An Analysis of Fashion Life Style and Purchasing Type for the Consumer, According to Fashion Trade Area -Focused on Taegu Fashion Trade Area- 패션 상권(商圈)에 따른 소비자(消費者)의 패션라이프 스타일과 의복구매유형분석(衣服購買類型分析)
김경아 Kyung A Kim , 유태순 Tai Soon Yoo
3(3) 1-14, 1999
An Analysis of Fashion Life Style and Purchasing Type for the Consumer, According to Fashion Trade Area -Focused on Taegu Fashion Trade Area- 패션 상권(商圈)에 따른 소비자(消費者)의 패션라이프 스타일과 의복구매유형분석(衣服購買類型分析)
김경아 Kyung A Kim , 유태순 Tai Soon Yoo
This study is to analyze consumer`s visiting fashion trade area. The purpose of this study, focused on Taegu fashion area, Dongsungro and Bum udong, consumer`s spatical beravior, fashion- life-style, clothing purchasing type and Store- Image, etc. This study targeted 580 women aged from 15 to 25 visiting fashion trade area. The methods of measuring include consumer behavior scale, fashion life style scale, clothing purchasing type scale and Stor - Image scale. In process of statistics, the frequency was used to measure consumer`s spatical behavior, MANOVA to measure, fashion life style and X2 examination was employed to measure clothing purchasing type. The followings are the conclusions of this study ; 1. consumer`s spatical behavior by FTA(fashion trade area) : Most people visiting Dongsungro A trade area and Bum udong trade area depart home, while Dongsungro B trade area from school. In case of Bum udong trade area, in particular, more people move from other trade area than people do in Dongsungro trade area. 2. Consumer spatical behavior means by FTA : Bus is far most common transportation. 3. The purpose of visit by FTA : Most people visit Dongsungro B trade area for shopping, while Bum udong trade area for shopping and as a place for appointment. 4. The visiting frequency by FTA : In case of both Dongsungro A.B trade area and Bum udong trade area, at least once a week is most common. Particularly in case of Bum udong trade area, the number of people visiting once every three months and once more than six months is almost same. 5. A company by FTA : People accompanied by the same sex friends are most common in Both Dongsungro A, B trade area and Bum udong trade area in case of Dongsungro B trade area. There is no case of people accompanied by family. 6. The purpose of purchasing fashion comodities by FTA : In case of Dongsungro A trade area for recreation. In case of Dongsungro B trade area and Bum udong trade area, because of affordable price. 7. A Brand - pursued tendency by FTA : Much higher in Dongsungro trade area than Bum udong trade area, among consumers. A character - pursued tendency by FTA : Higher in Dongsungro A than Dongsungro B,A practical tendency and symphatetic tendency Higher in Dongsungro B than Dongsungro A or Bum udong trade area. 8. A Store - Image scale by FTA : The quality of goods is more important to consumers in Dongsungro B than to consumers in Dongsungro A. The data - service and atmosphere are much more important to consumers in Dongsungro B than to consumers in Dongsungro A and Bum udong trade area. The convenience is more important to consumers in Dongsungro B Bum udong trade area than to consumers in Dongsungro A. 9. There is no significant difference among clothing purchasing types by FTA.
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A Study on Brand Images of Women`s Wear Manufacturers Targeting Middle Aged Women or Older Women 中,老年層(중,로년층) 녀성복(女性服) 브랜드이미지 특성(特性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
양승진 Seung Jin Yang
3(3) 15-26, 1999
A Study on Brand Images of Women`s Wear Manufacturers Targeting Middle Aged Women or Older Women 中,老年層(중,로년층) 녀성복(女性服) 브랜드이미지 특성(特性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
양승진 Seung Jin Yang
The purpose of the study was to investigate brand images and fashion leaderships of women`s wear manufacturers targeting middle-aged women or older women. Thus, this study was to be an exploratory study to investigate clothing behavior of elderly female consumers and search apprel niche-market for them. The questionnaire consists of questions on brand images, fashion leadership, and merchandise assortment. The subjects were to evaluate their brand images and rated on 5 point Likert-type scales of 29 adjectives. The fashion leadership of these brands was evaluated by the degree of fashion trends adopted on 7 aspects including fashion images, silhouettes, fabrics, colors, design details, accessories, and item-coordinations. For the survey, both interview and the subjects were 66 manufacturers which have national brands or designer brands. Among 44 respondents, 30 respondents were designers and the rest of them were merchandiser or shop managers. The SPSS PC+ package was used to calculate frequency, T-test, and cluster analysis. The results from survey of manufacturers targeting middle-aged women or older women are as follow: 1) The brand imges which they pursue are prestigious, practical, and elegance. 2) There were significant differences in brand images, and national brand manufacturers pursue stronger images in prestigious, chic, intelligent, competency, than designer brand manufacturers. 3) 40 brands were divided into two clusters. 36 brands were included in one cluster, and only 4 brand were belong to the other cluster. In this market, the image of feminity was grouped with the image of prestigious, chic, intelligent, competency. 4) In product planning, the adption level of fashion trends in 7 aspects was generally at medium level, but fashion trends were more adopted in fabric, color, and item-coordination.
