According to Scythian tradition, many burials contained numerous artifacts, from weapons and harness to everyday objects and a multiplicity of personal adornments. Most valuable of all is the Scythian Gold often lavishly decorated with precious stones. The detailed images on these pieces make it possible for us to picture the appearance of the Scythians, their clothes and weapons. Scythian Gold Plaques were attached to the fabric in such a way that when they moved with each movement of the wearer it created what must have been a dazzling sight in bright daylight. Scythian Gold Plaques were divided into several types according to the shape, animal style(curved beast shape, profile shape, head reversed over its back shape), round shape, quadrilateral form, star shape, flower shape, crescent shape, bundle shape, human appearance. Through the antique tombs bequests of Three Kingdom States hereby describe the original forms of their source of Baekje gold plaque were influenced by Scythe style. Like nearly all Scythian ornaments, such gold pieces were designed to maximize various magical powers and to signify the owner`s importance relative to his fellow tribesmen.
A Study on the Changes of the Women`s Uniform in England
Kyung Hee Kim
6(3) 15-27, 2002
A Study on the Changes of the Women`s Uniform in England
Kyung Hee Kim
A uniform is generated in the course of confirming a singular mode of dress that is adopted by a community for a specific purpose. In particular, women`s uniform has a close relations to their position in the community they belong to. And women`s uniform has closely been associated with finding ways into their communities over the centuries, and is part of women`s development process. Women`s history of using organized uniforms has not been longer than men`s. Their realm of activities began to be enlarged due to the World War, and women`s uniform has gradually settled down and moved toward diversity. The origin of many uniforms worn by today`s women can be traced back to the end of the last century, and this fact indicates that women started to find their ways into many new fields at that time. There has been a lot of changes until current women`s uniforms come out. It`s intended in this study to contribute to designing more creative and productive women`s uniform, by taking a careful look at typical early uniforms for service personnels, nannies, nurses and soldiers that are an indication of their work and working environment.
Key Words
domestic service, military uniform, nanny, nun, nurse uniform
Proposal of VMD for a Footwear Shop at Department Stores -Focused on a Footwear Shop for Women at a "H" Department Store-
Mi Young Lee , Soon Ku Kim
6(3) 28-40, 2002
Proposal of VMD for a Footwear Shop at Department Stores -Focused on a Footwear Shop for Women at a "H" Department Store-
Mi Young Lee , Soon Ku Kim
For modern man and woman, footwear is considered a fashion for expressing oneself, and not merely a protective tool for the feet. The purpose of this research is to increase the effect of sales promotional activities by emphasizing product image and by enhancing sales environment. Towards this end, this research focuses on the study of environment at footwear stores that meet the challenges incurred by the changing lifestyles of consumers and the ensuing dynamics of the society in general. Research is based on an in-depth, thorough study of the previous research works and entails examining theoretical background and the concept of Visual Merchandising Display (VMD). Research will focus on the analysis of current situation at footwear stores located in department store based on material research on footwear stores and theoretical examination. Research on the current situation of footwear stores at department store will be conducted from the VMD perspective. In the end, this research paper will make suggestions on the VMD measures for footwear stores with the aim of increasing sales by satisfying consumers` sensibility and purchasing desire. Suggestions will be made based on the results of the research. -Study of current VMD status per fixture centered on 18 brands at department store -Suggestions for VMD at footwear stores based on the survey results of customer purchasing behavior This research intends to develop structured VMD methodology for footwear stores based on the research centered on VMD research of footwear stores at department store. Significance of this research lies in its aim to contribute to the sales increase, no matter how trivial it might be. Going a step further, this research work could be considered one of the foundations for defining the role of VMD methodology at footwear stores. Suggested results are as follows. ① Need to cast away from simple, one-dimensional type of display method at footwear stores and transform into product image oriented VMD ② Need to highlight product image by fully leveraging props and by developing footwear display methods that are suitable for different types of fixtures ③ Need to stabilize VMD by developing footwear manual that enables efficient management by store operator
