A Study on Store Switching Behavior of College Students in On/Offline Apparel Store
Young Ju Chung
18(3) 1-13, 2014
A Study on Store Switching Behavior of College Students in On/Offline Apparel Store
Young Ju Chung
This study investigated the store switching behavior of fashion stores targeting college students. A random sample of college students completed a questionnaire that contained measurements of store property, relationship quality, switching intent of store, preference of on/offline store, purchase of brand/non-brand product and monthly clothing expenses. The factors extracted as switching behavior of on/offline fashion store are store property, relationship quality and switching intent of store. Dimensions of store switching behavior in online shopping mall is revealed to be composed of diversity/ easy to search, storereliability, home page layout, sales promotion, reliability, commitment and switching intent of store. Also those of offline store is revealed to be composed of storecomfort/salespeople service, product diversity, store location, product price, reliability, commitment and switching intent of store. The significant differences were found between store switching behavior of college students by preference of on/offline store and purchase of national brand/non brand. It is expected that this results can be used as a basicmaterial for further study and setting up the fashion retailing strategies in fashion store for selling non brand products.
Key Words
preference of on, offline store, purchase of brand, non brand, relationship quality, store switching behavior
Challenge of Understanding Multichannel Customer Behavior in 21st Century: A Meta-analysis
Soo Soo Hun , In Sook An
18(3) 14-28, 2014
Challenge of Understanding Multichannel Customer Behavior in 21st Century: A Meta-analysis
Soo Soo Hun , In Sook An
The purposes of this study are to provide comprehensive reviews on multichannelconsumer behaviors published in peer-reviewed academic journals from 2005 to 2014, todevelop a conceptual framework that demonstrates multichannel determinants such aspsychographics, demographics, social influences, and situational factors on consumers’search and purchase behavior based on customers’ profits or costs judgment, and toprovide possible direction for future research in multichannel consumer behavior. Threesteps were taken in the process of analyzing consumers’ channel determinants presentedin the 37 studies, and 12 most frequently used factors that appear in the studies wereextracted. These factors include convenience, service, trust/risk, saving money, productknowledge, experience, efficacy/usefulness, involvement, shopping environment/situationfactors, demographics, product types, and social influence. With 12 determinants ofmultichannel consumers’ search and purchase behavior, a conceptual framework wasproposed based on expectancy theory. The directions for future research were alsodiscussed.
Key Words
meta-analysis, multichannel, search and purchase behavior
A Study on the Production and Clinical Evaluation of Natural Lip Balm Using Chamaecyparis Obtusa and Lithospermum Erythrorhizon
Sun Kyoung Lee
18(3) 29-44, 2014
A Study on the Production and Clinical Evaluation of Natural Lip Balm Using Chamaecyparis Obtusa and Lithospermum Erythrorhizon
Sun Kyoung Lee
As there is a growing interest in natural ingredients, they are actively being studied toimprove damaged skin However, the lip cosmetics are still being inadequately studied on the exposure of lips to several stimuli and easy flow of chemical on the lips into the body. This study was conducted to make a clinical evaluation on the real effect of lip balm onlips, by extracting oil from Chamaecyparis obtusa and Lithospermum erythrorhizon that areknown to play a positive role on skin. The following three natural lip balms were produced: lip balm made with Chamaecyparis obtusa(LBWCO), lip balm made with both Chamaecyparis obtusa and Lithospermum erythrorhizon(LBWCOLE), lip balm made without Chamaecyparis obtusa or Lithospermum erythrorhizon(LBWICOLE). The quality of LBWCO or LBWCOLE was evaluated to be higher than that of LBWICOLE. LBWCO and LBWCOLE had the highest satisfaction and purchase intention, respectively. As stated above, Chamaecyparis obtusa and Lithospermum erythrorhizon could be the ingredients of lipbalm, and they were effective in improving damaged lips. Consequently, this study will provide opportunities to explore excellent ingredients to be used in natural lip balm. Also, studying lip cosmetics using only the natural ingredients will provide opportunities toexpand positive images of ingredients for producing lip cosmetics.
Impact of Quality Improvement in a Department Store by Sales Associates on Customer Loyalty
Dani Oh , Seung Hee Lee
18(3) 45-58, 2014
Impact of Quality Improvement in a Department Store by Sales Associates on Customer Loyalty
Dani Oh , Seung Hee Lee
The purpose of this study is to identify how to improve the quality of department store`s sales associates for customer loyalty. This study examines the importance of sales associates`` education, skills, and customer service towards customer loyalty. The questionnaire survey was conducted to collect data from 220 clothing sales associates working in department stores. This survey was paper- based. The participants were asked about the questionnaires; sales associates`` education, sales associates`` ability, customerservice, and customer loyalty. General demographic characteristic of participants in the study are as follows; females (72.27%) participated the survey more than males (27.73%). With the age ranging from early 20s to over 40s, most people who took the survey ranged from early 30``s to mid 30``s with 33.64%. The result indicated that sales associates` education, and customer service skills were significantly corelated to each other. Salesassociates`` education had no co relation to customer loyalty. In applying the research findings, department stores can design their training contents to offer better training quality. Education of sales associates can be focused by providing various training contents, exercise, effective options, along with the opportunity to improve the qualities of training.
