New Direction for the Fashion Business in the Age of Globalization
Kyu Hwa Cho
5(5) 1-6, 2001
New Direction for the Fashion Business in the Age of Globalization
Kyu Hwa Cho
The purpose of this paper is to suggest a Korean fashion industry in response to both the internal and external changes in the age of globalization, provide recommendations for the globalization of the Korean fashion industry, and discuss the establishment of the Asian fashion business society through international cooperation and activation of the fashion business in the 21st century focusing on the Korean fashion business. This paper will discuss the new phase of the Asian fashion business network. Professionals for the Asian fashion business is needed. The ultimate purpose of the fashion business in the age of globalization is that an affluent human life culture can contribute toward the cultural heritage of mankind.
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Proposals for Fashion Technology in the Standardization of Research Methods -Centered on Scientific Approaches to Body Type Research Methods-
Boo Ja Shim
5(5) 7-15, 2001
Proposals for Fashion Technology in the Standardization of Research Methods -Centered on Scientific Approaches to Body Type Research Methods-
Boo Ja Shim
As a means of achieving fashion technology and scientification, this research on the standardization proposals of body type research methods has the following conclusions: 1. As human body displays different characteristics according to races, regions, sexes, and ages, clothing products (unlike other industrial goods) cannot be subject to global standardization. As a result, clothing size standardization can be desirably regionalized, for example, as Asian, European countries, etc. 2. In order to share human-body-concerned information among nations, programs for raw data exchange need to be urgently developed. 3. Top priority is databasing all raw data at home and abroad. 4. So that the findings of body type research can be practically applied to the concerned industry, industry-academy cooperation and information exchange are a must. While researchers have to heighten the precision of their studies, industrial partners ought to focus on the invaluable importance of academic research. 5. The scientific body type analysis, the basis of fashion technology, as well as the development of its application technology and software are ultimately and urgently required.
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Signifying Process in Fashion Magazine Advertisements -Centering on Advertisements Expressing Eroticism-
Woon Hyun Lee , Sun Suk Oh
5(5) 16-26, 2001
Signifying Process in Fashion Magazine Advertisements -Centering on Advertisements Expressing Eroticism-
Woon Hyun Lee , Sun Suk Oh
The object of this study is to reach a semiotics access in a specialized magazine advertisement, by emphasizing the advertisement, which uses eroticism. The main components of eroticism are voyeurism, narcissism, fetishism, masochism, and sadism. From the results of analyzing their impact on fashion magazine advertisements, which is limited in erotic expression, `the women`s gender role ideology` is mainstream. Especially, this is joined with a `patriarch ideology` and the `women`s role ideology` on the view of feminism. It can be expressed erotic with `traditional women`s roles`, `rebelling against tradition`, and a `leading women role on sexuality`.
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Use of Photographs as Data Sources for Costume Research
Hae Young Lee , Elaine Pedersen
5(5) 27-35, 2001
Use of Photographs as Data Sources for Costume Research
Hae Young Lee , Elaine Pedersen
The purpose of this paper is to explore that what is the consideration when using photographs as data sources for historic costume research. So in other to achieve the study, first of all, I have to think over about the new media, photography, and then review the articles and studies how they have been used by scholars outside or our field. The considerations are the followings: 1. What kind of information can be found in historic photographs? The kind of information that may only be found in historic photographs and not in any other data source. What types of photographs are there; how the information varies by type of photograph. 2. What photographs can provide as data sources? How photographs can be used quantitative versus qualitative information; how to collect this information from one or more photographs, the criteria for the use of photographs. 3. Limitations of using historic photographs and what kind of information cannot be found in historic photographs. Be sure to discuss investigating the reliability of assigned dates; the importance of and suggestions on how could be done as part of the criterial for use of photographs. So, by asking and understanding these questions, we will use photographs better as a visual resource forward.
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Research on Culture of Costume in Coptic Paintings in Ancient Egypt -Based on Book Research-
Young Sun Shin
5(5) 36-48, 2001
Research on Culture of Costume in Coptic Paintings in Ancient Egypt -Based on Book Research-
Young Sun Shin
The Christianity that spread to Egypt in 3rd century in A.D. is called Copt. Coptic Church built a lot of monasteries along the lower stream of Nile River, which produced thousands of text and paintings. Ethiopia is well known for its worship to Virgin Saint Mary and produced many paintings of Virgin Saint Mary in different costumes. The pictures usually came in foldable small books containing 3 pictures. The paintings usually featured Virgin Saint Mary and Jesus Christ dressed as royalty in crowns, saints and angels. There are saints on white horse, mirroring the oriental influence on Coptic painting. This research will look into the patterns and colours on the Coptic textiles, mainly tapestry.
