An Analysis on the Morphological Relationship of Hair Styles with Changes in Necklines and Collars in 20th Century Fashion
Hyo Ju Kim , Soo Jeong Bae
19(3) 1-13, 2015
An Analysis on the Morphological Relationship of Hair Styles with Changes in Necklines and Collars in 20th Century Fashion
Hyo Ju Kim , Soo Jeong Bae
The purpose of this research is to analyze the morphological relationship between changes hair styles and changes in necklines and collars in 20th century fashion. After selecting the representative plate by each age for this study, the neckline, collar, and formative relevancy of hair style according to it have been analyzed by measuring the neckline, collar, and the width and height item of each hair style. The results of this study show- that the width changes of necklines and collars were mostly proportional in relation to each other, but the width changes of collars and hair styles were inversely proportional. While the amplitude of necklines and collars` width change was very broad, the amplitude of some hair style`s height change was very broad. Regarding width, this result had similar results of the researcher`s former research, the relation according to the width of necklines, collars and hair style from 16th century to 19th century. However, regarding height, this result was different from the preceding research in that the amplitude of hair style and collars` height change was very broad between 16th and 19th centuries, but the amplitude of neckline``s height change is relatively small. This means various heights of necklines appeared in the 20th century, but more various heights of collars were shown between the 16th and 19th centuries. This research hopes to be helpful by predicting trends in fashion, and to be basic resources to understand the systemic relationship of these factors.
Key Words
20th century fashion, collar, fashion coordination, hair style, neckline
A Study of the Costumes and Make-up in the Movie "Anna Karenina"
Jee Won Jung , Eun Sil Kim
19(3) 14-30, 2015
A Study of the Costumes and Make-up in the Movie "Anna Karenina"
Jee Won Jung , Eun Sil Kim
The purpose of this study is to establish how main characters` mental states are expressed through costumes and makeup by understanding and analyzing the relationship between the costumes and the makeup in the movie "Anna Karenina" and to compare the 19th century Russian costumes. The study methods are a literature review and an empirical case study. The results are as follows. First, the costumes in "Anna Karenina" are a mixture of late crinoline and early bustle style in general. However, the costumes were altered after the actress`s movements and acting were considered. Regarding colors, Anna wears a lavender robe as the virtuous wife, a wine-colored robe for love and death, and a white robe for innocence, thus reflecting her mental states; through the colors, her changes of mental state are expressed. Second, the costumes of Alexei Vronsky, are similar in style and colors to those of mid-late 19th century Russian military uniforms. White, blue and black costume colors are used to describe his situations and emotional changes. Third, Alexei Karenin wears 19th century costumes of dark and achromatic colors without decorations, representing his conservative, authoritative character. However, he showshis rage with a wine and red-colored costume at the end of the movie. Fourth, regarding the makeup in the movie, Anna wears makeup of a soft pink-gold color influenced by 19th century naturalism. Male characters express their characteristics with their beards and hair styles. Vronsky`s Hollywood mustaches and wavy blonde hair show his charm, and Karenin`s chin curtain beard and bald head reveal his conservative character. The costumes of the three main characters in the movie are not very different from 19th century style in general, but mental states and situations are expressed through accessories, and colors maximize all of the effects. Through this research, it is illustrated that the costumes and makeup in a movie can not only express characters`emotional changes but also show the relationships between the characters in different scenes.
Key Words
Anna Karenina, Movie Costume and make-up, 19th Century, Russian Costume
A Study on Satisfaction with Makeup-kits and Makeup-kit Brand Development -Focused on Lifelong Education Centers of Colleges-
Eun Sil Kim , Ju Im Chung
19(3) 31-42, 2015
A Study on Satisfaction with Makeup-kits and Makeup-kit Brand Development -Focused on Lifelong Education Centers of Colleges-
Eun Sil Kim , Ju Im Chung
The purpose of this study is to develop a new makeup-kit brand for education, analyzing customer satisfaction of makeup-kits used in makeup lessons provided by lifelong education centers of colleges. The research method is as follows. In order to understand the current status of the kits used in makeup lessons offered by lifelong education centers of colleges in South Korea, the study conducted a survey from October 10 of 2014 to October 31 via fax, telephone and e-mail targeting these 98 colleges that were open makeup-courses available in October 2014. As for an analysis technique, the study used a frequency analysis. In order to develop a makeup-kit brand, the study investigated these makeup-kits as well and presented a BI draft and a makeup-kit design that the study had created for itself using Photoshop CS6 and Illustrator CS4. According to findings of the survey, the students were not satisfied with kits that had too many items, were high in price and had poor case design. In the light of that, the study conducted to develop a low to middle priced makeup-kit ranging from 110,000 KRW and 150,000 KRW with approximately 26 items. In terms of a case design, black was a dominant color which would make the case feel simple and modern. Dimensions of a small size makeup-kit container were 22cm*35cm*37cm with a sponge and rubber pad proposed as product ideas. The study also worked on a BI design.
