Generational Characteristics and Fashion Trends of China’s Post-90s Generation 중국 90후세대의 세대적 특성과 패션 경향
빈삼 Sen Bin , 염혜정 Haejung Yum
In December 2019, when the novel coronavirus (nCoV) was identified in Wuhan, Hubei, China, the number of people belonging to post-90s generation among about 42,000 medical staffs personnel supporting Hubei was 12,000 or more, accounting for about 33.3% of the total number of personnel. The term “post-90s generation” generally indicates young people born from 1990 to 1999. The study scope is the 1990-2020 period between the birth of post-90s generation and present. Literature and empirical studies are performed. Generational characteristics and fashion trends shown only by post-90s generation through precedent studies and reports are as follows: First, generational characteristics of post-90s generation can be categorized into the following three characteristics: “sang wenhua”, “collective loneliness”, and “diversified identity”. Second, fashion trends of the post-90s generation can be categorized into the following three characteristics: “new Chinese style fashion”, “masstige fashion”, and “de-labeling fashion”. The above results show that the post-90s generation uses “culture” and “me” as keywords. Further, the above trend is consequently divided into the following two characteristics: “diversification” and “individualization”. This is because the post-90s generation is directly affected by the reform and opening and the 9-year compulsory education policy of China compared to the previous generations; hence, these people are greatly influenced by Western culture and fashion as well as their own culture and fashion. It refers having a tendency to express one’s individuality with a variety of tastes and styles.
Key Words
China, generation, post-90s generation, generational characteristic, fashion trend, 중국, 세대, 90후세대, 세대적 특성, 패션 경향
The Fashion Product Purchasing Behavior of Indonesian Muslim Women 인도네시아 무슬림여성의 패션제품 구매 행동
The Fashion Product Purchasing Behavior of Indonesian Muslim Women 인도네시아 무슬림여성의 패션제품 구매 행동
박영희 Younghee Park , 박혜원 Hyewon Park
The purpose of this study was to analyze the different consumption patterns of fashion products according to the demographic characteristics and religious variables of Muslim women in Indonesia. The research method consisted of a questionnaire, which surveyed Muslim women in Indonesia, whose ages ranged from teens to 40s. The final questionnaire made use of 301 responses, and the analysis methods included χ2-testing, factor analysis, and ANOVA. The results of this survey are as follows: For differences in average monthly clothing purchase costs, there were significant differences according to age, monthly income, final education, and whether or not the respondent wore a hijab, but there was also significant difference according to marital status and religious faithfulness. Muslim women's clothing purchasing factors were practicality, visibility, fit-to-wear, and design. In terms of the differences in factors which were considered when purchasing clothing, they depended on whether or not the respondent was married, practicality and visibility according to age, visibility according to final education, and religious faithfulness. There were significant differences in practicality and visibility, but not according to monthly income. When accounting for the differences in the places where Muslim women bought fashion products, there were significant differences according to marital status and age. In terms of the differences in reasons for choosing a place of purchase, there were significant differences according to age, monthly income, final education, and the degree of hijab wearing.
Key Words
Indonesia fashion, Pop Islam culture, Muslim women’s fashion, fashion product purchasing behavior, 인도네시아 패션, 팝 이슬람 문화, 무슬림 여성 패션, 패션 제품 구매행동
Comparative Analysis of Seven Digital Fashion Weeks 7대 디지털 패션위크의 비교분석 연구
Comparative Analysis of Seven Digital Fashion Weeks 7대 디지털 패션위크의 비교분석 연구
윤혜수 Hyesu Yun , 고은주 Eunju Ko
In the COVID-19 era, globally, companies in the fashion industry are pursuing new convergence methods through digital technology. Conventional fashion shows have become difficult to run exclusively, instead, the shows are run through a combination of offline and digital arrangements. This paper examines the trends of seven digital fashion show weeks in London, Paris, Milan, New York, Seoul, Shanghai, and Tokyo, and presents strategies applicable in Korea's Seoul Digital Fashion Week. We focused on the digital technology used in the digital fashion weeks fashion brands, and the characteristics of the host cities. The study conducted a literature review and case study through corporate and research report data, and the Fashion Week website. Based on the study results, changes in fashion industry calendars like 'See now, Buy now', seasonless, and unified collections for men and women, expansion of D2C system, the rise of short-form contents, and the expansion to the virtual world space and physical limitations can be cited as changed trends. The study provides insight into the incorporation of the Korean Wave and K-Pop singers, industrial structure change, and the establishment of B2B system in the Seoul digital fashion week. The shift to the digital runway is not only an alternative method to cope with the COVID-19 era but also a new “new normal”. Fashion shows are no longer fixed and planned in free spaces. As a venue displaying the creator’s personality, digital fashion week is expected advance in the future.
