Development of Fashion Design Applying Code and Tape Trimming Decoration Techniques of Computer Embroidery Machine 컴퓨터 자수기계 코드 및 테이프 트리밍 장식기법을 활용한 패션디자인 개발
Development of Fashion Design Applying Code and Tape Trimming Decoration Techniques of Computer Embroidery Machine 컴퓨터 자수기계 코드 및 테이프 트리밍 장식기법을 활용한 패션디자인 개발
이서윤 Seoyun Lee , 김지영 Jiyoung Kim
Purpose of this study is to develop fashion design with greater added value and to seek the expandability of its expression domain by applying special computer code and tape embroidery machine capable of creating more special and fancier fashion to the development of fashion design by focusing on the fashion decorations that are becoming increasingly more computer systematized. For this purpose, expression techniques and effects of computer embroidery machine code and tape trimming decoration techniques, and cases of modern fashion design are examined. Major images are then deduced to designing and production of actual 6 creative pieces equipped with creativity and commercial value by applying such images deduced. As the results, it is not only possible to develop highly value added fashion design by utilizing mixed computer embroidery machine code and tape trimming decoration technique but also to produce countlessly new and unique surfaces by inducing changes in diversified pattern expressions, thickness of cord thread, and width, color and texture of material, etc. of the tape. This can maximize the expression domain of design, and fulfill the fashion desires of consumers wanting modern enhancement of quality and individualization. If multilateral attempts and studies for the aforementioned purposes can be expanded continuously, it is deemed possible to broaden the range of expression techniques in fashion design and, moreover, to make contribution towards enhancement of competitiveness of fashion industry.
Key Words
computer embroidery machine, cord trimming, tape trimming, decoration technique 컴퓨터 자수기계, 코드 트리밍, 테이프 트리밍, 장식 기법
A Study on Image Pursuit Behavior according to Body Surveillance, Body Shame of Women using Image-Based SNS 이미지 기반 SNS 사용 여성의 신체감시성, 신체수치심에 따른 이미지추구행동 연구
A Study on Image Pursuit Behavior according to Body Surveillance, Body Shame of Women using Image-Based SNS 이미지 기반 SNS 사용 여성의 신체감시성, 신체수치심에 따른 이미지추구행동 연구
이현옥 Hyunok Lee
This study examines the image pursuit behavior according to body surveillance, body shame of image-based SNS-used women. Questionnaires were administered to 215 SNS-used women aging between 20 to 30 years old. The SPSS 25.0 package was utilized for data analysis, which included frequency analysis, factor analysis, Cronbach’s α, correlation analysis and regression analysis. The study analyzed the relationship between body surveillance, body shame single factor, and subfactors of image pursuit behavior(conformity, instrumentality, fashion pursuit, attractiveness pursuit, ostentation pursuit, interpersonal). It was observed that body surveillance and body shame had a positive influence on all the factors of image pursuit behavior. Body surveillance demonstrated a high influence on attractiveness pursuit while body shame demonstrated a high influence on ostentation pursuit. Body surveillance had a positive influence on body shame. These results provide useful information for understanding the influence of social media on the psychological attitude and consciousness of women with regard to their body and image pursuit behavior. In addition, results from this study will help to systematize women's theoretical physical consciousness, establish product strategies for physical appearance-related industries, and set marketing directions.