Key Words
contrast, face out, folded, gradation, sleeve out
A Study on the Changes of Hairstyle by the Development in Hairdressing Industry in Korea -With the Focus on Women`s Hairstyle-
Yun Young Na , Jeom Soon Yoon
6(3) 41-51, 2002
A Study on the Changes of Hairstyle by the Development in Hairdressing Industry in Korea -With the Focus on Women`s Hairstyle-
Yun Young Na , Jeom Soon Yoon
The author of the paper investigated the changes of hairstyle along the developments in hairdressing industry in the 20th century. The development process of hairdressing industry was divided into four periods of introduction, origination, growth, and establishment. The corresponding changes of hairstyle were analyzed and the findings are as follows. 1. Hairstyle could be classified into such typical ones as traditional style, cut, bob, wave, permanent wave, up style, and hair coloring. 2. Fashion leaders affected the changes of hairstyle. 3. Whenever hairdressing appliances were introduced, new hairstyle was practiced as follows with the use of the appliances. ① Introduction Period - Traditional Style : Chignon, pigtail ribbon → Variations were designed in hair length or split due to the limited availability of appliances. - Up Style : Pompadour, thick and up hair, encircling hair → Padding was used for sweep-up. ② Origination Period - Bob Style : Women`s first bob style. - Wave style : Wave with bob, close-cropped hair, up style → Iron, set, permanent devices were used. ③ Development Period - Wave Style : Wind wave, easily manageable wave → Blow dry, body permanent were used. ④ Establishment Period - Straight Style : Use of straight permanent. - Thick Wave Style : Development of various kinds of rod. - Hair Coloring : Advent of diverse fashion hair coloring, apart from the coloring of white hair, with the introduction of color TV. - Bob Style : Romantic bob style °E Use of clippers and thinning scissors. Thus, the changes of hairstyle according to the development in hairdressing industry had close relationship with the improvement in hairdressing appliances.
Consumers` Attitude on Textile Image Generated by CAD for Quick Response based Mass-Customization
Sang Moo Shin
6(3) 52-59, 2002
Consumers` Attitude on Textile Image Generated by CAD for Quick Response based Mass-Customization
Sang Moo Shin
Companies desire to increase total profits. Consumer`s buying behavior depends on the nature of the product just like look, touch, and feel of fabric in apparel shopping on-line with Quick Response based mass-customization. The purpose of this study is to investigate the consumer`s texture sensibility from textile image under on-line environment in order to give the direction for marketing strategy in apparel ebusiness. Total 8 kinds of textile swatches representing each of 8 texture-sensibility-axes were selected for this research on the basis of finding in previous studies. The analyses of 60 questionnaires were conducted by frequency, mean, and standard deviation using SPSS 10.0. The results of this research were as follows: Under on-line environment, consumers recognized Homespun as natural, strong, and warm texture sensibility, but not as glossy, and transparent. Oxford was recognized by consumers as refreshing, and plain texture. Consumers recognized Muslin as flat and refreshing, Melton not as transparent but as warm, strong, dense, and natural, Habutae as thin, transparent, refreshing, flat, glossy, and soft, Linen as sandy, Suede not as transparent but as strong, and warm, and Terry as warm, and dense.
Fashion and Periodic Conditions before and after World War I: -1910s to the Beginning of 1930s-
Yun Jeong Oh , Kyu Hwa Cho
6(3) 60-68, 2002
Fashion and Periodic Conditions before and after World War I: -1910s to the Beginning of 1930s-
Yun Jeong Oh , Kyu Hwa Cho
Fashion has been affected by the change of periodic conditions. A good example is found in the relationship between fashion and periodic conditions before and after World War I in the U.S. During the pre-wartime, the artificial silhouette achieved through using devices like the corset was popular and then women`s dresses were very decorative and gorgeous using a wide variety of details. S-curved silhouettes and Paul Poiret`s style will be reviewed as distinctive shapes of pre-war fashion in the beginning of the 20th Century. Through the war, women`s rights improved enormously, the use of the automobile increased tremendously, and various kind of sports, the movie industry and ready-to-wear market developed very much. Women`s clothes also changed to be much more practical and functional in post-war fashion. It seems that fashion is affected by the change of periodic conditions.
