Analysis of Research Trends on Domestic Stage Costumes 무대의상 연구의 동향 분석
최현옥 Hyun Ok Choi , 이경화 Kyong Hwa Yi
18(2) 1-13, 2014
Analysis of Research Trends on Domestic Stage Costumes 무대의상 연구의 동향 분석
최현옥 Hyun Ok Choi , 이경화 Kyong Hwa Yi
costume so as to provide basic information on directions for future studies. The data was collected from the theses of domestic journals of the Korean Studies Information (KSI)which were published until December, 2012 and retrieved by a keyword related to the "design of stage costume", "costume for performing art", and etc. Theses and articles for the analyses were a total of 200 published. Reviewing the theses by dividing the times into 8 Chronicles of 5 years in each term. The findings of the study are as follows: According to the chronological analysis, there has been a steady increase in the rates of the musical, ballet, dance, and circus costume and cutting edged technology such as LED has been utilized in the performing art, currently. The real production and making up of the costumes have been increasing as well by replacing of illustration and rendering of the costumes. In the recent costume of the performing arts show the tends of the visual effects and up-sizing, comprehensiveness and fusion. From the analysis of the background of the work, those were confirmed that the most common historical period was modern period, and places were France, England, and Egypt. In regard to research themes and methods, many of research papers utilized content analysis method, character analysis method as research methods. The most popular presentation of the costume designs was "rendering", "costumes schedule" and "illustration". However, development and explanation of the patterns was insufficient and constructions methods and real works(costumes) were usually omitted in the articles.
Key Words
뮤지컬의상, 오페라의상, 공연의상, 연극의상, 무대의상, musical costume, opera costum, performance costume, play costume, stage costume
A Study on Cubism Fashion Style Appearing in Modern Fashion: Focused on the 2010 S/S-2013 S/S Paris Collection 현대 패션에 나타난 큐비즘스타일패션 연구: 2010 S/S -2013 S/S 파리컬렉션을 중심으로
최예리 Ye Ree Choi , 최정욱 Jeong Wook Choi
18(2) 14-28, 2014
A Study on Cubism Fashion Style Appearing in Modern Fashion: Focused on the 2010 S/S-2013 S/S Paris Collection 현대 패션에 나타난 큐비즘스타일패션 연구: 2010 S/S -2013 S/S 파리컬렉션을 중심으로
최예리 Ye Ree Choi , 최정욱 Jeong Wook Choi
This study analyzed the group of experts who were related to cubism, selected among the works of 2010~2013 Paris Collection based on F.G.R.(Focus Group Research). According to the results of this study, there were appeared first, ‘a one-piece dress’ second, ‘H silhouette’ third, ‘cotton’, in case of item distribution and frequency. The analysis was done by using the manner of expression, cubical expression, exaggeration, distortion, dismantlement, geometrical division of face, mix-match look, wraparound·repetition, asymmetric structure, etc. Based on the outcomes of the analysis on figurative design elements, this study adjusted three manners appearing on cubism fashion style. First, it was ‘avant garde manner’of constitution or ‘dismantlement’ which was compiled into multi-view representations of overlaps and viewpoints by repetitive use of color tone·trimming·detail. Second, it was ‘geomagnetic block placement’ which expresses cubism with geometric partitioning of surface and separation of panel by cutting·disintegration. Finally, it was ‘distortion and simplification of silhouette’ which is a distortion created by constitution-line pressed thin with silhouette. It maximizes the beauty of human body outline, which was distorted by three-dimensional manipulation, and simplified by ellipsis for another shape for the extension or expansion of detail trimming.
