A Study on the Fashion Type of Design Activism for Social Roles 사회적 역할을 위한 디자인 액티비즘(Design Activism)의 패션유형연구
노윤아 Youn-a Noh , 이영재 Young-jae Lee
21(5) 1-14, 2017
A Study on the Fashion Type of Design Activism for Social Roles 사회적 역할을 위한 디자인 액티비즘(Design Activism)의 패션유형연구
노윤아 Youn-a Noh , 이영재 Young-jae Lee
As the design of the day focuses more on human-centered design, this shift creates value for society and also fulfills on a sense of social responsibility. In the area of fashion, the design activity is used as a type of fashion design to realize the social value of design in a changed society; this concept was defined as Fashion Design Activism. The objective of this study is to empirically research design activity as a practical value of the day when the social contributions of fashion design are rising in the overall society through the research on the practice of Fashion Design Activity which is adapting to changes in the fashion design paradigm. Regarding the study method, the literature research and case study were combined. We examined the meaning of social design by reviewing the literature related to this social paradigm, and we analyzed cases in which the effects of fashion design on society were realized through practical activities. Also, we defined the role of fashion design based on an analysis of design types based on previous research. This study divided the roles of fashion design in a pattern based on the social roles that design inhabited, in terms of how ‘fashion design fulfilled on social responsibility’, ‘anthropocentric fashion design putting emphasis on users’, and ‘fashion design aiming for eco-efficient changes’. This study aimed to seek measures to develop fashion design that could promote changes focusing on society, humans, and the environment.
Key Words
design activism, social contribution, social responsibility, eco-efficient, 디자인 행동주의, 사회공헌, 사회적 책임, 생태효율
A Study on the Lifestyle and Fashion Style of City Nomads 시티 노마드의 라이프스타일과 패션스타일에 관한 연구
김혜정 Hyejeong Kim
21(5) 15-29, 2017
A Study on the Lifestyle and Fashion Style of City Nomads 시티 노마드의 라이프스타일과 패션스타일에 관한 연구
김혜정 Hyejeong Kim
The purpose of this study is to examine modern people’s lifestyle and identify their needs by analyzing clothing behavior through city nomads’ attitudes in dairy life, tastes, and methods to pursue in their life. This study tries to understand substitute values as ethical life emerging recently, free life style of mental emotion, clothing behaviors, and fashion style represented by the results. Upon observing city nomads’ fashion trend, tunics symbolizing flexibility and comfort and simultaneously reflect colors in a monk style or from basic items that have been used. City nomads' fashion trend also reveals androgynous freeness-and-easiness. City nomads reflect a folksy inspiration, and different cultural perspectives appear in a mixed fashion. Multi-purpose gypsy/boho style is ideal for traveling and occupying smaller spaces in line with the nomadic lifestyle reflectings an American casual image partially by way of gypsy or bohemian nuances. Motorcycle jeans symbolizing functionality for traveling are becoming a part of everyday life. The fashions discussed are categorized as urban, tourer, sports and road. Everyday sportswear - athleisure - is attracting attention enabling a healthy and sound lifestyle. Athleisure is fashion wear harmonizing workplace with leisure, and everyday life and social gatherings. Athleisure represents a significant collapse of the boundary of high fashion and street fashion. Urban- tech wear is light and enables modern people to perform garment and gear functions simultaneously, making storage useful using various technical devices by elevating activity and functionality. Urban outdoor fashion holding functionality and adding modern fashion in appearance has appeared.
Key Words
city nomads, lifestyle, clothing behavior, fashion style, 시티 노마드, 라이프스타일, 의복행동, 패션스타일
A Comparative Analysis of Virtual Clothing Materials Using a Digital Clothing 디지털 클로딩을 활용한 가상의복의 소재별 비교분석
장희경 Heekyung Chang , 이정민 Jungmin Lee
21(5) 30-42, 2017
A Comparative Analysis of Virtual Clothing Materials Using a Digital Clothing 디지털 클로딩을 활용한 가상의복의 소재별 비교분석
장희경 Heekyung Chang , 이정민 Jungmin Lee
A comprehensive research must be conducted on manufacturing techniques such as patterns and sewing, with the understanding of material properties to satisfy consumers' emotions with a strong fashion trend orientation. Physical and emotional characteristics may change depending on the characteristics of the material, and the overall silhouette and feeling of the garment can change depending on how sewing is conducted.To examine the completeness of a finished garment depending on different kinds of clothing material, this study fabricated an actual garment and a 3D virtual garment as well using 3D CAD IMAGE SYSTEM (CLO 3D, DC Suite, etc.) for a comparative analysis. These two methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. This study selected five of the most representative clothing materials and conducted a comparative analysis on appearance differences between actual clothing and virtual clothing by material. Additionally, the study verified the similarity between actual clothing and virtual clothing by comparing their physical properties by material, and evaluated the objectivity and accuracy of the reproducibility of material properties of virtual clothing.
