Analysis of the Type of 3D Printing Development Linked with the Textile Structure Principle 텍스타일 스트럭처 원리와 연계된 3D 프린팅 개발 유형 분석
김효진 Hyojin Kim , 김성달 Seongdal Kim
22(2) 1-13, 2018
Analysis of the Type of 3D Printing Development Linked with the Textile Structure Principle 텍스타일 스트럭처 원리와 연계된 3D 프린팅 개발 유형 분석
김효진 Hyojin Kim , 김성달 Seongdal Kim
3D printing technology, which is expected to play a leading role within the Fourth Industrial Revolution, is becoming distinguished not only in the space, automotive, medical and engineering industries, but also in the area of design. The fashion and textile structures created by 3D printing technology were classified into three types - basic structure, unified structure, and a new physical structure. When traditional weaving, knitting, and stitching was reinterpreted through 3D printing, there were apparent limitations in reproducing the characteristics of fabric structures due to differences in the materials and structures of traditional textiles. New physical structures are being developed to break away from merely reproducing traditional textile structures, and to bring out the characteristics of 3D printing technology. As examples of new physical structures, there are the kinematics structure which utilizes the hinge method, mesostructure cellular material, and the N12 disk structure. Such techniques potentially open a new paradigm of fashion and textile structures. Some innovative aspects of 3D printing technology may result in changes in the methods of collaboration, manufacturing, and distribution. Designers are receiving help from specialists of various backgrounds to merge 3D printing technology to create original works. Also, 3D printing not only makes personalized custom designs available, but shortens the distribution channels, foretelling a change within the fashion and textile industry.
Key Words
3D printed textiles, 3D printed fashion, textile structures, mesostructure, 3D 프린팅 텍스타일, 3D 프린팅 패션, 텍스타일 스트럭처, 메조스트럭처
The Study of Social-Face Sensitivity and Consumer Purchasing Behavior with Outdoor Wear -Mediating Effect of Conspicuous Consumption- 소비자의 체면민감성과 아웃도어웨어 구매행동 연구 -과시소비의 매개효과 분석-
진대건 Daegun Jin , 유소이 Soye You
22(2) 14-26, 2018
The Study of Social-Face Sensitivity and Consumer Purchasing Behavior with Outdoor Wear -Mediating Effect of Conspicuous Consumption- 소비자의 체면민감성과 아웃도어웨어 구매행동 연구 -과시소비의 매개효과 분석-
진대건 Daegun Jin , 유소이 Soye You
This study was to explore purchasing behavior and repurchase intention by considering social-face sensitivity and conspicuous consumption. To do this, first, this study tried to explain how consumers had different characteristics for social-face sensitivity, conspicuous consumption, purchasing behavior, and repurchase intention for outdoor wear. Second, this study tested the relationship between consumer behavior (purchasing behavior and repurchase intention) and social-face sensitivity by considering the mediating effect of conspicuous consumption. As the results, first, there was a significant relationship between social-face sensitivity (sensitivity to saving face) and conspicuous consumption, which had a significant effect on the purchasing behavior with outdoor wear(purchase frequency, purchase cost). Second, social-face sensitivity (consciousness of shame) had a significant effect on conspicuous consumption (preference for famous brands, status symbol, pursuing fashion), and social face sensitivity (consciousness of social formality) had a significant effect on conspicuous consumption (preference for famous brands). The relationship between the conspicuous consumption and purchasing behavior showed that conspicuous consumption had significant effects on consumer behavior (purchase frequency, purchase cost). The relationship between the social-face sensitivity and purchasing behavior showed that being conscious of others had a significant effect on purchasing behavior. Third, purchasing behavior with outdoor wear had a significant effect on repurchase intention. Finally, this study confirmed that conspicuous consumption had a partially significant mediating effect on the relationship between social-face sensitivity (sensitivity to saving face) and purchasing behavior.
