A Study on the Effect of PPL Models on Fashion Brand Attitude PPL 광고(廣告) 모델이 의류(衣類)브랜드 태도(態度)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
김일 Il Kim , 권미경 Mi Kyoung Kweon
7(1) 1-13, 2003
A Study on the Effect of PPL Models on Fashion Brand Attitude PPL 광고(廣告) 모델이 의류(衣類)브랜드 태도(態度)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
김일 Il Kim , 권미경 Mi Kyoung Kweon
By considering the influences of PPL(Product Placement) commercial model on consumers`` attitude to clothing brand as a commercial effect of PPL, this study intends to identify how much differently they take an attitude to clothing brands before and after exposed to PPL commercials, and also identify how much differently they take their attitude to the brands depending upon PPL commercial models. In the step of experimental design, a previous survey was performed to identify how consumers take their attitude to commercial models and brands before exposed to PPL commercials. And every subject was asked to watch video films with brand logos exposed. The results of experiment can be summarized as follows: After all subjects were exposed to PPL commercials, in general, their attitude to commercial models had more or less effects on the change of their attitude. Meanwhile, the interaction between their attitude to model and clothing brands respectively had somewhat significant influences only on brand recognition. This study verified that PPL commercial models had significant influences on consumers`` attitude to brands. These results imply that a PPL commercial strategy in fashion industry should be made focusing on the respective roles of PPL commercial models.
Key Words
brand Attitude, 브랜드 태도, model Attitude, 모델에 대한 태도, PPL, 간접광고
A Suggestion of an Emotion Model on Textile Design based on Consumer Emotion 소비자(消費者) 감성(感性)에 기초(基礎)한 패션소재(素材) 디자인프로세스 모형(模型)의 제안(提案)
조현승 Hyun Seung Cho , 이주현 Joo Hyeon Lee
7(1) 14-26, 2003
A Suggestion of an Emotion Model on Textile Design based on Consumer Emotion 소비자(消費者) 감성(感性)에 기초(基礎)한 패션소재(素材) 디자인프로세스 모형(模型)의 제안(提案)
조현승 Hyun Seung Cho , 이주현 Joo Hyeon Lee
This research aimed 1) to analyze the relationship between consumer``s emotional needs and elements of textile design in the 1st survey 2) to investigate textile design process presently conducted in the industry in the 2nd survey, and 3) to suggest a desirable direction to improve the textile design process based on a comparison of the results obtained from the two surveys. A description system and an emotion model on textile design were redeveloped as research devices in this study. In the 1st survey, total 600 respondents were sampled and asked to report their emotional response on 50 representative types of textile design, on a emotion measurement scale. The data set obtained from the 1st survey were statistically analyzed. In the 2nd survey, a depth interview was applied to qualitatively analyze the textile design process presently conducted in the industry. The results from the two surveys were compared.