Identifying Predictors of Compulsive Hoarding Tendencies in Young Adult Consumers
Sea Hee Lee , Kim, K. P. Johnson , Soo Jung Lee
19(3) 43-58, 2015
Identifying Predictors of Compulsive Hoarding Tendencies in Young Adult Consumers
Sea Hee Lee , Kim, K. P. Johnson , Soo Jung Lee
Compulsive hoarding becomes a problem when the spaces hoarded items are stored in become unusable due to clutter, health, or safety issues. Our research purpose was to document relationships between two non-normative consumer behaviors (compulsive hoarding, compulsive buying tendency) and two shopping-related variables: hedonic shopping motives and emotional attachment to possessions with everyday consumers. As hedonic shopping motives have been related to compulsive buying, we predicted these motives (e.g., adventure, gratification, role, value, social, and idea) are related to compulsive buying. We also examined the relationship between compulsive buying and compulsive hoarding tendency and whether emotional attachment to possessions moderated this relationship. Participants were 280 undergraduate and graduate students attending a Midwestern university in the U.S. Regression analysis revealed the enhancing emotion motive (a combined motive of adventure and gratification) positively influenced compulsive buying whereas the value motive negatively influenced compulsive buying. All other hedonic shopping motives were non-significant. Participants who tended to buy compulsively were likely to hoard compulsively. This relationship, however, was moderated by participants`` emotional attachment to possessions. Participants with high emotional attachment to possessions showed a higher level of hoarding behavior than those with low emotional attachment to possessions. However, the increase in hoarding tendency among participants with low emotional attachment to possessions was larger between those who were low in compulsive buying and those who were high in compulsive buying than the increase between these two groups among participants with high emotional attachment to possessions.
The Effects of Service Recovery and Perceived Justice on Customer Relationship in the Beauty Service Industry
Eun Jeong Ryou
19(3) 59-72, 2015
The Effects of Service Recovery and Perceived Justice on Customer Relationship in the Beauty Service Industry
Eun Jeong Ryou
The purposes of this study are to explore how the service recovery of the beauty shops and customers`perceived justice affect the customer relationship. A survey based questionnaire method was employed for this study. Data were collected by a convenient sampling of 232 female customers of hair beauty shops in Seoul and Busan. The data were analysed by using SPSS 21.0, including a frequency analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis and multiple of regression analyses. The first result showed that all dimensions of service recovery had a significantly positive effect on the perceived justice. Especially, behavioral recovery of beauty shops was the major significant factor affecting perceived justice. Second, distributive justice and interactive justice had a significant effect on satisfaction. However, procedural justice did not have any significant effect on satisfaction. Finally, satisfaction was significantly and strongly associated with both trust and commitment. These results provide empirical proposition that the recovery strategies for complaint handling of the beauty service shop are related closely to relationship marketing.
Key Words
beauty service industry, service recovery, perceived justice, customer relationship
Employment and Wage Level of University Graduates in the Field of Clothing and Fashion
Mi Young Lee , Eun Young Kim
19(3) 73-87, 2015
Employment and Wage Level of University Graduates in the Field of Clothing and Fashion
Mi Young Lee , Eun Young Kim
The purpose of this study is 1) to compare the employment status and wage level of "Clothing and Fashion" major (CF major) graduates with those from other majors and 2) to examine factors affecting the employment status and wage level of CF major university graduates. The data were pooled from the 2009-2012 Graduates Occupational Mobility Survey Data, conducted by Korea Employment Information Service. First, when graduates of CF major were compared with other majors in the same academic area ―natural science and arts―, the rate of employment was higher for CF majors than that of other majors; on the other hand, there is no difference in the wage levels between those with graduates in CF majors and those with other majors. Second, we examined factors affecting CF major graduates` employment and wage level based on graduates` individual factors, university factor, and job preparation factors. Employment status of graduates in CF major was predicted by respondent`s gender and university type, and work experience. The wage level of CF major graduates was significantly predicted by individual factors (e.g., gender and age, university factors (e.g., university type, university program, location), and job preparation factors (e.g., certificates, overseas experience of foreign language training, English test scores). The results of this study would provide a guide to direct university educational program in order to assess the current capabilities in the field of clothing and fashion.