The Type of the Lower Body Shape of the Elderly Women Using the 3D Anthropometric Data -Focused on Women Aged 70-85- 3차원 계측데이터를 활용한 고령 여성의 하반신 체형 유형화 -70-85세 여성을 중심으로-
차수정 Su Joung Cha
22(2) 27-39, 2018
The Type of the Lower Body Shape of the Elderly Women Using the 3D Anthropometric Data -Focused on Women Aged 70-85- 3차원 계측데이터를 활용한 고령 여성의 하반신 체형 유형화 -70-85세 여성을 중심으로-
차수정 Su Joung Cha
This study analyzed the body shape of women over 70 years and classified their body shapes in order to provide basic data for the development of pants patterns that can complement the weakness of the body shape of elderly women. It were analyzed using SPSS Ver. 20.0. Five factors were extracted from the lower body: obesity and thigh thickness, lower body length, under knee thickness, ankle height, and hip sag. In type 1, the lower body was obese and the legs were thick, but the hips were not sagging. It was named 'high-hip obesity figure'. Type 2's abdomen, hip, and waist were obese, but the legs were thin and the hip were not sagging. Thus, 'bird-leg middle obesity figure' was the name. Type 3 had a long and slender lower body, but legs were thick and the hips were saggy, it was named 'strong-leg low-hip slender figure'. The elderly women showed less difference in waist, abdomen, and hip circumference. The abdominal circumference was 2-3cm more than the waist and hip circumference; hence there is a need to differentiate the shape and number of darts in the production of bottom-wear patterns for older women. In addition, the leg circumference is gradually reduced by aging compared to the size of the lower body. Therefore, it would be necessary to search for a method that can effectively design the difference between the hip circumference and the leg circumference in relation to the body shape and the aesthetics of older women.
Fashion Styling Educational Program Development for Female Marriage Immigrant 여성결혼이민자를 위한 패션 스타일링 교육 프로그램 개발
양정희 Junghee Yang
22(2) 40-50, 2018
Fashion Styling Educational Program Development for Female Marriage Immigrant 여성결혼이민자를 위한 패션 스타일링 교육 프로그램 개발
양정희 Junghee Yang
This study is intended to develop a fashion styling training program for female international marriage immigrants. To collect basic data for program development, a total of ten female international marriage immigrants living in Changwon, Gyeongsangnam-do, were interviewed on relevant subjects, such as clothing life and their interest in fashion and fashion training programs. According to the interviews, they prefer Korean fashions, have difficulty purchasing and coordinating clothes while living in Korea, and felt that others were staring at them because of their appearance and fashion styles. For the question about interest in fashion, most respondents answered that they have great interest in fashion and managing their appearance. For the question about the need for a training program in fashion styling for female international marriage immigrants, most respondents answered that it is necessary, and most respondents also answered that they would participate in such a program if it were available. The contents of the training program for fashion styling for female international marriage immigrants was composed of the following sections: Understanding of Fashion Styling, Variety of Fashion Styling, and Fashion Styling Practice. The section on the understanding of fashion styling is composed of the concept of fashion styling and the elements of fashion styling. The section on variety in fashion styling is composed of styling based on fashion image, face type, body type, and TPO. The section on fashion styling practice is composed of the practice of fashion styling on an actual person based on the knowledge obtained through the program.