Key Words
Consumer, 소비자, design process, 디자인 프로세스, emotion model, 감성모형, textile design, 패션소재 디자인
Effects of Somatotype Characteristics on Body Temperature Control Reaction & Thermal Sensation 체형특성(體型特性)이 체온조절반응(體溫調節反應) 및 온열쾌적감(溫熱快適感)에 미치는 영향(影響)
심부자 Boo Ja Shim , 류현 Hyun Yoo
7(1) 27-37, 2003
Effects of Somatotype Characteristics on Body Temperature Control Reaction & Thermal Sensation 체형특성(體型特性)이 체온조절반응(體溫調節反應) 및 온열쾌적감(溫熱快適感)에 미치는 영향(影響)
심부자 Boo Ja Shim , 류현 Hyun Yoo
This study is the first part of the research to reveal the effects of somatotype characteristics on body temperature control reaction as well as thermal sensation. Nine healthy female collegians (classified into 3 body types of thin, normal, and obese according to Rohrer index) living in Busan were chosen as the subjects. The following are the results: Significant differences of skin temperature appeared in the parts of epigastrium (thin/normal>obese), anterior forearm (normal>thin/obese), and anterior leg (obese > thin/normal) as well as mean skin temperature. Mean skin temperature temporarily dropped owing to the exercise but tended to recover as time went by. Skin temperature of normal/thin shows higher than obese type. The change of skin temperature was noticed in the order of forehead > epigastrium > anterior forearm > anterior leg > anterior thigh (obese type) ; epigastrium > forehead > anterior forearm > anterior thigh > anterior leg (normal type) ; epigastrium > forehead > anterior forearm > anterior thigh > anterior leg (thin type, before and after exercise); epigastrium > forehead > anterior forearm > anterior leg > anterior thigh (thin type, during exercise). Significant differences were shown in the temperature change inside clothes according to somatotypes. No significant differences were revealed in thermal sensation, moisture sensation, and comfortable sensation according to body types and time
Key Words
somatotype characteristics, 체형특성, bpdy temperature control reaction, 체온조절반응, thermal sensation, 온열쾌적감, thin type, 여윈체형, normal type, 보통체형, obese type, 비만체형
A Study on the Present E-mail Marketing Status and Its Effective Utilization Methods on Local Internet Shopping Malls 국내(國內) 인터넷 패션 쇼핑몰의 E-mail 마케팅 현황(現況)과 효률적(效率的) 활용(活用) 방안(方案)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
정윤경 Yun Kyoung Jung , 김일 Il Kim
7(1) 38-54, 2003
A Study on the Present E-mail Marketing Status and Its Effective Utilization Methods on Local Internet Shopping Malls 국내(國內) 인터넷 패션 쇼핑몰의 E-mail 마케팅 현황(現況)과 효률적(效率的) 활용(活用) 방안(方案)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
정윤경 Yun Kyoung Jung , 김일 Il Kim
This study looked into the present status of e-mail marketing, which is conducted in local Internet fashion shopping malls and is being used as a one-to-one marketing method in the e-CRM concept so as to establish an effective e-mail marketing policy by grasping problems based on the current status and by presenting solutions to the problems. This study analyzed the e-mail letters received during a certain period of time by 30 professional Internet fashion shopping malls of with famous goods, brands and non-brands. Four individuals subscribed to shopping mall through the procedure for membership applying for e-mail services. The analysis showed that there were no shopping malls that were doing a differentiated e-mail marketing among Internet shopping malls. As for time factor, they were sending e-mail letters irregularly regardless of a certain cycle. And as for visual factor, they didnt have any standard for the content of the mail. As for content factor, the contents of their mail were not differentiated and all the same. The comparison of fashion malls showed that the brand shopping malls were the most active in e-mail marketing. On the basis of the problems, the direction for the effective e-mail marketing of Internet shopping malls are presented as follows: First, individualized contents fitting for customers should be developed, and differentiated mailing services should be provided thereby. Second, each shopping mall should make periodic tests of mailing to find out the optimal time and day to provide e-mail services to the customers at the designated time. Third, e-mail should be differentiated fitting for the website according to a certain on a certain standard for visual effects and the identity of shopping mall should be established. Firth, in the contents of e-mail, the image and message elements should be properly harmonized and creative policies should be made with interactive or recreational elements. Fifth, a homepage policy which can satisfy customers demand for information when the e-mail is clicked on.
Key Words
one-to-one marketing, 개인마케팅, e-mail marketing, 이메일 마케팅, CMR, 고객관계관리, interaction, 상호작용, internet shopping mall, 인터넷 쇼핑몰
Case Study of Color Marketing for Fashion Industry 패션산업(産業)의 컬러마케팅 적용사례연구(適用事例硏究)
고은주 Eun Ju Ko , 이지현 Jee Hyun Lee
7(1) 55-71, 2003
Case Study of Color Marketing for Fashion Industry 패션산업(産業)의 컬러마케팅 적용사례연구(適用事例硏究)
고은주 Eun Ju Ko , 이지현 Jee Hyun Lee
The purpose of this research are to enhance the understanding of color marketing and to suggest future implementation strategy in the fashion industry. To do so, (1) the concept, requirements, tactics are discussed, (2) various cases are analyzed and key points of color marketing are suggested, (3) the current situation of color marketing and the problems are discussed, and (4) the future implementation strategies for the fashion industry are suggested.
