Comparisons of Electrical Conductivity between Polyester/Polyurethane and Nylon/Polyurethane Woven or Knitted Fabrics with Silver Paste Patterns in Elongation-Strain test 폴리에스터/폴리우레탄 및 나일론/폴리우레탄에 은 문양을 입힌 편직물의 신장-변형 시 전기 전도도 비교
김혜진 Hyejin Kim , 윤창상 Changsang Yun , 김종준 Jongjun Kim
23(2) 1-17, 2019
Comparisons of Electrical Conductivity between Polyester/Polyurethane and Nylon/Polyurethane Woven or Knitted Fabrics with Silver Paste Patterns in Elongation-Strain test 폴리에스터/폴리우레탄 및 나일론/폴리우레탄에 은 문양을 입힌 편직물의 신장-변형 시 전기 전도도 비교
김혜진 Hyejin Kim , 윤창상 Changsang Yun , 김종준 Jongjun Kim
The objective of this study was to investigate electrical conductivity of fabrics from polyester (PET) and Nylon (N) containing polyurethane (PU), with silver paste patterns screen-stenciled in three directions. The PET/PU and N/PU fabrics knitted or woven were uniaxially strain-recovered up to 22.5% in three times when each change in electrical resistance was simultaneously measured. This study established four variables that complexly affected electrical conductivity of these specimens; fabric structures, components, cover factors, and the percolation of silver particles. The woven or knitted fabric structures did not distinctively cause the changes in electrical resistance, however, the woven fabrics with the diagonal patterns showed their relatively high electrical resistance. The PET/PU fabrics with increasing the PET proportion generally presented the opposite propensity to its electrical conductivity. The changes in electric resistance of the PET/PU 85/15 2/1 twill and double plain fabrics instantaneously responded to the rate of elongation. The PET/PU group exhibited a reverse correlation between its cover factor and electrical resistivity. The highest electrical conductivity of the PET/PU 95/5 interlock fabric, with very few fluctuations, was attributed to the deep percolation of the silver particles that bridged the gaps between one loop and another. On the other hand, the occurrence of the silver cracks along with the elongated direction led to the immeasurably high change in electrical resistance as the strain increased.
Development of Fashion Cultural Product Design Based on the Iconological Analysis of Four Auspicious Animals in Korean Folk Painting 사령수(四靈獸) 민화의 도상해석학적 분석에 의한 패션문화상품 디자인 개발
김지영 Ji Young Kim
23(2) 18-33, 2019
Development of Fashion Cultural Product Design Based on the Iconological Analysis of Four Auspicious Animals in Korean Folk Painting 사령수(四靈獸) 민화의 도상해석학적 분석에 의한 패션문화상품 디자인 개발
김지영 Ji Young Kim
The purpose of this study is to develop fashion cultural products that contain an example of cultural symbolism, which is based on the results of iconological analysis seen on imaginary animals. The method of research was to derive design ideas through a verbal association method, using the technique of mind map as based on the iconological analysis results. In the scarf design, four auspicious animals were used as the main motifs, and the background elements that appeared with each folk painting were used as sub-motifs for each of the four animals. In this case, the Yong was expressed with an image of clouds and flames as sub-motifs, and was strongly represented by the presence of a contrast color combination. In what follows, the Bonghwang was used with the sun and feathers in a stable structure due to its four-way arrangement, and was expressed with its soft light tone. The Shingoo was used with blue and khaki colors of dull and deep tone, and the image of aquatic plants and lotus were used. Finally, with the Kirin was represented by a symmetrical structure as characterized with a dull toned color and square border that provides a sense of stability. The clutch bags were as generally expressed using simple animal motifs, and were composed of a uniform motif and color. The design process used the Illustrator CS6 to perform motifs design. In the end, the process finally developed the actual product of eight scarves and four clutch handbags.
Key Words
folk painting, iconological analysis, four auspicious animals, fashion cultural product design 민화, 도상해석학적 분석, 사령수, 패션문화상품 디자인
Roles of A Fashion Museum in Fashion Tourism 패션투어리즘에서의 패션박물관의 역할
예민희 Ye Minhee , 임은혁 Yim Eunhyuk
23(2) 34-47, 2019
Roles of A Fashion Museum in Fashion Tourism 패션투어리즘에서의 패션박물관의 역할
예민희 Ye Minhee , 임은혁 Yim Eunhyuk
Fashion can be regarded as an effective marketing tool for the promotion of urban tourism. Since fashion is attractive in itself, it can work as a resource which fascinates people and attracts many tourists to the city. This study examines fashion tourism based on the close relationship between fashion and tourism. This study focuses on analyzing the positive effect of the existence of a fashion museum on the advent of fashion tourism, in particular. A fashion museum can be classified in the same category as an art museum, whereby the museum exists as specializing in fashion and is considered a fashion brand museum. Thus, this study examines the current trends and characteristics of fashion museums and analyzes roles of fashion museums in fashion tourism by types, which are based on advanced researches of general tourism including trends in the fashion tourism industry. The results of this study are as follows: First, a fashion museum can help spread the word and educate tourists about fashion culture. Second, a fashion museum can increase the value of its brand by strengthening the city's identity. Lastly, the presence of a fashion museum would encourage tourists to spend more money in the city, which causes a ripple effect on the city's economy such as creating more jobs within the fashion.
