A Study on the Realities of Custom-made Clothing Production in Middle-aged Women`s Clothing Firms 중년여성복업체(中年女性服業體)의 맞춤복(服) 생산실태(生産實態) 연구(硏究)
박유정 Yu Jeong Park , 손희순 Hee Soon Sohn
6(2) 1-16, 2002
A Study on the Realities of Custom-made Clothing Production in Middle-aged Women`s Clothing Firms 중년여성복업체(中年女性服業體)의 맞춤복(服) 생산실태(生産實態) 연구(硏究)
박유정 Yu Jeong Park , 손희순 Hee Soon Sohn
The need for ready-to-wear clothing increases as the problem comes to arise from the fit of custommade clothing due to the characteristics of middle-aged women`s somatotype. At this point of time, a study on the realities of production of custom-made clothing in middle-aged women`s clothing business firms is of very greatly significance. Therefore, this study was intended to identify the problem and improvements through the survey research of production of custom-made clothing in middle-aged women`s clothing business firms and further present the plan for development of custom-made clothing business. The questionnaire was framed based on the contents extracted from the preliminary questionnaire research for the pattern section chief of each business firm. Collected data were statistically processed using the SPSS 10.0 Windows program. As a result, the following findings were obtained: 1. The target age of the middle-aged women`s clothing business firms ranged from more than 45 years to less than 50 years of age. Clothing business firms much made inroads into the ready-t o-wear clothing market largely in the 1980s and the 1990s. Their active entry into the custom-made clothing market occurred in the 1970s and the 1980s. 2. In terms of the clothing production method of middle-aged women`s clothing firms, some private boutique and designer brand clothing firms entered the clothing market with a focus on custom-made clothing in the beginning of its organization and introduced the production method of rea dy-to-wearclothing in accordance with changes in production methods and consumers` needs and wants. National brand clothing firms manufactured clothing with a focus on ready-to-wear clothing from the beginning of its organization, but at last they manufactured both partial custom-made and whole custom-made as the problem arose from ready-to-wear clothing. Seeing that their clothing production showed the ratio readyto- wear to custom-made clothing of 2.58:1. And it was found that the manufacture of ready-to-wear and custom-made clothing took into consideration the great difference in the pattern, size and design plan. The research of the clothing production process showed that whole custom-made and partial custommade were distinguished according to whether or not the sample was presented. 3. The ready-to-wear pattern of middle-aged women`s clothing firms were used with a focus on the `patternmaker-developed pattern` and company-developed pattern`. Most clothing businesses produced clothing in 4 to 5 basic sizes, which is found to be insufficient to complement the physical characteristics of middle-aged women with many specific somatotypes. In the pattern of custom-made clothing, the `pattern of ready-to-wear were applied` or the `customized pattern was developed`. Actual measurements were most used as the size of custom-made, and accordingly it is predicted that the level of satisfaction is higher with the fit of custom-made clothing than that of ready-to-wear. The selling place and the head office showed the similar percent as the place for measuring the size of custom-made clothing. Size measurers were mostly the shop master. And it was found that most clothing business firms had a problem when the measured size was applied to the pattern. Accordingly, it is necessary to provide education on size measurement for shop masters. 4. It was found that in the middle-aged women`s clothing firms, the pattern correction of the length of sleeve, jacket and slacks occupied the highest percent. Accordingly, it is necessary to provide for the size system to complement the accurate somatotype characteristics of middle-aged women. 5. In custom-made clothing customer management, most firms engaged in customer somatotype management through size management. They provided customers with commodity information by informing them of the sales and event period and practiced human management for customers by maintaining the get-together and friendly rela
Key Words
custom-made clothing, 맞춤복, middle-aged women, 중년여성, management, 관리, somatotype, 체형, measurement, 측정
A Study on Fashion Design of the Image of Verdi`s Opera 『La Traviata』 -Centering on the Design of Women`s Clothes with Images of 「Violetta」- 베르디 오페라『La Traviata』이미지의 의상(衣裳) 디자인 연구(硏究) -「Violetta」이미지의 여성복(女性服) 디자인을 중심(中心)으로-
최봄시내 Bom Shi Nae Choy , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
6(2) 17-28, 2002
A Study on Fashion Design of the Image of Verdi`s Opera 『La Traviata』 -Centering on the Design of Women`s Clothes with Images of 「Violetta」- 베르디 오페라『La Traviata』이미지의 의상(衣裳) 디자인 연구(硏究) -「Violetta」이미지의 여성복(女性服) 디자인을 중심(中心)으로-
최봄시내 Bom Shi Nae Choy , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
With the most popular and beloved Verdi`s 『La Traviata』as the subject in the year 2001, which is the 100th anniversary of his death, the present study discusses the arias by the main character 「Violetta」and the characteristics, images, clothes and their symbolism expressed through and stage costumes of major performances shown in Korea and abroad. Furthermore, the purposes of the present study are to propose a new fashion brand image called 「Violetta look」by incorporating this image into current fashion to join fashion and stage, and to actually design and producing these clothes. Therefore, stage costumes of characters shown in the limited space called stage were connected with the study of characters` images and applied into the current fashion as a brand image, and from the industrial aspect, a high value added fashion brand image was created.
