An Analysis of the Effects of Luxury Brand Consumers on the Re-purchase Intentions, Behavioral and Risk Perception 명품브랜드 소비자의 재 구매의도에 미치는 영향 분석 -온라인 해외직업구매 이용동기, 행동의도, 위험지각을 중심으로-
윤선영 Seonyoung Yoon , 이승희 Seunghee Lee
22(5) 1-14, 2018
An Analysis of the Effects of Luxury Brand Consumers on the Re-purchase Intentions, Behavioral and Risk Perception 명품브랜드 소비자의 재 구매의도에 미치는 영향 분석 -온라인 해외직업구매 이용동기, 행동의도, 위험지각을 중심으로-
윤선영 Seonyoung Yoon , 이승희 Seunghee Lee
The purpose of this study was to define the purchase behavior of online luxury fashion brand consumers that soon became new luxury consumption trends. To investigate online luxury fashion brand consumer’s purchase behavior, three variables were suggested based on advanced researches. These variables include economic value, item variety and pleasure. Purchasing luxury online was not common but as cross-border online shopping market became popular, consumers began to purchase luxury items through online shopping platforms. Preliminary surveys was conducted on 20~40-year-old consumers who have experience in online shopping for luxurious items. Total 238 questionnaires were used for analysis. By using SPSS, frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis, t-test and ANOVA were conducted. The results of the study were as follow; first, consumer’s purchase behavior appeared to be influenced by the order of pleasure of shopping, economic value and item variety. Repurchase intention appeared to be affected by the order of economic value, item variety, and pleasure of shopping. Second, online luxury fashion consumers perceived that risk does not affect purchase intention and repurchase intention. Third, as purchase intention increases, repurchase intention also increases. Fourth, shopping value, age and channel risk also indicated meaningful differences. As an early study of luxury fashion brand products purchased directly online, the academic significance can facilitate an overall understanding of consumer behavior such as usage motive, risk perception, behavioral intention.
Male Consumers’ Clothing Consumption Values and Perceived Importance of Store Attributes by Store Type Preferences 남성 소비자의 점포 선호유형에 따른 의복소비가치와 점포속성중요도
석세미 Semi Suk , 이윤정 Yoon-jung Lee
22(5) 15-31, 2018
Male Consumers’ Clothing Consumption Values and Perceived Importance of Store Attributes by Store Type Preferences 남성 소비자의 점포 선호유형에 따른 의복소비가치와 점포속성중요도
석세미 Semi Suk , 이윤정 Yoon-jung Lee
The purpose of this study was to classify male consumers and examine their clothing consumption values and the perceived importance of store attributes. Using Internet-based research service, survey data were collected from 651 male consumers aged between 20 and 40. The questionnaire included questions regarding respondents’ preference of different store types, clothing consumption values, perceived importance of store attributes. According to the results, the respondents were categorized into 5 distinct groups based on their store type preferences: discount store preference group, multi-channel preference group, store indifferent group, brand store preference group, online store preference group. Multi-channel preference group was the largest among these groups. The five store type preference groups statistically varied in clothing consumption values, i.e., epistemic value, brand/conspicuous value, and economic value. The groups also differed in the importance they placed in the store attributes of: service and product quality, promotion, fashionability, salesperson and store environment, store atmosphere, convenience, and website image. The results of this study have direct implication for retail marketers of fashion companies who are targeting male consumers. Marketers can apply findings of this study in implementing retail strategies for different types of stores.
