As interest in skin care increases, this study aims to contribute to the development of the beauty self-care market by providing basic data through the measurement of the oil and moisture skin condition of women in their 20s and 30s. The study was conducted from November 27, 2020 to January 31, 2021, with 20 women in their 20s and 30s divided into 4 groups, A∼D, by age, 5 per group. Skin measurements were taken four times at 4 hour intervals at 0H, 4H, 8H, and 12H based on the first measurement that was taken within 30 minutes after waking up, and the oil and moisture indices were observed over time. As a result, both T and U zones showed significant differences in moisture levels over time, with no difference between groups for both T and U zones. Moisture decreased the most between 0H to 4H, and moisture changed the least between 4H to 8H. Changes in moisture increased the similar at 0H and 12H. The oil condition changed more irregularly compared to moisture over time, but all groups showed lower oil content in the U-zone compared to the T-zone. Overall, the facial oil and moisture conditions of women in their 20s and 30s changed over time, indicating that the skin changes in real time. The fact that the skin data, which was measured in the primary activity living environment, can be used as basic research data in the beauty self-care market is meaningful.
A Study on the Design and Style of Burberry Men’s Wear through the Replacement of Creative Directors 크리에이티브 디렉터 교체에 따른 버버리 남성복 디자인 및 스타일 연구
송부영 Bu Young Song , 김윤경 Yoon Kyoung Kim , 이경희 Kyoung Hee Lee
25(4) 14-35, 2021
A Study on the Design and Style of Burberry Men’s Wear through the Replacement of Creative Directors 크리에이티브 디렉터 교체에 따른 버버리 남성복 디자인 및 스타일 연구
송부영 Bu Young Song , 김윤경 Yoon Kyoung Kim , 이경희 Kyoung Hee Lee
This study compares and analyzes the designs of Burberry creative directors, Christopher Bailey and Riccardo Tisci. For this purpose, 322 photographs (176 Christopher Bailey and 146 Riccardo Tisci) were collected and the data analysis criteria were classified into color, shape, material, decoration, item, and fashion style. With respect to the data analysis method, statistical analysis and content analysis were combined. First, the design characteristics of Christopher Bailey top and bottom combined bright tone, tone-in-tone color scheme, H-line, heterogeneous material combination, and smart casual appeared very frequently. Second, the design characteristics of Riccardo Tisci top and bottom combined were monotone, tone-on-tone color scheme, H-line, heterogeneous material combinations, and street culture. Third, the design differences between creative directors were significantly different in color, tone, color arrangement, pattern, material type, material combination, detail, top and bottom items, and fashion style. Burberry men’s wear maintains Burberry's traditional design identity with achromatic colors, beige-based colors, and beige checks. Christopher Bailey's design direction is characterized by modernity in a casual mood that emphasizes practicality. The design direction of Riccardo Tisci is characterized by a wide gap between images in a semi-formal style that emphasizes Burberry's tradition and a free-spirited casual style.
A Study on the Changes in Upper Body Sizes and Body Types of 30-50’s Adult Men 30대 - 50대 성인남성의 상반신 신체 치수 및 체형 유형 변화 연구
권동국 Dongkuk Kwon , 이소영 Soyoung Lee
25(4) 36-60, 2021
A Study on the Changes in Upper Body Sizes and Body Types of 30-50’s Adult Men 30대 - 50대 성인남성의 상반신 신체 치수 및 체형 유형 변화 연구
권동국 Dongkuk Kwon , 이소영 Soyoung Lee
This study aimed to provide basic data for establishing a sizing system for menswear by investigating body size changes and body shapes in adult men in their 30s to 50s. Data on 52 different upper body categories collected from 4,314 people during the 5-7th Size Korea surveys were analyzed. The waist height, hip height, torso and arm lengths, and torso and upper limb circumferences increased while the arm joint sizes decreased. According to factor analysis, factors 1 and 2 referred to ‘the horizontal size of the upper body and limbs’ and the ‘torso height and upper limb length’, respectively, while factors 3 and 4 represented ‘shoulder size’ and ‘upper body length’ respectively. In clustering analysis, types 1 and 2 were ‘short and fat’ and ‘tall and thin,’ respectively, while types 3 and 4 represented ‘tallest and chubby’ and ‘shortest and small’ respectively. Torso length increased in the 30 to 40s in type 1 while torso circumference increased in the 30s and late 40s in type 2. In type 3, shoulders got bigger in the 30s. In type 4, torso circumference increased in the early 30s, and torso length increased in the late 40s. ‘Thin’ was a typical body shape in the early 30s. Among early 40s men, distribution evolved from ‘small’ to ‘thin.’ In the late 40s, while the percentage of ‘small’ decreased, the ratio of ‘obese’ increased. In the 50s, ‘small’ was the most common.
