Aesthetics of Goth as a subculture style 고스 하위문화 스타일의 미적 특성
임은혁 Eun Hyuk Yim
17(2) 1-16, 2013
Aesthetics of Goth as a subculture style 고스 하위문화 스타일의 미적 특성
임은혁 Eun Hyuk Yim
Subcultural style is the center of subcultural identity and the clothes and adornments are the most visible symbol of membership. The Goth subculture has associated tastes in music, aesthetics, and fashion. The style symbolized the strong subjective subcultural identity held by most Goths and acted as the practical basis to demonstrate their commitment to the subculture. This study investigates the aesthetic and the style of Goth subculture in its heyday of 1980s which has continued to affect mainstream fashion and culture since its birth. In order to inquire the concept of subculture and its style, this study executes literature survey as well as investigates the images of street style magazines to analyze the visual elements. The stylistic and the aesthetic characteristics of Goth subcultural style analyzed in this study are grouped into four categories as follows: first, Victoriana, which embodies the fear of death and the nostalgia for the past using Victorian morning dresses and corsets, second, vampirism, in that some Goths who are fascinated by vampires are costumed in vampire figures to advocate diabolism and decadence, third, sexual ambiguity of male Goths which emphasizes feminine appearance in the pursuit of androgyny, and fourth, sexual fetish of female Goths which represents aggressive eroticism utilizing fetish paraphernalia.
Key Words
Goth subculture, 고스 하위문화, Victoriana,빅토리아나, Vampirism, 뱀파이어리즘, Sexual ambiguity, 성적 모호성, Sexual fetish, 성적 페티시
A Study on the Fashion Style in Contemporary Tennis Clothing 현대 테니스 웨어에 나타난 패션성에 관한 연구
김혜정 Hye Jeong Kim
17(2) 17-32, 2013
A Study on the Fashion Style in Contemporary Tennis Clothing 현대 테니스 웨어에 나타난 패션성에 관한 연구
김혜정 Hye Jeong Kim
Throughout history, tennis-wear designers have attempted reforms to the designs, which were swayed a lot by game rules, and more efforts than ever are put forth recently. The efforts to introduce fashion designers into tennis brands and to break down the barriers between sports brands and common fashions have contributed to the advancement of tennis-wear. Howver, designers are not the only contributors to the development and innovation of tennis-wear. Tennis players who are well aware of the design make-up may affect some aspects of tennis-wear. Even some tennis players launched certain tennis-wear brands. They are not just players in games, but also innovators of this certain type of clothing. In this sense, they design, select, and put on tennis-wear as designers and players, which has contributed a lot to variation and advancement of tennis-wear. Such diversified of attempts in terms of design have led to the variety of tennis-wear, and adopting certain features of other sportswear has enhanced the functionality as well. As for materials, functional materials as well as lingerie look and laceworks as in dance looks were used, and even nude-color short pants were introduced to represent such images of fantasy and illusion. As for color as well, a revolution of color, which has been a taboo, was led. The popularity of tennis-wear fashions even leads to combination with features of other areas, which has been more diversified by the collaboration with designs inspired by toga of Greece and various other areas such as films and arts.
Key Words
Sports, 스포츠, sports brand, 스포츠 브랜드, tennis wear, 테니스 웨어, collaboration, 콜레보레이션, tennis player, 테니스 선수
Comparison on the Pants Fitting for Obese Women between 3D Virtual Garment and Real Garment 3차원 가상착의와 실제착의를 통한 비만여성의 바지 맞음새 비교
이진숙 Jin Suk Lee , 이정란 Jeong Ran Lee
17(2) 33-45, 2013
Comparison on the Pants Fitting for Obese Women between 3D Virtual Garment and Real Garment 3차원 가상착의와 실제착의를 통한 비만여성의 바지 맞음새 비교
이진숙 Jin Suk Lee , 이정란 Jeong Ran Lee
A study using 3D virtual garment simulation is carried out for the evaluation and application on the pants fit for obese women in their age of 20s and 30s. The results are as follows; 5 obese women in their 20s and 30s were selected for the testing 3D body. They showed no significant differences in all items, comparing with the data of 5th Size Korea body dimensions. The average waist circumstance of the subjects` 3D body dimensions was 87.0cm, hip circumstance was 102.4cm, BMI was 27.1kg/㎡, and their obese body types had similar mean values. Based on the detailed design of ready made pants and the study results of 20∼30s obese women preference for pants design, pants of straight silhouette and semi-tight fit which have waist line lowered, no front dart and one back dart, were manufactured with 100% black cotton and cotton spandex mixed fabrics. When comparing the appearances between real garment and virtual garment, the average of the real garment with 100% cotton was 3.70 and the virtual garment was 4.05. The average of real garment with cotton spandex mixed fabrics was 3.75 and the virtual garment was 4.06. Therefore, the average of virtual garment was highly evaluated. When comparing the results of evaluating the appearance, there was no significant difference caused by materials between real garment and virtual garment. The expression for the ease of virtual garment and real garment was also similar for good evaluation. Thus, 3D virtual garment simulation did positively prove its reliability and effect.
