A Study on Fashion Startup Ecosystem Trends in Korea Using Big Data Analysis - Focusing on Newspaper Articles in 2012-2022 - 빅데이터 분석을 활용한 우리나라 패션 스타트업 생태계의 추세 연구 - 2012~2022년 신문기사를 중심으로 -
A Study on Fashion Startup Ecosystem Trends in Korea Using Big Data Analysis - Focusing on Newspaper Articles in 2012-2022 - 빅데이터 분석을 활용한 우리나라 패션 스타트업 생태계의 추세 연구 - 2012~2022년 신문기사를 중심으로 -
임수정 Soojung Lim , 황선진 Sunjin Hwang
This study divided articles into two time periods, from 2012 to 2022, with the aim of using big data analysis to look at patterns in the ecosystem of fashion start-ups. The research method extracted top keywords based on TF(Term Frequency) and TF-IDF(Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency), analyzed the network, and derived centrality values. As a result of comparing the first and second fashion startup ecosystems, elements of policy, support, market, finance, and human capital were derived in the first period. In addition, in the second period, elements of policy, support, market, finance, and culture were derived. In the first period, the fashion startup ecosystem focused on fostering new designer startups by emphasizing support, finance, and human capital factors and focusing on policies. Meanwhile, in the second period, online-based fashion platform startups and fashion tech startups appeared with the support of digital transformation and fulfillment services triggered by COVID-19(Corona Virus Disease 19), private finances were emphasized, and cultural factors were derived along with success stories of fashion startups. This study is meaningful in that it helps in developing strategies for fashion startups to grow into sustainable companies.
Key Words
fashion startup, startup ecosystem, big data, newspaper articles, 패션 스타트업, 스타트업 생태계, 빅데이터, 신문기사
A Qualitative Study on the Internal Marketing of Fashion Companies in the Omni Channel Fashion Distribution Environment -Focused on the Woman’s Clothing Salesperson- 옴니채널 유통환경에서 패션기업의 내부마케팅 구성요인 -여성복 판매원을 중심으로-
A Qualitative Study on the Internal Marketing of Fashion Companies in the Omni Channel Fashion Distribution Environment -Focused on the Woman’s Clothing Salesperson- 옴니채널 유통환경에서 패션기업의 내부마케팅 구성요인 -여성복 판매원을 중심으로-
이정진 Jungjin Lee
The advent of Omni Channel has changed the fashion business model and the role of fashion sales persons. In such situation, internal marketing can become an important organizational management strategy for fashion companies. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the components of internal marketing of fashion companies for fashion shop masters in an omni channel environment. To achieve the purpose of this study, To achieve the purpose of this study, a qualitative study was conducted to investigate the internal marketing sub-factors of fashion companies. In-depth interviews were conducted for qualitative study. Seven respondents to the in-depth interview were fashion shop masters who had at least 10 years of field work experience. As a result of the qualitative study, internal marketing was derived from five factors, including empowerment, education and training, rewards, internal communication, and management supports. Empowerment factors consist of initiative, encourage creativity, and problem solving. Education and training factors consist of the degree of education and training opportunities, the value of education and training, and the scope of education and training. Rewards factors consist of diversity of rewards, fairness of rewards, and source of rewards. Internal communication factors consist of communication flexibility, diversity of communication and receptivity of communication. Management support factors consist of headquarters support and department store support.
