A Study on the Characteristics and Design of Korean Kitsch Fashion 국내(國內)키치패션의 특성(特性)과 디자인 연구(硏究)
서승미 Seung Mi Seo , 양숙희 Sook Hi Yang
4(2) 1-17, 2000
A Study on the Characteristics and Design of Korean Kitsch Fashion 국내(國內)키치패션의 특성(特性)과 디자인 연구(硏究)
서승미 Seung Mi Seo , 양숙희 Sook Hi Yang
Kitsch is one of the various mass-cultural phnomena in the late 20th century, with it`s own new aesthetic value, ``self-expression`` through ``destruction``, denying the existing established way of thinking and escaping from the stereotypes or fixed ideas. This is called ``aesthetic inadequacy``. The purposes of this study are to examine the different preferences between the western and the domestic Kitsch Fashions to investigate the formative and aesthetic characteristics of domestic Kitsch Fashion based on substantial data, and to propose the creative Kitsch design. The results of this study are as follows: 1. The formative characteristics of domestic Kitsch Fashion are marked by amusement, disharmony, epicureanism, satire, and use of imitation. 2. Then, based on theoretic research, this study applies aesthetic characteristics of Kitsch to the creative design. According to the formative characteristics for Kitsch Fashion, the Design Concepts are developed in order of Optimism, Multi Form, Decadence Chic, Neo-Naturalism, and Poor Vintage. And the Fabric direction is given in Design Story with sub theme such as Cheerful, Game, Decadence, Environment, and Grunge.
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A Study on the Market Environment and Design of Skiwear 국내(國內)스키웨어 시장환경(市場環境)과 디자인 연구(硏究)
오륜정 Yun Jung Oh , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
4(2) 19-29, 2000
A Study on the Market Environment and Design of Skiwear 국내(國內)스키웨어 시장환경(市場環境)과 디자인 연구(硏究)
오륜정 Yun Jung Oh , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
The purposes of this thesis lies in the study of marketable design through understanding of skiwear design and its market. This was done through the analysis of the present state of, and the growth of its market, modern fashion industry and the consumer, through skiwear related periodicals. I undertook the task of understanding current design trends through a study of catalogs by well-known ski wear brands, firsthand observation and photographing at ski resorts. The characteristics of present fashion industry lie in the realization of global merchandising, expansion of discount stores and tele-sales, demands for susceptible store interiors and change in consumer behavior. The market created outside of mainstream skiwear, focuses on the growth of the sportive mood over all areas of fashion, and among these developments. Skiwear trends begin to show tendencies to subdivide. Skiwear design can be divided into groups of functional sportswear for professionals, practical, snowboard-wear that combines as street-wear and finally elegant, feminine style.
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A Case Study on the Brand`s Validity and Plan of Marketing Strategies -Focused on Golf Wear Brand 「K」- 마케팅 믹스 전략적(戰略的) 측면(側面)의 브랜드 타당성(妥當性) 및 정책(政策)에 관(關)한 사례(事例) 분석(分析) 연구(硏究) -골프 웨어 「K」 브랜드를 중심(中心)으로-
성광숙 Kwang Sook Sung
4(2) 31-50, 2000
A Case Study on the Brand`s Validity and Plan of Marketing Strategies -Focused on Golf Wear Brand 「K」- 마케팅 믹스 전략적(戰略的) 측면(側面)의 브랜드 타당성(妥當性) 및 정책(政策)에 관(關)한 사례(事例) 분석(分析) 연구(硏究) -골프 웨어 「K」 브랜드를 중심(中心)으로-
성광숙 Kwang Sook Sung
This study has been made as a way of serving the educational-industrial cooperation purpose. By performing a case study of Brand 「K」, a golf-wear brand, the validity of its marketing strategies will be examined, and desirable marketing plans will be proposed. Furthermore, the case study of Brand 「K」 aims to provide useful information about forming marketing strategies for other clothing brands. As method to accomplish this study, it is conducted by investigating Brand 「K」`s 4Ps strategies, 4 input variables of marketing mix and understanding its problems. In addition, the study includes a consumer inquiry for marketing research. By doing so, the results of the study produces helpful marketing strategies. The results of Brand 「K」`s case study show that there is a problem on each of the 4Ps strategies and the consumer inquiry indicates the same problems of the 4Ps stratgies. Therefore, Brand 「K」needs to reexamine and reform its marketing strategies. Besides, it has been discovered that the results of Brand 「K」`s study are so general that they can be applicable to other golf-wear brands.
