Consumer Regulatory Focus and Impulse Buying of Apparel
Go Eun Lee , Yoon Jung Lee
19(6) 1-13, 2015
Consumer Regulatory Focus and Impulse Buying of Apparel
Go Eun Lee , Yoon Jung Lee
This study aimed to determine the relationship between consumer regulatory focus and impulse buying of apparel products and the mediating effect of consumer fashion innovativeness . A large portion of consumer buying behavior is based on impulse. However, impulse buying is difficult to predict; moreover, factors that explain consumers’ impulse buying tendencies are not yet fully identified. In this study, consumer regulatory focus was considered as a factor that explains consumers’ impulse buying tendencies. The purpose of this study was to examine how fashion innovativeness and impulse buying tendencies differ, based on the consumer regulatory focus. A structural equation modeling was conducted to validate the research model. A questionnaire agency conducted online survey for 1 week and of the 400 copies distributed, total of 400 were collected. Promotion-focus and fashion innovativeness were positively correlated, which in turn had an effect on rational, emotional, and situational impulse buying. The promotion-focus had a negative effect on fashion innovation, but a positive effect on emotional impulse buying. On the other hand, prevention-focus had negative effect on emotional impulse buying, and situational impulse buying. Consumer regulatory focus and fashion innovativeness were useful predictors different consumer tendencies of impulse buying of apparel.
A Cross-cultural study of Body Image Perceptions between Korean and British University Students
Bu Yong Kim , Seung Hee Lee
19(6) 14-27, 2015
A Cross-cultural study of Body Image Perceptions between Korean and British University Students
Bu Yong Kim , Seung Hee Lee
This study explores the comparison of body image, body satisfaction, and clothing behaviors between Korean and British young women. Body image was measured by two methods: visual and verbal. For the data analysis, the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) Version 16.0 for Windows was used to provide descriptive statistics, an independent sample t-test, and paired sample t- tests were applied in this study. Our results show that Korean and British female college students perceived ideal-body images that were smaller than their self defined body images. The ideal and self-images were significantly different in both groups. Both groups were dissatisfied with their own body size. The study was limited to a small sample size. Future studies using more participants from a more diverse age group and ethnic groups are recommended. The study will help marketers and retailers develop new products and new markets aimed at Korean and British women related to body image and body satisfaction.
Key Words
Cross-culture, body image, Korean body image, Britain body image
A Study on the Fabric Drape Evaluation Using a 3D Scanning System Based on Depth Camera with Elevating Device
Jong Jun Kim
19(6) 28-41, 2015
A Study on the Fabric Drape Evaluation Using a 3D Scanning System Based on Depth Camera with Elevating Device
Jong Jun Kim
Properties of textile fabrics influence the appearance, aesthetics, and performance of garment. Drape and related properties of fabrics affect profoundly the static and dynamic appearance during wearer’s movement. The three dimensional shape of the folded structure often deforms with time or with subtle vibration around the fabric specimen during the drape measurement. Due to the uneven and complex nature of fabrics, the overall shape of the fabric specimen on the drape tester often becomes unstable. There is a need to understand the fundamental mechanisms of how draping may generate pleasing forms. Two drape test methods, conventional Cusick drape test, and in-built drape tester, based on a depth camera, are compared. Fabric specimens including cotton, linen, silk, wool, polyester, and rayon are investigated for the fabric drape and other physical/mechanical parameters. Drape coefficient values of fabric specimens are compared based on the final drape images, together with the intermediate 3D drape images of the specimens during elevation process of the drape tester equipped with a stepper motor system. The correlation coefficient between the data based on the two methods is reasonably high. Another advantage from the depth camera system is that it allows further analysis of three-dimensional information regarding the fabric drape shape, including the shape of nodes or crest and trough.
Key Words
fabric, drape, 3D scanning, depth camera, elevating device
A Study on the Characteristics of Interactive Fashion Through User Participation
You Na Noh , Ho Sup Kan
19(6) 42-57, 2015
A Study on the Characteristics of Interactive Fashion Through User Participation
You Na Noh , Ho Sup Kan
The purpose of this study is to examine a user-centered and interactivity-based user-participatory design that could be completed by users by helping them to better understand a diverse experience and be involved in a design process. The aspects of expression that were marked by direct user participation and subsequent interactivity in the areas of design, the arts and fashion were investigated to determine their characteristics. The kind of fashion that is characterized by interactivity is of significance in that it is variable according to the purpose of the users, it``s possible to have sustained communication with them through their direct participation, and that the designer is consequently able to build a new, communicative relationship with the users as co-creators. This study found that the characteristics of interactivity through direct user participation are classified into four characteristics; One is playfulness. which offers a new experience and way to create fun and vale. Another is variability, which is changeability of form; the third is the convergence of technology and function. Lastly, the fourth is virtuality. This is to embody images in virtual space.
