A Study on Practical Function of Neoprene Fabric Design in wearable Device for Golf Posture Training: Focus on Assistance Band with Arduino/Flex Sensor 네오프렌(Neoprene)소재로 구성된 골프자세훈련용 웨어러블 디바이스의 실용적 기능에 관한 연구: Flex Sensor 및 아두이노를 장착한 보조밴드를 중심으로
이은아 Eun A Lee , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim
18(4) 1-14, 2014
A Study on Practical Function of Neoprene Fabric Design in wearable Device for Golf Posture Training: Focus on Assistance Band with Arduino/Flex Sensor 네오프렌(Neoprene)소재로 구성된 골프자세훈련용 웨어러블 디바이스의 실용적 기능에 관한 연구: Flex Sensor 및 아두이노를 장착한 보조밴드를 중심으로
이은아 Eun A Lee , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim
Currently smart textile market is rapidly expanding and the demand is increasing integration of an electronic fiber circuit. The garments are an attractive platform for wearable device. This is one of the integration techniques, which consists of is the selective introduction of conductive yarns into the fabric through knitting, weaving or embroidering. The aim of this work is to develop a golf bend driven prototype design for an attachable Arduino that can be used to assess elbow motion. The process begins with the development of a wearable device technique that uses conductive yarn and flex sensor for measurement of elbow bending movements. Also this paper describes and discusses resistance value of zigzag embroidery of the conductive yarns on the tensile properties of the fabrics. Furthermore, by forming a circuit using an Arduino and flex sensor the prototype was created with an assistance band for golf posture training. This study provides valuable information to those interested in the future directions of the smart fashion industry.
Natural Dyeing of Ramie Fabrics with Acer Ginnala, Alnus Japonica and Gromwell Extracts 신나무, 오리나무 및 자초를 이용한 라미직물의 천연염색
김상률 Sang Yool Kim
18(4) 15-27, 2014
Natural Dyeing of Ramie Fabrics with Acer Ginnala, Alnus Japonica and Gromwell Extracts 신나무, 오리나무 및 자초를 이용한 라미직물의 천연염색
김상률 Sang Yool Kim
A natural colorant was extracted from Acer ginnala, Alnus japonica and gromwell asextractants. Studies have been made on the effects of the kind of extracts and dyeing/mordanting conditions on colorimetric changes of ramie fabrics. The color of fabrics tended to become darker as the numbers of dyeing process and mordanting process increased using three kinds of extracts. As the numbers of dyeing and mordanting increased, the ramie fabrics gradually increased to show reddish and bluish signs using Acer ginnala, Alnus japonica, and gromwell extracts(500ml and 1,000ml). In the case of 1,500ml of gromwell extracts, the ramie fabrics showed the color with more redness and yellowness. Color difference (E) of dyed and mordanted fabrics increased as the numbers of dyeing and mordanting processes increased. The apparent colors of ramie fabrics using Acer ginnala were Y and GY. The Alnus japonica extracts produced Y and GYcolors on ramie fabrics. With varying amount of gromwell extracts, the colors of dyed and mordanted fabrics were R, YR, GY, G, PB, P and RP, however, the main color was PB. It was concluded that the extracts of Acer ginnala, Alnus japonica and gromwell can be used as a natural dye producing black colors.
