A Study on Body Mass Index, Body Attitude and Clothing Attitude of Women in Their Twenties 20대 여성의 비만도, 신체태도와 의복태도에 관한 연구
이주영 Lee Juyoung
18(5) 1-14, 2014
A Study on Body Mass Index, Body Attitude and Clothing Attitude of Women in Their Twenties 20대 여성의 비만도, 신체태도와 의복태도에 관한 연구
이주영 Lee Juyoung
The purpose of this study was to analyze body mass index of women in their twenties and investigate the relationships of body attitude and clothing attitude. To achieve the purposes of this study, a questionnaire was conducted with 398 people from May 2 to May 30, 2013. The final data was analyzed with spss 18.0 program. The results were as follows: First, I found that body attitude had this order: Feeling fat, Lower body fatness, Salience of weight and shape, Attractiveness, Strength and fitness, and Body disparagement Secondly, there were significant differences of body attitude based on demographic characteristics and body mass index. Thirdly, I found that clothing attitude was classified into four factors of Personality pursuit, Body complement, Appearance ostentation, and Social approval. Fourthly, there were significant differences of clothing attitude based on demographic characteristics and body mass index. Fifthly, there were significant relations of body mass index, body attitude, and clothing attitude of women in their twenties. Thus, I found that body mass index and body attitude were related to clothing attitude.
Key Words
body attitude, 신체태도, body mass index, 비만도, clothing attitude, 의복태도
Contemporary Beauty Expressions from the Perspective of Lao-tzu`s Philosophy: Focusing on Cosmetics Advertisement 현대 미인에 나타난 노자적 미학의 표현양상: 화장품 광고를 중심으로
이수인 Su In Lee
18(5) 15-24, 2014
Contemporary Beauty Expressions from the Perspective of Lao-tzu`s Philosophy: Focusing on Cosmetics Advertisement 현대 미인에 나타난 노자적 미학의 표현양상: 화장품 광고를 중심으로
이수인 Su In Lee
The aim of this study is to examine the patterns of expressing contemporary beauty from the perspective of Laotzu’s philosophy in order to suggest its concept and characteristics and to suggest specific cases through cosmetics advertisement. In doing so, the study attempted to understand that contemporary beauty is more humanistic and liberal in terms of expression patterns than in any other time period. The research results are as below. The frame concept of Laotzu’s philosophy includes 1. Naturalness, 2. coexistence in Conflict, and 3. Non-otherness. The characteristics of contemporary beauty are natural and healthy, People can foresee changing beauty by the cycle of life and, by admitting this philosophy, people can understand one``s individuality and discover self-esteemed beauty. Also, the results from the cases of cosmetics advertisement are as below: 1. Naturalness was remarkable. Such phenomenon was common in representative brands of the research subjects. Expression pattern was based on soft, natural make-up and hair style. 2. For conflict and coexistence, they introduced the ancient image of the situation, and the situational image using food and herbs demonstrated a functional, situational image, which was used for the cosmetics advertisement based on the mutual coexistence concept instead of dichotomy of period or material. 3. Non-otherness advertisement, of which there was none, we expected that maximized marketing effect would be achieved if non-otherness cosmetics advertisement expressed the contemporary beauty because itcould solicit sympathy form many consumers.
An Analysis of Group Characteristics according to Technological Innovativeness and Clothing Involvement: Focused on the Usage Status of Smart Phone Fashion Information Application 기술혁신성과 의복관여도에 따른 집단별 특성 분석: 스마트폰 패션 정보 애플리케이션 사용현황을 중심으로
강봉수 Bong Soo Kang , 성희원 Hee Won Sung
18(5) 25-41, 2014
An Analysis of Group Characteristics according to Technological Innovativeness and Clothing Involvement: Focused on the Usage Status of Smart Phone Fashion Information Application 기술혁신성과 의복관여도에 따른 집단별 특성 분석: 스마트폰 패션 정보 애플리케이션 사용현황을 중심으로
강봉수 Bong Soo Kang , 성희원 Hee Won Sung
As the smart phone market grows rapidly, the significance of the application (app) market also increases. The purposes of this study were to identify market segments according to technological innovativeness and clothing involvement, and to compare the differences in lifestyles, benefits of fashion information app sought, and intention to use. The data were collected from smart phone users in their 10s to 30s in 2013, and a total of 292 data sets were analyzed. The findings of this study were as follows. The respondents were divided into three groups, innovative group, clothing involvement group, and passive group. Significant differences were found among three segments in terms of age, marital status, education level, and monthly income. With respect to five lifestyle factors, innovative group and clothing involvement group had higher mean scores for rational purchase, personal relationship, and personality pursuit than passive group. However, these two groups showed differences in brand pursuit factor. The benefits of the fashion information app were generated into two factors, information benefit and enjoyment benefit. Innovative group and clothing involvement group had higher values than passive group in these two factors. Finally, innovative group had the highest value on the intentionto use fashion information app. This study attempts to provide fundamental information about the potential market segment for managers or marketers developing fashion information apps.
