A Study on Somatometric Characteristics of the Tween Generation Girls 트윈세대 여학생의 체형특성 연구
국영지 Young Ji Kook , 김소라 So Ra Kim
19(2) 1-22, 2015
A Study on Somatometric Characteristics of the Tween Generation Girls 트윈세대 여학생의 체형특성 연구
국영지 Young Ji Kook , 김소라 So Ra Kim
This study provides the basic data for clothing construction of teen girls by researching and analyzing the characteristics of physical changes of tween generation school girls between 8 to 14 age. Fifty eight items of direct measurements and 61 calculated-items based on the 6th Korean National Physical Standard Reports were used. Results were obtained by using ANOVA, SNK test, coefficient of variation and growth rate of age groups. Significant differences were found among all the age groups, and were in the increasing order of height > length > width > depth > circumference. The growth rate was found in the increasing order of bust depth > hip width > N.P. to B.P. > hip circumference > bust circumference and thigh circumference. There were dramatic increases in height, circumference and width during the age of 8∼9 and 10∼11, in length during age of 10∼ 11, and in depth during age of 8∼11. The growth of the vertical measurement items is slowing at the age of 13. The individual differences were great in the vertical measurements at the age of 8 and 9 and in the horizontal measurements, at the age of 10. The increasing growth of bust and hip than waist gave it a curved shape.
A Study on Physical Properties of Wool with Shrink-resist treatment and Felting 양모 방축가공에 따른 물리적 성질 변화
정아현 A Hyun Jeong , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim
19(2) 23-35, 2015
A Study on Physical Properties of Wool with Shrink-resist treatment and Felting 양모 방축가공에 따른 물리적 성질 변화
정아현 A Hyun Jeong , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim
In this study, the effect of shrink-resist treatment agent on the wool finishing, specifically anti-felting of wool product was studied. We aimed at providing preliminary data leading to the diversification of high-value added fashionable wool product. Two type of wool fabrics, dense and sheer, were employed. The fabric specimens were treated with solutions of shrink-resist treatment agent with wet pick-up rate 110%, 130%, and 150%, respectively, by using a padding mangle. The solution treated fabric specimens were then dried at room temperature first, at 90℃ for 15 minutes in a drying oven, and finally cured at 130℃ for 3 minutes. Cured wool fabric specimens were then subjected to a felting process. The physical and mechanical properties, including shrinkage rate along warp/filling direction, thickness at specified measurement pressure, drape stiffness, and air-permeability, were analyzed. After felting process, the shrinkage rates of wool fabric specimens, treated with shrink-resist treatment agent, were lower than those of control wool fabric specimens. The stiffness values of wool fabric specimens measured by using Flexometer were increased.
Effects of Business Environmental Factors on 4P Mix of Eco-friendly Textile in Textile Fashion Firms 섬유패션기업에서 기업환경요인이 친환경 소재 4P Mix에 미치는 영향 연구
신상무 Sang Moo Shin , 이송희 Song H Lee
19(2) 36-52, 2015
Effects of Business Environmental Factors on 4P Mix of Eco-friendly Textile in Textile Fashion Firms 섬유패션기업에서 기업환경요인이 친환경 소재 4P Mix에 미치는 영향 연구
신상무 Sang Moo Shin , 이송희 Song H Lee
Nowadays, firms face the challenge of how to balance between the environmental request and business profit under the circumstances of being eco-friendly and sustainable. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of business environmental factors on the 4p mix of an eco-friendly textile in the textile fashion firms. This research was conducted by a questionnaire method, in which the questionnaires were distributed to the textile fashion firms. Of the returned questionnaires, one hundred of them were selected to be included in the analysis by developing descriptive statistics, factor analysis, cronbach`s alpha, and regression analysis using SPSS18.0. The results of this study were as follows: There were significant effects of the firms` environmental management, organizational structure, and CEOs` environmental sensitivity in descending order of the business internal factors on the textile fashion firms` eco-friendly textile product. The factors of the firms` environmental management, organizational structure(internal factors), and legal regulation(external factor), in descending order, significantly affected the promotion of the eco-friendly textile. The factor of firms` environmental management (internal factor) significantly affected the distribution of the eco-friendly textile. The factors of CEOs` environmental sensitivity(internal factor), legal regulation(external factor), and firms` environmental management(internal factor), in descending order, significantly affected the price of the eco-friendly textile.
