An Analysis of Consumers` Acceptance of the Sportive Fashion Trends according to their Lifestyle 소비자(消費者)의 라이프스타일에 따른 스포티브 패션 트렌드의 수용(受容) 현황(現況)과 배경(背景) 분석(分析)
김숙현 Sook Hyeun Kim , 이주현 Joo Hyeon Lee
6(1) 1-19, 2002
An Analysis of Consumers` Acceptance of the Sportive Fashion Trends according to their Lifestyle 소비자(消費者)의 라이프스타일에 따른 스포티브 패션 트렌드의 수용(受容) 현황(現況)과 배경(背景) 분석(分析)
김숙현 Sook Hyeun Kim , 이주현 Joo Hyeon Lee
The purpose of this study was to suggest the most appropriate design concepts for sportive fashion product based on the analysis of consumers` acceptance of the recent sportive fashion trends according to their lifestyle. The subjects consisted of 295 males and females, between 17 and 35 year-old. A self-report questionnaire with 4 stimuli was employed for data gathering, and the data were analyzed by the methods of frequency, factor analysis, cluster analysis, and Pearson`s correlation coefficient. The results of this study were summarized as follows: For the First, the recent sportive fashion trends were categorized into four groups; `street- sportive` trend, `futuristic-sportive` trend, `ethnic-sportive` trend and `urban-utility sportive` trend. Secondly, based on the result of cluster analysis on consumers` lifestyle, total four consumer groups were identified; `pursuing sense` group, `pursuing culture` group, `pursuing utility` group, and `indifference` group. Thirdly, the consumers relatively preferred two sportive styles among the four groups, typically representing `urban-utility` trend and `street` trend. The typical `urban-utility` style was particularly preferred by the consumers who desired to express themselves as urban, modern, and luxurious. The typical `street` style was preferred by the consumers who tried to express themselves as active and fashionable. Finally, preferences of the sportive trends according to consumers` lifestyle were interpreted as follows: the `pursuing sense` group relatively preferred `urbanutility` style and `street` style, the `pursuing culture` group preferred `street` style and the `pursuing utility` group preferred `urban-utility` style, meaningwhile the `indifference` group preferred `street` style and `urban- utility` style.
Key Words
sportive fashion, 스포티브 패션, lifestyle, 라이프스타일, preference of trend, 트렌드 선호도, consumers` acceptance, 소비자 수용양상, sportive concept, 스포티브 컨셉
A Study of Disposable Medical Clothes 일회용(一回用) 의료용(醫療用) 의복(衣服)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究)
이현미 Hyun Mee Lee
6(1) 20-30, 2002
A Study of Disposable Medical Clothes 일회용(一回用) 의료용(醫療用) 의복(衣服)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究)
이현미 Hyun Mee Lee
The purpose of this study was to provide the basic informations of disposable medical clothes and develop new disposable medical clothes which are not caused environmental pollutions. The staffs of Yuhan-Kimberly and doctors, nurses and personnel of four general hospitals in Seoul were interviewed individually in order to collect useful data of disposable clothes. Also the samples of disposable medical clothes were examined. The materials, designs, size of potential market and actual consumption conditions of disposable medical clothes were found out. New disposable medical clothes were made after having considered all the aspects examined above. Two kind of medical gowns and caps, a kind of medical apron, three kinds of patient robes and a kind of patient cap were made of Korean traditional paper with specific functions instead of nonwoven polypropylene fabric.
A Research on Post-Modernism Expressed on Western Hair Styles 서양(西洋)의 머리형태(形態)에 표현(表現)된 Post-modernism에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
안현경 Hyeon Kyeong An
6(1) 31-42, 2002
A Research on Post-Modernism Expressed on Western Hair Styles 서양(西洋)의 머리형태(形態)에 표현(表現)된 Post-modernism에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
안현경 Hyeon Kyeong An
The purpose of this study is research on the characteristics of post-modernism expressed on western hair styles in the late 20th century. Therefore this thesis analyzed the relationship of modernism & the hair styles of that mage and post-modernism & the hair styles of that mage. That will re-illuminate the same beauty worth of same age as to accurate the concept of post-modernism & the hair styles of that mage. And the last, criticizing the post-modernism design and that hair design, helping to find new trends. The method of this study was the literature research & analysis of visual materials focus on upper bust image that can know the relationship of modernism & the hair styles of that mage, and post-modernism & the hair styles of that mage. First, the literature research is composed of analysis of theses, magazines on art, clothing and cosmetology having the contents of 20th century western culture, art and hair styles. Second, the analysis of visual materials is composed of analysis of video films, slide films and photographs of books, magazines, and internet home-pages. Modern western hair styles, appeared after 1910`s, is represented as a short cut & permanent wave. That express experimentalism, functionalism, and purism, that is same as the other art`s trend of same age. Post-modern western hair styles, appeared after 1960`s, also show the same trend with same age`s. This summarized & characterized 8 categories; historical method, pluralism, negotiation, escape from the formality, recovery of humanity, ornament, connection with race, metaphor & symbolism. But post-modernism concentrating pluralism makes easy making low quality art and absence of criticism, so this thesis criticised it 5 categories; absence of ideas, absence of the social sense of responsibility, lost of one`s characteristics, decline of skills, decline of worth of usages.