Key Words
male consumers, store type preference, clothing consumption value, importance of store attributes, 남성 소비자, 선호 점포 유형, 의복소비가치, 점포속성중요도
A Study on the Breast Shape Analysis of Big-breasted Women 볼륨 유방 여성의 흉부체형 분석에 관한 연구
한초희 Chohee Han , 이경화 Kyong-hwa Yi
22(5) 32-40, 2018
A Study on the Breast Shape Analysis of Big-breasted Women 볼륨 유방 여성의 흉부체형 분석에 관한 연구
한초희 Chohee Han , 이경화 Kyong-hwa Yi
Big breasted women often experience dissatisfaction with ready-made brassieres, that do not account for individual breast types nor provide adequate cup sizes. This study was conducted to provide basic information on common breast shape and measurements of Korean big-breasted women, and to facilitate development of big-breasted women's bras with excellent fit and comfort. The study analyzed direct upper body measurements of 178 women in their 20’s whith cup size C or bigger in the 5th, 6th and 7th Size Korea. In addition, 3D body scan data of women with bra size 75 and cup size C were re-collected and their breast types were examined. Average under-bust circumference of big-breasted women was 75 size in brassiere size. The average stature was 159.78 cm and the body weight was 60.33kg, indicating "overweight". Also, it was revealed that common breast types of big-breasted women, were hemispheric and cone types. The study can facilitate better understanding of breast shapes and sizes of standard big-breasted women, and will be useful as reference in selection of subjects in future studies.
Key Words
big-breasted women, brassiere, Size Korea, breast shape, bust size, 빅 브레스트 여성, 브래지어, 사이즈 코리아, 유방 형태, 유방 치수
A Study on the Expression Types of Cable Knitting 케이블 니팅의 표현 유형에 관한 연구
김성달 Seongdal Kim
22(5) 41-51, 2018
A Study on the Expression Types of Cable Knitting 케이블 니팅의 표현 유형에 관한 연구
김성달 Seongdal Kim
Cable knitting, one of the most representative structures of knitwear has been applied to a number of knit items in a variety of expressions every season. The purpose of this study is to analyze the various types of expressions applied with cable knitting techniques to make the necessary data for planning cable knit designs. The types of cable knitting were devide into two categories which are based on the cable knitting pattern and structure. Based on the pattern, firstly, formal type is a reproduction of traditional Aran knit style and is usually applied to a practical and comfortable timeless knit product. Secondly, informal type is irregular applied to patterns and directions to highlight the dynamics of cable patterns. Thirdly, contrasting type emphasizes the cable pattern by contrasting the color of the part of the cable pattern. Fourthly, figurative type is the expression of the conceptual motifs and using the cable knit pattern itself as motif. Based on the structure, firstly, open type is to emphasize patterns and spaces by utilizing open spaces created by the intersection of cabling stitches. Secondly, decorative type is to enhance the ornamental effect of cable knitting by various methods and other subsidiary materials. Thirdly, avant-garde type is applied in various ways with exaggerated volumes or textures using the three-dimensional effects of cable knitting. Through this study, we look forward to the possibility of expressing the unique aesthetic characteristics of each of the various knitting techniques.
Key Words
cable knit, expression type, aran knit, knit design, 케이블 니트, 표현 유형, 아란 니트, 니트 디자인
An Exploratory Study on Makeup of Elementary School Students 초등학생의 색조화장에 대한 탐색적 연구
김예인 Ye-in Kim , 진현정 Hyun-jeong Jin
22(5) 52-63, 2018
An Exploratory Study on Makeup of Elementary School Students 초등학생의 색조화장에 대한 탐색적 연구
김예인 Ye-in Kim , 진현정 Hyun-jeong Jin
The purpose of this study was to explore and understand why and how elementary school students do their makeup. An interview with 13 sixth grade female students attending an elementary school in Seoul was conducted to identify the reasons, learning routes, and purchasing patterns related to their makeup purchase and use. The results of this qualitative analysis showed that the girls were influenced to start wearing makeup by friends or family members, such as sisters and mothers. The students thought that their faces were ugly before they did makeup. They thought they became more beautiful and they were pleased after makeup. Elementary school students mostly reported that they used sunscreen, sun cushion with a whitening function, and lip tint. Some students also used a concealer to cover their flaws. They learned the methods of makeup by watching YouTube videos and from friends. They showed different purchasing patterns depending on the type of cosmetics they buy. They reported that their parents often bought their basic cosmetics such as lotions, and creams, while they tend to use their own money to purchase cosmetics for makeup.