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A Study on Brand Images of Men`s Wear Manufacturers 남성복(男性服)브랜드 이미지에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
정성지 Sung Jee Chung
4(2) 51-67, 2000
A Study on Brand Images of Men`s Wear Manufacturers 남성복(男性服)브랜드 이미지에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
정성지 Sung Jee Chung
The purpose of the study was to investigate general characteristics of brand images of men`s wear manufacturers and differences in their brand images according to characteristics of their brands and their merchandise. Thus, this study was to be an exploratory study to search apparel niche-market in men`s wear market for the marketers by exploring trends of brand images of men`s wear manufacturers. The questionnaire consisted of questions on brand images and characteristics of men`s wear manufacturers and their merchandise. The subjects were to evaluate their brand images and rated on 5 point Likert-type scales of 36 adjectives. For the survey, the subjects were 100 employees (62 merchandisers, and 24 designers, etc.) who are employed by men`s wear manufacturers which have national brands, designer brands, license brands, import brands or private brands. The SAS PC+ package was used to calculate factor analysis, mean, t-test, ANOVA, Duncan`s test, and Tukey`s test. The results from the study were as follows; 1) High scores of mean of brand images were simple, prestigious, mannish, and dynamic. 2) The brand images of men`s wear manufacturers were divided into 10 factors which explain 73.91% of the whole image. 3) There were significant differences in brand images according to types of brands, price lines of merchandise and ages of target consumers. 4) There were significant differences in brand images according to categories of apparel (suits vs. casual clothing), types of suits, and types of casual clothing. 5) There were significant correlations between brand images, such as simple image to conservative image, prestigious image and chic image, prestigious image to conservative image, chic image and simple image, etc.
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A Study on Drag Queen`s Costume Drag Queen 복식(服飾)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
간호섭 Ho Sup Kan
4(2) 69-83, 2000
A Study on Drag Queen`s Costume Drag Queen 복식(服飾)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
간호섭 Ho Sup Kan
The purpose of this study is considering about drag queen`s costume in the point of view of anthropology and psychoanalysis. The contents are the meaning of drag queen by theoretical research and the characteristics of drag queen`s costume. The results of characteristics of drag queen`s costume are summerized as following. 1. Sexual originality is related with homosexuality. Costume express character of gay not as a transsexual or cross-dresser. 2. Imitation is related with identification of drag queen and famous star like actress, pop singer and historical heroine. 3. Amusement is related with drag queen`s life style. There are two kinds of character in amusement. One is humour. Another is an exaggeration. 4. Commercialism is related with mass-media culture. Drag queen`s costume have an influence with movie, advertisement and modern fashion.
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A Study on the Preference of Clothing of College Female Students in China 중국(中國) 여대생(女大生)의 의복(衣服) 선호도(選好度)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
손희정 Hee Jeong Son , 김효숙 Hyo Sook Kim
4(2) 85-93, 2000
A Study on the Preference of Clothing of College Female Students in China 중국(中國) 여대생(女大生)의 의복(衣服) 선호도(選好度)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
손희정 Hee Jeong Son , 김효숙 Hyo Sook Kim
Today, China is drawing the attention of the entire world with rapid economic growth that commenced with the opening of its economy. The world recognizes the value of China as a massive market that will eventually lead the global economy in the future. This paper is devoted to basic research on Chinese apparel consumers and is intended to help apparel market developments in China. Its aim is to understand the distinct characteristics of China and to study general apparel designs and purchasing preferences necessary for the development of products that can meet the special needs of Chinese consumers. In addition it identified clothing behaviors to better understand the distinct characteristics of Chinese female college students preferences. The research showed that Chinese female college students preferred achromatic, dark blue, and red colors in decreasing order, and cotton and wool textiles. For style, they preferred designs that accentuated individuality. Also, comfort played an important role in purchasing. Behaviorally, they had strong interests in fashion but valued economic and pragmatic aspects when it came to purchasing, and were not much affected by the desire for identification. From research results, the paper concludes that there is a need for developing comfort-enhancing products for highly individual Chinese female college students, with designs uniquely preferred by them, and valueadded apparel products targeted for upper social levels.