Key Words
3D simulation, virtual clothing, clothing experiment, drape Stiffness, hand, 3D 가상실험, 가상착의, 착의실험, 드레이프 강경도, 태
In-depth Study on the Turnover and Stress of Fashion Industry Workers in Their 20s-30s 20~30대 패션업계 종사자들의 이직과 스트레스에 대한 심층연구
주미영 Mi Young Joo , 홍윤정 Yun Jung Hong
21(5) 43-60, 2017
In-depth Study on the Turnover and Stress of Fashion Industry Workers in Their 20s-30s 20~30대 패션업계 종사자들의 이직과 스트레스에 대한 심층연구
주미영 Mi Young Joo , 홍윤정 Yun Jung Hong
The purpose of this study is to conduct an in-depth examination into the cause of stress as well as reasons for turnover relative to fashion industry workers in their 20s-30s, thereby seeking effective improvement methods to reduce turnover. The study method consisted of one-on-one in-depth interviews to collect data on 15 fashion industry workers. Results were as follow. First, causes of stress for fashion industry workers in their 20s-30s include work related factors, interpersonal relations, and organizational culture, while the most frequently mentioned reasons for turnover were concerns about career track and aptitude as well as annual salary, revealing that self-improvement related growth potential is the most significant factor for turnover. Second, it was not one stress factor that influenced turnover but a composite of several stress factors that motivated individuals to change jobs. Last, time flexibility, self-esteem, and development potential were critical factors for turnover. Self-esteem and development potential that provide a sense of acknowledgment were especially emphasized as the most significant, revealing that the younger generation considers personal happiness to be critical and the more this aspect is not treated adequately the more the odds of choosing turnover. To mitigate this issue, an in-house educational system for self-development and an assignment rotation system must be adopted for workers to change to positions that fit their aptitude.
Key Words
cause of stress, fashion industry workers, in-depth interviews, turnover, 스트레스 원인, 패션업계종사자, 심층면담, 이직
A Study on the Features of Digilog in Contemporary Fashion 현대 패션에 나타난 디지로그의 특징
유차향 Chahyang Lew , 서승희 Seunghee Suh
21(5) 61-77, 2017
A Study on the Features of Digilog in Contemporary Fashion 현대 패션에 나타난 디지로그의 특징
유차향 Chahyang Lew , 서승희 Seunghee Suh
Fashion companies are increasingly becoming aware of the importance of Digilog as a response strategy to an emotional stimulus, in order to win the hearts of consumers, because the Digilog provides a new type of emotional value. The features of Digilog found in modern fashion are characterized as follows: first, the “Fashion Image of Hybrid Nature” expresses nature in a new light or reinterprets existing expressions of nature, by using cutting-edge technology based on the psychological desire to return to, adapt with, and harmonize with nature. Second, the “Fashion Image of Nostalgia,” which exhibits past forms of regressive fashion, is a fashion code that can be understood as a social trend. It has a digital exterior, with retro materials and old perfumes that reflect psychological comfort, as its expressive medium. Third, the “Lifestyle through the Technique of Interaction” is the sharing of information through consumer participation and delivery, or its interaction. Fourth, the “Fashion Design through the Technique of Customizing” allows consumers to actively participate in the design process. It reflects the consumer’s desire to personally design fashion products. Fifth, the “Emotion Sharing through the Technique of Storytelling,” which focuses on intangible values, is based on the sentiment of communication between the consumer and the brand, thereby satisfying the inner values as well as the aesthetic demands of consumers. This study confirmed that digital fashion, which uses digital technology based on analog sentiments, has opened up a new environment for fashion culture and has also widened the boundaries of fashion.
