A Study on the Character Fashion Designs -Focusing on the domestic fashion companies using characters- 캐릭터 패션 디자인 연구(硏究) -국내(國內) 패션업체(業體) 캐릭터 활용(活用) 현황(現況)을 중심(中心)으로-
채선주 Sun Joo Chai , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
4(1) 1-12, 2000
A Study on the Character Fashion Designs -Focusing on the domestic fashion companies using characters- 캐릭터 패션 디자인 연구(硏究) -국내(國內) 패션업체(業體) 캐릭터 활용(活用) 현황(現況)을 중심(中心)으로-
채선주 Sun Joo Chai , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
The purposes of this thesis are to investigate characteristics, environment of characters through comprehensive approach to analyze its use and strategies in apparel brands. As a method to accomplish this research, fashion related articles, documents and magazines are used along with marketing references forecasting 21st century market changes. The character industry has diverse application to different medias and also intimacy and absorbtion beyond sex, age, generation, nationality. The cultural background of character fashion is based on casual clothing caused by wide spread pursuit of sports and leisure culture, indivisualization and diversification of clothing, customer-made marketing atmosphere and tendency of pursuit of fun and humor. In case of domestic young casual market, own characters are developed for creating differentiated it`s own brand images. Characters are applied as an design details or cyber fashion models standing for the image of it`s own brand and take a part in other events and visual parts as well. Characters not only limited to clothing items but also further usages of characters extended to stickers and other related stationary goods are necessary. A ``Character multi shop`` can be one of good methods to maximize synergy effect.
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A Research on the Suit Wearing Conditions for Men -Based on Urban Workers- 성인(成人) 남자(男子)의 슈트 착용(着用) 실태(實態) 조사(調査) -도시근로자(都市勤勞者)를 중심(中心)으로-
최혜옥 Hye Ock Choi , 손희순 Hee Soon Sohn
4(1) 13-24, 2000
A Research on the Suit Wearing Conditions for Men -Based on Urban Workers- 성인(成人) 남자(男子)의 슈트 착용(着用) 실태(實態) 조사(調査) -도시근로자(都市勤勞者)를 중심(中心)으로-
최혜옥 Hye Ock Choi , 손희순 Hee Soon Sohn
The purpose of this research is to offer basic data for study of men`s suits by investigating the wearing conditions of men`s suits. For data collection, a questionnaire was composed of a number of times and the reason of the suit wearing, and a number of suits they posses etc. The subjects of this research were male who aged 20-59 and resided in Seoul and the capital region. The results of the research are summarized as the following : 1. The mean age of suit wearing for the first time is 22.7 years old. The younger began to wear the suits earlier than the older. 2. A number of times of suit wearing for a week is more than 5 days mostly. Being educated higher, the ratio of suit wearing is getting higher. And In the case of job, office men, sales men and men whose job of specialization are wearing suits many a time more than a graduate student and a technician. Most of tne men especially 30`s~40`s is wearing the suit as a working garment. 3. Most of men is wearing jacket, dress-shirt and necktie in spring and fall, dress-shirt and necktie in summer, and jacket, vest, dress-shirt and necktie in winter. 4. As a general rule, men have about 2 suits for spring/fall and winter, and about 1 suit for summer. Also male has more than 6 ready-made suits and about 1 custom suit. The last, men almost do not use the suspender with suits.
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Variations of The Heavy Metal Contents in Human Hairs According to of Hair Coloring Manipulation 모발(毛髮)의 염색처리(染色處理)에 따른 중금속(重金屬) 함량(含量)의 변화(變化)
정연 Yeon Joung , 성수광 Su Kwang Sung
4(1) 25-32, 2000
Variations of The Heavy Metal Contents in Human Hairs According to of Hair Coloring Manipulation 모발(毛髮)의 염색처리(染色處理)에 따른 중금속(重金屬) 함량(含量)의 변화(變化)
정연 Yeon Joung , 성수광 Su Kwang Sung
The purpose of this study was to suggest the knowlege and scientific information of the damage according to the heavy metal exposure level of hair coloring manipulations. The study was investigated variations of the heavy metal contents(Pb, Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe, Ni) in hairdye and human hairs by 1 and 2 times of hair coloring manipulations. The results were as follows; 1. Mean heavy metal contents in colorant of hairdye were 0.250ppm(Pb), 33.650ppm(Zn), 0.800ppm(Cu), 0.675ppm(Mn), 31.050ppm(Fe), 1.700ppm(Ni). In oxidant of hairdye, It were 0.225ppm(Pb), 35.450ppm(Zn), 0.575ppm(Cu), 0.075ppm(Mn), 16.600ppm(Fe), 1.500ppm(Ni). 2. Mean heavy metal contents were 2.950ppm(Pb), 29.000ppm(Zn), 9.400ppm(Cu), 1.075ppm(Mn), 40.775ppm(Fe), 1.950ppm(Ni) in virgin hairs, 3.025ppm(Pb), 40.250ppm(Zn), 9.650ppm(Cu), 1.350ppm(Mn), 42.900ppm(Fe), 2.200ppm(Ni) in 1 time of coloring hairs, 3.350ppm(Pb), 51.650ppm(Zn), 10.950ppm(Cu), 1.475ppm(Mn), 44.350ppm(Fe), 2.225ppm(Ni) in 2 times of coloring hairs.