Effect of Sensibility Responses on Backgrounds of Product Photos on Consumer Attitude of Online Shopping Malls 온라인쇼핑몰에서 상품착장사진 배경에 대한 감성반응이쇼핑몰에 대한 태도에 미치는 영향
전민정 Min Jung Jeon , 여은아 Eun Ah Yoh
18(2) 29-41, 2014
Effect of Sensibility Responses on Backgrounds of Product Photos on Consumer Attitude of Online Shopping Malls 온라인쇼핑몰에서 상품착장사진 배경에 대한 감성반응이쇼핑몰에 대한 태도에 미치는 영향
전민정 Min Jung Jeon , 여은아 Eun Ah Yoh
As the online shopping mall market faces severe competition, marketers have focused on visual factors that generate positive consumer responses in order to induce more consumers. Although product photos are crucial in the communication of product information as well as in the development of positive images of online shopping mall, there was little intention the effect of diverse types of product photo. In this study, three types of backgrounds (i.e., no background, indoor background, street background) are compared in order to explore whether consumer sensibility factors are different according to photo backgrounds. Moreover, it investigates the effect of sensibility toward photo backgrounds on consumer attitude. A total of 222 consumers participated in the experiments. As are sult, six sensibility factors were generated from online model photos, including structure, upscale, uniqueness, interest, simpleness, and easiness factors. Among these factors, simpleness and structure showed the highest means; simpleness was the factor indicating the differences according to photo backgrounds. Sensibility factors affecting attitude toward online shopping malls were uniqueness in the case of no background, interest in the case of indoor background, and upscale in the case of street background photo.
Surrealistic Make-up Represented in Modern Fashion 현대 패션에 나타난 초현실주의 메이크업
주영주 Young Joo Joo , 김성남 Sung Nam Kim
18(2) 42-53, 2014
Surrealistic Make-up Represented in Modern Fashion 현대 패션에 나타난 초현실주의 메이크업
주영주 Young Joo Joo , 김성남 Sung Nam Kim
The purpose of this study is to clarify how modern fashion show makeup reflects surrealism: it also proposes fashion show make-up expressed by focusing on objects. This study aims to research make-up characterized by surrealistic object expression, which is frequently used in the 21st century modern fashion shows, and reviews the concept of the objects positioned importantly in the history of modern makeup. In this study, the influence of the object over modern makeup, particularly fashion show makeup is reviewed together with the characteristics of the object. As a result of reviewing the concepts of modern fashion show makeup by applying objects, the conclusions that are gained are as follows. Fashion show makeup expressed in today`s modern time tends to emphasize the artists` unique expressions and personality, while many artists attempt to use various expression ideas and techniques. Objects are variously expressed in makeup and in the 21st century, this is the due to the development of digital technology and expansion of designers` imagination Furthermore, surrealistic makeup achieves eminence in styling by showing the formative limits of human beings. The types of surrealistic techniques are expressed as transposition, distortion, and optical illusion in makeup. Expansion of material became the momentum in order to provide unique ideas in fashion show makeup. Moreover, the object of surrealism has a considerable influence on the development of makeup. In this regard, more positive attempts for new designs are being expected.
Pattern Development of Figure Skating Wear for Schoolgirls 학령기 여아를 위한 경기용 피겨 스케이팅복 패턴 설계에 관한 연구
박상희 Sang Hee Park
18(2) 54-65, 2014
Pattern Development of Figure Skating Wear for Schoolgirls 학령기 여아를 위한 경기용 피겨 스케이팅복 패턴 설계에 관한 연구
박상희 Sang Hee Park
This study developed basic pattern for competition figure skating wear for school girls. Figure skating wears are difficult for making basic patterns based on standard size chart, because girls` body size are slimmer and more slender compared to the general girl`s and the competition wears such as, swim suit with sleeves are, closely in contact with the player`s body. The competition wears for school girl was made with consideration of changing of the body shape, physical exercises, and various specificities according to stretch material. To raise artistic effect while doing beautiful motions, and to assist in facile technique motions, competition wears need to have enough ease on the side line from waist to armpit, from armpit to wrist, and in trunk girth including crotch girth. Also, to stand out in beauty, a costume designing has a proper skirt position, length, flare width, and a tight bodice according to the player`s body proportion. Most of the customers are displeased at the high price, unfitness of size, insufficient design, and difficulty in access, since they are not sold in sporting goods store. Therefore, a competition wear`s basic pattern was made through scientific and emotional process including concerns on material properties, room for activities, and ideal body proportion. Systemizing the basic patterns of production method will solve high repairing expenses, unsuitable sizing, and improve accessibility for purchase.