A Study on the Manufacturing Process of Ladies` Jacket 숙녀복(淑女服) 재킷 제조공정(製造工程) 실태(實態) 연구(硏究)
심재희 Jae Hee Shim , 손희순 Hee Soon Sohn
6(1) 43-52, 2002
A Study on the Manufacturing Process of Ladies` Jacket 숙녀복(淑女服) 재킷 제조공정(製造工程) 실태(實態) 연구(硏究)
심재희 Jae Hee Shim , 손희순 Hee Soon Sohn
The purpose of this study was to present the plan for activation and rationalization of production of ladies` jacket and provide basic materials for improvement of the development of technologies in relation to the productivity improvement of ladies` jacket and the achievement of high quality product. For this purpose, this study attempted to investigate the present situation of jacket manufacturing process. The data is related with local ladies` jacket manufacturing companies in Seoul snd Kyonggi area. The results of this study are as follows. 1. 87.8% of the business firms responded that they acquired the productive process of jacket based on their own knowhow and 80.5% was aware of the need for the analysis of each process. The highest proportion of the business firms(65.9%) pointed out that the advantage of process analysis was the alleviation of the production time. 2. The jacket manufacturing process was made up of 4 stages such as the process of frontal/rear plate → the process of accessories → the process of completion → the process of finishing in a broad sense but composed of a total of 19 stages in detail. 3. Attachment of the sleeves(73.2), attachment of the collar(41.5%) and the formation of the overall silhouette(22.0%) were raised as the challenge in manufacturing ladies` jacket. 4. Most of the sewing business firms made use of the method of completing the collar and then stitching the outer material and the inner collar, and the line of the bodice and the outer collar as the method of stitching the tailored collar. and many of them used the method of completing the collar and then inserting it between the line of the bodice and the outer material and stitching it as the method of stitching the stand collar. They had a preference for the method of completing the sleeve and connecting it to the bodice as the method of stitching the sleeve. and used the method of treating the margin to seam of semi-lined and unlined jacket by treating it with the bias tape.
Key Words
manufacturing process, 제조공정, process of frontal/rear plate, 앞뒤판 공정, process of accessories, 부속품공정, process of completion, 완성공정, process of finishing, 마무리공정
A Study on the Formative Characteristics of the Vidal Sassoon`s Hair Design 비달 사순(Vidal Sassoon) 헤어디자인의 조형적(造形的) 특성(特性) 연구(硏究)
장미숙 Mee Sook Chang , 양숙희 Sook Hi Yang
6(1) 53-70, 2002
A Study on the Formative Characteristics of the Vidal Sassoon`s Hair Design 비달 사순(Vidal Sassoon) 헤어디자인의 조형적(造形的) 특성(特性) 연구(硏究)
장미숙 Mee Sook Chang , 양숙희 Sook Hi Yang
The purpose of this study is to review the innovation of Vidal Sassoon`s hair design. His hair styling was created in 1950-60, and it was related to the Zeitgeist, `Convulsion`. It was aesthetic reform that eliminated artificially of headdress through new design concept and high technique. It was social renovation that changed women`s life through freedom, ease and mobility of hair form. Also, it was scientific innovation that emphasized improvement of hair care. Therefore this researcher set a high value on his contribution in beauty industry, and studied the formative characteristics of his hair styling. The results are as follows: The formative characteristics are classified into the simplicity of form, the mobility of construction, and the variety of color and texture. 1. The simplicity of form showed through geometric form. Vidal Sassoon`s hair design had the overthrow traditional concept of femininity and beauty; in addition, it conferred freedom on not only hair itself but also women`s action. 2. The naturalism and mobility of construction was found in layered and softly swinging hair made up by skillful cutting technique. It was developed by studying on the dynamism of sports in 1984 LA Olympic games. 3. The variety of color and texture showed conspicuously its visual evidence because of the simplicity of form. Especially, he borrowed factors of fine art, that is to say, form, space, texture, line, color and light, and created a performance art. His work is analyzed into an art, and he is one of the best artists.
