The purpose of this study is to investigate the formative beauty, changes in fashion and aesthetical sense that can be seen in the bias drapings of Madeleine Vionnet and her influences on modern fashion since she used draping as a new fashion means to represent the new feminine images which modernism of the early 20th century and social changes from the two great World War`s generated, and to provide proper data to encourage designers` creativity that is wanting in the circle of Korea fashion. Bias draping led women to respect worship their body from the heart with seductive modernism enriching the material`s texture to the utmost through geometrical patterns of triangle, quartered plane and quardrants and simple cylindrical cuts and with an attribute adapting itself to the wearer`s body. Bias draped wear consisted of light and transparent materials and overall surface decoration revealed women`s movements and sought the extension of environmental movements and demonstrated its eroticism. On the other hand, biased daywear gained anonymity through cutting true to body line and psychological protective quality as of cape, and this went well with the independent femininity accepting difference as well as pursuing revolution from the inside. The great inflation and the 2nd World War gave birth to escape from reality like surrealistic artistic tendencies and Hollywood films and increased romanticism. Bias draping once underwent unpopularity except in expensive clothes due to knit wear boom and the utilization of new elastic materials, however, it began to receive lights again from pluralization waves and retro tendencies and to be introduced in many designers` collections. A young genius of England, John Galliano improved functions of Haute Couture through creation of new styles and fantastic shows to promote profits in the fashion markets. Bias draping fitted in human body line provides us comfort and aesthetic qualities through careful choice of material and elegance by delicate cutting.
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Recognition and Preference for Fashion Specialist 패션스페셜리스트에 대(對)한 인식(認識)과 선호(選好)
김순분 Soon Boon Kim
4(4) 17-28, 2000
Recognition and Preference for Fashion Specialist 패션스페셜리스트에 대(對)한 인식(認識)과 선호(選好)
김순분 Soon Boon Kim
The purpose of this study is to analyze the recognition of and the preference for a fashion specialist among students from 4-year and 2-year colleges in Taegu, in order to provide basic data for the effective management methods for the students. The objects of the survey were students in Taegu and Kyungbuk province; 287 students from 4-year colleges and 430 students from 2-year colleges, making the total of 717 students. The survey tool was a questionnaire, which consists of 7 general questions, 7 major curriculum related questions, and 6 questions regarding the information about a fashion specialist, and students career plan. It also contains 3-level Licurt type questionnaire on the recognition of and the preference for a fashion specialist from 20 professional fields. SPSS is used for frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, x2-test and ANOVA. The results of this study are as follows: 1. The students` motivation in choosing their major as clothing and fashion design was out of independent career plan (86.7%). They were quite content with their major but were unsatisfactory with the current curriculum. 2. The subjects students thought necessary in preparing to be a fashion specialist were pattern, clothing construction (40.1%), clothing design (33.7%), and fashion marketing (18.9%). The answer to the question about the most important subject in the future was fashion marketing (57.2%). 3. What students consider most in choosing a job was aptitude and ability (70.8%). The most preferable clothing types that students want to work with after graduation were womens clothing (52.1%) and wedding dress (18.1%). 4. The means of getting information on a fashion specialist were magazines or broadcasting (72%) and school lectures (20.6%), and there was a significant deference among colleges. 5. Fashion coordinator was the highest recognized specialist (2.64) and the lowest was fashion converter (1.23) among other fashion specialists. 4-year college students had higher recognition in all areas (20 areas) than 2-year college students, and there was a significant deference among colleges in 20 areas. 6. Fashion designer received the highest preference (2.60) and fashion converter received the lowest (1.42). The fashion specialists that 4-year college students preferred were textile designer, fashion merchandiser, and fashion buyer, and those that 2-year college students preferred were fashion designer, fashion coordinator, fashion photographer, fashion model, and needleworker. There was a significant deference among colleges
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A Study on the Clothes Purchasing Behavior of the Eldery Women 노년(老年) 녀성(女性)의 의복구매행동(衣服購買行動)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
위혜정 Hye Jung Wee , 손희순 Hee Soon Shon
4(4) 29-40, 2000
A Study on the Clothes Purchasing Behavior of the Eldery Women 노년(老年) 녀성(女性)의 의복구매행동(衣服購買行動)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
위혜정 Hye Jung Wee , 손희순 Hee Soon Shon
Eldery generation is a strategic purchasing consumer group in domestic fashion market for the future. The thesis of this study is that identifies needs and desires of eldery women by researching clothes purchasing behaviors and clothes selection standards. For the study, a questionnaire was used as a method of mearsurement and the eldery women in Seoul and Kyonggi were selected as a sample. Data was processed by SPSS PC+ program and analyzed by using frequency, percentage, x2-test and t-test. As a result of this study, clothes purchasing behaviors and clothes selection standards of eldery women can be recognized in related to age and others. A based on the results, this study is expected to assist that marketers can establish effective marketing strategy for the silver fashion business.