Key Words
3D virtual garment simulation, 3차원 가상착의 시스템, obese women, 비만여성, Pants, 바지, fitting, 맞음새, comparison evaluation, 비교평가
An Analysis on the Present State of Korean Professional Cheerleader`s Uniform Design 국내 프로 치어리더 유니폼 디자인 현황분석
배수정 Soo Jeong Bae
17(2) 46-62, 2013
An Analysis on the Present State of Korean Professional Cheerleader`s Uniform Design 국내 프로 치어리더 유니폼 디자인 현황분석
배수정 Soo Jeong Bae
This thesis aims to provide basic resources for the development of various uniform designs of cheerleaders by investigating the currently favoured uniform designs. The 13 professional cheerleader teams were existed among the 25 professional sports teams-9 baseball, 10 basketball and 6 volleyball teams. In each sports teams, four cheerleader`s uniform were chosen and evaluated in terms of the cheerleader uniform design by analyzing the forms, colors, decorations and accessories. The result shows that the common kinds of design representing the symbolic color and the emblem were generally prevalent, instead of particular types of uniform design and subject in accordance with different kinds of the professional baseball, basketball and volleyball respectively. Throughout all the kinds of the sports, the combination of the sleeveless top and hot-pants were most frequently observed. In case of the skirts, the mini flare, wrap, and pleats skirts were the most prevalent, because it gave free to motion for cheerleading. The one-piece style were rather infrequent, comparing with the two-pieces, with the hourglass and fitted silhouette the most frequent type, and all those were mini in length. The sleeve in top were generally absent or short, however the bare top style was never found that the top would have a risk of being taken off downwardly during cheerleading. The accessories and the cheering tools were not so much used. The cap and headdresses were not many in kinds. The pompom, megaphone, tube stick, towel, umbrella and musical instruments would not be sufficient to play a role of tools for cheering, which suggests that the rather advanced tools or instruments for cheering in the sports need to be developed, not alone the uniform design.
Key Words
Cheerleader, 치어리더, uniform design, 유니폼 디자인, sports industry, 스포츠 산업
Comparison of basic bodice block for adults women by 3D simulation -focus of the DC Suite Program- 3차원 시뮬레이션을 활용한 성인여성용 길 원형 비교 연구 -DC Suite Program을 중심으로-
차수정 Su Joung Cha , 강연경 Yeon Kyung Kang
17(2) 63-81, 2013
Comparison of basic bodice block for adults women by 3D simulation -focus of the DC Suite Program- 3차원 시뮬레이션을 활용한 성인여성용 길 원형 비교 연구 -DC Suite Program을 중심으로-
차수정 Su Joung Cha , 강연경 Yeon Kyung Kang
A Study using compare and analyze about differences among three patterns(shape and size of pattern, fitting and amount of air gap and so on) through 3D simulation. This study use 3D simulation program, DC Suite version 3.0. The results are as a follows: The results of estimation about total appearance, the pattern of Bunka is best of all pattern about total fitting and silhouette of front and back side. The pattern of armstrong and on&on stand low in estimation. As the total fitting, the pattern of Bunka is 4.40, the pattern of Armstrong is 2.60 and the pattern of On&on is 1.60. The result show better pattern of Bunka than pattern of Armstrong and On&on. When we examine about space between body and cloth, the pattern of Bunka is best. The pattern of Armstrong don`t have problems about back side but front side have some problem of getting loose. Because it only have a waist dart so dart size is too big. The pattern of On&on have so much space because it don`t have a waist dart. On the amount of air gap, the pattern of Bunka squash up body so it have the amount of air gap 0.08 at bust circumference and underbust circumference. Next is the pattern of Armstrong, amount of air gap is 0.14 at bust circumference and 0.23 at underbust circumference. The pattern of On&on`s amount of air gap is 0.30 at bust circumference and 0.37 at underbust circumference. So the pattern of Bunka is bodice block of the best closing adhesion and the On&on is a loose-fitting pattern.
