Kate Middleton's Royal Fashion Style Analysis 케이트 미들턴의 로열 패션(Royal Fashion) 스타일 분석
이승희 Seunghee Lee , 김지영 Jiyoung Kim
22(1) 1-19, 2018
Kate Middleton's Royal Fashion Style Analysis 케이트 미들턴의 로열 패션(Royal Fashion) 스타일 분석
이승희 Seunghee Lee , 김지영 Jiyoung Kim
The purpose of this study is to analyze the fashion style of Kate Middleton, the Royal Family, and to examine the social and cultural influence of Middleton fashion. We selected 314 photographs collected from a Google site and Gettyimages.com April 2011-December 2016 as the final research subjects. We categorized the situation by domestic events, royal events, diplomatic activities, and social contribution activities, and analyzed fashion styles focusing on item composition, color, material, silhouette, detail, trimming, and length. As a result of the study, the one piece was the highest in the combination of items, and the color was the most in white. The color tones were mostly vivid, and the material texture was silky. The image was classic, and the dress code was high in semi-formal. In a situational style, the coat was the most common at the Royal Family events and blue or white of the light tones appeared in the formal style of the classic image. In domestic events, there were many silky textures of modern image, and vivid, strong tonal knee length H line dress was the most prevalent. During diplomatic activities, various colors such as red, green, gray appeared in addition to blue or white and in social contribution activities, many dresses of vivid and dark tones of red appeared in the dress code as semi-formal. In conclusion, the stylistic features of Kate Middleton and the Royal Family are largely in the form of royal and noble, low cost and chic, and body-conscious styling.
Key Words
Kate Middleton, royal family, fashion style, 케이트 미들턴, 로열 패밀리, 패션스타일
A Design Development for Coat Using Expression Technique of Surrealism 초현실주의 표현기법을 활용한 코트 디자인 개발
홍수진 Soo Jin Hong , 배수정 Soo-jeong Bae
22(1) 20-40, 2018
A Design Development for Coat Using Expression Technique of Surrealism 초현실주의 표현기법을 활용한 코트 디자인 개발
홍수진 Soo Jin Hong , 배수정 Soo-jeong Bae
The purpose of this study is to examine the concept of surrealism and its expression technique and to develop creative and artistic women’s coat design based on the analysis of various expression techniques of surrealistic artists and designers. To this end, literature review was done and design and actual works of women’s coats were made. Surrealism was applied to fashion by Schiaparelli in the 1930s and it has constantly been applied by many fashion designers. The examples used in fashion were examined by shape of body parts or natural objects, metaphor and transformation of objects, position change and optical illusion. Based on this examination, motifs were drawn from paintings of Rene Magritte, Salvador Dali, Vladimir Kush, and Rafal Olbinski, who most inspired contemporary fashion designers with their works. The creative and artistic sense of five women’s coats for 20’s and 30’s were designed using surrealistic paintings and fashion design expression techniques in a view of social problems. This study has a significance in that it expanded the expression techniques of fashion design and its field with original design which is inspired by surrealistic formativeness and expression technique with social criticism. It is also possible for this study to contribute to the development of fashion design if various designs are presented through grafting various artistic expression techniques onto fashion.