Key Words
case study, 사례연구, color marketing, 컬러마케팅, fashion, 패션
A Study on the Image Make-up according to Theme 테마별 이미지 Make-up에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
김효숙 Hyo Sook Kim , 강인애 In Ae Kang
7(1) 72-83, 2003
A Study on the Image Make-up according to Theme 테마별 이미지 Make-up에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
김효숙 Hyo Sook Kim , 강인애 In Ae Kang
The purpose of this study is to understand the history of 20th century fashion and make-up culture, analyze trend of the modern fashion and make-up, creat a cyber make-up model according to themes and also it will find out how to use make-up as a part of fashion genre. As a result of this study is 1. Looking over change-process in 20th century fashion and make-up history, we can find the popular make-up color and pattern reflecting the society and cultural environments. And also make-up culture reflecting their sense of values and way of thinkings. 2. Analyzing fashion and make up color trend of 2002 F/W, we can find a similarity between fashion and make-up color trend by comparing with hue&tone chart. All of theme have a tendency to be natural, veiled, feminine by neutral color and artifical highlighted, illuminate, transparant by clearhigh saturation color. 3. Creating imagemaps, color palletes and cyber model of 4 trend themes by computer graphic, It can give more visual and interesting effect on the cyber space, and also it can help to expect make-up will be dizitalized, visualized and informationalized.
A Study on the Meanings of Signs represented in Contemporary Fashion -Focusing on Fashion Collections since 1990- 현대(現代)패션에 나타난 기호(記號)의 의미(意味) 분석(分析) -1990년(年) 이후(以後)의 패션 컬렉션을 중심(中心)으로-
임송미 Song Mi Lim , 이미숙 Mi Sook Lee
7(1) 84-100, 2003
A Study on the Meanings of Signs represented in Contemporary Fashion -Focusing on Fashion Collections since 1990- 현대(現代)패션에 나타난 기호(記號)의 의미(意味) 분석(分析) -1990년(年) 이후(以後)의 패션 컬렉션을 중심(中心)으로-
임송미 Song Mi Lim , 이미숙 Mi Sook Lee
The purpose of this study is to analyze the meanings of signs represented in contemporary fashion based on the Peirce``s trisection theory in order to present various types of sign representation that satisfies aesthetic value and characteristics of the age of information and image. Types of signs represented in contemporary fashion can be summarized into letters, numbers, codes, pictures, logos, characters and emblems. The meanings of signs were analyzed based on the Peirce``s trisection theory, resulting in representation of play, brandsymbol, eroticism and suggestion. The play was categorized into infantile and parodic. The former inspires unexpected interest and laughter from contemporary people in the age of disorder through humorous characters, cartoons and illustrations. The latter inspires laughter by parodying things and it``s intention is to release the isolation of people and their relative poverty through pictures for which techniques of parody and surrealism were used. Most of the brandsymbols represented by logos, used for textile and clothing design as well as accessories are optimal signs that construct brand images. Eroticism means emotion, impulses, senses of value and sexual attraction. A desire to represent sexual attraction is an expression of eroticism and self-expression to adjust in a changing society. Suggestion tends to pursue the image of harmony with nature in a world which is pressed by material civilization. Humans represent illuminating messages through direct slogans by characters, natural objects and motives of social phenomenon in pursuit of the benefits of abundant material civilization in the structure of a highly advanced scientific civilization and industrial society.