Key Words
Bodice, 길원형, 3D, 3차원, Simulation, 가상착의, Fitting, 맞음새, Amount of air gap, 공극량
Actual condition survey for thermokeeping of winter school uniforms 겨울철 교복의 보온성 개선을 위한 실태조사
김유미 Yu Mi Kim , 이정란 Jeong Ran Lee
17(2) 82-94, 2013
Actual condition survey for thermokeeping of winter school uniforms 겨울철 교복의 보온성 개선을 위한 실태조사
김유미 Yu Mi Kim , 이정란 Jeong Ran Lee
This study aims to investigate purchase attitude towards uniforms, wear condition and their requirements for functional school uniforms for high school boy students, and to help to present basic data for the development of functional school uniforms by reflecting requirements from high school students. First, research on school uniform brands purchased in Busan, Ulsan, and Kyungnam regions showed 2 brands were preferred, and the school uniform purchase expenses are primarily between two hundred thousand won and three hundred thousand won. Second, in terms of differences among fabrics of summer and winter uniforms, many students answered that ``they are similar`` or ``there is no difference``. As for complaints about winter uniforms, thermal insulation accounts for the highest rate. As a result of research on underwear worn primarily in the winter, boy students tend to wear underwear to keep their lower bodies warm rather than their upper bodies. They tend to keep their upper bodies warm with outerwear such as vests, cardigans, and padding jumper. According to a survey on experience and satisfaction of functional uniforms, students showed satisfaction with more than three points to all questions except for two, which means their satisfaction about the functions of uniforms that they wear currently is above the average. Third, many boy students complains about the thermokeeping of winter uniforms, especially thigh parts of pants. It is required to make research for the improvement of functional pants for boy students.
Key Words
school uniforms, 교복, winter uniforms, 동복, high school boy students, 고등학교 남학생, functionality, 기능성, thermokeeping, 보온성
Development of a Man`s Fashion Goods Design using a Traditional Bat Pattern -Focusing on the Tessellation Arrangement and Color-Scheme of the Klimt`s Painting- 전통 박쥐문양을 활용한 남성 패션상품 디자인 개발 -테셀레이션 배치법 및 클림트 작품의 색채 활용을 중심으로-
임병수 Byung Soo Lim , 조진숙 Jean Suk Cho
17(2) 95-116, 2013
Development of a Man`s Fashion Goods Design using a Traditional Bat Pattern -Focusing on the Tessellation Arrangement and Color-Scheme of the Klimt`s Painting- 전통 박쥐문양을 활용한 남성 패션상품 디자인 개발 -테셀레이션 배치법 및 클림트 작품의 색채 활용을 중심으로-
임병수 Byung Soo Lim , 조진숙 Jean Suk Cho
The purpose of this study is to link traditional patterns to man`s fashion goods design. Of all the traditional patterns, the bat pattern was chosen for use during the development of a man`s fashion goods design as like as neck-tie, pocketchief and scarf. This study is based upon document searches, including research papers. Thought these searches, it investigates the form of traditional bat patterns, tessellation which can be found easily in the Islamic culture as well as in tile and carpet patterns and a modern painting by Gustav Klimt(1862-1918). Based on this investigation, the study attempt to modernize the bat pattern and apply the neck-tie, pocketchief and scarf. The design procedure includes three sub-processes: selection, arrangement and color-scheme. In conclusion, six designs of man`s fashion goods were created by using one of Korea`s traditional patterns-the bat pattern. Therefore, this study offer invaluable suggestions for multifaced research on how to come up with design concepts which apply Korea`s traditional patterns to Man`s fashion goods design.
