Preference of Brand History, Congruity between Country of Brand and Country of Manufacture in Accordance with Conspicuous Consumption 브랜드 역사, 브랜드 원산지와 제조원산지 일치여부, 과시적 소비성향에 따른 선호도 연구
송해오름 Hae O Reum Song , 황선진 Sunjin Hwang
21(1) 1-11, 2017
Preference of Brand History, Congruity between Country of Brand and Country of Manufacture in Accordance with Conspicuous Consumption 브랜드 역사, 브랜드 원산지와 제조원산지 일치여부, 과시적 소비성향에 따른 선호도 연구
송해오름 Hae O Reum Song , 황선진 Sunjin Hwang
This study investigated the effect of brand history, congruity between country of origin and conspicuous consumption of fashion brand, based on the evaluation of customers. The factorial design was constructed as a 3-way mixed design: 2(brand history: presented vs not presented) x 2(congruity between Country of Brand(COB) and Country of Manufacture (COM): congruent vs incongruent) x 2(conspicuous consumption: high vs low). A total of 302 men and women aged above 30 and living in Seoul or within the capital area, were enrolled as subjects. Of these, 26 insincere responses were excluded and a final total of 276 responses were used in the analysis. The statistical analysis included reliability analysis, three-way ANOVA, and simple interaction effect analysis with SPSS 18.0 statistics. Our results indicate that brand history, congruity between COB and COM, and conspicuous consumption had significant effect on the fashion brand preference of consumers. Furthermore, presenting the brand history resulted in higher brand preference. Second, the brand history and conspicuous consumption had a significant interaction effect on brand preference. Consumers with higher conspicuous consumption showed significantly higher brand preference than those with lower conspicuous consumption. Third, congruity between COB and COM and conspicuous consumption had a significant interaction effect on brand preference. However, when COB and COM were dissimilar no significant effect of conspicuous consumption on brand preference was observed.
Key Words
Brand history, country of brand, country of manufacture, conspiciuous, consumption, brand evaluation, 브랜드 역사, 브랜드 원산지, 제조 원산지, 과시적 소비, 브랜드 평가
An Analysis of the Social-Cultural Meaning of Korean Girl Groups` Appearances -Focusing on the Change of Girl Groups` Appearances across Generations- 국내 걸그룹 외모에 나타난 사회문화적 의미 분석 -세대별 걸그룹 외모 변화를 중심으로-
한자영 Cha-young Han
21(1) 13-32, 2017
An Analysis of the Social-Cultural Meaning of Korean Girl Groups` Appearances -Focusing on the Change of Girl Groups` Appearances across Generations- 국내 걸그룹 외모에 나타난 사회문화적 의미 분석 -세대별 걸그룹 외모 변화를 중심으로-
한자영 Cha-young Han
Korean commercial-organized girl groups were remarkable in the late 1990`s. However, by the late 2000`s, girl groups had an even more profound effect on Korean popular music compare to past influences. This study aimed to analyze the social-cultural meaning of the changing appearance of girl group between the first and second-generations. For this purpose, this study analyzed media image and text, based on a social-cultural context, about 13 girl groups. The results are as follows. First, while the first -generation girl group tended to maintain girlish/sexy images trying to the male desire, the second -generation girl group strategically showed various sexual identities such as femininity, masculinity, masculinity and androgyny along with contextual sexual images. The reason why girl groups increased the number of strategic images featuring various sexual identities was in order to appeal to a wide, diverse audience. Second, the second -generation girl groups had slim bodies with great athleticism, basically due to trainee system. Because of this, their semiotic body images have been commercially used to promote the consumption. Third, the second -generation girl groups were the bigger stars than first -generation girl groups because the members worked in many different fields. Therefore, the group members` images were successful consumed directly and then reproduced symbolically. Fourth, each member of the second -generation girl groups characterized by appearing in diverse, yet familiar images, through various media sources. Although the intention of this was to have recognition and popularity, it became difficult for them to change their image once one particular image was deemed popular.