A Study on the Costume of Qing Dynasty in the Court Painting 궁정회화(宮廷繪畵)를 통해 본 청대복식(淸代服飾) 연구(硏究) -순치(順治) 15년(年)부터 가경(嘉慶) 19년(年)까지를 중심(中心)으로-
이현미 Hyun Mee Lee , 신경섭 Kyeong Seob Shin
6(1) 71-82, 2002
A Study on the Costume of Qing Dynasty in the Court Painting 궁정회화(宮廷繪畵)를 통해 본 청대복식(淸代服飾) 연구(硏究) -순치(順治) 15년(年)부터 가경(嘉慶) 19년(年)까지를 중심(中心)으로-
이현미 Hyun Mee Lee , 신경섭 Kyeong Seob Shin
The purpose of this study was to correctly understand the costume of Qing dynasty in the court painting. The starting point of this study was that the painting typically reflects the cultural values, social significations, costume and aesthetic outlook of that period when the paintings were done. Based on this regard, this study analyzed the costume of figure paintings in the court painting of the Qing dynasty that complied and edited by the Palace Museum. The court dress of Qing dynasty represented not only the spiritual world of Manchu tribes but also the influences of Chinese traditional culture. The court dresses of Kangxi and Qianloug showed definitely the luxury of life of Qing court. The everyday dress of Qing dynasty reflected the nomadic environments and it was very simple. The hunting dress of Qing dynasty was very developed and also represented horse riding and hunting activities of their traditional life. The ladies of Qing dynasty enjoyed to dress the costume of old Chinese style. The appearance of noble women was fragile and slim.
A Study on the Fashion of the New Generation in Korea -Focusing on the Influence of Japanese Popular Culture- 한국(韓國) 신세대(新世代) 패션에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -일본대중문화(日本大衆文化)의 영향(影響)을 중심(中心)으로-
이희승 Hee Seung Lee , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
6(1) 83-101, 2002
A Study on the Fashion of the New Generation in Korea -Focusing on the Influence of Japanese Popular Culture- 한국(韓國) 신세대(新世代) 패션에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -일본대중문화(日本大衆文化)의 영향(影響)을 중심(中心)으로-
이희승 Hee Seung Lee , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
The purpose of this study is to observe the elements of Japanese popular culture portrayed in Korean new generation fashion at the current point of time, when Japanese popular culture is first being opened to Korea. And the another purpose is to look into the fashion consciousness of them, which is made up of these aspects. The new generation plays the leading role in further excelling the culture of our society. They are the generation of sense and sensibility, the generation of "me", the generation of information, and the generation of individuality. Even before Japanese popular culture was officially opened, the new generation was already accepting fashion, comics and animation, video games, music, broadcasting, food, etc. The Japanese cultural elements that show most in Korean fashion are street fashion and the fashion of celebrities. These are mostly brought in by fashion magazines, the internet, satellite TV, the new media of cable TV, and street shops. The aspects of Japanese popular culture in Korean new generation fashion are many and varied. Such examples in fashion are : vintage style, school-girl style, sexy causal style, black coordination, soft avant-garde style. It can be said that the fashion consciousness of Korean new generation could be placed in the following order. First, the variety of fashion. Next, the internationalism of fashion. Third, the information of fashion, and last, the play value of fashion. Interest has peaked in Japanese culture after the official opening, and this study has explored the very same aspects which can be seen in Korean new generation fashion. This study was meant to help make a responsible and sturdy new generation fashion culture which can help face the new millennium.