Key Words
body measurements, body types, 30s-50s male, 신체치수, 체형, 30-50대 남성
Identity and Archive Inheritance of Fashion Brand < Versace > -Focusing on Donatella Versace Milano Collection from 2018 to 2021- 도나텔라 베르사체 컬렉션 분석을 통한 패션 브랜드 <베르사체>의 디자인 아이덴티티와 아카이브 계승연구 -2018년∼2021년 밀라노 컬렉션을 중심으로-
신성미 Sungmi Shin , 박혜원 Hyewon Park
25(4) 61-78, 2021
Identity and Archive Inheritance of Fashion Brand < Versace > -Focusing on Donatella Versace Milano Collection from 2018 to 2021- 도나텔라 베르사체 컬렉션 분석을 통한 패션 브랜드 <베르사체>의 디자인 아이덴티티와 아카이브 계승연구 -2018년∼2021년 밀라노 컬렉션을 중심으로-
신성미 Sungmi Shin , 박혜원 Hyewon Park
Gianni Versace is one of the most influential Italian designers between the 1980s and 1990s and a representative person to add sexiness and splendour to Italian fashion. This study aimed to analyze the design identity that resulted in the successful handover to Donatella Versace and to review how effectively differentiated and unique heritage elements of Versace were transferred and operated. Literature reviews were performed to find Gianni Versace’s design identity and archive. The scope of this study was Donatella’s collection from 2018 to 2020. In particular, Signature, the most remarkable design identity of luxury brands with a visual identity that includes the mark, logo and symbol and design elements such as the item, colour, materials, details, etc., were the special focus. In this study, the elements of the visual identity of the signature were classified with the logo, icon, silhouette, materials, patterns, colours, and changes in details that were applied with the uniqueness and philosophy of the differentiated brand. Donatella Versace empathized with Versace’s heritage as the brand heritage recalling Versace’s honour in the 1990s and reproduced his honour again by reinterpretation of Versace’s design images. Donatella is considered an excellent creative director who leads the brand by keeping the heritage and applying the trends of the times. This study as a case study of Versace has the meaning that Versace has maintained the brand identity starting from Gianni Versace as the first generation and successful takeover after the change of directors upon recreation to meet the modern times.
Key Words
design identity, Donatella Versace, fashion archive, fashion brand Versace, 디자인 아이덴티티, 도나텔라, 베르사체, 패션 아카이브, 패션, 브랜드 베르사체
The Effect of Anthropomorphism Level of the Shopping Chatbot, Message Type, and Media Self-Efficacy on Purchase Intention 쇼핑 챗봇의 의인화 수준과 메시지 유형, 미디어 자기효능감이 구매의도에 미치는 영향
하유진 Yu Jin Ha , 황선진 Sun Jin Hwang
25(4) 79-91, 2021
The Effect of Anthropomorphism Level of the Shopping Chatbot, Message Type, and Media Self-Efficacy on Purchase Intention 쇼핑 챗봇의 의인화 수준과 메시지 유형, 미디어 자기효능감이 구매의도에 미치는 영향
하유진 Yu Jin Ha , 황선진 Sun Jin Hwang
Currently, chatbot, a conversational platform based on artificial intelligence, is drawing attention as a new marketing channel. This study attempted to verify the effect of the anthropomorphism, message type, and media self-efficacy level on purchase intention. The experimental design of this study was a 2 (anthropomorphism level of shopping chatbot: low vs. high) × 2 (message type: factual vs. evaluative) × 2 (media self-efficacy: low vs. high) three-way mixed analysis of variance (ANOVA). This study conducted a survey by the convenience sampling method of 402 women in their 20s and 30s living in Seoul and the Gyeonggi area who were aware of chatbot services. For the final analysis, 388 questionnaires were used. Data were analyzed with the SPSS 23 program and three-way ANOVA. Simple main effects analysis was conducted. The results of this study were as follows. First, there were statistically significant differences in purchase intention according to anthropomorphism level, message type, and media self-efficacy. Second, message type and media self-efficacy showed statistically significant interaction effects on purchase intention. Lastly, anthropomorphism and the media self-efficacy level and the message type of the shopping chatbots showed significant three-way interaction effects on purchase intention.
