A Study on the Business Model of Fashion Mobile Commerce by Quality Evaluation 패션 모바일 커머스 품질 평가에 대한 비즈니스 모델 연구
나윤규 Youn Kue Na
18(1) 1-21, 2014
A Study on the Business Model of Fashion Mobile Commerce by Quality Evaluation 패션 모바일 커머스 품질 평가에 대한 비즈니스 모델 연구
나윤규 Youn Kue Na
This study exceeds the view on the fragmentary fact-finding surveys related to the application of mobile commerce which further develops the evaluation model of fashion mobile commerce website and considers the validity of comprehensive fashion mobile commerce with quality evaluation factors according to the Task-Technology Fit. To fulfill the study objectives, a total of 433 questionnaires are being conducted to the customers with first-hand experience on fashion merchandises through mobile commerce. The judgement sampling method is employed according to the sample population ages from 20s to 30s during two months period. Based on the results of the above-mentioned path analysis, we have observed the following: First, the path relation analysis results show that the M-marketing (M-marketing) between perceived usabilities had effects to the perceived usability and the M-sales had effects to the perceived usability. Second, as seen from the fashion mobile shopping conformance (TTF), the perceived usability, customer satisfaction, and path pipe analysis result conformances between perceived values and immersions have effects of perceived usability, customer satisfaction and perceived value, and thus, indicate that the perceived usability had effects on the customer satisfaction and immersion. Third, the customer satisfaction, perceived value and immersion all have effects on the purchasing intention.
Key Words
모바일 커머스, 품질평가, 기술수용모델, 과업-기술 적합, M-commerce, quality evaluation, TAM, TTF
The Influence of Expected Values for Appearance Management on Interest in Make-up and Cosmetics Evaluation Criteria 외모관리 기대가치가 화장관심도와 화장품 선택기준에 미치는 영향
박은희 Eun Hee Park , 조현주 Hyon Ju Cho
18(1) 22-36, 2014
The Influence of Expected Values for Appearance Management on Interest in Make-up and Cosmetics Evaluation Criteria 외모관리 기대가치가 화장관심도와 화장품 선택기준에 미치는 영향
박은희 Eun Hee Park , 조현주 Hyon Ju Cho
The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of expected values for appearance management on interest in make-up and cosmetics evaluation criteria. Questionnaires are being administered to 244 college students from the Deagu Metropolitan City and Kyungbook province. The frequency, factor analysis, reliability analysis, regression analysis, and t-test are used for data analysis. Expected values of appearance management are categorized into pleasure/satisfaction, other-expectancy, power value and conformity. Interest in make-up factors are found to be leadership in make-up, others-oriented, and appearance satisfactions. Cosmetics evaluation criteria are categorized into 4 factors such as skin suitability, pursuit of utility, non-essential attributes and symbolism. Pleasure/satisfaction, and conformity are the sub-variables of expected values for appearance management and have significant effects on leadership in make-up and others-oriented sub-variables for interest in make-up. Pleasure/satisfaction, and conformity, being the sub-variables of expected values for appearance management, have significant effects on skin suitability, the sub-variables of cosmetics evaluation criteria. And conformity has significant effects on symbolism, the subvariables of cosmetics evaluation criteria. This indicates that women show high conformity for expected values of appearance management, leadership in make-up and others-oriented sub-variables for interest in make-up, and skin suitability of cosmetics evaluation criteria.
Key Words
화장품 선택기준, 외모관리 기대가치, 화장관심도, cosmetics evaluation criteria, excepted values of appearance management, interest in make-up
The Effect of Personal Image on Self-Efficacy in Female University Students 여대생의 퍼스널 이미지가 자기효능감에 미치는 영향
김미경 Mi Kyung Kim
18(1) 37-49, 2014
The Effect of Personal Image on Self-Efficacy in Female University Students 여대생의 퍼스널 이미지가 자기효능감에 미치는 영향
김미경 Mi Kyung Kim
By investigating structural relationships between personal image and self-efficacy, this experimental study purposes to suggest a direction and the meaning of effective education on personal image . Based on scholars` studies on personal image and self-efficacy, this study extracts a revised questionnaire on personal image. The experimental study proved the relationship between the variables of personal image and self-efficacy by using personal image questionnaires which are extracted from the literature study. For this purpose, we have conducted a questionnaire survey including 234 students from women`s university in Seoul. The results of this study are as follows. First, for cognitions on personal image, which are components of the internal image, both the visual image and social image impacting on self-efficacy have a significant efficacy in the self-regulation factor. Second, the satisfaction rates of the components for personal image impacting all the factors of self-efficacy showed a significant effect. Third, the significant results are being obtained from the analysis of differences in self-efficacy according to the levels of satisfaction rates on internal image and social image, which are expected to have effects on the self-efficacybetween the groups for all factors. However, according to the analysis of differences in self-efficacy in relation to the levels of satisfaction for visual images, only the self-confidence factor in the self-efficacy is different between the groups.
