A Study on Taekwondo Uniform Wear and Design Preference -Focused on Target General Consumer and Taekwondo Player- 태권도복 착용 현황 및 디자인 선호에 관한 연구 -일반 소비자와 태권도 선수를 대상으로-
이하은 Ha Eun Lee , 최정욱 Jung Wook Choi
20(2) 1-15, 2016
A Study on Taekwondo Uniform Wear and Design Preference -Focused on Target General Consumer and Taekwondo Player- 태권도복 착용 현황 및 디자인 선호에 관한 연구 -일반 소비자와 태권도 선수를 대상으로-
이하은 Ha Eun Lee , 최정욱 Jung Wook Choi
Currently, a lot of people are aware of their health and well-being, so they are concerned about their healthcare. ‘Taekwondo’ is one of the popular sports that Korean people are passionate about Taekwondo has also become globalized. The uniform of Taekwondo is gaining importance. Taekwondo involves a lot of movement, hence the pattern should facilitate the movement. In addition Taekwondo uniform pattern should meet the demands of functionality, fit and consumer design preferences. This study aimed to provide the basic data for development of Taekwondo uniform pattern based on design preferences and functionality to wearer satisfaction. The result of this method indicated fit and design details. Also, the length of pants, top, and sleeve was too wide, which has to more fitted for both of genders. For females, the breakpoint was too low, which requires some increase to make females feel more secure. In conclusion, the results of this study indicated that in order to increase ‘Takwondo’ value, Taekwondo uniform is required to be more fashionable and comfortable to wear, which could influence other sports wear.
Key Words
Taekwondo Uniform(태권도복), wear situation(착용현황), design preference(디자인선호도), functionality of movement(동작기능성)
The Application Methods of Hologram Technology in Fashion Business 패션 비즈니스에서 홀로그램 기술을 이용한 마케팅 활용 방안
정화연 Hwa-yeon Jeong
20(2) 16-31, 2016
The Application Methods of Hologram Technology in Fashion Business 패션 비즈니스에서 홀로그램 기술을 이용한 마케팅 활용 방안
정화연 Hwa-yeon Jeong
This study analyzed cases that applied hologram technology in the fashion industry in order to provide basic information for research on fashion marketing using hologram technology. The results of this study are as follows. A hologram was applied to fashion businesses in various ways including fashion shows, outdoor signboards, hologram windows or screens in stores, and launching shows or exhibitions. Most of these cases were foreign fashion brands, which utilized hologram technology actively for formulating a new brand image or for advertising products. Among Korean brands, however, there are not many cases of hologram application. Today, as-being the age of smart devices, the mobile advertisement market is growing rapidly among smart phone users. DKNY and Puma are providing information on styling through smart phone applications, and the Adidas stores in Germany also allow the customers to buy goods by entering a simple code through the smart phone. Recently, new devices are being introduced one by one, which display 2D digital contents in 3D holograms by combining mobile and hologram technologies. The marketing of fashion products is not just for supplying products but is required to satisfy the consumers’ five senses. Therefore, the development of experiential contents based on the combination of mobile and hologram technologies will open new potential for profitable business models.