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A Study on Textile Design for Apparel Using CAD -Focusing on "01/02 A/W Fashion Trend- CAD를 이용(利用)한 의류용(衣類用) 텍스타일 디자인 연구(硏究) -"01/02 A/W 유행경향(流行傾向)을 중심(中心)으로-
신경섭 Kyeong Seob Shin
4(4) 41-54, 2000
A Study on Textile Design for Apparel Using CAD -Focusing on "01/02 A/W Fashion Trend- CAD를 이용(利用)한 의류용(衣類用) 텍스타일 디자인 연구(硏究) -"01/02 A/W 유행경향(流行傾向)을 중심(中心)으로-
신경섭 Kyeong Seob Shin
The purpose of this study was to investigate various expressions in textile design using CAD and present print design of `01/02 A/W. Four steps were taken in order to achieve this purpose. The first step was to investigate prior research and to analyze textile design methods using CAD. The second step was to study `01/02 A/W fashion trend, especially textile trend. The third step was to design the print design according to textile trend and apply the designed print pattern to real model. The research results are as follows: 1. Textile design is a very important field to help making fashion industry more informative and valuable. 2. Using CAD system in textile design will be very useful and urgent in saving working time and exercising design works. 3. In `01/02 A/W hound`s tooth, zigzag, herringbone will be prevalent bold geometric patterns while tartan checks, multi color stripes will be popular too. 4. Textile designs using flower, stripe, checks, dot, abstract pattern were applied to real model, the images of patterns design are as follow, flower pattern-romanticㆍstripe-avantgardeㆍcheck-cuteㆍdot-classicㆍabstract motive-intelligent
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A Study on the Modern Fashion Reflected Art of the Tang Dynasty 당대(唐代) 예술(藝術)이 반영(反映)된 현대(現代)패션에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -1998년(年)부터 2000년(年) Collection을 중심(中心)으로-
간호섭 Ho Sup Kan , 서윤희 Yun Hee Suh
4(4) 55-70, 2000
A Study on the Modern Fashion Reflected Art of the Tang Dynasty 당대(唐代) 예술(藝術)이 반영(反映)된 현대(現代)패션에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -1998년(年)부터 2000년(年) Collection을 중심(中心)으로-
간호섭 Ho Sup Kan , 서윤희 Yun Hee Suh
The purpose of this thesis is to suggest the new orientalism fashion through the comprehensive approach to analyze the art of the Tang dynasty, China. Tang dynasty has high culture, economy, polity and art. Also the character of Tang`s culture is very international. Therefore that point is coincide with fusion culture in the early 2000`s. As a method of accomplishing this research, the documents and fashion magazines related to the art and fashion were examined. Through analyzing the art in the Tang`s related to fusion culture, reach a conclusion that the modern fashion has four characters. 1. The cause of high culture and economy, the trend of fashion was decorative 2. The cause of realism, the trend of fashion were modern and simple. 3. The cause of rhythmical line, the trend of fashion had natural drape. 4. The cause of globalism, the trend of fashion mixed east with west This research keep going for showing new orientalism and coinciding with 21th century`s trend
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A Study of the Contributors to the British Fashion 2 -Focusing on Hussein Chalayan- 영국(英國) 패션의 원동력(原動力)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)2 -후세인 샬라얀을 중심(中心)으로-
배수정 Soo Jeong Bae
4(4) 71-82, 2000
A Study of the Contributors to the British Fashion 2 -Focusing on Hussein Chalayan- 영국(英國) 패션의 원동력(原動力)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)2 -후세인 샬라얀을 중심(中心)으로-
배수정 Soo Jeong Bae
The purpose of this thesis is how to find the way of activating Korean fashion industry, by reviewing the accomplishments of British young designers, Hussein Chalayan, who are contributors to the present peak activities of British fashion. Some results come over this depressive state of Korean fashion might be proposed. Firstly, Korean government should try to direct the Korean fashion associated group to make the unified and effective results in an organized way. Secondly, Korean fashion industries and university-level fashion school should have more intimate relationship and be closely communicated with each other. Also the fashion school should watch their curriculum. and change it gradually to the up-todate one. Thirdly, the Korean new generation designers should do effort to have the highest tailoring technique and artistic good sense. Finally, the designer should have broad range of knowledge for their design. In conclusion, the government, university-level fashion schools, fashion industries and fashion designers should be positively changed and cooperated to do the best and activate Korean fashion.