The Relationship between Preferred Hairstyle and Pursued-Image of Hairstyle according to Demographic Characteristics: Focusing on Hair Salon Visitors 인구통계적 특성에 따른 선호 헤어스타일 및 헤어추구이미지와의 관계: 미용실 방문객을 중심으로
김선미 Sun Mi Kim , 하경연 Kyung Yun Ha
18(2) 66-79, 2014
The Relationship between Preferred Hairstyle and Pursued-Image of Hairstyle according to Demographic Characteristics: Focusing on Hair Salon Visitors 인구통계적 특성에 따른 선호 헤어스타일 및 헤어추구이미지와의 관계: 미용실 방문객을 중심으로
김선미 Sun Mi Kim , 하경연 Kyung Yun Ha
The purpose of this study was to find out the difference between preferred hairstyle and pursued-image of hairstyle according to demographic characteristics. The method of this study is a content analysis and survey research using a questionnaire, which consisted of items of pursued-image of hairstyle, preferred hairstyle and demographic characteristics. 450 women were selected as subjects of this study; they were randomly selected from hair salon located in Seoul, Inchon and Bundang. For the material analysis, We used the statistical program of SPSS 12.0; frequencies, factornalysis, one-way ANOVA and Duncan`s multiple range test, T Test and χ2 Test were carried out as the methods of analysis. The research findings were as follows. First, there sults of hairstyles according to the content analysis usually resulted 5 hairstyles, such as cuts and crew cut, bobbed hair, long layered hair styles and nonelayered long hairstyles. Second, under the survey regarding the difference of preferred hairstyle and pursued-image of hairstyle according to demographic characteristics. variety of hairstyles due to the subjects were more willing to try a consciousness about other`s suggestions and how they are portrayed. Moreover a low level of education was related to a attempting a variety of styles, considering their social life. 67Subjects with higher age, education level and salary preferred a glamorous image as well as crew cuts. Which made them look younger. However, when they were younger, they preferred long none layered hair styles. In conclusion, age, average monthly income and education level are important variations affecting the property of change in hairstyles and pursued-image of hairstyles.
Preceding Factors in the Effect of QR Code Characteristics on Consumer`s Purchasing Intention for Mobile Marketing in Fashion Business 패션비즈니스 모바일 마케팅의 QR Code 속성이 소비자구매의도에 영향을 미치는 선행변수연구
신상무 Sang Moo Shin , 이은정 Eun Jung Lee
18(2) 80-94, 2014
Preceding Factors in the Effect of QR Code Characteristics on Consumer`s Purchasing Intention for Mobile Marketing in Fashion Business 패션비즈니스 모바일 마케팅의 QR Code 속성이 소비자구매의도에 영향을 미치는 선행변수연구
신상무 Sang Moo Shin , 이은정 Eun Jung Lee
The utilization of QR code for mobile marketing in fashion business has been receiving growing attention with the increasing smart phone users and wireless internet environment. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of utilizing QR code for mobile marketing on consumer`s purchasing intention based upon TAM model. This research was conducted by questionnaire method, in which the questionnaire was distributed to the consumers in Seoul. Among the questionnaire returned from the consumers, 196 were selected to be included in the analysis by developing descriptive statistics, factor analysis, cronbach`s alpha, and regression analysis using SPSS15.0. The results of this study were as follows: There was a significant effect of QR code characteristics such as usability, mobility, aesthetics of design on perceived ease of use. The factors of individuality, interactivity, and aesthetics of design significantly affected on the perceived usefulness of QR code. The ease of use and usefulness significantly affected the consumers` enjoyment which positively affected on purchasing intention.
