The Dyeability of Paeonia Suffouticosa with Mordants 매염제(媒染劑)에 따른 목단피(牧丹皮)의 염색성(染色性)
송화순 Wha Soon Song
5(3) 1-7, 2001
The Dyeability of Paeonia Suffouticosa with Mordants 매염제(媒染劑)에 따른 목단피(牧丹皮)의 염색성(染色性)
송화순 Wha Soon Song
Dyeability of Paeonia suffouticosa on to silk fabric in using natural and artificial mordants has been studied. The dyestuff was extracted with methanol. Silk fabric was most suitable condition in 400%(o.w.f.), 80°C, 50min. The K/S was showed higrer mordanting than unmordanting. And with the mordanting, gave good improvements of the K/S values. Surface color of dyed fabrics was various according to the used mordants: the value of mordanted fabrics was dark, Cu mordanted fabric was to be cleared, Fe mordanted fabric was the greatest color difference. The fastness was significantly improved in natural Cu mordant.
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A Study on the Wearing Pattern of the Ready-made Shoes for Korean Salary Men 한국(韓國) 직장남성(職場男性)의 기성화(旣成靴) 착용(着用)에 관(關)한 실태조사연구(實態調査硏究)
서추연 Chu Yeon Suh , 박순지 Soon Jee Park , 박은주 Eun Joo Park
5(3) 9-18, 2001
A Study on the Wearing Pattern of the Ready-made Shoes for Korean Salary Men 한국(韓國) 직장남성(職場男性)의 기성화(旣成靴) 착용(着用)에 관(關)한 실태조사연구(實態調査硏究)
서추연 Chu Yeon Suh , 박순지 Soon Jee Park , 박은주 Eun Joo Park
This study is to provide basic data for the development of domestic ready-made shoes industry by illustrating any problem in regards to the ready-made shoes for ordinary salary men through looking into its uses and gratifications. Subjects for this study were in between twenties and sixties by applying convenient random sampling method, which was done in January to February, 2001. The results were as follows: 1. General foot shape of subjects was that foot breadth was wide whereas instep height was average. In regards to the metamorphic parts of foot, the most metamorphic part was the fifth toe which could be occurred by disagreeable shoes to foot. 2. General salary men (69.5%) wear the formal shoes and their wearing time per day is over 10 hours (49%), which illustrates that more suitable and convenient functional shoes needs to be developed. 3. Almost of subjects tended to purchase ready-made shoes, and their concerns to be considered when to purchase ready-made shoes were its size and solidity. This finding suggests that the size specification of the ready-made shoes needs to be more specific in terms of its length as well as foot breadth. 4. The most unsatisfied point on the ready-made shoes was the foot breadth. According to the Crosstabulation analysis on the discomfort part and the foot breadth, there existed a significant correlation between the discomfort part and the foot breadth (p≤0.05). The above results make clear that overall salary men have complaints on the ready-made formal shoes in terms of its size and wearing comfort level. This suggests that the subdivision of the shoes size specification needs to be developed to improve the wearing comfort level.