Key Words
traditional bat pattern, 전통 박쥐문양, tessellation, 테셀레이션, man`s fashion goods design, 남성 패션상품 디자인
A Study on Visual Identity of Professional Baseball Uniforms in Korea, America, and Japan -Focused on Color- 한,미,일 프로야구 유니폼의 비주얼 아이덴티티 연구 -색채를 중심으로-
임송미 Song Mi Lim , 이미숙 Mi Suk Lee
17(2) 117-135, 2013
A Study on Visual Identity of Professional Baseball Uniforms in Korea, America, and Japan -Focused on Color- 한,미,일 프로야구 유니폼의 비주얼 아이덴티티 연구 -색채를 중심으로-
임송미 Song Mi Lim , 이미숙 Mi Suk Lee
With the growth of mass media, professional baseball teams have strived to keep up team`s tradition and individuality and build a distinctive image through sports marketing using visual identity. Among others, a baseball uniform is used as a sports marketing tool more than an uniform. Uniform color acts as a distinctive element in team`s uniform design and is effective to raise attention, manifest a positive image to spectators, and increase trust and affinity. This study aims to compare and analyze color characteristics and images of professional baseball uniforms in America, Japan, and Korea as visual identity. For this, literature review was made on the history of baseball, uniforms, sports marketing, and visual identity, and then color characteristics and images were analyzed on professional baseball away uniforms in Korea, America, and Japan collected in Internet and official web sites. The results are as follows. First, for color characteristics of professional baseball uniforms, the most frequently used color was R(V) color in Korea, ltGy color in America, and Bk color in Japan. Second, for color images of professional baseball uniforms, the most frequently used image was a casual image in Korea, a dandy image in America, and a modern image in Japan.
Key Words
baseball uniform, 야구 유니폼, sports marketing, 스포츠 마케팅, visual identity, 비주얼 아이덴티티, color, 색채, color image, 색채 이미지
Effect of the Customer Emotion to Salespersons in Service Encounter on Customer Evaluation and Behavioral intention 감정유형이 판매원에 대한 고객평가와 행동의도에 미치는 영향
이옥희 Ok Hee Lee
17(2) 136-150, 2013
Effect of the Customer Emotion to Salespersons in Service Encounter on Customer Evaluation and Behavioral intention 감정유형이 판매원에 대한 고객평가와 행동의도에 미치는 영향
이옥희 Ok Hee Lee
This study investigates the effect of customer emotions on customer evaluation and behavior intention. The subjects used in this study were customers of a fashion shop in Sunchon South Korea. The questionnaires were conveniently sampled from July 2010 to August, 2010. Questionnaire data from 335 customers of a national brand were analyzed through a reliability analysis, factor analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The results of this study are as follows. First, emotions of customer were divided into 2 patterns, positive emotion and negative emotion. Second positive emotion have significant (+) influences on the trust and negative emotion have significant (-) influences on the trust. Third positive emotion have significant (+) influences on the customer orientation and negative emotion have significant (-) influences on the customer orientation. Forth, the emotions of customer have a considerable impact on the interaction intention. And the positive emotion have significant (+) influences on the word-of-mouth intention and negative emotion have not a considerable impact on it. Fifth the positive emotion have significant (+) influences on the attitude toward store and repurchase intention, and negative emotion have significant (-) influences on the attitude toward store and repurchase intention.
The Effect of Rosehip Extracts Addition on Permanent Wave and Hair Dye during Repetition Procedure 퍼머넌트 웨이브와 산성 염색 반복시술시 로즈힙 추출물 첨가의 효능
김미연 Mi Yeon Kim , 고경숙 Kyoung Sook Ko
17(2) 151-163, 2013
The Effect of Rosehip Extracts Addition on Permanent Wave and Hair Dye during Repetition Procedure 퍼머넌트 웨이브와 산성 염색 반복시술시 로즈힙 추출물 첨가의 효능
김미연 Mi Yeon Kim , 고경숙 Kyoung Sook Ko
In this research, with a goal of lessening the damage to hair by adding rose hip extract to permanent wave 1 solution and performing permanent wave procedure prior to acid dyeing and maximizing the effect of the procedure, rose hip extract 15%, 20% was added to each thioglycolate 1 solution and cysteine 1 solution and the procedure was performed. As a result, when performing the procedure by adding rose hip extract to permanent wave 1 solution thioglycolate and cysteine permanent wave 1 solution, the effect of wave effectiveness is increased and the damage to hair was confirmed to be low. Depending on the rose hip additive status in thioglycolate, the treatment effect of hair was shown to be beneficial. However, the limit of this research is that the thickness of hair strands for each person differs as well as the location of the hair contributing to the difference and therefore exact judgement regarding the shape of waves as well as the level of damage cannot be fully measured. In the following clinical tests, we will test the procedure on variety of hair types.