Key Words
shopping chatbot, anthropomorphism level, message type, media self-efficacy, purchase intention, 쇼핑 챗봇, 의인화 수준, 메시지 유형, 미디어 자기효능감, 구매의도
Development of a Free School Year Program for Sustainable Fashion Education Ⅰ -Focused on Status Analysis and Suggestion about the Program- 지속가능패션교육을 위한 자유학년제 프로그램 개발 (제1보) -프로그램 현황 분석 및 제안을 중심으로-
Development of a Free School Year Program for Sustainable Fashion Education Ⅰ -Focused on Status Analysis and Suggestion about the Program- 지속가능패션교육을 위한 자유학년제 프로그램 개발 (제1보) -프로그램 현황 분석 및 제안을 중심으로-
The purpose of this study was to develop a free semester program using sustainable materials therefore improving the clothing & textiles section of the middle school textbook and the systematic and in-depth sustainable fashion education based on theme selection activity, as one of free semester system activities in the middle school. Our analysis on the programs, which was performed from 2018 to 2019, showed that the clothing & textiles programs were majorly focused making simple household items through basic needlework and knitting. The programs that related to the sustainable fashion education were environmental programs associated with other textbooks, or mainly included simple upcycling and were mainly operated as arts & physical education or club activities, rather than theme selection programs. According to results from a questionnaire survey on teachers incharge of the system, they had an intention of starting sustainable fashion education program or clothing & textiles section but failed due to low number of participants, practice cost, and time burden. Based on our analysis, this study proposed a 17-session based free semester program that includes the understanding of the sustainable fashions concept, classification of sustainable materials and systematic and stepwise practice in association with the middle school textbook clothing & textile section. The teaching materials developed in this study are expected to be incorporated in the program that helps students understand the right concept of sustainable fashions and respond to the pending environmental issue actively and systematically.
Key Words
sustainability, sustainable fashion education, free semester system, free school year program, 지속가능성, 지속가능패션교육, 자유학기제, 자유학년제
The Effects of Narcissism and Materialism on the Compensatory Consumption of Luxury Products in the Millennial Generation -With a Focused on the Moderating Effect of Self-Control- 밀레니얼 세대의 나르시시즘과 물질주의가 럭셔리 제품의 보상적 소비에 미치는 영향 -자기통제감의 조절효과를 중심으로-
현지원 Ji Won Hyun , 김정미 Jung Mee Kim , 황선진 Seon Jin Hwang
25(4) 109-124, 2021
The Effects of Narcissism and Materialism on the Compensatory Consumption of Luxury Products in the Millennial Generation -With a Focused on the Moderating Effect of Self-Control- 밀레니얼 세대의 나르시시즘과 물질주의가 럭셔리 제품의 보상적 소비에 미치는 영향 -자기통제감의 조절효과를 중심으로-
현지원 Ji Won Hyun , 김정미 Jung Mee Kim , 황선진 Seon Jin Hwang
The millennial generation, which has emerged as one of the strongest influence and consumption power, pursues happiness of the present centering on “I”; consumes luxury products for themselves. The purpose of this study was to evaluate how the narcissism and materialism of the millennial generation affect the compensatory consumption of luxury products in negative situations and the moderating effect of self-control. This study included 315 millennial males and females living in Seoul and Gyeonggi area. Frequency analysis, reliability analysis, multiple regression analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis were conducted using SPSS 25.0 statistical program. Based on our findings, narcissism and materialism had a statistically significant effect on compensatory consumption under positive situations. However, while materialism had a statistically significant effect on compensatory consumption under negative situations, narcissism did not have a statistically significant effect on compensatory consumption under negative situations. Notably, self-control had a moderating effect in the influence of materialism on compensatory consumption under negative situations; narcissism did not. This study holds academic significance as the concept of compensatory consumption and self-control can be applied to the apparel study. Moreover, this study provides practically significant ideas on compensatory consumption and therefore marketing of luxury brands, based on consumers’ characteristics.
