The Effect to Consumer`s Attitude influenced by Emotional Marketing and Visual Merchandising at Fashion Store 패션점포에서 감성마케팅과 비주얼 머천다이징이 소비자태도에 미치는 영향
김란임 Ran Im Kim , 이승희 Seung Hee Lee
17(1) 1-12, 2013
The Effect to Consumer`s Attitude influenced by Emotional Marketing and Visual Merchandising at Fashion Store 패션점포에서 감성마케팅과 비주얼 머천다이징이 소비자태도에 미치는 영향
김란임 Ran Im Kim , 이승희 Seung Hee Lee
The purpose of this study was to classify consumer`s attitude at fashion store and analyze the relationship between emotional marketing and visual merchandising. Questionnaires were administered to 20-30 young consumers at fashion store in 20-30s who live in Seoul and Daegu. Data were analyzed by using frequency, factor analysis. reliability analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis, multiple regression analysis, mediated regression analysis, analysis of variance, T-test one way ANOVA. The results are as follows. First, emotional marketing had an effect on positive emotional response at fashion store. Second, visual merchandising had an effect on positive emotional response at fashion store. Third, emotional marketing and visual merchandising had an effect on positive relationship. Forth, positive emotional response had an effect on positive consumer`s attitude. Lastly, emotional marketing and visual merchandising had an effect on positive consumer`s attitude. The result of this study suggests to the fashion business that well managed various emotional response factor, positive emotional experience and desirable visual merchandising are necessary.
Eroticism Shown in the Fashion of Lady Gaga`s Music Video 레이디 가가의 뮤직 비디오 패션에 나타난 에로티시즘
강유희 Yoo Hee Kang , 이미숙 Mi Sook Lee
17(1) 13-29, 2013
Eroticism Shown in the Fashion of Lady Gaga`s Music Video 레이디 가가의 뮤직 비디오 패션에 나타난 에로티시즘
강유희 Yoo Hee Kang , 이미숙 Mi Sook Lee
The purpose of this study was to analyze eroticism shown in the fashion of Lady Gaga`s music video. This study methods taken theoretical consideration and then was classified eroticism based on previous studies and was analyzed costumes from Lady Gaga`s music video. The results of this study were as follows: Avant-garde style exaggerates shoulders, hips, a hat or uses metal and glossy material, tape, leather and it was expressed into emphasizing or baldly exposing breast. Primitive style was expressed in ethnic style and animal patterns, lingerie look with drastic, bald exposing fashion. Romantic style was expressed using rococo style costume, frill. Pleats, decoration and was produces eroticism with see-through look or costume fitting to the body. Sportive style expresses a healthier and erotic image using tight costume in yellow, blue and black while exposing belly and legs. Janus-faced style was expressed by dressing up like a man or using the method of attachment and exposure in clergy`s costume. Humorous style was expressed by emphasizing parts of body or costume itself. As examined in the above, Lady Gaga was expressed various eroticism images in her music video and is builds her own sexually appealing.
Key Words
Lady Gaga, 레이디 가가, Eroticism, 에로티시즘, Music Video, 뮤직 비디오
A Study on the Dynamic Expression of Fabrics based on RGB-D Sensor and 3D Virtual Clothing CAD System RGB-D 센서 및 3D Virtual Clothing CAD활용에 의한 패션소재의 동적표현 시스템에 대한 연구
이지은 Ji Eun Lee , 김슬기 Soul Key Kim , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim
17(1) 30-41, 2013
A Study on the Dynamic Expression of Fabrics based on RGB-D Sensor and 3D Virtual Clothing CAD System RGB-D 센서 및 3D Virtual Clothing CAD활용에 의한 패션소재의 동적표현 시스템에 대한 연구
이지은 Ji Eun Lee , 김슬기 Soul Key Kim , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim
Augmented reality techniques have been increasingly employed in the textile and fashion industry as well as computer graphics sectors. Three-dimensional virtual clothing CAD systems have also been widely used in the textile industries and academic institutes. Motion tracking techniques are grafted together in the 3D and augmented reality techniques in order to develop the virtual three-dimensional clothing and filling systems in the fashion and textile industry sectors. In this study, three-dimensional virtual clothing sample has been prepared using a 3D virtual clothing CAD along with a 3D scanning and reconstruction system. Motion of the user has been captured through an RGB-D sensor system, and the virtual clothing fitted on the user`s body is allowed to move along with the captured motion flow of the user. Acutal fabric specimens are selected for the material characterization. This study is a primary step toward building a comprehensive system for the user to experience interactively virtual clothing under real environment.