Key Words
internal marketing, omni channel, fashion sales person, shop master, 내부마케팅, 옴니채널, 패션판매원, 샵 마스터
A Study on the Relationships Among Metaverse Experience, the Benefit Sought, and Purchase Behavior of Avatar Fashion Items 메타버스 체험과 아바타 패션아이템 추구혜택 및 구매행동과의 관계 연구
A Study on the Relationships Among Metaverse Experience, the Benefit Sought, and Purchase Behavior of Avatar Fashion Items 메타버스 체험과 아바타 패션아이템 추구혜택 및 구매행동과의 관계 연구
지경하 Kyoungha Ji , 김한나 Hanna Kim
This study investigated effects of metaverse experience on avatar fashion item benefit sought and the impact of fashion item benefit sought on fashion item purchase behavior. An online survey was carried out in the last year targeting male and female consumers aged 15 to 39 years who had purchased avatar fashion items from ‘Zepeto’. A total of 363 responses were analyzed in this study. Results are as follows. First, four factors of metaverse experience were derived: ‘entertainment experience’, ‘escape experience’, ‘adventure experience’, and ‘relationship experience’. Four factors of avatar fashion item benefit sought were derived: ‘trend/brand sought’, ‘situation suitability sought’, ‘individuality sought’, and ‘ideal appearance sought’. Second, all four factors of metaverse experience were found to significantly affect the benefit of trend/brand sought. It was found that entertainment, adventure, and relationship experiences, excluding escape experiences, had significant effects on situational suitability sought. In addition, it was confirmed that entertainment and adventure experiences had significant effects on individuality sought and ideal appearance, respectively. Third, it was found that the trend/brand sought had a significant effect on metaverse usage time and purchase amount and that the situational suitability sought influenced the number of avatar fashion items purchased.
Fashion Brand Experiential Store -Mediating Effect of Flow and Moderating Effect of Gender- 패션 브랜드 체험형 매장 -몰입의 매개효과와 성별의 조절효과-
성유주 Yu Ju Sung , 이새은 Sae Eun Lee , 이규혜 Kyu Hye Lee
The purpose of this study was to understand the factors with consumers’ fashion experiential store experiences and investigate the effect on flow and brand attitude. The study also aimed to investigate whether gender moderated the relationship between consumers’ fashion experiential store experiences and flow. An online survey of consumers in their 20s and 40s was conducted. The SPSS 27.0 program was used to perform frequency, factor, and reliability analysis. The structural equation model was analyzed using the SMART-PLS program. The structural model analysis confirmed that consumers’ rational, physical, and relational experiences in fashion brand experiential stores strongly influenced flow and found that relational experience had the strongest influence on flow. The influence of rational, physical, and relational experiences and flow on brand attitude was confirmed, where flow had the strongest effect on brand attitude. The examination of the moderating effect of gender on the relationship between consumers’ fashion experiential store experiences and flow found that the effect in men was significant for flow and brand attitude through rational experience and that the effect in women was significant for flow and brand attitude through relational experience. These results provide academic implications, and by strengthening consumer flow, we intend to propose the establishment of a marketing strategy and opportunity plan that can elicit a positive brand attitude.
Key Words
fashion brand experiential store, flow, brand attitude, rational experience, physical experience, relational experience, 패션 브랜드 체험형 매장, 몰입, 브랜드 태도, 이성적 경험, 물리적 경험, 관계적 경험
Exotic Tastes Appeared in Paris in the Late 19th Century -Focused on Bon Marche Department Store- 19세기 후반 파리에 나타난 이국취미 -봉 마르셰 백화점을 중심으로-
Exotic Tastes Appeared in Paris in the Late 19th Century -Focused on Bon Marche Department Store- 19세기 후반 파리에 나타난 이국취미 -봉 마르셰 백화점을 중심으로-
이금희 Keumhee Lee
The purpose of this study was to derive exotic products handled by Bon Marche department store, examine characteristics, and reveal the meaning of exotic taste in the 19th century. The research method is literature research centered on original materials of the time, such as old literature related to department stores, and films, newspapers, magazines, and periodicals as well as books and papers. Commercial catalogs and Agenda-Buvard published by Bon Marche were used as visual materials. Results are as follows. Exotic tastes of products of the Bon Marche department store in the late 19th century showed an oriental style centered on Persia, India, China, and Japan. Products from various regions such as Turkey, Spain, Algeria, Tunisia, England, Italy, and Russia were also accepted. These exotic tastes had the following contributions and meanings. First, they expanded items and product development and activated domestic industry through production of imitations and replicas. Second, before the advent of department stores, foreign items that came to Europe were exclusive properties of a few privileged classes. However, in the late 19th century, as the number of consumers who wanted to have a new status higher than themselves increased, exotic products of the Bon Marche department store became the object of desire for material pursuits toward the upper class rather than sentimental fantasies. Third, exotic tastes gradually spread to the public as production of products imitating foreign products became possible industrially with an easy access to them. From this, it can be seen that department stores were mediators of trends and the epicenter of popularizing exotic tastes.