Honor Guards` Ceremonial and Dress by King Jung-jo Hwa-Sung Hang-Cha 정조(正租)의 화성행차(華城行次)에 나타난 의장(儀仗)과 복식(服飾)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
이혜영 Hye Young Lee , 심하진 Hwa Jin Shim
6(2) 29-40, 2002
Honor Guards` Ceremonial and Dress by King Jung-jo Hwa-Sung Hang-Cha 정조(正租)의 화성행차(華城行次)에 나타난 의장(儀仗)과 복식(服飾)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
이혜영 Hye Young Lee , 심하진 Hwa Jin Shim
Honor guards` dress represented by royal carriage parade. This thesis studies the ceremonial dress worn by the ceremonial troops during the Hwa-sung Hang-hang Ban-cha drawing (華城幸行班次圖) in the Chosun dynasty of King Jung-jo. The purpose of this study is to understand the national level ceremony by closely looking into the traditional ceremonial dress and the various signs that were used at these events thereby enhancing the cultural status of the Jung-jo King period. The Hwa-sung Hang-hang Ban-cha drawing(華城幸行班次圖) has its characteristics and also has commonality between the garments worn at these ceremonies. These garments are a traditional heritage brought down from many ages before and is a reflection of the changes that have occurred within our everyday life. Among these many records the Bancha-do(班次圖) is a representation of records that show what was worn by both nobles down to the ceremonial troops. The uniforms of the ceremonial troops were not only huge in size but also very diverse according to rank and grade. They used strong true colors with colorful flags, ceremonial items and musical instruments. These all added to the grandeur of the ceremony. The ceremonial flag was itself a symbol and was the core of the whole ceremony and parade. These ceremonial flags represented the heaven, sun, moon, hill and animals as well as supernatural gods. All these showed change in shape, color and content by age and time. Also the Yongmun Gichi(Dragon flag: 龍紋旗幟) is a supernatural being representing the power and wish of the ruler. The Chunsang-mun represents the indivisible relationship between man and heaven and also a metaphor for absolute power. A close look at ceremonial instruments show a direct representation towards power such as an axe, spear and sword and integrated with other large ceremonial items not only provided a shade but was also a representation of worship. These all were a more or less representation of authority. The musical instruments expressed the absolute authority of the ruler and maintained the marching order and also added grandeur to the parade. A summary of the ceremonial troops in the As seen above, these national ceremonies were a representation of the present power of authority and the will to rule. These ideas and the philosophy of "ruled by heaven" is represented here in the uniforms and the ceremony itself. The Bicentennial anniversary of the Nung - hang of February 1795 will be an excellent opportunity to show and inherit the tradition and recreation of our heritage. In this view we must look at the color and shape of traditional dress to be able to inherit and learn from our ancestors.