Key Words
Girl group, First -Generation, Second -Generation, Social-Cultural Meaning, Appearance, 걸그룹, 1세대, 2세대, 사회문화적 의미, 외모
The Effects of Preferred Images of School Uniform and Free Clothing on Preferred Images of Hair among High School Girls 여고생의 교복과 자율복 선호이미지가 헤어 선호이미지에 미치는 영향
박영희 Younghee Park , 최수경 Sookyoung Choi
21(1) 32-44, 2017
The Effects of Preferred Images of School Uniform and Free Clothing on Preferred Images of Hair among High School Girls 여고생의 교복과 자율복 선호이미지가 헤어 선호이미지에 미치는 영향
박영희 Younghee Park , 최수경 Sookyoung Choi
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of preferred images of school uniform and free clothing on preferred images of hair among high school girls. The data were collected between November and December 2014 from 300 high school girls in their`s, living in Changwon province. The data have been analyzed by using SPSS program. The methods of factor analysis, reliability analysis, and multiple regression have been adopted for the data analysis. The results of this study are as followings: The factors of preferred images of school uniform consist of six dimensions of attention, neatness, vividness, visibility, practicality, and trend. The factors of preferred images of free clothing consist of six dimensions of neatness, practicality, attention, vividness, visibility, and trend. The factors of preferred images of hair consist of six dimensions of concentration of attention, convenience, elegance, attention, trend, and cuteness. Preferred images of school uniform and free clothing resulted in a correlation with preferred images of hair. Preferred images of school uniform and free clothing had an influence on preferred image of hair. It is highly expected that this study is used as the useful sources of marketing plans of fashion industries targeting high school girls.
Key Words
school uniform, free clothing, hair, high school girls, preferred image, 교복, 자율복, 헤어, 여고생, 선호이미지
Corporate Social Responsibility Practices of the Textiles and Apparel Industry -Content Analysis of Website Disclosures- 국내 섬유패션산업의 사회적 책임 경영에 관한 연구 -웹사이트상의 정보공시 현황을 중심으로-
이민정 Minjung Lee , 마윤진 Yoonjin Ma , 이민선 Minsun Lee
21(1) 45-57, 2017
Corporate Social Responsibility Practices of the Textiles and Apparel Industry -Content Analysis of Website Disclosures- 국내 섬유패션산업의 사회적 책임 경영에 관한 연구 -웹사이트상의 정보공시 현황을 중심으로-
이민정 Minjung Lee , 마윤진 Yoonjin Ma , 이민선 Minsun Lee
This study explored the current implementation status of corporate social responsibility (CSR) among textiles and apparel manufacturers and retailers in Korea, based on the Triple Bottom Line (TBL). We also investigated the provision of information related to CSR practices on the websites of companies. A quantitative content analysis was conducted to analyze the website disclosures of 61 listed companies categorized in the textiles, apparel, shoes, and luxury industry. Analysis was focused on the presence, accessibility, and the level of CSR website disclosure. Seven themes emerged by applying the constant comparison analysis. Using Scott`s formula for pi, a high level of inter-coder reliability was achieved, ranging from 0.91 to 0.97. Regarding the three dimensions of CSR suggested in TBL, economic dimension was relatively more emphasized in the website disclosures of most companies, compared to social and environment dimensions. Website disclosures were further investigated, based on the product categories of each company. Limitations of this study and suggestions for future studies are discussed.
Key Words
corporate social responsibility, CSR website disclosures, textiles and apparel, industry, stakeholder theory, triple bottom line, 사회적 책임경영, CSR 정보공시, 국내 섬유패션산업, 이해관계자이론, TBL 모델
A Study on the Image Changes of an Eye Shape according to Eyelash Design 속눈썹디자인에 따른 눈 형태의 이미지변화 연구
박정신 Jeong Shin Park
21(1) 58-73, 2017
A Study on the Image Changes of an Eye Shape according to Eyelash Design 속눈썹디자인에 따른 눈 형태의 이미지변화 연구
박정신 Jeong Shin Park
The purpose of this study was to examine the need of the eyelash design area and the changes of an eye image according to eyelash design. Methodology included both a theoretical research and an empirical research. The theoretical research reviewed previous researches and technical books. The empirical research divided eye shapes, complemented the defect of eye shapes, and examined resulting image changes. A mechanical way was performed for treatment because it was more efficient than a manual way. A J-curl type was used. Eye length was divided into five and the point was determined. The length and density of curl were changed in each point to maximize a treatment effect. As a result, eye images were changed as follows. First, round eyes became stable. Slit eyes became vivid and soft. Wide-set eyes became intelligent and narrow-set eyes became smooth. Large eyes were naturally gradated and small eyes became larger. Double-eyelid eyes became stable and elegant and single-eyelid eyes became gentle and soft. Bulging eyes became easy and soft and sunken eyes became smooth. Peaked eyes became gentle and soft and sleepy eyes became strong and vivid. Based on the findings, eyelash design can play a role in changing an image according to eye shapes. In particular, a speed eyelash extension device to extend eyelash can reduce working hours and gradate only by angle control. It can complement the defect of eyes according to the design of each shape and change into a better image.