Key Words
digilog, fashion, emotion, 디지로그, 패션, 감성
The Effect of Appearance Management Behavior on Job Search Efficacy among Female College Students 여대생의 외모관리행동이 구직효능감에 미치는 영향
김미경 Mikyung Kim , 김성희 Sung Hee Kim
21(5) 78-90, 2017
The Effect of Appearance Management Behavior on Job Search Efficacy among Female College Students 여대생의 외모관리행동이 구직효능감에 미치는 영향
김미경 Mikyung Kim , 김성희 Sung Hee Kim
This study investigates the effects of appearance management behaviors on job search efficacy among female college students. Based on previous studies on appearance management behaviors and job search efficacy, the questionnaire items were developed. For the study, we conducted a questionnaire survey among 312 students from women's university in Seoul. The statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 23. The results were as follows. First, three types of appearance management factors have been identified: 'fashion & hair,' 'skin care & plastic surgery,' and 'body shape'; the reliability and validity of these factors were proved. Second, the appearance management behavior of female college students found to have a partially significant effect on job search efficacy: fashion & hair factor had a positive effect on job search strength; fashion & hair factor and body shape factor had a positive effect on job search skills. While skin care & plastic surgery factor had a negative effect on job search strength and job search skill. Third, between academic years, there were differences in job search efficacy but not in appearance management behavior. By majors, there were differences among skin care & plastic surgery factor, body shape factor, and job search strength factor. These results suggest that to improve the job search efficacy, proper appearance management through fashion and hair, and body shape management is necessary. In addition, it suggests that it is important to improve the effectiveness of employment by establishing the appearance management strategy that matches the characteristics of each major.
Comparison Between Actual and 3D Virtual Skirts of Different Front and Back Silhouette with Regard to the Evaluation of Subjective Appearance and Shape Characteristics 앞과 뒤 실루엣이 다른 스커트의 가상착의와 실제 착의에 대한 주관적 외관평가와 형태특성 비교
이희란 Heeran Lee , 홍경희 Kyunghi Hong
21(5) 91-108, 2017
Comparison Between Actual and 3D Virtual Skirts of Different Front and Back Silhouette with Regard to the Evaluation of Subjective Appearance and Shape Characteristics 앞과 뒤 실루엣이 다른 스커트의 가상착의와 실제 착의에 대한 주관적 외관평가와 형태특성 비교
이희란 Heeran Lee , 홍경희 Kyunghi Hong
Interests in 3D virtual clothing technology and its application in online shopping malls are increasing with the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Most studies on 3D virtual clothing, however, are focused on observing drapes or ease of virtual clothing depending on fabric properties of representative clothing items. Therefore, the purpose of this study is: first, to determine if current input of typical material characteristics in 3D CLO are sufficient to formulate virtual skirts with different front and back silhouettes; second, to determine if subjective appearance evaluation matched physical shape characteristics of those skirts. In this study, appearances of typical cotton, wool, silk, rayon, and polyester skirts with different front and back pattern were compared between actual and virtual clothing depending on fabric materials. Subjective appearance evaluation was conducted by 7 experts regarding similarity between actual and virtual clothing with a 5-point scale. For objective evaluation of the both types of skirt shape, degree of roundness at the cross section, displacement of side seam, position of back waistline, and the number of folds at the skirt back were observed. In the case of cotton and wool, not the subjective appearance evaluation as well as shape characteristics of virtual skirts were well matched to the actual shape of skirts with a few material inputs. However, current material inputs for silk, rayon and polyester were insufficient to cover material differences in formation of virtual skirts with different front and back silhouettes.
