7%). Women in undifferentiation group showed the highest rate of 35.9% followed by feminineness(24.4%), androgyny(23.7%), and masculineness(16.0%). Social face sensitivity were composed of four factors (consciousness of being embarrassed, social formality, other consciousness, and prestige). Appearance management behaviors were composed of six factors (skin management, fashion image management, plastic surgery management, weight management, hair management, and health management). According to the result of a significant difference between social face sensitivity and appearance management behaviors by sex role identity, male showed significant difference between the sub-variables of social face sensitivity factors (consciousness of being embarrassed, social formality, and other consciousness). Both of the male and female showed a significance of difference in consciousness of being embarrassed, and social formality. Male showed significant difference between the sub-variables of appearance management behaviors factors (fashion image management, weight management, hair management, and health management). Both of the male and female showed a significance of difference in fashion image management. Gender of twenties and thirties showed distinction between the sub-variables of social face sensitivity factors (consciousness of being embarrassed, and prestige) and appearance management behaviors (skin management, fashion image management, plastic surgery management, weight management, and hair management).
Key Words
Sex Role Identity, 성역할정체감, Social Face Sensitivity, 체면민감성, Appearance Management Behaviors, 외모관리행동
The Study on the Relationship of Learning Style, Professor Image, and Academic Achievement in Cosmetology Majoring College Students 미용계열 대학생들의 학습양식, 교수 이미지, 학업성취도의 관계에 관한 연구
안현경 Hyeon Kyeong An
16(5) 178-191, 2012
The Study on the Relationship of Learning Style, Professor Image, and Academic Achievement in Cosmetology Majoring College Students 미용계열 대학생들의 학습양식, 교수 이미지, 학업성취도의 관계에 관한 연구
안현경 Hyeon Kyeong An
This paper is purposed to study on the relationship of learning style, professor image, academic achievement in cosmetology majoring college students, and to find the effective education methods of them. The research methods are survey with 400 persons & statistics analysis such as frequency, factor, regression analysis, using SPSS V.14. The results are as belows; 1. Learning styles are divided by ① shirker, ② participate, ③ stand-alone, ④ dependent, ⑤ cooperative, ⑥ competitive, and professor images are divided by ① professor ability, ② professor relationship. 2. There is a relationship in learning styles and professor images. Especially cooperative, participate, dependent valued professor ability, shirker devalued it and cooperative, stand-alone, dependent, competitive valued professor relationship, shirker devalued it. 3. There is a relationship on learning styles and the academic achievement. participate, stand-alone, dependent achieve in high glades and shirker, cooperative low ones. 4. There is a no valid relationship with professor images and the students`` academic achievement. 5. The conclusion are; there are the relationship of learning style, professor image, academic achievement in cosmetology majoring college students. So shirker need endless motive giving program, participate personal record management system, dependent creative motivating program, participate class attractive factors, stand-alone learner centered program.
Key Words
Learning style, 학습양식, professor image, 교수이미지, academic achievement, 학업성취도, cosmetology majoring college students, 미용계열 대학생, effective education, 효과적 교육
The effects of adolescents` demographic variables, stress, and appearance management behavior on their self-esteem 청소년의 인구통계적 특성 및 스트레스, 외모관리행동이 자아존중감에 미치는 영향
하경연 Kyung Yun Ha , 강인언 In Eon Kang
16(5) 192-206, 2012
The effects of adolescents` demographic variables, stress, and appearance management behavior on their self-esteem 청소년의 인구통계적 특성 및 스트레스, 외모관리행동이 자아존중감에 미치는 영향
하경연 Kyung Yun Ha , 강인언 In Eon Kang
This study aimed to examine the effects of demographic variables, stress, appearance management behavior, and family environment on self-esteem with the subjects of high school students with serious stress and great interest in appearance among the adolescences. This research was conducted during June, 2012, and the research method employed was the questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of the contents about self-esteem, stress, appearance management behavior, and demographical variables. Regarding the adolescents` stress, generally, influential variables include relationship with parents and friends, school records, or school life satisfaction. And the adolescences` self-esteem was the crucial variable to indicated socio-psychological adaptation. And it was related with stress or appearance management behavior.
Color Arrangement Evaluation on Working Clothes for Safety and Integrated Environment Harmony in Machinery Industry Fields 기계 산업 분야의 통합 환경 조화와 안전을 위한 작업복 색채 배색 평가
박혜원 Hye Won Park , 양정희 Jung Hee Yang
16(5) 207-219, 2012
Color Arrangement Evaluation on Working Clothes for Safety and Integrated Environment Harmony in Machinery Industry Fields 기계 산업 분야의 통합 환경 조화와 안전을 위한 작업복 색채 배색 평가
박혜원 Hye Won Park , 양정희 Jung Hee Yang
It is intended to study the colors of work environment and the working clothes colors between humans and environment with application of the arrangement of working clothes colors to domestic machinery companies that play pivotal roles in the industry of Korea. The purpose of this study is to provide the foundation of color plan for the integrated environmental harmonization and the safety of industrial sites by analyzing the photographs of working clothes in the sires in consideration of the functions of colors (clearness, attention-getting, and safety) using the Faber Birren``s Color Harmony and by analyzing the result of a questionnaire survey. The study was conducted by the method to shoot a worksite using a digital camera after wearing 24 sets of uniforms, which were developed by the color plan established in a previous study, in the same worksite. The shooting place was an outdoor steel sheet inspection site of D company, a machinery company in Changwon-si, Gyeongnam, and the intensity of illumination was 2400lux. 24 pieces of images were printed in 5x7 inch size and a questionnaire survey was performed at 5-point scale. The questionnaire survey was performed for 13 subjects consisting of 6 field professionals having more than 30 years of experiences, 4 clothes color professionals, and 3 industrial engineering professionals. The result of the survey was statistically analyzed by the method of frequency analysis using IBM SPSS Statistics 20 Program. As the result of assessment of basic four colors (yellow green, sky blue, blue, and violet) of working clothes, yellow green, sky blue, and blue showed high mean values in (Tint)+(Shade)+(Tone)+(Gray) equation indicating that its is a harmonized equation.
Key Words
Machine Industries, 기계 산업, Faber Birren`s Color Harmony Theory, 비렌 색채조화론, Working Clothes, 작업복, Color Harmony, 색채배색