Analysis of Bodice Patterns Developed through Draping Method Using the Dress Form Representing Korean Female Fashion Models` Body Features 국내 여성 패션모델 체형 반영 인대 활용을 통한 입체재단 제작 길원형 특성 분석
박진아 Gin Ah Park
21(1) 74-87, 2017
Analysis of Bodice Patterns Developed through Draping Method Using the Dress Form Representing Korean Female Fashion Models` Body Features 국내 여성 패션모델 체형 반영 인대 활용을 통한 입체재단 제작 길원형 특성 분석
박진아 Gin Ah Park
The aim of this study was to analyze the features of bodice patterns modeled using a dress form that represents Korean female fashion models` body features. A controlled experiment was carried out using an existing dress form that has been frequently used in South Korea. The purpose of the study was to suggest notable findings derived from understanding the development of bodice patterns for Korean female fashion models. The comparison of features of bodice patterns from the developed and existing dress forms was carried out with consideration of the upper body features of the developed dress form, such as body angles and body cross-sectional shapes. The following results were derived from the investigations. (1) The angles of the upper and lower breast cups of the developed dress form differed to those of the existing dress form, showing a 5.0㎝ smaller front shoulder dart and a 3.5㎝ larger front waist dart within the bodice patterns. (2) The body angle features of the developed dress form included a straighter neck and shoulder blade and more concave center back than the existing dress form, with a 2.0㎝ reduced back neck height and a 4.8㎝ larger back waist dart for the bodice back panel. The more realistic body angles of the developed dress form anticipate the improvement of garment pattern-making. (3) The altered shoulder angles resulted in an increased size of the back shoulder dart and a decreased size of the front shoulder height within the bodice patterns. (4) The increased rate of curvature of cross-sectional shapes on the bust and waist circumferences of the developed dress form resulted in an increase in the sizes of the front and back waist darts.
Key Words
bodice patterns, body angles, cross-sectionals of body, dress form, Korean, female fashion model, women`s upper body, 길원형, 인체 각도, 인체 횡단면, 인대, 국내 여성 패션모델, 여성 상반신
A Study on the Effects of the Shopping Propensity of Chinese Women on Determination Factors of Distribution Channels and Purchasing Patterns of Korean Cosmetics 중국여성의 쇼핑성향이 유통채널 선택요인 및 한국화장품 구매행동에 미치는 영향
지연 Yeon Ji , 신세영 Saeyoung Shin
21(1) 88-98, 2017
A Study on the Effects of the Shopping Propensity of Chinese Women on Determination Factors of Distribution Channels and Purchasing Patterns of Korean Cosmetics 중국여성의 쇼핑성향이 유통채널 선택요인 및 한국화장품 구매행동에 미치는 영향
지연 Yeon Ji , 신세영 Saeyoung Shin
This study intended to investigate correlations between the consumption tendency, determination factors of the distribution of Korean cosmetics, and purchasing patterns of Korean cosmetics. This study investigated characteristics and differences between each factor by analyzing consumption tendency, determination factors of distribution channels, and purchasing patterns of Korean cosmetics of adult women in their 20∼50s who have used Korean cosmetics and reside in Beijing, China. It also, investigated the effect of the shopping propensity of consumers on determination factors of the distribution channels and purchasing patterns of Korean cosmetics. According to the results of our investigation, it was identified that `pleasure-seeking tendency` and `brand-seeking tendency` have postive effects on `service`, and `pleasure-seeking tendency`, `brand-seeking tendency`, and `rational purchasing propensity` have positive effects on `professionalism`. In regards to the effect of shopping propensity on purchasing patterns of Korean cosmetics, it was identified that `brand-seeking tendency` has a positive effect on `planned purchasing behavior`, `brand reputation seeking behavior`, and `dedicated purchasing behavior`. It was verified that `rational purchasing propensity` has positive effect on `planned purchasing behavior`, `pleasure-seeking tendency` and `trend-seeking tendency` on `brand reputation seeking behavior`, and `trend-seeking tendency` on `dedicated purchasing behavior`. This study is expected to provide basic data for Korean cosmetics brands to use for improving the marketing of products entering the Chinese market by using appropriate distribution channels. These channels are determined through identifying the correlation of each factor consumption tendency of Chinese women, determination factors of the distribution channels Korean cosmetics, and purchasing patterns of Korean cosmetics.