Key Words
body surveillance, body shame, image pursuit behavior, women using image-based SNS 신체감시성, 신체수치심, 이미지추구행동, 이미지 기반 SNS 사용 여성
An Analysis of Pattern Types of Knitted Jacquard and Intarsia -Focused on Four Fashion Collections from 2013F/W to 2022F/W 니트 자카드와 인타샤의 패턴 유형 분석 -2013F/W~2022F/W 4대 패션컬렉션을 중심으로-
최서희 Seo Hui Choi , 오민택 Min Taek Oh , 김성달 Seong Dal Kim
An Analysis of Pattern Types of Knitted Jacquard and Intarsia -Focused on Four Fashion Collections from 2013F/W to 2022F/W 니트 자카드와 인타샤의 패턴 유형 분석 -2013F/W~2022F/W 4대 패션컬렉션을 중심으로-
최서희 Seo Hui Choi , 오민택 Min Taek Oh , 김성달 Seong Dal Kim
This study aims to analyze the patterns made with knitted jacquard and intarsia techniques to provide essential data to help plan different knitwear designs using the techniques and patterns. Based on approximately 3,000 jacquard and intarsia knitwear published in the four significant womenswear collections over the past decade, eight main pattern types were classified, and each characteristic was analyzed. Firstly, it is a logo and symbol type pattern that appears mainly as a means of emphasizing a brand. Secondly, it is a traditional pattern with settled patterns from the past to the present. Third, it is a geometric pattern that appears both typically and atypically in various forms. Fourth, an abstract pattern type does not show a precise form or motif. Fifth, it is a colorful and diverse flower and plant pattern. Sixth, it is a land scape pattern that expresses nature and living space. Seventhly, it is an animal pattern type that expresses the appearance of an animal or the shape of the. Finally, it is a caricature pattern type u sing characters and various cartoonish motifs. Based on the analysis results of this study, creative and diverse design development of Jacquard and Intarsia knitwear and development of the knitwear market will take place.
Key Words
knitted jacquard, intarsia, knit pattern, intarsia pattern, color jacquard 니트 자카드, 인타샤, 니트 패턴, 인타샤 패턴, 컬러 자카드
An exploratory study on the interaction between luxury brands and customers in service encounters 서비스 접점에서 럭셔리 브랜드와 고객과의 상호작용에 관한 탐색적 연구
An exploratory study on the interaction between luxury brands and customers in service encounters 서비스 접점에서 럭셔리 브랜드와 고객과의 상호작용에 관한 탐색적 연구
조민정 Minjung Cho , 고은주 Eunju Ko
Advancements in technology and the proliferation of digital services have highlighted the importance of luxury brands in service environments. Based on the social exchange theory, this study investigated the interaction between customers and luxury brands in a traditional offline service encounter and a digital online service encounter. The interaction area was classified into three parts: human-human, human-digital, and human-physical environments. We qualitatively investigated the practitioners’ working experiences with luxury brands. The study determined that both online and offline service encounter interactions between luxury brands and customers have become diverse. First, forming a special relationship with customers and frontline employees in traditional service encounters is important. Second, luxury brands should focus on the interaction among customers. Third, various digital tools should be considered to provide information about the brand to customers. Fourth, the exclusive benefits of offline service encounters should be maximized to stimulate positive experiences. The findings provide valuable insight to scholars and marketers on the new interaction phase between customers and luxury brands in the digital age.
Key Words
luxury brands, service encounter, digitalization, social exchange 럭셔리 브랜드, 서비스 접점, 디지털화, 사회적 교환
The purpose of this study was to analyze the types of aesthetic characteristics and their expression methods in the goth style expressed with the sensibility of an illustrator, using the work of Toon Hertz as an example. As a research method for this purpose, previous studies and books were used to examine the components of fashion illustration, the concept and aesthetic characteristics of goth style, and the world of Toon Hertz's work. In the qualitative studies, Toon Hertz's works were collected and the characteristics of each component were analyzed. As a result of analyzing the aesthetic characteristics, Distortion appeared as the main element of the human body, and the human body was distorted through the method of combining the human body with animals, plants, and other objects. History was mainly expressed through fashion elements. Victorian clothing was predominant, the color was mainly black, and it was characterized by decorations, such as fancy laces, corsets, and shirrings. The screen layout and the object components appeared as the main components of mystery. Sensuality was a major component of the human body, and it emphasized decadent and sensual images of a woman sitting with both legs apart or placing her hands on her legs or chest. Fear was the main component of the human body, and strangeness and fear were created by omitting or removing parts of the body, such as women's arms, legs, hands, or eyes.