Fashion-cultural Products Design Development Based on the Lian Pu of Chinese Beijing Opera: Focused on Chinese Four Major Novels of Wonder 중국 경극 검보를 활용한 패션문화상품 디자인개발: 중국의 사대기서를 중심으로
주욱 Xu Zho , 김지영 Ji Young Kim
19(2) 53-68, 2015
Fashion-cultural Products Design Development Based on the Lian Pu of Chinese Beijing Opera: Focused on Chinese Four Major Novels of Wonder 중국 경극 검보를 활용한 패션문화상품 디자인개발: 중국의 사대기서를 중심으로
주욱 Xu Zho , 김지영 Ji Young Kim
The Beijing Opera is one of the leading representatives of Chinese culture, which includes literature, music, dance, martial arts, and a type of performance that stems from the Chinese cultural history that is still relevant today. The purpose of this study is to develop fashion-cultural products from the Lian Pu of the Beijing Opera, a Chinese cultural tradition that receives abundant positive feedback from around the world, showing its value in both academic and practical fields. This study was carried out first as a theoretical study of the literature, definition and types of facial make up used in the Opera, as a way of examining the formative aspect. Secondly, an analysis was conducted on the main characters, ‘Guan Yu’ and ‘Zhang Fei’ of “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms”, ‘Li Kiu’ and ‘Lu Zhishen’ of “All Men are Brothers” and ‘Monkey King’ of “Journey to West”, employing the collection belonging to ‘Yongqi Zhao’ who is an expert on the Chinese Beijing Opera. Thirdly, two concepts were categorized, based on the analytic results of the abovementioned characters, each of which were then further categorized into three sub concepts. In regard to cultural development designs, the results of an analysis on the facial make-up color, form, and texture of the four main characters were utilized to construct the themes,“Modern Chic” and “Traditional Splendor.” The simplest form that has been represented in the four figures has been applied to “Modern Chic” to show a modern image in which black, white and light blue has been used alongside the vivid red, which is a Chinese favorite, to highlight the characters. In “Traditional Splendor”, which is focused on the stage art of the Opera, we see more artistic traditions and colors, to further appeal to our emotions. Traditional motifs have been applied using traditional Chinese arts, in order to develop strong and brilliant colors. The two styles of cultural products were developed in the form of women`s scarves and men`s ties; a total of 24 designs were expressed, using Illustrator CS6. In the final step, 4 scarves and 6 ties were produced as a sample, using high quality silk. The development of these cultural fashion products will bring an opportunity to show how Chinese traditional culture can be widely utilized in commercial market design.
Key Words
패션문화상품, 디자인개발, 검보, 중국 4대 기서, 경극, fashion-cultural products, design development, Lian Pu, Chinese Four Major Novels, Beijing Opera
Research on Intention to Adopt Smart Wear: Based on Extended UTAUT Model 스마트웨어 수용의도 연구: 확장된 UTAUT 모형을 중심으로
성희원 Hee Won Sung , 성정환 Jung Hwan Sung
19(2) 69-84, 2015
Research on Intention to Adopt Smart Wear: Based on Extended UTAUT Model 스마트웨어 수용의도 연구: 확장된 UTAUT 모형을 중심으로
성희원 Hee Won Sung , 성정환 Jung Hwan Sung
The objective of this study is to investigate the intention to adopt smart wear, based on extended UTAUT model. We examined the effects of performance expectancy (PE), effort expectancy (EE), hedonic motivation (HE), social influence (SI), facilitating conditions (FC), and price value (PV) on the intended adoption of smart watch and smart shoes, respectively. In addition, moderating effects of gender, age, and innovation resistance were examined. An online survey was conducted, comprised of 2030 consumers who were aware of smart watch or smart shoes. In total, 393 responses were analyzed. About 50.4% were male, and 44.8% were in their 20`s. An exploratory factor analysis generated five factors ? PE & HM, EE, SI, FC, and PV- which were employed as independent variables in the multiple regression models. PE & HM, PV, and SI influenced on the intention to use both smart devices. FC showed the significant effect only on the intention to adopt the smart watch. In terms of gender differences, SI and PV were the important predictors of the intention to adopt the smart watch in the female group only. With respect to age difference, SI was very effective in explaining the intention of individuals in their 30`s to adopt smart wear. Among the low innovation resistance group, SI was significant predictor, while PE & HE and PV were significant among the high resistance group. The findings provide useful information about the possibility of the adoption of smart wear, and new insight into market segmentation.