Key Words
Permanent wave, Acid dye, Rosehip Extract
Effects of female college students` self-image and media involvement on appearance management behavior 여대생의 자기이미지와 미디어관여가 외모관리행동에 미치는 영향
김지양 Ji Yang Kim , 임은혁 Eun Hyuk Yim , 전호경 Ho Kyung Chun
17(2) 164-178, 2013
Effects of female college students` self-image and media involvement on appearance management behavior 여대생의 자기이미지와 미디어관여가 외모관리행동에 미치는 영향
김지양 Ji Yang Kim , 임은혁 Eun Hyuk Yim , 전호경 Ho Kyung Chun
The purpose of this study is to verify effects of female college students` self-image on appearance management behavior and investigate the differences caused by TV involvement and entertainer imitation on the appearance managing behavior. Respondents of the survey were 424 college females living in Seoul and Gyeonggi province. For statistical analysis, factor analysis and multiple regression were conducted using SPSS 18.0 program. The results of this study are as follows: First, self-image among college females were composed of 5 factors, which were active image, feminine image, intelligent image, gentle image and modern image. Second, college females` self-image influenced on skin management behavior, hair management behavior, make-up behavior, clothing behavior and weight management behavior significantly. Specifically, as respondents` active image and modern image are getting higher, they tend to perform skin management behavior, hair management behavior and clothing behavior. As female students` intellectual image and modern image were getting higher, more positive effects were found on make-up behavior. As female students` gentle image and active image were getting higher, there was more positive effects on weight management behavior. But, female students` self-image didn`t show significant effects on cosmetic surgery behavior. Third, when subjects` TV involvement was high, self-image made greater effect on skin management behavior and cosmetic surgery behavior than those with low TV involvement. Forth, when entertainer imitation was high, self-image made greater effects on skin management behavior, hair management behavior, clothing behavior, make-up behavior, weight management behavior, cosmetic surgery behavior than those with low entertainer management.
Key Words
college females, 여대생, self-image, 자기이미지, appearance management behavior, 외모관리행동, media involvement, 미디어관여, entertainer imitation, 연예인모방
Comparative Study of the Mechanical Property of Shaping and WholeGarment Knit Wear -Focused on Armhole Part in Knit Pullover- 봉제형과 무봉제형 니트웨어 제품의 역학적 특성 비교 연구 -니트 풀오버의 암홀부분을 중심으로-
최원정 Won Jung Choi , 이유진 Yoo Jin Lee
17(2) 179-196, 2013
Comparative Study of the Mechanical Property of Shaping and WholeGarment Knit Wear -Focused on Armhole Part in Knit Pullover- 봉제형과 무봉제형 니트웨어 제품의 역학적 특성 비교 연구 -니트 풀오버의 암홀부분을 중심으로-
최원정 Won Jung Choi , 이유진 Yoo Jin Lee
This research is about the mechanical properties of knit pullover of Shaping and WholeGarment according to structured patterns and form of the armhole. For the study 12 samples are prepared under different conditions and through comparative analysis of each sample`s armhole around armpit in basic properties, tensile strength & elongation and residual elongation after repeated extensions, the conclusion is as follows. As a result of comparing basic properties of structured pattern of Shaping and WholeGarment samples, in all structured patterns Shaping samples weighed more. According to the comparative analysis of tensile strength & elongation of Shaping and WholeGarment samples, Machi on both sides of WholeGarment samples showed the highest strength. By comparing outcome of residual elongation by structured pattern of Shaping and WholeGarment samples, both types were observed to have the residual elongation increase in the order of Plain