A Study on the State of Clothing Habits of Yanbian Chinese-Koreans -Focusing on the Girl College Students and the Housewives in the Yangil City- 연변(延邊) 조선족(朝鮮族)의 의생활(衣生活) 실태(實態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -연길시(延吉市) 여대생(女大生)과 주부(主婦)를 중심(中心)으로-
조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho , 이희승 Hee Seung Lee
5(1) 1-15, 2001
A Study on the State of Clothing Habits of Yanbian Chinese-Koreans -Focusing on the Girl College Students and the Housewives in the Yangil City- 연변(延邊) 조선족(朝鮮族)의 의생활(衣生活) 실태(實態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -연길시(延吉市) 여대생(女大生)과 주부(主婦)를 중심(中心)으로-
조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho , 이희승 Hee Seung Lee
The purpose on this study is to grasp the clothing habits and problems of the Chinese-Koreans in Yanbian, China through the fact-finding survey about the clothing habits for the Chinese-Koreans in Yanbian, China who have frequent exchanges with the North Korea and have relatively similar home culture preparing for the unification of North and South Korea, also it is to make the basic data for improving their qualities of life. As for the method of study, it centered on the investigation by the questionnaire on the spot and it referred to the data like domestic and abroad literature, field observation, interview and internet, etc. as a reference. Also it centered on the girl college students and the housewives in Yangil City as an object of research. Accordingly, the result of this study is as follows. The Yanbian is the largest Chinese-Koreans group of people in the China. The economic environment in Yanbian is in the middle of the whole China. With the open-economy of China and the contact with the foreign culture, especially with Korea, the 1960s and 1990s coexist in. The Chinese-Koreans in Yangil spend about 1,425 CNY as clothing expenses averages a year, and the estimated value of holding amount of clothing is about 27 suits. They recognize the clothing made in Korea as high-quality and high-price of high-quality articles. They have high interest in the Korean fashion as the younger generation. They prefer to modern, active, refined and mature atmosphere in the clothing atmosphere, but they still do not reach to the level yet in actual. They generally have strong tendency with the preference of black color or dark color because they have small holding amount. The field materials of fiber did not become high-quality articles because they hold in the level of 1960s in Korea. So, the color level of Chinese-Koreans in Yanbian is still low.
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A Study on the Body Types of the Chinese men 2 -Focusing on Beijing and Shanghai- 중국(中國) 성인남성(成人男性)의 체형연구(體型硏究) 2 -북경(北京)ㆍ상해(上海)를 中心으로 -
임순 Soon Lim , 손희순 Hee Soon Sohn , 김지연 Jee Yeon Kim
5(1) 17-33, 2001
A Study on the Body Types of the Chinese men 2 -Focusing on Beijing and Shanghai- 중국(中國) 성인남성(成人男性)의 체형연구(體型硏究) 2 -북경(北京)ㆍ상해(上海)를 中心으로 -
임순 Soon Lim , 손희순 Hee Soon Sohn , 김지연 Jee Yeon Kim
The purpose of this study is to offer the basic data for chinese men` clothing construction. This study analyzes characterization and classification of body types of the Chinese men with body measurement values. This researcher executed the body measurement of total 39 items on 414 chinese men in Beijing and Shanghai aged 20-49 years old and analyzed the data with methods of analysis of variance, factor analysis and cluster analysis using it as the study item. The results of this study can be summarized as follows; 1. As the result of comparative analysis of the body measurements by age group and birth region group in Beijing and Shanghai, the horizontal items such as the widths, depths, and girths increased with advancing ages, while heights decreased. 2. As the result of factor analysis on the items in Beijing and Shanghai, 5 factors on such as the first factor on the obesity of body, the second factor on the size of vertical of body, the third factor on the length of upper body, the forth factor on the width of the shoulder, the fifth factor on the degree of dropping shoulder were extracted. 3. As the result of classification based on the cluster analysis in Beijing, the body type were classified into 3 types. So, to see the feature of body form by types, type 1 was tallest, fattest type. type 2 was small stature, fat. type 3 was tall, thin. In Shanghai, he body type were classified into 3 types. So, to see the feature of body form by types, type 1 was tallest, fattest type. type 2 was small stature. type 3 was tall, thin.