Key Words
3D vcrtual clothing CAD system, 3D 가상의복 CAD 시스템, 3D scanning, 3D 스캐닝, Augmented Reality, 증강현실, Fabric Characteristics, 직물 특성
High school students` Low-carbon green growth awareness and Eco-friendly Colthing attitudes 고등학교 학생들의 저탄소 녹색성장 인식과 친환경 의생활 태도
전윤희 Yun Hee Jeon , 구인숙 In Sook Koo
17(1) 42-63, 2013
High school students` Low-carbon green growth awareness and Eco-friendly Colthing attitudes 고등학교 학생들의 저탄소 녹색성장 인식과 친환경 의생활 태도
전윤희 Yun Hee Jeon , 구인숙 In Sook Koo
The attitude of Eco-friendly clothing is based on environmental awareness and Low-carbon green growth awareness. It can be developed through our education. I studied and analyzed the survey which targeted on high school students whether the recognition of low-carbon green growth can be effected to the eco-friendly clothing attitude or not, and school education effect. The research shows the green growth recognition affects significantly 10 the eco-friendly clothing attitude. Also the study proves the education of green growth awareness and the eco-friendly clothing attitude informs the realizations of environmental and green growth concepts. The education of clothing habits affects our eco-friendly clothing attitude. Therefore this education is necessary for school curriculum and it must be expanded in any areas both in ``environment and green growth`` course and ``home economics`` courses in secondary education. The education of Eco-friendly clothing habit should be keep researched specifically and develop further and further.
Key Words
Clothing life education, 의생활교육, Environmental awareness, 환경의식, Low-carbon green growth awareness, 저탄소 논색성장, Eco-friendly clothing attitude, 친환경 의생활 태도
A Study on the case analysis and the production of 3D digital fashion show 디지털 패션쇼 사례분석 및 3D 디지털 패션쇼 제작에 관한 연구
우세희 Se Hee Wu , 강연경 Yeon Kyung Kang , 고영아 Young A Ko , 김안나 An Na Kim , 김나은 Na Eun Kim , 고형석 Hyeong Seok Ko
17(1) 64-80, 2013
A Study on the case analysis and the production of 3D digital fashion show 디지털 패션쇼 사례분석 및 3D 디지털 패션쇼 제작에 관한 연구
우세희 Se Hee Wu , 강연경 Yeon Kyung Kang , 고영아 Young A Ko , 김안나 An Na Kim , 김나은 Na Eun Kim , 고형석 Hyeong Seok Ko
A new technology of fashion show is opening the digital era and an imaginary fashion show is now arising as a new form of fashion show which allows one to enjoy a collection through the monitor without holding a real fashion show. Digital fashion show allows designer to create infinite ideas by articulating the designer`s concept through not only garments but also other factors. In this research, We will analyze cases which are mixtures of digital technology and fashion show and will suggest a new paradigm of fashion show by producing an imaginary fashion show which cannot be easily articulated in an ordinary real fashion show, articulated by garments created by digital technology and graphic effects. The program used for this study is ``DC Suite 2.0`` developed by Physan and Digital Clothing Center of Seoul National University, available for 2D pattern production and 3D simulation. In addition, in order to enhance representation of the visual effects. Maya`s Qualoth and V-ray program which could be compatible with ``DC Suite`` were used to make 3D digital fashion show.