Key Words
hologram technology(홀로그램 기술), mobile advertisement market(모바일 광고시장), digital contents(디지털 컨텐츠), 3D hologram(3D 홀로그램)
A Study of the Outdoor Look Features in Modern Fashion Collections -Focusing on women`s ready-to-wear collection 2014 to 2015- 현대 패션 컬렉션에 나타난 아웃도어 룩의 특성 연구 -2014년에서 2015년 여성복 컬렉션을 중심으로-
김미경 Mi Kyoung Kim , 간호섭 Ho Sup Kan
20(2) 32-45, 2016
A Study of the Outdoor Look Features in Modern Fashion Collections -Focusing on women`s ready-to-wear collection 2014 to 2015- 현대 패션 컬렉션에 나타난 아웃도어 룩의 특성 연구 -2014년에서 2015년 여성복 컬렉션을 중심으로-
김미경 Mi Kyoung Kim , 간호섭 Ho Sup Kan
Outdoor wear, which is typically worn for outdoor activities, has become a style that is worn on a daily basis, much like ordinary clothes, through recent megatrends. There are new approaches to outdoor wear with high-fashion brands and designers recently taking part in the trend. This indicates that outdoor wear has already reached high-fashion, no longer making it just a megatrend or daily fashion. Therefore this study aims to find new features of outdoor looks and designs, through the latest women``s ready-to-wear collections from 2014 to 2015. The study will focus on mega collections, which have shown many new approaches, and searches to change and development the present day outdoor look design, by using the word ``outdoor look`` which is explained as a ``style`` in a broad sense, and using it a general term of ``clothes``. High fashion brands have pursued changing their styles by mixing their designs with outdoor wear``s variety, functionality and details; attempting new approaches and challenges. Due to these updated changes, the outdoor look is thriving and becoming part of high fashion. Looking forward to future new approaches and the development of the outdoor look will help catapult this type of ``style`` into a new category of modern fashion.
A Study on Modern Fashion Applying the Characteristicsof the Traditional Architecture Types in Southeast Asia 동남아 전통건축의 유형별 특성이 적용된 현대패션연구
윤지영 Ji Young Yoon , 박희정 Hee Jeong Park , 간호섭 Ho-sup Kan
20(2) 46-58, 2016
A Study on Modern Fashion Applying the Characteristicsof the Traditional Architecture Types in Southeast Asia 동남아 전통건축의 유형별 특성이 적용된 현대패션연구
윤지영 Ji Young Yoon , 박희정 Hee Jeong Park , 간호섭 Ho-sup Kan
Architecture and Fashion mutually affects the shape and appearance of the other as an art of space according to the hybrid trends. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find the correlations between the characteristics of traditional architecture types in Southeast Asia and modern fashion. Firstly, characteristics of the types obtained through the theoretical consideration of Southeast Asian architectural tradition include vertical, symmetrical, geometrical, epeated and continual structure. On the basis of these characteristics analyzed from 2013``s S/S to 2015``s F/W collection of Alexander McQueen, Gareth Pugh, Victor & Rolf, designers with strong creative and experimental minds who juxtaposed designs of two opposing points as well as hybrids since 2000, the following formativeness exists. First, the vertical structure of high floor is represented as a straight silhouette, a color contrast, vertical cut or wrinkle. Hence, it impresses verticality, rhythm, etc. Second, symmetrical structure of the gable roof is represented as a trapezoidal shape starting from the shoulder line or neck line widened into sleeves, impressing symmetry, dynamism, etc. Third, the geometry of the assembled is represented as vertical and horizontal bands or pattern pieces like puzzle, impressing geometry, three-dimensional, etc. Fourth, repeated structure of the weaving pattern is represented as repetitive patterns of woven fabric or printing techniques. Thus, it impresses repeatability, harmony, etc. And lastly, continuous group structure is represented as a connection of collars or hem-lines, as well as a crossing of fabric that impresses continuity, liquidity, etc.