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A Study on the Purchashing Condition of Brassiere for Korean Women 우리나라 성인녀성(成人女性)의 브래지어 구매실태(購買實態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
김영숙 Young Sook Kim , 손희순 Hee Soon Sohn
3(3) 27-37, 1999
A Study on the Purchashing Condition of Brassiere for Korean Women 우리나라 성인녀성(成人女性)의 브래지어 구매실태(購買實態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
김영숙 Young Sook Kim , 손희순 Hee Soon Sohn
The purpose of this study is to provide for the basic data useful to the effective production and marketing of the brassiere befitting adult women`s body shapes and preferences, and thereby, help them improve their apparel life. For this purpose, 563 Korean adult women aged between 20-59 were sampled to survey their practices of purchasing the brassieres and positively identify the factors affecting the practices and thereupon, determine the correlations among them by age group. Data is processed by a computer(SAS) and analyzed by using frequency, percentage, X2-test, ANOVA, Duncan-test. The main results of this study are as follows; 1. The adult women tend to use such mass media as TV, magazines, catalogues and DM to decide for themselves which brassiere befits them most, and to check the brand-name(78.8%) or the sizes(93.4%), but more than 90% of them purchase their brassieres without trying on them. 2. The places of purchasing on which adult women rely most for their brassiere are department stores(32.6%), agencies(26.1%) and discount or pension shops(25.4%), while more than 90% of the sample women often visit bargain sale shops. The average number of brassieres possessed by our adult women is 5.7, and an adult women buys 2.6 brassiere costing 10-30 thousand wons a year on average and consumes a brassiere for the period from 6 months to 2 years. 3. It had been disclosed that the brand favored most by adult women is Venus(56.2%), followed by Vivien (17.6%), Wacoal(6.8%), Amie(2.5%) and Body Guard(2.3%). The most influential factors for the popularity of brands are fitting condition(40.3%) and design(23.8%), which suggests that consumers appreciate functionality and aesthetics. The most important reference affecting our women`s choice of brassiere is size(64.4%), followed by design and functionality. The brassiere style favored most by adult women is a wire-type 3/4 cup brassiere made of thin material with sewing lines, while the most favorite color is white. In all, it has been found through this study that adult women`s practices of buying their brassieres differ by age group, which may well suggest that brassiere production need to take such age-wise practices into consideration in setting up their brassiere production and marketing strategies.
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A Study on the Aesthetic Characteristics in Dandy`s Costume 댄디 복식(服飾)에 나타난 미적(美的) 특성(特性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
이미숙 Mi Sook Lee , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
3(3) 39-48, 1999
A Study on the Aesthetic Characteristics in Dandy`s Costume 댄디 복식(服飾)에 나타난 미적(美的) 특성(特性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
이미숙 Mi Sook Lee , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
The purpose of this study is to examine closely the aesthetic characteristics featured in dandy`s costume. Dandy was term used on for a man excessively fond of and overly concerned with clothes, exemplified by Beau Brummell, Lord Byron, and count d`Orsay, who greatly in gluenced men`s fashions in England and France. In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century George Brummell, the prototype of the dandy, made upper-class English country clothes, especially riding clothes, into the height of men`s fashion in the city. In the early 1800s the alterations he made, particularly with regard to fit and cut, established these as the critical signifiers in men`s dress. Brummell`s style, particularly for day, was essentially restrained and disciplined, and set a standard for sober discretion, appropriateness and taste which governed men`s clothing until well into the twentieth century. The aesthetic characteristics expressed in dandy`s dress are the aristocratic superiority of mind, the restrained beauty in absolute simplicity, and the pursuit of the individual beauty. Brummell`s kind of dandyism instigated the idea of establishing a new kind of aritocracy, an aritocracy based on talent. Over the years this kind of cultural and social coup has been played out in different ways but has remained, like the twentieth-century concept of the avant-garde, a fundamentally male preserve. He advocated unobtrusive darkblue fitted coats, cream-colored trousers, elaborately tied cravats, absence of showy fabrics or excessive decoration, and impeccable grooming. The status of the perfectly tied cravat as the hallmark of genteel elegance, as the last keystone of Fashion`s arch, had been established by Beau Brummell.