Key Words
DC Suite, 디씨 스위트, Digital clothing, 디지털 클로딩, Digital fashion show, 디지털 패션쇼, 3D Virtual clothing, 3D 기상의 상, Virtual reality, 가상현실
The Production Process of Whole Garments and the Development Case of Knitwear -Focused on the SWG-X machine- 흘가먼트의 생산 공정과 니트웨어 개발 사례 -SWG-X 기종을 중심으로-
이인숙 In Suk Lee , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho , 김지영 Ji Young Kim
17(1) 81-97, 2013
The Production Process of Whole Garments and the Development Case of Knitwear -Focused on the SWG-X machine- 흘가먼트의 생산 공정과 니트웨어 개발 사례 -SWG-X 기종을 중심으로-
이인숙 In Suk Lee , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho , 김지영 Ji Young Kim
The purpose of this study is to summarize systematically and understand the characteristics of the production process of whole garments in order to develop knitwear using a real whole garment machine and propose this as a development case for high value added knitwear design. Concerning research methods, the study looked at existing research into whole garment knitwear and relevant data, data on websites, and the whole garment knitting machine made by Shima Seiki, a Japanese company, which has been the most commonly used machine in Korea. Also the study collected program data concerning a knitting machine and knitting by participating in the production process of whole garment knitwear, and the production line was filmed directly, In addition, the study conducted research into the development of knitwear design using the SWG-X 12 gauge. The conclusions obtained from the production process of whole garments and product development include the following. First, whole garment knitwear is appropriate for expressing a sophisticated look that makes the body appear to be in one form through natural connection without any seam allowance. Second, it is very suitable for response production since it does not go through the pattern. Cutting, and processing stages. Furthermore, because of the consistent management of the entire process by computer control, it may be the highest cutting-edge fashion area in which planning and proposal style industry may be realizable. Third, it is easy to approach design through a programming process, and it is possible to develop diverse patterns: thereby, it is appropriate for producing high value added knitwear products.
Key Words
Whole Garment, 홀가먼트, Production Process, 생산 공정, Knit Wear, 니트웨어, Seamless Knit, 무봉제 니트
A Study on the customs in Han Hyungmo`s film 한형모 감독의 영화<자유부인>에 나타난 복식에 관한 연구
김혜정 Hye Jeong Kim
17(1) 98-113, 2013
A Study on the customs in Han Hyungmo`s film 한형모 감독의 영화<자유부인>에 나타난 복식에 관한 연구
김혜정 Hye Jeong Kim
This study is an attempt to analyze the daily life of the Western-yearning Seoul citizens and the inflow of the Western culture into certain social classes. The customs of the characters in the film are studied to illustrate the process of deconstruction of Korean traditional clothes due to the Western influence. The combined application of the Western and Korean styles is also observed. All this study leads to the sense of homogeneity of the times and the conformity to the culture the Korean women shared, which boils down to the social identity of the Korean women who sought an escape from the men-centered social structure by displaying their competence in the field of global modern fashion. As Seonyeong Oh, the main character of the film, , was wearing in the movie the Korean traditional dress, socks, rubber shoes, and then a western-style coat. it well shows that In 1950`s. the traditional dress and ornaments were mixed with Western styles, In time, men`s wear were completely changed from the traditional Korean clothes to suits, while women`s could not break oil from the traditional clothes and be come westernized. which indicates that the men-centered conservative ideas to keep women within the feudal regime of the society remain-ed. The military look of Seonyeong Oh while she was acting in the society was a symbol of anti-bias against women and anti-convention as well as the will of freedom as an independent woman. Besides, the modern girls would wear clothes of military fashion, Dior`s trapeze line, and knit styles flattering the figures, All these well show their desires to embrace Western cultures, especially their dress fashions as well as manners as so-called enlightened ladies, All these elements show that the director was trying to represent the progress of the drama, characters, and psychological states by means of the dress and ornaments.