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The Freewheeling Beauty Expressed in the Western Women`s Costumes of Korea Since 1990 1990년대(年代) 이후(以後) 한국(韓國) 서양여성복(西洋女性服)에 표현(表現)된 "자유분방(自由奔放)함"의 미(美)
이효진 Hyo Jin Lee
5(1) 35-51, 2001
The Freewheeling Beauty Expressed in the Western Women`s Costumes of Korea Since 1990 1990년대(年代) 이후(以後) 한국(韓國) 서양여성복(西洋女性服)에 표현(表現)된 "자유분방(自由奔放)함"의 미(美)
이효진 Hyo Jin Lee
The purpose of this study is to have a new understanding of the freewheeling beauty inhering in the Korean western costumes, traditionally the freewheeling beauty has been the root of Korean beauty expressed in the Korean feeling. First, the theoritical inquiry for this study was processed to understand formativeness of the Korean popular arts, folk painting, pottery, pansori(dramatic song), masked dance. The results of the theoritical analysis were as follows; the korean beauty inherited in the Korean popular arts, was represented plastic words as good-humor, unsophisticated, homely, plainness, simplicity, artless, unartificial, crudely etc, the freewheeling beauty implied the beauty of good-humor, the beauty of naivety. In conclusion, the creative Korean beauty reflected in the western costumes by Korean designers was derived from freewheeling characteristics of Korean feeling. After this study, I came to conclusion that it`s very important to recover, reperceive, revaluate the inner meanings inherited Korean western costumes.
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A Study on Resistance in Rapper Fashion 랩퍼(Rapper) 패션에 나타난 저항성(抵抗性) 연구(硏究)
권혁주 Hyuk Ju Kwon , 양숙희 Suk Hee Yang
5(1) 53-71, 2001
A Study on Resistance in Rapper Fashion 랩퍼(Rapper) 패션에 나타난 저항성(抵抗性) 연구(硏究)
권혁주 Hyuk Ju Kwon , 양숙희 Suk Hee Yang
The purpose of this study how `Afro-American resistance` is showed up in the fashion trough the study of rapper`s fashion present in singing rap music. Rap music produced by the influence of black music. It have been the tool of expression of pain and sorrow of their lives and included their resistant spirit. So rapper`s fashion expressed resistance. at this point I categorized the resistant feature of rapper`s fashion at two types in terms of the extent of expression. Their are active resistance fashion and passive resistance fashion. Also each fashion types was classified in terms of style, material, color, accessories and so forth. Active fashion is possible to classify these three styles as follows. The first one is Afrocentic style that was raised from longing for Africa. The second one is Military style which contains an ling-time enduring spirit of resistance against the society. The last one is Hiphop style that violated the typical rule of dressing under the hiphop style culture. These kinds of active resistance are also classified as material like blue Jean showing black workers` resistance, color like black showing off superiority of `black` and red, gold and green color expressing black people`s resistance, and other accessories like chains, cross and so on. Passive resistance fashion has several variations according to the style. There are Jazz style, Uniform style and Hiphop style. It is also categorized as high-tech materials, white color which is the expression of desire for white and luxurious accessories showing off wealth.
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The Glam Style Expressed in the Movie 「Velvet Goldmine」 영화(映畵) 「벨벳 골드마인(Velvet Goldmine)」에 나타난 글램 스타일(Glam Style)
김은아 Eun Ah Kim , 염혜정 Hae Jung Yum
5(1) 73-85, 2001
The Glam Style Expressed in the Movie 「Velvet Goldmine」 영화(映畵) 「벨벳 골드마인(Velvet Goldmine)」에 나타난 글램 스타일(Glam Style)
김은아 Eun Ah Kim , 염혜정 Hae Jung Yum
The purpose of this study is to understand what the Glam Style is, focus on the movie 「Velvet Goldmine」. The Glam Style is refered early 1970s Glam rockers` costume, typified by silver lurex, corksoled platform, men in make-up, personified, for example, by David Bowie, Marc Bolan, New York Dolls, Roxy Music and Iggy Pop. To approach the Glam Style comprehensively, I have divided the formative background of Glam Style into the improvement technology, the advent of the young generation and the diffusion of mass media, the rock music fever and influence on Pop art. Following is the result of analyzing of the character in the movie. First, Brian Slade has the flamboyant transsexual image by skin-tight space suit, glitter pants, lurex, satin and sequined stretch fabrics, vivid color, gauze make-up, feather boa. Second, Curt Wild expresses the outrageous sexual image by black leather jacket, emphasized black eyes make-up. Third, Mandy Slade appears the exaggerated and frivolous image by gold leopard patterned one piece, fur coat, ornamented with beads, tropical make-up, spangles and the costume jewelry. Forth, Auther Stuart has the complex image by black leather jacket, velvet jacket, skin-tight bold shirt, glitter pants, glitter make-up, silk scarf, cherry-red sunglasses. The characteristics meaning of Glam Style implied in this formative characteristic could be presented as the experimental expression of androgynous, the hordes of outrageous alien and kitsch parody.