Key Words
user participation, user experience, interactivity, variability, virtuality, changeability
A Study on the Postmodernism Tendency Expressed in Hedi Slimane`s Men`s Wear Design -Focusing on the Comparison Between the Collection of Dior Homme and Yves Saint Laurent-
Mi Suk Lee , Qing Qing Luo
19(6) 58-73, 2015
A Study on the Postmodernism Tendency Expressed in Hedi Slimane`s Men`s Wear Design -Focusing on the Comparison Between the Collection of Dior Homme and Yves Saint Laurent-
Mi Suk Lee , Qing Qing Luo
The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics of men``s wear designs unveiled while Hedi Slimane worked for Dior Homme and Yves Saint Laurent. The study will analyze and focusing on the modernistic characteristics in order to discover the postmodernism trends in his works. The results of the research are as follows. First, Hedi Slimane``s fashion style can be cited as grunge and punk due to the trend of expressing the subculture of postmodernism. The design features shown in Dior Homme were straight lines, leather, metallic materials and dark colors used to reinterpret a grungy punk style, romantic patterns, glossy materials, elastic leather, and bright colors were the salient features of Yves Saint Laurent. Second, the feature of cultural pluralism of postmodernism appeared as a type ethnic style. He presented this through the Third World images in the Dior Homme but Spanish matador images, Marrakech‘s images and North African images in the Yves Saint Laurent. Third, he feature of his style is metrosexual feminizing men’s fashion and breaking up gender stereotypes. I-type and X-type silhouettes that emphasize the human body and feminine design motifs such as a skirt are dominated in Dior Homme, and he completed the metrosexual style by using materials, colors and patterns such as bright feminine pink, red, laces, fur, floral and leopard prints, as well as flagrantly expressing body contour.
Key Words
Dior Homme, Hedi Slimane, men`s wear, Postmodernism, Yves Saint Laurent
Operation Situation of Academic Credit Bank System for Academic Degree of Cosmetology & Academic Research Trends
Young Jae Lee , Woon Hyun Lee
19(6) 74-81, 2015
Operation Situation of Academic Credit Bank System for Academic Degree of Cosmetology & Academic Research Trends
Young Jae Lee , Woon Hyun Lee
The purpose of this study is to analyze the operation situation & academic research trends in Seoul and Gyeonggi area, based on theoretical consideration on academic credit bank system, focusing on academic credit bank system where a lifelong education institute affiliated with a university produces graduates with associate’s degree. To find out about how academic credit bank institutes are operated in cosmetology field, the analysis of literature review was used, in reference to the literatures as well as administrative data from the Ministry of Education and institutes for lifelong education with respect to academic credit bank system. Further, dissertations and articles in journals were also reviewed for analysis, in order to see academic research trends with respect to academic credit bank system in cosmetology, and finally to provide the directions for a follow-up study in the future. It was found that about 120 junior colleges have cosmetology departments, while only about 20 4-year universities have them, where lifelong education systems such as lifelong education are essential for learners to have bachelor’s degree to go to a graduate school in reality. Every year more people want to learn and acquire the degree through a lifelong education institute affiliated with a university. In this regard, it is thought that there should be first positive social awareness towards a degree recipient from such educations and more administrative promotion and active engagement of government, businesses and schools, in order to vitalize academic credit bank system. Meanwhile, there are only about 10 academic literatures including the dissertations on the operation of academic credit bank system with respect to cosmetology, which is not sufficient number in academic research, compared to the increasing number of people who want to acquire the degree. Most of the preceding studies have been limited to education services and learners’ satisfaction level. Therefore, continuous follow-up study is required on how to improve social awareness as well as teachers and instructors’ satisfaction level, as well as how to develop industry-customized curriculum, in order to ensure active academic credit bank system.
Key Words
Academic credit bank system, bachelor`s associate`s degree, operation situation, academic research trends
Examining the Functions of Attributes of Mobile Applications to Build Brand Community
Kyong Hwa Yi , Mullykar Ruddock , Hj Maria Kim
19(6) 82-100, 2015
Examining the Functions of Attributes of Mobile Applications to Build Brand Community
Kyong Hwa Yi , Mullykar Ruddock , Hj Maria Kim
Mobile fashion apps present much opportunity for marketers to engage consumers, however not all apps provide enough functions for their targeted audience. This study aims to determine how mobile fashion apps can be used to build brand community with consumer engagement. Qualitative data on fashion mobile apps were collected from the Apple app store and Android market during the spring and summer of 2015. A total of 110 fashion mobile apps were collected;, 50 apps were identified as apparel brands that either manufacture or sell apparel to consumers, which we categorized as “brand” fashion apps, and the remaining 60 were categorized as “non-brand” fashion apps. The result of the study can be summarized as below. The 60 non-brand fashion apps were grouped into 5 app types: shopping, searching, sharing, organizational, and informational. The main functions are for informational use and shopping needs, since at least half (31 apps) are used for either retrieving information or for shopping. However, in contrast, social networking and location were infrequent and not commonly utilized by these apps. The most common type of non-brand fashion apps available were shopping apps;, many shopping apps enable users to shop from several different websites and save their items into one universal shopping cart so that they only check out once. Most of these apps are informational and help consumers make more informed decisions on purchases;, in addition many offer location services to help consumers find these items in store. While these apps perform several functions, they do not link to social media. The 50 brand apps were grouped into 5 brand types: athletic, casual, fast fashion, luxury, and retailer. These apps were also checked for attributes to determine their functionality. The result shows that the main functions of brand fashion apps are for information (82% of the 50 apps) as well as location searching (72% of 50 apps). Conversely, these apps do not offer any photo sharing, and very few have organizational or community functions. Fashion mobile apps and m-marketing elements: To build brand community, mobile apps can be designed to motivate consumer’s engagement with brands. The motivations of fashion mobile apps are useful in developing fashion mobile apps. Entertainment motives can be fulfilled with multimedia attributes, functionality motives are satisfied with organizational and location-based features, information motives with informational service, socialization with community and social network, learning and intellectual stimulation from informational attributes, and trend following through photo sharing. The 8 key attributes of mobile apps can correspond to the 4 m-marketing elements (i.e., Informative content, multimedia, interactions, and product promotions) that are further intertwined with m-branding elements. App Attributes and M-Marketing aim to Build Brand Community;, the eight key attributes can impact on 4 m-branding elements, which further contribute to building brand community by affecting consumers’ perceptions of brands preference and advocacy, and their likelihood to be loyal.