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Symbolic Values of Fur in Fashion Since 1990s -An Analysis under the Theories of Fetishism-
Soo Yeon Hahn , Sook Hi Yang
5(5) 49-64, 2001
Symbolic Values of Fur in Fashion Since 1990s -An Analysis under the Theories of Fetishism-
Soo Yeon Hahn , Sook Hi Yang
Fur is conceived as a material signifier, not only with its commodity value as luxury goods but also as its symbolic value as objects invested by one`s libidinal desire. In this study, complex meanings of fur as multi-layered signs of political and sexual power focusing on fetishism shall be explored, especially on the spectacle fetishism acted by mass media during the anti-fur movement in the 1980s. In conjuction herewith, a highlight shall also be made to the symbolic value in fashion design since 1990s. In this study, first, as a theoretical investigation, fetishism, that has been traditionally considered only as sexual fetishism in fashion discourse will be explored in socio-economic level. Second, in historical context, how the meanings and values of fur have become realized in various cultural spaces, such as literature, art, film and finally, fashion will be viewed. In fashion, fur is a product of desire and power influenced by commodity fetishism as well as sexual fetishism. During the anti-fur movement, mass media has developed the concept of spectacle fetishism. Fur is a sign of animal-victim, and fur-clad women is viewed with images full of imperialsm, sexism and racism, thus act as derisive spectacles of consumerism. Since 1990s as a reflection on anti-fur movement, fetishistic characteristics, which challenge traditional operation method, are expressed by disguise, parody, and returning to the nature. First, fur as disguise is intended to hide sexually perverse, decadent characteristics and expensiveness of fur by texturing or patterning techniques. Second, fur as parody uses fake fur or dyed fur in order to satirize erotically and ethnographically fetishized meanings of fur. Third, aboriginal design of fur is adapted to use symbolic values outside the West, which can potentially mobilize antagonistic oppositions out of their fetishistic regimes. In conclusion, fur as sign of female sexuality and its libidinal profits of exchange, has significant symbolic values expressed in fashion.
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The Artistic Hat Applying Natural Resources and Innovative Materials
Hye Kyung Kim , Yoon Jee Lee
5(5) 65-76, 2001
The Artistic Hat Applying Natural Resources and Innovative Materials
Hye Kyung Kim , Yoon Jee Lee
The hat is the most flexible human head covering. Almost entirely enveloping the hair, it can be simple, pure, elegant and mysterious. Yet it is frequently a highly decorative form of dress. The hat also takes a part in the extension of the area of art as soft-sculpture. My purpose of this thesis is to present diverse artistic hats with natural images by nontraditional materials and natural resources. The reason why I select nature as them is that it is absolutely the origin of life and art. To develop the innovative hat design, I focus on the material to extend the range of art expression. I observe nontraditional materials such as wire, paper and so on that enhance heterogenetic feeling from natural images. The attempt is made to enhance the visual effect by harmonizing the disharmonious feeling. Natural resources such as moss, orange, feather and so on could be adapted to the hat and applied for unique design, which supplies new expression. Therefore, the harmony of natural images and natural resources could avoid dullness, bestow elegance and polish the unique beauty creation of the hat.
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An Analysis and Comparison of the Characteristics of Traditional Hanbok and Everyday(daily) Hanbok Focusing on the Basic Dress
Hwa Jin Shim
5(5) 77-86, 2001
An Analysis and Comparison of the Characteristics of Traditional Hanbok and Everyday(daily) Hanbok Focusing on the Basic Dress
Hwa Jin Shim
The traditional dress of a nation represents that nations organic culture. The traditional Hanbok dress has become our traditional wear through many centuries of history. This paper studies the real world use of daily Hanbok and provide comparative data and compares the traditional and daily Hanbok with focus on the basic Hanbok. It will also present my views on the future of daily Hanbok design with beauty as an emphasis.
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A Study on the Suits Purchasing Conditions of the Chinese Men
Soon Im , Hee Soon Sohn , Jee Yeon Kim
5(5) 87-96, 2001
A Study on the Suits Purchasing Conditions of the Chinese Men
Soon Im , Hee Soon Sohn , Jee Yeon Kim
The purposes of this study is to supply information on the most common and generalized purchasing conditions of suits in China by surveying male customers from Beijing, Shanghai, Dalian, Tianjin, Harbin and Guangzhou with ages from 20`s to 40`s. Statistic data from the questionnaire was analyzed by SPSS 10.0 for windows and the analyzing method was processed by descriptive statistics, cross analysis and dispersed analysis and for verifying similarities, t-test and c2-test were used. The results could be summarized as follows; First, Purchasing places for suits were stores specializing in men`s wear, department stores and reasons for purchasing suits were `For business` and `Change of season`. Two, for purchasing information provider, television worked as the key source of providing purchasing information and outdoor advertisement, for main influence of purchasing, the consumers answered that they are the key decision makers and replied their wife or girlfriend`s opinion as the answer. Three, for number of suits in possession, answered three suits followed by more than five suits and for the purchasing period, the consumers chose one suit per year or every 6month. Four, according to the questionnaire on prices, colors, fabrics and styles of suits they buy, the consumers pay between 1,000 and 1,999RMB per suit and for the colors, black, dark gray and deep blue. For the choice of fabrics, said pure wool. For the styles of the suits, answered single three buttons. Five, the result from a question on the level of satisfaction shows `satisfied`, `average` and `very satisfied` with the purchase.