Key Words
surrealism, surrealistic expression techniques, coat design, 초현실주의, 초현실주의 표현기법, 코트 디자인
Study on the Tendency of Interest of Wearable Textile Products according to College Students` Fashion Life Style 대학생들의 패션라이프스타일에 따른 웨어러블 스마트 텍스타일 제품의 관심 경향 연구
송하영 Hayoung Song
22(1) 41-55, 2018
Study on the Tendency of Interest of Wearable Textile Products according to College Students` Fashion Life Style 대학생들의 패션라이프스타일에 따른 웨어러블 스마트 텍스타일 제품의 관심 경향 연구
송하영 Hayoung Song
The purpose of this study was to investigate the trends of product design for textile convergence wearable smart textile fashion products according to college students` fashion life style. In this study, we used information obtained from a questionnaire issued to 201 female college students who were 20 years old for the final analysis. The questionnaires were to classify female college students groups according to the fashion life style, to examine characteristics, needs and wants of each group. The survey on the tendency of wearable smart textiles consisted of 22 items about concept and type of smart clothing product, functional material and intelligent material, recognition, preference, purchase intention, purchase factor and brand preference tendency. A total of 201 samples were analyzed by factor analysis, cluster analysis, ANOVA, crosstabs and χ2-test using SPSS package program. ` brand preference oriented` type was found to be interested in ‘wearable smart clothing product with monitoring function of bio-signal’ and ‘high functional fiber and textile product’, but the credibility of ‘smart clothes that can be worn and smart textile products to be useful in modern life’ was low. ‘fashionable individuality oriented’ type showed interest in ‘smart clothing and smart product’, ‘intelligent fiber’ and ‘wearable smart clothing product with monitoring function of bio-signal’, but the preferences of ‘light emitting fiber products’ was low. ‘practically purchasing-oriented’ type was very interested in ‘high-functional fiber and its textile products’, but had inadequate knowledge on ‘smart clothing and smart textile product’ and showed low interest. Despite the fact that ‘wearable smart clothing and smart textile products’ are expensive, they were willing to purchase considering practicality and sophisticated style.
A Comparative Study on Cross-cultural Complaining Behavior of South Korean and Chinese Consumers about Fashion Products (Ⅱ) -Focused on Lifestyle and Personality- 한 · 중 패션제품 소비자 불평행동에 미치는 영향요인 분석 Ⅱ -소비자의 라이프스타일과 성격을 중심으로-
이옥희 Okhee Lee
22(1) 56-70, 2018
A Comparative Study on Cross-cultural Complaining Behavior of South Korean and Chinese Consumers about Fashion Products (Ⅱ) -Focused on Lifestyle and Personality- 한 · 중 패션제품 소비자 불평행동에 미치는 영향요인 분석 Ⅱ -소비자의 라이프스타일과 성격을 중심으로-
이옥희 Okhee Lee
This study investigated if there are differences between the effects of lifestyle and personality on consumer complaining behavior between Korea and China. Sample subjects of this study were female college students of Korea(Jeollabuk-do and Jeollanam-do) and China(Yunnan). The questionnaire data from 780 college students were analyzed through the following statistical analyses: a reliability analysis, factor analysis, frequency, mean, and multiple regression analysis. The results of the study was as follows. First, the complaining behavior types of college students were divided into 4 factors: third party, breakaway behavior, compensation claim, and negative word of mouth. Second, significant differences were revealed between the dissatisfaction and the conditions of complaining behavior between Korean and Chinese consumers. Third, significant differences were found which were related to the effects of lifestyle and personality on types of consumer complaining behavior between Korea and China. Fourth, the complaining behavior factors of 'third party' and 'compensation claims' of Chinese consumers were higher than those of Korean consumers; however, the 'negative WOM' of Korean consumers were higher than those of Chinese consumers. Fifth, the lifestyle factors of 'fashion orientation, 'rational orientation' and 'activity orientation' of Chinese consumers were higher than those of Korean consumers. The 'achievement orientation' of Korean consumers was higher than that of Chinese consumers. And the personality factors of 'sense of responsibility' of Chinese consumers were higher than Korean consumers. Finally, 'openness' of Korean consumers were higher than Chinese consumers.
Key Words
complaining behavior, lifestyle, personality, 불평행동, 라이프스타일, 성격
A Study on the Expanded Application Trends of Needlework Techniques and Structures 니들워크 기법과 조직의 확장 적용 경향
김성달 Seongdal Kim
22(1) 71-81, 2018
A Study on the Expanded Application Trends of Needlework Techniques and Structures 니들워크 기법과 조직의 확장 적용 경향
김성달 Seongdal Kim
This study aims at exploring how the existing stereotypes of needlework, which has long been regarded as a tribute to domestic labor and hobbies which are the purview of women, have come into play in the current trend of convergence among various fields, techniques and materials. This research examines these trends based on cases in two categories applied to the fields of art and space use products. In the field of art, it can be seen that needlework is applied in a variety of ways in the overall diffusion of craftivism, which is a way of asserting opinions about politics and societies. In yarn bombing and performance art, not only do needlework experts, but also, artists of other genres, underscore their propensity of carrying out projects that take advantage of the basic principles of needlework and various physical properties. Various needlework projects applied to the space use products showed the tendency to interact with the spectator or the user as a basic element through examples of playscape, which has the function of being used for relaxation and play. The study was able to confirm the tendency of interior products, which are made from needlework to furniture and tableware directly, and the tendency of materials’ expansion. Based on this research, we are going to explore the possibilities for diverse new fusion attempts in fashion and textiles, as well as art, craft and design fields, in the future.