Key Words
employment, wage level, job preparation, university graduate, clothing, fashion
Senior Men`s Concern About Appearance and Their Cosmetics Buying Behavior
Hyo Kyoung Kim , Sae Young Shin
19(3) 88-100, 2015
Senior Men`s Concern About Appearance and Their Cosmetics Buying Behavior
Hyo Kyoung Kim , Sae Young Shin
In our increasingly aged society, the term centenarian, meaning people 100 years old or older, is used more and more frequently. Indeed, anticipating long life, middle-aged to advanced-age people have changed their lifestyles to purchase goods for themselves. In addition, as the social trend of careful grooming for positive appearance spreads within the Korean society, the demand for senior male cosmetic products is likely to grow as the society ages further. However, previous large studies on the market for senior male cosmetics are limited. Since information is lacking about senior male consumers’ awareness of cosmetics, this study examined their use of cosmetic products, purchase behaviors, and demand for cosmetics in order to explore correlations among interest levels in appearance, cosmetic purchase behavior, and cosmetic demand levels through diverse factors related to multiple variables. The results of this study were as follows : First, the more senior men managed their practical appearance, the more frequent their functional and psychological purchase behaviors. Second, the higher their practical purchase behavior, the stronger their demand for reasonable cosmetic prices. Third, the higher their value-oriented purchase behavior, the stronger the demand for greater product diversity. This study investigated men aged 50 or older residing in Seoul. Therefore, generalizing the findings of this study will be limited. Relevant subsequent studies should examine men aged 50 or older in each Korean region and more clearly identify the correlations among interest in appearance, cosmetic product purchase behavior, and cosmetic product demand using various factors related to multiple variables.
Key Words
Senior men, Cosmetics buying behavior, Concern of appearance, Men cosmetic
Comparison Research on the Patterns of No-Tuck Slim-Fitting Slacks for Young Men in Their 20s
Sang Hee Park , Eun Hye Lee
19(3) 101-112, 2015
Comparison Research on the Patterns of No-Tuck Slim-Fitting Slacks for Young Men in Their 20s
Sang Hee Park , Eun Hye Lee
Because young men`s slacks are becoming more slim-fitting today, this study attempts to identify room for improvement by comparing and analyzing the patterns of men``s slacks in the literature and those of manufacturers. Selected for the study are two patterns from the literature and one from manufacturers (Slacks A, B, C); those from studies are slim silhouette pants with no tucking around the waist at the front. Subjects for the Fit tests and the pattern designs were men in their twenties with average body shapes in accordance with the figures in Size Korea 2010. Pants were made from muslin fabric and the Fit tests were carried out with three subjects and a panel of five experts to evaluate comfort and appearance. The analysis of the patterns revealed that Slacks A were the longest followed by C and then B. Slacks C had the most girth ease, and Slacks B were the slimmest in both length and girth. Movement tests showed Slacks A to be the most comfortable followed by B and then C. The appearance test found that Slacks B were the most attractive, followed by A, and then C. The fits at the front, back and sides of all three pants were more or less the same. We suggest that more studies be done on pants patterns adjusting them for proper ease and using elastic fabric in order to maintain the slim fit and also to be comfortable to wear.