Key Words
Southeast Asia(동남아시아), architecture(건축), structure(구조), formativeness(조형성), modern fashion(현대패션)
Headdress Designs appearing in Haute Couture Collection -Focused on 2010 S/S∼2015 S/S- 오트 쿠튀르 컬렉션에 나타난 헤드드레스 디자인 -2010 S/S∼2015 S/S 컬렉션을 중심으로-
최진영 Jin Young Choi , 김지영 Ji Young Kim
20(2) 59-77, 2016
Headdress Designs appearing in Haute Couture Collection -Focused on 2010 S/S∼2015 S/S- 오트 쿠튀르 컬렉션에 나타난 헤드드레스 디자인 -2010 S/S∼2015 S/S 컬렉션을 중심으로-
최진영 Jin Young Choi , 김지영 Ji Young Kim
The purpose of this study is to use data from studies of headdresses which might be helpful for creating new fashion styles. Headdresses in 2010 S/S-2015 S/S Paris haute couture collections were analyzed in the following categories: years, season, brand, type, color, material, and image. The types of headdresses were categorized as hat, hood, decorative or complex types. The hat type was elegant with a modern style, and coexisted with an exaggerated avant garde style. The hood type wrapped around the head with many examples having a distinctive sculpture on top of the knot. The decorative type varied dramatically in form and materials. The complex type was a blend of all the other types with the designer’s individuality being outstanding. The characteristics of headdresses were revealed first, as an enlargement of the materials category, second, as an expression of dramatic forms, and third, as complete coordination of the creative fashion image. The headdresses illustrate the designer``s creativity in producing a variety of images. Henceforth they will be important as fashion items and independent designs in fashion styling.
Key Words
headdress(헤드드레스), haute couture(오트 쿠튀르), fashion collection(패션 컬렉션), total coordination(토탈 코디네이션)
Costume Colors Follow Story Structure on Fantasy Film 『Alice in Wonderland』by Tim Burton 팀 버튼 감독의 판타지 영화 『이상한 나라의 앨리스』의 스토리 전개구조에 따른 의상색채 연구
박혜원 Hye Won Park
20(2) 78-96, 2016
Costume Colors Follow Story Structure on Fantasy Film 『Alice in Wonderland』by Tim Burton 팀 버튼 감독의 판타지 영화 『이상한 나라의 앨리스』의 스토리 전개구조에 따른 의상색채 연구
박혜원 Hye Won Park
This study investigated the colors of the costumes and backgrounds of characters in the fantasy film, Alice in Wonderland(2010) by Tim Burton. The methods used were literature studies including related books, articles and internet materials, and positive research with DVD color analysis. Twenty-one scenes were selected by the researcher. Five scenes were selected from novel and film components representing, exposition, complication, crisis, climax, and denouement. After controlled pixel by photoshop program and the represented colors, hues and tones were analyzed. The results were as follows; First, in four characters, Alice``s dress colors changed depend on the situation and the passage offered from blue to red, metal light, and blue green. The Mad Hatter``s colors were orange with green which signified madness and passion. The Red Queen``s red dress and blue make up represented countrified and evil. The White Queen``s all white dress and hair, black eyes and vivid red meant purity and nobility. Similar characters`` colors were limited. Second, the background colors , especially tones were an important component of the fantasy image. These were different for each type of scene in the film such as exposition, complication, crisis, climax, and denouement.
Key Words
Alice in Wonderland(이상한 나라의 앨리스), Tim Burton(팀 버튼), film costume(영화 의상), costume color(의상 색채)
Fashion Style and Image Preference for University students -focused Daejeon and Gyeonggi area- 대학생의 패션스타일과 이미지 선호도 연구 -대전과 경기지역 대학생을 중심으로-
차수정 Su-joung Cha
20(2) 97-106, 2016
Fashion Style and Image Preference for University students -focused Daejeon and Gyeonggi area- 대학생의 패션스타일과 이미지 선호도 연구 -대전과 경기지역 대학생을 중심으로-
차수정 Su-joung Cha
This study aims examine specific image preferences through selected fashion style and evaluation terms. Therefore, this study provided basic information in order to help select a suitable fashion style within a desired image. As times are changing, most people obtain information about fashion through the use of the Internet by utilizing mobile phones and personal computers and less through magazines, newspapers and so on. When people buy clothes, they seem to be more influenced by the design and color than by price and quality. It is not perceived important for buying like company, advertising, the place of purchase etc. The results of the analysis reveal the structural elements of an image having a sense of fashion style and can be categorized as a natural image, romantic image, elegance image, casual image and avant-garde image. Among the six fashion styles, the natural image is regarded the highest A style. The romantic image is the highest B style and elegance image is the C, D, E style. The casual image is the highest F style and avant-garde image is a D style. In regards to appropriate fashion style by ages, the twenty-something population is investigated in finding a fit that is lively and vibrant in style while the thirty-something population is perceived to identify with a more feminine style. The forty-something population has shown to prefer a more luxurious style. Through this observation one can see that there is a distinction is fashion style between ages.