Key Words
Bon Marché, exotic tastes, department store, product, 19th century, Paris, 봉 마르셰, 이국취미, 백화점, 상품, 19세기, 파리
Analysis of Digital Fashion Design Elements Focusing on Overseas Digital Fashion Brands 해외 디지털 패션브랜드에 나타난 패션디자인 요소의 특징에 관한 연구
Analysis of Digital Fashion Design Elements Focusing on Overseas Digital Fashion Brands 해외 디지털 패션브랜드에 나타난 패션디자인 요소의 특징에 관한 연구
홍윤정 Yun Jung Hong
This study attempted to understand current status of overseas virtual fashion brands and analyze attributes of common digital fashion brands. Based on brand analysis criteria of previous studies, digital fashion brands were analyzed for brand concept, price range, characteristic elements, and attributes. Digital fashion design elements of items, colors, materials, patterns, and effects were analyzed by collecting images of brands’ digital fashion design products. Digital fashion brands could be divided into experimental and creative digital fashion brands and digital fashion brands aiming for popular brands. This study introduces a creative fashion collection that experiments sustainability and future value. It shares a new way of self-expression and a playful culture centered on the younger generation. In terms of fashion design elements, fashion items were similar to the existing fashion category, but included other accessories that reflected the lifestyle of Generation Z. Silhouette expressed a minimalistic futuristic image centered on straight silhouettes. Color showed a bold and modern color image through black and color contrast. Unique patterns reflecting the concept of the brand appeared, centering on abstract and geometric patterns. Regarding materials and effects, new elements differentiated from existing fashion design area, showing meaningful characteristics. Digital materials are developed and proposed for sustainability. Materials (such as metal, glass, plastic) and effects (such as weightlessness, flames) expand impossible senses in reality and enable new fashion experiences. This is a case study of digital fashion brands. It is meaningful in that it identifies characteristics and discusses their values and meanings.
Key Words
digital fashion brand, digital fashion design, metaverse, virtual fashion, 디지털 패션브랜드, 디지털 패션 디자인, 메타버스, 가상패션
Digital Technology and Fashion Features in the Contents of Korean Virtual Idol Groups 한국 가상 아이돌 그룹의 콘텐츠에 나타난 디지털 기술 및 패션의 특징
Digital Technology and Fashion Features in the Contents of Korean Virtual Idol Groups 한국 가상 아이돌 그룹의 콘텐츠에 나타난 디지털 기술 및 패션의 특징
설가예 Jiayi Xue , 서승희 Seunghee Suh
Virtual idol groups are a product of changes in cultural content and development of digital technology. The purpose of this study is to derive the characteristics of technical expression and fashion of virtual idol groups of Korean entertainment companies, and the significance of this study is to provide basic data for creating a new content business model for virtual idol groups. The research method of this study consisted of literature research and case analysis. Korean virtual idol groups 'K/DA', 'Aespa', and 'Eternity', which show the evolved business model of the entertainment industry through rapid advances in digital technology, were selected as the subject of case analysis for this study, and newspaper articles were searched by keywords and analyzed. As a result of the study, the technical expressions shown in Korean virtual idol groups were 'implementation of realistic content through interaction technology', 'delicate motion expression through motion capture technology', and 'convergence of information between the real world and virtual world through AR technology', 'provision of experience similar to reality by VR technology' and 'formation of cultural contents by Deep Real technology' were deriven. In addition, the characteristics of the Korean virtual guide idol group's fashion are 'marketing strategy through collaboration with fashion items', 'giving recognition as a digital fashion icon of real existence', 'creating a sensuous image as a fashion brand ambassador' and 'fashion style expression of the Z generation's sensibility'.