Key Words
digital fashion week, digital fashion show, Collection, Seoul fashion week, 디지털 패션위크, 디지털 패션쇼, 컬렉션, 서울 패션위크
Analysis of the Changes in Textiles for Automotive Interior Materials: Seeking Realization of a Circular Economy 순환경제의 실현을 추구하는 자동차 내장재용 텍스타일의 변화양상 분석
Analysis of the Changes in Textiles for Automotive Interior Materials: Seeking Realization of a Circular Economy 순환경제의 실현을 추구하는 자동차 내장재용 텍스타일의 변화양상 분석
한인석 Insuk Han , 김선미 Sunmee Kim
The study aims to evaluate changes in textiles for automotive interior and suggest directions that the textile-development should take in order to achieve sustainability, and enter a circular economy system in the future. The main content and results of the study are as follows: First, we cover the overall sustainability study in the fashion and textile fields; in particular, the certification system is well established through the provision of information on the whereabouts of products to consumers and verification by external environmental auditors. Second, we considered the criteria of C2C in order to derive the necessary criteria for sustainability certification in the field of textiles. Third, we looked at the latest development trends of textile materials for automobile interiors which were divided into three categories: natural originated materials, circular economic consideration materials, and functional supplementary lightweight materials. In addition, we identified to what extent the trend of changes aggregated in the examples was satisfied and what was lacking when applied to the Basic criterion of C2C. As such, this study links and applies the sustainability criteria pursued in the fashion and textile fields to the textile for automotive interior materials, suggesting a direction for the textile field for automotive internal materials in the future. Based on the results of this study, it is hoped that studies on textiles for automotive interior considering the net economy will continue, and practical development in the industry will be realized.
Comfort Evaluation of Posture Braces for Rounded Shoulders Using 2D and 3D Patterns 2D 및 3D 패턴 활용 둥근어깨 교정보조기 착용감 비교
오미령 Miryung Oh , 김남임 Nam Yim Kim , 박진아 Gin Ah Park
The purpose of this study was to design posture braces for rounded shoulders by examining characteristics of incorrect postures of rounded shoulders. The review of information in literature on rounded shoulder postures, correction exercise methods, and posture correction devices, has prompted this study to determine the design and material of a proper posture brace for rounded shoulders. In order to develop the pattern of a posture brace for rounded shoulders for women, the study carried out a comfort evaluation of the braces based on the 2D patterns through drafting method by utilizing the body measurements and relational formulae associated with the major body measurement such as bust circumference and on the 3D patterns of the brace which were obtained from 3D human model of women in their early 20s in Korea. Differences in angles were noted when 2D and 3D patterns of shoulder posture braces were compared. The side neck point was relocated farther outside in the 3D pattern to allow additional flexibility in the back-neck area, and the shoulder band was lowered by 14.8°, increasing armhole area comfort. The upper hemline of the front panel was found to rotate upward at an angle of 22.0° as the underarm point of the 3D pattern moved upwards than the underarm point of the 2D pattern, which enhanced comfort in the abdomen area. The 3D designs of shoulder posture brace was preferred in this study, as they significantly improved comfort while conducting fit evaluation compared to the 2D patterns of shoulder posture brace.
Key Words
round shoulder posture, shoulder posture brace, 3D women body modeling, 2D and 3D patternmaking, comfort evaluation, 둥근어깨 자세, 어깨자세 교정보조기, 3차원 여성 인체 모델링, 2D 및 3D 패턴 제작, 착용감 평가
Consumer Perception of Types of Fashion Live Commerce: Using Text Mining 패션 라이브 커머스 유형별 소비자 인식 비교: 텍스트 마이닝 적용
Consumer Perception of Types of Fashion Live Commerce: Using Text Mining 패션 라이브 커머스 유형별 소비자 인식 비교: 텍스트 마이닝 적용
곽하연 Ha-Yeon Gwak , 이규혜 Kyu-hye Lee
This study concludes that communication based on interaction between broadcasting hosts and consumers is differently characterized by fashion live commerce types. Subcategories of the types of fashion live commerce were created and used in the analyses of domestic consumer awareness. Three subcategories were created: The department store type, Designer brand type, and Influencer host type. Comments representing consumers' awareness that appear immediately during real-time broadcasting were collected and used for the analyses. The frequency and TF-IDF-based top keywords were selected to analyze the semantic network and CONCOR, and the top keywords were analyzed by deriving the values of degree of centrality. The analysis identified that a group of product attributes and a group of live commerce offered value were common between the three types. As for the group characteristics classified by type, for the department store types, brand attributes, benefits, and values from pursuing the products were identified. For designer brand types, a group of viewers' responses and inquiries were identified. It is interpreted that the satisfaction value gained from hosts with product expertise has been clustered. Influencer host types have affirmed a group of external product values. A close relationship is formed and it is thought to have led a group of values to trust the external image of the product. This study carries significance in analyzing real-time comment data from consumers using fashion live commerce to empirically reveal the characteristics of each type.