Key Words
fashion tourism, fashion museum, city tour, fashion city, 패션투어리즘, 패션박물관, 도시관광, 패션도시
Study on Derivation of Creative Thinking Techniques for the Fashion Design Development Task 패션디자인 개발 직무에 적합한 발상법 연구
서승희 Seunghee Suh
23(2) 48-61, 2019
Study on Derivation of Creative Thinking Techniques for the Fashion Design Development Task 패션디자인 개발 직무에 적합한 발상법 연구
서승희 Seunghee Suh
The objective of this study was to derive a list of creative thinking techniques applied with the requirements of the appropriate technique for the task of fashion design development among the process of fashion product planning. This was done through the analysis of thinking techniques by the type of thinking and idea method. Also, the study presented how each creative thinking technique derived is applied to the task of developing fashion design. The scope of the study was 'Fashion Design Development Task', which corresponds to the design sketch of a fashion item based on the seasonal design concept derived through the fashion design planning stage. Research on the thinking techniques consisted largely of the process of idea thinking, the elements of creative thinking, the patterns and types of thinking. Four studies by Makoto, Michalko, De Bono, and Cox suggesting that the patterns and types of thinking techniques were analyzed for the purpose of this study as empirical studies through FGI of a group of five fashion experts. The analysis results showed that the thinking techniques suitable for the development of fashion design were derived from the technique of fractionation, attributive listing, scamper, morphological analysis, mind mapping, lotus blossom, pattern language, provocative operation, and forced connection. In particular, it can be confirmed that the scamper was treated as an efficient and practical technique in the many studies.
Design Research of Hue and Tone Color System for Efficient Sensual Color Education 효율적인 감성색채교육을 위한 휴 앤드 톤 컬러 시스템의 설계 연구
이경희 Kyunghee Lee
23(2) 62-76, 2019
Design Research of Hue and Tone Color System for Efficient Sensual Color Education 효율적인 감성색채교육을 위한 휴 앤드 톤 컬러 시스템의 설계 연구
이경희 Kyunghee Lee
The importance of color is increasing in modern life and we call such present age that is ‘color age’. These day that all areas of life are being getting fashionize, ordinary people as well as design specialist are required of culture and knowledge about color. Color design education is important curriculum at liberal arts course and in special design trainning course. Color expresses by hue, value and chroma in Munsell color system. But design spot is using mainly hue and tone color system. Therefore it is very important that educate tone concept in color design education. When think influence that increase of color, we must develop hue and tone color system in suitable for color design education. This research designed usable ‘Hue and Tone 313 Colot System’ for efficeint sensual color education. Also I designed 313 color papers with attached the Munsell notation which could reappear the spare color paper when needed. The 10 hues classification of this system are Red, Yellow Red, Yellow, Green Yellow, Green, Blue Green, Blue, Purple Blue, Purple, Red Purple. The 19 tones classification of this system are vivid, light, standard, deep, pale, soft, dull, dark, very pale, light grayish, medium grayish, dark grayish, very dark, off White, off Pale, off Light Gray, off Medium Gray, off Dark Gray, off Black. The special colors of this system are gold, silver and copper.
Key Words
sensual color education, hue and tone 313 color system, 10 hues, 19 tones, special colors, 감성색채교육, 휴 앤드 톤 313 컬러 시스템, 10색상, 19톤, 특수색
Study on Peel Strength Measurement of 3D Printing Composite Fabric by Using FDM FDM 방식을 활용한 3D 프린팅 복합직물의 박리강력 측정 연구
한유정 Yoojung Han , 김종준 Jongjun Kim
23(2) 77-88, 2019
Study on Peel Strength Measurement of 3D Printing Composite Fabric by Using FDM FDM 방식을 활용한 3D 프린팅 복합직물의 박리강력 측정 연구
한유정 Yoojung Han , 김종준 Jongjun Kim
One way of appling 3D printing to garments is through the combination of 3D polymer filaments in textile fabrics. it is essential to understand the interface between the polymer and the 3D composite fabric in order to enhance the adhesion strength between the polymers and the peeling strength between the fabric and the polymer. In this study, the adhesion of composite printed specimens using a combination of fabric and polymers for 3D printing was investigated, and also the change in adhesion was investigated after the composite fabric printed with polymers was subjected to constant pressure. Through this process, the aims to help develop and utilize 3D printing textures by providing basic data to enhance durability of 3D printing composite fabrics. The measure of the peeling strength of the composite fabric prepared by printing on a fabric using PLA, TPU, Nylon polymer was obtained as follows; TPU polymer for 3D printing showed significantly higher peel strength than polymers of composite fabric using PLA and Nylon polymer. In the case of TPU polymer, the adhesive was crosslinked because of the reaction between polyurethane and water on the surface of the fabric, thus increasing the adhesion. It could be observed that the adhesion between the polymer and the fiber is determined more by the mechanical effect rather than by its chemical composition. To achieve efficient bonding of the fibers, it is possible to modify the fiber surface mechanically and chemically, and consider the deposition process in terms of temperature, pressure and build density.