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Satisfaction about Internet Shopping Mall and Purchasing Intention of Fashion Goods - Difference of Department of Fashion Design and Non Fashion Design - 인터넷쇼핑몰에 대(對)한 만족도(滿足度)와 의류제품구매의도(衣類製品購買意圖)의 차이(差異) -의상전공(衣裳專攻)과 비전공(非專攻) 대학생(大學生)의 비교(比較)-
박혜령 Hea Ryung Park , 김시월 Si Wuel Kim
5(3) 19-34, 2001
Satisfaction about Internet Shopping Mall and Purchasing Intention of Fashion Goods - Difference of Department of Fashion Design and Non Fashion Design - 인터넷쇼핑몰에 대(對)한 만족도(滿足度)와 의류제품구매의도(衣類製品購買意圖)의 차이(差異) -의상전공(衣裳專攻)과 비전공(非專攻) 대학생(大學生)의 비교(比較)-
박혜령 Hea Ryung Park , 김시월 Si Wuel Kim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences of the general characteristics of subjects, the utilizing realities and the degree of satisfaction in the shopping mall and purchasing intention between group Ⅰ that specializes in fashion design and group Ⅱ that doesn`t specialize in it. The results are summarized as the following six aspects. First, as a result of the general characteristics of subjects and the utilizing realities, the most different variables were the visiting frequency and the goods purchasing frequency. The result indicated that group Ⅱ took more interests than group Ⅰ. Second, as a result of the degree of satisfaction according to the factors of the general characteristics of subjects and the utilizing realities in the shopping mall, both group Ⅰ and group Ⅱ showed high degree of satisfaction in factor 1 (variety of event) whereas both groups showed relatively low degree of satisfaction in factor 3 (variety of goods). Third, as a result of the degree of satisfaction according to the general characteristics of subjects and the utilizing realities, group Ⅰ showed significant differences in the degree of satisfaction according to a monthly allowance of pocket money and goods purchasing frequency and group Ⅱ showed significant differences in the degree of satisfaction according to grade, the utilizing reason, goods purchasing frequency. Fourth, as a result of purchasing intention of fashion goods according to the general characteristics of subjects and the utilizing realities, group Ⅰ showed the higher purchasing intention of fashion goods in group that the terms of payment was on-line payment than group that they was credit card. On the other hand, group Ⅱ showed a significant difference in grade, which showed that group that was above third grade had the higher purchasing intention of fashion goods than group that was under third grade. Fifth, as a result of purchasing intention of fashion goods according to the degree of satisfaction, group Ⅰ showed significant differences in factor 1 and factor 3 among the degree of satisfaction. In other words, group that had high degree of satisfaction in factor 1 showed the higher purchasing intention of fashion goods than other groups and group that had medium degree of satisfaction in factor 3 showed the higher purchasing intention of fashion goods than other groups. In group Ⅱ, on the other hands, group that had high total degree of satisfaction showed the higher purchasing intention of fashion goods than other groups. Sixth, as a result of relative influencing power of independent variable with respect to purchasing intention of fashion goods in group Ⅰ, the higher degree of satisfaction in factor 1 and the lower degree of satisfaction in factor 3 showed, the higher purchasing intention of fashion goods showed. As a result of relative influencing power of independent variable in group Ⅱ, however, the higher grade and the higher degree of satisfaction in factor 1 showed, the higher purchasing intention of fashion goods showed.
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School Uniform: Socio-Psychological Meaning and Future Research 교복(校服)의 사회심리학적(社會心理學的) 의미(意味)와 향후(向後) 연구과제(硏究課題)
여은아 Eun Ah Yoh
5(3) 35-48, 2001
School Uniform: Socio-Psychological Meaning and Future Research 교복(校服)의 사회심리학적(社會心理學的) 의미(意味)와 향후(向後) 연구과제(硏究課題)
여은아 Eun Ah Yoh
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Investigation of Girdle Wearing of Female College Students 여대생(女大生)의 거들 착용실태(着用實態) 분석(分析)
박은주 Eun Joo Park , 한은경 Eun Gyeong Han
5(3) 49-61, 2001
Investigation of Girdle Wearing of Female College Students 여대생(女大生)의 거들 착용실태(着用實態) 분석(分析)
박은주 Eun Joo Park , 한은경 Eun Gyeong Han
In this study, girdle wearing was surveyed on the female college students in Seoul and Seoul satellite cities. Data were collected by convenient sampling method, and sample size was 252 subjects in 18 to 29 years. Questionnaire was composed of 5 parts: experience of girdle wearing, the preference of girdle type, degree of dissatisfaction/discomfort in wearing girdle, wear sensation evaluation of girdle fabrics, including demographic and anthropometric data. The results of surveys are as follows: Experience of girdle wearing (season of wearing girdle, main intention of wearing girdle, frequency of wearing, body part to want to be shaped by girdle) was examined. Especially body parts to be shaped by girdle were in order of abdomen> hip > thigh > waist-hip sideline. Therefore, it would be considered that female college students want to care about the shape of abdomen or hip. The long leg panty type was most preferred among the girdle types. The reason of preference of long leg panty type was cost > easiness of putting on-and-off > shaping many body parts at once. For dissatisfaction/discomfort in wearing the commercial girdles, it showed in order of poor ventilation at sweating > static electricity with outer garment > difficult breathing due to pressure > deformation after laundering.