Key Words
silhouette of skirts, 3D virtual clothing, appearance evaluation, 3D clo, fabric type, 스커트 실루엣, 3차원 가상착의, 외관평가, 3D 클로, 직물의 종류
Bustier Pattern Design and Wearing Test for Small Breasted Women 빈약 유방 여성용 뷔스티에 패턴설계 및 착의 평가
이경화 Kyong-hwa Yi , 최현옥 Hyunok Choi
21(5) 109-121, 2017
Bustier Pattern Design and Wearing Test for Small Breasted Women 빈약 유방 여성용 뷔스티에 패턴설계 및 착의 평가
이경화 Kyong-hwa Yi , 최현옥 Hyunok Choi
In this study, we proposed the Bustier which improves the fit and functionality to compensate the physical defects by maximizing the volume up effect using the breast detailed measurements and shapes of the poor breast female subjects. Based on the preliminary study of the problem and preference according to the characteristics of the poor breast women consumers, we produced 1/2 volume mold cups based on the previous research. Respectively. A total of 5 subjects were selected, and new 3 bustier patterns based on the pattern making system of industry were created through direct measurement and shapes. As a result of verifying the usability of the developed bustier by testing the commercially available bustiers and the newly developed bustiers for 5 subjects. In order to compare the existing bustiers with the newly developed bustiers, the appearance evaluation by the expert, the evaluation of the adaptability and satisfaction by the subjects were utilized. Through this experiment, the newly developed bustiers were superior in the evaluation of the motion adaptability and wear comfort as well as appearance test. It was shown that the wear effect of the bustier with the longest back length was the best.
A Study on Career Decision Self-Efficacy and Course Maturity According to Followership Types of Undergraduate Students Majoring in Beauty 미용전공 대학생의 팔로워십 유형에 따른 진로결정자기효능감과 진로성숙도에 관한 연구
최수린 Su-rin Choi , 이인희 In-hee Lee
21(5) 122-135, 2017
A Study on Career Decision Self-Efficacy and Course Maturity According to Followership Types of Undergraduate Students Majoring in Beauty 미용전공 대학생의 팔로워십 유형에 따른 진로결정자기효능감과 진로성숙도에 관한 연구
최수린 Su-rin Choi , 이인희 In-hee Lee
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of career decision self-efficacy and course maturity on followership types of undergraduate students majoring in beauty and provide basic data for development of guidelines that can facilitate career decisions. Subjects are 310 students majoring at beauty colleges and universities. Results of this study were as follows. First, career decision self-efficacy was influenced by two underlying factors such as, followership of thinking Style and fatterns of behavior. Second, the effect of followership types on career maturity was significant. Both the higher followership of thinking Style and fatterns of behavior, the career maturity was more affercted. Based on this study, students majoring in cosmetology were divided into type of followership and analyzed according to organic relevance of career decision self-efficacy and course maturity. Based on this, professors or mentors may understand characteristics of college students in cosmetology in explaining characteristics of their profession related to their major. It will be beneficial to provide an opportunity for beauty students to make a reasonable course maturity and career decision self-efficacy with followership types.
A Study on the Characteristics of 3D Printing Jewelry Design Utilizing with Fractal Geometry 프랙탈 기하학을 적용한 3D 프린팅 주얼리 디자인 특성
최경희 Kyunghee Choi
21(5) 136-150, 2017
A Study on the Characteristics of 3D Printing Jewelry Design Utilizing with Fractal Geometry 프랙탈 기하학을 적용한 3D 프린팅 주얼리 디자인 특성
최경희 Kyunghee Choi
3D printing has grown tremendously as the most noteworthy new technology in the manufacturing industries. In addition, the rapid development of computer science technology with 3D printing has created a new paradigm called Fractal Geometry, or a new form of digital art. This study explores the formative characteristics of 3D printing jewelry based on presentation of fractal geometry by classification of 3D printing jewelry‘s morphological types that except for producible shape with traditional mold manufacturing methods. The results of the study are as follows. The morphological characteristics of 3D printed jewelry are divided into their constitutive shapes by the repetition of the unit. The organic shape determined by superposition or overlapping, the systematic shape by distortion caused by distortion, and the variation in scaling by scaling. The formative characteristics, which are drawn from a study on the shape expression of 3D printed jewelry design using fractal geometry, consist of continuity, geometrical characteristics, and exaggeration. Continuity creates a new and self-assigned new space through a recursive structure through a cyclic structure that is formed along a single directional basis. The geometry of the geometry forms a three-dimensional and constructive structure comprised of the same size and structure of the same sized unit under the mathematical order of the geometry of Fractal's geometry. Exaggeration demonstrates the informal beauty and the maximization of the shape by expanding the scaling or superposition of a unit, by scaling the scale or he distortion of the units.
Key Words
fractal geometry, 3D printing, jewelry design, 프랙탈 기하학, 3D 프린팅, 주얼리 디자인