The Study on the Tattoo lmage and Appearance Satisfaction according to the Self-Esteem 자아존중감 유형에 따른 타투이미지와 외모만족도 연구
이운현 Woon Hyun Lee
17(1) 114-130, 2013
The Study on the Tattoo lmage and Appearance Satisfaction according to the Self-Esteem 자아존중감 유형에 따른 타투이미지와 외모만족도 연구
이운현 Woon Hyun Lee
The present study analyzed the tattoo image and body satisfaction according to the self-esteem. The samples were consisted of 191 female college students located in Kyunggi-do, The survey was implemented during may∼july. 2012. Data were analyzed by frequency, factor analysis, cluster analysis, ANOVA, t-test, CPA, and Duncan-test. The results are as follows. Significant difference about tattoo image and body satisfaction was found in the group divided by the self-esteem. ``Individual personality`` group had a tendency to be higher level than other group about appearance satisfaction and to be better image about Tattoo. ``Ego-centrism`` group showed low level about good image of Tattoo. However, that group more satisfied their appearances than other groups, ``passive management`` group showed lower level than other group about positive Tattoo image-building.
The Content Analysis of Clothing Construction field in the middle-school Textbook of Technology and Home Economics 중학교 기술,가정 교과서의 의복구성 분야 내용 분석
박은희 Eun Hee Park , 조현주 Hyun Ju Cho
17(1) 131-144, 2013
The Content Analysis of Clothing Construction field in the middle-school Textbook of Technology and Home Economics 중학교 기술,가정 교과서의 의복구성 분야 내용 분석
박은희 Eun Hee Park , 조현주 Hyun Ju Cho
The purpose of this study was to analyse the structure and contents of clothing construction field in the middle-school textbook of technology and home economics with curriculum revised in 2007, 10 kinds of textbooks certified by Ministry of Education. Science and Technology in 2010 were selected and home economics field in them was the subject of this study with the external characteristics such as textbook system, instruction area and contents included. This study was content analysis-oriented and descriptive with data calculated by frequency and percentage. The findings are as follows. In ``Reality of Home-Life`` food life area showed highest as 34.4% followed by clothing life (28.7%) and dwelling life (28.7%). The portion of present teachers in writing staffs was highest while there was no textbook where professors of each field were included in writing staffs. The contents of costume society, clothes material, clothes management from section ``Choice and Management of Clothes`` in the chapter ``Family Life`` and clothing construction from the section ``Making and Modifying Clothes`` of the chapter ``Reality of Home-Life`` were analysed in this study. Clothing construction-related fields were suggested separately by method of measurement, construction theory, drafting theory, drafting an original form, fabric trimming, utilization of the original form, length measure, cloth cutting, hand stitching, how to use a sewing machine, basting and correction, needlework process, Completion, and evaluation. The contents of the unit ``Making Shorts`` were about clothing construction theory, human body measurement, drafting an original form, process of making shorts and actlvity/research/experience. The contents of the unit ``Wearing Clothes alter Fixing`` in clothing construction-related field were about how to fix and recycling.
Key Words
Textbook of Technoiogy and Home Economics, 기술·가정 교과서, Clothing Chonstruction, 의복구성, Content Analysis, 내용분석
A Study on the simulation of Stage Costume applying CAD System CAD System을 활용한 무대의상 시뮬레이션에 관한 연구
박유신 You Shin Park , 최영로 Young Ro Choi
17(1) 145-156, 2013
A Study on the simulation of Stage Costume applying CAD System CAD System을 활용한 무대의상 시뮬레이션에 관한 연구
박유신 You Shin Park , 최영로 Young Ro Choi
The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the stage costumes realized by digital clothing: how realistic and accurate representation of empirical testing and in the consultation process for the production stage costumes, determine whether digital clothing has value that can be substituted for the stage costume. This study researched the stage costume manufacture, Isabel`s costume of the musical ``Christmas Carol``, process by using the 3-D clothing simulation technology: DC Suite, The results of this study is as following. They share many similarities between the stage costumes and digital clothing. It is possible that digital clothing takes a role as a substitute for stage costumes in the production process of the clothing samples. The clothing production system, including stage costumes, by digital clothing costs and lead time can be saved by innovative. Also the result can be saved without restriction, and this system can exert its effect in a very efficient way to incorporation of foreign producers and production system.