The Effect of Experience Marketing on Brand Attitude and Brand Loyalty of Beauty Salon Franchise Stores 프랜차이즈 미용실에서의 체험마케팅이 브랜드 태도와 브랜드 충성도에 미치는 영향
임순녀 Sun Nye Lim , 채희옥 Hee Ok Chae , 전현진 Hyun Jin Jeon
18(5) 42-55, 2014
The Effect of Experience Marketing on Brand Attitude and Brand Loyalty of Beauty Salon Franchise Stores 프랜차이즈 미용실에서의 체험마케팅이 브랜드 태도와 브랜드 충성도에 미치는 영향
임순녀 Sun Nye Lim , 채희옥 Hee Ok Chae , 전현진 Hyun Jin Jeon
This study examined the relative importance level of experience marketing on brand attitude and brand loyalty in beauty salon franchise stores, and attempted to raise the competitiveness of beauty salon services by presenting this elements as experience marketing strategy directions for beauty salon franchise store management. A questionnaire was used for this study on 350 adults residing in Gwangju Metropolitan City and SPSS 20.0 statistics package was used for analysis. In summary, the results of this study are as follows. First, five factors that make up experience marketing in beauty salon franchise stores were found. They were sensory marketing, relative marketing, emotional marketing, cognitive marketing and behavior marketing. Brand loyalty was categorized into the two factors, attitude loyalty and behavioral loyalty. Also, we found that experience marketing had a statistically positive impact on brand loyalty. Secondly, experience marketing of beauty salon franchise stores was found to have a statistically significant positive effect on brand attitude. Thirdly, we found that the brand attitude of beauty salon franchise stores had a statistically significant positive effect on brand loyalty.
Key Words
brand attitude, 브랜드 태도, brand loyalty, 브랜드 충성도, franchise beauty salon, 프랜차이즈 미용실, experience marketing, 체험마케팅
A Study on the Development of Armor Design for Children`s Experience with Gaya Armor in Museums 가야 갑주를 활용한 박물관 어린이 체험용 갑주 디자인 개발
조현진 Hyun Jin Cho
18(5) 56-68, 2014
A Study on the Development of Armor Design for Children`s Experience with Gaya Armor in Museums 가야 갑주를 활용한 박물관 어린이 체험용 갑주 디자인 개발
조현진 Hyun Jin Cho
The study is about developing of armor design for the children’s experience with Gaya armor in museums. The aim of this paper is to combine the culture of Korean traditional armor with the development of cultural products through the research about the relic of Gaya and the analysis of the problem about the status of the operation for children’s experience. The current problems of Gaya armor for the children’s experience are discrepancies in the material, structure and configuration of the traditional Gaya armor in regards to the aspects of the education and; unsuitability for safety and operation of the outfit in regards to the aspects of the function. Therefore, this paper presents 10 different styles of armor design in consideration of the educational aspects and functional aspects, and this paper confirms the value of the traditional Korean armor by reaffirmation to artistic possibilities and merchantability of Gaya armor.