Key Words
Chinese women, shopping orientation, factors of choosing, distribution channel, Korean cosmetics purchasing patterns, 중국여성, 쇼핑성향, 선택요인, 유통채널, 한국화장품 구매행동
The Effect of Mobile Fashion Shopping Characteristics on Relationship Quality 모바일 패션 쇼핑 특성이 관계 품질에 미치는 영향
안수경 Soo-kyung Ahn , 류은정 Eunjeong Ryou
21(1) 99-111, 2017
The Effect of Mobile Fashion Shopping Characteristics on Relationship Quality 모바일 패션 쇼핑 특성이 관계 품질에 미치는 영향
안수경 Soo-kyung Ahn , 류은정 Eunjeong Ryou
This research analyzed the influence of mobile fashion shopping characteristics on customer loyalty through relationship quality. The data were collected subjects in their 20`s-30`s who had purchased fashion products using a mobile shopping channel. through an online survey using the self administered questionnaire. Exploratory and confirmative factor analysis were conducted to identify the dimensions of mobile fashion shopping characteristics and customer relationship variables. Mobile fashion shopping characteristics comprised four dimensions including tangibility, ubiquity, security and personalization. Customer relationship variables were identified as four dimensions such as satisfaction, trust commitment and loyalty. A structural equation modeling analysis was employed to examine the relationship between mobile fashion shopping characteristics, relationship quality and customer loyalty. Tangibility, ubiquity and security had a significantly positive impact on satisfaction and trust, but personalization had an influence on only satisfaction. Satisfaction had a significantly positive impact on commitment and loyalty. Trust had an influence on only commitment. In conclusion, relationship quality was found to be the appropriate model to explain the influence of mobile commerce characteristics on consumer` loyalty in mobile fashion shopping.
Key Words
Mobile Fashion Shopping characteristics, Relationship Quality, Loyalty, 모바일 패션쇼핑 특성, 관계품질, 충성도
A Comparative Study on the Cross-cultural Complaint Intention of South Korean and Chinese Consumers regarding Fashion Products (Ⅰ) -Focused on the Traits of Complaining Behavior- 한·중 패션제품 소비자 불평행동의도에 미치는 영향요인 분석(Ⅰ) -불평행동 특성을 중심으로-
이옥희 Okhee Lee
21(1) 112-123, 2017
A Comparative Study on the Cross-cultural Complaint Intention of South Korean and Chinese Consumers regarding Fashion Products (Ⅰ) -Focused on the Traits of Complaining Behavior- 한·중 패션제품 소비자 불평행동의도에 미치는 영향요인 분석(Ⅰ) -불평행동 특성을 중심으로-
이옥희 Okhee Lee
This study investigated if there are differences between Korean and Chinese consumers among the determinants of consumer complaint intention, type of complaint intention, and traits of complaining behavior. Sample subjects used in this study were female college students in Jeollabukdo and Jeollanamdo, Korea and Yunnam, China. Questionnaire data from 780 college students(Korea: 441, China: 339) were analyzed through a reliability analysis, factor analysis, frequence, mean, and multiple regression analysis. The results of the study were as follows. First, complaint intention of college students was divided into 3 factors, voice, private, and third party. Second, the findings of regression analysis for the total sample showed that the determinants of the factor `voice` were the country, salespeople, product involvement, complaint cost, psychological tension, and social benefit. Whereas, the determinants of the factor `private` were the producer, product involvement, psychological tension, and social benefit. Also, the determinants of the factor `third party` were the country, oneself, salespeople, complaint cost, personal norms, and social benefit. Third, significant differences were indicated in the determinants of the `voice`, `private` and `third party` factors of complaint intention between Korean and Chinese consumers. Fourth, the complaint intention factors of `voice` and `third party` of Chinese consumers were higher than Korean consumers. Fifth, the attributions to dissatisfaction of Korean consumers were higher than Chinese consumers, and the product involvement, possibility for success, and consumer complaint attitudes of Chinese consumers were revealed to be higher than Korean consumers.