Key Words
스마트의류, 혁신저항, 수용의도, UTAUT 모델, smart wear, innovation resistance, intention to adopt, UTAUT model
The Development of Basic Dress Torso Patterns for Women in Their 20s 20대 성인여성을 위한 드레스용 토르소원형 연구
이유민 Yu Min Lee , 김소라 So Ra Kim
19(2) 85-102, 2015
The Development of Basic Dress Torso Patterns for Women in Their 20s 20대 성인여성을 위한 드레스용 토르소원형 연구
이유민 Yu Min Lee , 김소라 So Ra Kim
This study aimed to develop dress torso patterns with both aesthetic and functional qualities that fit for women in their 20s. In order to develop dress torso patterns, wearing tests were done. By collecting drafting methods of the patterns through literature study and the survey of wedding dress manufacturers, four kinds of dress torso patterns were selected. The existing dress torso patterns have no or very small ease in chest, waist, and hip circumferences. As a result of wearing tests of these four existing dress torso patterns, drafting methods of dress torso patterns that have the best satisfied values close to optimum zero were selected; the first and second research dress torso patterns were developed by modifying and supplementing items that had noticeable difference through the Wilcoxon rank sum test with a selected measured value and a best satisfied value of zero; and deduced a drafting method for the final developed dress torso patterns by a wearing test of the second developed dress torso patterns. Distinctive aspects of drafting methods of the final developed dress torso patterns were that ease for each area was given differently by considering a functional quality and a chest circumference instead of a bust circumference was applied to reduce influence by the size of breast in neck and armhole areas, and a back bust level. Back neck breadth was made wider and front neck breadth was made less narrow due to a recent change of age 20s female adults` shoulder and back shape.
Key Words
토르소원형, 드레스, 20대 여성, basic torso pattern, dress, women in their 20s
A Study on the BI Strategies for International Competitiveness of the Cosmetic Industry: A Focus on the Image Analysis and Design Development for the Uniforms of Korean Cosmetic Brands 화장품 산업 국제경쟁력 강화를 위한 BI 전략 연구: 화장품 브랜드의 유니폼 이미지 분석 및 디자인 개발을 중심으로
정경희 Kyung Hee Chung , 이미숙 Mi Suk Lee
19(2) 103-117, 2015
A Study on the BI Strategies for International Competitiveness of the Cosmetic Industry: A Focus on the Image Analysis and Design Development for the Uniforms of Korean Cosmetic Brands 화장품 산업 국제경쟁력 강화를 위한 BI 전략 연구: 화장품 브랜드의 유니폼 이미지 분석 및 디자인 개발을 중심으로
정경희 Kyung Hee Chung , 이미숙 Mi Suk Lee
The purpose of this study was to examine the uniform image of Korean herbal cosmetic brands amongst Korean and Chinese consumers. This study would enable us to explore a BI strategy to enhance international competitiveness of Korean herbal cosmetics brands. The results were as follows. The key words of BI pursued by Sulwhasoo were dignified, novel, graceful, soft, gaily, natural, Korean, modern, and international. Korean people felt that the uniform was graceful and soft, which accorded with Sulwhasoo BI, but also it was trite and dingy, indicating a negative and opposing image. On the other hand, Chinese people felt that the uniform was dignified, novel, graceful, natural, modern, and international, indicating that it matched with Sulwhasoo BI. In The History of Whoo, the key words of BI pursued by the brand were precious, soft, gorgeous, gaily, and natural. The Koreans felt that the uniform was intelligent, and decent, but conversely, it was also austere and dingy, indicating a negative image. The Chinese felt that the uniform was common, hard, austere, dingy, and unnatural, indicating an opposing image to BI. Finally, a uniform design was developed to improve on its problems, establish The History of Whoo`s brand identity, and its brand image. First of all, ‘The Quintessence : noble passion’ was set up as a developmental concept. The textiles, clothing, and accessories were designed using the symbolic elements from The History of Whoo as a motif. Uniforms were developed for spring, fall, and summer.