Key Words
sales associates` ability, sales associates` education, customer loyalty, customer service
Developing Designs and Making Men`s Outdoor Breathable Waterproof Jackets with Solar Cells for Emergency Communications
Jin Hee Park
18(3) 59-72, 2014
Developing Designs and Making Men`s Outdoor Breathable Waterproof Jackets with Solar Cells for Emergency Communications
Jin Hee Park
This study provides the structural design for commercialization of outdoor breathable waterproof jackets for men merged with solar cells to enable emergency communications, utilizing wearable devices to develop smart clothing and extend convenience in everyday life. The most popular waterproof jacket with two-layer and three-layer moisture-permeable waterproof fabric was selected, based on previous studies of functional outdoor jackets and style with affinity to fashion. Flexible solar films suitable for clothing were embedded in the lining of the sleeve area and hood visor, and printed film was developed to balance weight and design. High performance smart solar jackets have application to expanding the use of smart phones for everyday and emergency communication, and leisure and outdoor sports activities, as well as day-to-day functions as a waterproof breathable outdoor jacket for men. It is also eco-friendly. Satisfying both the aesthetic and practical, a solar celljacket with smart features, is an innovative tool for use in a variety of outdoor activities, and a fashion-forward commercialized product.
Key Words
breathable waterproof, design prototype, emergency communications, outdoor wear, solar jacket
A Study of Paper Couture Based on Paper Modeling Techniques
Sung Sun Hong
18(3) 73-90, 2014
A Study of Paper Couture Based on Paper Modeling Techniques
Sung Sun Hong
Paper, once known and used only as a medium for printing or handicrafts, is now being used in new fields including artistic clothing, and an environment-friendly material for fashion, while the functionality of its formative characteristics and esthetics have been newly highlighted. On this basis, this study performed a content analysis of paper couture and categorization of types of paper modeling techniques based on 904 paper couture submitted to paper fashion shows, exhibitions and contest exhibits from 2001 to 2013. Analysis results showed that paper textile types were most common at 86.64%, while techniques using laminating, bonding, overlapping or paper as-is represented 62.17%. Expressive techniques in which paper was cut or torn and attached to paper clothing was11.62%, paper folding was 5.75%, drawing and coloring 4.65%, and finally, paper cutting was 2.65%. Meanwhile, among paper modeling techniques using paper yarn textiles, apaper weaving technique was 6.75%. Moreover, other techniques in which paper modeling techniques or subsidiary clothing was blended were 3.65%, and Dak peeling textiles were1.33%. Paper paste moulding textiles types represented 1.44%, above all papier mach etechniques of 0.55% and creasing and holding techniques were 0.88%. Paper is sufficient to express the artists’ creativity as well as having qualities as an artistic medium, such asvariability through combined use with other materials, variation in form, suitability for reuse of waste paper, and environmental friendliness. Also, various paper modeling techniques can be blended with textiles for a generalized technology that overcomes the limits of paper and textiles.
Key Words
dak peeling textile, paper couture, paper modeling techniques, paper textile, paper paste moulding textile, paper yarn textile
Comparison Research on the Ease of Fitted Dress Shirt Patterns
Eun Hae Lee , Sang Hee Park
18(3) 91-103, 2014
Comparison Research on the Ease of Fitted Dress Shirt Patterns
Eun Hae Lee , Sang Hee Park
Shirts which have been a inner-wear in men’s suit in the past, are being changed into an item that 20’s men utilize to their individuality. Dress shirts have gotten out of its shape, becoming tight and slim with activity and fashion trend. In this study, two patterns of fitted dress shirts in a clothing construction text book were compared with the pattern of an apparel company with regard to the size tolerance and appearance silhouette; this comparison was performed through a fitting test and an appearance evaluation. According to the study, size tolerance of chest girth and waist girth were about 6~8cmand 10~18cm, respectively. Neck girth of the collar was tight in both the fitting test and appearance evaluation. Thus, the measurement value of the neck base girth had to be used for the collar pattern making. Moreover, approximately 35cm is a moderate size for the width on the upper arm in sleeve. There for the factors such as size tolerance of waist girth, height of sleeve cap, slim sleeve width and measurement value of neck base girth are being considered for the pattern making of fitted dress shirts.
Key Words
ease, fitted dress shirt, pattern, 20`s men
Preference and Fitness of Jackets by Body Shape: Focused on the Fernale University Students
Jin Ah Jeong , Hei Sun Choi , Jeong Wook Choi
18(3) 104-116, 2014
Preference and Fitness of Jackets by Body Shape: Focused on the Fernale University Students
Jin Ah Jeong , Hei Sun Choi , Jeong Wook Choi
This study investigated the jacket preferences and actual fit according to body image perception of female university students in their early twenties, using a survey questionnaire method to analyze areas of dissatisfaction and improvements based on wearing experience. On the relationship between jacket and body image perception, female students with poorbody image expressed the highest rate of "not satisfied" with purchase, which was significant. On buying preferences, the "Internet" was the primary place of purchase and "design" of jacket had highest consideration on the decision to buy. "Princess with acinched - in waist" was the most preferred silhouette, and the most preferred length was "below the hip line." The most preferred cut was "basic," a jacket with a "tailored-collar of notched lapel shape," and "2-buttons." On discomfort and improvement of jacket fitness, students were most dissatisfied with "arm hole." The studies of production of a jacket which fitness and activities is both considered for female university students in their early twenties who use clothes to make them look more like their ideal body image.