Key Words
armor, 갑주, education, 교육, function, 기능, Gaya, 가야, museum, 박물관
Natural Dyeing of Silk Fabrics with Undaria Pinnatifida Extracts 미역 추출물을 이용한 견직물의 천연염색
김상률 Sang Yool Kim , 전순덕 Soon Duk Jeon
18(5) 69-81, 2014
Natural Dyeing of Silk Fabrics with Undaria Pinnatifida Extracts 미역 추출물을 이용한 견직물의 천연염색
김상률 Sang Yool Kim , 전순덕 Soon Duk Jeon
Fabric made of 100% silk was dyed with Undaria pinnatifida extracts under different conditions such as varing colorant concentration, temperature, time and dyebath pH. The dye uptake (K/S, value), CIE L*,a*,b* and Munsell values of the dyed samples and mordanted samples were measured. Colorfastness, antibacterial property and UV protection property were also evaluated. As colorants concentration increased, the dye uptake increased progressively and maximum color strength was obtained at 100% V/V. Dye uptake also increased with increasing temperature and time, and the maximum color strength was obtained at 80℃ and 60min.·With pre-mordanting, the color of the Al and Fe mordanted silk fabrics was yellow on the Munsell color system, while the Cu mordanted fabric was a greenish color. Al and Fe post-mordanted fabrics had a yellow tone, and the Cu post-mordanted fabric had a yellow greenish tone. The light fastness property of the Cu mordanted silk fabric was relatively good, The effect of Al and Fe mordanting on fastness was insignificant. The antibacterial activity of dyed and unmordanted silk fabric was excellent, whereas fabric dyed and mordanted with Undaria pinnatifida extract demonstrated superior ultraviolet protection.
Development of Design for Heating Vest with Detachable Heating Device 발열체 탈부착형 발열조끼의 디자인 개발
이주은 Joo Eun Lee , 이병홍 Byung Hong Lee
18(5) 82-98, 2014
Development of Design for Heating Vest with Detachable Heating Device 발열체 탈부착형 발열조끼의 디자인 개발
이주은 Joo Eun Lee , 이병홍 Byung Hong Lee
The influence from the increased income and aging society has amplified the interest in the well-being trend and health. People tend to enjoy sports and outdoor life. The development of smart clothing containing heating function to help maintain body temperature has been actively researched after the mid 2000s. However, the domestic study on heating clothing is severely limited. Practical study on designing heating clothing which can be commercialized is needed. The purpose of this study is to develop a commercialized detachable heating vest design through collaboration with a heating vest manufacturer. The results of this study are as follows: 1) Conducted the interview with manufacturer and a demand survey with consumers in order to develop the heating vest design. 2) Developed heating vest design that reflected the wants in the demand survey and sketched the prototype of detachable heating vest. 3) Made a sample of the heating vest and tested the wearability to illustrate the result of this study. Overall, the wearing test result showed high satisfaction for both gender.
Key Words
detachable, 탈부착, development of design, 디자인개발, heating device, 발열체, heating vest, 발열조끼, smart clothing, 스마트의류
The Research on the Relationship of Cosmetologists` Health Characteristics with Demographic, Health Management, and Working Environment Characteristics 미용사의 건강특성과 인구통계학적 특성, 건강관리 특성, 근무환경 특성과의 관계에 관한 연구
안현경 Hyeon Kyeong An
18(5) 99-115, 2014
The Research on the Relationship of Cosmetologists` Health Characteristics with Demographic, Health Management, and Working Environment Characteristics 미용사의 건강특성과 인구통계학적 특성, 건강관리 특성, 근무환경 특성과의 관계에 관한 연구
안현경 Hyeon Kyeong An
This thesis aimed examine the relationship between the health characteristics (musculoskeletal, respiratory, skin, digestive, nervous.mental system) of cosmetologists and their demographic, health management, and working environment characteristics to help cosmetologists maintain a healthy work life while solving health problems. These research was carried out via survey and statistics analysis. A total of 279 cosmetologists living in Seoul, Kyeongkido, and Choongchungdo from 8 July to 30 August, 2014 were surveyed. Frequency, mean, factor, and regression analysis were carried out on the data with SPSS(V. 14). The results were as follows; ① a relationship between health & the demographic characteristics of gender was found;- ② health and the health management characteristics of interest in health problem prevention, active exterior health support, muscular exercise, interior health support, and stress management were found to be related;- ③ health and working the environment characteristics of working time per day, and work days per week were related.