A Study on the Expression of Apparel Advertising in Men`s Apparel
Yoon Kyoung Kim , Kyoung Hee Lee
6(3) 69-83, 2002
A Study on the Expression of Apparel Advertising in Men`s Apparel
Yoon Kyoung Kim , Kyoung Hee Lee
The purpose of this study was to offer basic resource for effective advertising strategy of men`s apparel by analysing the characteristics of the appeal types in the men`s apparel ads. 272 photographs were collected the following magazines ; fashion magazine, men`s magazine, luxury magazine, woman`s general magazine, and fashion professional magazine. It was related to the men`s apparel ads of magazines above from January to December of 2001. The results of this study was as follows; Appeal types of apparel advertising in men`s apparel were divided into style appeal, informercial appeal, sexual appeal, lifestyle appeal, image appeal, and masculinity appeal and appeared other appeal types according to men`s fashion style, brand types, and magazine types. It also was closely connected with the men`s market positioning. Consequently, the study will be helpful to plan the effective and economic strategy of men`s apparel ads.
Effects of Local Heating on Whole Body Skin Temperature -Centered on the Comparison of Old Women & Female Collegians-
Boo Ja Shim
6(3) 84-93, 2002
Effects of Local Heating on Whole Body Skin Temperature -Centered on the Comparison of Old Women & Female Collegians-
Boo Ja Shim
The purpose of this study was to design functional clothing based on the physical characteristics of old women. The subjects of this experiment were 5 healthy old women and 5 college women. While the subjects were exposed to the circumstances of 28±0.5°C and local heating at 7 areas (chest, abdomen, back, loin, hand, thigh and instep), their skin temperature, physiological reaction and psychological reaction were determined. The conclusions about the effects of local heating are as follows : 1. Skin temperature before heating was in the order of head-neck> trunk> upper limbs> lower limbs (Group A: old subjects) and head-neck> trunk> lower limbs> upper limbs (Group B: young subjects). 2. The heating pad was attached and detached for 30 minutes each. The sharpest rise and fall were recorded at 5 minutes with the pad on and off. Both groups had great changes in the body parts near trunk. 3. With the pad on and off, both groups showed no change in body temperature, blood pressure, and pulse rate. 4. Concerning the pervasive effects of local heating on whole body skin temperature, loin heating greatly increased other body parts in Group A. In Group B, the effects were large in heating chest, abdomen, back, loin, and thigh. 5. The loin part of old women has the greatest pervasive effect of local body heating.
Key Words
local heating, old women, skin temperature
A Study of Fashion Art Illustration
Hye Kyung Kim , Hee Myung Kang
6(3) 94-109, 2002
A Study of Fashion Art Illustration
Hye Kyung Kim , Hee Myung Kang
The advent of the information age, advancement of the multi-media, and proliferation of internet are all ushering-in a new era of a cyber world. The artistic expression is unfolding into a new genre of a new era.. In the modern art, the boundary between the fine art and the applied art is becoming blurred, and further, distinction of fine art from popular art is also becoming meaningless. The advancement of science and technology, by offering new materials and visual forms, is contributing to the expansion of the morden art`s horizon. As fashion illustration is gaining recognition as a form of art which mirrors today`s realities, it has also become increasingly necessary to add variety and newness. Fashion illustration is thus becoming the visual language of the modern world, capable of conveying artistic emotion, and at the same time able to effectively communicate the image of fashion to the masses. The increasing awareness of artistic talent and ingenuity as essential components of fashion illustration is yielding greater fusion between fashion illustration and art &technology. This has resulted in the use of the advanced computer technology as a tool for crafting artistic expressions, such as fashion illustration, and this new tool has opened-up new possibilities for expressing images and colors. Further, the computer-aided fashion illustration is emerging as a new technique for expression. The concept of fashion illustration, history of fashion illustration from its incepton to modern date is reviewed and the simplicity has been researched throughout past studies published in Korean and overseas Journals.
Key Words
art Illustration, expression, fashion, image, style