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A study on the Art Style of Sacred Tree - Focusing on the Assyrian Style Tree Pattern - 성수문(聖樹文)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究) -앗시리아식(式) 수목중심문양(樹木中心文樣)을 중심(中心)으로-
김문자 Moon Ja Kim
5(3) 63-71, 2001
A study on the Art Style of Sacred Tree - Focusing on the Assyrian Style Tree Pattern - 성수문(聖樹文)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究) -앗시리아식(式) 수목중심문양(樹木中心文樣)을 중심(中心)으로-
김문자 Moon Ja Kim
The symbol of the sacred tree represents the world tree. They were influenced by Tree worship in Northern mounted nomadic groups, and the first is quite obvious, that the sacred tree is a palm tree. The Assyrian sacred tree possesses characteristics, making the tree iconographic and rather artificial. The tree typically has a thin trunk arranged in two or three tiers. Each tier is separated by horizontal plates or bands. The top of the tree is crowned with a palmette form. Wavy streamers emanate from the tree abd terminate in palmettes in a criss cross fashion. The central trunk is topped with a palmette and surrounded the trunk with palmettes emphasizing a link to date trees. The number of branches on the tree is limited, and there are usually seven, fifteen or thirty branches. The connection of these numbers with those of the week, and of the lunar wax and wane is so obvious. The branches on the tree may have indeed represented a calender of some sort. Mainly based on the excavated tomb articles of the three kingdoms and referred to Chinese and Japanese ones, Sacred Tree pattern showed that was lightly influenced by the times and area, but was slowly changed and developed to different types through those each ages generally. The Sacred Tree type was three part in according to the wavy streamers emanate from the tree abd, Sacred tree type Ⅰ, Sacred tree type Ⅱ, Sacred tree type III [the Mountain(; 山)-typed piled up Sacred Tree].
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The Effect of Hair Style for Impression Formation Hair Style이 인상형성(印象形成)에 미치는 영향(影響)
윤소영 So Young Yoon , 유태순 Tai Soon Yoo
5(3) 73-84, 2001
The Effect of Hair Style for Impression Formation Hair Style이 인상형성(印象形成)에 미치는 영향(影響)
윤소영 So Young Yoon , 유태순 Tai Soon Yoo
The purpose of this study is to apply fundamental data of impression formation research by analyzing and observing the various facial image that can be effected from hair style as well as be helpful for choosing suitable hair style for T.P.O in modern society. This study targeted 305 college women in Daegu and Gyung-book area. Hair Style Image Scale(HSIS)was used the scale of seven point modified the S-D(Semantic Differential) method. The analysis of impression formation effect of hair style using SPSS WIN package have completed from the principal component analysis by Varimax perpendicular rotation method and ANOVA was used to recognize the difference in impression formation according to hair style change. In the case of statistical difference was appeared, LSD post-verification was applied for that. The conclusions of this study is as followed ; 1. The factors of impression formation effected by hair style were classified as goodwill factor, refinement factor, elegance factor and individuality factor. 2. In terms of goodwill factor, long hair style showed highest level and short cut hair, bobbed hair in an order. In refinement factor, there was no difference between short cut hair and bobbed hair and both of them was higher than long hair. In elegance factor, long hair was highest and bobbed hair was lowest. In individuality factor, short cut hair and bobbed hair higher than long hair and no difference between short cut hair and bobbed hair.
