The Color Arrangement of Working Clothes for Visibility in Machine Industrial Work Site
Hye Won Park
17(3) 1-14, 2013
The Color Arrangement of Working Clothes for Visibility in Machine Industrial Work Site
Hye Won Park
This study is about the evaluation of the color arrangements of working clothes that are harmonized with working environment and assist in the protection of workers in industrial sites. This study attempted color arrangement design with the intention of giving order to the colors of working environment and working clothes so as to help improve the safety of work and the management aspects including human resource management, efficiency improvement, and the practice of business ethics. The study method consisted of literature research, empirical research, and evaluation research. The literature research performed theoretical examination about colors, industrial safety, and visibility. Three actual outdoor work sites in the machine industry were chosen and pictures were taken at 20-30 m from workers. The background colors of the work environment of each work site and the colors of the working clothes that were actually worn were analyzed through color values measured with a color-difference meter(CR-400). As a result, it was found that between value and chroma which affect visibility, color arrangement based on differences in chroma could be a greater influence than color arrangement based on differences in value. The results of this study could assist the integration of color schemes among working environment colors, people and working clothes by suggesting color arrangements with improved visibility that are applicable to the working clothes of domestic machine manufacturers that are playing a pivotal role in domestic industries and by presenting appropriate guidelines.
Key Words
High Visibility, Color Arrangement of Working Clothes, Similar Color Arrangement
Relationship of Parenting Style and Perceived Value of Characterized Children`s Fashion Products
Keang Young Kang , K P Johnson Kim , Hye Young Kim
17(3) 15-29, 2013
Relationship of Parenting Style and Perceived Value of Characterized Children`s Fashion Products
Keang Young Kang , K P Johnson Kim , Hye Young Kim
In the children`s market, characters are applied to products to stimulate children to buy a product directly or to implore their parents to buy it for them. To sell characterized products, marketers consider both parents and children. This research was designed to identify which parenting style factors affect the evaluation of characterized children`s fashion products and to test how parenting style affects the evaluation of value importance of characterized children`s fashion products. The parenting style factors studied were first categorized as communication, children`s social acceptance, educational involvement, and media exposure. Responses from 259 parents residing in Woodbury, MN, and Ellicott City, MD, were used for data analysis. A factor analysis and canonical correlation analysis were conducted. Parents with high "Susceptibility to child peer pressure" attached importance to "Social Value"when buying characterized products. On the other hand, parents who were highly involved in their child`s life and frequently intervened in their "Child`s TV-viewing" attached importance to educational value. Educational value was a unique contributor to the evaluation of characterized products as compared to other fashion products. Marketers can therefore leverage both the social and educational value of characterized products.
Effect of Fabric Properties used for the Loop Type Decorative Elements on the 3-dimensional Shape
Young Min Ko , Jong Jun Kim
17(3) 30-47, 2013
Effect of Fabric Properties used for the Loop Type Decorative Elements on the 3-dimensional Shape
Young Min Ko , Jong Jun Kim
In the modern fashion industry, efficiency has been increasing thanks to development of computer graphics, IT technology, and digitalization. Unlike the past when fashion design heavily depended on handwork, digitalization of fashion industry makes fabrication time shorter and enables designers to adopt comprehensive expression, generating high value-added product. The Apparel CAD, an example of the digitalized fashion industry, has been developed from 2D system into a system providing 3D simulation. Digital clothing can be determined as an activity of designers using the tool in order to fabricate pattern and simulate its designed clothes in the virtual space of computer. In this study, physical properties of eight materials, which can be utilized on a par with current fashion trend, have been specified. For more sophisticated investigation, external appearance of the material was investigated by 3D scanning. In order to examine the physical properties of fabric specimens, KES(Kawabata Evaluation System) measurements and other physical property measurements were made. With the results, virtual material and clothes were simulated via CLO 3D, one of 3D apparel CAD systems. Then, virtual fabrics and clothes of similar types were generated and analyzed.
Key Words
decorative element, fabric physical properties, KES, digital clothing system
Comparative Study for Hair Protection Effect of Hair Essence Prepared Using Human Hair Keratin
Soon Hee Lee , Gi Yeon Bae , Doo Hyun Park , Sung Nam Kim
17(3) 48-57, 2013
Comparative Study for Hair Protection Effect of Hair Essence Prepared Using Human Hair Keratin
Soon Hee Lee , Gi Yeon Bae , Doo Hyun Park , Sung Nam Kim
This study was performed to quantitatively and qualitatively estimate the effect of keratin essence on hair protection against physicochemical damage. Damaged hairs were obtained from an early thirty woman who dyed her hair two times and did digital permanent treatment of her hair two times. The damaged hairs were divided into four experimental groups, which are the control hair (CH) group without additional beauty treatment, the damaged hair (DH) group by additional dyeing treatment, basic essence-treated hair (BEH) group, and keratin essence-treated hair (KEH) groups according to the research goal. The protection effect of keratin essence against the physicochemical damage was quantitatively compared by difference of chrominance measured using a color difference meter and qualitatively compared by difference of outer morphological structure images pictured using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The brightness and yellowish blue color of KEH were relatively lower but the reddish blue color was relatively higher than other groups of test hairs. Cuticle structure of the previously DH was irregularly deformed and more strongly deformed or partially broken by additional dyeing treatment. On the other hand, the gaps between cuticle scales of the DH were reformed by treatment with basic essence and reformed and filled by treatment with keratin essence in comparison with the DH group. Conclusively, the keratin essence was effective to protect hair structure against the structural damage induced by the dyeing-treatment, by which the coloring efficiency is thought to be improved.