A Comparative Analysis of Clothing Color of Women`s Street Fashion between Korea and China -Focused on Seoul, Beijing, Dalian, Qingdao and Nanjing on 2015 S/S- 한,중 도시 간 여성 스트리트 패션 색채 비교 분석 -2015 S/S 베이징, 다롄, 칭다오, 난징, 서울을 중심으로-
백정현 Jeong Hyun Baek , 오현아 Hyun A Oh , 배수정 Soo Jeong Bae
20(2) 107-123, 2016
A Comparative Analysis of Clothing Color of Women`s Street Fashion between Korea and China -Focused on Seoul, Beijing, Dalian, Qingdao and Nanjing on 2015 S/S- 한,중 도시 간 여성 스트리트 패션 색채 비교 분석 -2015 S/S 베이징, 다롄, 칭다오, 난징, 서울을 중심으로-
백정현 Jeong Hyun Baek , 오현아 Hyun A Oh , 배수정 Soo Jeong Bae
The purpose of this study is to obtain specific data about the characteristics of color preference on Women’s street fashion within China and Korea. Photos of Women’s street fashion from the twenties and thirties were taken in person in four cities in China(Beijing, Dalian, Qingdao and Nanjing) and Seoul from July 2nd to August 10th, 2015. Three hundred photos in each city were selected, making a total of 1,500 photos. In the analysis of the colors of the clothing in these five cities, the uses of the multi color was most frequent in Dalian, while those of Black was most prevalent in Beijing, Qingdao, Nanjing and Seoul. The Black proved to be commonly preferred through all the items, regardless of terms of the nationality, areas and seasonal changes. The high incidence of Purple Blue color in Beijing, Dalian and Qingdao might be attributed to their preference of the blue jeans. The Multi color was highly shown in all the cities which might be due to their preference of compound colors rather than the mono ones. The high preference for the chromatic colors such as Red, Yellow Red and Yellow might be ascribed to the Chinese traditional color preferences. The differences lies in the color tones, such as the dark and light grayish tone emphasized in Seoul and Nanjing, and vivid and strong tones in Beijing, Dalian and Qingdao. Seoul shows a liking for the achromatic colors, preferring dark and grayish tones, compared with four cities in China, only Nanjing has a similar trend to Seoul. This study analyzes geographical preferences in China that possibly contribute to the launching of Korean fashion brands in view of the design and marketing as a useful basic resources.
Key Words
street fashion(스트리트 패션), Chinese fashion market(중국 패션 시장), clothingcolors(의복색), color trend(컬러 트렌드)
A Study on the Three-dimensional Expression of Fashionable Textiles based on Analyses of 3D Scanning and Textile Properties -Focus on the Work of Iris van Herpen- 패션소재의 입체적 표현에 대한 3D Scanning 및 소재특성 분석 연구 -Iris van Herpen의 작품을 중심으로-
이레아 Re A Lee , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim
20(2) 124-133, 2016
A Study on the Three-dimensional Expression of Fashionable Textiles based on Analyses of 3D Scanning and Textile Properties -Focus on the Work of Iris van Herpen- 패션소재의 입체적 표현에 대한 3D Scanning 및 소재특성 분석 연구 -Iris van Herpen의 작품을 중심으로-
이레아 Re A Lee , 김종준 Jong Jun Kim
Currently the fashion industry is developing to create a novel culture due to the very sensitive and knowledge-oriented advancement of the IT industry. With fast turnover of information, consumers have come to have a more diverse desire for purchasing. Cubical expression techniques, which empathizes formativeness, can be a creative expression method adjusting into the trend of this era. Along with functional aspects of consumers, even in a textile manufacturing sector, new materials are required to meet sensitive and emotional aspects. Consumers`` desire for new and creative designs and the development and adoption of new materials are essential to meet their emotions. The IT industry and fashion industry are forced to combine and a 3D apparel CAD system has been developed, enabling virtual clothing to be represented within a computer virtual space. All processes such as design, pattern creation, sewing and simulation are possible in 3D level. Digital clothing can shorten the production process time and is very effective in that it can reduce clothing waste generated during the sample production. This paper reviewed the works of Dutch designer, Iris van Herpen, who has developed formative designs. She tries to build, construct, and sculpt employing diversified materials other than soft textile materials, as shown in her series of fashion shows. The materials include films, 3D printed polymers, stiff and sheer organza, and artificial leather textiles. A few characteristics of her works have been selected in order to prepare patterns exhibiting the traits. The paper further focused on the physical features of the textile materials used to express similar techniques and its various forms were reviewed.