Key Words
퍼스널 이미지, 자기효능감, personal Image, self-efficacy
A Study of College Students` Consumption Behavior from the Midwest(Yunnam) in China(Part 1): The Effects of Materialism on the Consumers`s Attitudes and Clothing Purchase Behaviors 중국 중서부 지역(운남성) 대학생들의 소비행동 연구(제1보): 물질주의성향에 따른 소비자태도와 의복구매행동분석
이옥희 Ok Hee Lee , 강영의 Young Eui Kang
18(1) 50-65, 2014
A Study of College Students` Consumption Behavior from the Midwest(Yunnam) in China(Part 1): The Effects of Materialism on the Consumers`s Attitudes and Clothing Purchase Behaviors 중국 중서부 지역(운남성) 대학생들의 소비행동 연구(제1보): 물질주의성향에 따른 소비자태도와 의복구매행동분석
이옥희 Ok Hee Lee , 강영의 Young Eui Kang
This study investigates the effect of demographics and materialism on the consumers`s attitudes and clothing purchase behaviors. The subjects compose of 302 college students living in Yunnam, China. The mean, ANOVA, factor analysis, Duncan test were used for statistics analysis. According to our results, the factors of materialism, symbolic consumptions, and attitude toward fashion luxury products are identified: three factors of materialism (success symbols, practical living, and happiness pursuing), three factors of symbolic consumption (conspicuous, hedonic, communication), and five factors of attitudes toward fashion luxury products (quality, involvement, ostentation, luxurious aspect, pleasure). Among the demographics, gender, income, social stratification, father`s education and job influenced the symbolic consumption, and desire`s fashion luxury products. In addition, gender, income, social stratification, father`s education and job influence the clothing selection standards and the extent of using fashion informations. Lastly, symbolic consumption, attitudes toward fashion luxury products, and apparel purchasing behaviors all proven to be significantly different among the 3 groups of materialism.
A Comparative Study on Characteristics between Participants and Non-participants in Senior Model Program: a Focus on Lifestyles, Body Satisfaction, Self-esteem, Physical Self Efficacy, and Self-confidence in Fashion Coordination 시니어 모델 교육 프로그램 경험자와 비경험자의 참여에 따른 라이프스타일, 신체만족도, 신체 자기효능감, 자아존중감, 패션연출 자신감의 특성비교
안미선 Mi Sun An , 정성지 Sung Jee Chung , 김동건 Dong Geon Kim
18(1) 66-79, 2014
A Comparative Study on Characteristics between Participants and Non-participants in Senior Model Program: a Focus on Lifestyles, Body Satisfaction, Self-esteem, Physical Self Efficacy, and Self-confidence in Fashion Coordination 시니어 모델 교육 프로그램 경험자와 비경험자의 참여에 따른 라이프스타일, 신체만족도, 신체 자기효능감, 자아존중감, 패션연출 자신감의 특성비교
안미선 Mi Sun An , 정성지 Sung Jee Chung , 김동건 Dong Geon Kim
The study analyzed differences in lifestyle, self-esteem, body satisfaction, physical self efficacy, self-confidence in fashion coordination between participants and non-participants of a senior model education program. Another purpose of the study was to examine differences between the participants with less and longer than 6 months of the education. The questionnaire developed by the researchers was collected from 200 participants aged between 50s and 70s. Two hundred questionnaires were used in the final analysis. The data were analyzed by common factor analysis, and independent sample t-test using SPSS 180.0/Windows. The results demonstrated significant differences in lifestyle, self-esteem, body satisfaction, physical self efficacy, self-confidence in fashion coordination between the participants and non-participants. The participants showed significant higher scores in lifestyle, self esteem, body satisfaction, physical self efficacy, self-confidence in fashion coordination. Also, there were significant differences in personal satisfaction in lifestyle, body satisfaction, and learning efficacy between the participants depending on the period of the education; the participants with longer than 6 months of education showed significantly higher scoresin the factors than the participants who took less than 6 months of education.