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A Study on the Wearing and Purchasing Behavior of the Direct Import-Fashion Brand 직수입(直輸入) 의류제품(衣類製品)의 착용(着用)ㆍ구매(購買)에 관(關)한 소비자(消費者) 실태(實態) 조사(調査) 연구(硏究) -하이 패션을 중심(中心)으로-
손희순 Hee Soon Sohn , 김효숙 Hyo Sook Kim , 김진홍 Jin Hong Kim
5(1) 87-96, 2001
A Study on the Wearing and Purchasing Behavior of the Direct Import-Fashion Brand 직수입(直輸入) 의류제품(衣類製品)의 착용(着用)ㆍ구매(購買)에 관(關)한 소비자(消費者) 실태(實態) 조사(調査) 연구(硏究) -하이 패션을 중심(中心)으로-
손희순 Hee Soon Sohn , 김효숙 Hyo Sook Kim , 김진홍 Jin Hong Kim
The purpose of this investigation is to investigate exact information for Korean consumer`s the wearing and purchasing behavior of the imported fashion brand. The subjects were 118 female and shopper came shopping in Kang-Nam gu, Seoul. The subjects is buyer purchase the direct import-fashion brand. A questionnaire was surveyed through direct interviews. Data was processed by a computer(SAS) and analyzed by using frequency, percentage, x2-test. The results of this investigation are as follows: 1. The consumer were surveyed to be more satisfy for the interior goods than satisfy for the direct import-fashion brand in the good`s quality, character expression, lasting quality, brand, design, comfort etc. 2. The possession number were surveyed to possess mostly 1 - 2 suits. 3. The consumer`s view for the clothing-size were surveyed to be a difference between imported fashion brand. 4. The consumer`s selection for the clothing-size were surveyed to put on clothes directly, especially more young women than old women.
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A Study on Character Fashion -The Focus on Animation Character- 캐릭터 패션에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -애니메이션 캐릭터를 중심(中心)으로-
이정임 Jung Im Lee , 전혜정 Hae Jung Chun
5(1) 97-116, 2001
A Study on Character Fashion -The Focus on Animation Character- 캐릭터 패션에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -애니메이션 캐릭터를 중심(中心)으로-
이정임 Jung Im Lee , 전혜정 Hae Jung Chun
Character fashion was already turned up in Egyptian age and nowadays was worn to everybody as regardless of ages, level and sex of people. This paper reviewed character fashion and animation character based on USA and Japan that is outstanding more coming up today and compared and analyzed with our country`s situation. Usually, character fashion would give imagnation of products and companies themselves for aesthetic sense and can show possessive feeling and personality. And that mean fashion used by character like pictures and signals(that include words figures and special signals) and these fashion using by animation character was come out in 1929. In spite of third producer, Korea, back from USA and Japan about character fashion, we faced many problems. In order to solve these problems, we must make our own pure character that do not need to pay royalty and must spread marketing strategy with character fashion of more various designs. Therefore we should concentrate for raising high quality works and avoid uneconomic investment and plagiarism and finally we must expand recognition concerning character fashion.
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Development of the Design of Korean Policewomen`s Uniforms 한국(韓國) 여성(女性) 경찰복(警察服) 디자인 개발(開發)
박진영 Jin Young Park , 양숙희 Sook Hi Yang
5(1) 117-130, 2001
Development of the Design of Korean Policewomen`s Uniforms 한국(韓國) 여성(女性) 경찰복(警察服) 디자인 개발(開發)
박진영 Jin Young Park , 양숙희 Sook Hi Yang
The purpose of this research focuses mainly on the establishment of: the image of the police that can be adopted to meet the demands of reality through the development of the design of policewomen`s uniform in the times that require reestablishment of the image of the police; the image of the police that is appropriate for the organic structure of the society; and the image of the police that cooperate with the citizens. For background research I have considered the police and their uniforms from a theoretical point of view and have examined the process by which Korean policewomen`s uniforms have changed. Actual research was carried out policewomen of Seoul Regional Police Station, was conducted and the results were utilized to figure out what the problem was. This research suggests an improvement measure by making four suits of summer and spring-and-autumn work-uniforms, and six suits of spring-andautumn and winter full-dress uniform. First the colors of work-uniforms and full-dress uniforms are not blue, which incites a feeling of coldness and stiffness, but are colors that are feminine and emit warmth---red, ivory, khaki, black, and beige. second pure, natural fiber is difficult to wash and is not an appropriate material for policewomen`s uniforms when considering its cost and etc., fabrics that are a mix of synthetic fiber and natural fiber were chosen. Because mixed fabrics are cheaper and their ability to maintain shape is superior to that of natural fiber, mixed fabric is an appropriate material for policewomen`s uniforms. third the feminine image of policewomen was considered; therefore, masculine image, which is rigid and strong, was avoided and the image was expressed in a serene and beautiful way. Also slim line was added to the current uniforms to emphasize feminine beauty. The conclusion of this study is that police officers in the 21st century want to be seen as the citizens cane and benevolent volunteers that live together with the citizens, not as suppressive and powerful people.