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A Study on the Body Types of the Chinese men 1 -Focusing on Beijing and Shanghai- 중국(中國) 성인남성(成人男性)의 체형연구(體型硏究) 1 -북경(北京)ㆍ상해(上海)를 중심(中心)으로-
손희순 Hee Soon Sohn , 김지연 Jee Yeon Kim
4(4) 83-96, 2000
A Study on the Body Types of the Chinese men 1 -Focusing on Beijing and Shanghai- 중국(中國) 성인남성(成人男性)의 체형연구(體型硏究) 1 -북경(北京)ㆍ상해(上海)를 중심(中心)으로-
손희순 Hee Soon Sohn , 김지연 Jee Yeon Kim
The purpose of this study is to offer the basic data for chinese men` clothing construction. This study analyzes characterization and classification of body types of the Chinese men with body measurement values. This researcher executed the body measurement of total 39 items on 414 chinese men in Beijing and Shanghai aged 20-49 years old and analyzed the data with methods of analysis of variance, factor analysis and cluster analysis using it as the study item. The results of this study can be summarized as follows; 1. As the result of comparative analysis of the body measurements by age group and region group, the horizontal items such as the widths, depths, and girths increased with advancing ages, while heights decreased. 2. As the result of factor analysis on the items, 5 factors on such as the first factor on the obesity of body, the second factor on the size of vertical of body, the third factor on the length of upper body, the forth factor on the width of the shoulder, the fifth factor on the degree of dropping shoulder were extracted. 3. As the result of classification based on the cluster analysis, the body type were classified into 5 types. So, to see the feature of body form by types, type 1 was small stature, short parts of the body. type 2 was tallest, fattest and type 3 was small stature, fat. type 4 was tall, long length arm and leg, thick waist. type 5 was tall, long length arm and leg, fat.
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A Study on Consumers` Risk Recognition Regarding Purchase of Apparel Goods through Internet 인터넷을 통(通)한 의류(衣類) 구매시(購買時) 소비자(消費者)의 위험지각(危險知覺)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
이승아 Sung Ah Lee , 정성지 Sung Jee Chung
4(4) 97-106, 2000
A Study on Consumers` Risk Recognition Regarding Purchase of Apparel Goods through Internet 인터넷을 통(通)한 의류(衣類) 구매시(購買時) 소비자(消費者)의 위험지각(危險知覺)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
이승아 Sung Ah Lee , 정성지 Sung Jee Chung
The purpose of the study was to investigate the differences in risk recognition regarding purchase of apparel goods according to internet shoppers` sex, age, and purchasing group and characteristics of apparel goods. For the measurement, a questionaire was developed by the researchers. The questionnaire consisted of questions regarding characteristics of the sample and apparel goods and risk on buying apparel through internet. Data analyses were performed by frequency analysis, factor analysis, t-test, ANOVA, and Tukey`s test. The result of the study was that significant differences showed in risk recognition of internet shoppers according to their sex, purchasing group, and fit of apparel goods.