Key Words
신체만족도, 라이프스타일, 신체 자기효능감, 패션연출자신감, 시니어모델 교육 프로그램, body satisfaction, lifestyles, physical self efficacy, self esteem, 자아존중감, self-confidence in fashion coordination, senior model education program
Attitudes on the Casual Wear and Characteristics of Actual Purchasing of Male Consumer 남성 소비자의 캐주얼 의류에 대한 태도와 구매 특성에 관한 연구
서영지 Young Jee Suh , 이승희 Seung Hee Lee
18(1) 80-100, 2014
Attitudes on the Casual Wear and Characteristics of Actual Purchasing of Male Consumer 남성 소비자의 캐주얼 의류에 대한 태도와 구매 특성에 관한 연구
서영지 Young Jee Suh , 이승희 Seung Hee Lee
As men have started to show more desire to express themselves through clothing and accessories also they learn by themselves and take diverse experiences about fashion. At the same time, men`s fashion-consciousness is growing together. The role of male consumers` is becoming significant in the fashion market, and there has been more research on their clothes and fashion is increasing, however research on the male casual clothing for their 30∼49 years old group is still insufficient. This study aims to examine the casual brands for men in their 30~40s and their characteristics among other men`s brands recently appearing in Korea. The results of the study found: first, regarding the questionnaire to give men`s casual brand names, 30s males` answers showed clearer recognition about the casual brand than those of 40s males. secondly, the factors affecting attitude of male consumers` towards casual brands are designed ‘aesthetics’, ‘surroundings’ and ‘price’, and the men in their 40s put more important than men in their 30s on ‘aesthetics’ and ‘surroundings’. third, when men were actually buying casual brand, they then took five characteristic factors into account namely: ‘the external environment’, ‘functionality’ design ‘aesthetics’, ‘symbolic’ and ‘price’. Men in their30s did not show much difference in actual purchase characteristics in regards for the brand factors but men in their 40s showed interest when asked about ‘buying product with noticeable brand logo or trademark’ item among ‘symbolic’ factors than men in their 30s (p< .01 of significant difference).
Key Words
태도, 캐주얼 의류, 실제 구매특성, 30~40대 남성 소비자, attitude, casual wear, characteristics of actual purchasing, 30~40s male consumers
Design Trends of Domestic and Foreign Fashion Socks 국내외 패션삭스의 디자인 경향
반서남 Rui Nan Pan , 김지영 Ji Young Kim
18(1) 101-117, 2014
Design Trends of Domestic and Foreign Fashion Socks 국내외 패션삭스의 디자인 경향
반서남 Rui Nan Pan , 김지영 Ji Young Kim
The purpose of this study is to investigate domestic and foreign fashion sock design trends and suggest a proposal for competitive fashion sock design developments. The methods of this study are undertaken by literature review and design trend analysis. For the design trend analysis, in the case of domestic cases, 209 pictures from 7 brands, and in the case of foreign cases, 870 pictures from 10 brands are being chosen. In terms of analysis criteria, the colors, patterns, lengths and images of both the domestic and foreign socks are being compared. As a result, among the fashion foreign socks, more than 4 colors are the most common, and dark & dark grayish, strong & deep color tones are the most popular. Also, the stylized, geometrical patterns, and casual, cute and unique images are generally used. In the case of domestic fashion socks, 2 colors are the most common with vivid, strong & deep color tones as the most popular. Furthermore the patterns are limited to geometric patterns, and the images of socks are inclined to be too casual. To enhance the competitiveness of Korean sock designs, the variety of patterns and images are essential.