Renoir's Fashion Colors and Exotic Taste That Must Be Re-Evaluated 재평가되어야할 르누아르의 이국취미와 패션컬러
이금희 Keumhee Lee
22(1) 82-99, 2018
Renoir's Fashion Colors and Exotic Taste That Must Be Re-Evaluated 재평가되어야할 르누아르의 이국취미와 패션컬러
이금희 Keumhee Lee
The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics that appeared in the fashion and colors of exotic tastes used by Renoir with a view to re-evaluating his-attitude towards exotic tastes. The methods used in this study were literature research and analysis of visual data from Renoir’s works. The results of the study are as follows. Renoir's exotic tastes originated from the material perspective appearing in the fashions and accessories of Algeria, Orient, Spain, and Japan. Parisienne Odalisque Lise in Harem-style, Jeanne Samari in parisienne fashion holding a Japanese fan, and Gabriel in oriental fashion were portrayed as major muses. The Algerian style consisted of white, yellow or red veils, thobes, loose pants worn in Haik, and burnous. The Oriental-style was composed of harem pants, turbans, hair accessories, ornate zouave jackets, and oriental ornaments. The Spanish-style showed gay ornaments, fitted red or yellow matador costume, red bandannas, black hats, and red dresses, plus Spanish guitars. The Japanese-style consisted of kimonos, accessories such as fans, and backgrounds with interior articles such as vases, wall picture frames, and folding screens. The exotic fashion colors were red, yellow and white. Renoir expressed the works with his delicate skills and sense of craftsmanship, and he even added creative design portrayals sometimes. He selected fashions and accessories of exotic tastes as objects and expressed the objects with materials and colors reflecting regional characteristics as such, he can be regarded as an artist wed to who fashions of exotic tastes.
A Study on Bizarre Silk Design 비자실크(Bizarre silk) 디자인에 관한 연구
김성희 Sung Hee Kim
22(1) 100-113, 2018
A Study on Bizarre Silk Design 비자실크(Bizarre silk) 디자인에 관한 연구
김성희 Sung Hee Kim
From the late 17th to the early 18th century, Europeans were strongly intrigued by products from the East. Therefore, several countries like England, France, and Netherlands formed the 'East India Company' to pursue trade. First, European markets rapidly responded to this desire for exoticism by importing goods; then, they produced imitation Oriental goods. Finally, they made stylistically advanced exotic merchandise from the perspectives of European. In terms of the textile industry, this trend was expressed in the pattern design of silk, or the so called ‘bizarre silk.’ In this paper, bizarre silk patterns were scrutinized based on a digital archive of museums, catalogues of museums, portal sites, and the literature. The bizarre silk patterns were analyzed then classified into six categories: pseudo-Oriental plant pattern, pattern mingled with architectural motifs, pattern of juxtaposed with Oriental goods, abstract pattern, exuberant pattern with metal threads, and semi-naturalistic pattern. These patterns were characterized according to the following features: strangely large exotic floral patterns were undulating and asymmetrical; exotic foliage and flowers were sometimes mixed with architectural motifs or Oriental goods to easily show the Oriental influence; motifs of bizarre silk patterns were abstractly stylized; bizarre silk patterns became luxurious once more like the Baroque period; finally, floral patterns became more natural, and still exotic motifs remained in the background to maintain the bizarre silk features. These bizarre silk patterns evolved from the viewpoints of Europeans through acceptance stage, compound stage, and confluent stage.