A Study on the Characteristics of the Hat Fashion of the British Royal Family 영국 로열 패밀리의 모자 패션에 나타난 조형성 연구
김은영 Eun Young Kim , 이미숙 Mi Suk Lee
18(4) 28-44, 2014
A Study on the Characteristics of the Hat Fashion of the British Royal Family 영국 로열 패밀리의 모자 패션에 나타난 조형성 연구
김은영 Eun Young Kim , 이미숙 Mi Suk Lee
The purpose of this study is to analyze the hat fashion worn by the British royal family. The research range has been limited to hats which Elizabeth Ⅱ, Camilla Parker Bowles, and Kate Middleton wore from April 29, 2011 to April 11, 2014 when Kate Middleton married Windsor Prince William and became part of the royal family. The methods of the research were: previous studies and literature about the royal family were referred to, the function and types of hats were considered, and then the plasticity of the designs seen in hat fashion of the royal family were analyzed. The results are as follows: first, the shape of the hats of the British royal family: Three-dimensional shapes(84.2%) were the most frequent, the detailed shape of the hat Canotier(33.5%), Boater(12.7%) and Bowler(10.3%)had greater frequency. Second, the color of the hats were W(13.7%), Bk(10.5%), Y(9.8%),B(9.6%), YR/PB(9.4%) and RP(9.2%) color. The Color Combination is the Monochrome Color(62.3%), Analogous Color(16.1%), Accent Color(13.2%) and Complementary Color(8.4%)were most frequent. Third, the material of the hats were Felt(44.5%) and Straw(40.3%) were used most frequently. Finally, the decoration of hats were: Flowers(25.7%), String(25.0%),Ribbon(18.4%) and Feathers(17.9%) were the most common. This study can be utilized as basic data for effective styling and design ideas in the field of total fashion.
Key Words
카밀라 파커볼스, 엘리자베스 Ⅱ세, 모자 패션, 케이트 미들턴, 로열 패밀리, Camilla Parker Bowles, Elizabeth II, hat fashion, Kate Middleton, royal family
Comparative Study between the Design Modifier appearing in Korea and Japan in the Overseas Licensed Fashion Magazine『VOGUE』 해외 라이선스 패션잡지 『VOGUE』에 나타난디자인 수식어표현의 한일 비교 연구
염혜정 Hae Jung Yum , 김은정 Eun Jung Kim , 김지선 Ji Seon Kim , 김초롱 Cho Rong Kim , 정성석 Sung Suk Chung
18(4) 45-65, 2014
Comparative Study between the Design Modifier appearing in Korea and Japan in the Overseas Licensed Fashion Magazine『VOGUE』 해외 라이선스 패션잡지 『VOGUE』에 나타난디자인 수식어표현의 한일 비교 연구
염혜정 Hae Jung Yum , 김은정 Eun Jung Kim , 김지선 Ji Seon Kim , 김초롱 Cho Rong Kim , 정성석 Sung Suk Chung
The importance of the cultural identity of each country is emphasized among the new cultural paradigm of the 21st century. Leading world-wide trends, overseas licensed fashion magazines have expressed characteristics close to the culture and lifestyle of each country at the same time. The goal of this study was focused on finding out the differences and similarities between overseas licensed fashion magazine, or if the content would be compared to the aesthetic characteristics and criteria of the country they were published in. To accomplish this, we extracted the color, material and modifier from the scripts of the Korean and Japanese editions of VOGUE published during S/S in 2012 for comparative analysis of the aspects of color, fabrics and modifier between Japan and Korea. There were common but also unique characteristics, as the issues of VOGUEKOREA and VOGUE JAPAN published during the research period had modifier to fit each season and trend, the emergence of color and fabric. Especially, the kind and frequency of color, fabric and modifier could be considered as expressing their own unique fashion culture. In case of Korea, maximal with colorful and decorative image is especially strong, while in Japan the soft and gentle feminine image was rather strong.
A Study on Body Painting according to Nature Art Types 자연미술 유형에 따른 바디페인팅 연구
박정신 Jeong Shin Park
18(4) 66-79, 2014
A Study on Body Painting according to Nature Art Types 자연미술 유형에 따른 바디페인팅 연구
박정신 Jeong Shin Park
Unlike other body arts, body painting illuminates the value of art using eco-friendly formative activity and natural environment and highlights the need of eco-friendly activity. However, although body painting has focused on forming right relationship between humanbeings and nature, there are few researches which are linked with nature art. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to argue the need to study body painting as nature art in connection with natural environment and analyze body painting according to nature arttypes. The study methods included both theoretical review and empirical review. The theoretical review examined the concept and characteristics of nature art through previous researches and literature and the empirical review looked into the types and works of nature art and applied them to body painting works. The results were as follows. First, an installation type was possible by arranging and attaching certain materials to the body. Second, a physical type was possible by representing body itself as the part of nature. Third, a symbolic type was possible by making body appearance as a some symbol based on artist``s idea. Fourth, a sound type was possible by stimulating auditory hallucination using the nature of objects and sensing a sound. Fifth, an ecological type was possible by conveying the message of living things in nature to the body. Sixth, an interior type was possible by inducing indoor installation of works. Seventh, a poetic type was possible by making one feel a poetic inspiration expressed in nature using the mystery of the sea anda simple sequential pattern of floral leaves. Eighth, a drawing type was possible by addingartist``s intentional hand with a pictorical technique. Ninth, a indigenous type was possible by reproducing South American indian``s primitive style. The review of this study suggests that body painting works have been expressed in experimental and temporary arrangement like nature art in nature and can be applied according to nine types of nature art.