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human hairs, hair coloring manipulation, heavy metal Pb, Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe, Ni
A Study on Fashion Design through Ethnic Costume Image of Chinese Miao Nationality 중국(中國) 묘족(苗族) 민속의상(民俗衣裳) 이미지의 디자인 연구(硏究)
신경섭 Kyeong Seob Shin
4(1) 33-44, 2000
A Study on Fashion Design through Ethnic Costume Image of Chinese Miao Nationality 중국(中國) 묘족(苗族) 민속의상(民俗衣裳) 이미지의 디자인 연구(硏究)
신경섭 Kyeong Seob Shin
The purpose of this study is to research Miao ethnic costume which have been distinctly expressed differences according tribes and areas, present fashion design reflecting image of Miao ethnic costume. Two steps was taken in order to achive this purpose. The first step was to put in order formative characteristics of Miao ethnic costume being based on the Chinese books and domestic research materials. The second step was to study formative characteristics of Miao ethnic costume in comparison 2000A/W fashion trend, illustrate and schematize fashion designs. The results of formative characteristics of Miao ethnic costume are summarized as follows 1. X or H silhouette through skirt & jacket and pants & jacket. 2. Layered look that been twisted around several items. 3. Fine pleats skirts. 4. Refined and splendid color. Black was used main color, dark blue & red purple were used coordi color, vivid color were used accent color 5. Geometrical pattern, cross stitch embroidery. 6. Various ornaments being used silver. 7. Various hair styles and hairdressers. Using above characteristics, this study presneted fusion fashion design combined images of ethnic and techno with dark blue, mustard, blue purple. The target was Forties, professional woman.
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A Study on the Establishment of Brassiere Sizing System for Adult Women 성인여성(成人女性)의 브래지어 치수규격설정(置數規格設定)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
박은미 Eun Mi Park , 손희순 Hee Soon Sohn
4(1) 45-58, 2000
A Study on the Establishment of Brassiere Sizing System for Adult Women 성인여성(成人女性)의 브래지어 치수규격설정(置數規格設定)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
박은미 Eun Mi Park , 손희순 Hee Soon Sohn
The purpose of this study is to provide for the basic data useful to the development of a quality bassiere featuring a good wearing feeling, to investigate the characteristics of breast shapes by age and suggest a brassiere sizing system for woman. For this purpose, the subjects of anthropometry were 220 women aged between 20 and 59. The anthropometric measurements were analyzed by various statistical methods mean, standard deviation, F-test, Duncan-test, Factor analysis, frequency. The results of this study can be summarized as follows; 1. According to the increase of age, the items of height were decreased and items of width, depth, circumference and length were increased, being obeser and breast point were drooped. So volume and bottom area of breast of 40 · 50`s women were larger than 20 · 30`s women and breast point width of 40 · 50`s women was being wider by increase of the interior of breast. 2. From analyzing the effect of brassiere wearing, it was found that brassiere reformed the breast shape with the breast volume transferred from exterior part to interior part and the bottom area of breast diminished, so brassiere can have the breast location of adult woman up and the breast point width being centered 3. It was found that there was no direct linear relationships between under bust girth and cup size from analysis of breast measurements. Therefore those 2 factors(under bust girth and cup size) was brought into basic item of brassiere sizing system. From the dual distribution table whose intervals had been decided by KS K-0070(1999), it was picked out 12 sizes which had more than 4% of appearance for suggesting brassiere size chart. The sizing system covers 76.36% of all subjects and supply reference measurements relevant to brassiere manufacturing