Key Words
multi-cultural family, female marriage immigrant, fashion styling, educational program of fashion styling, 다문화 가정, 여성결혼이민자, 패션 스타일링, 패션 스타일링 교육 프로그램
A Study on the Characteristics and Design Development of Upcycled Denim Fashion 업사이클 데님 패션의 특성 및 디자인 개발 연구
이연지 Yeonji Lee , 엄소희 Sohee Um
22(2) 51-60, 2018
A Study on the Characteristics and Design Development of Upcycled Denim Fashion 업사이클 데님 패션의 특성 및 디자인 개발 연구
이연지 Yeonji Lee , 엄소희 Sohee Um
This research focuses on the development of upcycled denim fashion designs, whichis a more specific category within general upcycled fashion design. Characteristics of upcycled fashion design, which has been identified previously by researchers, include the following traits: environmentality, uniqueness, aesthetic appeal, availability, convertibility, and deconstructivity. The expression principles include recycling, substitution, recombination, and reduction. The result of the analysis of the denim fashion design characteristics, which is based on the theoretical analysis, has found. The external expression pattern consists of the deconstruction and reconstitution of materials, the avant-garde style and convertibility, the ability to mix and match materials and techniques, the production of zero waste, and the use of layering. The expression techniques used included decomposition, depaysement, weaving, cut-off, collage, assemblage, overlapping, connecting, attaching, and stitching. The inner meanings were identified as economicality through recycling, convertibility through rearranging, and the rarity and value of hand-made products. The result of the research applying the identified characteristics are as follows. First, developing and creating designs using modified denim and sub-materials with various expression patterns and techniques could provide completely new images unlike existing denim products. Second, modifying the details while maintaining the basic format of denim clothing could provide unique and new possibilities for upcycled denim fashion design. Third, environment-friendly models with creative designs were developed by recycling used denim materials. This reduced waste and energy while maximizing the use of resources. This study expects contribute to upcycled fashion design research by recognizing the unique characteristics and value of denim material.
Key Words
upcycle, denim fashion, sustainable fashion, ethical fashion, design for environment, 업사이클, 데님 패션, 지속가능한 패션, 윤리적 패션, 환경을 위한 디자인
A Study on Fashion Design of Reproduced the Body by Power -Focusing on Visualization by Image Associative Action- 권력으로 재생산된 몸과 패션디자인 표현 연구 -이미지 연상기법에 의한 시각화를 중심으로-
김민지 Minji Kim
22(2) 61-73, 2018
A Study on Fashion Design of Reproduced the Body by Power -Focusing on Visualization by Image Associative Action- 권력으로 재생산된 몸과 패션디자인 표현 연구 -이미지 연상기법에 의한 시각화를 중심으로-
김민지 Minji Kim
Power is the driving force of society, and the generation of power is inevitable. as long as society is rganized hierarchically. According to Michael Foucault’s discourse modern power operates as a mechanism of 'panopticon', a system that monitors the 'body' of man through discipline. Moreover. fashion as acts as a symbol of beauty that continues to co-exist with power for the purpose of exposing status and authority, and for displaying the trends within a culture. So, it is necessary to study fashion design according to the changing power structure that exists in society. The aim of this study is to suggest types of creative fashion design process by visualizing the Foucault's power discourse through the image associative action. The four types of creative fashion design that have been drawn by visualizing Foucault's power discourse are as follow: disciplinary power, imprisonment power and knowledge power. The first type of fashion design method is to emphasize the shoulder by using shoulder pads, strings, tabs, and incisions in the clothing. The second method is to expose the body by using see-through material and manipulating its composition to expose the body. Third method is to borrowing elements of underwear. Fourth method is to utilize patterns that represent power, such as weapons, bones, blood, muscles, skulls, and various human imagesin the clothing. Through this study we expect to utilize creative fashion design to visualize concepts of the humanities, such as philosophical discourse.
Key Words
image associative action, fashion design, creativity, power, Michael Foucault, 이미지 연상기법, 패션 디자인, 창의성, 권력, 미쉘 푸코
Satisfaction and Experience of Side Effecting in Wearing Skinny Jeans 스키니 진의 착용 만족도 및 부작용 경험
박영희 Younghee Park
22(2) 74-87, 2018
Satisfaction and Experience of Side Effecting in Wearing Skinny Jeans 스키니 진의 착용 만족도 및 부작용 경험
박영희 Younghee Park
Many people who wear skinny jeans have expressed satisfaction or concern regarding the side effects of wearing the garments, based on specific demographic characteristics. For this study, we disseminated 373 copies of a questionnaire. Study subjects were eighteen-to fifty-nine-year-old man and women Linear regression was used for data analysis. Descriptive statistics included the χ2 test, t-test, ANOVA and Duncan multiple range test. Corresponding results in terms of difference analysis overall were significant when based on gender, marital status, age, occupation and the average score of satisfaction. The values were approximately three points. The qualitative results of difference analysis for side effects in wearing skinny jeans according to demographic characteristics were identified as the experience of displeasure by pressure. There was a significant difference according to gender. Leg edema was also observed based on gender, marital status, age, occupation and the experience of poor circulation of blood. The factor that has the greatest influence on satisfaction on wearing skinny jeans was sitting long hours.