Key Words
live commerce, interactivity, real-time data, Semantic Network Analysis, text mining, 라이브 커머스, 상호작용성, 실시간 데이터, 의미연결망분석, 텍스트마이닝
Analysis of Technical Pattern and Product Characteristics of Global Outdoor Sportswear 해외 아웃도어 스포츠웨어의 테크니컬 패턴과 제품 특성 분석
Analysis of Technical Pattern and Product Characteristics of Global Outdoor Sportswear 해외 아웃도어 스포츠웨어의 테크니컬 패턴과 제품 특성 분석
윤미경 Mi Kyung Yoon , 노의경 Eui Kyung Roh
The purpose of this study is to analyze the technical pattern and product characteristics of outdoor sportswear marketed in Northern Europe and North America. Based on the results of this study, we wanted to provide practical data on the characteristics of products with high functionality and fashionability for developing outdoor sportswear. Therefore, in this study, technical pattern, textiles, details, sewing, compatibility with wearable devices, and certification of 33 marketed outdoor sportswear were analyzed. After analyzing various technical patterns, the bent arm pattern using two-piece panel and a raised arm pattern connecting the side seam with the inner seam of the sleeve appeared on the top. Additionally, the patterns of bent legs with darts in the knee, cutting the posterior, and inserting the gusset in the crotch were mainly seen in the bottoms. By analyzing product characteristics, ergonomic pattern design for easy activity and functional materials was used for climate adaptation in extreme outdoor wear. On the other hand, for outdoor wear meant for trekking or hiking, details, such as portability and easy storage, were considered. Eco-friendly materials were used while ensuring light weight and comfort. Furthermore, for convenience of life, safety, and health, wearable devices were integrated into the outdoor sportswear. Eco-friendly green certification of outdoor products was obtained for the labor environment and production process, and relevant information was provided to consumers.
Development of the Fashion Design of the Qing Dynasty's Clothing Style Using the Attribute Listing Technique 속성열거법을 활용한 청나라 복식스타일의 패션디자인 개발
류일녕 Yining Liu , 서승희 Seunghee Suh
The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics and design elements of the Qing dynasty costume style, and accordingly, develop a new fashion design work incorporating modern aesthetics by using the attribute listing technique. A creative idea that drew out various ideas by considering the properties and characteristics of the object in detail through applying the attribute listing technique, and a modern fashion design in the style of Qing dynasty were developed. In the design development process, first, the theme was set as 'Developing a modern fashion design using design elements of Qing dynasty costume'. Second, design elements and components focusing on design details of Qing dynasty costumes were organized. Third, design ideas that replaced or modified design elements for each type of Qing dynasty costume were presented, and the design was developed by combining and modifying these ideas. Fourth, nine designs were selected through a design evaluation process by a group of experts to select a design for the Qing dynasty costume style. Fifth, seven final designs were selected through revisions to compose a collection with unity and balance. Sixth, colour and material were decided for the selected design, and the work was completed through pattern making, sewing, and fitting process. These seven works were designed with motifs of the Qing dynasty's slit, liling, yuanling, hujian, matixiu, manxiu, shuangmanxiu, zhaixiu, pipajin, yourengquejin, yikouzhong, lingyi, yunjian, magua, mamianqun, xingshang, taoku, chaofu, xingfugua, and pao.
Development of a Bodice Block for Women in Their 20s with a Turtle Neck Syndrome Body Shape 거북목 증후군 체형의 20대 여성의 상의 원형패턴 개발
서유라 Yoo Ra Seo , 김효숙 Hyo Sook Kim
The purpose of this study is to develop a bodice block suitable for women in their 20s with turtle neck syndrome. The problem of turtle neck syndrome body type was derived through the evaluation of bodice blocks. First, the length of the front bodice was longer and the length of the back bodice was shorter. Second, the front neck point, back neck point, and the shoulder line were not in place. Third, the side neck was pushed up. Fourth, the length of armhole was long and it floated. Fifth, the front hem was attached to the body and the back hem was away from the body. A finally developed pattern was designed by developing four test patterns to solve the problem that appeared in a selected bodice pattern, and a t-test was conducted to determine the difference in the appearance evaluation by virtual clothing between the two patterns, bodice block and the development pattern. According to the result, the fit was not good from the side body because the position of the side neck point was not in a place due to the characteristics of the body shape of turtle neck syndrome, but the problems of the anterior neck position, the position of the back neck point, the shoulder line position, and the armhole shape were improved in the developed pattern.
Key Words
3D garment simulation, bodice block pattern, turtle neck syndrome body shape, women in their twenties, 가상의류 시뮬레이션, 상의 원형패턴, 거북목 증후군 체형, 20대 여성