Key Words
Damaged Hair, Hair Essence, Human Hair Keratin, Hair Protection
Study on purchase behavior and satisfaction of Chinese tourists who buy Korean hair cosmetics in Myeong-dong -Targeting women at 20s and 40s-
Soon Hee Lee , Gi Yeon Bae , Doo Hyun Park , Sung Nam Kim
17(3) 58-73, 2013
Study on purchase behavior and satisfaction of Chinese tourists who buy Korean hair cosmetics in Myeong-dong -Targeting women at 20s and 40s-
Soon Hee Lee , Gi Yeon Bae , Doo Hyun Park , Sung Nam Kim
In China, the phenomenon called ``Korean Wave`` has boosted the interest in Korean pop culture, such as TV drama, music and films, and even in the general culture and society. As Korean singers, movie actors and talents become popular beyond acceptance of public culture, those who learn Korean, buy Korean products and visit Korea have emerged. Especially, most Chinese women have used Korean hair cosmetics and the interests in Korean hair cosmetics are increasing, since cosmetic companies entered China early due to Korean wave. Thus, the status of purchase of Korean hair cosmetics is growing day by day in China. In particular, since the environment is established to buy hair cosmetics easily in Myeong -dong which is one of the shopping tourism special districts, many Chinese tourists are crowded there. Based on such phenomenon, this study explored the differences in perceptions towards ``Korean Wave`` among Chinese tourists who purchased Korean hair cosmetics in Myeong-dong, and analyzed the factors that largely determine the interest in Korean hair cosmetics and their purchase behavior. Therefore, this study is aimed at contributing to the development of hair cosmetics products and the market amid Korean Wave. As the research methods, 100 answered questionnaires were collected with target of Chinese tourists at 20s and 40s who purchased Korean hair cosmetics in Myeong-dong once 120 questionnaires were distributed. In-depth analysis was conducted and final research data were used. It was confirmed that Korean fever positively affected the Chinese tourists` purchase behavior and satisfaction of hair cosmetics, and the interests in Korean hair cosmetics at 20s were higher than at 40s. People at 20s had higher awareness, satisfaction and intention of repurchase of hair cosmetics compared rather than people at 40s. The research confirmed that Chinese tourists are very interested in Korean hair cosmetics as the pop music craze has led to the general Korean Wave, and differences in such perceptions have led to significant differences in the product purchase behavior.
Key Words
hair cosmetic product, Chinese tourist, Buying behavior, Satisfaction
A Korean-American Comparative Study of 3D Scanned Female Anthropometric Data
Eun Sil Kim , Sung Nam Kim , Da Na Song
17(3) 74-84, 2013
A Korean-American Comparative Study of 3D Scanned Female Anthropometric Data
Eun Sil Kim , Sung Nam Kim , Da Na Song
The purpose of this research is to provide useable data for application in American and Korean apparel company. This data was developed by analyzing information of Korean and American body sizes obtained from "Size USA Project" and "Size Korea Project". The Subjects were 6,306 American females and 1,988 Korean females over 18 years old. 30 measurements and 14 computed values were chosen that were considered critical in making garments. And descriptive analysis, percentile analysis and t-test were used as statistical methods for analyzing measurements and computed value between the two countries. The results were as follows. It was determined that American women were larger and bigger than Korean women in all measurements and computed values, except for Shoulder Slope. Based on BMI values, we determined that American women had a distinct tendency towards being overweight. Through the comparison of drop values (i.e. the difference between Hip and Bust Girths or Hip and Waist Girths), ratio values (i.e. waist height divided by height) and Body Mass Index (BMI) between the two countries, we determined that American women`s figures were shapelier than Korean women`s. American women had higher hip heights and longer leg lengths for their height compared to Korean woman. Furthermore, the back shapes of Korean women were flatter than American women and BMI values indicated American women were relatively more overweight than Korean women.