Key Words
demographic characteristics, skinny jeans, side effects, satisfaction in wearing, 인구통계학적 특성, 스키니진, 부작용, 착용 만족도
A Study on Digital Fashion Design Platform based on the 3D Virtual Fashion Technology 3차원 디지털 기술을 기반으로 한 디지털 패션 플랫폼 프로토타입 설계 연구
박재현 Jaehyun Park , 박민희 Minhee Park , 김선희 Sun-hee Kim , 송영호 Youngho Song
22(2) 88-106, 2018
A Study on Digital Fashion Design Platform based on the 3D Virtual Fashion Technology 3차원 디지털 기술을 기반으로 한 디지털 패션 플랫폼 프로토타입 설계 연구
박재현 Jaehyun Park , 박민희 Minhee Park , 김선희 Sun-hee Kim , 송영호 Youngho Song
The domestic fashion industry is not able to exceed the level of fashion that exists in advanced countries due to the relatively weak design competitiveness and the differentiated capability of product development. In order for the domestic fashion industry to become a growth industry that is valued in the world market of infinite competition, a step-by-step support system that can demonstrate and maintain the creative ability of designers is needed. Therefore, this study proposes a template - based 3D virtual fashion technology and a digital fashion platform based on it. The proposed template - based 3D virtual fashion technology is designed to clearly communicate the intention of designers and to be able to instantaneously view the results, thereby reducing the time and cost of producing prototypes. In addition, the digital fashion platform based on the template is designed as a collaborative platform based on idea sharing, which dramatically improves the process of confirming the prototype and initiating the product planning and manufacturing stages. This new technology can contributes to the formation of a business environment and a new area within the existing fashion industry and can be utilized for the development of the fashion industry in the future.
Key Words
digital fashion platform, 3D digital technology, digital fashion, idea platform, CLO 3D, 디지털 패션 플랫폼, 3차원 디지털 기술, 디지털 패션, 아이디어 플랫폼, 클로 쓰리디
A Study on the Change of Hand of Nettle Denim 네틀 데님소재의 태의 변화에 관한 연구
이정민 Jungmin Lee
22(2) 107-117, 2018
A Study on the Change of Hand of Nettle Denim 네틀 데님소재의 태의 변화에 관한 연구
이정민 Jungmin Lee
Nettle fiber, a sustainable fiber, was applied to the fabrication of denim to identify changes in textile appearance and formation. For the weaving of nettle denim, nine specimens, distinguished by three kinds of composite use of nettle fiber and three stages of fabrication processes, were used. The kinetic characteristics of the nine specimens were measured by the KES-FB system, and the images of the specimens of finished denim textiles, captured with a CCD Camera, were analyzed. In terms of the extensibility (EM) of nettle denim, all specimens showed post-processing increase, thereby suggesting an easy transformation of the textile as a source material for denim fabric. The effects of washing on the woven formation of denim were also identified. The geometric roughness (SMD), the problematic property of bast-fiber-like nettle fiber, was found to be decreased by washing. In terms of the bending rigidity (B) of the textile, the post-processing shrinking percentage of elastic nettle denim was found to decrease; all specimens that underwent bio-washing only also manifested that post-processing elasticity increased. To improve the draping of nettle denim, a mixed spinning together with washing were found to be advantageous. In terms of the shear stiffness (G), which is closely associated with the appearance of clothes, the formation of textile was improved regardless of the types of processing, including bio-washing and bleach washing.