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A Study on Traditional Costume of China`s Guizhou Province -Focusing on Bouyei People- 중국귀주성소수민족(中國貴州省少數民族)의 복식(服飾)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -포의족(布依族)의 복식(服飾)을 중심(中心)으로-
김영신 Young Sin Kim , 홍정민 Jung Min Hong
3(3) 49-57, 1999
A Study on Traditional Costume of China`s Guizhou Province -Focusing on Bouyei People- 중국귀주성소수민족(中國貴州省少數民族)의 복식(服飾)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -포의족(布依族)의 복식(服飾)을 중심(中心)으로-
김영신 Young Sin Kim , 홍정민 Jung Min Hong
In this study, the researcher studied the historical background and the traditional culture about dress of Bouyei People of Guizhou Province. The resuits of the study ara as follows. 1. Women`s dress and adorment can be categorized into three styles. In the Zhenning, Guanling and Puding regions and northwestern areas of Guizhou Province, women usually wear blouses with overlapping necks, batik pleated skirts and long aprons. They also wear embroidered kerchiefs or turbans. In the suburbs of Guiyand City and Southwestern Guizhou Province, women like to wear blouses with buttons arranged diagonally on the front, trousers, blue or black and white check cloth kerchiefs. In the Luoping region, women wear blouses with loose sleeves and buttons arranged diagonally on the front and loose-legged trousers. 2. Men usually wear shirts with buttons down the front or arranged on the front, trousers and calottes. 3. Most of their dress materials are white and coloured handwoven, tie-dyed or batik cloth. The exquisite technique of batik and tie-dyeing has a long history, which began to become prevalent in the Song Dynasty. 4. Now, people use all kinds of techniques to make their dress and adornment, including batik, tie-dyeing, cross-stitch, brocade and embroidery, which reflect their peculiar aesthetic temperament.
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A Study on the Actual Condition of Using Sewing Machine for Women`s Wear Suppliers (2) -Focused on Use Circumstances- 숙녀복(淑女服) 봉제업체(縫製業體)의 봉제기기(縫製機器) 운용실태(運用實態) 연구(硏究) (2) -사용현황(使用現況)을 중심(中心)으로-
김은희 Eun Hee Kim , 손희순 Hee Soon Sohn
3(3) 59-67, 1999
A Study on the Actual Condition of Using Sewing Machine for Women`s Wear Suppliers (2) -Focused on Use Circumstances- 숙녀복(淑女服) 봉제업체(縫製業體)의 봉제기기(縫製機器) 운용실태(運用實態) 연구(硏究) (2) -사용현황(使用現況)을 중심(中心)으로-
김은희 Eun Hee Kim , 손희순 Hee Soon Sohn
The results of study can be summarized as follows: 1. Few sewing companies committed their workers to a professional and systematic training course. 2. Brands as Brother, Juki, Yamato, Singer and Nara were being much used. Among them the Brother was most popular. The age of the sewing machines was between one and six years. Most companies were repairing their machines. The manual main sewing machines were more frequently out of order than other machines. The ratio of idle machines was highest in sewing work, compared with cutting or finishing work, primarily due to decreased orders, aging machines or reduced manpower. 3. Most of the sewing companies were feeling necessary for automated sewing machines.
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A Study on the Fabric Trend and Characteristics of 1990`s Women`s wear 1990년대(年代) 국내(國內) 녀성복(女性服) 소재경향(素材傾向)과 특성(特性)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究)
하정원 Jung Won Ha , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
3(3) 69-78, 1999
A Study on the Fabric Trend and Characteristics of 1990`s Women`s wear 1990년대(年代) 국내(國內) 녀성복(女性服) 소재경향(素材傾向)과 특성(特性)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究)
하정원 Jung Won Ha , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate of fabric characteristics in women`s wear as reviewing the fabric trends in 1990`s domestic fashion. As a method to accomplish this research, I have examined the articles related to fashion fabric and fashion trend magerzines. This study considered women`s wear relatively used diverse fabrics, there was not previous study regarding the fabrics used in domestic, since the 1990`s. The social fators for the 1990`s fashion were the influence of the informed, the increased concern for the ecological environment, the sattlement of young popular culture, the increase of resonable consume and social anxiety. To understand the fashion trends of the 1990`s women`s wear, it is divided three periods. The traditional period is from 1991 to 1993, the mixed period of the naturalism and the technology is from 1994 to 1995, the retro period is from 1996 to 1999. The charateristics of the fabrics used in 1990`s women`s wear were the appearance of various functional fabrics, the development of new synthetic fabric with high sensitivity, the popularization of circular knit, the fabrics with a retro mood toward traditional feminine mood and the blending of fabrics. The fashion of 1990 have had the characteristics of various utilization of the materials on the base of reasonable and practical trends than the changes of design and detail.