Key Words
3D printing, 3D textile, PLA, TPU, Nylon, peel strength, 3D프린팅, 3D텍스타일, 폴리락틱애시드, 열가소성 폴리우레탄, 나일론, 박리강력
A Study on the Analysis and Design Development of Licensed Fashion Products of Professional Baseball 프로야구 라이센싱 패션제품 현황 분석 및 디자인 개발
이미숙 Misuk Lee , 정경희 Kyunghee Chung
23(2) 89-109, 2019
A Study on the Analysis and Design Development of Licensed Fashion Products of Professional Baseball 프로야구 라이센싱 패션제품 현황 분석 및 디자인 개발
이미숙 Misuk Lee , 정경희 Kyunghee Chung
The purpose of this study was to develop licensed fashion products based on the analysis of Korean professional baseball licensing. This study reviewed the introduction of sports marketing, licensing programs, and analyzed the current status of licensing brands and products in Korean baseball clubs. Based on this analysis, high value added licensed products were developed for Korean professional baseball clubs. The results of this study were as follows. First, all Korean baseball clubs operated offline shopping malls in their home stadiums and posted online shopping mall links on their websites. Moreover, licensed products were developed through agreements with sports and licensing companies, and sales were being done through official shopping malls, open markets, and shopping malls. Various marketing for specific events or targets were not done well. Second, licensed products were mostly fashion products such as clothing and hats. Most of them were unisex wear, but the proportion of fashion products for women was not large. Also, while the licensed products used elements that made the baseball team feel symbolic throughout, they sometimes sold products that did not reveal the identity of the professional baseball team, with an emphasis on motifs that were unrelated to the team. Third, this study selected KIA Tigers and developed 27 kinds of women's licensed fashion products including textile designs. Through this research, it was derived that there is the need for integrated marketing of Korean professional baseball, diversification of consumer-based licensing products, and enhanced entertainment products for the Korean baseball cheering culture.
Key Words
design development, fashion product, licensing, professional baseball, sport marketing, 디자인 개발, 패션제품, 라이센싱, 프로야구, 스포츠 마케팅
Analysis of Women's Fitness Wear Colors-Focused on 2017 S/S- 여성 피트니스웨어 색채 분석-2017 SS시즌을중심으로-
김리라 Ri Ra Kim , 주미영 Mi Young Joo
23(2) 110-123, 2019
Analysis of Women's Fitness Wear Colors-Focused on 2017 S/S- 여성 피트니스웨어 색채 분석-2017 SS시즌을중심으로-
김리라 Ri Ra Kim , 주미영 Mi Young Joo
This study aims to investigate the color characteristics of female fitnesswear by analyzing the status of color usage and color arrangement method of each item of female fitnesswear of sports brands. This study targeted eight global total sportswear brands. A total of 2956 colors of female sportswear were collected and analyzed from the homepage of each brand. As a result of analyzing the color of fitnesswear, first, the overall color of the fitnesswear showed high distribution centered on PB, Bk and R of low color tone, such as p and dkg. Moreover, bright tone colors were added for vitality and functional image of sports. Second, as a result of analyzing the color of each item, commonly, the PB, Bk and R had large proportions. Third, as a result of analyzing 2-color arrangements of fitnesswear, color arrangements including achromatic color had overwhelmingly higher frequency than color arrangements that had only chromatic colors. This shows that the color arrangement using achromatic color is important and has a higher preference. Fourth, as a result of extracting the representative color arrangement as color chip and comparing, the 2-color arrangement of female fitnesswear had the characteristics of the color arrangement of large area main color and small amounts of emphasized color centered on achromatic colors of Bk and W. This study is meaningful that it can be utilized as basic data for color planning of fitnesswear brands by subdividing female fitnesswear into 4 items and analyzing the color-tone and arrangement.