Key Words
패션 사업, 모바일 마케팅, 지각된 사용용이성, 지각된 유용성, QR 코드, fashion business, mobile marketing, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, QR code
A Study on Latest Trend of Collaboration Appearing in Fashion Industry: Focused on Cases in 2012-2013 패션산업에 나타난 콜라보레이션 최신 경향 연구: 2012-2013년 사례를 중심으로
박유리 Yu Ri Park , 조경숙 Kyeong Sook Cho
18(2) 95-112, 2014
A Study on Latest Trend of Collaboration Appearing in Fashion Industry: Focused on Cases in 2012-2013 패션산업에 나타난 콜라보레이션 최신 경향 연구: 2012-2013년 사례를 중심으로
박유리 Yu Ri Park , 조경숙 Kyeong Sook Cho
This study analyzed the type and item of collaboration, national form and purpose of collaboration in both the domestic and foreign fashion industries in oder to study the trend of collaboration that has appeared in a the field of the recent fashion industry. The analysis focused on 221 collaboration cases from designers in the domestic and foreign fashion industries during the period of January 2012 to December 2013. The cases were collected and analyzed focusing on publications related to newspapers on fashion, internet articles on fashion information sites etc. According to the results of the study, the characteristics of collaboration shown in the recent fashion industry are as follows. First, it can be observed that a portion of collaboration in the two different industries was very high. Second, through the high portion of cases where collaboration between foreign companies was made, it could be found that the world fashion market is enormous: moreover, domestic brands tended to borrow foreign brand images. Third, it was known that fashion companies are very interested in establishing a positive company image and sharing feeling with consumers by implementing collaboration in oder to appeal to consumers‘ emotions. Therefore, it shoud be done an effective collaboration implement for the development of fashion industry that an understanding of partner, a study of fashion image through development item, an established image foundation of domestic brand, a correct analysis for reflecting artistic image, an effective collaboration implement for the development of fashion industry.
A Study on the Japanese Aesthetic in the Rei Kawakubo`s Design Rei Kawakubo의 디자인에 내재된 일본의 미의식에 관한 연구
김영선 Yon Son Kim
18(2) 113-131, 2014
A Study on the Japanese Aesthetic in the Rei Kawakubo`s Design Rei Kawakubo의 디자인에 내재된 일본의 미의식에 관한 연구
김영선 Yon Son Kim
This study aims to examine the background to the rise of Rei Kawakubo, a Japanese designer who achieved fame by suggesting the concept of deconstruction and recombination of clothes, and to look at environment of the time, the formative characteristics of her design and the Japanese aesthetic sense inherent in her design. As the method of research, collections that Kawakubo unveiled over the past 10 years starting in 2004 were examined, and a survey of the literature was conducted to describe the background of her growth and the Japanese aesthetic sense inherent in the design. According to the study, Kawakubo grew up in the ruins of a war, and went through a time of great tumult, when Western culture was mixing with Japan’s traditional culture. She taught herself a method of creation involving the deconstruction of clothes, and their recombination. For this reason, her design from the beginning was inevitably focused on deconstructing clothes before they could be recombined. Through analyses of her collections, it was found that the formative characteristics of her design were characterized by asymmetry, incompleteness, humor and hybridity. Kawakubo created clothes under the influence of an ethnicity that was shrouded in individuality and a traditional aesthetic sense, and the formative characteristics of herdesign defined by asymmetry, incompleteness, humor and hybridity were closely related to the hybridity represented by Wabi (わび), Yugen (幽玄), Okashi (をかし) and Zakyo (雜居).
Key Words
비대칭, 꼼 데 갸르송, 잡종 문화, 일본의 미의식, 레이 가와꾸보, asymmetry, Comme des Garcons, hybrid culture, Japanese aesthetic, Rei Kawakubo
Attitude toward Plastic Surgery and Clothing Behavior according to Females` Appearance Concerns 여성의 외모관심도에 따른 성형태도와 의복행동
박은희 Eun Hee Park , 조현주 Hyon Ju Cho
18(2) 132-147, 2014
Attitude toward Plastic Surgery and Clothing Behavior according to Females` Appearance Concerns 여성의 외모관심도에 따른 성형태도와 의복행동
박은희 Eun Hee Park , 조현주 Hyon Ju Cho
The purpose of this study is to classify the appearance concern into groups and analyze the differences of the attitude toward plastic surgery and clothing behavior by groups. Questionnaires are administered to 206 female adults in their 20`s-50`s living in Deagu and Kyungbook areas from 10th July to 19th July, 2013. Frequency, factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, cluster analysis, ANOVA, Duncan-test and χ2-test were used for data analysis. The appearance concern is categorized as follows: appearance harmony focus and body focus. The attitude toward plastic surgery was found as risk tolerance, image improvement/surgery desire and keeping the secret of surgery. Clothing behaviors are found as individuality focus, other focus, convenience and luxury ostentation. The appearance concern shows a significant correlation with the sub-variable attitude toward plastic surgery and clothing behavior. One test in the groups is determined by demographic variables like occupancy and monthly income. Appearance concerns are classified into three groups as follows: appearance concern group, low appearance concern group and body concern group. The groups show a significant difference in the attitude toward plastic surgery and clothing behavior. This difference indicates that the 20`s show a high body focus on their appearance concern, an attitude of image improvement/surgery desire toward plastic surgery and another individuality focus on clothing behavior while 50`s care more about convenience in their clothing behavior.