Key Words
fashion, 유행, Japanese culture, 일본문화, new generation, 신세대, popular culture, 대중문화
A Study on Plastic Characteristics in Style of Greek Statue`s Clothing -Concentrating on Drapery and Pleats 그리스 조상(彫像)에 나타난 복식(服飾)의 조형성(造形性) 연구(硏究) -드레퍼리와 주름을 中心으로-
전혜정 Hei Jung Chun
6(1) 102-115, 2002
A Study on Plastic Characteristics in Style of Greek Statue`s Clothing -Concentrating on Drapery and Pleats 그리스 조상(彫像)에 나타난 복식(服飾)의 조형성(造形性) 연구(硏究) -드레퍼리와 주름을 中心으로-
전혜정 Hei Jung Chun
The purposes of this study are to comprehend the internal meaning and the external form in style of Greek statue`s clothing in the light of linked solution, and to compare the characterizations of style of Greek statue`s clothing with those in Greek Art. For these purpose, the theoretical studies about Greek art are preceded as a framework of this research, and then plastic characteristics of Greek statue`s clothing and Greek art are analyzed by the documentary studies, For sources, photographs of Greek statue in Archaeological Museum and Louvre museum are used. The result is as follows. It is demonstrated that the characters of internal meaning in style of Greek art and Greek statue`s clothing. The internal meaning of style of Greek art and Greek statue`s clothing are as follows 1) Beauty of vital is subject that possessed life and movement and embodied dynamics or inherent power. 2) Beauty of moderation is subject that achieves some of its most impressive and practise a similar economy and restraint. 3) Beauty of character is subject that reveals the character of its wearer and has its own charm and distinction The Greeks clarified beauty by looking for mathematical proportions. It is the interrelation of part with one another, and with the whole, together with the additional element of good colour, which constitutes beauty as perceived by the eyes. The beauty in style of Greek statue`s clothing consists of a sense of geometrical pattern, oder, symmetry, proportion, and rhythm.
A Study on Style of the Hip-hop Fashion Hip-hop Fashion에 나타난 스타일 연구(硏究) -국내외(國內外) Hip-hop 뮤지션을 중심(中心)으로-
이지현 Ji Hyoun Lee , 정은숙 Eun Sook Chung
6(1) 116-127, 2002
A Study on Style of the Hip-hop Fashion Hip-hop Fashion에 나타난 스타일 연구(硏究) -국내외(國內外) Hip-hop 뮤지션을 중심(中心)으로-
이지현 Ji Hyoun Lee , 정은숙 Eun Sook Chung
The hip-hop fashion of the nineteens is just as important in hip-hop as in rapping, breaking, or graffitiwriting to young people. Hip-hop fashions major influences range from martial-arts moves, to street-gang uniforms and paraphernalia. Hip-hop fashion grew and evolved with the subculture. The identification with street-gang culture is important to hip-hop in general and still set the pace for hip-hop fashion. There are things that are necessary fashion components for each segment of hip-hop life. So even prisons are now selling prison clothes. Explaining the look, The rawest street element is a jail element, so the strongest statement is a uniform with shirts and trousers that match perfectly, like a jail piece. Insiders can detect the away of gang and prison culture on the iconography of seemingly innocuous brands. Hip-hop glam is part of an evolution of hip-hop style. Rap`s gone luxe, and it is women who are leading the high-fashion charge. They wear in diamonds and fur. Now it is a very glam. Now, many brands are upping their marketing activities through a focus on their women`s lines in advertising, and featuring hot celebrities. There is also a lot of rethinking of looks going on. Sexy and tight is emerging as the style of choice in this market and fabrications are becoming more important, as designers refine and upgrade their women`s line. The clothes of hip-hop glam were the ordinary with the extraordinary: Designer fur and leather with athletic team jerseys, Nike sneakers, diamond bracelets and mall brands like Guess and Fubu. The hip-hop musician`s sporty hip-hop looks has amply young people. The hip-hop looks of baggy jeans, oversized shirts and rugged outerwear have become a part of mainstream fashion. Hip-hop fashion has the characteristics of being sporty. In the 90s, Military look has got one of the fashionable hip-hop fashion style. It does not have inner symbolic meaning or ideology but it only represents a fashion trend and revival fashion. Not only fashion designer but also hip-hop musician selected the trend for hip-hop fashion style.
Consumer`s Apparel Brand Preference and Fit of Ready-to-wear for Women 소비자(消費者)의 여성정장(女性正裝) 브랜드 선호(選好)와 기성복(旣成服) 치수(値數)의 맞음새
오설령 Seol Young Oh , 천종숙 Jong Suk Chun
6(1) 128-136, 2002
Consumer`s Apparel Brand Preference and Fit of Ready-to-wear for Women 소비자(消費者)의 여성정장(女性正裝) 브랜드 선호(選好)와 기성복(旣成服) 치수(値數)의 맞음새
오설령 Seol Young Oh , 천종숙 Jong Suk Chun
This study was initiated to study suitability of the apparel sizing systems that utilized in women`s ready-to-wear market. To achieve this, the researchers surveyed 383 women from the ages of 18 through 59. The result of this study are followed. 1) The targeted age of the apparel brand does not always correspond with the purchaser`s age. The subjects tend to prefer the brands targeting younger women than their age. The women who prefer the brand targeting younger women than their age were less satisfied with the jacket size available in Korean apparel market. They also took into consideration their body size. 2) The subjects who prefer the brands aimed for younger women were dissatisfied with fit at waist and hips. 3) The result of this study also shows that the more sizes are needed for short and tall women. The subjects pointed out that hips of the pants gave worst fit. 4) KS standard size designation system which listed body measurements bust-hips stature was not well known to the consumers.