Key Words
바디페인팅, 인체, 자연미술, 자연환경, 유형, body painting, human body, nature art, natural environment, types
A Study on the Costumes and Collaborations in the movie The Great Gatsby 위대한 개츠비의 영화의상과 콜라보레이션 연구
이희승 Hee Seung Lee , 김지영 Ji Young Kim
18(4) 80-96, 2014
A Study on the Costumes and Collaborations in the movie The Great Gatsby 위대한 개츠비의 영화의상과 콜라보레이션 연구
이희승 Hee Seung Lee , 김지영 Ji Young Kim
The purpose of this study is to consider the expression of costume through the review of cinema costumes and to provide the model of cooperation between fashion and movieindustry by analysis of collaboration with fashion brands in the movie . The subjects are the 1974 film directed by Jack Clayton and the 2013 version by BazLuhrmann. Cinema Fashion was studied by analyzing the costumes of the two maincharacters, Gatsby and Daisy, in each scene. Gatsby``s costume appeared as a model of traditional American classic suit, sensitive G-G look that symbolizes social success and traditional casual style that reflects upper-class life style. Daisy``s costume expressed pasteltoned luxury flapper look, oriental art deco style, and prestigious jewelry representing high class. The collaborations with fashion brands were carried out with Ralph Lauren and Cartier in 1974 film, and Brooks Brothers, Prada, and Tiffany in 2013. The value of prestige brands that matched the images of the movie was utilized, but marketing strategies for the promotion of fashion goods were not enough in 1974 version. On the other hand, in 2013film, the effects of collaboration of the movie and fashion brands were forecasted sufficiently and marketing campaigns for promotion were performed in a various ways. The characteristics of collaborations were as follows: (1) the usage of prestige brands value, (2) collections planning and promotion using the stories of a movie, (3) the usage of multidirectional digital media, and (4) multi-dimensional promotion using entertainment factors. In collaborations with the movie, fashion brands could make cooperative relationship to produce the positive effects for promotion and prestige image strategies and draw attention of the people to the movie and fashion.
Key Words
협업, 의상, 영화, 위대한 개츠비, 1920년대, collaboration, costume, movie, The Great Gatsby, 1920s
A Study of College students`s Consumer Behavior of the Midwest(Yunnam) in China(PartⅡ): The Consumer`s Traits of Market Segmentation Based on the Apparel Benefits 중국 중서부 지역(운남성) 대학생들의 소비자행동연구(제 2보): 의복추구혜택에 따른 세분시장의 소비자특성
이옥희 Ok Hee Lee
18(4) 97-113, 2014
A Study of College students`s Consumer Behavior of the Midwest(Yunnam) in China(PartⅡ): The Consumer`s Traits of Market Segmentation Based on the Apparel Benefits 중국 중서부 지역(운남성) 대학생들의 소비자행동연구(제 2보): 의복추구혜택에 따른 세분시장의 소비자특성
이옥희 Ok Hee Lee
his study investigates consumer``s traits of market segmentation based on the apparel benefits. The subjects were 302 college students living in Yunnam, China. The mean, ANOVA, factor analysis, Duncan test, and K-means cluster analysis were used forstatisticals analysis. The results of this study are as follows. The college students were classified, into six subdivisions, according to the apparel benefits by cluster analysis: indifference group, utility pursuit group, hedonic/brand pursuit group, individuality pursuit group, social recognition/fashion pursuit group, and pursuit benefits-minded group. In the factors of happiness-pursuing and life-centered of materialism, significant differences were found according to the groups of apparel benefits, and all factors of symbolic consumption and brand loyalty were found to have significant differences according to the groups of apparel benefits. The evaluation criteria of clothing were significantly different, depending on apparel benefits subdivision in criteria of aesthetic, socio-psychological, and utility. The use of information was shown to have significant differences, according to the groups of apparel benefits. The study results are highly expected to be utilized as useful sources in marketing plans for the mid west of China.