A Study on Oriental Embroidery through the Modern Fashion 현대(現代)패션에 나타난 동양자수(東洋刺繡)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
김소영 So Young Kim , 심하진 Hwa Jin Shim
6(2) 41-52, 2002
A Study on Oriental Embroidery through the Modern Fashion 현대(現代)패션에 나타난 동양자수(東洋刺繡)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
김소영 So Young Kim , 심하진 Hwa Jin Shim
At the beginning of the modern times, orientalism and ethnic character was the main stream of current fashion. Early in the twentieth century, orientalism had a tremendous affect on various areas of society, culture, and art. Particularly, it inspired and activated the design of costume. A great variety of colors and construction of the Orient and geometrical simplicity were based on the creation of modern costume. Ethnic placed weight on the Orient because Japan strengthened competitiveness and China opened the door to foreign countries. Therefore, a large number of the oriental costume produced by a variety of fashion designers. The oriental handicraft, motif and colors of the traditional costume have been used in modern costume. In addition, they are precious ideas for designers. This thesis is about a Study on costume embroidery close to fashion through the oriental embroidery and the concept of oriental embroidery. It is also a study on patterns, skills and colors of the oriental embroidery shown in modern fashion and practical use through the designers works. First, concept, process of change, patterns, skills and colors of the oriental embroidery are mainly discussed. 1.The oriental embroidery consists of life, Buddhism, appreciation and costume embroidery. Embroidery was widely used for a variety of purposes. First, it is to make a good impression and beauty. Second, to decorate many kinds of patterns and shapes. Last, to indicate social status and stages. 2.The origin of the oriental embroidery started in Persia. was It greatly developed in Iran and was introduced in Korea via China. We are reminded of the oriental embroidery of China. China is the original place of oriental embroidery. Oriental embroidery has developed the peculiar embroidery according to each climate, custom and nationality. On the basis of these, the practical use of the oriental embroidery on modern fashion is presented through patterns, skills and colors which leads Korean designers use. Even though the oriental embroidery is not very popular among people owing to a great deal of cost and a demand for labor, the patterns and colors of the embroidery has been already familiar with the contemporaries A more profound study on the oriental embroidery will supply a great deal of material and ideas to the fashion industry. Moreover, an effort to raise self-pride in traditional culture will be also in need.
A Study on Dress Design with Application of Spiral Form 라선형(螺旋形) 모티브를 응용(應用)한 복식(服飾) 디자인 연구(硏究)
박희순 Hee Soon Park , 양숙희 Sook Hi Yang
6(2) 53-66, 2002
A Study on Dress Design with Application of Spiral Form 라선형(螺旋形) 모티브를 응용(應用)한 복식(服飾) 디자인 연구(硏究)
박희순 Hee Soon Park , 양숙희 Sook Hi Yang
The spiral form, which comes from the organic form of natural phenomenon such as growth of creatures, has been used as a factor of formative shape in various fields of art until now. In conjunction herewith, this study intends to discover and express the life force and the formative beauty of natural substances with the organic spiral forms into clothing design, using various creating methods and materials such as Korean traditional paper. The natural substances with the spiral structure, such as seashells, land snails, passion flower, curled flower, growing chart of plants, Impatiens textori was used as subjects of the designs. The seven pieces of work were completed with attempts to develop aesthetic forms through the presentation techniques and methods via restructuring process of simplification, partial transformation and consolidation. Through such process the conclusion of this study is as follows: First, the nature, with unlimited possibilities, could be subject of human formative activities, leading to the creative world of formative art for designers. Second, adaptation of the spiral organic forms of nature into the contemporary clothing designs proved the motif as a source of inspiration of diverse subject, in recognition with its innate formative beauty as well as external shape. Third, design expressions via restructuring process of simplification, partial transformation and consolidation with designer`s subjective point of view were adequate for the creations of contemporary fashion designs. Fourth, the Korean traditional paper, as a fine material for various shape according to the ha ndling method, could be used appropriately in the contemporary clothing designs, expressing our aesthetic senses. Fifth and finally, expansion of the realm of formative expression of clothing through the development of possibilities of expression in contemporary clothing would enhance the creative possibilities of clothing design as formative art. In conclusion, the expression of clothing design as formative art was developed on the emphasis of re-creation of natural objects of the organic spiral form. For the future study, the applications of spiral form into everyday clothing designs, consolidating artistic senses and practical senses, are expected as opportunity of proposing developmental possibilities of the contemporary clothing designs.
Key Words
korean paper, 한지, paper cloth, 종이의상, spiral form, 나선형
Research of Fashion Trend through Analysis on Cue 2 단서분석(端緖分析)을 통(通)한 패션트렌드 연구(硏究) 2
이영재 Young Jae Lee
6(2) 67-76, 2002
Research of Fashion Trend through Analysis on Cue 2 단서분석(端緖分析)을 통(通)한 패션트렌드 연구(硏究) 2
이영재 Young Jae Lee
This research examines the characteristic trends through analysis on cue in the contemporary fashion distinctly and systematically. It is carried out by both qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. In the qualitative analysis, the four important street fashions of neo-mods/jazz, neo-hippie/grunge, sportivecasual and technos/cyber-punk are grouped. In the quantitative analysis, statistical data are sampled from Collection II of the 1990s S/S. It takes frequency, percentage, c2-test and etc. by using the comprehensive tools for statistical treatment. There were significant differences between the S/S fashion. According to the cues, there are also significant differences between the fashion in the 1990s. In `Neo- Mos/Jazz` style shows highly androgynous look, deep and strong tone, green/blue colors, natural fabric, stripe pattern, long hair style, and hided make-up. `Neo-hippie/gnenge` style shows highly folklore look, vivid tone purple colors, seethrough/knit fabric, natural /traditional pattern, decorative hair special makeup. `Sportive casuals` style shows highly sportive look, greish tone, white/grey colours, natural fabric, solid patten, bobbed hair, and natural make-up. `Techno/cyber punk style shows highly comocorps look, pale tone black colors avangard fabric, solid patten, punk/dyed hair special make-up.