Key Words
cosmetologist, 미용사, health characteristics, 건강특성, health management characteristics, 건강관리 특성, working environment characteristics, 근무환경 특성
Korean-Japanese Comparative Study on Material Related Modifier which is Represented in Oversea Licensed Fashion Magazine『VOGUE』 해외 라이선스 패션잡지 『VOGUE』에 나타난 소재 관련 수식어표현의 한일 비교 연구
염혜정 Hae Jung Yum , 김은정 Eun Jung Kim , 김지선 Ji Seon Kim , 김초롱 Cho Rong Kim , 정성석 Sung Suk Chung
18(5) 116-133, 2014
Korean-Japanese Comparative Study on Material Related Modifier which is Represented in Oversea Licensed Fashion Magazine『VOGUE』 해외 라이선스 패션잡지 『VOGUE』에 나타난 소재 관련 수식어표현의 한일 비교 연구
염혜정 Hae Jung Yum , 김은정 Eun Jung Kim , 김지선 Ji Seon Kim , 김초롱 Cho Rong Kim , 정성석 Sung Suk Chung
This study is to research the characteristics of garment which are ‘written(or described)’ in fashion magazines. With examples particularly of Korea and Japan, this study aims at pointing out the similarities and differences described by modifier in oversea licensed fashion magazine. It is considered to be meaningful to provide fundamental document, which can estimate the aspects of fashion that has global features and localized characteristics. This is a follow-up of a previous study, covering its range of 『Vogue Korea』and 『VOGUE Japan』research document, and we researched on the materials that have been mentioned most frequently in each country from May to August of 2012. To target analyzing list of top 6 materials, we compared and analyzed the characteristics of the kind of material represented by Korean and Japanese fashion magazines and modifier``s properties. As established in the previous study, to designate each contrary concept to a total of 8 groups as an analyzing frame, we researched the properties of each material and differences between Korea and Japan.
Effects of Fashion Related Work Experience Program in Middle Schools: Focusing on Self-Efficacy of Decision Making Regarding Career, Fashion Related Career maturity 중학교 패션관련 직업체험교육 프로그램 효과에 관한 연구: 진로결정 자기효능감 , 패션관련 진로의식성숙도를 중심으로
안미선 Mi Sun Ahn , 정성지 Sung Jee Chung , 이민지 Min Ji Lee
18(5) 134-143, 2014
Effects of Fashion Related Work Experience Program in Middle Schools: Focusing on Self-Efficacy of Decision Making Regarding Career, Fashion Related Career maturity 중학교 패션관련 직업체험교육 프로그램 효과에 관한 연구: 진로결정 자기효능감 , 패션관련 진로의식성숙도를 중심으로
안미선 Mi Sun Ahn , 정성지 Sung Jee Chung , 이민지 Min Ji Lee
The purpose of the study was to explore effects of fashion related work experience program and its satisfaction in middle schools. The study analyzed differences in self-efficacy of career decision making and fashion related career maturity before and after the program. The questionnaire developed by the researchers was collected from 114 participants enrolled in middle schools in Seoul or Kyunggido. The data were analyzed by common factor analysis, and independent sample t-test, using SPSS 18.0/Windows. The results demonstrated significant higher scores in self efficacy of career decision making, and fashion related career maturity after the program than before. Also, they showed high program satisfaction scores. The results of the study could be basic information for work experience program developers for high and middle school students.
Key Words
career maturity, 진로의식성숙도, fashion related work experience program, 패션관련직업체험프로그램, self-efficacy of career decision making, 진로결정 자기효능 감, work experience program, 직업체험교육
Study on Development of National Competency Standards (NCS) of Pattern 패턴 분야의 국가직무능력표준 개발에 관한 연구
곽연신 Youn Sin Kwak , 서승희 Seung Hee Suh
18(5) 144-158, 2014
Study on Development of National Competency Standards (NCS) of Pattern 패턴 분야의 국가직무능력표준 개발에 관한 연구
곽연신 Youn Sin Kwak , 서승희 Seung Hee Suh
National Competency Standards(NCS) is to systemize the competency that is necessary for performing duties in industrial fields and to utilize synthetically duty, vocational education training, and qualification at the national level. The purpose of this study is to analyze the process of NCS development and verification, which systemizes competency units and competency unit elements through the analysis of duty in pattern field. It is to cultivate competent people to be able to promote the development of pattern industry ultimately through being a complementary to educational circles and industry then to give them practical knowledge that is demanded in the field. Furthermore, it is to be utilized as a fundamental data for reforming the system of duty competency evaluation so as to manage personnel career systematically and to improve their competency. Focus Group Interview(FGI) was adapted as the method of this study, which was proceeded 3 times, and validity of the drawn result is verified through expert questionnaire survey. Research result, which is competency units, is 10 as follows; Fit trend analysis, Analysis of sample garment Specification sheet, Pattern making for sample garment, Pattern making for manufacturing garment, Creation of sewing specification, Instruction of manufacturing technique, Sample garment Inspection for quality control, Grading, Calculation of the required material quantities, Quality control.