Key Words
digital technology, fashion, K-Pop, Korean entertainment industry, virtual idol groups, 디지털 기술, 패션, 케이팝, 한국 엔터테인먼트 산업, 가상 아이돌 그룹
The Effects of Collaboration, Brand Origin, and Fashion Involvement of Sportswear Brands on Preference of Chinese Consumers 스포츠 웨어 브랜드의 콜라보레이션, 원산지, 유행관여도가 중국소비자의 호의도에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Collaboration, Brand Origin, and Fashion Involvement of Sportswear Brands on Preference of Chinese Consumers 스포츠 웨어 브랜드의 콜라보레이션, 원산지, 유행관여도가 중국소비자의 호의도에 미치는 영향
사문 Shi Wen , 변유선 Yoosun Byun , 황선진 Sunjin Hwang
The purpose of this study was to investigate and verify interaction effects of collaboration and brand origin as well as fashion involvement on consumer attitudes towards global sports apparel brands and Chinese local sports apparel brands targeting Chinese consumers. A survey was conducted on 425 Chinese women aged 19 to 34 years. Data were subjected to frequency analysis, reliability analysis, t-tests, 3-way ANOVA, and simple effect analysis. Results of the study are as follows. First, fashion involvement, collaboration, and brand country of origin all had a significant effect on consumer preference of Chinese consumers when purchasing sportswear. Second, fashion involvement and collaboration in purchasing sportswear had a significant interaction effect on consumer preference. Finally, collaboration, brand origin, and fashion involvement showed significant three-way interaction effects on Chinese consumers' preferences. Results of this study can help establish an efficient marketing strategy for Chinese local sportswear brands, which are fiercely competing with global sportswear brands in the Chinese market because they can examine Chinese consumers' attitudes toward sportswear brands. To accurately compare global and local sportswear brands, it must be assumed that there are no differences in brand preferences among consumers. However, as this study selected each brand as the research brand ranked as the top preference, this aspect was not taken into consideration. Therefore, in future research, it is necessary to consider differences in brand preferences and conduct the study accordingly.
Key Words
sportswear, collaboration, brand origin, fashion involvement, Chinese consumer, preference, 스포츠웨어, 콜라보레이션, 브랜드 원산지, 유행관여도, 중국소비자, 호의도
The Effect of Chinese Consumers' Self-image Congruence, Advertising Appeal, and Involvement on Advertising Attitude towards Korean Cosmetics 중국 소비자들의 한국화장품에 대한 광고모델과 자아이미지와의 일치성, 광고소구, 제품관여도가 광고태도에 미치는 영향
The Effect of Chinese Consumers' Self-image Congruence, Advertising Appeal, and Involvement on Advertising Attitude towards Korean Cosmetics 중국 소비자들의 한국화장품에 대한 광고모델과 자아이미지와의 일치성, 광고소구, 제품관여도가 광고태도에 미치는 영향
가기 Jia Qi , 최동은 Dong Eun Choi , 권혜숙 Hae Sook Kwon
This study was undertaken to observe the influence of the model image and self-image congruence of consumers in Korean cosmetic advertisements on the advertising attitude and analyze the relationship between self-image congruence and advertising demand type, participation, and advertising effect, and to help develop plans to more effectively communicate advertising images. The experimental design of this study was 2 (self-image congruence: consistency vs. inconsistency) × 2 (advertising appeal: rational appeal vs. emotional appeal) × 2 (involvement: high vs. low) three-way ANOVA. The results of the study showed that the interrelationship between self-image congruence and advertising appeal type and involvement played an important role in determining the advertising attitude. More specifically, firstly, the self-image congruence of consumers in Korean cosmetic advertising affected the advertising attitude. Secondly, in the advertisements of Korean cosmetics, consumers preferred a rational advertising appeal to an emotional advertising appeal. Finally, statistical results showed significant differences in the influence of the interaction effect of the self-image congruence status of consumers and the advertising appeal on the attitude of advertising. The Korean cosmetic involvement of consumers had a significant impact on whether the Korean cosmetic advertising model image and consumer self-image were consistent with the type of advertising appeal and on the interaction effect of advertising attitude.