A Study on Adult Women`s-Awareness of Cosmetics Distribution Channels and Purchase Intention 성인 여성의 화장품 유통채널별 인식도와 구매의도에 관한 연구
황금빛누리 Geumvitnuri Hwang , 신세영 Sae Young Shin
20(1) 1-16, 2016
A Study on Adult Women`s-Awareness of Cosmetics Distribution Channels and Purchase Intention 성인 여성의 화장품 유통채널별 인식도와 구매의도에 관한 연구
황금빛누리 Geumvitnuri Hwang , 신세영 Sae Young Shin
Korean cosmetic distribution channels were formerly divided into sales visits and specialty shops, which made up the entire cosmetics market. However, recently the market and cosmetic distribution channels have become much more diversified. Thus, research for this study focused on the usage and purchase situations of cosmetic distribution channels depending on cosmetic type perception. This study also focused on the intent to purchase cosmetics by a cosmetic distribution channel in order to provide a precise cognitive background of consumers regarding cosmetic distribution channels. In doing so, the competitiveness of those channels could be procured and the causal relationships between these variables can be investigated. To achieve these purposes, the research model and hypotheses were derived through literature research on the cosmetics industry, cosmetic distribution channels, and consumers’ intent to purchase. A survey was implemented from September 1st to 14th, 2014 for empirical testing. and was given to female consumers in their 20s. 468 out of 500 surveys were collected; a total of 415 were used for analysis while the others were excluded due to with unreliable responses. The SPSS 21.0 program was used for analysis of materials. The overall conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship between perception of cosmetic distribution channels and intent to purchase. The above research results may stimulate establishment of marketing implications and research material when establishing marketing strategies to promote cosmetic distribution and consumption.
Key Words
cosmetics distribution channels, 화장품 유통채널, awareness of cosmetics distribution channels, 화장품 유통채널별 인식도, consumer, 소비자, consumer purchase intention, 소비자 구매의도
The Effect of Fashion Company`s CSR Efforts on the Social Relationship and Pro-Social Consumption Behavior 패션기업의 노력이 CSR 사회관계성과 친사회적 소비행동에 미치는 영향
나윤규 Youn Kue Na
20(1) 17-34, 2016
The Effect of Fashion Company`s CSR Efforts on the Social Relationship and Pro-Social Consumption Behavior 패션기업의 노력이 CSR 사회관계성과 친사회적 소비행동에 미치는 영향
나윤규 Youn Kue Na
This research is a construct to understand CSR and pro-social consumption behavior of fashion consumers which classifies CSR efforts of fashion company and conducts positive analysis of the relationship between such characteristics and social relationship behaviors(sharing of values, consciousness of kind, consciousness of future expectation) and pro-social consumption behavior. For this path analysis was conducted utilizing a sample of 430 consumers who have experience of CSR efforts of fashion brands. The result is as follows. First, as a result of the path relationship among CSR efforts & sharing of values of fashion brands, consciousness of kind and consciousness of future expectation, economic efforts, relational efforts and cyclical efforts meaningfully affected sharing of values, whereas creative efforts did not. Also, relational and creative efforts meaningfully affected consciousness of kind, whereas economic and cyclical efforts did not. Furthermore, economic, relational and cyclical efforts meaningfully affected consciousness of future expectation, when creative efforts failed. Second, as a result of the analysis of path relationship among sharing of values, consciousness of kind, consciousness of future expectation and pro-social consumption behavior of social relationships, sharing of values had a meaningful impact on consciousness of kind, consciousness of future expectation and pro-social consumption behavior. And finally consciousness of kind and future expectation showed meaningful influence on pro-social consumption behavior.