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A Study of Somatotype Characteristics of Infants and Sizes Specifications of Apparel Products for Infants 1 유아(乳兒)의 체형특징(體形特徵) 및 의류제품(衣類製品) 치수규격(規格)에 관(關)한 조사(調査) 연구(硏究) 1
김진 Jin Kim , 손희순 Hee Soon Sohn
5(3) 85-93, 2001
A Study of Somatotype Characteristics of Infants and Sizes Specifications of Apparel Products for Infants 1 유아(乳兒)의 체형특징(體形特徵) 및 의류제품(衣類製品) 치수규격(規格)에 관(關)한 조사(調査) 연구(硏究) 1
김진 Jin Kim , 손희순 Hee Soon Sohn
This study was aimed at reviewing the preceding studies regarding infants` physical characteristics and comparatively examining their apparel specifications among countries, and thereupon, surveying the sizes and specifications of each special infant apparel brand in korea, and thereby, providing for the basic data useful to consumers when they choose infants` apparel sizes and specifications, and at the same time to brand makers for effective exchange of information. Thus, domestic special infant`s apparel brands were surveyed for their own sizes and specifications, and thereby, the basic data useful to consumers when they choose their infants` apparel sizes and specifications as well as to brand makers when they exchange information among themselves were produced. The results of this study can summarized as follows: As a result of surveying the general trend of the infant apparel brands in korea, it was found that 5 brands had been established before 1990`s, and that the remaining 7 ones had emerged during 1990`s. When viewed in terms of brands` originality, it was disclosed that 10 brands were korean originals, while 2 brands were foreign ones licensed. On the other hand, as a consequence of surveying the target age groups of each brand, it was found that the targe age groups differed much ranging from 0 to 72 months or more narrowly from 12 to 24 months, which means that the infant age has yet to be defined for all the brands. In the case of the domestic infant-clothing product respect of inner wear, 8 clothing companies are producing the the outside clothing. In the outside clothing, from 6 months to 36 months` infant is the object, and 6m, 12m, 18m, 24m, 30m, 36m appeared with the fact that it produces in 6 sizes. In the case of the f and the g company which has the difference of size control is big, the f company is producing infant clothing for the age 0 to 72 months in 6 size which the difference of the measurement between the size is a lot to be appear, on the other hand, the g company is producing infant clothing for the age 0 to 6 months in 6 size which the difference of the measurement between the size is small to be appear.
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A Study on the Fashion Design imaged by Kimono in the 1990s 1990년대(年代) 패션에 나타난 기모노 이미지 디자인의 분석(分析)
염혜정 Hae Jung Yum
5(3) 95-109, 2001
A Study on the Fashion Design imaged by Kimono in the 1990s 1990년대(年代) 패션에 나타난 기모노 이미지 디자인의 분석(分析)
염혜정 Hae Jung Yum
The purpose of this study was for analyzing the fashion design imaged by Kimono in the 1990s. Through the work, what is the way to create the non-western fashion design can be found. For this purpose, I took my design data from fashion magazines in the 1990s, and referred to the literal materials about history of western costume and Kimono. The result were as follows ; Kimono in Japanese denotes thing to wear. Ki is derived from the verb kiru, to wear, and mono, thing. However, in the western world the term came to mean the T-shaped outer garment formerly known in Japan as the kosode. It is consists of sleeve(sode), wide sash(obi), hemline(suso), collar(eri), and material. There were many complex reasons for its diversity in the west, and for its evolution during the past one hundred years from the peignoir including exoticism, eroticism, women`s liberation to the high fashion imaged by folklore and avant-garde. Therefore the fashion design imaged by Kimono was divided into feminine style, natural & folklore style, modern & avant-garde style.