Development of a High Value Added Knit Structure for Middle-aged Women 중년여성을 위한 고부가가치 니트 조직 개발
이인숙 In Suk Lee , 김지영 Ji Young Kim
18(2) 148-165, 2014
Development of a High Value Added Knit Structure for Middle-aged Women 중년여성을 위한 고부가가치 니트 조직 개발
이인숙 In Suk Lee , 김지영 Ji Young Kim
The purpose of this study is to establish a theory about the necessary structure for knitwear design, and to propose it with the practical data through the actual development of a high value added knit structure. For this study, the market was conducted along with literature reviews on the existing studies and the relevant books about knit structures. The market research aimed at the products released in the spring/summer and fall/winter seasons of 2012-2013, focusing on brand for middle aged women. The utilization of the structure by item and the characteristics of knit design were studied. The research was conducted on S/S products in May and July, and F/W products in October and December. As a result of the market research, it was shown that the lightweight structures with permeability such as plain, lace, links and links, this is repeated and rib structure were frequently utilized during the S/S season, while double structures with good shape stability were greatly utilized during the F/W season. Also, during the F/W season, a cable structure and tubular jacquard that emphasized the volume or cubic effect were frequently used, and there were many jacquard structures where a change of color sense and motive were added. Concerning the knit structures development, the researcher designed the knit structure at the actual production site of the knit fashion. A total of 5 pieces of knit structures were developed by asking a professional for programming and knitting. To the developed structures, the study added a multi-gauged effect, herringbone transformation effect, 3-dimensional surface effect, color effects, geometric patterns, lace penetration effect, and soft surface effect in a water-drop shape. In addition, the structures had differences in the added values by mixing various structures and diversely expressing color sense on the knitting line. This study proposes the direction for 21st century knitwear product design, through the development of a high value added knit structure.
Key Words
컴퓨터 횡편 니트, 니트 디자인, 니트 조직, 중년 여성, computer flat knit, knit design, knit structure, middle-aged women
A Development of Wedding Dress Design by Digital Clothing 디지털 클로딩에 의한 웨딩드레스 디자인 개발
이서윤 Seo Yun Lee , 조규화 Kyu Wha Cho , 김지영 Ji Young Kim
18(2) 166-182, 2014
A Development of Wedding Dress Design by Digital Clothing 디지털 클로딩에 의한 웨딩드레스 디자인 개발
이서윤 Seo Yun Lee , 조규화 Kyu Wha Cho , 김지영 Ji Young Kim
The purpose of this study is to develop a wedding dress design using digital clothing program to produce an actual dress. The level of actualization of the wedding dress design through digital clothing was evaluated by comparing the shape, ornament details, material, and tone. Also, the direction of improvement was sought by apprehending the limitations for the future of wedding dress design created by digital clothing. In order to evaluate the level of actualization on major design techniques of wedding dress, design planning of 4 dresses was performed based on the major images of wedding dresses. Virtual dress was created using DC Suite program and an actual wedding dress was produced using the pattern created in the process of virtual dress designing. The wedding dress designed by digital clothing was superior in silhouette or expression of pleats, but they rather lacked in expressing corsage, 3-dimensional objects, sheen material or double material. However, by supplementing a few functions, digital clothing can be effectively utilized in wedding dress design with the convenience and speed of digital operation. The digital clothing performs rapid production in the design development stage, modifies simply and confirms in real time and is highly effective, Therefore, if a program designed for wedding dress is developed, its effectiveness will be improved to maximize the customer satisfaction, and it will significantly reduce the time and cost which will make a great contribution to the wedding industry.
Key Words
디자인 개발, 디지털 클로딩, 웨딩드레스, design development, digital clothing, wedding dress