Key Words
fashion company, 패션기업, corporate social responsibility, 기업의 사회적 책임노력, social relationship, 사회관계성, social capital, 사회적자본, pro-social consumption behavior, 친사회적소비행동
Nomadism in Yeohlee Teng`s Works 욜리 텡(Yeohlee Teng) 디자인에 표현된 노마디즘
임은혁 Eun Hyuk Yim
20(1) 35-52, 2016
Nomadism in Yeohlee Teng`s Works 욜리 텡(Yeohlee Teng) 디자인에 표현된 노마디즘
임은혁 Eun Hyuk Yim
Yeohlee Teng``s ``Urban Nomad`` concept stresses high mobility and flexibility in ``Clothing-as-shelter`` in order to satisfy the needs of urban dwellers. Yeohlee interprets clothing as a portable environment that protects and shelters urban nomads as well as creates space of clothing as intimate architecture. This study examines Nomadism inYeohlee``s designs since 1981 when she received the attention from the fashion critics, by conducting literary survey as well as case analysis. Nomadism in Yeohlee``s work showed the following characterizes. First, ``modular system`` deals with the organized dressing system that enables interchanging and layering of separates that function in the fifth season; second, ``organic geometry`` describes the architectonic approach to clothing as wearable structure that transforms two dimensional geometry into three dimensional form; third, ``functionalism`` refers to the use of technological novel materials, ergonomic clothing construction, and the strategy of using structure as decoration; and fourth, ``reductionism`` is the economical approach for realizing Nomadism, which is composed of one-size-fits-all as well as unisex size system and ``zero waste`` strategy to maximize use of a piece of cloth.
A Study on the Assessment of the Index for Sustainable Development of On-line Fashion Advertising 온라인 패션광고의 지속가능발전 지표 평가 연구
손미영 Mi Young Son
20(1) 53-68, 2016
A Study on the Assessment of the Index for Sustainable Development of On-line Fashion Advertising 온라인 패션광고의 지속가능발전 지표 평가 연구
손미영 Mi Young Son
The purpose of this research was to evaluate the possibility of sustainable development of online advertisements conducted by fashion companies. Factors composed of sustainable development indexes of online advertisement that had been developed in previous studies were identified, and then the relevance between purchase intention and advertisement experience was evaluated. An online survey of 573 persons in the 20 to 40 age range who own mobile phone and have experienced online advertisements of a fashion brand or a fashion company was conducted. The data collected from the survey and the results are as follows. First, the validity and reliability from confirmatory factor analysis of six factors (namely, personal information protection, web use infringement, advertisement expression harmfulness, advertisement expression objectivity, emotional responsibility, and environment-friendly) and 21 questions was confirmed. Second, it confirmed that consumers gave low points to the evaluation of sustainable development indexes of online advertisement of fashion companies. In particular, that consumers gave low points with regard to both environmental friendliness and web use infringement. Third, it was identified that personal indexes such as personal information protection, web use infringement, and indexes relating to advertisement expressions do not directly influence the consumer’s purchase intention. However, social indexes like emotional responsibility and environmental friendliness do have an influence on the consumer’s positive action intention.
The Effect of Emotional Labor, Emotional Exhaustion, and Depression on Job-Related Attitudes Fashion Store Salespersons 패션매장 판매원의 감정노동과 감정적 고갈 및 우울이 직무관련 태도에 미치는 영향
이옥희 Ok Hee Lee
20(1) 69-81, 2016
The Effect of Emotional Labor, Emotional Exhaustion, and Depression on Job-Related Attitudes Fashion Store Salespersons 패션매장 판매원의 감정노동과 감정적 고갈 및 우울이 직무관련 태도에 미치는 영향
이옥희 Ok Hee Lee
In this study investigated the effect of emotional labor, emotional exhaustion, and depression on the job-related attitudes. Sample subjects used in this study were salespeople of a fashion shop in Jeollabukdo and Jeollanamdo. Questionnaire data from 160 fashion shop salespeople were analyzed through a reliability analysis, factor analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The results of the study were as follows. First, emotional labor of salespeople was divided into 2 factors, surface acting and deep acting. Second, emotional labor had a significant influence on the emotional exhaustion and depression. Third, the surface acting of emotional labor had a positive influence on the emotional exhaustion and depression; whereas, the deep acting of emotional labor had a negative influence on the emotional exhaustion and depression. Fourth, the surface acting of emotional labor, emotional exhaustion, and depression had a negative influence on job involvement; in addition, the deep acting of emotional labor had a positive influence on job involvement. Fifth, the surface acting of emotional labor, emotional exhaustion, and depression had a positive influence on turnover intention; in addition, the deep acting of emotional labor had a negative influence on turnover intention.