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An Exploratory Research for Design of Digital Fashion Product Based on the Concept of "Wearable Computer" 1 웨어러블 컴퓨터(Wearable Computer) 개념(槪念)을 기반(基盤)으로 한 디지털 패션상품(商品)의 디자인 가능성(可能性) 탐색(探索) 1
박선형 Seon Hyung Park , 이주현 Joo Hyeon Lee
5(3) 111-128, 2001
An Exploratory Research for Design of Digital Fashion Product Based on the Concept of "Wearable Computer" 1 웨어러블 컴퓨터(Wearable Computer) 개념(槪念)을 기반(基盤)으로 한 디지털 패션상품(商品)의 디자인 가능성(可能性) 탐색(探索) 1
박선형 Seon Hyung Park , 이주현 Joo Hyeon Lee
The purpose of part I of this research was to study the definition of the wearable computer, the influential factors which led to its advent, the history of its progress and to prospect the figure of future research in fashion field of it. A qualitative analysis was applied to fulfill the research purpose, in which academic reports, professional journals, newspapers, magazines, books and sites were reviewed and analyzed in depth. The wearable computer which has been developed as a type of the portable hardware for computing during the first period, 1960s-1980s, has progressed into apparently softer and technologically advanced prototypes during the 2nd period, early-mid 1990s. From the beginning of the 3rd period since late 1990s, `really wearable` prototypes were developed as the results of efforts to invent the more comfortable and interactive `wearcomp`. Based on the result of the analysis, the meaning of wearable computer in fashion field was interpreted in this study, as a reflection of converged demand and tendency of this era. New issues for future research of the wearable computer were suggested in the viewpoint of fashion design.
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A Study on Asymmetry Design Represented in Modern Fashion 현대복식(現代服飾)에 나타난 비대칭(非對稱) 디자인 연구(硏究)
최경희 Kyung Hee Choi
5(3) 129-143, 2001
A Study on Asymmetry Design Represented in Modern Fashion 현대복식(現代服飾)에 나타난 비대칭(非對稱) 디자인 연구(硏究)
최경희 Kyung Hee Choi
The purpose of this study is to pigeonhole theoretical notions of asymmetry and historical flow of asymmetry designed dresses, understand the trend of asymmetry design in modern fashion and find out its plastic character. The result of this study is as follows. The asymmetry is un-harmony artistic structure that unbalanced left and right in designing. The asymmetry fashion were seen that drapery dress of Egypt, Greece, Rome in ancient times and design by strong color contrast in heraldry and hose, accessory in the middle ages. In modern times, it was seen as complicated and mixed appearance by the influence of post-modernism. The asymmetry designs in modern fashion are shown varied styles by asymmetry of silhouette, detail, fabric, wearing method. The characters of these are a sense of de-construction, formative sense, and exaggeration The asymmetry design must be made by cutting, sewing, and high degree of technique through the latest skill and study.
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A Study on the Developing of High Value Knitwears - Focusing on the Developing Brand of Women`s Knitwears - 고부가가치(高附加價値) 니트웨어 상품(商品) 개발(開發)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -여성(女性) 니트웨어 브랜드 개발(開發)을 중심(中心)으로-
한국희 Kook Hee Han , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
5(3) 145-158, 2001
A Study on the Developing of High Value Knitwears - Focusing on the Developing Brand of Women`s Knitwears - 고부가가치(高附加價値) 니트웨어 상품(商品) 개발(開發)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -여성(女性) 니트웨어 브랜드 개발(開發)을 중심(中心)으로-
한국희 Kook Hee Han , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
The purpose of this study is to help you understand the importance of developing of high value added fashion culture goods being integrated with technology and knowledge. And to propose efficient ways of creating a new brand which can be accepted by anyone who has international sensibility. First of all, after making deep research and investigation about the status of current situation in domestic knitwears industries and brands, and exploring problem areas, a growth plan with priority given to strategies for creation of high value added knitwears and its brands will be presented. As methods used in this study, researches was made mainly by digging into technical books on knitwears, fashion trends, and domestic and international fashion information magazine and leaflets, let alone, a lot of domestic market research was performed, as required, and sometimes knitwears simple items were also actually made in parallel.