The Mordant Effects Used by Natural Tannin Dyed with Lac powder: Tara and Myrobalan 락(Lac) 염색시 천연탄닌의 매염효과: 타라와 미로발란
배상경 Sangk Young Bai
18(4) 114-124, 2014
The Mordant Effects Used by Natural Tannin Dyed with Lac powder: Tara and Myrobalan 락(Lac) 염색시 천연탄닌의 매염효과: 타라와 미로발란
배상경 Sangk Young Bai
This research was carried out to find the mordant effects by Tara and Myrobalan asnatural tannins on the cow leather dyed with Lac powder. The cow leathers were treated with Tara, Myrobalan, Al, Cu, and Fe mordants by changing treatment orders. It was examined for K/S value, surface color changes, and color difference. The K/S valuegenerally has higher Myrobalan than Tara, and pre-mordant than post-mordanted condition. Cu is the strongest among the three mordants. As a results of the treatment order, the K/S value is higer in pre-tannin-mordant agent than in pre-mordant agent-tannin. In the post mordant, K/S value is higher in mordant agent-tannin than in tannin-mordant agent. The color difference and color factors such as H, V and C were various according to the mordant agents, treatment orders and mordant methods; and surface colors of dyed cow leathers were R and RP. It was difficult to find some significant means of mordant orders.
A Study of Effects of Characteristics of Cosmetics Manufacturers` Uniform Design on Perception of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: Focusing on Women in Their 20s 화장품업체 유니폼디자인 특성이 서비스품질 지각과고객만족도에 미치는 영향: 20대 여성고객을 중심으로
김보균 Bog Yun Kim , 정연자 Yeon Ja Jung
18(4) 125-137, 2014
A Study of Effects of Characteristics of Cosmetics Manufacturers` Uniform Design on Perception of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: Focusing on Women in Their 20s 화장품업체 유니폼디자인 특성이 서비스품질 지각과고객만족도에 미치는 영향: 20대 여성고객을 중심으로
김보균 Bog Yun Kim , 정연자 Yeon Ja Jung
This study aims to the recognize the importance of uniform design and provide empirical data to companies after getting the effects of uniform design in cosmetics companies on service quality perception and customer satisfaction. For this, a preliminary survey was conducted against 30 college women (aged 20s) from ‘K’ University, and effective samples were obtained from 250 people. In terms of a research method, collected data were coded and analyzed using SPSS. The respondents’ characteristics were analyzed using descriptive statistics. For reliability analysis, Cronbach``s α was used. For a validity test, factor analysis was performed. In addition, correlation analysis was carried out to examine multicollinearityamong variables. The analysis results found that the characteristics of uniform design have a positive effect on service quality and customer satisfaction. Among the characteristic of uniform design, however, functionality wasn’t confirmed in a relational test. This kind of result was obtained because the uniform was mostly analyzed from customers’ perspective, not from the wearer’s standpoint. It is expected that the study results would be helpful in establishing brand identity through the improvement of the importance of uniform design.
Key Words
고객만족도, 서비스품질, 유니폼디자인, customer satisfaction, service quality, uniform design
The Study on the Relation of the Components for Personal Image and Self-Leadership 퍼스널 이미지의 구성요소와 셀프리더십과의 관계 연구
김미경 Mi Kyung Kim
18(4) 138-152, 2014
The Study on the Relation of the Components for Personal Image and Self-Leadership 퍼스널 이미지의 구성요소와 셀프리더십과의 관계 연구
김미경 Mi Kyung Kim
The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of personal image on self-leadership. The experimental study showed relationship between the variables of personal image and self-leadership by using personal image questionnaires and a revised self-leadership questionnaire both extracted from the literature study. The results of this study are as follows. First, six factors of self-leadership were drawn as the reliability and validity of were verified. The factors of self-leadership and the components for personal images showed a significant correlation. Second, the satisfaction rates of the components for personal image showed significant effects on three factors(performed successfully imagination, self-set goals, as well as belief and assumption analysis) of self-leadership. Third, significant results were obtained from the analysis of differences in self-leadership according to the levels of satisfaction on the components of personal image. These are expected to have effects on self-leadership between the groups for some factors(performed successfully imagination, self-set goals, belief and assumption analysis, self-reward, self-cues).