Key Words
bizarre silk design, late 17th century-early 18th century, oriental influence, lacquer cabinet, ceramics, 비자실크디자인, 17세기 후반~18세기 초반, 오리엔탈 영향, 옻칠가구, 도자기
A Study of Classical Makeup of the Korean Age by Using Language Visualization 언어 시각화를 통한 한국의 시대별 고전화장 연구
방기정 Kee-jung Barng
22(1) 114-123, 2018
A Study of Classical Makeup of the Korean Age by Using Language Visualization 언어 시각화를 통한 한국의 시대별 고전화장 연구
방기정 Kee-jung Barng
The purpose of this study is to investigate the visual elements for effectively conveying the make-up method of the Korean history. We will do basic research on language visualization through visual poetry by using a make-up method as a visual expression element. Our research methods consisted of a related literature research, an internet search, and case study methods. The make-up methods of Korean classical make-up through visual poetry consisted of a through literature review. First, make-up methods, cosmetics, jewelry, and hair styles are shown in the classic make-up style of each age. Second, classical make-up visual poetry shows the identity, gender, and character depictions. Third, there were many visual metaphors about the hair types, figures, and hair among the classical make-up methods of each age. I think that this topic is worth researching as an appropriate medium to increase attractiveness. This research is with visual expression elements of the Korea make-up method. This study analyzed the Korean traditional make-up method that expresses and reinterprets visual metaphors. The results of this study can be applied for basic research.
Analysis of naturally Dyed Textile Fabrics by using Aronia Extract 아로니아 추출물에 의한 직물의 천연염색과 염액의 Spectrum 분석
원아영 Ah Young Won , 김종준 Jongjun Kim
22(1) 124-134, 2018
Analysis of naturally Dyed Textile Fabrics by using Aronia Extract 아로니아 추출물에 의한 직물의 천연염색과 염액의 Spectrum 분석
원아영 Ah Young Won , 김종준 Jongjun Kim
This study examined the dyeing characteristics and spectrum of cotton and silk by using dyeing solution extracted from aronia. The value L* which indicates the brightness of cotton regardless of mordant increases with increasing pH from pH 3.5 to pH 10.5. The color difference value(ΔE) of the cotton was generally high in pH 3.5 regardless of mordant existence. The silk showed the highest ΔE value in pH 3.5 dye solution as cotton did. On the other hand, the silk with mordant dyed showed the highest ΔE value in pH 7. Silk fabrics dyed with Aronia solution turns out red in pH 3.5, blue in pH 7 and yellow in pH 10.5. This is because of the amino acid, one of the silk ingredients, combines with a part of anthocyanin to show blue. As the result of the spectrum measurement, the maximum absorption wavelength of Aronia solution was increased in the order of pH 10.5, pH 3.5 and pH 7, regardless of extraction temperature and mordant. The measurement results of color fastness to washing and color fastness to light are generally low. Therefore, there is a need for further study to improve color fatness in the future.
Key Words
aronia, anthocyanin, Munsell, spectrum, 아로니아, 안토시아닌, 먼셀, 스펙트럼
Analysis of the Types of Fractal Dimension Appeared in Fashion 패션에 나타난 프랙탈 디멘션의 유형분석
송아름 Arum Song , 간호섭 Hosup Kan
22(1) 135-147, 2018
Analysis of the Types of Fractal Dimension Appeared in Fashion 패션에 나타난 프랙탈 디멘션의 유형분석
송아름 Arum Song , 간호섭 Hosup Kan
Since the 20th century, there has been a growing interest in the new concept of fractals, a combination of mathematics and art, and the attempt to study the creative spatial aspects of the concept is being made. The purpose of this research is to examine artistic characteristics of fractal dimension and then analyze the types of fractal dimensions expressed in the fashion. Previous literature on fractals and dimension, and visual data on art and fashion collected over the Internet were used for analysis. Fractal dimension refers to the spatial concept of structural dimension of geometrical self-similarity. An analysis of the types of fractals seen in fashion revealed spatial expansion, the repetition in continual figures, superposition accordant to different sizes, and shades of different shapes. The aesthetic characteristics of fractal dimension appearing in fashions were examined based on analyses of fractal dimension types; the inherent characteristics of self-similarity, superimposition, and atypicality were found. Results obtained from this study are expected to be used as basic materials for the application of the design of fractal dimension into various perspectives of fashion.
Key Words
two and three dimensional space, fractal dimension, dimensional thinking, objet fractal, self-similarity, 2, 3차 입체적 공간, 프랙탈 디멘션, 차원적 사고, 프랙탈 모형, 자기 유사성