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A Study on the Design of Women`s Knitwears - Focusing on Stitch and the Handcraft Ornament Technique - 여성(女性) 니트웨어 디자인에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -조직(組織)과 수공예적(手工藝的) 장식기법(裝飾技法)을 중심(中心)으로-
김해영 Hae Young Kim , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
5(1) 131-144, 2001
A Study on the Design of Women`s Knitwears - Focusing on Stitch and the Handcraft Ornament Technique - 여성(女性) 니트웨어 디자인에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -조직(組織)과 수공예적(手工藝的) 장식기법(裝飾技法)을 중심(中心)으로-
김해영 Hae Young Kim , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
The purpose of this study is to examine the type of stitch and designs of knitwears using handcraft ornament techniques. This paper will also go on to develop and merchandize high value generated by design development. Knit is largely divided into weft knit stitch and warp knit stitch which are respectively woven by weft knitting machine and warp knitting machine. For clothing, circular knit and flat knit are frequently used while plain stitch, rib stitch and purl stitch are perceived as the basic stitches. Denbigh stitch, cord stitch, atlas stitch, which belong to tricot stitch, are the basic of warp knit stitch. There are also numerous fancy fabrics adapting the previously mentioned stitches and these are made into solid pattern and yarn dyed pattern. The handcraft ornament techniques in knitwears design are embroidery, beads, sequin, stone, printing, applique and fringe, etc. By applying these techniques thus creative expression, which cannot be expressed in other fashion items, is feasible. The women`s knitwears are tries by mixed and various techniques, develope to high value knitwears, escaping from simple and practical items.
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A Study on the Fitness Evaluation to Korean Manufactured Apparels for the Chinese Women -Focusing on the Tailored Jacket and Slacks- 중국(中國) 여대생(女大生) 대상(對象) 한국의류제품(韓國衣類製品)의 맞음새 평가(評價) - 테일러드 재킷과 슬랙스를 중심(中心)으로-
장희경 Hee Kyung Chang , 손희순 Hee Soon Sohn , 임순 Soon Lim , 김영숙 Young Sook Kim
5(1) 145-156, 2001
A Study on the Fitness Evaluation to Korean Manufactured Apparels for the Chinese Women -Focusing on the Tailored Jacket and Slacks- 중국(中國) 여대생(女大生) 대상(對象) 한국의류제품(韓國衣類製品)의 맞음새 평가(評價) - 테일러드 재킷과 슬랙스를 중심(中心)으로-
장희경 Hee Kyung Chang , 손희순 Hee Soon Sohn , 임순 Soon Lim , 김영숙 Young Sook Kim
The purpose of this study was to improve the fitness of Korean manufactured apparel products being exported to China and to provide for the basic data useful to the development of a torso prototypes for the Chinese women. For this purpose, Chinese college women aged between 18 and 24 were sampled to test the fitness of the Korean manufactured apparels for the Chinese women sample and address the problems of unfitness and thereupon. The results of this study can be summarized as follows; As a result of testing the fitness of the Korean manufactured apparels for the Chinese women, it was found that Chinese women felt more or less comfortable for the front of the jackets, but felt less comfortable with their side and back. Such a finding suggests that the Chinese women`s postures are more turned back than the Korean women`s. And also for the slacks, lack of a crotch length causes unnecessary pulls and creases from the back part to the crotch of a pair of slacks and the side line was not suitably placed. For this reason, the differences between the body shapes of Chinese and Korean women should be thoroughly considered when drawing the patterns to export to China.