A Study on the Korean Modern Girl Fashion Style: Focused on Actual People and Film Heroine 한국 모던 걸의 패션 스타일 연구: 실존 인물과 영화 주인공을 중심으로
양정희 Jung Hee Yang , 박혜원 Hye Won Park
19(2) 118-135, 2015
A Study on the Korean Modern Girl Fashion Style: Focused on Actual People and Film Heroine 한국 모던 걸의 패션 스타일 연구: 실존 인물과 영화 주인공을 중심으로
양정희 Jung Hee Yang , 박혜원 Hye Won Park
This study probed into the fashion of modern girls between the 1920`s and the 1930`s who led the mentality and fashion of women as the progenitor of the alpha girl in Korea. For this, the fashion of actual people who received attention as modern girls in various occupations and that of modern girl heroines reinterpreted in films were examined. Methods included the theoretical study based on fashion related newspaper articles at the time, specialized publications, advance researches, and internet data and the empirical study that involved contents analysis centering on visual data. The Western women`s fashion between the 1920`s-1930`s was dominated by the garconne look to promote women`s entry into society and competition against men and the practical and mature long and slim look due to the influence of economic recess. Korean people also adapted Western clothes following Western fashion while also modified the traditional clothes and wore modified Korean clothes. The fashion of 5 actual modern girls of Korea and that of 3 film heroines were examined. The fashion of actual people most well represented the fashion trends at the time and that they used fashion as the means to express their mentality and their artistic propensity and professionalism were expressed through fashion. On the other hand, the fashion of film heroines substantially expressed various occupations of the characters in the film and reflected trendy clothes and cosmetics, and it showed sexy and romantic fashion trend due to the influence of modern trends and reinterpretations.
Key Words
실존 인물, 패션 분석, 영화 주인공, 모던 걸, actual people, fashion analysis, film heroine, modern girl
An Analysis of Multi-View Fashion Design Reflected in the Perception of Time and Space 연속적 시,공간관이 반영된 다(多)시점 패션디자인 분석
김민지 Min Ji Kim , 간호섭 Ho Sup Kan
19(2) 136-148, 2015
An Analysis of Multi-View Fashion Design Reflected in the Perception of Time and Space 연속적 시,공간관이 반영된 다(多)시점 패션디자인 분석
김민지 Min Ji Kim , 간호섭 Ho Sup Kan
The purpose of this thesis is to study multi-view fashion design with an analysis of multi-view art`s formation and philosophical perspective. The production of unique artwork is dependent on how we see, think and represent what is around us. Multi-view art has great potential as a concept related to the continuity of time and space, it is not limited to space and time but it extends to infinitely, according to the artist`s will and imagination. The study of time and space has been used as principles for deriving the formative of multi-view art, and the principles applied for analyzing multi-view fashion design. And the formation of multi-view art is reflected in fashion design. Simultaneity, deconstructivity, continuity and virtuality in terms of multi-view art are support the formation of multi-view fashion design, such as fabrication, expandability, concealment and transparency. As such, it is important to study multi-view fashion design as a creative design method with immense potential for further development.