Key Words
3D body scanning, anthropometric, body measurements, laser scanners, CAD
A Study on the Comfort and the Patternmaking Method of Leggings Pants
Kyong Hwa Yi , Cynthia L Istook
17(3) 85-98, 2013
A Study on the Comfort and the Patternmaking Method of Leggings Pants
Kyong Hwa Yi , Cynthia L Istook
Fabric industry has been developing enough to introduce diverse stretch materials to apparel market, so that tightly fitting leggings designs are taking over not only sports wear but also women`s clothing. This study is aimed at developing prototype designs for leggings pants using stretch material that are appropriate for the lower part of body being functional, comfortable, and beautiful. As well, the study is intended to be of a reference in manufacturing such products. Some of the most popular leggings on the market in their kinds and materials were primarily selected to be tested in two ways: wear test and appearance test. Again, the test pants went through the same kinds of two tests, which turned out two designs. Finally, the test pants were treated to yield the most desirable prototype design. In conducting all these tests, some major defects causing discomfort and shortcomings of the leggings pants on the market were exposed and through the wear tests, the drawbacks were seen to be complemented in a big way. Thus, it is hopefully expected that this study will serve as a good reference for developing stretch pants.
Key Words
leggings pants, pattern, comfort, appearance test
Analysis of components of the Main Page in the SOHO Internet Apparel Shopping Malls+ -Comparative Analysis of Women`s and Men`s Malls?
Sang Hee Park , Jin Hee Park
17(3) 99-108, 2013
Analysis of components of the Main Page in the SOHO Internet Apparel Shopping Malls+ -Comparative Analysis of Women`s and Men`s Malls?
Sang Hee Park , Jin Hee Park
The purpose of this study is to do a detailed analysis of the layouts and components of the main pages of the SOHO malls, which serve as its display window, and in turn, find a successful strategy for SOHO malls in the over saturated Internet shopping mall market. To analyze the components and layout of the main page of the SOHO Internet apparel shopping malls, top 50 Internet apparel shopping malls for woman and top 50 Internet apparel shopping malls for man, ranked within Internet shopping mall10) were selected. Data were collected from the coding sheets surveyed on the Internet apparel shopping malls for one month (September 2012). The result showed different patterns in various aspects between women`s and men`s malls. 1) The men`s malls used product pictures more frequently in their main pages than the women`s malls 2) The sections for jewelry and beauties were usually included in men`s apparel shopping malls. 3) Men`s malls usually had a rather crowded layout with numerous banners in order to expose their promotional items to the fullest. 4) men`s malls provided a more detailed promotional and product information regarding the display items on its main pages. 5) Women`s malls had a wider range of price distribution and generally higher prices.
Key Words
SOHO Internet Apparel Shopping Malls, components of the main page, layout design
The Effect of Experiential Marketing on Customer Satisfaction and Revisit Intention of Beauty Salon Franchise Stores
Eun Young Jang
17(3) 109-121, 2013
The Effect of Experiential Marketing on Customer Satisfaction and Revisit Intention of Beauty Salon Franchise Stores
Eun Young Jang
The purpose of this study was set as clarifying the relative importance of experiential marketing on customer satisfaction and revisit intention of beauty salon franchise stores while raising the competitiveness of beauty salon service by clarifying the causal relationship between these factors and revisit intention. The data was gathered using questionnaire targeting 350 adults living in Gwangju Metropolitan City and the analysis was performed using the SPSS 18.0 statistics package. The result of this study is summarized as follows. First, the factors forming up the experiential marketing of beauty salon franchise stores have been verified as a total of 5 dimensions to be shown as sense marketing, relation marketing, feel marketing, think marketing and action marketing. Second, the experiential marketing of beauty salon franchise stores was shown has having statistical significant effect on the revisit intention. Third, the experiential marketing of beauty salon franchise stores was shown has having statistical significant effect on the customer satisfaction. Fourth, while the indirect effect of each of experiential marketing and customer satisfaction of beauty salon franchise stores on the revisit intention was independently shown as significant, the indirect effect of experiential marketing by mediating customer satisfaction was not shown as significant.
Key Words
beauty salon franchise store, customer satisfaction, experiential marketing, revisit intention
Study on Analyses of Pleasure Trends and Aesthetic Characteristics of Accessories of Haute Couture Design -Focused on Haute Couture Collections from 2005 S/S to 2013 S/S-
Hyun Jin Jeon
17(3) 122-136, 2013
Study on Analyses of Pleasure Trends and Aesthetic Characteristics of Accessories of Haute Couture Design -Focused on Haute Couture Collections from 2005 S/S to 2013 S/S-
Hyun Jin Jeon
This study supplements clothes by studying pleasure shown in accessories of haute couture designers and finds out pleasant characteristics represented in items which play an important role in producing personalities through collections, so the study aims at prospecting design development directions accessories henceforth. For the study period and methods, 295 photo materials were analyzed being judged to show pleasure centered on Mode et Mode, representative fashion magazine, from 2005 S/S Paris haute couture collections to 2013 S/S Paris haute couture collections. At this time, the photos analyses were conducted and selected by two experts (Ph. D holders majored in fashion design) through two times. After analyzing pleasure features represented in fashion collection focused on haute couture accessories, I could know that surrealistic pleasure, anonymity-expressing pleasure, natural pleasure, and exaggerative pleasure were shown. The pleasure, as element that supplements and emphasizes clothes, has had an effect on bringing laughs characteristically.
Key Words
pleasant characteristics, Haute-couture designers, accessories, collections