A Curricula Comparison Study of Undergraduate Fashion-related Majors between the Universities in Korea and those in the United States 한국과 미국 대학의 패션관련전공 교과과정 비교 연구
김소라 So Ra Kim
19(1) 1-16, 2015
A Curricula Comparison Study of Undergraduate Fashion-related Majors between the Universities in Korea and those in the United States 한국과 미국 대학의 패션관련전공 교과과정 비교 연구
김소라 So Ra Kim
Universities in Korea are already saturated with fashion-related majors, and graduates are having difficulties getting jobs. For this reason, Korean universities should educate students with a competitive curriculum. The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare the curricula of fashion-related majors at universities in Korea and the United States (U.S.) in order to help develop fashion-related curricula at the universities in Korea. The curricula of the 52 majors in 47 Korean universities and the 62 majors in 62 U.S. universities were analyzed. Data was analyzed using MS Excel 2010 and R 3.0.1.; the statistical significance was determined at =0.05. There were five main differences between fashion-related α majors in Korean universities and those in the U.S. universities: 1) The subjects of the U.S. were more diverse and more business-oriented than those of Korea, but the universities of Korea had more design subjects. 2) The U.S. more often utilized computer technology, than Korea, in the field of fashion design. 3) The U.S. offered more theoretical courses, than Korea, in the field of fashion materials. 4) In the clothing construction field, the U.S. offered more apparel design and technical design than Korea. 5) The U.S. mainly educated on retailing and buying subjects while Korea mainly educated on fashion marketing subjects within the fashion business field.
Key Words
교과과정 비교, 패션관련전공, 한국대학, 미국대학, curricula comparison, fashion-related majors, universities in Korea, universities in the U.S
Development of Basic Pants Patterns for Women in Their 20s 20대 성인여성의 팬츠원형 개발
이미성 Mi Sung Lee , 김소라 So Ra Kim
19(1) 17-33, 2015
Development of Basic Pants Patterns for Women in Their 20s 20대 성인여성의 팬츠원형 개발
이미성 Mi Sung Lee , 김소라 So Ra Kim
This study aimed to develop basic pants patterns reflecting somatotype characteristics of the women in their 20s. In order to develop basic pants patterns for women in their 20s, wearing tests were conducted. With the results of wearing tests, drafting methods were applied by using regression equation for the parts that were found to improper. For the parts where regression equation was not applicable, the results of wearing tests were applied. The results and the conclusion of development of basic pants patterns for women in their 20s were as follows. The waist height was applied for the regression equations of waist to hip length, crotch length, and knee length, and the hip circumference was applied for the regression equations of front leg opening. Also, back leg opening, front knee width and back knee width were calculated based on the front leg opening. For the waistline the ease of 2cm was added, and for the hipline the ease of 4cm was added. H/16 1cm . was applied for the drafting of front crotch width, and H/8 was applied for the drafting of back crotch width. Pants patterns for women in their 20s on the methods mentioned above were tested for the 2nd research wearing tests, and they received good ratings on the items and demonstrated that the developed pants patterns had excellent body fit.
Key Words
팬츠원형, 체형특성, 20대 여성, basic pants patterns, somatotype characteristics, women in their 20s
An Analysis of Road Shop in Main Fashion Trade Areas in Seoul: Based on Trends in 2007-2014 서울 주요 패션상권의 가두점 분포 현황 분석: 2007-2014년의 변화추이를 중심으로
장은영 Eun Young Jang
19(1) 34-46, 2015
An Analysis of Road Shop in Main Fashion Trade Areas in Seoul: Based on Trends in 2007-2014 서울 주요 패션상권의 가두점 분포 현황 분석: 2007-2014년의 변화추이를 중심으로
장은영 Eun Young Jang
The purpose of this study was to investigate the distribution state of road shops around the 9 main fashion trade areas in Seoul, and to analyze whether there were any differences in them based on clothing, store types and regions. Furthermore, by investigating the distribution state of road shops in the 9 main fashion trade areas per year, this study provides basic information that can be helpful in opening and securing road shops in major trade areas. The method of investigation was to analyze clothing types and store types with 72 maps of commercial areas. Samsungdesignnet investigated these areas for 8 years around the 9 main fashion trade areas (Garosugil, Gangnam nonhyun, Gangnam Station, Myungdong, Moonjung, Apgujung, Yeonsinne, Edae, and Chungdam). As a result, the distribution state of the fashion road shops based on clothing types revealed that road shops for ladies` wear, bag or shoes, and total fashion were strong, and the distribution state of non brand were strong. When it came to year-to-year trends, road shops for women`s wear, bag or shoes, and total fashion showed a steady increasing tendency of being on-trend, but casuals and underwear showed a falling tendency of being on-trend. In terms of store type distribution, non-brand shops showed the most remarkable growth, followed by multi-shop while total fashion store showed a steady growth. Also, when it came to regional distribution, the dominant trade areas were different based on clothing type. Garosugil showed the widest variation in its yearly trend investigation, and Gangnam station also showed a substantial amount of growth. In other areas, there was no considerable change in the total number of shops, but increasing and decreasing markets had a complexity that depended on clothing types.