A Study on the Movie Costume of the「Bonnie and Clyde」 영화 「우리에게 내일은 없다」의 의상분석
임자람 Ja Ram Lim , 이정순 Jung Soon Lee
20(1) 82-97, 2016
A Study on the Movie Costume of the「Bonnie and Clyde」 영화 「우리에게 내일은 없다」의 의상분석
임자람 Ja Ram Lim , 이정순 Jung Soon Lee
This study attempted to summarize the characteristics of fashion in the 1930s which were the background of ‘Bonnie and Clyde’ and analyze how fashion in the 1930s was expressed through costume in the movie, focusing on some critical scenes. For this, previous studies and domestic & foreign books, magazines and DVDs relating to movie costume were examined. For analysis of movie costume, ‘Bonnie and Clyde (1967)’ DVDwas referred to. In the movie, meaningful scenes were captured using a GOM Player. Then, the study results found the followings: First, in terms of women’s fashion in the 1930s, adult look and slim & long silhouette which naturally revealed breast, waist and hip with a long skirt, a military look with strong shoulders and tailored costume were found. In terms of men’s fashion, in contrast, the Duke of Windsor Style (a slim silhouette jacket and loose pants) was popular. Second, in the movie, Bonnie’s costume started with a slim linen H-line dress at her first meeting with Clyde. While committing crimes and becoming a famous gangster, she displayed the fashion styles which were in vogue in the 1930s such as fancy and luxurious slim dress, tailored suit and trench coat. Third, in terms of Clyde’s costume, from his first meeting with Bonnie to his first crime, he put on common costume (ex: pants, vest, shirts, etc.) which revealed his open and unconventional character. After he became a famous gangster, he would wear the Duke of Windsor style (jacket, vest and pants). The study results well describe movie costume’s role as visual language which expresses characters’ inner circumstances and outer situations that reflect socio-cultural background.
Key Words
movie costume, 영화 의상, slim & long silhouette, 슬림 앤 롱 실루엣, the Duke of Windsor Style, 윈저 공 스타일
Comparative Study on Colors Between Korean Traditional Color and Digital Transfer Textile Printing -Focusing on The Red-Series of Korean Traditional Standard colors- 한국 전통색채와 디지털 전사 날염 색채 비교연구 -한국전통표준색명의 적색계를 중심으로-
박서린 Suh Rin Park , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim
20(1) 98-114, 2016
Comparative Study on Colors Between Korean Traditional Color and Digital Transfer Textile Printing -Focusing on The Red-Series of Korean Traditional Standard colors- 한국 전통색채와 디지털 전사 날염 색채 비교연구 -한국전통표준색명의 적색계를 중심으로-
박서린 Suh Rin Park , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim
This research study was performed to compare between Korean traditional color and digital transfer textile printing. This would help to find the new direction to apply Korean traditional colors to modern textile industry. The objective of this study is to digitalize Korean traditional colors to be applied to modern textiles, based on research studies by previous researchers, on the actualization of Korean traditional colors for textiles. The study focused on 21 red colors among others. Digital color palette of graphic program was printed on 6 different polyester textiles by using digital transfer textile printing. Different things to be supplemented were found by comparing the results with the colors of Korean traditional standard color names. After measuring the colors, Munsell color system and CIE L*a*b* value were measured then comparative study was performed on the measured values using 3D graphs. Measured colors of Munsell varied by color but in overall, chroma became low while brightness became high. Color characteristic of warm colors got weakened by turning into cold colors as brightness got high but yellow and red got low due to the characteristics of CIE L*a*b* value. This study has limitations with color analysis of digital transfer textile printing due to standardization of textiles and standardization of traditional colors however it can support to actualize the colors for the design using traditional color names by visualizing the color change of digital transfer textile printing in the future.