Key Words
elementary school student, exploratory study, makeup, 초등학생, 탐색적 연구, 색조화장
A Study of Convergence and Divergence Characteristics -Case Study of Fashion Market- 컨버전스와 디버전스 특성에 관한 연구 -패션마켓 사례를 중심으로-
박연진 Yonjin Park , 이영재 Young Jae Lee
22(5) 64-82, 2018
A Study of Convergence and Divergence Characteristics -Case Study of Fashion Market- 컨버전스와 디버전스 특성에 관한 연구 -패션마켓 사례를 중심으로-
박연진 Yonjin Park , 이영재 Young Jae Lee
As sustainability of fashion brands is becoming more important in the prolonged depression, the fashion market is also seeking ways to create new value through convergence with various fields. In the fashion market, convergence marketing is engaged with diverse technologies combined with advanced technologies and strategies. This study established the conceptual characteristics of convergence and divergence from a market perspective. Convergence can be summarized as Borderless, Compounding, Diversification, Recombination and Affiliation. The conceptual characteristics of the divergence can be summarized as de-fusion, individualization, differentiation, specialization, and segmentation. The characteristics of convergence revealed through the case of fashion market include the expandability of the new category, the expandability of the consumer, the brand experience, and the expandability of time and space. Divergence is the differentiation of brand value, target customer, and product nature. Through this study, we could understand the differentiation of the fashion market and the direction of the marketing strategy by looking at the characteristic of the convergence marketing - oriented research that has the contrary conceptual characteristics from the extended viewpoint. Based on this, it is possible to see the changes and patterns of brand marketing strategies and techniques in recent fashion market. In the future, it is expected that the systematic study of the marketing strategy of the domestic fashion brand based on the convergence and change characteristics of the fashion market proposed in this study will continue.
A Qualitative Study on the Role of Shop Masters in Multi-channel Retail Context 멀티채널 유통브랜드의 샵마스터 역할에 대한 질적 연구
이정진 Jungjin Lee , 황선진 Sunjin Hwang
22(5) 83-95, 2018
A Qualitative Study on the Role of Shop Masters in Multi-channel Retail Context 멀티채널 유통브랜드의 샵마스터 역할에 대한 질적 연구
이정진 Jungjin Lee , 황선진 Sunjin Hwang
As the paradigm of fashion retail industry moves rapidly to the multi-channel, the role of shop master has changed as well. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine in-depth the changing role of shop masters in multi-channel retail paradigms. In-depth interviews were conducted, and all interviews were recorded with permission. Seven shop masters participated in in-depth interviews. All of them were sales specialists, with more than 10 years working experience, at department stores. Results of this study are as follow: First, the roles of a multi-channel shop master include store management, management of sales associates, customer relationship management, and management in relation to the headquarters and suppliers. Second, the most important competencies of shop masters are to forecast future demand, establish information networks, communicate well with others, and create a work environment resulting in higher productivity.
Development of Slim-Fit Pants Pattern for Obese Male Adolescents 비만 남자 청소년의 슬림핏 팬츠 패턴 개발
임보연 Bo Yun Lim , 권수애 Soo Ae Kweon , 김지영 Jiyoung Kim
22(5) 96-112, 2018
Development of Slim-Fit Pants Pattern for Obese Male Adolescents 비만 남자 청소년의 슬림핏 팬츠 패턴 개발
임보연 Bo Yun Lim , 권수애 Soo Ae Kweon , 김지영 Jiyoung Kim
This study developed the pants pattern, that improved appearance and gesture functions in clothes to resolve inconveniences in case of activities with being adequate in fitness of slim-fit pants for obese adolescents. The slim-fit pants pattern was developed through the fitting test after designing and making the pattern of the experimental clothing A(c/pu; 99/1%) with the primary commercial clothing as basic prototype, through the fitting test and implementation of the experimental clothing, modified and supplemented secondarily, and through the fitting test of the second experimental clothing, modified and supplemented tertiary. In terms of findings, first, as a result of analyzing the commercial slim-fit pants, it is interpreted to have projected an optical illusion, that appears to be slim due to being narrow in width of the front panel when observed from the front of the pants. Second, in the fitting test of the first experimental clothing, the prototype of commercial clothing was understood to have improved butt, crotch, waist and femoral regions. Third, pattern design of the second experimental clothing was allowed to decline abdominal pressure, in case of the sitting position, by making the crotch line in the front panel short and by handling it with a yoke belt, and was processed a difference between waist and hip circumference in the back panel, with a rubber band in the whole waist part. Fourth, in the gesture function test of the third experimental clothing, high evaluation was received in every item excluding the knee region.