A Study on the Successful Case of Brand Renewal through American National Brand "C" Company`s Marketing Strategy 미국(美國) 내셔널브랜드 C사(社)의 마케팅전략(戰略)을 통한 브랜드리뉴얼 성공사례(成功事例)연구(硏究)
고희숙 Hee Sook Koh
6(1) 137-154, 2002
A Study on the Successful Case of Brand Renewal through American National Brand "C" Company`s Marketing Strategy 미국(美國) 내셔널브랜드 C사(社)의 마케팅전략(戰略)을 통한 브랜드리뉴얼 성공사례(成功事例)연구(硏究)
고희숙 Hee Sook Koh
It`s not easy to renew old brand of over 50 years history to the tastes of new consumer of our time. Most of national brands that has a history of some 20 years in Korea have strove for continuation and growth of brand to no avails, which can be taken as a good example of current situation. For instance, C company, one of the National brand of US which has a history of 51 years, has made its position secure as a fashion group and based itself on a sound foundation by establishing new marketing strategy and completing successful brand renewal in the process of strategic M&A with Italian company. Those successful marketing strategies are as follows. 1) they regarded both market and consumer oriented marketing activity as company`s highest priority strategy and put great emphasis upon concentration on target market and reestablishment of brand image of business casual wear. 2) Setting up and operating planning team composed of merchandizer alone in Milano, they set the direction of plan on the basis of concentrated research on potential item in market according to thorough market research done by buying office in Korea, branch office in Hong Kong and buyer in US prior to blueprint planning for season. 3) Great emphasis was placed on business which focused on intensive presentation of basic key item for apparel career women who are main consumer group in the midium-low prices market in US and on supplementation of size and color. they named this line `collectibles` and helped their customer develop their own clothes plan without worrying about the change of color and fabric by supporting same fabric and color throughout the year and enabled them to add variation easily by supplementing new trend item. 4) Company set black as a main color that lots of apparel career women find easy to care and to express their own image and presented them with pebble which belongs to navy and beige and added fashion color such as wine and brown etc as season goes by. They constructed basic line in order for their customers to coordinate purchased item with new one or to add them to present collection, and to achieve efficient sale by setting up strategy which allows this cross coordination and changing pattern occasionally.
Key Words
apparel career woman, 기업체 직업여성, brand renewal, 브랜드 재정비, blueprint, 상품기획서, global open network system, 지구촌 연결체계, marketing strategy, 마케팅 전략
A Study of Global Fashion Design Applied with Image Element of Korean Dress and its Ornaments 한국복식(韓國服飾)의 이미지 요소(要素)가 적용(適用)된 글로벌 패션디자인 연구(硏究)
이병화 Byoung Haw Lee
6(1) 155-166, 2002
A Study of Global Fashion Design Applied with Image Element of Korean Dress and its Ornaments 한국복식(韓國服飾)의 이미지 요소(要素)가 적용(適用)된 글로벌 패션디자인 연구(硏究)
이병화 Byoung Haw Lee
As the whole world is rapidly becoming hollow connected by networks, the fashion world in the 21s century is about to mould the identity of one`s own country by establishing image of one`s own country and originality. Therefore the purpose of this study is in the development of designs in order to making the image of Korean dress and ornaments firmly in the global fashion by grafting and applying the elements of Korean dress and ornaments to the modern fashion. The method of this study consists of production of works after investigation of the images of Korean dress and ornaments applied to the modern fashion or detail elements in the Korean research papers and works. The elements of images of Korean dress and ornaments which used for the production of works like Dongjeong, Baerae, Dangeu doryeon, Chima heori, Goreum, Jeogori, Euryeyong chima, Saegdong, Jogakbo, Jatmullim, Geumbakseuran are made of use as motives, and one or several mixed elements are designed in a work. The result of the production of work is as follows : First, the design which made use of the element of Chima jegori make strong image of Korean dress. And by grafting several elements to one work, the more strong Korean image was created. Second, in the design which made use of ornaments and detailed decoration method, I deas are offered for detailed design skills. The materials which was investigated academically along with the study through the actual manufacturing are expected to become a foundation stone of making firm images of Korean dress and ornaments.