Key Words
Toon Hertz, fashion illustration, goth style, goth fashion 툰 헤르츠, 패션 일러스트레이션, 고스 스타일, 고스 패션
A Study on Hyper-Reality of Fashion by Work of Art 예술작품을 통해 나타난 패션의 하이퍼리얼리티 연구
A Study on Hyper-Reality of Fashion by Work of Art 예술작품을 통해 나타난 패션의 하이퍼리얼리티 연구
정민아 Minah Jung
The rapid growth and influence of digital technologies have had a profound effect on modern society. Companies and businesses can connect through SNS(social network service accounts). The importance of mass media empowers the creation of virtual images that are more realistic than time and space. Unlike traditional reproduction or imitation, the virtual images created in this way are reproduced in a form that lacks the original Inspiration’s essence. Jean Baudrillard described this phenomenon as the theory of simulation. Baudrillard argued that imitated simulated images replace reality. He stated that reality is lost under excessive images in modern society. In response, based on an understanding of the theory of hyper-reality that emerged through the late stages of the order of simulacre, this study aimed to analyze modern fashion’s method of reproducing hyper-real images and investigate the method’s characteristics. This study examined the characteristics of hyper-reality described by Baudrillard and analyzed the method of artistic expression of hyper-reality. Based on this method of expression, reproducibility, following the stages of image simulation, was derived. A specific case applied to fashion was analyzed, and based on the image reproduction method, specific characteristics of hyper-reality characteristics in fashion were obtained. Sixty-four collections were selected, out of which 155 images and 43 brands demonstrated the principles of image transformation.
Key Words
hyper-reality, representing the images, simulation, work of art 하이퍼리얼리티, 이미지 재현, 시뮬라시옹, 예술작품
Development of Bib Pants Design and Pattern for Cycling Smart Wear 사이클링 스마트웨어 제작을 위한 빕 팬츠 디자인 및 패턴 개발
김윤영 Yunyoung Kim , 유병하 Byeongha Ryu , 이우재 Woojae Lee , 이기광 Kikwang Lee , 김리라 Rira Kim
Development of Bib Pants Design and Pattern for Cycling Smart Wear 사이클링 스마트웨어 제작을 위한 빕 팬츠 디자인 및 패턴 개발
김윤영 Yunyoung Kim , 유병하 Byeongha Ryu , 이우재 Woojae Lee , 이기광 Kikwang Lee , 김리라 Rira Kim
In this study, a cycling smart wear for measuring cycling posture and motion was developed using a three-dimensional motion analysis camera and an IMU inertial sensor. Results were compared according to parts to derive the optimal smart device attachment location, enabling correct posture measurement and cycle motion analysis to design a pattern. Conclusions were as follows: 1) 'S― T8' > 'S―T10' > ' S―L4' was the most significant a rea for each lumbar spine using a 3D motion analysis system with representative posture change (90°, 60°, 30°) to derive incisions and size specifications; 2) the part with the smallest relative angle change among significant section reference points during pattern design was applied as a reference point for attaching a cycling smart device to secure detachable safety of the device. Optimal locations for attaching the cycling device were the "S―L4" hip bone (Sacrum) and lumbar spine No. 4 (Lumbar 4th); 3) the most suitable sensor attachment location for monitoring knee induction-abduction was the anatomical location of the rectus femoris; 4) a cycling smart wear pattern was developed without incision in the part where the sensor and electrode passed. The wearing was confirmed with 3D CLO. This study aims to provide basic research on exercise analysis smart wear, to expand the smart cycling area that could only be realized with smart devices and smart watches attached to current cycles, and to provide an opportunity to commercialize it as cycling smart wear.
A Study on the Factors Influencing of Consumers‘ Purchase Intention and Purchase Behavior for Sustainable Fashion Products: Based on Expanded Theory of Planned Behavior 지속가능 패션제품에 대한 소비자의 구매의도 및 구매행동 영향요인에 관한 연구: E-TPB(확장된 계획행동이론)를 바탕으로
A Study on the Factors Influencing of Consumers‘ Purchase Intention and Purchase Behavior for Sustainable Fashion Products: Based on Expanded Theory of Planned Behavior 지속가능 패션제품에 대한 소비자의 구매의도 및 구매행동 영향요인에 관한 연구: E-TPB(확장된 계획행동이론)를 바탕으로
정다운 Dayun Jeong , 김영삼 Youngsam Kim
To improve the discrepancy between consumer attitude and actual consumption behavior despite the expansion of consumer perception of sustainable fashion, this study attempted to identify the factors influencing the purchase intention and behavior of sustainable fashion consumers. The extended theory of planned behavior, which adds prior knowledge and consumer inertia, was used to predict purchase intention and factors affecting purchase behavior for sustainable fashion, and to verify the influence of knowledge and inertia on consumers' attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. The results of this study were derived from SPSS and AMOS statistical analysis based on response data of 323 domestic male and female consumers, 20 years or older with experience in sustainable fashion consumption. The results showed that consumers' prior knowledge and inertia about sustainable fashion have a significant influence on their attitude toward sustainable fashion consumption, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. Implications were derived based on this quantitative verification. The higher the level of consumers' knowledge of sustainable fashion, the greater the impact on attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control, but inertia decreases the impact. Therefore, to grow consumers' knowledge, not only a shopping environment should be established but also inertia should be suppressed as much as possible through sustainable fashion marketing activities.