Comparison of Heavy Metal Contents in Eyeliner Products -Focused on Domestic and Foreign Cosmetic Brands-
Kee Young Lee , Jeong Hee Kim
19(3) 113-120, 2015
Comparison of Heavy Metal Contents in Eyeliner Products -Focused on Domestic and Foreign Cosmetic Brands-
Kee Young Lee , Jeong Hee Kim
Heavy metal ingredients of eyeliner product could cause side effect ranging from simple irritation, keratitis, corneal epithelium inflammation, eyelid dermatitis and dry eye symptoms have been reported. This study was conducted in order to prepare fundamental data for acceptable quality level heavy metal ingredients in the domestic and foreign cosmetic brand eyeliner products and to assess theirs the heavy metal concentrations. We measured the concentration of 5 heavy metals in 10 eyeliner products using ICP/MS-LC. According to the results, the average metal concentrations were as follows.; In case of domestic eyeliner products, 289.4 ppm for aluminium(Al), 304 ppm for manganese(Mn), 44 ppm for nickel(Ni), 0.58 ppm for arsenic(As) and 0.35 ppm for lead(Pb). In case of Foreign eyeliner products, 11337.8 ppm for aluminium(Al), 1678.8 ppm for manganese(Mn), 74.2 ppm for nickel(Ni), 1 ppm for arsenic(As) and 0.8 ppm for lead(Pb). Foreign products contained higher amounts of the two elements(Pb, As) compared to domestic ones. Also, greater concentrations of arsenic(As) were detected from waterproof products than non-waterproof ones. In conclusion, for safety reasons we suggested the amounts of heavy metals from the domestic and foreign eyeliner products. This finding will be helpful to provide the fundamental data which is standard of toxicological heavy metals acceptable on eyeliner products.
Key Words
Eyeliner, Heavy metal, Color cosmetic, Safety
Development and Verification of Make-up Base Containing Aloe
Hye Jo Min , Min Jung Kim , Jeong Hee Kim
19(3) 121-129, 2015
Development and Verification of Make-up Base Containing Aloe
Hye Jo Min , Min Jung Kim , Jeong Hee Kim
Aloe is a popular and effective agent used to cosmetic ingredient. It could replace artificial pigment on make-up base product and it is highly probable that might be useful as ingredients of multi-functional color cosmetic. In this study, we made a makeup base containing aloe extract and tested the effectiveness, safety and stability. Contents of polyphenol and flavonoid from the aloe extract were measured. To determine the antimicrobial effect from the aloe we used the paper disc diffusion method. We assessed the safety of make-up base containing aloe to cultured macrophage RAW 264.7 cells by MTT assay. Polyphenol contents of aloe extract and flavonoid respectively were 48 mg/g and 10 mg/g, in the 10 % concentration aloe extract. In case of aloe make-up base, the clear zone against Stapylococcus epidermidis was 9~11 mm and Stapylococcus aureus was also 9~11 mm. Growth activity of macrophage RAW 264.7 cells was over 80% in all concentration of make-up base containing aloe and general make base product. In conclusion aloe extract may be able to substitute the synthetic pigments and considered to be uses for ingredients multi-functional color cosmetic`s ingredient.
Key Words
Aloe, Make-up Base, Color cosmetic, Effectiveness, Safety
Computerized Human Body Modeling and Work Motion-capturing in a 3-D Virtual Clothing Simulation System for Painting Work Clothes Development
Gin Ah Park
19(3) 130-143, 2015
Computerized Human Body Modeling and Work Motion-capturing in a 3-D Virtual Clothing Simulation System for Painting Work Clothes Development
Gin Ah Park
By studying 3-D virtual human modeling, motion-capturing and clothing simulation for easier and safer work clothes development, this research aimed (1) to categorize heavy manufacturing work motions; (2) to generate a 3-D virtual male model and establish painting work motions within a 3-D virtual clothing simulation system through computerized body scanning and motion-capturing; and finally (3) to suggest simulated clothing images of painting work clothes developed based on virtual male avatar body measurements by implementing the work motions defined in the 3-D virtual clothing simulation system. For this, a male subject``s body was 3-D scanned and also directly measured. The procedures to edit a 3-D virtual model required the total body shape to be 3-D scanned into a digital format, which was revised using 3-D Studio MAX and Maya rendering tools. In addition, heavy industry workers`` work motions were observed and recorded by video camera at manufacturing sites and analyzed to categorize the painting work motions. This analysis resulted in 4 categories of motions: standing, bending, kneeling and walking. Besides, each work motion category was divided into more detailed motions according to sub-work posture factors: arm angle, arm direction, elbow bending angle, waist bending angle, waist bending direction and knee bending angle. Finally, the implementation of the painting work motions within the 3-D clothing simulation system presented the virtual painting work clothes images simulated in a dynamic mode.
Key Words
human body modeling, painting work motion-capturing, 3-D virtual clothing simulation, painting work clothes