Key Words
Stage costume, 우대의상, 3D Simulation, 3차원 가상현실, Digital Clothing, 디지털 클로딩
A Study on Fashion Leadership of Clothing and Make-up, lnformation Sources, and Ongoing lnformation Search 의복 및 화장유행선도력, 정보원과 지속적 정보탐색에 관한 연구
이주영 Ju Young Lee
17(1) 157-169, 2013
A Study on Fashion Leadership of Clothing and Make-up, lnformation Sources, and Ongoing lnformation Search 의복 및 화장유행선도력, 정보원과 지속적 정보탐색에 관한 연구
이주영 Ju Young Lee
The purpose of this study was to analyze clothing fashion leadership and make-up fashion leadership of women`s university students and investigate the relationships of information sources and ongoing information search. To achieve the purposes, a questionnaire was conducted to 400 female students from September 21 to October 30, 2011. The final data was analyzed with spss 17.0 program. The results were follows. First, It was found that information sources were classified 3 factors of marketer source, personal source, and mass media source. Second, there were significant differences of clothing fashion leadership and make-up fashion leadership by major and clothes and cosmetics purchasing expenses. Third, there were significant differences of clothing information sources and ongoing information search by major and clothes and cosmetics purchasing expenses. Forth, there were significant differences of make-up information sources and ongoing information search by major and clothes and cosmetics purchasing expenses. Fifth, there were significant relations of clothing/make-up fashion leadership, information sources, and ongoing information search. Thus, it was found that clothing fashion leadership and make-up fashion leadership are related to information sources and ongoing information search.
Key Words
clothing fashion leadership, 의복유행선도력, make-up fashion leadership, 화장유행선도력, information sources, 정보원, ongoing information search, 지속적 정보탐색
The Relationship of the Body Surface Development Figure with the Sleeve Basic Pattern in the Standing and Arm-Movement Positions 정립시 및 동작시 팔의 체표면 전개도와 소매원형의 관계
조경희 Kyung Hee Cho
17(1) 170-185, 2013
The Relationship of the Body Surface Development Figure with the Sleeve Basic Pattern in the Standing and Arm-Movement Positions 정립시 및 동작시 팔의 체표면 전개도와 소매원형의 관계
조경희 Kyung Hee Cho
The suitability of the pattern manufactured with the development figure was considered by reviewing the development conditions that can be directly connected to the basic pattern in the human body surface development figure with the cast bandage method. The method to prepare the sleeve basic pattern was based on the cylindrical surface development method, and the sleeve basic pattern covering the 45 and 90 degrees momentum of the arm-movement was made by using the cast-type body surface development figure prepared with the horizontal Line of the sleeve hem placed horizontally in the plan and by combining the cast-type body surface development figure in the standing position with the figure in the moving position. The test clothing was prepared with the sleeve pattern adding the bodice pattern in the standing position and the momentum and was worn on the FRP replica. The relationship theory of the body surface development figure with the pattern was derived by reviewing the suitability from the wearing state. The sleeve-cap height of the sleeve basic pattern resulted in about 80% in the standing position when the needs for a physical activity are 45 degrees and the about 50% when the needs for a physical activity are 90 degrees. The additional size of the diagonal length of the sleeve-cap could be set as "0" if the sleeve-cap height is low by 50% and as 50% at the additional size in the standing position if the sleeve-cap height is 80%.
Key Words
body surface development figure, 체표면 전개도, sleeve basic pattern, 소매원형, cylindrical surface development method, 주면전개법, sleeve-cap height, 소매산높이, diagonal length of the sleeve-cap, 소매산사선길이