A Study on the Consumer Behavior on Environmentally Beneficial Clothing 환경(環境) 친화적(親和的) 의류제품(衣類製品)에 대(對)한 소비자(消費者) 태도(態度)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
이지은 Ji Eun Lee , 김일 Il Kim , 박선경 Sun Kyung Park
6(2) 77-92, 2002
A Study on the Consumer Behavior on Environmentally Beneficial Clothing 환경(環境) 친화적(親和的) 의류제품(衣類製品)에 대(對)한 소비자(消費者) 태도(態度)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
이지은 Ji Eun Lee , 김일 Il Kim , 박선경 Sun Kyung Park
This study analyzed the consumer behavior on the environmentally Benefical clothing through the substantial verification, which was based on theoretical reviews. It also aimed to provided marketing aspects on the design, raw material, product quality, price, and brand recognition of environmentally Benefical clothing. For the substantial, verification following questions were developed. 1) Consumers` interests in purchasing environmentally Benefical clothing. 2) The consumer behavior on the environmental factors of the design, raw material, product quality, price, and brand recognition of environmentally Benefical clothing. 3) The changes in the consumer behavior on negative aspects of environmentally Benefical lothing. 4) The reasons of unfavorable behavior of environmentally unconscious consumers on environmentally Benefical clothing. Substantial data was collected through a survey, conducted on two hundreds and twenty-nine male and female students in graduate and undergraduate schools, resided in Seoul. The collected data was analyzed with Statistical Package for Social Science for Windows, version 8.0, and X2 and T-test were performed. Those results and issues, developed in the analysis of consumer behavior on the environmentally Benefical clothing, could be utilized in the environmental management and the marketing activity for the clothing companies.
A Study on the Effect of Spacing in Fashion Advertisements -Focused on Advertisements in Magazines- 패션광고(廣告)의 스페이싱(spacing) 효과(效果)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -잡지광고(雜誌廣告)를 중심(中心)으로-
황선정 Sun Jung Hwang , 김일 Il Kim
6(2) 93-109, 2002
A Study on the Effect of Spacing in Fashion Advertisements -Focused on Advertisements in Magazines- 패션광고(廣告)의 스페이싱(spacing) 효과(效果)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -잡지광고(雜誌廣告)를 중심(中心)으로-
황선정 Sun Jung Hwang , 김일 Il Kim
This study measured the accompanying rating, recall, and recognition of advertisements, which were run with different methods of spacing in the magazines. To achieve this objective the study chose a qualitative research and performed a reliable test. After the survey was completed, the advertisement recall test was performed. In addition, two days later, the recognition test was performed to the survey respondents and data on the memory of respondents on the advertisements was collected. As a result, rating, recall and recognition of the advertisement`s were significantly different by the various forms of advertisements in the magazines. In the advertisement rating and recall by the advertisement printing forms, rather than the regular printing form of running the target advertisement for two pages in a role and the irregular printing form, the continuous printing form was confirmed to be more effective. In addition to that, in the form of running continuous target advertisements for six pages in a role, the effects of the advertisements recall and the recognition were increased. A continuous printing form had higher outcomes on the rating, recall and recognition of advertisements. Therefore, conclusively, it gave more effects in increasing the memory of the advertisement for the consumers. The conclusion of the study provided suggestions on the forms of advertisement to stimulate the memory of consumers in the magazine advertisement.