Key Words
nettle, hand, denim, mechanical properties, 네틀, 태, 데님, 역학적 특성
A Study on the Self-expression, Stage Confidence, Commitment and Satisfaction of Fashion Models 패션모델의 자기표현력, 무대 자신감, 몰입과 만족도에 관한 연구
박근정 Keun-jung Park , 김영삼 Young-sam Kim
22(2) 118-133, 2018
A Study on the Self-expression, Stage Confidence, Commitment and Satisfaction of Fashion Models 패션모델의 자기표현력, 무대 자신감, 몰입과 만족도에 관한 연구
박근정 Keun-jung Park , 김영삼 Young-sam Kim
This study investigated the effect a fashion model's self-expression has on stage confidence, commitment, and satisfaction. The differences in stage confidence, commitment and satisfaction were analyzed by comparing the frequency of fashion show experiences. A survey was conducted using convenience sampling of professional male and female fashion models at fashion venues (Dongdaemoon Design Plaza) and model agencies from March 2, 2017 through April 10, 2017. A total of 248 questionnaires were obtained and SPSS 21.0 was used for data analysis. The results of this study are as follows. First, the analysis indicated a fashion model's self-expression factors, including movement, meaning, and individuality, had positively impacted the model’s psychological and physical confidence, while acting ability negatively impacted such confidences. Secondly, movement meaning, expressive impulse, and individuality had positive impacts on behavioral commitment. A model’s expressive impulse was also found to have a positive impact on cognitive commitment. In addition, acting ability negatively impacted behavioral commitment, while it affected cognitive commitment positively. Third, a high level of psychological and physical confidences about fashion shows, as well as a high level of behavioral and cognitive commitment, had a positive impact on fashion-show satisfaction. There were significant differences in cognitive commitment and fashion-show satisfaction by frequency of fashion show experiences. The findings can be utilized to understand the psychological factors that affect a fashion model’s performance in order to increase the model's fashion-show satisfaction. It is also expected to provide useful information to enhance the quality of fashion shows.
A Study on Children's Cosmetics Based on Analyzing Internet News and Best Items 인터넷 기사와 Best Item 분석을 통해 살펴본 어린이 화장품 연구
심준영 Joonyoung Shim
22(2) 134-149, 2018
A Study on Children's Cosmetics Based on Analyzing Internet News and Best Items 인터넷 기사와 Best Item 분석을 통해 살펴본 어린이 화장품 연구
심준영 Joonyoung Shim
The number of children wearing make-up is increasing. "Children's cosmetics" is not a legal term though it is commonly used. The purpose of this study is to analyze discussions on children's cosmetics based on news articles found on the internet. This study also identifies what products are being distributed as children's cosmetics. Keyword searches were conducted using internet portal sites. Information was extracted from news articles and Best Item 100 for children's cosmetics. The results of analyzing news articles and Best Item 100 lists are as follows : 1. There were two main discussion topics in news articles. The first topic was related to marketing(the branding and trends of children's cosmetics). The other topic was about government regulations(side effects, harmful ingredients, control, regulations, attention, proper product usage, product categorization, and the overall safety of children's cosmetics). By 2014, many articles had covered government control and regulation. However, since 2017, news articles have focused on the product categorization and the concern for overall safety has dramatically increased. 2. Three different product categories have appeared in the Best Item 100; they are cosmetics, toys, and other products. In market, consumers recognized children's cosmetics as cosmetics and also as toys. Between 2017 and 2018's Best Item, other products are dramatically down, color cosmetics and single cosmetics are on the rise, and the purchase of domestic products has increased.
Key Words
children's cosmetics, color cosmetics, best item, internet news, 어린이 화장품, 색조 화장품, 베스트 아이템, 인터넷 기사