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A Research on 1990`s Fashions Applying Photomontage Image -Focusing on T-shirt Design- 포토몽타주 이미지가 표현(表現)된 1990년대(年代) 의상(衣裳)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -티셔츠 디자인을 중심(中心)으로-
김선 Sun Kim , 양숙희 Sook Hi Yang
4(2) 95-111, 2000
A Research on 1990`s Fashions Applying Photomontage Image -Focusing on T-shirt Design- 포토몽타주 이미지가 표현(表現)된 1990년대(年代) 의상(衣裳)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -티셔츠 디자인을 중심(中心)으로-
김선 Sun Kim , 양숙희 Sook Hi Yang
The purpose of this research is to investigate the concept of the photomontage technique, one of the various photographic techniques, and to analyze the photomontage image through the patterns that appeared in 1990`s fashions. Moreover, by making clothes using the photomontage image, the intention of this study to apply the technique in real life is achieved. The results of this thesis for making clothes utilizing image of the photomontage are as followings. First, the photomontage expands the variety of materials that can be used, because the clothes using the photomontage image are able to take any photo images. Second, two different eras can co-exist in a piece of work since a photomontage work can uses two images from different eras. Third, it allows greater adaptability by expressing variety and utility in the making of the casual styles using conventional photo materials. The conclusion of this study is that the clothes appearing in the late 20th century using the photomontage image have been developed corresponding to the accelerated development of photography, machinery, and technical skill in civilization. Trends break away from the conventional expressions of art. This is a new trend and direction in art that will effect culture in the 21st century. The photo montage image would show the possibility of a good unification between human being and machines.
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A Study on the Latest Fashion Adoption of Men`s Wear Manufacturers in Their Merchandise Assortment Plan 남성복(男性服) 브랜드의 상품계획시(商品企劃時) 최신류행(最新流行) 반영(反映)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
정성지 Sung Jee Chung
4(2) 113-126, 2000
A Study on the Latest Fashion Adoption of Men`s Wear Manufacturers in Their Merchandise Assortment Plan 남성복(男性服) 브랜드의 상품계획시(商品企劃時) 최신류행(最新流行) 반영(反映)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
정성지 Sung Jee Chung
The purpose of the study was to investigate the level of latest fashion adoption of men`s wear manufacturers and differences in the level of fashion adoption according to characteristics of brands and merchandise. Thus, this study was to be an exploratory study to examine the trends in fashion adoption of men`s wear manufacturers. The questionnaire consisted of questions on 7 elements of fashion adoption and characteristics of men`s wear manufacturers and their merchandise. The subjects were to evaluate their level of fashion adoption and rated on 5 point Likert-type scales of 7 elements. For the survey, the subjects were 100 employees (62 merchandisers, and 24 designers, etc.) who are employed by men`s wear manufacturers which have national brands, designer brands, license brands, import brands or private brands. The SAS PC+ package was used to calculate factor analysis, mean, t-test, ANOVA, Duncan`s test, and Tukey`stest. The results from the study were as follows; 1) The elements of fashion adoption of men`s wear manufacturers were divided into 4 factors (clolr/fabric, silhouette/fashion image, detail/item coordination, accessories) which explained 83.61% of the whole of factors. 2) The highest score of mean of fashion adoption factors was fabric/color, but the lowest was accessory factor. 3) There were significant positive correlations between fashion adoption factors except between fabric/color and accessories. 4) There were significant differences in the level of fashion adoption according to types of brands and ages of target consumers. 5) There were significant differences in the level of fashion adoption according to the categories of apparel (suits vs. casual clothing) and types of suits and casual wear.
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A Study on Stage Costume Design for Opera ≪Whangjinie≫ -Focusing on Inner Image of Whangjinie- 오페라 ≪황진이(黃眞伊)≫의 무대의상(舞臺衣裳) 디자인 연구(硏究) - 황진이(黃眞伊)의 내적(內的) 이미지를 중심(中心)으로-
신경섭 Kyeong Seub Shin
4(2) 127-140, 2000
A Study on Stage Costume Design for Opera ≪Whangjinie≫ -Focusing on Inner Image of Whangjinie- 오페라 ≪황진이(黃眞伊)≫의 무대의상(舞臺衣裳) 디자인 연구(硏究) - 황진이(黃眞伊)의 내적(內的) 이미지를 중심(中心)으로-
신경섭 Kyeong Seub Shin
The purpose of this study was to research and design stage costumes of Whangjinie focusing on inner image of Whangjinie, present stage costumes of new image. Four steps were taken in order to achieve this purpose. The first step was to investigate the old documents and prior research about literature world of Whangjinie. The second step was to analyze stage costumes of Whangjinie which were worn in opera, movie. The third step was to design and make the stage costumes according to new images Whangjinie which were extracted from above two research results. The new images of Whangjinie are as follows 1. Whangjinie as a kisaeng(professional entertainer) She thirsted for new, materialistic love though she failed in love everytime. 2. Whangjinie as a woman. She had a hard time by feeling an irresistible yearning for lover 3. Whangjinie as a poet. She expressed as a poetry her vanity and loneliness of life. Using above three images, this study designed four new stage costumes of Whangjinie and two designs of them were made really. But this study didn`t present historic costume of her age but expressed modern mood in color and form.