The object of this study looks into the awareness and satisfaction about Korean fashion product of Chinese adult women inhabited in China, by comparing with foreign fashion product. The questionnaire used as a method of measurement, and the sample was 848 Chinese women from 20 to 50 age, living in China. The analysis of all data was handled by SAS(Statistical Analysis System) program, Frequency Analysis, ANOVA, Duncan``s Multiple Range Test was also executed. The results from the study were as follows: 1. The preference about Korean fashion product of Chinese women is higher than American, English and Japanese fashion product, but is lower than Italy, French and Chinese fashion product in each age. 2. About the quality, design, service``s satisfaction and brand reputation of Chinese adult women, Italy product is first ranked and Korean, Chinese is followed. 3. About the possession item on Korean fashion product of Chinese adult women, younger and younger chinese women on age, Ta-Ryun resident in area, a company employee on occupation hold the most. 4. About the recognition on Korean fashion product of Chinese adult women, younger and younger preferred the popularity and special design of Korean fashion product, the women inhabited in Ta-Ryun and Buk-Kyung recognized the Korean product as economical. 5. About the satisfaction on Korean fashion product of Chinese adult women, there is no significant difference on age, residential district and occupation.
Research on the Actual Condition of Hair Coloring -Focusing on the Women in Changwon City- 모발(毛髮) 염색(染色)에 관(關)한 실태(實態) 조사(調査) -창원시(昌原市) 여성(女性)을 중심(中心)으로-
최수정 Soo Jung Choi , 박혜원 Hye Won Park , 조오순 Oh Soon Cho
7(1) 116-134, 2003
Research on the Actual Condition of Hair Coloring -Focusing on the Women in Changwon City- 모발(毛髮) 염색(染色)에 관(關)한 실태(實態) 조사(調査) -창원시(昌原市) 여성(女性)을 중심(中心)으로-
최수정 Soo Jung Choi , 박혜원 Hye Won Park , 조오순 Oh Soon Cho
The beauty industry of today tends to gradually develope as one of the important marketing strategies along with the total fashion sector. Hair color, being one of the factors of hair style, especially builds his or her own image and even becomes the nonverbal communication method which let others know him/herself. Therefore, women``s needs and expectations of hair coloring are varied. To meet these need, it is urgent to figure out, most of all, the status of customers`` awareness about hair coloring. Thus, in this study, research and analysis on hair coloring were made, focusing on the women utilizing 20 beauty shops in Changwon city. And the goal that this study set is to use as the study material for the hair coloring consulting in the beauty industry and the basic data for marketing in the industry job-sites. The conclusion by the three factors(age, job, monthly income) were as follows: 1. Dandyism was on the 1st order in the reason for coloring hair regardless of age, job, and monthly income. This seems to be speaking for the change of women``s awareness of coloring hair. 2. The subject of making decision upon whether she was going to color her hair or not was herself regardless of age, job, and monthly income. Among the people belong to these three factors, brown was the color in overall preference. 3. More than half of those who belong to the three factors were not aware of the hair color, but their senses and interest in the color in vogue were high. 4. In terms of the hair coloring periodic time, many people had 2~3months, but it was possible to know that they were interested in improving their images, considering the fact that most of the salaried people had their hair dyed within a month and the people in service job over a month. 5. The acquaintance around me had the strongest effect in collecting information from the people in those three factors and mass media was the next. The results of this study, in my opinion, would help the customers have beautiful and healthy hair and make images of their own by making the hair designers develope professional knowledges and skills on the hair coloring and improve the quality of beauty services.