Key Words
complaint intention, voice, private, third party, 불평행동의도, 직접행동, 사적행동, 제3자행동
A Study on Commerce Strategies by Mobile Shopping Site Types for Fashion Products 패션제품에 대한 모바일 쇼핑 사이트 유형별 커머스 전략 연구
장은영 Eunyoung Jang
21(1) 124-133, 2017
A Study on Commerce Strategies by Mobile Shopping Site Types for Fashion Products 패션제품에 대한 모바일 쇼핑 사이트 유형별 커머스 전략 연구
장은영 Eunyoung Jang
This study analyzed consumers` online fashion shopping site usage by site type and analyzed how product information search and product purchase differ. In addition, by comparing and analyzing preference and selection factors of PC and mobile shopping, we tried to provide basic data of effective mobile commerce operation strategy according to expansion of mobile market in fashion industry. We surveyed the use of 6 types of online sites (portal site, open market, general shopping mall, social commerce shopping mall, brand shopping mall and non-brand shopping mall) to understand the usage of mobile shopping site for consumers` fashion products. Consumer survey subjects were 373 college students in their early 20s who had the most mobile shopping experiences. The questionnaire consisted of online fashion site usage items, internet and mobile fashion shopping preference (6 items), internet and mobile shopping choice behavior (10 items), and purchase intention (3 items) .Data were analyzed using SPSS 14.0 program. The high preference of portal sites, open market, social commerce, and non-brand shopping malls in shopping online fashion products is a result of the perceptual changes of major distribution channels and the trends of consumers` value consumption tendency. Therefore, it is necessary for fashion companies to actively cope with fashion product distribution competition with huge shopping sites of current online market by well understanding consumers` preference trends and factors of online sites.
Key Words
fashion products, mobile shopping site types, PC vs Mobile, commerce strategy, 패션제품, 모바일 쇼핑 사이트 유형, PC와 모바일, 커머스 전략
A Study on the Types and Strategies of Customizable Fashion Brands on Web Media 웹 미디어에 나타난 커스터마이저블 패션 브랜드의 유형 및 전략 연구
이미숙 Misuk Lee , 정경희 Kyunghee Chung
21(1) 134-147, 2017
A Study on the Types and Strategies of Customizable Fashion Brands on Web Media 웹 미디어에 나타난 커스터마이저블 패션 브랜드의 유형 및 전략 연구
이미숙 Misuk Lee , 정경희 Kyunghee Chung
The purpose of this study is to analyze fashion brands` contents and characteristics of the participation platform of users, to assess the types and strategies of mass customization(MC). Most fashion brands sell one professional content: Shoes brands were the most common, followed by bags, unisex wear, and menswear. In consumer`s design selection elements, changes in color and materials were the most common. For the personalization service elements, monogram service was the most common. The results of MC types analysis were as follows, Customized Standardization was the most common, followed by Tailored Customization, Pure Customization, and Segmented Standardization. For the types according to changes in products and expression methods, Cosmetic was the most common. And the classification according to modulation, Modularizers were the most common. For Creativity, brands in the making stage were the most common. For Flexibility, although brands different methods, high flexibility by modularizing design elements of products and accomplishing various design through participation. The Ease of use for various expression was generally high, parallel to Flexibility. For Durability, because consumers could receive end products only when they participated in the assembly stage in the on-line purchase, their continuous participation was not possible, so they participated only once. The typical types and strategy of MC were analyzed. The Customized Standardization type was the most common in shoes, bag, and womenswear brands. It was the Cosmetic type which could change colors and materials, the Modularizers, and had high Flexibility and Ease of use and low Durability.