Key Words
Rating, 광고에 대한 평가, Recall, 회상, Recognition, 재인
A Domain Analysis on the Hybrid of Fashion Trends -Fashion Trends of 1995 S/S ~ 2001/2002 A/W- 패션 트렌드의 다중화(多重化) 현상(現象)에 대(對)한 범주(範疇) 분석(分析) -1995 S/S∼2001/2002 A/W 시즌을 중심(中心)으로-
윤수정 Su Jeong Yun , 이주현 Joo Hyeon Lee
6(2) 110-123, 2002
A Domain Analysis on the Hybrid of Fashion Trends -Fashion Trends of 1995 S/S ~ 2001/2002 A/W- 패션 트렌드의 다중화(多重化) 현상(現象)에 대(對)한 범주(範疇) 분석(分析) -1995 S/S∼2001/2002 A/W 시즌을 중심(中心)으로-
윤수정 Su Jeong Yun , 이주현 Joo Hyeon Lee
This study investigated the influence of cultural and general trend of the times on fashion trends and the hybridization of these trends. The objectives of this study were to suggest new approach method of the fashion forecasting and to find out the cultural meanings and values of fashion. Key words that explains fashion trend from spring/summer of 1995 to fall/winter of 2002 were collected from professional fashion trend journals. These terms were analysed with domain analysis based on the semantic relationship. The frequency of their appearance in each season and the aspect of their appearance in each season were analysed. The hybrids of the fashion trends were analysed longitudinally and cross-sectionally as well by investigating the cover terms that were found as a result of domain analysis. The method used in this study can be applied to future study of fashion trend in that it offers an objective view of fashion trend and can allow researchers to study fashion trend in a concrete way.
A Study on Sex Role Identity and Makeup Behavior 여대생(女大生)의 성역할(性役割) 정체감(正體感)과 화장(化粧) 행동(行動)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
구자명 Ja Myung Kuh , 이구영 Kwuy Young Lee
6(2) 124-136, 2002
A Study on Sex Role Identity and Makeup Behavior 여대생(女大生)의 성역할(性役割) 정체감(正體感)과 화장(化粧) 행동(行動)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
구자명 Ja Myung Kuh , 이구영 Kwuy Young Lee
This objective study were to classify the contents of makeup behavior, to investigate the relationship between makeup behavior and sex role identity, and to examine how the makeup behavior, makeup satisfaction was influenced by sex role identity and demographics. To achieve this, the researchers surveyed 162 women for the ages of 18 through 25. The result of this study are followed. 1) Four factor of makeup behavior were sexual attractiveness, aesthetic, psychological dependence and makeup interest. 2) There were significant positive relationship between makeup behavior and sex role identity. 3) Sexual attractiveness were influenced by femininity, income. The explanatory power of the 2 variables were 8.5%. Aesthetic were influenced by masculinity. The explanatory power of the 1 variable was 9.2%. Psychological dependence were influenced by femininity. The explanatory power of the 1 variable was 8.2%. Makeup interest were influenced by masculinity, age. The explanatory power of the 2 variables were 9.0%. 4 Makeup satisfaction were influenced by sexual attractiveness, aesthetic. The explanatory power of the 2 variables were 22.1%.
Key Words
makeup behavior, 화장행동, makeup satisfaction, 화장만족, sex role identity, 성역할 정체감
A Study on the Symbolism and Fashion Image of Barbie Doll 바비 인형(人形)의 상징성(象徵性) 및 패션 이미지에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
염혜정 Hae Jung Yum , 이미숙 Mi Suk Lee
6(2) 137-150, 2002
A Study on the Symbolism and Fashion Image of Barbie Doll 바비 인형(人形)의 상징성(象徵性) 및 패션 이미지에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
염혜정 Hae Jung Yum , 이미숙 Mi Suk Lee
The purpose of this study attempts to analyze the symbolism and fashion image of Barbie doll. It is scarcely a coincidence that the Barbie doll was developed in the united States in 1950s. She had been created in the 1950s as a cartoon character in a German newspaper, who named Bild Lilli. In 1959, toy company bought the rights and produced and almost identical doll in the United States. Therefore Barbie has symbolized the consumer culture of United States, ideal body image, and modern youth culture. It may be as a conclusion that Barbie`s fashion can be divided into three period : 1. a period of classic fashion(1959-66), 2. a period of young casual fashion(1967-79), 3. a period of ethnic and career fashion. Just as Barbie`s roles and clothes have changed with the spirit of the times, she is a valuable representation of female images and fashion over the last 40 years. Barbie`s fashion image is divided into material girl image, dream girl image, and bad girl image.
Key Words
Barbie doll, 바비 인형, symbolism, 상징성, fashion image, 패션 이미지