Key Words
beauty industry, 미용산업, hair coloring, 모발염색, nonverbal communication, 무언의 통신수단, the three factors, 3대요인-나이, 직업, 월수입
A Study on Movie Costume Design of The Age of Innocence -Focusing on May & Ellen`s Costume- 「순수(純粹)의 시대(時代)」 영화(映畵) 의상(衣裳) 디자인 연구(硏究) -May와 Ellen의 의상(衣裳)을 중심(中心)으로-
김용미 Yong Mi Kim , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
7(1) 135-151, 2003
A Study on Movie Costume Design of The Age of Innocence -Focusing on May & Ellen`s Costume- 「순수(純粹)의 시대(時代)」 영화(映畵) 의상(衣裳) 디자인 연구(硏究) -May와 Ellen의 의상(衣裳)을 중심(中心)으로-
김용미 Yong Mi Kim , 조규화 Kyu Hwa Cho
This study was carried out in order to become that it helped a base of education to train creation of movie costume. The object is the movie costume of the movie, The Age of Innocence that got the Academy award in movie costume. This study analyzed the costume and color symbolism of the film based on the novel, The Age of Innocence written by Edith Wharton who is a realism writer, and a master of manners and customs novel, is the first Pulitzer Prizewinner as a woman. And this study created the movie costume and hair-style of two heroines, May and Ellen who lead the huge irony that is principal stream of a novel. May stands for ``irony of innocence`` and Ellen does for ``absolute innocence``. And each image represents on a display of the front and back of ``innocence`` symbolically. The costume design of them was planned along the character which was analyzed and interpreted irony of a drama in a viewpoint of Wharton through this study and expressed with illustration. And using 57cm Porcelain doll, produced a hair-style and costume.
Key Words
absolute innocence, 절대적 순수, color symbolism, 색채 상징성, irony of innocence, 순수의 아이러니
A Study on the Production of a Corset in the Late Renaissance Age 르네상스 후기(後期)의 Corset 제작(製作)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
김경희 Kim Kyung Hee
7(1) 152-159, 2003
A Study on the Production of a Corset in the Late Renaissance Age 르네상스 후기(後期)의 Corset 제작(製作)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
김경희 Kim Kyung Hee
The considerations on the costumes of the past, which have been conducted to the present for the purpose of creating a new design, are not just a simple imitation, but playing a role as a re-creation of fashion. A corset, one of the underwear items, has an important role to exaggerate, emphasize, or modify the beauty of a human body. It also contributes to form a beautiful silhouette of the outerwear. Specifically, the role of a corset today is more than a physical modification: making an underwear into an outerwear; using detailed decorations or materials of an underwear in the part of other garments. In doing these, decorative functions of costumes have been more and more emphasized. Therefore, a study on the composition or design of a corset would be an important study on the garment item that reflects fashions required by this age. The significance of the study is in its potential to provide reference materials needed in creating new underwear designs or the designs that can be made into outerwear products, by trying and producing a corset of the past. To make the corset, the definition of underwear and the characteristics of a corset were explored based on the review of the materials in the foreign museums, relevant photographs, and literature. The corset was made after understanding its minute details and examining its patterns. Pattern drawing was carried out using a Pattern CAD. As an intial phase of reproducing the corsets in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, the scope of the present study was limited to the late Renaissance age, when corsets began to appear.
Key Words
corset, 콜셋, reproducing, 재현, underwear, 속옷
A Study on the Development of Clothing Products for University PR -Focusing on the Case of Chonnam National University- 대학홍보용(大學弘報用) 의류상품개발(衣類商品開發)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -전남대학교(全南大學校)의 사례(事例)를 중심(中心)으로-
배수정 Soo Jeong Bae
7(1) 160-178, 2003
A Study on the Development of Clothing Products for University PR -Focusing on the Case of Chonnam National University- 대학홍보용(大學弘報用) 의류상품개발(衣類商品開發)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -전남대학교(全南大學校)의 사례(事例)를 중심(中心)으로-
배수정 Soo Jeong Bae
Recently, the field of university PR(public relations) and UI(university identity) come to be emphasized as a remarkable one because the applicants to the universities are consistently reduced in Korea. The purpose of this thesis is to present a souvenir for university PR which is designed in a clothing commodity, easily accessible to visitors, helping students and university officials to keep a pride to our university. We have designed four kinds of clothing, ie T-shirts, polo-shirts, trousers, and hats, after scrutinizing those of other universities. By making change the length of sleeves and slacks, the four kinds were transformed into eight kinds of clothing commodities. The basic trend of this design is on the trompe l``oeil, with the colors being white, grey and black ones, which are of 100% cotton.
Key Words
PR, Public Relations, 홍보, UI, University Identity, 대학 정체성, souvenir, 기념품