Key Words
복종, 패션상권, 가두점, 점포유형, clothing type, fashion trade areas, road shop, store type
A Study on the Fashion Characteristics of Female Announcers of TV Baseball Programs TV 야구 프로그램 여성 아나운서의 패션 특성 연구
김초영 Cho Young Kim , 이미숙 Mi Suk Lee , 김은정 Eun Jung Kim
19(1) 47-61, 2015
A Study on the Fashion Characteristics of Female Announcers of TV Baseball Programs TV 야구 프로그램 여성 아나운서의 패션 특성 연구
김초영 Cho Young Kim , 이미숙 Mi Suk Lee , 김은정 Eun Jung Kim
Recently, female announcers in the baseball programs on television are drawing attention to their fashion. This study analyzes the shape, color, material, detail, and accessory of female announcers in the baseball programs broadcasted by KBS N SPORTS, MBC SPORTS+, SBS Sports, and XTM. The characteristics of their fashion were classified into reliability, popularity, differentiation, attractiveness, and dynamics. The analysis showed that the fashion of the female announcers of KBS N SPORTS showed reliability in shape, color, material, accessory, popularity, and differentiation in detail. For MBC SPORTS+, the popularity was shown in shape, color, material, and attractiveness was shown in detail. For SBS Sports, the differentiation and attractiveness were shown in material, and the differentiation and dynamics were shown in accessory. For XTM, the attractiveness and dynamics were shown in shape, the differentiation and dynamics were shown in color, the dynamics were shown in material, and the popularity was shown in accessory.
Key Words
야구 프로그램, 여성 아나운서, 아나운서 패션, 패션 특성, 방송사 이미지, baseball program, female announcer, fashion of announcer, fashion characteristics, image of broadcasting station
A Comparative Study on Qipao Design in Chinese TV Drama and 중국 TV드라마 <상해탄(上海灘) >과 <신상해탄(新上海灘)>의 치파오 디자인 비교 연구
나청청 Qing Qing Luo , 이미숙 Mi Suk Lee
19(1) 62-76, 2015
A Comparative Study on Qipao Design in Chinese TV Drama and 중국 TV드라마 <상해탄(上海灘) >과 <신상해탄(新上海灘)>의 치파오 디자인 비교 연구
나청청 Qing Qing Luo , 이미숙 Mi Suk Lee
The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare the shapes, colors, patterns, and hairstyles of Qipao worn by heroines that were reconstructed over times, in a Chinese TV Drama set in the 1930s and televised in 1980 and remade in 2007. We investigated how the Qipao was reinterpreted. The results were as follows. First, in televised in 1980, Qipao borrowed the characteristics of Jing Pai Qipao, which became popular in Beijing. Jing Pai Qipao was characterized by a roomy and loose silhouette that does not expose a body line, Chinese traditional 5 colors, simple plain patterns and Chinese traditional flower patterns. For hairstyle, twist and permanent wave styles that were popular in the Republican Period were very common. On the other hand, in televised in 2007, Qipao was a Hai Pai style that was very popular in Shanghai in the 1930s. Hai Pai Qipao was characterized by a tight silhouette fitted to the body, various colors such as purple and beige other than the 5 colors, Western flower patterns and modern geometric patterns. Hairstyle was changed from bang hair to a permanent wave. Second, while had a modern reinterpretation of Jing Pai Qipao that was very popular in Beijing, rather than Hai Pai Qipao that became popular in Shanghai in the 1930s, used Hai Pai Qipao that was popular in Shanghai in the 1930s. In particular, demonstrated how the mass media should reinterpret past clothing by thoroughly studying and reflecting Shanghai Qipao in the 1930s and adding viewers` aesthetic taste of 2007 without damaging an original. Moreover, it confirmed that clothing can function as language and symbol within the mass media by connecting the color and pattern of Qipao with characters` traits and the plot. It suggests that was more advanced than filmed in the 1980s. The findings of this study might provide useful data to costume designers who reinterpret costumes from a new angle.