Key Words
디자인 트렌드, 국내의, 패션 삭스, 국외의, design trends, domestic, fashion socks, foreign
The Influence of Service Recovery Fairness on Customers` Satisfaction and Intention to Repurchase: Focused on Purchasing Fashion Product at the Open Market and General Internet Shopping Mall 인터넷 쇼핑몰에서 서비스 회복 공정성이 고객의 만족과 재구매 의도에 미치는 영향: 오픈마켓과 종합 인터넷쇼핑몰을 중심으로
김정미 Jung Mi Kim , 채나리 Na Ri Chae , 황선진 Sun Jin Hwang
18(1) 118-131, 2014
The Influence of Service Recovery Fairness on Customers` Satisfaction and Intention to Repurchase: Focused on Purchasing Fashion Product at the Open Market and General Internet Shopping Mall 인터넷 쇼핑몰에서 서비스 회복 공정성이 고객의 만족과 재구매 의도에 미치는 영향: 오픈마켓과 종합 인터넷쇼핑몰을 중심으로
김정미 Jung Mi Kim , 채나리 Na Ri Chae , 황선진 Sun Jin Hwang
The purpose of this study is to classify the service recovery fairness of internet fashion shopping mall depending on the type of shopping mall into 3 levels, and analyze their influence on customers` satisfaction and intention to repurchase. Data were collected from 271 customers who had made a complaint or raised a question about service among the customers, and was analyzed through AMOS 7.0. For hypothesis testing, a research model was set up in the form of structure equation model, and its suitability was investigated. The results of this research can be summarized as follows: First, in relation to the service recovery fairness at internet shopping mall, only the consequential fairness has a meaningful relationship with customer satisfaction. Second, it has been shown that the higher the customers` satisfaction with internet shopping mall, the more positive influence it has on intention to repurchase. Third, it has been shown that the influence of service recovery fairness on customers` satisfaction and intention to repurchase has a meaningful difference depending on the type of internet shopping mall. In other words, it has been shown that customer satisfaction is higher at open market than general internet shopping mall. Inaddition, it has been shown that in open market, only the consequential fairness has a meaningful influence, therefore it will be more effective to strengthen a strategy focused on economical rewards than other fields.
Key Words
결과적 공정성, 상호작용적 공정성, 오픈마켓, 과정적 공정성, 서비스 회복 공정성, consequential fairness, interactional fairness, open market, procedural fairness, service recovery fairness
A Study on the Power Dressing of Margaret Thatcher: Focus on Fashion Styling 마가렛 대처의 파워 드레싱 연구: 패션 스타일링을 중심으로
이미숙 Mi Suk Lee , 강유희 Yoo Hee Kang
18(1) 132-148, 2014
A Study on the Power Dressing of Margaret Thatcher: Focus on Fashion Styling 마가렛 대처의 파워 드레싱 연구: 패션 스타일링을 중심으로
이미숙 Mi Suk Lee , 강유희 Yoo Hee Kang
The objective of this research is to provide data for the power dressing of female politicians when analyzing the fashion styling of Margaret Thatcher. The method is based on considering Margaret Thatcher`s life and political career, together with the power dressing of politicians from domestic and foreign literature, advanced research and internet. In addition, 133 clothing photos of Margaret Thatcher`s costumes are collected from the internet and several web-sites. The fashion styling being displayed from 4 May 1979 to 28 November 1990 are classified with the 1st term, 2nd term, 3rd term depending on the prime minister. We then analyze items, colors, patterns and fashion accessories. And also observe the power dressing through Thatcher`s fashion styling. The results of this study are as follows: Margaret Thatcher expresses authority through blue clothes which symbolizes conservatism at conservative parties, black clothes at formal parties, two or three piece of various colors at international conferences. She also has simple and impressive styles emphasizing accessories such as ribbons or pearls necklaces and earrings, brooches, and handbags. Margaret Thatcher fulfills the styling power dressing of a strong and feminine figure by using itemssymbolizing authority as a powerful woman.