Key Words
sportswear, fitnesswear, color characteristic, color combination, 스포츠웨어, 피트니스웨어, 색채특성, 배색
A Study on the Characteristic Expression of Korean Traditional Costumes shown in the Korean Paintings by Kim Hyun-Jung 김현정의 한국화에 나타난 한국 전통 복식의 표현 특성 연구
나유신 Yoo-shin Na
23(2) 124-139, 2019
A Study on the Characteristic Expression of Korean Traditional Costumes shown in the Korean Paintings by Kim Hyun-Jung 김현정의 한국화에 나타난 한국 전통 복식의 표현 특성 연구
나유신 Yoo-shin Na
The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristic expression of Korean traditional costumes shown in the Korean paintings by Kim Hyun-Jung. The study analyzed the paintings by Kim Hyun-Jung to find out the characteristics of the contemporary Korean paintings and the expression of Korean traditional costumes. The characteristics of Kim Hyun-Jung’s works are as follows: 1) The paintings are drawn by using Korean traditional painting methods and finished with Korean traditional paper, hanji. Moreover, they show the Korean traditional costume as main subject material. 2) They use modern painting methods, such as collage, and show pop art characters by use of contemporary popular products. 3) The artist communicates with the public through SNS and YouTube, and shows characteristics of popular art through commercial art products and advertisements. The characteristics of the Korean traditional costume in Kim Hyun-Jung’s works are as follows. 1) The hanbok shown in the paintings is a traditional style with tight jeogori and wide chima. Chima is drawn in thin coloring with Korean ink and jeogori is expressed with semi-transparent hanji in various patterns and colors, which shows the subject ‘coy’. 2) Various kinds of Korean traditional accessories and modernized flower shoes with high heels are shown as subject materials. The art works by contemporary Korean artists are expected to be the route to give valuable information to the public about Korean traditional costumes as well as the trendy Korean culture.
Key Words
Kim Hyung-Jung, Korean painting, Korean traditional costume, hanbok, K-culture, 김현정, 한국화, 한국전통복식, 한복, 한류문화
The Effects of Shopping Value on the Usage Intention of Unmanned Fashion Stores-Application of Technology Acceptance Model- 쇼핑가치에 따른 무인패션점포 이용의도-기술수용모형의적용-
서상우 Sangwoo Seo
23(2) 140-155, 2019
The Effects of Shopping Value on the Usage Intention of Unmanned Fashion Stores-Application of Technology Acceptance Model- 쇼핑가치에 따른 무인패션점포 이용의도-기술수용모형의적용-
서상우 Sangwoo Seo
The objective of this study was to verify the usage intention of unmanned fashion stores through the technology acceptance model and to verify the extended technology acceptance model including the shopping value as consumers’ characteristic. An online survey, consisting of 626 consumers as participants, was conducted from March 13 to 19. Results of the study were as follows: This study used exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Furthermore, a covariance structure analysis using the maximum likelihood was conducted for hypothesis testing. According to the results, perceived ease of use affects perceived usefulness, which thereby affects the usage intention of unmanned fashion stores through attitude. Moreover, the analysis of the extended technology acceptance model including the shopping value as the intrinsic motivation of the consumers showed that the hedonic shopping value had a significant effect on the perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, and perceived usefulness influenced the usage intention of unmanned fashion stores through attitude.
The Development of Fitted Sports Wear for Safety and Protection Using Conductive Yarn Embroidery 전도사 자수를 이용한 안전보호용 밀착형 스포츠웨어 개발
박진희 Jinhee Park , 김주용 Jooyong Kim
23(2) 157-170, 2019
The Development of Fitted Sports Wear for Safety and Protection Using Conductive Yarn Embroidery 전도사 자수를 이용한 안전보호용 밀착형 스포츠웨어 개발
박진희 Jinhee Park , 김주용 Jooyong Kim
The objective of this study was to develop lightweight, stretchable, tight-fit smart sportswear using the conductive yarns into the garment and demonstrating its usefulness. Sportswears with the ability to control LEDs with respect to lighting of the surrounding were developed by applying embroidery with conductive yarns to 2 types of men's T-shirts and 2 types of women's leggings pants for outdoor activities and exercise purposes. LEDs were applied to the front and back of men’s T-shirts and to the rear of the waist of women’s leggings. Men's T-shirts were printed where the LEDs were to be applied, and inside, they were embroidered with conductive threads on the hot-melt fabric to be attached, and then connected with LED. Women's pants were embroidered on the elastic band, in the form of a sine wave that gives it ability to stretch, and finally the elastic band was hidden inside the waistband. The operation of the light sensor in the dark provided the ability to protect joggers from night drivers or cyclists. LEDs were activated when the wearer turns on the fashionable device on his/her shoulder by pressing it. It was able to reduce the risk of accidents by giving recognizability to vehicles, bicycles, and athletes approaching or passing by at night, and securing safe distance from vehicles, etc. Internal embroidery technology had the same flexible and lightweight functions as ordinary clothing products, making it possible to apply to tight-fit smart T-shirts or leggings pants designs.