Key Words
competency unit, 능력단위, duty analysis, 직무분석, element of competency unit , 능력단위요소, National Competency Standards, NCS
Effect of Treatment Conditions of Eco-friendly Fluorinated Water-repellent Agent and Design Applications: Silk Fabrics with DTP Finishing 나노잉크 및 반응성잉크를 사용한 DTP 견직물의 친환경 불소계 발수제에 의한 가공효과 연구
최경미 Kyung Me Choi , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim
18(5) 159-170, 2014
Effect of Treatment Conditions of Eco-friendly Fluorinated Water-repellent Agent and Design Applications: Silk Fabrics with DTP Finishing 나노잉크 및 반응성잉크를 사용한 DTP 견직물의 친환경 불소계 발수제에 의한 가공효과 연구
최경미 Kyung Me Choi , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim
Recent concerns about the PFOA(perfluorooctanoic acid), have been increasing, which is generally applied in the water-repellent finishing process of textile products. It has been proven through animal testing to be harmful to humans, as possible carcinogens and neuro-toxic material. Thus U. S. Environmental Agency has gone as far as requiring the material to be eliminated in its entirety by 2015. As a viable alternative to this water-repellent finishing agent, the development of C6 product is gaining its popularity. The effects of PFOA finishing on the silk fabrics were examined, and we reviewed parameters of the needed process for optimizing appearance and functionality of silk fabrics treated with eco-friendly water-repellent finishing agent. Cross-linking agent affected the most on black color of reactive ink, among the physical properties. The contact angle reading was the highest in 8g/ℓ of concentration for all fabrics. All the fabric specimens, subjected to the DTP and water repellent finishing, exhibited higher stiffness, where rayon specimen showed the highest, compared to the untreated specimens. The results may provide basic information leading to the development of value-added silk fabrics with water-repellency without excessive deterioration of the delicate appearance and inherent soft touch.
Key Words
DTP, digital textile printing, 디지털 텍스타일프린팅, FOA(Perfluorooctanoic acid, 퍼플루오로 옥탄산, nano ink, 나노 잉크, water-repellency, 발수성
Fun Motifs Represented in Walter Van Beirendonck `s Fashion Walter Van Beirendonck 패션에 재현된 펀 모티프
이상례 Sang Rye Lee
18(5) 171-183, 2014
Fun Motifs Represented in Walter Van Beirendonck `s Fashion Walter Van Beirendonck 패션에 재현된 펀 모티프
이상례 Sang Rye Lee
In general, the idea of fun is understood to be associated with interesting things, playfulnesses, joy, pleasure, etc. The “fun culture,” which seeks enjoyment and pleasure through life, is a characteristic of elements observed in today’s society and culture. This exerts a powerful impacts on the business operation, marketing, and product manufacturing. Moreover, it is accepted as one of remarkable phenomena representing the changing trends of fashion in the 21st century. The objectives of this study were to analyze and categorize the fun motifs observed in fashion designer Walter Van Beirendonck ’s collections, to examine their formative characteristics, and to establish academic approaches and analytic framework in studying the fun phenomenon emerging in fashion. As to research methods, this study laid a theoretical ground by reviewing the related literature and previous studies, and conducted a positive case study using the data on Walter Van Beirendonck’s collections and exhibitions. According to the results of this study, the fun motifs represented in Walter Van Beirendonck’s collections are largely categorized into “deviation from rules,” “humorous and obscene graphic images,” “introduction and transformation of heterogeneous elements,” “women with male gender’ etc. On the other side of Walter Van Beirendonck’s fashion are sex, sexual humors, sexuality, fetishism, love, form, body, language, social phenomena, harmony between nature and life, consumerism, race, shamanism, tribal rituals, nation, cultural collision, transcendent things, science fictions, cyber Space, dream, alien, future, fairytale, fantasy etc. which are expressed by using fun motifs. Moreover, these themes are led to masculinity and fantasy.
Key Words
fantasy, 판타지, fun, 펀, masculinity, 남성성, motif, 모티프, Walter Van Beirendonck , 월터 반 베이렌동크