Key Words
패션 폴리틱스, 패션 스타일링, 이미지, 마가렛 대처, 파워 드레싱, fashion politics, fashion styling, image, Margaret Thatcher, power dressing
An Empirical Analysis on Consumer Damage Cases of Clothing Products 의류제품의 소비자 피해 사례에 대한 실증분석
박영희 Young Hee Park
18(1) 149-163, 2014
An Empirical Analysis on Consumer Damage Cases of Clothing Products 의류제품의 소비자 피해 사례에 대한 실증분석
박영희 Young Hee Park
The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the actual conditions of consumer damage occuring in the use of clothing products. The data used for analysis included 470 cases, which were deliberated by requesting consumer disputes deliberation at the consumer consultation room of Masan YWCA at the Kyeongsangnamdo Consumer Life Center belonging to the Kyeongnam provincial office. The disputes regarding the clothing products insisted that consumers suffered damage for the period from March, 2011 to June, 2013. The data processing was carried out by SPSS 14 and the statistics techniques used went through a cross tabulation analysis and χ2-test. The results are as follows. The difference in the analysis result of purchase path and material as to kinds of clothing products showed a significant difference. The damage types of clothing products were classified into five types: change of color, change of style, change of surface and touch, breakage of subsidiary materials, and others. The damaged clothing products showed a difference for damage frequency according to the items of clothing products; in particular, damage frequency for change of color appeared high. The damage contents of change of color were identified asmetachromatism, discoloration and yellowing, stain occurrence, and decolorization. The damage responsibility for these clothing products appeared to be various as to clothing items, but was higher at dry cleaners and manufacturers.
Tectonic Strategies in Architectonic Fashion Design 건축적 패션 디자인의 구조적 전략
임은혁 Eun Hyuk Yim
18(1) 164-181, 2014
Tectonic Strategies in Architectonic Fashion Design 건축적 패션 디자인의 구조적 전략
임은혁 Eun Hyuk Yim
As the boundary between fashion and architecture is getting blurred, the interactions of the two fields are turning out abundant as well as essential. This study investigates the tectonic strategies in architectural fashion design as a novel aesthetic in the 21st century by combining literary survey and case analysis on architecture and contemporary fashion. The tectonic strategies in the works of architectural fashion designers were categorized as follows: organic geometry, technological garment construction, and independent space. Organic geometry transforms basic geometric shapes into subtle organic forms after being thrown on the body. Technological garment construction explores the garment structure and volume by applying the structural principle of suspension and fractal geometry. Independent space refers to maintaining the firm three-dimensionality of garment structure which keeps the distance from the body, assuming the similarity to architecture.
Study on Clothing Style Preference according to Cosmetic Surgery Parts and Clothing Behavior Group: Based on Cosmetic Surgery Experienced by Women in their 20s and 30s 미용성형부위 및 의복행동그룹에 따른 의복스타일선호에 관한 연구: 미용성형을 경험한 20~30대 여성을 중심으로
이정은 Jung Eun Lee , 최정욱 Jeong Wook Choi
18(1) 182-198, 2014
Study on Clothing Style Preference according to Cosmetic Surgery Parts and Clothing Behavior Group: Based on Cosmetic Surgery Experienced by Women in their 20s and 30s 미용성형부위 및 의복행동그룹에 따른 의복스타일선호에 관한 연구: 미용성형을 경험한 20~30대 여성을 중심으로
이정은 Jung Eun Lee , 최정욱 Jeong Wook Choi
The main purposes of this study is to evaluate clothing behaviors according to cosmetic surgery parts and to research how the clothing style preference is expressed depending on each clothing behavior group. This study focuses on women in their 20s and 30s living in Seoul and Gyeonggi area whom have cosmetic surgery experiences. From the women being evaluated, the following groups are divided and then surveyed with equal frequency and ratio: ``facial surgery``, ``face contour surgery``, ``breast surgery``, and ``body figure revision``. When comparing the changes in clothing style preferences before and after the cosmetic surgery, they prefer silhouettes which show body shapes, diversity of color tones, and more overall exposing preferences. After investigating the preferred clothing styles based on cosmetic surgery parts, it is being analyzed that body exposure is more aggressively expressed upon after taking the surgery because the self satisfaction is increased according to the changes in their body shapes after the surgery. Lastly, after looking into the cosmetic surgery and the clothing preferences styles of each clothing behavior group, there seems to be more breast surgeries and body figure revisions for aggressive and extroverted characters: thesex-appeal and mood switching type. It is also being analyzed that facial surgeries are more common in the passive group: information collection, trend alignment, and beauty preference. Such results are also reflected in clothing preferences styles: the biggest change is shown in the aggressive and extroverted group, the sex-appeal types.
Key Words
의복행동그룹, 의복스타일, 미용성형, clothing behavior group, clothing style, cosmetic surgery