An Analysis of Market Maven`s Shopping Behavior and Multi-Channel Usage in the Fashion Retailing Market 패션유통시장에서 시장 전문가의 쇼핑 행동과 멀티채널이용현황 분석
성희원 Hee Won Sung , 성정환 Jung Hwan Sung
20(2) 134-148, 2016
An Analysis of Market Maven`s Shopping Behavior and Multi-Channel Usage in the Fashion Retailing Market 패션유통시장에서 시장 전문가의 쇼핑 행동과 멀티채널이용현황 분석
성희원 Hee Won Sung , 성정환 Jung Hwan Sung
In this study, we determined the characteristics and importance of market maven to today’s fashion retailers. Market maven is defined as an individual who is highly involved in the marketplace and takes a role as an information diffuser. In order to identify market maven, a total of 415 data were collected from 30-40 consumers who purchased fashion items from the various types of retailers. The data were divided into three groups based on the average score of summated market maven’s scale, and the high group was referred to as “market mavens.” Results suggested that the market mavens existed in the fashion retailing market and presented the differences from the other two groups. The market maven group spent more and purchased more fashion items than the other groups. With respect to shopping behavior, the market maven group was more likely to browse and bargain hunt when shopping, and showed higher mean scores on impulse buying and overall satisfaction. In addition, market maven tended to purchase fashion items from different types of retailers including online channel. Accordingly, market mavens seemed to present common characteristics with heavy browser, recreational shopper, and/or multi-channel shopper. Market mavens showed shopping enjoyment characteristics when searching for market-related information from various retailers, hence this segment should be the essential target market in the multi-channel retailing environment.
Characteristics of Power Dressing Represented in the Fashion Style of IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde IMF 총재 크리스틴 라가르드의 패션 스타일에 나타난 파워 드레싱 특성
김미경 Mi Kyung Kim
20(2) 149-164, 2016
Characteristics of Power Dressing Represented in the Fashion Style of IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde IMF 총재 크리스틴 라가르드의 패션 스타일에 나타난 파워 드레싱 특성
김미경 Mi Kyung Kim
The purpose of this study was to analyze the cases of IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde to discuss power dressing characteristics represented in the fashion style of women political leaders. Study methods included literature reviews on the theoretical background of Christine Lagarde’s Political Leadership formation and the power dressing of women political leaders. The results of the study were as follows. First, governor Christine Lagarde’s fashion styles worn at formal events were summarized into suits, bags, scarves and jewelry. Clothing type was found to be 98% suits, 5% dress with the colors black, gray and white being worn the most, 84% were achromatic, blue tones and vivid tones were about 16%. Faborite accessories included scarves, jewelry and luxury bags. Scarves were higher frequency utilization at 51% of the total wear. Second, characteristics of power-dressing appearring as fashion styles were summarized as wealthy, honorable, having political power, being, charismatic or, feminine. Luxury suite luxury brands holds a sense of power with many believing they wealth, honor and charisma. Luxury bags, V-zone ornaments of scarves and, jewelry are items of power that people often wear in order to charisma and a symbol of power. They are also, used as an important element in portraying confidence and leadership as IMF governors.