Key Words
퍼스널 이미지, 셀프리더십, personal image, self-leadership
The Research Compared the General High School and Beauty Specialized High School Student`s Interests of Beauty and Beauty Products, and Beauty Behavior 일반고와 미용특성화고 학생의 뷰티 및 제품 관심도와뷰티행동 비교 연구
방기정 Kee Jung Barng
18(4) 153-167, 2014
The Research Compared the General High School and Beauty Specialized High School Student`s Interests of Beauty and Beauty Products, and Beauty Behavior 일반고와 미용특성화고 학생의 뷰티 및 제품 관심도와뷰티행동 비교 연구
방기정 Kee Jung Barng
In this study, changes in the timing of puberty physicality and mentality and beauty characteristics of high school students were characterized for high school students and the general high school population in order to distinguish between interest and beauty and beauty products and beauty behavior for comparative analysis. First, for beauty characteristics of high school students and the general high school population, differences in beauty action and beauty characteristics of high school students were higher than this beauty behavior. Secondly, for the high school students and high school beauty characteristics of general high school population for beauty and beauty products, the difference between interest and multi-functional beauty products that characterize high school students has beauty and beauty products with multi-functional beauty products interest being high. Third, high school students and high school beauty characterize the general high school population of beauty is different from behaviors on its factors with common factors including the psychological gratification ``for reasons of appearance management looks for reasons that do not`` have time to manage the response. Two groups of factors that characterize the differences in appearance and beauty as areas on to manage high school students interested in the ``style`` order, high school students do not manage reasons for lack of interest in the ``general`` as a response. Beauty characteristics of high school students in the beauty, beauty products, and products demonstrated amulti-functional information gathering with lots of attention, and much ability can have an active beauty behavior. The general high school population lacks the ability to gather information in accordance with interested beauty behavior being passive. The two groups and beauty behavior patterns of consumption could see that a difference occurred.
Effects of the Education Service Quality of Beauty Educational Institutions on Re-Registration 미용관련교육기관의 교육서비스 품질이재등록 의도에 미치는 영향
이경희 Kyoun Hui Lee , 안종숙 Jong Suk An
18(4) 168-179, 2014
Effects of the Education Service Quality of Beauty Educational Institutions on Re-Registration 미용관련교육기관의 교육서비스 품질이재등록 의도에 미치는 영향
이경희 Kyoun Hui Lee , 안종숙 Jong Suk An
Everyone has the desire to be well shaped. Modern people in the 21st century utilize theirexternal appearance as a tool to express their personalities and social activities for the improvement of cultural life and the acceleration of information transfer. The expression of beauty is a method of communication from the view point of creation in addition to the exchange of meaning & value, and it has become a method of image transfer due to the increased desire for a better appearance. The beauty industry was established in 1948 by the execution of the 1st hairdresser``s license test, and has been developed in full scale through the enactment of the public health control act. Therefore, beauty education is currently qualitatively and quantitatively developed, and the educational role of the beauty institute has expanded to include training beauty professionals. Private beauty institutes provide students with beauty related education in preparation for the national technical qualification examinations or private beauty association tests. These beauty education opportunities enable aspiring beauticians to attend various beauty competition events and acquire a sense of accomplishment. The purpose of this study was to determine how the quality of the beauty educational institutes affects the re-registration rate, and to analyze the effect of the beauty educational institutes quality on the intention of re-registrations using a survey. The study results show that variables such as ‘lecture satisfaction``, ‘internal environment satisfaction``, ‘facility satisfaction``, and ‘tuition satisfaction`` are significantly related to the rate of re-registrations, with ‘lectures satisfaction`` especially having the largest influence on re-registration.