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A Study on the Comparison of Preference of Clothing Fitness and Costume behavior in Korean and Chinese College Female Students 한국(韓國)과 중국녀대생(中國女大生)의 의복(衣服) 맞음새 선호도(選好度) 및 의복행동(衣服行動) 비교연구(比較硏究)
손희순 Hee Soon Sohn , 임순 Soon Im , 김효숙 Hyo Sook Kim , 손희정 Hee Jeong Son , 김영숙 Young Sook Kim , 장희경 Hee Kyung Chang , 임호선 Ho Sun Lim
4(1) 59-72, 2000
A Study on the Comparison of Preference of Clothing Fitness and Costume behavior in Korean and Chinese College Female Students 한국(韓國)과 중국녀대생(中國女大生)의 의복(衣服) 맞음새 선호도(選好度) 및 의복행동(衣服行動) 비교연구(比較硏究)
손희순 Hee Soon Sohn , 임순 Soon Im , 김효숙 Hyo Sook Kim , 손희정 Hee Jeong Son , 김영숙 Young Sook Kim , 장희경 Hee Kyung Chang , 임호선 Ho Sun Lim
China adopted a free market economy system and entered into the WTO(World Trad Organization). It has now emerged as one of the most promising markets in the world for the near future. The purpose of this study was to investigate in Chinese and Korea college female students`s clothing behavior for fitness and to suggest basic informations for high quality clothing merchandising for China. The subjects in this study were 430 college female students, aged from 18 to 24 living in Beijing(215) and Seoul(215). The survey were taken from June to July, 1999. SAS(Statistical Analysis System) is used for frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, x2-test. The results of this study are as follows. Examination on the Korean and Chinese preference of clothing behavior showed that Korean and Chinese have different preference for skirt, slacks, jacket and has different sensibility of the items of clothing behavior. The Chinese students prefer individual, feminine costume behavior, and fitted clothes to loose fitted skirt and slacks. Korean student want to lower waist position for all items. It is needed to different merchandising project for clothing in China.
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A Study on Zen Fashion in the Point of View of Culture Transition 문화 전이(文化 轉移)(culture transition)의 시각(視覺)에서 본 젠(禪) 패션 연구(硏究)
박혜원 Hye Won Park
4(1) 73-85, 2000
A Study on Zen Fashion in the Point of View of Culture Transition 문화 전이(文化 轉移)(culture transition)의 시각(視覺)에서 본 젠(禪) 패션 연구(硏究)
박혜원 Hye Won Park
The purpose of this study is for considering about Zen fashion in the point of view of culture transition. Through this research, the Far-East including Korea will be confirmed as a center of fashion culture in 21st century. The contents are the meaning of culture transition in Post Modern period, the meaning of Zen and changing of fashion trend as the background of Zen Fashion, and the characteristics of Zen fashion design. The results are as follows: Anti-western movement or dismantlement of culture has been represented the limitation of western centered culture. So the interesting about East means the changing to east from west in ideas. To make new creation in fashion field, the comprehension about the western fashion which has been preceeded and new trials using the our tradition will be needed. Zen is a kind of Buddhism and the essence of it is to find myself and express individual experiences. The change of one`s sens of value, new age movement and concerning of environment and ecology make more comfortable, simple and healthy elements in clothing. The fusion style is under a vogue in life style and Zen is the core of this trend. The characteristics of Zen fashion are flat dismantlement which has been know as a Japanese style, oriental minimalism and nature beauty of ecology. This characteristics are found not only the shape, color but the will of the behind. The pursing temperance and naturalism are represented the fashion culture transition from the West to Far-East. Therefore multi points of fashion research is very important and the identify about Korean fashion is required in lately for new fashion paradigm.