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A Study on the Consuming Condition of Cosmetics of Female Students in Middle and High Schools 서울시내(市內) 여중고생(女中高生)의 화장품(化粧品) 소비실태(消費實態) 조사연구(調査硏究)
조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho , 전보경 Bo Kyung Chun
4(4) 107-121, 2000
A Study on the Consuming Condition of Cosmetics of Female Students in Middle and High Schools 서울시내(市內) 여중고생(女中高生)의 화장품(化粧品) 소비실태(消費實態) 조사연구(調査硏究)
조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho , 전보경 Bo Kyung Chun
The purpose of this study is to offer basic data to adolescents` cosmetic culture by investigating and analysing the choices made by female students who have been becoming principle consumers of cosmetics these days. Firstly, social and cultural backgrounds and concepts of N generation, and then characteristics and influencing powers of female students were reviewed. And this study also included questionnaire surveys of 500 female students in middle and high schools located in Seoul. Data were processed using a SPSS+ program and analyzed by using frequency, percentage and the X2-test. The major findings run as follows: Female students have the effects of spreading their words quickly and abilities of making a decision what to buy. And they accept consuming behaviors itself as a part of cultural lives. Therefore, industries have acknowledged them as new principal consumers with a powerful influence in the market. They also play an important role in active consumer as emotional generation who has distinct personalities and prefer fashion trends, changes and innovations. They show conformities with their peer groups and they also want to identify themselves with characters or stars. The cosmetic behaviors of female students relating to demographic characteristics showed a significant relation to grades, majors, school groups and places of residence. Female students have a lot of interest and knowledge about cosmetics. And they use various cosmetic products. This study demonstrated the age for using make-up for the first time has been becoming younger more and more. Recently, female adolescents tend to use face powder, lip gloss, mascara and eye shadow. It is assumed that cosmetic purchases of female students can be considered as an impulsive aspects. However, before purchases, the proportion of students having any particular cosmetic brand in mind previously has been increasing. They take into consideration skin safety, the quality of product and color, when purchasing cosmetic products.
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A Study on the Convenient of Fashion Product Information Among Adverstisement Types and Information Design Methods 정보제공매체(情報提供媒體)의 구성방식(構成方式)에 따른 패션상품(商品) 정보검색(情報檢索)의 편의성(便宜性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
고은주 Eun Ju Ko
4(4) 123-133, 2000
A Study on the Convenient of Fashion Product Information Among Adverstisement Types and Information Design Methods 정보제공매체(情報提供媒體)의 구성방식(構成方式)에 따른 패션상품(商品) 정보검색(情報檢索)의 편의성(便宜性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
고은주 Eun Ju Ko
The purpose of this study was to examine the usage of internet advertisement, to define the convenient dimensions of information navigation medium, and to examine the difference of convenient information navigation among advertisement types and information design methods. Thirty-four subjects were selected for the survey study and descriptive anlysis, factor analysis and ANOVA were used for the data analysis. The results of this study were: 1. the most perceived channel about the web site information was the search engine, the most preferred type of information design was the mixed type with text and image, and the most preferred medium for fashion information is the magazine. 2. the convenient dimensions of information navigation medium were information understanding, design composition, easy navigation, timely navigation, and convenient navigation. 3. the information design method is the significant factor influencing on the convenient information navigation.
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A Research on the Consumer`s Actual Condition for Men`s Dress Shirt 1 성인(成人) 남성(男性)의 드레스 셔츠 소비자(消費者) 실태조사(實態調査) 1 -착용실태(着用實態)와 구매실태(購買實態)를 중심(中心)으로-
임혜원 Hye Won Lim , 손희순 Hee Soon Sohn
4(4) 135-151, 2000
A Research on the Consumer`s Actual Condition for Men`s Dress Shirt 1 성인(成人) 남성(男性)의 드레스 셔츠 소비자(消費者) 실태조사(實態調査) 1 -착용실태(着用實態)와 구매실태(購買實態)를 중심(中心)으로-
임혜원 Hye Won Lim , 손희순 Hee Soon Sohn
The porpose of this research is helping product developments and establishment men`s marketing strategies. This contents are divided into two parts; the dress shirt`s wearing condition and the dress shirt`s buying condition. The subjects of the research were male that aged 25-50 and their company is resided in Seoul. The conclusion of this research is summarized as below ; 1. Many consumers have wrong term recognition of dress shirt. Most of men know their dress shirt`s sizing designation as casual method(ex, …95, 100…). Therefore it is happened fitness complains. Dress shirt`s wearing frequency for a week is 1-2 days or 5days mostly. A number of dress shirt`s wearing period for one is 6-12 months. Dress shirt`s wearing frequency fand wearing period varies according to their age, unmarried or married situation, scholarship, occupation. So the manufacturer of men`s dress shirt grasps the factor`s for their character. 2. The conclusion of dress shirt`s buying motivation is need better than impulse buying. If company planning season event, the selling will be improved. Most of men buy their dress shirt by themselves. It means a lot of men are interested in their clothes comparing to old days. And men`s favorite purchase place is a department store and agent. when they purchasing, the color and size is very important factor. But dress shirt`s sizing designation is not yet established. Therefore the dress shirt`s sizing designation is needed as possible.