Key Words
compensatory consumption of luxury products, narcissism, materialism, self-control, millennial generation, 럭셔리 제품의 보상적 소비, 나르시시즘, 물질주의, 자기통제감, 밀레니얼 세대
A Study on the Development and Commercialization Trends of Wearable Fashion Products Using Flexible Displays 플렉시블 디스플레이가 이용된 웨어러블 패션 제품 개발 및 상용화 동향에 관한 연구
이혜원 Lee¸ Hyewon
25(4) 125-140, 2021
A Study on the Development and Commercialization Trends of Wearable Fashion Products Using Flexible Displays 플렉시블 디스플레이가 이용된 웨어러블 패션 제품 개발 및 상용화 동향에 관한 연구
이혜원 Lee¸ Hyewon
Recently, flexible displays have been used as part of fashion beyond the concept of parts for electronic products. The flexible display applied to wearable fashion products flexibly bends according to the wearing position of the human body and, at the same time, decorates the fashion product more splendidly through the screen on which images or videos are displayed. Flexible displays, which are used for clothes and accessories, combine analogue fashion sensibility with digital screens to create a new level of convergence product design and expand the range of fashion design and fashion materials. This study aims to analyze the trends of the development and commercialization of fashion products that use flexible displays. As a research method, theoretical research and empirical research through case analysis were conducted in parallel. First, as a theoretical study, the morphological and technical characteristics of flexible displays were examined. Through theoretical studies, the effect of the characteristics of flexible displays on the development of wearable fashion products was investigated. Second, as an empirical case study, the design of wearable fashion products using flexible displays over the past 10 years and the characteristics of the displays used in the products were analyzed. Based on the characteristics analyzed, the product design, display and product integration methods and the commercialization stages of wearable fashion products using flexible displays were analyzed.
A Study on the Analysis of Expression Types of Design Carpet 디자인 카펫의 표현 유형 분석에 관한 연구
김성달 Seongdal Kim , 심계은 Kyeeun Shim
25(4) 141-150, 2021
A Study on the Analysis of Expression Types of Design Carpet 디자인 카펫의 표현 유형 분석에 관한 연구
김성달 Seongdal Kim , 심계은 Kyeeun Shim
Recently, interest of consumers in home furnishing products has increased steadily because of the increased time spent at home due to COVID-19. Among them, carpets made of various materials and technologies are becoming popular interior item. Academic and industrial sectors agreed on the need to produce premium design carpets. Prior research on carpet design was mostly focused on patterns, history, with insufficient investigations on the type. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to provide basic data to develop premium design carpets by analyzing their expression types. To analyze expression types, this study covered about 400 design carpets surveyed on the websites of eight major carpet companies from January 2021 to March 2021. Based on the analysis results, the five expression types of are as follows. Firstly, the expression type was expressed in various atypical forms that was deviated from the formal form. Secondly, it was a type that improves visual and tactile effects through a variety of 3-D textures. Thirdly, it was a type of diversification of motifs, which was based on the works of artists and designers in various fields. Fourthly, it was a type that combines two or more different materials and techniques. Finally, it was a modular type that can be applied in various ways to various spaces. Based on the analysis results of this study, it is hoped that the data will be helpful to produce premium design carpets in Korea.
Key Words
design carpet, type of carpet, rug, tufting, home furnishing, 디자인 카펫, 카펫 유형, 러그, 터프팅, 홈 퍼니싱
EMS Application Effect of Lower Extremities to Improve Static Balance Capability 정적 균형능력 향상을 위한 하지 의류의 EMS 적용 효과
황선규 Sunkyu Hwang , 박진희 Jinhee Park , 김주용 Jooyong Kim
25(4) 151-160, 2021
EMS Application Effect of Lower Extremities to Improve Static Balance Capability 정적 균형능력 향상을 위한 하지 의류의 EMS 적용 효과
황선규 Sunkyu Hwang , 박진희 Jinhee Park , 김주용 Jooyong Kim
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether there were improvements on balance when both ankle-jointed calf muscles and hip muscles, which affect balance capabilities, were activated through taping techniques and EMS. In this study, the One Leg Standing Test, a static balance test, was conducted by experimenting on a flat floor, foam pad, and a stretching board with a gradient of 20 degrees, respectively, to study static balance capabilities in different situations. Nine healthy men in their 20s were measured five times every five minutes considering muscle fatigue, and the difference between each variable was analyzed through post-test using nonparametric statistical analysis. Our results showed an equal increase in static balance capability was similar when EMS was applied only to calf muscles and only to hip muscles. Notably most improvements were seen when wearing calf supporters and taping technology pants, and applying EMS together. It was also found that the difference between EMS electric stimulation and balance capability was greater when wearing and applying supporters and taping technology pants. Based on the results of the present study, a muscle support band and EMS of taping techniques can improve balance capabilities. These findings are expected to form a basis for solutions Improving the balance capabilities.