Key Words
power dressing(파워 드레싱), fashion style(패션 스타일), IMF managing(IMF 총재)
Fashion Capstone Design Virtuous Cycle System, an Operating Model Design Study 패션 캡스톤디자인의 선순환 시스템 운영모델 설계 연구
차유미 You Mi Cha , 김인경 In Kyung Kim
20(2) 165-180, 2016
Fashion Capstone Design Virtuous Cycle System, an Operating Model Design Study 패션 캡스톤디자인의 선순환 시스템 운영모델 설계 연구
차유미 You Mi Cha , 김인경 In Kyung Kim
Capstone design, is a heartfelt cooperation curriculum because the ultimate goal is to train people who already have the ability to complete the tasks of the job without retraining them in the field immediately after being hired. However, there is a need for the design study in the fashion industry where a variety of operating models could be tried; more specifically case studies than engineering. This study was designed to apply to the types of voluntary projects and industrial challenges linked to the different types of virtuous circle window systems over twice in two years. Result capitalization applied to different types of derived forms associated with start-up technology transfer form. In addition, start-up will be done in conjunction with student-centered forms of the participation of Cooperation Coordinator. This was weak in the form of technology transfer interventions which were made as a result of the overall involvement of the industry. In order to elicit the active participation of the industry it is expected that this system will have an ideal company to reflux. Therefore, reflux that created assets to the students, and the reflux of product design created by students in companies professor final a virtuous cycle system operating models that can derive enhancements accept feedback to both students and companies redefining the performing models It presented. This operating model is considered to be able to provide you with a sense of accomplishment and high experiential value to both students and professors, and the industry. In this study, experiments in environmental A Study, silseupbi no support will be given to alternatives to solve them.
Key Words
capstone design(캡스톤디자인), industry-university cooperation(산학협력), casestudy(운영사례), Operating model design(운영모델설계)
A Study on the Classification of Lower Body Shape Type for Fit Evaluation of Slacks 슬랙스 맞음새 평가를 위한 하반신 체형 유형화에 관한 연구
김선영 Seon Young Kim , 남윤자 Yun Ja Nam
20(2) 181-196, 2016
A Study on the Classification of Lower Body Shape Type for Fit Evaluation of Slacks 슬랙스 맞음새 평가를 위한 하반신 체형 유형화에 관한 연구
김선영 Seon Young Kim , 남윤자 Yun Ja Nam
This study intended to suggest criteria for selection of subjects by lower body shape types necessary for evaluating slacks. For this, the characteristics were examined by lower body parts which would influence the fit of slacks on 3D human body shape data of the front and sides of the lower body for lower body shaping. The frequency of subjects by lower body shape types and the boundary points for discrimination of each type were suggested so that they could be available in selecting subjects. Using the data from Size Korea(2004), indirect measurement values measured on the front and sides of the lower body among 3D human body shape data of 175 subjects were analyzed. Their height, waist, and hip circumference fell under the range of standard deviation based on the mean of women aged 18 24 years, and then lower body shaping was conducted ~ by combining the front and side shapes of the lower body. The front of the lower body was classified into four sections: average waist/average hip type(F1), average waist/narrow hip tyle(F2), narrow waist/narrow hip type(F3) and narrow waist/wide hip type(F4) and the sides of the lower body were divided into four sections: average abdomen/average hip type(S1), flat abdomen/average hip type(S2), average abdomen/protrude hip type(S3)and round abdomen/flat hip type(S4), and thus total 16 lower body types were created by cross analysis. Besides, discriminant analysis suggested the boundary points for each shape type of the front and sides of the lower body as a criterion for deciding lower body shape type of each subject
Key Words
3D human body shape data(3차원 인체 형상 데이터), Slacks fit(슬랙스 맞음새), Lower body shape type(하반신 체형 유형), Discriminant analysis(판별 분석)