Key Words
fashion brand, mass customization, modulation, personalization, web media, 패션 브랜드, 대량 맞춤화, 모듈레이션, 개인화, 웹 미디어
A study on Living Culture of Korea through accounting records written by Song, Whasun at Hongcheon-Up in early 20th century 홍천읍 송화선(宋化善) 장기(掌記)를 통해 본 20세기 초 한국의 생활 문화 연구
조임선 Imsun Cho , 이은진 Eunjin Lee
21(1) 148-165, 2017
A study on Living Culture of Korea through accounting records written by Song, Whasun at Hongcheon-Up in early 20th century 홍천읍 송화선(宋化善) 장기(掌記)를 통해 본 20세기 초 한국의 생활 문화 연구
조임선 Imsun Cho , 이은진 Eunjin Lee
An assortment of daily supplies have been documented in and accounting book that Hwa-sun Song, a wholesale dealer in Hongcheon, Gangwon-do, sent to Young-hui Sin, a customer. This study analyzed a total of 163 documentations in the accounting book between 1910 to 1916, which includes types of daly supplies, trading volume, and prices, maintained accounting between. Consequently, we are able to indentify companies that produced the applicable goods, names of products, units by which goods were counted, and the lowest and highest prices prevailing, along with kinds of goods patronized in everyday life in Hongcheon in the early 20th century. Paper had the maximum trading volume. The second, most traded were cigarettes, a symbol of the new culture. These were traded under various brand names, such as Kkotpyo, Guksyu, Sanhopyo, Syonghak, and Joil. Foodstuffs, were the third most traded items, including fish, fruits, sugar, Waeddeok, Chilwaeddeok, Color candies and Okchyun candies. Our results indicate that the snack food business had developed since the 19th century. Lighting equipment, oil, candles, matches as well as traditional oil lamps and flints cornered the fourth largest stock being traded. Medications were fifth, with prescriptions written for Insohwan, Hoechyungsan and Siungo, including quinine, a medicine for malaria. Other trades included kitchen appliances such as soup bowls, porcelain bowls, kettles, and drinking cups, and a variety of daily supplies such as mirrors, mats, umbrellas, Geumjiwaemil, hair oil imported from Japan, and soap.
Key Words
Accounting document, Daily supplies in the 1910`s, Life and culture of Korea, Janggi, Life and culture of Hongcheon, 회계문서, 1910년대 생활용품, 한국의 생활 문화, 장기(掌記), 홍천의 생활문화
A Study on the Black Color Expression of Silk Fabrics with Juglans mandshurica Cortex Extract 가래 외피 추출액을 이용한 견직물의 흑색 발현 연구
이제남 Jenam Lee , 이은진 Eunjin Lee
21(1) 166-176, 2017
A Study on the Black Color Expression of Silk Fabrics with Juglans mandshurica Cortex Extract 가래 외피 추출액을 이용한 견직물의 흑색 발현 연구
이제남 Jenam Lee , 이은진 Eunjin Lee
This study is fundamental research on how to be able to scientifically quantify and reproduce a natural dyeing procedure. By dyeing silk fabrics, the establishment of a reproducible dyeing method was sought. Juglans mandshurica has been known as one of the most widely used black vegetable dyes. Repetition conditions and combination dyeing were performed with Juglans mandshurica cortex, gallnut, clove, and Eclipta prostrata L. extracts to express a deep black color. Juglans mandshurica cortex, gallnut, clove, and Eclipta prostrata L. extracts were suitable for black coloration and showed a darker black color when combined with iron mordant. Specifically, Juglans mandshurica cortex and clove can be used for deep black coloring. Color fastness when washed or dry cleaned was found to be strong with a grade of 4-5 and fastness to light was rated at a 3-4. The grade of color change when exposed to rubbing and perspiration was good at a 4-5. In regards to functional property aspects, it showed excellent results with a 99% deodorization rate at 120 minutes of dyeing time, 97.1% UV protection rate, and 85.9% and 62.3% bacterial reduction against Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae, respectively. Therefore, it is considered that the extract from the Juglans mandshurica cortex is of great value as an eco-friendly, natural dyestuff.