Key Words
traditional color, 전통색채, red-series, 적색계, digital transfer textile printing, 디지털 전사날염
The Color Characteristics and Image of the Olympic Host Country`s Uniforms 올림픽 개최국가 유니폼의 색채 특성과 이미지
임송미 Song Mi Lim , 이미숙 Mi Suk Lee
20(1) 115-126, 2016
The Color Characteristics and Image of the Olympic Host Country`s Uniforms 올림픽 개최국가 유니폼의 색채 특성과 이미지
임송미 Song Mi Lim , 이미숙 Mi Suk Lee
Today the Olympics are considered representative of a culture that symbolizes the country``s image and cultural specificity, and important colors act as effective means of Olympics marketing. Each color is unique to the natural environment and cultural heritage is one of the languages of each country, region or community and it symbolizes. Hence, the purpose of this study was to examine the color and to view the color image displayed on Olympic uniforms based on the national color sensibility. After analyzing the color image of the Olympic athletes, including six kinds of uniforms and operational personnel, a cool casual/casual image is created more frequently, followed by a modern, gorgeous, dynamic, elegant/chic, dandy/classic image. The uniform color is consistent with the national image and the theme of the Pyeongchang Olympics is to enhance the country``s competitiveness by widely promoting the national image of Korea around the world. Furthermore, it is necessary to provide the empirical basis for creating the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympic uniforms.
Key Words
color, 색채, color image, 색채 이미지, national image, 국가이미지, olympic, 올림픽, uniform, 유니폼
A Study on the Current Status of Hanbok Brands and Aesthetic Characteristics 한복 브랜드의 현황과 미적특성
배리듬 Rhy Thm Bae , 이미숙 Mi Suk Lee , 김은정 Eun Jung Kim
20(1) 127-141, 2016
A Study on the Current Status of Hanbok Brands and Aesthetic Characteristics 한복 브랜드의 현황과 미적특성
배리듬 Rhy Thm Bae , 이미숙 Mi Suk Lee , 김은정 Eun Jung Kim
Korea traditional dresses are making news everyday through popular media and a number of exhibitions and fashion shows that have been held as a way to activate the use of the hanbok. This study intends to examine the current status of handbook brands and analyze the aesthetic characteristics of the hanbok. This study defined the terms related with the hanbok and examined the chronological changes in the hanbok through a literature review, an examination of the aesthetic characteristics of Korean traditional clothing, and ananalysis of the aesthetic characteristics by dividing currently available hanbok brands in to the traditional hanbok. According to the results of the study, hanbok brands were divided into Traditional Hanbok, Life Hanbok, and New Hanbok. The Traditional Hanbok brands represented traditional beauty, the beauty of formality, symbolic beauty, and the beauty of nature. The Life Hanbok brands represented symbolic beauty, natural beauty, the beauty of blending, and the proportional beauty. The New Hanbok brands represented natural beauty, unproportaional beauty, the beauty of line, and the beauty of moderation. Therefore the New Hanboks gave changes to the traditional clothing and the unique clothing of our nation. Its formative elements coexist according to their characteristics.
Key Words
Hanbok brands, 한복브랜드, aesthetic characteristics, 미적특성, Traditional Hanbok, 전통한복, Life Hanbok, 생활한복, New Hanbok, 신한복
Development of NFC Mobile Application for Information on Textile Materials 패션소재 정보 전달을 위한 NFC 모바일 어플리케이션 개발
박소현 So Hyun Park , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim
20(1) 142-156, 2016
Development of NFC Mobile Application for Information on Textile Materials 패션소재 정보 전달을 위한 NFC 모바일 어플리케이션 개발
박소현 So Hyun Park , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim
Convergence of IT devices and fashion is enabling the industry to take fully different approaches in various areas including product planning, fabric selecting, distributing, and marketing. At the same time, it also transforms the definition of clothing itself. Convergence of IT technologies in the realm of fashion and textiles industries can create a powerful synergy through connection digital devices, such as mobile phone. In this context, this study attempts to suggest how IT technology can be efficiently harnessed through the usage of mobile devices in the planning stage of fashion materials, where the initial production plan of a clothing item is mapped out. This study ultimately aims to enhance the effectiveness of databases on fashion material information by using mobile devices to utilize NFC, an RFID technology having as much revolutionary power as Internet . which can be the convergence between IT and fashion across the software dimensions. To pursue this research, data on fashion material information regarding 200 woven fabric specimens were provided by textile companies. The information includes elements such as its composition, weight, width, yarn, density and sales report. These pieces of information were organized into a database. Drawing on this data, Android-based applications that allow smart phones to read off fabric information from NFC tags were developed for this study using two methods. The system works as follows: 1. NFC tag stickers are attached onto the hangers where 200 fabric samples are hanging. 2. The NFC tag stickers are tagged, or read off from a smart phone that support NFC functions. 3. Upon tagging, the Smart phone swiftly displays all information available on its screen - not only the aforementioned six elements, but also the image of the clothing item from the fabric in its finalized product form, and the video of the model wearing the item. for convenient view. The method harbors immense potential for the fashion industry in general, and will also be useful in those fields inside the industry that harness NFC technology.