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The Direction for Fashion Merchandising Education 패션 머천다이징 교육(敎育) 방향(方向)
전혜정 Hei Jung Chun
4(1) 87-96, 2000
The Direction for Fashion Merchandising Education 패션 머천다이징 교육(敎育) 방향(方向)
전혜정 Hei Jung Chun
Merchandiser continue to play an important role in the exchange process by providing products for consumption. Merchandisers must still understand customer demands, analyze sale trends, select and present salable products. However, due to the competitive pressures in the apparel industry and the innovations required under QR business systems, the demands placed on merchandisers are changing. The purpose of this study is to present of the direction for fashion merchandising education. The direction for fashion merchandising are education summarized as follows; 1) Merchandising technology is the systematic application of information technology and Telecomunications to planning, developing, and presenting product lines in ways that reflect social and cultural value. Statistic Methods are developed and used to analyze data arising from a wide variety of applications. 2) Merchandising technology is to practise the technical and economic aspects of apparel production. Analysis of specific apparel manufacturing and management issues such as efficient manufacturing methods. 3) Merchandising technology is to forecast fashion trend according to consumer preference. Culture influences what people purchase and how those items are used forecasting fashion trend. 4) Merchandising technology is to practise communication skills used in formal and informal organization including interviews in particular language suited to their own business and professionnal careers. 5) Merchandising technology is to planning merchandise budgets and merchandise assortments based on more diverse forms of information. 6) Merchandising technology is to use techniques related hardware and software. 7) Merchandising technology is to learn participate in internship programs.
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The Beginning and Development of Japonism in Mode 자포니즘 모드의 시원(始原)과 전개(展開)
리경희 Kyung Hee Lee
4(1) 97-111, 2000
The Beginning and Development of Japonism in Mode 자포니즘 모드의 시원(始原)과 전개(展開)
리경희 Kyung Hee Lee
The term Japonism was coined in France where the predilection for Japanese art forms was immediately apparent, influencing Impressionism, Symbolism, Post-Impressionism, and later the Art Nouveau movement, all of which reflect aspects of Japanese art adapted to Western style. The 1968 May Revolution in Paris changed traditional thinking and shifted the center of fashion of the 1970`s from haute couture to pret-a porter. At about the same time, having recovered from the destruction of war, Japan started to emerge as a leading economic force. The Japanese clothing designers, who were inspired by their own traditions, began to present their collections in the West. Hanae Mori`s dresses with Japanese floral motifs were the first to appear. The West was captivated by the colorfully layered clothing of Kenzo Takada inspired by peasant and working class kimonos. And Issey Miyake was acclaimed for his innovative concepts of `one piece of cloth`. In the 1980s Rei Kawakubo and Yohji Yamamoto achieved recognition with their deconstructivist and minimalist approaches to fashion. The clothing proposed by these Japanese designers has transcended not only national and sexual boundaries, but also those of accepted materials in which to work. These designs suggest new possibilities and are unrestricted by preconceived ideas of kimono or of Western clothing. The emergence of Japanese designers as a powerful creative force in the late twentieth century has created a new dimension to the term Japonism in fashion. By integrating the clothing traditions of the West and Japan, while at the same time departing from them, a new international genre of clothing has been created.
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A Study on Formation of Animality Represented in Modern Fashion 현대(現代)패션에 나타난 Animality의 조형성(造形性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
이병화 Byoung Hwa Lee , 허갑섬 Kap Sum Huh
4(1) 113-123, 2000
A Study on Formation of Animality Represented in Modern Fashion 현대(現代)패션에 나타난 Animality의 조형성(造形性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
이병화 Byoung Hwa Lee , 허갑섬 Kap Sum Huh
The purpose of this study is firstly to have the grasp of the tendency of animality represented in modern fashion. The second purpose is to analyze the form modeling of animality represented in modern fashion and the third one is to examine into an aesthetic character of animality represented in modem fashion. The method we adopt for this study is to analyze the designers` work which shows the fashion animality. The result of this study is follows. The tendency of animality represented in modern fashion presented in a printed form which patterned the animals` cuticle, a shape of animals, a symbolic image, and a future suggestive expression. The form modeling of animality is a reality and the aesthetic character is the vigorous beauty and the gorgeousness of original colors. So, animality represented in modern fashion is to offer the various ideas as well as to lead the curiosity about the fashion in the future and the coexistence into the fashion.
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The Task & Perspective of Distribution Innovation -From the Point of View in Department Stores & Fashion Business- 유통 개혁(流通 改革)의 과제(課題)와 전망(展望) -백화점(百貨店)과 Fashion Business의 시점(視点)에서-
4(1) 125-133, 2000
The Task & Perspective of Distribution Innovation -From the Point of View in Department Stores & Fashion Business- 유통 개혁(流通 改革)의 과제(課題)와 전망(展望) -백화점(百貨店)과 Fashion Business의 시점(視点)에서-