Key Words
obese, slim-fit pants, pattern, male adolescents, 비만인, 슬림핏 팬츠, 패턴, 남자 청소년
Development of Rental Children's Dress Using the Abandoned Wedding Dress Ⅰ 웨딩드레스의 업싸이클링 대여 아동드레스 개발 Ⅰ
박유신 Youshin Park
22(5) 113-124, 2018
Development of Rental Children's Dress Using the Abandoned Wedding Dress Ⅰ 웨딩드레스의 업싸이클링 대여 아동드레스 개발 Ⅰ
박유신 Youshin Park
This study is to find ways to use fast-fashion wedding dresses continuously which usually have worn three or four times and just wasted, which is an current interesting issue over the society. Among clothing from the 19th Century, three styles of Empire, and Crinoline were analyzed from their underwear styles to outwear styles through library and museums and are made for rental service. Based on 8-year-old girls' physical dimensions, openings and closing methods of each size were applied to develop and make rental dress designs. It will be a good opportunity to study history and develop creativity if children can try different styles of dresses from different cultures and times and also experience difference wearing ways as they also have such desire. Underwears were designed to be worn by adjusting cloth rings, rubber bands, or hook and eye to fit different dimensions. The final products are as follows. First, empire dress doesn't need underwear to wear. Depending on the purpose of the rental dress, the back side of upper clothes have lace up by using cloth rings like empire style. Skirt was cut to use hem lace suitably from wasted dress. Second, Crinoline dress is usually configured of Crinoline, Petticoat, Two Piece on Drawers, Chemise, and Corset. It was designed by flat front, bigger sides and backs by Crinoline and Petticoat.
A Study on the Safety Vest by Sports and Leisure Population Distribution -Focusing on Motorcycle Vest- 스포츠 레저 인구 확산에 따른 안전 상의에 관한 연구 -모터사이클 상의를 중심으로-
이현영 Hyunyoung Lee
22(5) 125-136, 2018
A Study on the Safety Vest by Sports and Leisure Population Distribution -Focusing on Motorcycle Vest- 스포츠 레저 인구 확산에 따른 안전 상의에 관한 연구 -모터사이클 상의를 중심으로-
이현영 Hyunyoung Lee
This study intended to develop a motorcycle safe vest that can be prepared against accidents by mounting a smart module (with built-in sensor) on the safe vest in order to emphasize safety among functional aspects of the motorcycle clothing. The research method investigated professional books, prior research, and Internet data to examine the characteristics of motorcycle wear and the theoretical examination of smart wear, and analyzed the functional characteristics of the design by reviewing smart jacket and vest design cases for motorcycles currently on the market. As a results of study an interface device sensor, which contains a sensor with IMU(Intertial Measurement Unit) and CPU(Central Processing Unit), was inserted into a motorcycle top in order to draw attention to the safety of motorcycle riders. The IMU sensor attached to the vest detected the tilting motion of the rider to either left or right side to obtain data on left or right direction, sudden stop, and so forth and displayed left or right turn signal and sudden stop sign on the backplate (back) through the LED module. As for charging the device to operate LEDs, a generator, which is designed to convert the heat energy in the exhaust into electric energy, was used to efficiently self-produce the power required to operate LEDs of the top while riding.