Key Words
Woven fabric, 직물, Database, 데이터베이스, NFC, 근거리무선통신, Mobileapplication, 모바일 어플리케이션
A Study on the Changes of Power Shoulder Shape in Contemporary Fashion 현대패션에 나타난 파워 숄더의 형태 변화 연구
김효주 Hyo Ju Kim , 배수정 Soo Jeong Bae
20(1) 157-172, 2016
A Study on the Changes of Power Shoulder Shape in Contemporary Fashion 현대패션에 나타난 파워 숄더의 형태 변화 연구
김효주 Hyo Ju Kim , 배수정 Soo Jeong Bae
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the transitional aspects of the power shoulders with a comparative analysis of the patterns observed from the late 20th century to the present. The method of study was through review of papers as well as phenomenological approaches. Books, domestic and international journals, and dissertations were studied as part of the paper review. Phenomenological study was performed by analyzing the pictures from late 20th to present; and categorized by 10 year time span i. e., 1980-1990, and 2002-2012. Hundred representative fashion photos were selected, respectively. As a result, the power shoulder found in late 20 centuries was largely limited to horizontal and diagonal shape, addressed mainly to the jackets; while they were straight, and wide shouldered, with emphasis on masculine style. On the other hand, in early 21 century, the power shoulder was applied in various forms of straight, diagonal, circular and ornamental with objects, not only to the jackets, but also to feminine styles such as one-piece dress, vest, and blouse. This finding may be attributed to the fact that the modern people desire newer trends and women tend to show off their ability in transcending those of men. The findings of analysis of the transitional aspects of power shoulder in this thesis might contribute as basic resources for anticipating the trends that might be revived in the future.
Key Words
power shoulder, 파워 숄더, power suit, 파워 슈트, 20th century fashion, 20세기패션, 21th century fashion, 21세기 패션
A Study on the Effect of Mediating Roles on Attractiveness of Alternatives on the Relationship between the Quality of Beauty Service and the Service Loyalty 미용서비스품질과 서비스충성도간 관계에서 대안매력도의 조절효과
이유미 You Mi Lee , 이난희 Nan Hee Rhee
20(1) 173-190, 2016
A Study on the Effect of Mediating Roles on Attractiveness of Alternatives on the Relationship between the Quality of Beauty Service and the Service Loyalty 미용서비스품질과 서비스충성도간 관계에서 대안매력도의 조절효과
이유미 You Mi Lee , 이난희 Nan Hee Rhee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating roles of relationship quality, satisfaction and trust, and switching cost during the process of the effects of service quality in the beauty industry. Assuming the attractiveness of alternatives of such structural relations may differ between paths of groups, effects of influence on the relation of each composition concept were investigated. This study adopted a three-dimensional model of service quality, "process quality", "outcome quality", and "environment quality." Amos was used to analyze the research hypotheses and the proposed model. The result of the study suggests that service quality positively influences relationship quality, and relationship quality yields service loyalty. The results also indicates that relationship quality positively influences switching cost and switching cost positively influences service loyalty. Each service quality dimension had a significant effect on satisfaction, trust, and the relative importance of service quality dimensions on satisfaction; trust followed the order of process quality, outcome quality, and environment quality. The moderating variable such as the alternatives’ attractiveness is found to be important moderators of the path of the model.
Key Words
service quality, 서비스 품질, relationship quality, 관계품질, switching cost, 전환비용, service loyalty, 서비스 충성도, attractiveness of alternatives, 대안의 매력도