Key Words
중국전통복식, 드라마, 치파오, 상해탄, 신상해탄, Chinese traditional clothing, drama, Qipao, Shanghai Beach, Shanghai Bund
The Characteristics of Practical Color Combination in Body Painting 바디페인팅에 활용된 배색 이미지 연구
이해미루 Haemiru Lee , 김성남 Sung Nam Kim
19(1) 77-94, 2015
The Characteristics of Practical Color Combination in Body Painting 바디페인팅에 활용된 배색 이미지 연구
이해미루 Haemiru Lee , 김성남 Sung Nam Kim
Due to the inflammatory of body exposure it did not become popular to the Korean natio n but the body painting as a body art is definitely required for it be become a new pure a rtwork. In this body painting color is the core factor for visual part and expression and col oring obtained from the color is very important in creating effective image. In Korea beauty industry the researches are limited to the study on coloring expression of general beauty m akeup. Therefore, this research analyzes color images in recent body painting artworks by defining characteristics of colors and coloring applied by theme. For the research subjects, dominant and secondary colors were extracted from the artworks presented in preliminary a nd final rounds of year 2012 and 2013 World Body Painting Festival. For the selection of fi nal coloring stimulation the most frequent coloring by theme was first chosen. Among the m, 2 individual coloring bands were selected by theme among the high frequency colors. F or the analysis of coloring image shown in body painting works total 8 coloring bands wer e created and they were compared and analyzed by indicating each divided coloring band on the coloring image scale by theme. In this research coloring image analysis was done after examining colors and coloring of artworks presented in World Body Painting Festival b y theme. This research has its meaning that it provides information and guideline for colori ng design work of body painting by analyzing coloring image used in color and coloring of body painting by theme.
Key Words
바디페인팅, 색채 특성, 바디페인팅 축제, 색채 배색, body painting, color characteristics, body painting festival, color Combination
Color Culture of Japanese Medieval Age: Focusing on Kamakura & Muromachi Periods 일본 중세의 색채 문화: 가마쿠라,무로마치 시대를 중심으로
이경희 Kyung Hee Lee , 김금화 Gum Hwa Kim
19(1) 95-105, 2015
Color Culture of Japanese Medieval Age: Focusing on Kamakura & Muromachi Periods 일본 중세의 색채 문화: 가마쿠라,무로마치 시대를 중심으로
이경희 Kyung Hee Lee , 김금화 Gum Hwa Kim
This study investigated the color culture in the Japanese Medieval Age. The Japanese Medieval Age included the Kamakura period (1180-1333) and Muromachi period (1336-1573), and the leading group transitioned from the Kuge families to the Buke families. The taboos about colors from ancient times became nominal, and forbidden colors, such as purple, celadon, and red, became the colors of the samurai, leading to beautiful soldier gears that were unparalleled in history. In the Kamakura period, colors that conveyed a strong impression were created and preferred with the combination of a samurai`s reasonable spirit and zen thoughts. The period was also called "the era of hari", and cross dyeing based on basic colors such as suou (red), ai (blue), and kuchinasi (yellow) was popular. In both the Kamakura and Muromachi periods, conspicuous and strong colors were sought for costumes, and embroidery was used with gold leaf, silver leaf, gold threads, silver threads, and background color. The colors of costume preferred by Buke men in the period included green, blue, and brown. In the characteristics of the kosode, the sugan and hitadare were used for men`s formal dress, while kosode was used for the grooming of the working class. In these periods, additionally, the working class began to be socially engaged in actively wearing the one-layer kosode, which became popular, and the characteristics of the Japanese Medieval Age, during which functionality and practicality was valued, were also reflected in the dressing.