Key Words
body image perception, female university students, fitness, jacket
An Analysis on the Morphological Relationship of Hair Styles with Changes in Necklines and Collars: From 16th Century to 19th Century
Hyo Ju Kim , Soo Jeong Bae
18(3) 117-133, 2014
An Analysis on the Morphological Relationship of Hair Styles with Changes in Necklines and Collars: From 16th Century to 19th Century
Hyo Ju Kim , Soo Jeong Bae
This thesis aims to investigate the morphologic relationship among the neckline, collar, and hair style, in which the width and height were measured by selecting there presentative costumes from 16th to 19th centuries. The pieces of 170 pictures selected by fashion experts were cut in the same condition, with the part of the end of shoulder, head, and chest all placed on the equal level. The products were directly measured by ateam of 3 specialists for verification of this study, of which results were calculated into average. The values of output were categorized into the unit of decade and finally into agraph of variation, in which the trend and relationship were evaluated according to the width and height. In 16th century, the width and height of the neckline were inversely proportional to those of hair style, while those of collar were proportional to those of hairstyle. In 17th century, the width and height of the hair style were proportional to those of neckline and collar. In 18th century, those of the neckline were inversely proportional to the hair style, with no collar found. In 19th century, the width of the neckline and collar were proportional to that of the hair style, while the height of the neckline and collar were inversely proportional to that of the hair style. The analysis of the morphologic relationship among neckline, collar, and hair style resulting from this study revealed that the change of the hair style took place corresponding to those of neckline and collar. Generally, the width of the hair style was found to be more resistant to change, compared to those of neckline and collar that were more susceptible. The height of the neckline was more resistant to change, compared to those of the hair style and collar presenting their frequently fluctuating height. Conclusively, the factor of height rather than that of width showed more dominant proportions, because the various forms of the collar and hair style evolved in terms of the height rather that width, relative to that of the neckline.
A Study on Change of Pleats Shape and Fabric Properties: Interactive Shape-folding E-textile with Arduino
Eu Na Lee , Jong Jun Kim
18(3) 134-147, 2014
A Study on Change of Pleats Shape and Fabric Properties: Interactive Shape-folding E-textile with Arduino
Eu Na Lee , Jong Jun Kim
The aim of this study is to create smart wear that brings out the perspective person`s individuality and creativity wearing these garments through various interactions. It is intended to build a prototype for a "Shape-folding Dress", which is length-adjustable skirt that responses with the environment of the wearer. In this process, four basic physical properties can be identified with fabric samples selected which are relatively stiff, including fusible interlining, organdy, silk, and ramie. In addition, two types of folding pattern specimens, "Basic Pattern" and "Diamond Pattern", and heat-steam were used to make the specimens so that the correlation could be calculated by recovery rate among flexing, stiffness and tensile properties. As a result, compared to other fabrics, the silk showed low stress to repeat folding and unfolding process, and its recovery rate of elongation deformation was stable without being affected by the different folding types and twice repeated process. In this study, forming a circuit using an Arduino, illuminance sensor, motors, and pulley, the prototype was created with a silk fabric.
A Study on the Red Carpet Dress of Film Festivals in the Great China Region
Ling Wang , Mi Suk Lee
18(3) 148-166, 2014
A Study on the Red Carpet Dress of Film Festivals in the Great China Region
Ling Wang , Mi Suk Lee
The purpose of this study is to establish the basic materials necessary for red carpet fashion design by examining the formativeness and fashion images of red carpet dresses at film festivals in the Great China Region. For the purpose of this study, research methods include a literature review on the origin and significance of red carpet dresses, the characteristics of film festivals in the Great China Region and their red carpet dresses as well as an analysis of the formative features and images of 615 red carpet dresses collected from each film festival official homepage, diverse media articles, and online search sites (www.google.com, www.hao123.com). The research finding can be summarized as follows: First, the formative features of red carpet dress designs were analyzed herein. It was found that the most frequently appearing type of silhouette was straight followed by hourglass and bulk in order. More specifically these included fit and flare, mermaid, trapeze, and slim in order. For the neckline styles, strapless was the most frequently seen followed by camisole, jewel, and one shoulder. Solid colors were more often seen than multiple colors. Bk, W, R, and YR were the most frequent main solid colors in order. Solid materials were frequent as well, such as soft and shiny materials. Non-patterned and unadorned styles were most frequent as for pattern types and details and trimmings. Second, the fashion images of red carpet dresses in the Great China Region were analyzed. The most frequent images were elegant, feminine, ethnic, modern, classic, avant-garde, others, mannish and sportive, in order.
Key Words
fashion image, formativeness, Great China Region film festival, red carpet, red carpet dress