The Development of a Bag Design Using the Yi Tribe`s Traditional Patterns: Focusing on the Fabric Pattern Design 이족의 전통문양을 활용한 가방디자인 개발 연구: 패브릭 패턴 디자인을 중심으로
이목결 Mok Gyul Lee , 조진숙 Jean Suk Cho
19(2) 149-170, 2015
The Development of a Bag Design Using the Yi Tribe`s Traditional Patterns: Focusing on the Fabric Pattern Design 이족의 전통문양을 활용한 가방디자인 개발 연구: 패브릭 패턴 디자인을 중심으로
이목결 Mok Gyul Lee , 조진숙 Jean Suk Cho
The purpose of this study is to link the Yi tribe`s traditional patterns to bag design. Yi tribe is a minor ethic group in China, whose traditional pattern has a high artistic value in that its shapes are diverse and each one has peculiar elegance. Traditional patterns are also indicative of spiritual dept or symbolic stories, rather than being indicative of simple formative beauty. Thus, reorganizing these patterns and applying them artistically to design- in terms of resource utilization- would be significant. Out of all of the Yi tribe`s traditional patterns, the cherry blossom_(馬櫻花), water wave_(水波), sky father and earth mother_(天父地母), pomegranate blossom, triangle, sheep` horn, wisteria vine_(藤條), square and diaper_(四角菱形) and the zigzag_(曲折) patterns were chosen for use during the development of a bag design. This study is based upon document study, including research papers and internet web sites, the point of which was to investigate the form of the traditional patterns, and the creative design process. The design procedure includes these sub-processes: selection, arrangement and color-scheme. In the selection process, the form of the pattern was edited using Adobe Photoshop. The pattern was freely arranged to reflect various emotions. In terms of the color-scheme of the patterns, the colors used by Henri Matisse(1869-1954) in his work were selected and adapted when dyeing the patterns. Subsequently, the final design resulting from these design development processes was applied to the actual production of the bag by using canvas fabric and leather, after which the bag image was proposed using computer simulation. In conclusion, six bag designs were created using traditional patterns from the Yi tribe. Through the processes explained above, this study confirmed that traditional patterns could be widely applied as design motifs and that more sophisticated, modern, and creative designs could be developed based on traditional patterns.
Key Words
이족의 전통문양, 가방디자인, 문양 배치, 문양의 색채배색, Yi Tribe` Traditional Pattern, Bag Design, Arrangement of the Pattern, Color-Scheme of the Pattern
Fashion Styling Program Development for Adolescent Girls 여자 청소년을 위한 패션 스타일링 프로그램 개발
이현영 Hyun Young Lee
19(2) 171-181, 2015
Fashion Styling Program Development for Adolescent Girls 여자 청소년을 위한 패션 스타일링 프로그램 개발
이현영 Hyun Young Lee
With an increasing number of at-risk adolescents, the environmental and personal risk factors that have been building up inside them as a result of not feeling protected at school or at home are manifested externally as anxiety, depression, rage, complexes, lethargy, violence, and alienation. This study intends to help at-risk adolescents to discover what they are good at, nurture their dreams, and help them to develop themselves through various culture and arts experience programs so that they can have better self-esteem through the wholesome understanding of themselves. The objective of this study, in paticular, is to help young girls who are interested in the physical appearance to develop higher self-esteem through self-management and creative programs for related to fashion, beauty, culture, and the arts. A questionnaire survey on the appearance management behavior, the recognition of image, and the request for participation in a fashion styling program. It was prepared based on the appearance management behaviors during the adolescence, body image, and lifestyle analyzed with past studies. The characteristics of appearance management during adolescence were examined. An the appearance management program was developed that centered on yhe major variables, and a fashion and appearance management activity program was developed that centered on the appearance management techniques preferred by young girls based on the result of analysis.
Key Words
위기청소년, 패션, 패션 스타일링, 프로그램 개발, at-risk youths, fashion, fashion Styling, program Development
A Study on the Tailored Jacket Design adapting Dart Manipulation Dart Manipulation을 활용한 재킷 디자인 연구
이진윤 Jean Youn Lee
19(2) 182-199, 2015
A Study on the Tailored Jacket Design adapting Dart Manipulation Dart Manipulation을 활용한 재킷 디자인 연구
이진윤 Jean Youn Lee
This research aims to design a new style jacket by developing patterns with dart manipulation, to achieve a tailored jacket which has been familiar to us, but with a more creative design. Tailored jackets has been widely worn both by women and men, and used to create various fashion styles. Generally the classic design with a basic lapel and collar is worn the most, and this shows demonstrates an importance of its design. Giacomo Manzu`s work of relief art inspired for a creative design of tailored jackets. As a result of the analysis on the visual properties of the relief sculptures, it was found that an omissions of line for cubic effect and dramatized expression give an illusion effect. Based on the illusion effect shown in the case of a relief design, it was patterned and designed with dart manipulation. Through dart manipulation, the shape of a lapel was designed to meet the rear collar, which corresponds to a background plane, by making it like a sculpture at the front background pattern. Then it was found through dart manipulation could be extensively applied for various designs, as well as used to generate massing. Hopefully this creative pattern and design development would be helpful not only in diversification of consumer`s needs, but also in the educational field for pattern and development of the fashion design industry.