Key Words
purchase behavior, purchase intention, sustainability, sustainable fashion, theory of planned behavior 구매행동, 구매의도, 지속가능성, 지속가능패션, 계획행동이론
Analysis of the change in appearance according to the hardening method of leather 가죽의 경화방법에 따른 외형변화 분석
Analysis of the change in appearance according to the hardening method of leather 가죽의 경화방법에 따른 외형변화 분석
박유신 Youshin Park
This study is conducted on hardening leather with improved firmness and stability of shape, based on research on types and thickness of leather. The purpose of this study is to test the physical properties of the leather for molding to prepare the foundation for leather molding based on the test results using four methods by thickness of Vegetable and Split. The tests were conducted using a total of five leather types, including three types of vegetable leathers and two types of split, by thickness. Based on the testing method for leathers in KS M 6882, the tests were performed at 27℃ with relative humidity of 65±20%. The samples were prepared with cowhide, size 9cm× 2cm. The measurement parameters are length and width. thickness, volume, mass, density. Regarding the hardening treatment method, changes in appearance and major physical characteristics of leather were reviewed by soaking in hot water, dry heating, hammering, waxing, and olive oil coating. The study results are as follows. In planar works, it is judged that hardening work using a hammer is more suitable for stiffness or density in order to prevent easy breakage with adult muscle density, rather than boiling water or baking. In conclusion, there is no curling, soot, or breaking phenomenon, and the densest curing method is 50℃ for 20 sec of V2 and 75℃ for 60 sec of V2 in boiling water. The combination of paraffin treatment improve waterproof and quality.
Key Words
leather hardening, cowhide, tanning method, thickness, shape change 가죽 경화, 소가죽, 무두질 방법, 두께, 형태 변화
A Study on the Direction of the Development of Hearable Devices for Seniors -Focusing on Wireless Earphones- 시니어를 위한 히어러블 디바이스 개발 방향성 연구 -무선 이어폰을 중심으로-
A Study on the Direction of the Development of Hearable Devices for Seniors -Focusing on Wireless Earphones- 시니어를 위한 히어러블 디바이스 개발 방향성 연구 -무선 이어폰을 중심으로-
최기정 Kijeong Choi , 서승희 Seunghee Suh
This study aimed to evaluate the user experience of hearable devices for seniors and suggest possible development directions. A literature review, case study, and in-depth interviews were conducted. Based on the literature review, convenience, accessibility, transmissibility, wearability, aesthetics, and interest were determined as the user experience factors of hearable devices. Then, in-depth interviews were conducted with 12 participants aged 60 or older regarding four devices. Participants tried four different types of wireless earphones which were selected based on a case study: open-type, kernel-type, neckband-type, and earring-type. Regarding convenience, the participants preferred to carry small devices and regarding accessibility, participants responded positively for most product types. For transmissibility and wearability, there were differences depending on whether devices were put on correctly, but the participants preferred products that did not wholly block external sounds. For aesthetics, participants preferred small and cutting-edge designs. Interest was noticeable among those who had not used the devices before, and for stability, the neckband-type was the most preferred. Based on the results we suggest designing small cutting-edge designs and button-type assist devices, not blocking the external sound, providing a participation program, simplifying device functions, and establishing a method that can be combined with and stored in clothes and a delivery method that can signal danger.
Key Words
hearable device, seniors, user experience evaluation, wireless earphone 히어러블 디바이스, 시니어, 사용자 경험 평가, 무선 이어폰