Key Words
mobile application, fashion apps, fashion brands, brand community
An Analysis of Menswear Brands in the Current Domestic Fashion Market
Eun Young Jang
19(6) 101-111, 2015
An Analysis of Menswear Brands in the Current Domestic Fashion Market
Eun Young Jang
This study aims to analyze the current state of menswear in the domestic fashion market and the trend of new menswear brands. In addition to this, a comparative analysis of domestic and foreign menswear brands will be done to provide baseline data for the domestic brands in regards to strategic direction in the coming years. The study used reports published by, which provided trends of 110 new brands from 2005 to 2014, in order to analyze the trends of new menswear brands launched during that period. Menswear brand information in the Korean Fashion Brand Annual, of which there were 168, were utilized to research the current state of the brands in the domestic market. As a results, menswear is expected to become more sensitive to trends and designs thanks to steady launchings of menswear brands within character casual zoning for the past 10 years and active brand launchings within contemporary zoning in the last 5 years. Also, as more brands are targeting men in their 20’s as their main customers, it suggests that menswear brands are striving for a younger mindset. In terms of pricing, prestige and budget line launchings they seem to be dwindling, while bridge brands are increasing. This shows that customers are demanding luxury items at a reasonable price. Since there are higher ratio of foreign brands in dress shirts and contemporary zoning, domestic brands need to develop and produce more high quality clothes within these zonings.
Key Words
Current State of the Menswear Market, Trends of New Menswear Brand, Brand Characteristics
Motivations and Characteristics of Hashtag Users
Gwon Il Kim , Ga Yeon Jung , Ye Ji Song , Jee Sun Park
19(6) 112-126, 2015
Motivations and Characteristics of Hashtag Users
Gwon Il Kim , Ga Yeon Jung , Ye Ji Song , Jee Sun Park
In social environments, hashtags have been widely adopted and have become a new form of language for users. The current study attempts to enhance our understanding of users and their motivations to use hashtags when posting fashion-related information. Specifically, this study examines whether user characteristics (fashion leadership, conspicuousness) influence their motivations to use hashtags (curation, self-presentation, information diffusion), which then leads to behavioral intentions to continue to use hashtags and recommend the same to others. An online survey was administered to test our research questions. A total of 136 consumers in their 20s, 30s, and 40s living in Korea were used for data analysis. Structural equation modeling was conducted, which revealed that fashion leadership and conspicuousness had a positive impact on users’ motivations of curation, self-presentation, and information diffusion. Motivations of self-presentation and information diffusions were found to affect users’ behavioral intentions while curation had no significant impact. Practical implications are presented.
Measuring Importance of Online Apparel Stores` Design Attributes Using Three Different Methods
Keun Young Oh , Mi Young Lee
19(6) 127-138, 2015
Measuring Importance of Online Apparel Stores` Design Attributes Using Three Different Methods
Keun Young Oh , Mi Young Lee
Due to the virtual nature of online businesses, online apparel stores need to enhance the consumer experience by utilizing store design attributes to provide their customers relevant and sufficient information. Since online apparel stores mainly communicate with their customers virtually and digitally, it is important to understand how consumers perceive and react to different design attributes commonly found on apparel stores`` online websites. The purpose of this paper is to examine the importance of design attributes commonly found on online apparel stores`` websites using three different importance measurements. The design attributes examined in this study include enlarged pictures, product detail pictures, product reviews by other buyers, coordinating items, and size measurement charts. The three different measurements used in this study include two direct measures and one indirect measure using conjoint analysis. Across the three different measures, both the men and women indicated that enlarged pictures represent the most important design attribute when they purchase clothes online followed by size measurement charts and they considered the availability of coordinating items the least important design attribute.