Key Words
일본, 중세, 가마쿠라시대, 무로마치시대, 색채 문화, Japan, Medieval Age, Kamakura period, Muromachi period, color culture
Self-consciousness, and Make-up Behavior according to Attitude toward Fast Fashion Typology of High School Girls 여고생의 패스트패션 태도 유형에 따른 자의식과 화장행동
박은희 Eun Hee Park
19(1) 106-121, 2015
Self-consciousness, and Make-up Behavior according to Attitude toward Fast Fashion Typology of High School Girls 여고생의 패스트패션 태도 유형에 따른 자의식과 화장행동
박은희 Eun Hee Park
The purpose of this study is to classify the attitudes toward fast fashion into groups and analyze the differences of the self-consciousness, and make-up behavior by groups. Questionnaires are being administered from 179 high school girls living in Deagu metropolitan City. Frequency, factor analysis, reliability analysis, cluster analysis, ANOVA, Duncant-test, and χ2-test are all used for data analysis. Our findings are as follows. The attitude toward fast fashion shows a significant correlation with the sub-variable self-consciousness and make-up behavior. Attitude toward fast fashion is being categorized into convenience focus, fashion focus, design focus, and season focus. Self-consciousness is social self-consciousness, social anxiety, private self-consciousness, and private anxiety. Make-up behavior is positive effect, fashion leader, and conformity. Attitude toward fast fashion is classified into three groups: disposability, fashionability, and low interest of fashion. The groups show a significant difference in the self-consciousness, and make-up behavior. Groups display no distinctions between the sub-variables in the actual conditions of cosmetics such as a first time for make-up and frequence of visit.
Key Words
화장품 사용실태, 패스트패션 태도, 화장행동, 자의식, actual conditions of cosmetics, attitude toward fast fashion, make-up behavior, self-consciousness
Attributes and Image of Color Schemes in Neon Color Fashion 네온 컬러 패션에 나타난 배색 특성과 이미지
김지선 Ji Seon Kim , 염혜정 Hae Jung Yum
19(1) 122-140, 2015
Attributes and Image of Color Schemes in Neon Color Fashion 네온 컬러 패션에 나타난 배색 특성과 이미지
김지선 Ji Seon Kim , 염혜정 Hae Jung Yum
The research is committed to inquire about the attributes of color schemes and their image, and the results are as follows : One, the preference of ranges of neon colors was explicit, and the frequency of use of neon colors distinctively diverged season by season. Two, it was observed that, with neon colors, an achromatic color scheme was a more preferred arrangement. As for chromatic colors, neutral and mid-tone natural colors were more favored since they did not tarnish the properties of neon colors and, yet, more effective exhibiting images in diversity and variety. Three, the neon color fashion generally displayed a dual image: its original classification embellished with neon colors rendering the image of powerful and futuristic sensation. Having been around since the early 2000`s, the frequency and range of use of neon colors have been increasing rapidly mostly by the sports, leisure and related industries. Regardless of the fact, neon colors will be rediscovered with a variety of color schemes and expand their application.
Key Words
네온 컬러, 배색, 패션 이미지, 트렌드 컬러, neon color, color scheme, fashion image, trend color
Influence of Eco-Friendly Underwears on Atopic Dermatitis 친환경 속옷이 아토피 피부염에 미치는 영향
최정화 Jung Hwa Choi , 최미성 Mee Sung Choi
19(1) 141-150, 2015
Influence of Eco-Friendly Underwears on Atopic Dermatitis 친환경 속옷이 아토피 피부염에 미치는 영향
최정화 Jung Hwa Choi , 최미성 Mee Sung Choi
The present study was undertaken to evaluate effects of eco-friendly underwears(three kinds of natural dying underwears) in patients with atopic dermatitis. We recruited 45 patients with atopic dermatitis admitted to Dongshin Oriental Hospital from August to September 2013. These patients were divided into three groups (A, B and C). Each group include 15 patients and three kinds of natural underwears dyed with polygonum tinctorium, loess, and non-dyed general cotton were given, respectively. We also used SCORAD index and digital infrared thermal imaging to investigate the effects of each eco-friendly underwear in patients with atopic dermatitis. In SCORAD index, Group A after wearing loess-dyed underwears for 4 weeks showed statistically significant reduction to 27.96 (P< 0.05) compared to 34.20 before wearing loess-dyed underwears. In Group B after wearing polygonum tinctorium-dyed underwears for 4 weeks, SCORAD index and objective severity assessment were markedly reduced into 22.97 (P< 0.01) and 18.17 (P< 0.01) compared to 35.95 and 27.89 before wearing polygonum tinctorium.-dyed underwears, respectively. In Group C after wearing general cotton (non-dyed) underwears for 4 weeks, there was statistically no difference in SCORAD index, objective severity assessment and body temperature between before and after wearing general cotton (non-dyed) underwears. Taken together, polygonum tinctorium-dyed underwears used to patients with atopic dermatitis shows significant amelioration in atopic symptoms than loess-dyed underwears as well as general cotton (non-dyed) underwears.